Dodd`s Kidney Pills Queen Hotai
Dodd`s Kidney Pills Queen Hotai
' TTIE GUARDIAN, CHARLOTTE O — Catarrh o; the S'SIDE AND PRINCE CO. Stomaeh. THE WEATHER. WASHINGTON, J a n . 80.—(Special) — A P I - a s a u t , Simple, b u t Safe and E? fectual Cure for it. Snmmerside, will erSnow and w a r m t r with lower temperceive orders for wat r color paintings, ature, increasing southerly winds. pboto mats,etc. Mr. James Brehaul is dredging around hi* wharf, presumably to a c comodate the Stanley.ptraaps his own coal schooner. Bring Headaches, Backaches. Fains in Limbs, Sleeplessness, Irregularities, Nervous A T a meeting belJ yestsrday mornProstration and Paralysis. ing in the North Bedeque Presbyterian N . JANUARY 31 1900 For Waists and Spring Suitings At 25 per cent, to 1-3 off MKS BEARISTO, Worn-Out Nerves Kl Elick Lus'res 40 in. 26c. 29c and 32c; 44 in. H8c, 38 in. 39c, 48 ir». 55c, 4 in. ,57c..regular prices 35 to 78i. 22 in. Brilliant Silk Finish Blouse goods only 16c a y d . Blick Figured Lustres. 43 in. 37 and 42c, 42 in. 4be, 44 in. 5 3 J , 40 in. 58o. 42 in. GOcts. 44 in. 88c, regular price 48c so 1 15. Blister Crrpon 42 and 40 i i . worth 91.45. now 91.10. Siik Rep 92.25, now 91.75. Fancy Black Crcnon, 42 in. J 9 c , 72c, 81.10 and 9 1 15. Catarru of the stomach has long been considered me next thing to incurable. The usual symptoms are & full or bluaiiog sensation alter eating, accompanied aocnetiKftj with sour or watery risings,a foimition ot gases, causing pressure of the heart and lungs and d.fbjult breath- Church, the handsome sum of 9238.00 Woman's work is never done. From ing, k b appetive, nervous- was subscribed to th9 Century fund ness an J a gejer: 1 11 ii ed out, 1 mguid Judging from the present prospect.this early morn till late at eight many a woman toils on day after day, week after week, and ferling. congregation will in a.l probabilities year after year, with no rest, no recreation, T b t r e i i often a foul t.ste in the con ribute in the vicinity of 9100.00. and not even change of work, for it is the moulb, coated tongus and if the Interior same monotonous round over and over Sneak thieves. The heniery of Mr. again. of the stomach c.uld be seen it woull Silliker, Wilmot.was visi ed by one or Little wonder that t h e nerves a r e shatshow a slimy, L Aimed condition. tered, t h e system run down, a n d t h e body more poultry fanciers one night l i s t The cure for this common and o b 31—tf. racked b y pains and aches. Little wonder s'.i. a'.e trouble is found in a treatment week. The visitor or visitors decapi- that t h e head aches, t h e digestive functions which causes the food to be readily, acd tated about 15 hens which they carried are impaired, and t h e delicate organs u thoroughly digested before it has time off together with a new horse r u g , and become irregular Little wonder that beauty 1 Yes, I got the idea for this doiley in the •Cheer up, said the disconsolate poet's a quantity of feed. To vary the bill of fades, t h e skin becomes pale and sallow, to ftrmtBt at.d irritite the delicate Corticelli Magazine. friend, 'Your name will be well known mucous surfaces cf the stomach. To fare they borrowed a fow geese from and t h e body thin, weak and worn out. to posterity.' To correct these ailments and to renew the secure a prompt and healthy digestion the flock of Mr. Simuel Waugh, which "You know you can work lovely designs from 'Perhaps,' was the answer. *Mtybe vitality of the body a restorative is necessary, is the one necessary thing to do and have not yet been returned. the instruction you get in it and there is no greater restorative known to man fome ot my descendants will be gocd , whoa normal digestion is secured the T H E esteemed editor of the Pioneer, than Dr. Chases Nerve Food. It is a new footba 1 players.' catarrhal condition will have disap- •'could name an editor" who would take wonder of medical science that gets down to the "It tells about hundreds of pretty things and haf foundation and builds up gradually but surely peared.up a challenge r i t h e r than see a much until the whole system is revitalized and disease beautifully colored plates to illustrate them." Accoid ng to D.