The Devils Science Notes How to Generate Power
The Devils Science Notes How to Generate Power
The Devils Science Notes How to Generate Power Remember nothing is impossible, existence is proof of that and if you hear anyone saying it [worse yourself] insert “to your knowledge” as a cravat. least you sucome to stupidity again.. Static electricity To Current Flow An ancient greek discovered small objects were attracted to a substance called amber [typically: C10H16O. formed from tree sap]. and this was called static electricity. This was discovered more then 600 years before christ. if you rub plastic against wool, it takes a charge, and you can get balloons to stick to walls and other things. in fact you can use charged plastic to divert water from a tap! as things become attracted to the charge. seems to work better in dry weather conditions. William Gilbert (16th century) coined the phrase “Elektron” which means amber in greek when he started researching which objects could be charged. the triboelectric effect [note: rubbing glass with silk causes build up of charge. two surfaces coming into contact cause adhesion, a chemical bond does too much of one cause it to break? (exothermic/endothermic reactions/resonance movement of charge glass shattering?) electrochemical potential] Now I could bring in the bagdad batteries, the midus touch and other works and say alchamists have known how to make lead vitirol batteries and other things of that nature for years *cough* see alchemical texts like David BEUTHER printed 1718 and other works in art XIV which discuss red lead HgS the red lion, cinnabar in greater detail, as you compare and contrast it to the cold fusion debate we are facing today, as not all our scientists can get their head around it and may be several nd centuries/millionere behind the curve! : i.e. take your 2 law of thermodymanics and shove it up your arse as that lot are worse then religion! with no proof and or facts to back up their case, i.e. morons who don’t want anyone to succeed at anything, so say something is impossible much like religion scares you off the psychic side/occult and its just pisses me off as you can’t ignore knowledge instead. it all has to factored in!. as we get back to the “official” authorised by government version of history/knowledge instead : Benjamin Franklin (1747) in America and William Watson both reached the conclusion that it was a kind of electrical "fluid." that all things possessed. I’m going to argue heat is another type of fluid, which doesn’t get on with the electron fluid (magnets work better in the cold and heat resists!) while heat joins things together (acts like glue – burn hydrogen becomes H20) while too much of it breaks things (i.e. solid melts) because if you compress a gas, it looses heat!, while expanding it absorbs heat (refrigeration) while electricity on h20 weakens the bonds (even if this is the result of push/pull attractions at the cathode/anode) making it easier to separation and its somehow this relation with matter that confuses the lot. i.e. a magnet wont stick to a copper tube, and yet if you drop the magnet down it, it slows down/tries to stick as this movement pushes the “electrons” on. which causes it to circulate in a loop. i.e. electrons are attracted to areas which have none, while it is repelled from those which have it. much like heat is attracted to areas Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes which have none, while repelled from areas which have it. and I think ive just blown the lot because. applying some heat to certain bonds, causes an explosion as new bonds form.. which begs the question with electricity if the reverse is true! i.e. hitting a quartz crystal generates volts! or something like that as my brain has just died!!!! and I may have to come back to it Then Lugigi Galvani (1737-1798) noticed that frogs muscle legs contracted when you placed two different metals on it (1771) and then Allessandro Volta (1745-1827) discovered it wasn’t the frog but the difference in the metal. When he placed some foil on a silver coin. put one end above the tongue, and the other beneath it. this getting an acid taste. at which point he moved on to sticking sulphuric acid in a cup with zinc/copper plates either end as the first battery! 1806 Humphrey Davy, an Englishman, demonstrated a powerful electric lamp to the Royal Society. which featured an arc between two charcoal rods, but required lots of voltage to achieve. now it didn’t take long for people to start experimenting with things. and well things glow when they get hot, so perhaps we need to remove the oxygen to stop it catching fire with people like Frederick DeMoleyns a british inventor patenting ideas in 1941 long before Edison came along and perfected it! In 1879 (age 32) Edison experimented with different materials in a vacuum in order to generate light from heat. apparently using Japanese bamboo in the end grows in Yawata, Kyoto and theres a monument there to his name to make it works) this pretty much snow balled into the stuff we have today. not rocket science. just a matter of trying all the materials till you get one which lasts long enough to be marketable! in this case he was after 600 hours. carbonized cotton filament covered with tar and soot lasted only 45 hours. some bamboo from a fan lasted 200 hours, Madake bamboo of Yawata lasted for 2, 450 hours. known in Japan as "the King of the Inventions” and yeah he had staff as well who were working on it, trying things out so he probably shouldn’t take credit other then for the crass commercialisation of it (perhaps only with the backing ofj morgan as well, who incidently deleted telsa from the history books out of commercial greed – and perhaps put us back 100 years to now! as the race hots up again for free power which is what these notes are for!) Note: alternating current travels further distances, then direct current and to make edisons bulb your going to want to make a vacume pump as well. the better it is, (less oxygen there is!) the slower it burns. LEDs do not burn out and are the difference in the two metals (materials) which generate light when the current flows through it. now given the nature of the universe/material known to man that should be enough to get you started for now Electricity Basics Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Frequency is measured in Hertz = Hz = how many wave lengths are going by in a second wavelength is denoted by the lamda symbol λ amplitude is the height of the wave, and means it has more energy (louder sounds) small wavelengths = high pitch sounds. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The denser the medium, the greater the speed of sound whereas the opposite is true of light. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Quartz [SiO2] is used in ultra sound rader (submarines) and they yse graphite to increase the frequency. as the precence of another material in close proximity changes the frequency it resonates at. please bear in mind that ferrite antennas. are used in radios, and are simply lots of turns of copper coiled around a rod and these also produce per for the circuit as well. (weak power) Remember a solar panel is just two sets of material pressed next to each other, which makes use of the photoelectric effect. i.e. it attunes to the frequency of “light” and produces power from it Apparently Hertz observed and then showed that electrodes illuminated with ultraviolet light create electric sparks more easily, and striking a quartz crystal makes them glow using the piezoelectric effect. xrays are produced using high voltage “shooting” electrons from a hot cathode to a metal target (the anode) i.e. tungston, molybendum and sometimes copper as well, compare to capacitors and electrons jumping the gap! as the x-rays are reflected off the tungsten element after the electrons hit. i.e. the electron is pulled around the tungton atom (orbit) and its this combination/slowing down which releases the x-ray energy for use. allegedly but doesn’t make sense to me xray production LEDS are similer in that light is produced after current flows through a cathode/anode of two seperate material A and material b as well often called p-type, n-type based on the consistency. in fact all components exploit these differences . so yes two materials a and b and the effect they have on each other…. can be used for transmission/reception as well (see piezoelectric earpiece/microphone for more. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notess random note: you can use the correct frequency of sound to inter alia smash glass, bridges if the correct frequency is found,, and sweet wrappers jump to me (static electricity) electricity) if I move my hand near, and they are stationary! so some of it is perhaps a pull not a push reaction at all…. The voltage is equivalent to the water water pressure, the current is equivalent to the flow rate, and the resistance is like the pipe size P = VI [ power = voltage * Current] Given a choice current will flow down the easier path. You can increase the power generated by a waterwheel in two ways. If you increase the pressure of the water coming out of the hose, it hits the waterwheel with a lot more force orce and the wheel turns faster thus generating more power. If you increase the flow rate, the waterwheel turns faster because of the weight of the extra water hitting it. Current is the flow of charge and is usually measured in amps I = Q /t [where re Q is the amount of charge and t is time.. I is generally current in amps. amps.] current density (i.e. how spaced out it is) depends on the thickness of the area are of the wire! wide the pipe is. so I = J.A J is the current density, A is the area of the wire not that it matters, but too much current down a wire is liable to melt it! which is where resistance/tolerance comes in. Ass it travels down a wire, it will also produce a magnetic field (as well as heat). this is circular to the wire rememberr positive bit has too many man electrons and they are flowing to the negative bit. one assumes they are pulled like magnets? Efficiency: I = P/V 100 W / 6 V = 16.66 amps Higher voltages tend to be more efficient, as it pushes through resistance more. The Devils Science Notes ACID (Anode Current Into Device). anode is the positive end of the power source! (the bit which is loosing electrons) while the cathode is the negative end. the bit which is gaining electrons.) i.e. the positive is the bit which is giving it away. while the negative bit is the bit