-.IIsrIanson the safest talked cf skating event—fall through. becomes a thing unknown. FALE, WEAK GIRLS. It costs only 25 cents a year and is issued and best treatment is to use after e«ch The editor is evidently looking for Msny a pale weak school girl, sufferDr. Chase's Nerve Food is put up in pill form, meal a tabid, composed of D.astase, glory. quarterly. In the event of his be- and if taken regularly according to directions ing the evil effects of an exhausted nerAseptic Pepsin, a little Xux, ticlden coming entangled in the coming race will positively and permanently cure the most vous system, and thin, watery plood. nervous disorders of men, women and Seal and fiuit acids. These tablets can between the doctor acd the "buggy serious children. 50c a box at all dealers, or Edman- hns been fully restored to the vigor ai d now be found at all drug stores under man," it has been suggested that t i e son. Bates & Co.. Toronto. Book free. 23 buovancy of robust health, by using Or. the name of Smart'.* Pyap?p*ia Tablets course be a straight one, across the A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. The healthand not being a pat act medicine c m be rink. By placing the contestants one ful glow on the cheek and the brigl tused with pat feet safety and assurance at each end and the other in the middle, oess in the eye tell of the building u p that healthy appeita and thorough d - collision can be avoided, and the spin process which is taken place in the gestion will fallow their regular use across the rink, with the necessary uody. after meals. A nobis part of every true H n l variations would occupy as much time T h e D. & L. EMULSION learn to # undo what has beta Mr. N . J . B oherof 2710 Deaborn as the spectators would wish to devote The Press of Montreal will not a c Temper if governed, governs the done. Is the best and most palatable preparation of S'., Chicago, 111., writss: "Catarrh is to the sport. cept an sdveiti&ment calculated t o whole m a n . Cod LlTerOU, agreeing,wuh the most delicate a local i-oadit on resulting from a ucstomachs. cause emigration to the United Stales. glrctsd ctld in the bead, whereby the IN T 1 E riORNINO M R . T . Lloyd Edraunson, traveller T h e D . ft L . EMULSION lidiog membranes of the nose becomes for Messrs. J . J . Mandelburg & Co. Is prescribed by the leading physicians of You feel better of yoer stek Medal DREADING AN OPERATION. in turned and toe poisonous discharge Montreal is registered at the Rosa Hotel. Mrs. Chas. Cook, Bellville, Ont. says; I biliooe •pell if you hare tafcea a therefrom passing backward into the Mr. t Imundson, who is an Irishman T h e D . ft L. EMULSION Weary of experimenting with «alve?, wish to state that I used Bnr Jock Blood Liver Pill the night before, fsi Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give throat reaches the stomach, thus pro* by biith and has lived since boy hoed in for Erysipelas in my face and a follows wirk while you; suppositories and ointments and dread- Bitters you an appetite. 50c. * $1 per Bottle. general ran down state of health. A few gripe or pain. dacing catarrh of the stom c'i. Medical Western Canada is one of the accepted ing a surgical operation, scores and bottles cured me completely. Be sore yon get I DAVIS ft LAWRENCE authorities prescribed for me for three volunteers in the Strathcona Cavalry the genuine CO., I imitrd, Montreal hundreds h ave turned to D r . A. W Real worth requires so years for ca'arrh of the stcmich with- now beiog organized fcr service in w^^%^MWMMMMM^^^*^*^^^^^* Uhase's Ointment and found in it an ab- Make a fool of yourself, and yea Its everyday deeds form Ml out cure, but tod.y I am the happiest South Africa a i d which is expected to solute care for piles. T h e first spplica will vindicate the opinions of those who of men afu r asing only one box of leave Halifax by the last of February, •Is that the orscked wheat. J a m P' ton brings relief from the terrible itch- hate you. *« m Dr. Low's Plessnt Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot He has already had bis baptism of fire ' I d a n ' k n o w m a m ;I ain't looked at ing, and it is very seldom that more S y m p '* a nice remedy to 'ska, •ward's Lkunssi Cures Dandruff. And appropriate words to express my having served during the Kiel Rebellion it o r teohed it. and if it's cracked it wus to worms every time, and an it < afrit than one box is repaired to effect a pergood f a t i n g . Ihayefonnd flash, a p - with Stet la's Mounted Soots, and been cracked afore I come here.' After the first baby arrives a man own Cathartic no need gh in<r CssH manent core. petite and sound rest from their use. in several engagements in one of which finds it more difficult to g t t sympathy Castor Oil afterward*. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the he was slightly wouaded. H i s m sny The miserablest day we lies ft Russia and England own between from his wife when business is dull. LUCKY OWEN S O U N D M A N . safest preparation as well as the sim- friends in Summerside wish h i m a safe m i n y a belter thing to d i thas sw. them one-third of the whole land surSick Headaches, however annoying and plest and mrst convenient remedy for r jtnrn from the w a r . face of the inhabited world. distresbirg, is positively cured by LaxaCharles T . Rye Escapes From Almost any term of indigestion, catarrh of Liver- Pills. Tbey are eaay to take and Ceittin Death. stomach, biliousness, soar stomach, •Is that your offspring, madam?' asknever gripe. EXAMINE T H E TONGUE. O W E N SOUND. J a n . 8 0 , - M r . Chas. heartburn and bloating after meals. ed the Missouri judge. Rye of this town escaped from the hithSend for little book, mailed fre<s on Every moment of resistance to tempThe (killed physician reads yourcon•Naw,' rsplied th* elderly female; erto inevitable consequences of Diabetes. stomach trouble, bv addressing F . A. •he's nir eldest young un ' dition by a g l i n c e a t your tongue. If tation is a victory. He has had this fatal disease for three S.uait Co., Marsht-11. Mich. The tabit is coated aud you have a bitter taste years, and has been treated by various lots can be fouid at all drug st?res. in your mouth in the mornings he BARRiS tRS, Oi ICITIW, * The Ladies' Furnishing Store for physicians in vain. knows your liver is torpid and tluggish Diabetes is next to Blight's Disease ARTHUR PrrFRS. Q. c , staples. Flannelettes 30 inches wide, and p r escribes the use of D r . Chase's Are readily limbered QD by the application A. URNKrf-r INO-S e.«i "DEEDS ARE FRUITS, heavy weight 6c per yard, 32 inohes the most fatal form of Kidney Disease, Kidney-Liver Pills. They care bilioa s ot Hagyard's Yellow Oil. I t is the be»t ALBKKT C. SaL'NDKKS. few people had ever escaped, once its Words are but leaves."It is not wha Fliunellett, nice clean patterns 8c, 36 catches had been fastened upon them, ness, ttjmach troubles, and all liver and remedy for ayrains, stains and muscular M O N E Y T O LOAN, w e say, but what Hood's Sarsapirilla in. do extra heavy weight 10c p e r yd. until the discovery of Dodd's Kidney kidney disorders. One pill a dose, 25 sore o MS. Pi ice 25 ;. rVDCIPDCi t"h'io«n. Cat_ J r r l u D d . ^»mni»r.lde. OspOSW 1 cents a box. At all dealers does that tells the story. T t e niacy plain pink,blue, and cream all qualities Pills. It is a swift a g e . Chillrea th nk v i a s v u w i c h a n l s . H.nk Haiirai. wonderful cures effected by this med- land prices. 