which wants to take them in. notwithstanding the fact that an element with two few electrons has a positive charge. while one which too many is negatively charged if your trying to cover your ass/not look stupid again. as the element is looking to complete its shell. (it wants to be balanced) i.e. anode oxyidisation is taking place (donation of electrons) while the cathode is havin a reduction reaction which gains electrons. OIL RIG - Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain i.e. oxydisation reactions gives off electrons. donate them this is the end which has to many. i.e the postive end, the bit which is going into the circuit!!! while the negative end, is gaining them. it’s not that hard and most people have no idea what they are talking about and are trying to cover their arse, as there is no inconsistency at all. so the anode is most definitely the positive end, which is loosing electrons willy nilly as it flows into the cathode again. both ends will be generating their own reactions (voltage) in the electrolyte if it’s a battery. obviously some morons will label oxidizations as loss (its giving them away) just to complicate things again depending on the diagram/picture and words. ie a lone electron usually has the (–) negative simple attached which represents its charge. this lone electron is attracted to positive charged ions. (i.e. ions which are missing electrons and thus exhibit a greater pull?) as too many electrons on a element make it negative. which is the positive end of a battery. the end which is losing them/going to loose them because it has too many. wants to give them away to things which have none. i.e. the force holding onto them is weaker then the attractive force of the other object. or is it a pushing force which keeps them in place? confused you will be if you read too many smart allec answers to the above! So you have to bare in mind which level of granularity your talking about and what your actually describing. when it comes to labeling diagrams. i.e are you showing. the electon (its negative) moving from a positive (too many) to negative (to few) flow or something else? so yes anode is positive as far as the input device is concerned. i.e. connect the INPUT to the anode, and the output to the cathode (this bit which takes electrons in) to complete the circuit again One AMP is defined as 6,242,000,000,000,000,000 (6.242 x 1018) electrons moving across a point in a circuit in a second. AKA one coulomb One coulomb is also the amount of charge stored by a capacitance of one farad charged to a potential difference of one volt: Wat is a measure of power. one watt is the rate at which work is done when an object is moved at a speed of one meter per second against a force of one newton.. it is equivalent to 1 joule of energy per second Volt = Watts / Current in Amps Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes volt is the measure of electromotive force or electro static potential invented by alessandro volta (1745-1827) We probably need a hose pipe drawing here. to show lots of water being forced through a small area (lots of volts) coming out at high pressure (a shock to the system) to a tiny stream flowing through a large river bed. i.e. the current is lost in the space. so there is no power there at all. i.e. high voltage travel further distances and will push down more paths as there is so many electrons looking to escape it may go down more paths. as if there is very little current there. it will ignore anything with resistance at all. i.e. a led will go out, if you hit a switch in parallel with it. as it will choose that path instead. this is a not gate. called an “inverter” circuit as it reverses the input from 0 to 1 The LED goes out when the switch is pushed down, because its an easier path and the amount of current passing through the circuit is limited by the resister in the set up above. if the switch is open i.e. no electricity can flow. it goes through the led instead and lights up. all components have some resistance and its just lazy I guess. i.e. the element with the stronger pull wins! There are two basic standards for voltage and frequency in the world. One is the North American standard of 110–120 volts at a frequency of 60 Hz, which uses plugs A and B, and the other is the European standard of 220–240 volts at 50 Hz, which uses plugs C through M voltage Voltages of greater than 50 V applied across dry unbroken human skin are capable of producing heart fibrillation if they produce electric currents through the chest area. wet/broken skin can make voltages below 40 volts dangerous as well. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes however common static electric speaks seen under low-humidity conditions always involve voltage buildups well above 700 V. and these are relatively harmless. so you need the current as well. i.e. it’s the sheer number of electrons being transmitted continuously which does the damage in the end Apparently sparks to car doors in winter can be as high as 20,000 volts as well! and van de graff generators and wimshurst machines can go as high as a million with a brief sting. so perhaps voltage isn’t all its cracked up to be an average bolt of positive lightning (from the top of a thunderstorm) may carry a current of 300 to 500 kiloamperes, transfer a charge of up to 300 coulombs, have a potential difference up to 1 gigavolt (a billion volts), and may dissipate enough energy to light a 100 watt light bulb for up to 95 years. a bolt can travel to speeds of 60,000 m/s (130,000 mph), and can reach temperatures approaching 30,000 °C and there are some 16 million lightening storms in the world each year which is a lot of power being transferred daily. one could liken it to the effect of a giant plasma ball perhaps… and Nikola telsa artifically created lighting with his telsa coil earth: The three-prong plug was invented by Philip F. Labre after his land lady kept getting electric shocks putting the plug back in, when the cat knocked over her fan. So a ground was added so any excess build up would travel through that to the earth instead of the landlady. Ohms ohms is a measure of electrical resistance V = potential difference or voltage across the component. Ohm's law simply says that the rate of charge flow is directly proportional to the pressure difference, and if the pressure goes up, the flow goes up in proportion. i.e. if you double the length of wire the resistance doubles (so less goes through) now the problem with this is? why? surely if electricity was being pushed. it wouldn’t matter how long the wire is? surely the thickness is all it takes? so why is there a cumulative effect slowing it down with length. is it [electricity] being pushed, or pulled as it backs up, slows down? Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes is a que forming, or is the pull (like magnets) not there, to move the stuff? as really I have no idea! apparently the harder you push, the faster it moves, and we shall leave it with that for now VOLTS/OHMS = COULOMBS/SEC and VOLTS/OHMS = AMPERES VOLTS x COULOMBS = JOULES and AMPERES x OHMS = VOLTS VOLTS x AMPERES = WATTS VOLTS x (VOLTS/OHMS) = WATTS (AMPERESxOHMS) x AMPERES = WATTS Theres a lot of rants on current flow, and it not being the same thing i.e. water moves down the river, the current (flow) is something else, but its spilling and hairs and is probably wrong, as no one seems to know what it is!. i.e. what is matter? what is flow? and what do we see? current is the movement of something but what? I call it power, others call it energy others something else .is this a side effect of something? or the actual thing, and what the f**k is it really? insert your own substance or illusion here, as I don’t know enough to say! not anymore – as all the explanations suck! and their seem little proof to back anything up anymore (if at all) i.e. the anology has become the new religion, as people quote it aggressively without any true understanding of what it rally is! beware people who get aggressive when trying to defend something! they are the same as the zelot who preaches mantra, without any idea of the thing! meditate and reflect on the flow! plasma plasma is a gas, in which a certain proportion of its particles are ionized. i.e. heated gas. electrons separate off. cut a grape in half, stick a glass upside down over it. and put it in a microwave (it tends to ignite) generate plasma (don’t do this experiment at home) radio broadcasting led to discovery of the earths ionosphere, partially ioinised gas in the upper atmosphere which reflects radio waves back down. though it can also absorb and distort it as well (giving rise to ghost signals inter alia) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes ways [I know] of producing power Wire cutting through a magnetic field will generate power (it also generates heat as well) so the faster we cut the wire/more turns/stronger the field the better our results will be and that is it. or we can also try solar power and harness the photoelectric effect which works on the potential difference of two materials pressed together, which generate power like a solar cell does. or we can hit a quartz crystal (other crystal very hard) and produce the piezoelectric effect and lots of volts. this technique is used in door buzzers (with ceremics/another material as well) i.e. hitting something hard, compassing it produces power or we can use a chemical store [i.e. battery] to produce results. note first battery experiments where just with salt water and made use of two different types of metal/potential difference to produce results i.e. batteries work in series. 6 1v batteries in a line produce 6volts as it sums up (why is this?) as all the power “starts moving?” the other stuff faster as well, much like the wire cutting the magnetic field in the first on? more coils/more speed = more power? and well you do know there is a current/potential difference between the two river banks of the tames? right. not that I can think of how to make a use of it now, but yes… power and storing it up and batteries. a lemon is a battery as well. but stores seem limited, unless you can charge them up. so I am back to magnets again! Magnets The magnetic force appears to be concentrated at or near the ends of the magnet. These areas are called the magnetic poles. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The pole of a suspended magnet which points towards the north, is called the 'north seeking pole (north pole)', the other pole is called the 'south seeking pole (south pole)'. Magnetic poles always exist in pairs. It is not possible to produce just an isolated north pole or isolated south pole. If a bar magnet is broken into two, each piece will have a north and south pole. How do I make an electromagnet? It is fairly easy to build an electromagnet. All you need to do is wrap some insulated copper wire around an iron core. (this coil is called a solenoid) If you attach a battery to the wire, an electric current will begin to flow and the iron core will become magnetized. When the battery is disconnected, the iron core will lose its magnetism. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes • • • • • A solenoid when suspended freely, aligns itself in the north-south direction, thus behaving like a bar magnet. One end of the solenoid acts like a north pole and the other end the south pole. The polarity of the solenoid can be changed by reversing the direction of the current. Increasing the turns, increases the magnetism produced Increasing current, increases the magnetism produced. Changing the material in the solenoid and the core changes the amount of magnetism as well. soft iron is usually used in the core for best results. Note: bismuth is repelled by strong magnets (north and south) its called diamagnetism and is present in most objects to varying degrees. used in levitation silver (Ag) actually has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal so would be better then copper if you had the cash/unable to get copper like in world war II when they used it in the electromagnets to enrich uranium. apparently silver tarnishes so is perhaps not the first choice for long term use, but it is more efficient then copper! (thermal conductivity of diamond is higher though and yet diamond in contrast is an electrical insulator as well…) How do I make a permanent magnet: The most common magnet materials are Ferrite and Alnico. Ferrite magnets are made from a mixture of iron oxide and barium, strontium, or lead oxide. Alnico magnets are made from aluminum, nickel, iron, and cobalt, and consist of tiny particles of an iron-nickel-aluminum alloy inside an ironcobalt alloy. But the strongest modern magnets are made from an iron-neodymium-boron alloy. Nd2Fe14B, The latter magnets are very resistant to demagnetization and the forces they exert on one another are amazingly strong. Ferromagnetic materials can be magnetized in the following ways: 1. Placing the item in an external magnetic field will result in the item retaining some of the magnetism on removal. 2. Placing the item in a solenoid with a direct current passing through it. When magnetizing objects, the results will be considered to be "soft" or "hard": 1. A "soft" or "impermanent" magnet is one that loses its memory of previous magnetizations. "Soft" magnetic materials are often used in electromagnets to enhance (often hundreds or thousands of times) the magnetic field of a wire that carries an electrical current and is wrapped around the magnet; the field of the "soft" magnet increases with the current. 2. A "hard" or "permanent" magnet is one that stays magnetized for a long time, such as magnets often used in refrigerator doors and magnetic jewellery. Permanent magnets occur naturally in some rocks, particularly lodestone, but are now more commonly manufactured. 1. Ferrite Magnets: Ferrites are usually non-conductive ferromagnetic ceramic compounds derived from iron oxides such Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes as hematite or magnetite as well as oxides of other metals. Ferrites are, like most other ceramics, hard and brittle. In terms of the magnetic properties, ferrites are classified often as "soft" and "hard" which refers to their low or high coactivity of their magnetism, respectively. Permanent ferrite magnets (or "hard ferrites"), which have a high permanence after magnetization, are composed of iron and barium or strontium oxides. In a magnetically saturated state they conduct magnetic flux well and have a high magnetic permeability. This enables these so-called ceramic magnets to store stronger magnetic fields than iron itself. Ferrites are produced by heating: an intimate mixture of powdered precursors are heated and pressed in a mould. 2. Alnico Magnets: Alnico alloys make strong permanent magnets, and can be magnetized to produce strong magnetic fields. Of the more commonly available magnets, only the rare-earth magnets such as neodymium and samarium-cobalt are stronger. Alnico magnets produce magnetic field strength at their poles as high as 1500 gauss. Alnico magnets are produced by casting or sintering processes. Anisotropic alnico magnets are oriented by heating above a critical temperature, and cooling in the presence of a magnetic field. 3. Neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets: NdFeB rare-earth magnets are actually the second generation of Neodymium rare-earth magnets. They are very strong in comparison to their mass, and are made from sintered neodymium, iron and small amounts of boron. These magnets have the highest energy product of any permanent magnetic material. The biggest problem with NdFeB magnets is that they are mechanically fragile and start losing strength as their temperature approaches 80C (170F). Another big issue is that their Iron content makes them susceptible to corrosion. For this reason, they are usually plated, to protect them from corrosion. The problem in plating the magnets is that plating may be chipped and may fall off, which exposes the magnets of the typical magnetic bracelet, magnetic bangle, magnetic ring and magnetic chain to the humidity of the skin. 4. Samarium-cobalt magnets: A sintered rare-earth magnetic material made of samarium and cobalt, those magnets are more expensive and not as powerful as neodymium magnets. However, samarium-cobalt magnets are higher temperature resistant and can be used for higher-temperature applications, as they do not begin losing strength until they approach 250C (482F). Those magnets are also better resisting corrosion, which makes them a choice of many people that buy magnetic bracelets or magnetic bangles, as the humidity of the skin is likely to effect them less. 5. Ceramic magnets: Magnets that are made of Alnico alloys (composite of iron oxide and barium/strontium carbonate) are strong permanent magnets, and can be magnetized to produce strong magnetic fields. Of the more commonly available magnets, only rare-earth magnets such as neodymium and samarium-cobalt are stronger. Alnico magnets produce magnetic field strengths at their poles as high as 1500 gauss (0.15 tesla). Alnico magnets are produced by casting or sintering processes. Anisotropic alnico magnets are oriented by heating above a critical temperature, and cooling in the presence of a magnetic field 6. AlNiCo magnets: A magnet made from aluminum, nickel and cobalt. Although these are brittle, they are corrosionresistant, and have an extremely high 800C (1472F) Curie point (de-magnetization). 7. Injection Molded/Bonded magnets: A magnet made by the combination of resins and magnetic powder to form a soft and flexible magnetic material. 8. Plastic magnets: A plastic magnet is a non-metallic magnet made from an organic polymer. The magnetic properties Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes arise from the fully pi-conjugated nitrogen-containing backbone combined with molecular charge transfer side groups. Plastic magnets have uses in computer hardware, for example as disc drives and in medical devices such as pacemakers and cochlear implants where the organic material is more likely to be biocompatible than its metallic counterpart source: A magnet's magnetism decreases when it is heated and increases when it is cooled this is called the curie effect (as she did experiments with pendalums in this regard) remember magnets have a north and south pole. like poles repel, metal is attracted to both poles, while diametric materials are repelled from both poles. Curie Temperature Paramagnetic materials are attracted to magnetic fields curie experimented with pendulums (magnets) heating the underside up. to see what temp it took for the field to be destroyed. when the magnet cools down, the magnet returns and is heated again. Cobalt curie temperature is 1115 °C, its magnetic moment is 1.6–1.7 Bohr magnetons per atom An electron has an intrinsic magnetic dipole moment of approximately one Bohr magneton dipole just means electrons are moving back and forth and thus the degree of “charge” i.e. positive or negative is changing slightly as the position changes. Material Curie temperature Curie Temperature (K) C Co 1388 1115 Fe 1043 770 Ni 627 354 Gd 293 20 Dy 85 -188 CrBr3 37 -236 Au2MnAl 200 -73 Cu2MnAl 630 357 Cu2MnIn 500 227 EuO 77 -196 EuS 16.5 -276.5 MnAs 318 45 MnBi 670 397 GdCl3 2.2 -270.8 Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Fe2B 1015 MnB 578 ways of turning a turbine: running water: we’ve all seen a paddle boat/dam. water is forced through something at pressure it turns the spindle [magnet through wire] and we get power out. peddle power we could rotate it manually/why aren’t exercise bikes connected to power generators? surely this would be more use then actually forking out for a battery, to record how far you’ve gone! you could be rewarded for how much power you produce instead! wind power: this seems the easier one. need some kind of rotar blade, which catches the wind/turns the motor and produces power. theres nothing to it and so you have to admit, that all the professional ones are a tad over priced/over engineered for what is essentially just a bit of wind catching a blade and turning our magnet through wire!!! aerodynamics aside… you can probably get close/if not better on your own as it really p**ses me off when people go, your not a corporation, your not spending billions you will never get it done! when in essence all your doing is turning a magnet through wire! steam/pressure: heat water (see nuclear power) produce steam, and turn a turbine. see telsa turbines (i.e. a spindle of “cds” [yes some people have made smaller ones with cds on a spindle] with a tiny gap and how they turn with the drag for other ideas on this score. hes also the same git who came up with the idea of potential motion machine - which somehow got ignored/suppressed by mainstream physics who seem obsessed with the idea that you can’t get something from nothing at all. when in fact, you can. see these notes for more, which are going to be stay free of charge! unlike other people