25 pieces of finished wrap" w their parents s r e crezy, and paieuti <tl»r • I read of the wonderful cores Dodd's •Your little giil looks healthy.' icine arc the fruits by which it should perettes at 10 aud 12c. Sair iog gingthink their children are o n z r . Kidney Pills had made, and concluded •Health}? Her doll has had eight be judged. These prove it to be the hams all prices from 5c u p . Fine Oxgreat, unequalled remedy for dyspep- fords 9s and u p . Print cottons from to tert them myeelf. I have finished heads since Christmas. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. MCDONALD A i sia rhenmtism. ecrofula. sal: rheum, 5o u p . See our yard wide prints at three boxes and a m completely cured Dodd's Kidney Pills should be in every Bolero jackets of sealskin worn wi.L PLUM Puddings and Mince Pies often BARRISTKIBS catarrh and all other ailmen's due to 10c. Special values on all these goods have bad effects upon the small boy p tel Hue cloth skins make a very atimpure or impoverished blood. Hood's for the F e b n u r y trade.—McGaugan household." fMfeitor*, Notaries. Public,**. * • active c rubit.aiion. who over indulges in them. Pain-KilFills arc cou-iritatmg, mild, effdetiae. & Wright. ler as a housthol 1 medicine for all such 31 l i . Hagyard's Yellow Oil is prompt to re Mr. Jin»r —I've been elected to the ills is anequelled. Avoid substitutes, lievj and sure to cure coughs, and ooldf r fli e of invincible high protector of the there i* bat one Paio-Ki.ler.Perry Dav- sore throat, pain 10 >he cheat, hoarsenes*, a C. MCPOXAIJJ, n.A.M.l'.rIt i.-s estimated that New York has no sanctuary in my lodge. C J V.ARTIN H A. is'. 25c. and 50c. quinsy etc. IV ce |^5c. fewer than 10.000 opium smokers. JAS. PATOM la a*& & CO. GE) And "•THE CORTICELLI SILK CO., " "'STVoJKSV * The D. & L. EMULSION Allan l •erd-t well. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ERYSIPELAS CURED. STIFF JOINTS I BALI awsfert II CAvam «MCsp> •ci.taa pssS tl efassvl tede. lAirfsfll Ledys ••Ws a* hills r e i swtvrwi wMnn BORN. £ * JW.A.W.CHASFdOC ^CATARRH CURE...ZUG. Si Sent direct .3 the 9k—IBJ parts by the Improved Blower. Heals (be u leers, clears the air Passages, stops dropping in the throat and permananuy Cores fcl ^ ^ ' n d Hay Ferae. Slower 2B*. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Torocto atrl Buttalo. CHANGED HANDS CAMPBELL HOUSE, 6 U M M E R S I D E . : P . E I. Good Board at reasonable rates. Free coach to and from all trains and •Meaner*. Maj26lyr J . E . HOUGHTON. Water St.. Summerside COLLECTING AGENCY AMD INSURANCE Horace H. Beer. Office: Crabbe's Brick Block, Summerside. Correspondence solicited. 11. H . Bean, does collecting on small commission. No charge unlets coleoted. u.dtf. If. H . Beer searches the records, and sloes typewriting. i s tf The Visitor—Busy, old mat? At Cripaud, on the 20th January, IDEAL TREATMENT FOR CATARRH Modern Author—Kusj? Why, I ' m 1970. to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lowther, j r . Mr. Robert F . Gray, of 2£C Clarence writing so much that I don't have time a son. s'rm t, London, Oct., aayr: " 1 believe to think. Catai rhozone will produce a positive core for Catarrh. After asing it a few T H A T Hacking Cough is a warning times relief was an assured fact. T h e not to be lightly treated. Pysy-PecdisagreeaLli dropping in t t e throat oral cores with absolute oeitainty all soon lessened and the nasal peasage recent coughs and colds. T a k e it in become tolerable free and the breath time. Manufactured by the proprietors becomes less disagreeable. Catarrho- of Perrv Davis' Pain-Kill. r. zone is an Idle treatment and I hope it will find its way into the bands of many Dobbs—Thought yea said Miss affected oues/'Catarrh-o-zone is sold by all druggists.Trial ou fit sent for 10c. Squawkie sings like a bird? in stamps by N . C. POLSON 4 C O . , Kingston, Oct., Proprietors. THE KEELEY CURE. is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in t h e blood b y disordered kidneys lodges a l o n g t h e n e