who research stuff/then censor it and worse charge for it! and waste our time trying to make it look harder then it really is! nuclear power: this is an expensive process where we start a chemical reaction which produces lots of steam, which subsequently turns the spindle [magnet through wire] of our turbine. actually its cheaper then heating it with coal, but then you do have waste/chain reactions and all that other stuff to consider as well, and yes there are other chemicals I could add to water, which would produce a energetic reaction. i.e. throw some sodium [Na] in a bucket of water. call your bucket your reactor and there you go. see the heat/fiz/steam (nuclear power in reaction). (you may want to seal the bucket, have a pipe for the steam to run off… Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes now compare the amount of effort/waste/risk against turning a spindle by hand/wind or water pressure, and go why are we wasting our time here? not to say we should ignore it completely. as I might not want to cycle all the time, and yes I may have no wind/sun today and yes I just want some frigging power/run out of coal (or another fuel source) and so yes do want a nuclear power station to hear the home. so yeah go for it – build one in the garage. I’m sure if were smart enough we could adapt our motor so it could be turned by multiple inputs, and well perhaps I want to build a nuke in defense of my land/need to justify it to the un. so why not try this at home? as its only heating water/end of the day! power Generator (aka as alternators as well!) stuff you need: magnets! enameled copper wire [magnet wire] (has to be insulated – i.e. enameled to stop it conducting/breaking the coil! as it’s the movement of this through the field which generates current. and its the same f**king method no matter what the scale! you have to factor in heat, resistance and things like that. either move the magnet pas the wire, or the wire past the magnet doesn’t matter which! hell you can have more then one coil if you like. solar panels In a traditional solid-state semiconductor, a solar cell is made from two doped crystals, one doped with n-type impurities (n-type semiconductor), which has extra free electrons, and the other doped with p type impurities (p-type semiconductor), which is lacking free electrons which basically boils down to take compound/element/material A place it next to compound/element/material B and allow the sun to hit it! this is enough to induce a current in some things. photos hit the n-type side, “exciting” them in a process called Photoexcitation which moves it into a higher energy state (same as how lasers work and seems to contradict with the other models, as that model the electrons not moving around. i.e. energy is released and the electron falls back down to a lower orbit, as the energy is pushing it away from the core… which makes you wonder at times how all this works! as you reflect on light/heat again!!!) obviously it depends on what the materials are, but the principle is the same. some materials placed next to each other will produce more power/wattage then other materials will. and in order to get the voltage up, you would have to cut it into squares, and wire it in series. which is how most panels work! Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes 3 X 6 mono-crystalline solar cells tend to be rated at 0.5 Volts each. Crystalline solar cells are usually wafers, about 0.3 mm thick, sawn from Si ingot with diameter of 10 to 15 cm. They generate approximately 35 mA of current per cm2 with the other bit being glass Once you know what your solar cell produces, you can easily work out how many you need. i.e. how many to attach in parallel for current, and how many “strips” to solder in series for voltage. You tend to get tabs, which are soldered to each panel. two from the back of the first panel go to the front of the next panel, and so on down the line. which is time consuming work! (and why some cell cells with them already soldered on – so half the works done) this then has to be mounted in suitable container, perhaps protected with a cover to withstand weather/hail stones/and things of that nature. (rust/corrosion) and that is it. and that is it. as the only difference between professional and amature, is how efficient you are at reading material specs! how good are you are pricing materials up, tricks at putting them together quicker then others and well that is it. as not everyone pays attention to things, like moisture, temperature limits, warping in heat and things of that ilk to! (any company producing professional products – tends to be researching materials, strategies, tools as it looks to improve performance/cost!) sometimes it helps to buy in bulk other times it does not! use your head, and research well. as you can improve on them! you will want to attach a Shockley dioide from the panel to the battery cell so power only flows one way! so that when power is flowing it charges the battery up, but when its not! you don’t want it draining the battery at all. which is the problem with things like that. power has a tendency of flowing through the easiest path. so things which charge, can drain as well How to grow silicon crystals for solar cells [] silcon (si) is present in sand and quartz crystals. The problem with sand is that it also contains oxygen in the form of silicon dioxide, which must be removed. The industrial process used to produce silicon requires temperatures of around 1800oC. You are going to need a saturated sugar solution; this will sit in the lid of your coffee jar. Now, take a large crystal of sugar, often sold as "rock sugar" and "glue" it to the end of the skewer. Next, drill a hole the same diameter as the skewer, and poke the skewer through the bottom of the coffee jar. Stand it on a windowsill and lower the crystal into the saturated sugar solution. Over some time, crystals should start to grow - pull the skewer up slowly, bit by bit, so that the growing crystal is still in contact with the sugar solution. This is just like the way that silicon is grown. The silicon is drawn up slowly from a bath of molten hot silicon (which is analogous to our saturated sugar solution). Once this large crystal of silicon has been manufactured, it must be cut into slices to manufacture the solar cells. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Think out the box second generation cells have used cadmium telluride or copper indium gallium selenide Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) is based on nano-structure technology - optically transparent film of titanium dioxide particles (TiO2), coated with layer of a charge-transfer dye to sensitize the film for light collection. this is affixed to a glass, using platinum with a thin layer of iodide electrolyte as the other sheet (the cathode). Grätzel cells People are designing solar powered paint! (TiO2 is widely used as a paint base) as some materials are more expensive then others! and panels are stupidly over priced for what they are. heck even putting copper under heat (until copper oxide forms on it) is enough to produce a panel with current, ok it’s a crap current but its enough to indicate material a next to material b = power and I only say this again as this simple observation seems to be lost on well the entire world at times!!! electrons are moving all the time! and it doesn’t take much to get power out of heat and/or light out the other way if we put our minds to work. why are we not building roofs with them build in? can we cover tiles in stuff? or replace them altogether with another material instead on new builds? so much scope for expansion here? that it is perhaps under utilized as is! all electricity is material A, next to material B and the sun/heat hitting it! look at phosphorous material (it glows in caves!) least you fall into the trap and assume it’s the sun. this is perhaps where witches win, when you consider ether/mana /the web. and what we do to the web, we do to ourselves as well Incidentally! you can produce something from nothing – or we couldn’t exist! existence is proof that something can be produced from nothing! so science and those stupid laws are wrong! no stop bugging me, and get with the program instead as anyone who says otherwise is a moron, needs to take up philosophy and look around them! as anyone who thinks they can only manipulate what is already there is way too small indeed! for my tastes…. Crystals and blood Blood pH: The acidity or alkalinity of blood. The pH of any fluid is the measure of the hydrogen ion (H-) concentration. A pH of 7 is neutral. The lower the pH, the more acidic the blood. A variety of factors affect blood pH including what is ingested, vomiting, diarrhea, lung function, endocrine function, kidney function, and urinary tract infection. The normal blood pH is tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45. I only mention this, because its not neural at all and you might want to bear this in mind in future as your body is made of materials as well! Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Piezoelectricity is the ability of some materials (notably crystals and certain ceramics, including bone) to generate an electric field or electric potential The pyroelectric effect, where a material generates an electric potential in response to a temperature change, was studied by Carl Linnaeus and Franz Aepinus in the mid-18th century. Quartz and Rochelle salt exhibited the most piezoelectricity. Pierre and Marie Curie showed in 1880 that crystals of Rochelle salt could produce electricity when pressure was applied in certain crystallographic directions Environmental changes of temperature, humidity, pressure, and vibration can change the resonant frequency of a quartz crystal A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency. This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time (as in quartz wristwatches), to provide a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers. The most common type of piezoelectric resonator used is the quartz crystal, so oscillator circuits designed around them were called "crystal oscillators". In France in 1917, Paul Langevin and his coworkers developed an ultrasonic submarine detector. The detector consisted of a transducer, made of thin quartz crystals carefully glued between two steel plates, and a hydrophone to detect the returned echo. By emitting a high-frequency chirp from the transducer, and measuring the amount of time it takes to hear an echo from the sound waves bouncing off an object, one can calculate the distance to that object. piezoelectric igniter, which generates sparks for small engine ignition systems (and gas-grill lighters) by compressing a ceramic disc The best-known application is the electric cigarette lighter: pressing the button causes a springloaded hammer to hit a piezoelectric crystal, producing a sufficiently high voltage electric current that flows across a small spark gap, thus heating and igniting the gas. The portable sparkers used to light gas grills or stoves work the same way, and many types of gas burners now have built-in piezobased ignition systems. a 1 cm3 cube of quartz with 2 kN (500 lbf) of correctly applied force can produce a voltage of 12,500 V. Piezoelectric materials also show the opposite effect, called converse piezoelectric effect, where the application of an electrical field creates mechanical deformation in the crystal. so two material (i.e. a cerimic on metal) with a voltage applied across them can produce sound with the vibration and this is used in buzzers Triboluminescence in Quartz Crystal (striking/scrapping it with another stone fast makes it glow. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The Uncompahgre Ute Indians from Central Colorado are one of the first documented groups of people in the world credited with the application of mechanoluminescence involving the use of quartz crystals to generate light. The Ute constructed special ceremonial rattles made from buffalo rawhide which they filled with clear quartz crystals collected from the mountains of Colorado and Utah. When the rattles were shaken at night during ceremonies, the friction and mechanical stress of the quartz crystals impacting together produced flashes of light visible through the translucent buffalo hide. ) The dominance of the quartz crystal [SiO2] for all kind of frequency control applications started in 1934when the AT-cut quartz crystal was introduced. The advantage with the AT-cut quartz crystal is that it has nearly zero frequency drift with temperature around room temperature. From the very beginning of using quartz crystal resonators as frequency control elements it was common to increase the frequency of the resonator by drawing pencil marks on the electrodes, or decreasing the frequency by rubbing of some electrode material with an eraser now I stuck a quartz crystal next to my ear once, after I got clairvoyant images of them to do something similar. I stuck it under my pillow when I went to bed, this was when I didn’t understand anything, and was just learning the psychic side. I got this very strong vibration in the morning and you would be advised to pay attention to other areas of study, like crystak healing, witch craft, reiki for information on materials and use! Do you even need the crystals? how much can you regulate with your own mind? watch a video of a person getting a shock of a qi wong/reiki healer and you will know more the fact proximity of other materials (i.e. crystals) on resonant frequency should also make you want to consider crystal healing, new age and witch craft sources more. if only for ideas magnet strength: larger magnets will create larger fields. A gauss meter is an instrument which can be used to measure lines of magnetic flux at a specific point on a magnet, but that reading provides no information about the total energy of the magnet being tested or about how far the energy will project from its surface. How to Build a Gauss Meter [] The key to the Gaussmeter is the magnetic field sensor (hall effect device discovered in 1879 by edwin herbet hall) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Connect the + (red) of the battery clip to the input of the 7805 (pin 1). Connect the - (black) of the battery clip to the common of the 7805 (pin 2). Connect the +5V input of the Hall device (pin 1) to the output of the 7805 (pin 3). Connect the common of the Hall device (pin 2) to the common of the 7805 (pin 2). Set the voltmeter to read 20Vdc max. Attach the + of the voltmeter to the output of the Hall device (pin 3). Attach the - of the voltmeter to the common of the 7805 (pin 2) or the common of the Hall device (pin 2). You are now ready to snap a battery onto the battery clip. With no magnet near the Hall device, measure and note the output voltage reading. Call this V0. It should be about 2.50Vdc. Now, with a magnet near the Hall device, you will see the output voltage change. If it is a South pole, the voltage will increase. If it is a North pole, the voltage will decrease. Call this voltage reading V1. We will say that the sensitivity of the Hall device is 2.50mV/G as found on their data-sheet. Call this k. Therefore, the Magnetic Flux Density you are measuring from that magnet can be calculated as: B = 1000*(V0-V1)/k, in Gauss. With a disk magnet sitting on top of the Hall device, the voltmeter is measuring 1.94 volts. This means that the Gauss measurement is 1000*(2.59-1.94)/1.3 = 500 Gauss, North pole. With the disk magnet flipped over, the voltmeter is measuring 3.22 volts. This means that the Gauss measurement is 1000*(2.59-3.22)/1.3 = -485 Gauss, South pole. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The SI unit for magnetic field strength is the Tesla, which is also one weber per square meter. In terms of potential induced current, a weber is enough power to induce a differential of one volt along an inductor. The earths magnetic field strength is roughly 1/30,000 of a telsa 1 Gauss = .0001 Tesla, or 1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss Grade Gauss N35 11,700-12,100 N38 12,100-12,500 N42 12,800-13,200 N45 13,200-13,800 Ttraditionally the stronger the magnet, the more mechically fragile it is and the lower the temperature at which magnetism is lost. The weakest neos can be used in temperatures of over 200 degrees Celcius, however the strongest neo magnets will permanently lose their magnetism if exposed to temperatures over just 80 degrees celcius. Wire types The size stated for cables is given in mm2 and this measurement is actually the cross sectional area of the wire inside. The larger that area the higher the current it can carry. example of maximum power ratings which will differ depending on the conductor type Conductor Size 1.0 mm2 1.25 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4.0 mm2 Current 10 amps 13 amps 15 amps 20 amps 25 amps Maximum power (Watts) Up to 2400 Watts Up to 3120 Watts Up to 3600 Watts Up to 4800 Watts Up to 6000 Watts Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Wire has resistance and therefore will have a voltage drop across the length of it any time current is flowing through it. another name for it is magnet wire In order to make an electrical contact with magnet wire it is necessary to either scrape or burn off the coating to expose the copper wire inside. think about scavenging older goods. The microwave cooling fan motor alone contains around 30 metres of thin magnet wire. Remember: roating a coil rotating around a magnet will produce heat: ergo you have to think about airflow/cooling unless you want the wires to melt which is where thickness comes in as well (depending on how much power your produce) remember there is a limit to the power certain wires will take UK Stockiest: To convert from mm2 to circular mils, multiply by 1973. Resistance = SR*(length of wire/cross sectional area in circular mils) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes where SR = Specific Resistivity for the conductor. The Specific Resistivity is the value of resistance for a circular mil foot of wire. For copper, the SR is 10.37 so for 15 ft of wire Resistance = 10.37*(15 feet/10384 circular mils) Resistance = 0.015 ohms for a 15 foot length The larger the awg (American Wire Gauge) number, the smaller the wire size Circular mill is the cross sectional area of the circular wire! as opposed to square mill, which is the area of a square! Europe expresses it in square millimeters(mm2). For square conductors, it is simply the height times the width of the conductor in millimeters. For round conductors, it's the radius (half the diameter) of the conductor squared then multiplied by Pi. For example a 10g conductor has a wire diameter of ~2.6mm: Area of the conductor = radius of conductor squared*Pi Area of the conductor = R2*3.14 Area of the conductor = 1.32*3.14 Area of the conductor = 1.69*3.14 Area of the conductor = 5.3 mm2 Solid Wire Dimensions and Resistance More Accurate Diameter A.W.G. Ohms per foot Circular Mils (inches) 4/0 0.00004955 209322.28 0.4575 3/0 0.00006242 166139.20 0.4076 2/0 0.00007865 131864.77 0.3631 0 0.00009909 104661.14 0.3235 1 0.00012485 83069.60 0.2882 2 0.00015730 65932.39 0.2568 3 0.00019818 52330.57 0.2288 4 0.00024969 41534.80 0.2038 5 0.00031460 32966.19 0.1816 6 0.00039636 26165.28 0.1618 7 0.00049939 20767.40 0.1441 8 0.00062919 16483.10 0.1284 9 0.00079273 13082.64 0.1144 10 0.00099878 10383.70 0.1019 11 0.00125838 8241.55 0.0908 12 0.00158546 6541.32 0.0809 Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes 13 0.00199755 14 0.00251676 15 0.00317092 16 0.00399511 17 0.00503352 18 0.00634184 19 0.00799022 20 0.01006704 21 0.01268368 22 0.01598043 23 0.02013408 24 0.02536735 25 0.03196086 26 0.04026816 27 0.05073471 28 0.06392172 29 0.08053632 30 0.10146941 31 0.12784345 32 0.16107265 33 0.20293882 34 0.25568689 35 0.32214530 36 0.40587764 37 0.51137379 38 0.64429060 39 0.81175529 40 1.02274758 [table taken from] 5191.85 4120.77 3270.66 2595.93 2060.39 1635.33 1297.96 1030.19 817.67 648.98 515.10 408.83 324.49 257.55 204.42 162.25 128.77 102.21 81.12 64.39 51.10 40.56 32.19 25.55 20.28 16.10 12.78 10.14 0.0721 0.0642 0.0572 0.0510 0.0454 0.0404 0.0360 0.0321 0.0286 0.0255 0.0227 0.0202 0.0180 0.0160 0.0143 0.0127 0.0113 0.0101 0.0090 0.0080 0.0071 0.0064 0.0057 0.0051 0.0045 0.0040 0.0036 0.0032 Wires depending on their thickness will take a different load as too much current will just cause them to melt (like a fuse) which is the point of fuse wire. to blow before this lot blows. . so what thickness do you need? power = resistance *current^2 i.e. p = rc2 so if we had wire which was rated with resistance of 0.1 ohms and connected it up to a 12 volt battery. we would get the following I = E/ R =12 / 0.01 = 1200 = current amp which plugged into the other formula gives: Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes P = I2*R P = (1200*1200)*0.01 P = 14,400 Watts or we could have used P = E2/R P = 122/.01 P = 14,400 Watts Calculating resistance without table