r v e which b r a n c h e s from t h e e y e over the forehead, a n d a c r o s s t h e cheek t o t h e aide o f t h e nose. T h e c a u s e is t h e s a m e a s in all Rheumatism— disordered Kidneys. T h e cure i s likethai Dodd's Kidney Pills See W. P . Colwilis ad in another column, where he is advertising 25 per cent discount on all blue ware. 16 tf Those wishing to be cored of the craving or Aicohol, Morphine, Tobacco, and Cigar eUestfOto Portland. Maine. Keeley Institute Kcferenos: B. C. Gov*, h WORTHY.. W.C His Wife—What are the duties? Mr. Jinei—I have to guard t i e outer TD-KHKB. P . P . ARCHIBALD., A L E X A X P E B H o u r s W. B. ROBERTSON- Baton W. CRABBS. iaar. How ant ry it masea a man to ssany one he bates leel good natured! Or- Fowlers Extract o f W i l o Queen Hotai S t r a w b e r r y for over forty >ear« n* Formerly Perry Met*1 been the standard remedy for Diarrhoea, w Dysentry, Cramps and Colic. Beware ot1 IIICM Stmt, Hni_9[ imrt imitatiooe; most of them are highly dan •Saw* gerous. This new and c o m u The combination of mink and ermine ^ J ^ ' f i . ^ " T . ' i appears among toe novtlues in fur neck-' H t , e d l 'P w i t h • " , ,. provements, this bote! of*** wear. public accommodation, which Mmari's Unimsi<Curss Burns etc. be excelled inany other M • It is a sad thing when men have nei- Q t t d tables large airy ther the wit to speak well nor judge- oath rooms, sample ment to bold their tongues. moderate. Free coach te I and steamers. S p e i e l dation for commercial trti RHEUMATISM CURED. FRANK P«ttJ Those suffering from Kheamatinn, Oct.6 dly 1 vr. Sciatica, or Lambago will find a poeitivs Bobbs— So she does—like an ost- cure in Mil bum's Rheumatic Pill*. They're guaranteed io help you, or your money WANTS, 10STS rich. back. Pries 50c. I knew MINA&D'S LINIMENT will AOgNTVt-Prtiiaaei core Diptberia. We s r e always in the forge c r on the Atnca b* ( a»tHl Hipklse We claim that the D&L. Method and authentic IJis John D. Boutiller. Plaster w 11 core lumbago, bsckache, anvil. By trials gou is shsppiog us for stead, Wilbur ( h a p m a , Vk-e-l French Village. scratica or neuralgic pains quicker than higher things. Xn«t tute are t r a i t . B'«th Pers>Ls who n e ' e r srldL. any other remedy. Made by Davisoi I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will •bora's Uataaesf Relieves Neuralgia. Lawrence Co., Ltd. * BRADLIY- OARMtrrO* C g j J core Croup. He that would make sure of foccets J . F . Cunningham. C a r e Islands. should keep his passion cool and bis Op»ra Hon.* end Y.. l«h«r ?•••••£"S watcn. r.nder wJilbsrewe* expectation low. aame at 'hi«HW"^ I know MINARD'S LINIMENT is the AtikWK»^Vrti best remedy r n earth. It's so pleasant to take that children ••••.rung Put and KsMSs At Brudenell. on the 24th,Jan.,Jessie cry for if; bat i t s deat h to worms of all preforated Joseph A. Snow. •Seller. «»* Pro«U to •*w>,-r, AM anttalbamj^tfJM Norway, Me. Stewart, wife of the Late Piter Stewart, kinds. Dr, Low's Worm Syrup. Pries at new ai.d Addreai :. 8 d / ^ © T f s W W > 25c All dealer?. aged 82 years. Zeal is very blind c r badly regulated am. %\ Tu. Th.8. I F Taken in Time T h e D . A L . EmlOLin.-A when it accroaches upon the rights of tsanlng nine ro ma ulsion will sorely core the most setioos stable and conch b* Children's white . . . . . . wool - w w * boas ^ v « o affections of the lungs. That ' r a n others. MrTf. Jost. Apply oraeth Street, next 30c quality, the balance now down ' °oodjt«on. the aft* effects of a Instant Belief guaranteed by using gjren <slf fiwt *ORdALi;.-A' for 18c Ska i o „ «at * JT. B. T> iMacdonald. r.-j u heavy cold is quickly counteracted ililburn'e Sterliag Headache Powder*. No reehed. s^gssta rttnatcrt on Jhs* Manufactured by the Davis * Lawrence depressing after-effect. CHA8, McORIOOB. TrsstStl 184i d J Co,. L t d . at MISLA. I. JOHNSON M a s . l t J . CAHPBBXL. Ru Tfii^i DIED. .^eg. "'•JrSScfl thsf 'Wo