around 0.001 ohms per foot of wire for 10g so resistance for 15 ft of wire 0.001 * 15 = 0.015 ohms Different materials have different resistance values/tolerances depending what the stuff is made of! so you need a table really. for end results. Safety First: Any time that a tap is made off of a power source (battery, fuse block, distribution block...), you MUST put a fuse inline as close to the source as possible. Another thing to keep in mind is that you must insert a fuse inline anytime that the wire size is reduced, such as a tap off of the main power wire for an amplifier, head unit, equalizer... The fuse must be rated to open (blow) well before the wire starts to overheat. A secondary but very important consideration is environment. Is the temperature going to be extreme, hot or cold? Is there anything like oil, grease or solvents that will come in contact with the wire's insulation? All of these things have to be considered to build a reliable, high quality system Faraday's induction equation how to calculate the amount of power produced by a motor: Faraday's Law of induction, written for an alternator with a DC (permanent magnet) twopole stator, is V = - N A (2 pi RPM/60) B where N = number of turns on the armature (example N= 50) A = area of coil on the armature (example A = 0.1 meter times 0.05 meter = 0.005 m2. RPM = armature rotation speed (example 3600 RPM) B = DC magnetic field (e.g., 0.5 tesla) V= volts out (example V = 50 x .005 x 2 pi x 3600/60 x 0.5 = 47.1 volts @ 60 Hz) Remember: 1 Gauss = .0001 Tesla, or 1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes N42 neo magnet is roughly 1.3 telsa Lenz’s law and eddy currents the current induced in a wire also produces a magnetic field. the “eddy currents” around it. these oppose the original magnetic field. drop a magnet down a copper tube and see it fall in slow motion because of the breaking effect of the current . Remember The metal has no magnetic attraction to the magnet, so it’s the movement and the induced current which is causing the breaking effect. Power generator Designs Either move the coil over the magnets or move the magnet across the wire: anoyos jedlicks "lightning-magnetic self-rotor", 1827. (Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest.) or consider this: note: neomagnets can be glued into place with good quality epoxy glues Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes from the above diagram, you should be able to knock a circular housing up. which will rotate a spindle as above Please note: this is only one idea of how to proceed and may not be the best/most efficient way at all . i.e. your spindles turning the wheel with multiple magnets on. Does it matter if you have one, or is many better? what about the thickness of the wheel? the coil and the magnets themselves? what’s the most efficient motor your money can buy/you can make yourself? consider modifying something for your need: i.e. old alternator housing? then. 14 neomagnets around the spindle bit/and well insert your coil…. Motors an electro magnet between two permanent magnets (or the other way?) . switch the current in the coil to turn. some impressive examples of just sticking a neo magnet to the bottom of an aa battery. (shaping some copper wire and placing it over it. as the wire spins. now if you touch electrical contacts on magnets levitating between two plates, it spins for ages afterward. random fact: maglev: two rotating copper pipes next to each other (6000 rpm) will suspend a magnet above it! i.e. if the breasts of a women were a cut away. it would be where your dick goes (perhaps not that deep) as they are next to each other. and its in the gap just above them where it floats…. permanent v none permant magnets most people get generators turning with electro magents, hoever some people are using permanent magnets, and using a small battery to turn the spindle! (permant magnets aligned around the outside of the spindle (attached/structure) make it easier to turn… this means they are producing 5 times the power it takes to generate it! however you have to get the measurements right (that’s what everyone secretive about) but there is more then one company starting to use this now. and with the grid the way it is! it means we will get free power soon. (assuming you can be arsed to build it of course) 453 wats in and 3.1. horse power out. (do a search on telsa and things like that) please remember someone did the warer powered car over 20 years ago! so this stuff tends to not to sink in, filter out… as people are stupid I guess! they are using magnets which take 100 pounds of weight to separate them/join them together… if you need more idea of the strengths involved. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notess another interesting example of magnets is. a copper tube: (none magnetic!) which you drop the magnets down. they levitate/slow drop which is another interesting effect! issues with heat? try multipl copper winding winding (which can be replaced seperatly/use less power) as too much heat will melt stuff (or build safety circuits to cut power if the temperature gets bad!!!) Bridge Rectifier you may need a bridge rectifier depending on your design to translate alternating alternating current to dc power (diodes) not all motor designs require this type of thing! Diodes allow electricity to flow in only one direction which is why it works. it will flow in the direction of the arrow! (so in the ac diagram + and – change) and the other diode is used as current will also follow the path of least resistance home, home but there is a small voltage lost across the a diode of 0.7V called the forward voltage drop.. If the diode is wired in the wrong direction then no current (actually a very tiny iny current) flows across the diode. However, if the voltage is too high and goes over the diode's maximum reverse voltage, voltage the diode will breakdown and fail. so bare this in mind when designing circuits of this nature! The Devils Science Notes power flows from the anode to the cathode in in systems like this. direction of the arrow generally and have a band on the cathode side. thinking ahead: now what happens if you try to use other methods like gearing as well? you know bigger wheel to turn small wheel for less turns? and how much power does it need to turn a spindle as well? can you rig a set up. which produces more power then it takes to turn? some people think they can in Australia and are trying to patent a generator which produces 5 times more energy then it takes to run, and they are using a battery to kick start it. feed into a battery bank, and your sorted for life. (notwithstanding issues with rechargeable batteries which is another) So what are the optimal dimensions for power at all? and if you have a generator like that, do you need a store? and does pressure change anything? what if its in a vacume does that change the amount of force need to generate the power? and to what end! positive to negative flow: a ion is an element with either too few, or two many electrons and this capacity denotes the charge. its about attraction perhaps? much like heat flows to the cold bit electricity flows to the material which has negative charge. and magnets? well… [I really have no idea here] remember: like poles repel while opposites attract (or is one being draw to the other instead?), metal is attracted to both poles, while diametric materials are repelled from both poles. and a chemical reaction can be endothermic, exothermic as well. i.e. it can take heat in (absorb it) from the surroundings, or release it in a big bang! exothermic reaction: Potasium nitrate (Kn03) + sulfur + charcoal = black powder which goes bang, when you ignite it inter alia as it release its “stored energy” a little too fast for comfort at times so yes what is going on here? as really I have no idea! and those who say they do, appear to be lying, as I’ve not seen a single explanation that links the lot! note :potassium nitrate (Chinese snow) can be made by pissing on straw/compast heat/evaporating the moistur off and collecting the crystals which reamian behind apparently. charcoal is just wood burnt in the absence of air (cover in soil) or something like that. sulfur perhaps more tricky, though it is contained in eggs (the fowl smelling oder you get {hydrogen sulphide H2S boils at -61.8°C, freezes at -82.9°C , 1.19 times more dense than air, detectable at concentrations below 1 microgram/m3,more toxix then carbon monoxide CO}) and melts at around 118 degrees (112-119?). if you were to stick pipes in the ground, melt it off in scilly or somewhere like that! (its yellow) you want to grab as much as you can! as only 2% of your body is sulpher though you could try the pyriates (fools gold) FeS2 , galena (PbS),greenockite FdS Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes common isotopes: 32S (95.1%), 33S (0.74%), 34S (4.2%), and 36S (0.016%). good electrical insulator apparently? heat: what is it? budhists can raise their temperature in meditation, and dry wet blankets off (is this them though!) what is it the movement of. is it stored, or is it created as is. electricity flowing through a wire produces heat (spirit? can rob me of it! and I suppose I ought to mention spontanoues combustion as well just to confuse the issue more) however if you had (and people have done this) large black panels with fried stuff in (boils -40) cold weather/sun anything like that hits the panel. heat is aborbedinto it. drives to a compressor which then compresses it down – output heat to 200 degress which then boils water something like that/produces steam and more energy. obviously solar power stations exist – using mirrors to concentrate the sun as well. to boil liquid to several thousand degrees/melt steal stuff like that as well and people are using closed systems to generate excess power. i.e. energy is pwering pumps for the condenser/boiler and is giving of power as well… which can be used for other things! and I’ve seen a lot of these type of systems on the net Rechargeable batteries: When the cell is being charged, the anode becomes the positive (+) electrode and the cathode the negative (−). as your using the power. to reverse the reaction on the electrodes. the power essentially breaks the chemicals down, and forms the electrolyte again. as this generally breaks down in time for a battery to work which is why you generally need a higher voltage to succeed. a battery is a chemical store. The more electrolyte and electrode material there is in the cell, the greater the capacity of the cell, and its voltage depends on the difference of the materials in there. A lemon is a battery. Stick a copper coin in one end (the positive), and a zinc nail (the negative) in the other. the lemon acts as an electrolite. one lemon is roughly 0.906 volts where volts is the force/power flowing from the negative to the positive. connect the positive to the negative of 4 lemons in series and your getting 3.5 volts of power enough to light an LED. you coul dalso or try a stronger acid (suphuric perhaps) or change the metals in the electrodes. batteries run out, while rechargeable ones can be charged up. if you apply a higher voltage to them as the reaction can be reversed. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes early batter ycelss, were made with copper or silver coins inter dispersed with paper soaked in water. (see Voltaic Cellsfor more) make a battery cell: coper coin or silver / paper soaked in chemical (ie. salt water for a voltaic cell) then zinc- stacked in series on top of one another to make your cell... he noticed that electrons have a habit of flowing from one material to another. which is why batteries work. voltage will be temperature dependent something to bare in mind when you consider the link between electricity, heat and magnetic fields which is gone into more detail in my paper on a universal theory as well lead acid battery.: the anode is lead (Pb) (grey), the cathode is lead coated with the redish brown chemical lead dioxide PbO2, while the electrolyte is sulphuric acid (H2SO4) when the battery discharges, the acid turns to water. both electrodes in this reaction turn to lead sulphate PbSO4 and as it runs out, it is liable to freeze more in cold weather as the water content goes up. TheCathode has an reducing reaction, while the anode has a oxydisation reaction s Common Voltage differences [] Battery Cathode (+) (current flows out Lead-acid PbO2 lithium iron phosphate battery(LiFePO4) LiFePO4 Anode (-) Electrolyte Voltage Pb Sulphuric acid H2SO4 2.1 volts of this end) 3.25 volts When applying voltage to a battery (higher voltage to charge) the the cathode is the negative terminal as current rushes into this end. i.e. electrons flow are attracted to the short fall, while those with two many hold on to them less How to make sulphuric acid H2S04 (Other Names: vitirol, the universal solvent, see Art XIV for more if your after transmutation ideas) Burn Sulpher ( under a fume hood) i.e. inside pop bottle or something else. This reacts with air to produce sulphur dixodie S02 That’s the smoke Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes React it with steam/water to get what you want You may want to make S03 [sulphur trioxide] which involves heating the sulphur smoke with a catalyst to speed up the reaction you want : S02 + H20 + 0 = H2S04 Always add cid to water when diluting it, not the other way around. as water is less dence! and acid to water. tends to boi/spit and burn. its an excellent dehydrating agent In about the year 1740, Ward, an Englishman, began to make sulphuric acid on a moderately large scale. He burned sulphur and potassium nitrate (KNO3) together, and condensed the vapors in glass vessels containing a little water. The dilute acid so formed was then concentrated in glass alembics or retorts. In this way all acid was produced at a lower price than the fuming acid could be made. Read more: Hydrochloric acid (“the spirit of salt”) = Sulphuric acid mixed with salt Aqua Regis: (“the royal water) can dissolve gold.: Hydrochloric acid + nitric acid Nitric acid NH03Aqua fortis (“spirit of nitrate”): potassium nitrate (burnt) mixed with water How to make lead dioxide Lead nitrate: lead + nitric acid in a pyrax containe. in a pan of water. heat the pan. Add hydrogen peroxide to speed reaction up. (do this for several hours) Lead nitrate crystals form. this can be filtered out and used elsewhere. Gas given off is toxic! beware How to make Graphite substrate lead dioxide anodes (for use in chlorate cells) [it’s a bitch to find lead dioxide information on the web] How to plate it using electrolysis: (the graphite to be plated is the cathode (+) point, while copper is used for the (–) anode!) The plating solution consists of 250 g/l lead nitrate and 50 g/l copper(II)nitrate. Use distilled water to make the solution and acidify it to pH=1 with nitric acid. If you choose to use a surfactant, add 2 to 4 g/l of a suitable surfactant. CTAB was found to work well, Teepol or Triton X-100 will not work. Note: You will probably want to rotate the cathode [to prevent pitting] in the middle of the solution (anodes on the outside of the bath) to coat it evenly.i.e. a speed of 1000+ rpm , with 5 volts being passed through the anode/cathode set up to plate Rust production: FeO Stick iron rod into salt water bath! use electrolysis. (pass current through it the set up!) it rusts. Thermite “Goldschmidt reaction”: mix rust filings with aluminium filings It burns with a temperature of 2500 Degrees Centigrade!!!! used in welding stuff like, that… melts through Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes anything (almost) Battery container instructions from south africa “First obtain acid proof containers that can seal(for leakage and sealing in hydrogen gas). Next will be a pot or cauldron to melt lead in. Then a mold in which to cast the lead plates(aluminum works best, because the hot lead don't stick to it). Then you have to see a steel profile cutter(luckily a friend of mine is our local cutter) and manufacture plate bridges to link the lead plates together and mount your terminals on(Stainless Steel of any grade will do, aswell for the terminal bolts welded onto the bridges). Between the lead plates(in a +-+-+array), you will need to place an acid proof barrier material like fibreglass matting. Drill holes for the terminals and a breather hole for the H2 gas and fit a pipe to let the gas escape to a well ventilated area. After that, place your linked,barriered lead plates into your container, fill the container so that the plates are covered with acid and seal of. Now test the Ah(amp hour) rating by putting a 1A load on the battery till it reaches 80% of the original startup voltage. A newly build cell sould read 2.12V. Time how long the battery takes to reach the 80% capacity level and that should give you your Ah rating x6 for a 12V system, x12 for 24V and 2x24 for 48V.” [most batteries have vent holes in the top/with caps on to stop build up of hydrogen gas] plastic back into oil: 1kg plastic = 800g oil machine that uses 1200 different frequencies within the microwave range, which act on specific hydrocarbon materials. As the material is zapped at the appropriate wavelength, part of the hydrocarbons that make up the plastic and rubber in the material are broken down into diesel oil and combustible gas grind the tyres up into tiny bits microwave and condense the gas down to diseal oil. carbon black is left in the jar (from tyres) which is another saleable product The Grid (USA) Power stations, supply power to a system of wires. using alternating current. these then connect to various sub stations, before passing into the circuit breaker in your house, and are split off into separate circuits. there is usually a meter which records how much power you use. and you can supply power back into the grid as well. AC current is a sine wave. with troughs and peaks Three phase power: Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes There are four wires coming out of every power plant: the three phases plus a neutral or ground common to all three. ie. it transmits 3 sine waves with the timing offset (to balance it out) These 3 wires are carried along pylons. (each one is a “live wire” with perhaps a ground wire on the top in the hope of catching lighting (“power for free?”) which returns electrons back to the grid. Typical voltages for long distance transmission are in the range of 155,000 to 765,000 volts in order to reduce line losses along the way. power substation receive the large transmissions, and step it down, while regulator banks regulate under voltage, over voltage conditions. Houses generally only tap one of the three phases. So you will perhaps 3 main lines running down the road. with the house hooked up to one to get its power. You will often find a transformer drum located on the pole .. The transformer's job is to reduce the 7,200 volts in the power line down to the 240 volts that makes up normal household electrical service. There are two wires running out of the transformer and three wires running to the house. The two from the transformer are insulated, and the third one is bare. The bare wire is the ground wire. The two insulated wires each carry 120 volts, but they are 180 degrees out of phase so the difference between them is 240 volts. . In many suburban neighborhoods, the distribution lines are underground. and there are green transformer boxes at every house or two doing a similar thing. These wires pass into a meter which records the wattage used (i.e. this is where your billed) Hypothetical scenarios: When a 120-volt power line connects directly to ground, its goal in life would be to pump as much electricity as possible through the connection. In this situation either the device or the wire in the wall will get hot, and possibly burst into flames as the electrons rush through to freedom unless something is done to stop the escape UK grid Nikola Tesla established the principles of three-phase high-voltage electrical power distribution while he was working for Westinghouse in the United States. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes 2005/6 gridstats: Maximum Demand :63 GW (approx.) (81.39% of capacity) Annual electrical energy used in the UK is around 360 TWh (1.3 EJ) Capacity : 79.9 GW Number of large power stations 181 Length of 400 kV grid: 11,500 km (circuit) Length of 275 kV grid: 9,800 km (circuit) Length of 132 kV (or lower) grid; 5,250 km (circuit) Fuse wire Melts if too much power goes through it. i.e. the thickness/material of the material dictates how much power can flow through it. so you use weaker materials as a safeguard to your system. i.e. that blows instead of something more valuable instead! Circuit Breaker Main line goes into a circuit breaker, which breaks it into smaller circuits. A circuit breaker is an automatically-operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and, by interrupting continuity, to immediately discontinue electrical flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then has to be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset. you will usually find them in the garage or something like that. Essentially if your circuit tries to draw too much power inter alia they cut the power. Remember voltage is “pressure”, while current is the amount of electrons passing through a conductor at a given point, and resistance is the amount of stopping force. as some materials “absorb” electrons more easily then others. thus freeing space for more electrons to take its place (increasing the draw) while other materials, ignore it/slow it down/hold it back. current = volts / resistence I = v/r Conductors resist to varying degrees depending on composition and size Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is a plug socket with a breaker built in. it compares current from the input, to the output and if there is a difference shuts it of The load is what is been taken off the circuit (i.e. used up by appliances) as some electrons are lost along the way, going through components like that. . Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Resisters Resisters resist current flow. i.e. use them to safeguard circuits, as electrons don’t flow as well through certain materials, compared to others. Series: sticking them in series has a compond effect. i.e. the resistence adds up! Parallel: sticking them in parallel has this effect: (r1 * r2) / (r1 + r2) = new resistence. So two 470 ohm resisters in parallel will result in (470 * 470) / (470 + 470) = 235 ohms of power flowing through to the rest of the line. i.e. the power flows through all the paths it can. Zener diode Like a normal diode. except it allows current to flow the other way. if its higher then the breakdown voltage. aka zener voltageinvovled. The voltage drop across the Zener diode is equal to the Zener voltage of that diode no matter how high the reverse bias voltage is above the Zener voltage and he Breakdown voltage for commonly available zener diodes can vary widely from 1.2 volts to 200 volts. Behaves the same as a standard diode in the forward direction. exhibiting a small voltage drop of 0.3 to 0.7 volts depending on the diode type. There is a tiny bit of leakage before it hits the zener voltage (the level to pass) on the reverse way. i.e.nothing then a lot. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Example of use: If you have a 1 Watt 6 Volt lightbulb to power from a 12 Watt regulated power supply, a 6.2V zener diode could be placed in series with the bulb giving the bulb 5.8V as 6.2 volts of pressure are dropped (they don’t pass through) . but they do get hot! Battery Status Monitor [] In a typical 12V system the voltage of the battery bank can fluctuate from 10.6 Volts (below this the battery is very dead) when heavily depleted and under load, to as much as 15 Volts when being heavily charged. A healthy full 12V battery bank would usually have a voltage of around 12.6 Volts when not under a load and between 13-14 Volts when being charged correctly - i.e. not too quickly. Therefore it would be interesting to have an indication of the status of the battery bank using an LED to show if it is being charged. We want our LED to light when the voltage of the 12V battery bank is 12.6 Volts or higher to indicate the batteries are being charged by our renewable energy set-up. Let's use the following components: 1 x 8.2 Volt Zener diode. 1 x 127 Ohm Resisitor. 1 x standard green LED (Specfications: maximum current 30mA, voltage drop 2.5 V). 8.2+2.5=10.7 Volts. A resistor is therefore required to prevent too much current getting to the LED and destroying it. The difference between the battery bank target voltage of 12.6 Volts, and the voltage dropped by the Zener and LED of 10.7 Volts is 1.9 Volts. These 1.9 Volts must be dropped across a suitable resisitor with a current of no more than 15mA - therefore using Ohm's Law we find that resistance = 1.9 Volts / 0.015 Amps = 127 Ohms coincidently the exact value of a manufactured resistor. Normally you would select the resistor with the nearest value above the resistance value calculated with Ohm's Law. Do a similer circuit in parallel (different values) for the over charging one for each “alarm” you want to monitor. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Battery Banks the problem with connecting batteries ins series this is The The The The bottom battery provides 35.9 amps. next battery up provides 26.2 amps. next battery up provides 20.4 amps. top battery provides 17.8 amps. The closest to the installation is charged the most, discharged the most, and worked harder, whereas the battery furthest from the installation is charged the least, discharged the least, and worked the least. So you need a more complicated wiring pattern to balance it out At the very least connect the negative from the opposite end (furthers away) which will get you The 26.7 amps ad 23.2 amps for the middle two. Alternativly try this instead: Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes or this Battry Care Regular lead acid batteries tend to sulphate if they are discharged too far. Although having sulphated plates ruins the performance, you can usually revive them using a high-voltage charger (20 volts or so) for short periods of time. This higher voltage blows the sulphated crystals off the plates so that it can be used again. How quickly before 12 volt battery runs dead: (depends on the draw) P (in watts) = VI so 150watts/12vdc = 12.5amps For a 60Ah battery: 60Ah/12.5amps = 4.8hours at 150watts. I would always extend that time buffer a fair bit..maybe to say 3~4 hours instead of 4.8 How long to charge it? [] It takes about 5 times as long to recharge a lead-acid battery to the same level as it does to discharge. On nickel-based batteries, this ratio is 1:1, and roughly 1:2 on lithium-ion. A multi-stage charger first applies a constant current charge, raising the cell voltage to a preset voltage (Stage 1 in Figure 1). Stage 1 takes about 5 hours and the battery is charged to 70%. During the topping charge in Stage 2 that follows, the charge current is gradually reduced as the cell is being saturated. The topping charge takes another 5 hours and is essential for the well being of the battery. If omitted, the battery would eventually lose the ability to accept a full charge. Full charge is attained after the voltage has reached the threshold and the current has dropped to 3% of the rated current or has leveled off. The final Stage 3 is the float charge, which compensates for the self-discharge. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Charging a 12-volt battery (6 cells) at a cell voltage limit of 2.40V, for example, would require a voltage setting of 14.40V. Connecting battery bank to lighting circuit Lighting circuit generally needs a lot less juice with 11 watt or 5 watt candle bulbs. [one assumes you’ve gone energy efficient] I think I need 4 x 12 volt batteries to do mine (which obviously need to be charged) as my downstairs light which is 3 x 11 watt bulbs is pretty much on constant during the day if I’m in. other lights, are brief? and that’s going to need about 4 x 14.5 watts going into it, to keep it on charge. assuming my math/understanding is right! Using relay to switch between them (if charge level drops) Input feed from solar panels, some one was dumping excess load (i.e. when battery fully charged) into giant heating coils… i.e. just used it as a heater. other people buy systems to tie back into the grid Grid Tie Invertors UK G83 grid connection regulations [G59 forms] The inverter needs to monitor the volume, frequency and phase of the home grid, then produce a pure sine wave with a frequency and phase which will match the grid's which is the point everyone gets scared and runs and buys one instead. as you have to get them to sign off on it as well for use! You will then have to sign a contract for how much your going to get paid! (which is less then they charge you for it, generally) You need to consider if the grid is on as well. DC to AC converting a straight line to a sine wave. pure/true sine wave invertors over modified sine wine invertors as any device that senses either voltage peaks or zero crossings could have problems when running from a modified one. i.e. your computer, or your tv perhaps. use a dc motor to turn an ac alternator or two sets of windings, one wound one way, the other wound another. which Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes switches the direction of the power generated in the third (at least that’s how I think they work) Example 12v DC to 120v AC invertor schematic [Taken from] Total Qty. Part Description C1, C2 R1, R2 R3, R4 D1, D2 Q1, Q2 2 2 2 2 68 uf, 25 V Tantalum Capacitor 10 Ohm, 5 Watt Resistor 180 Ohm, 1 Watt Resistor HEP 154 Silicon Diode 2 2N3055 NPN Transistor (see "Notes") T1 1 MISC 1 Substitutions 24V, Center Tapped Transformer (see "Notes") Wire, Case, Receptical (For Output) 1. Q1 and Q2, as well as T1, determine how much wattage the inverter can supply. With Q1,Q2=2N3055 and T1= 15 A, the inverter can supply about 300 watts. Larger transformers and more powerful transistors can be substituted for T1, Q1 and Q2 for more power. 2. The easiest and least expensive way to get a large T1 is to re-wind an old microwave transformer. These transformers are rated at about 1KW and are perfect. Go to a local TV repair shop and dig through the dumpster until you get the largest microwave you can find. The bigger the microwave the bigger transformer. Remove the transformer, being careful not to touch the large high voltage capacitor that might still be charged. If you want, you can test the transformer, but they are usually still good. Now, remove the old 2000 V secondary, being careful not to damage the primary. Leave the primary in tact. Now, wind on 12 turns of wire, twist a loop (center tap), and wind on 12 more Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. turns. The guage of the wire will depend on how much current you plan to have the transformer supply. Enamel covered magnet wire works great for this. Now secure the windings with tape. Thats all there is to it. Remember to use high current transistors for Q1 and Q2. The 2N3055's in the parts list can only handle 15 amps each. Remember, when operating at high wattages, this circuit draws huge amounts of current. Don't let your battery go dead :-). Since this project produces 120 VAC, you must include a fuse and build the project in a case. You must use tantalum capacitors for C1 and C2. Regular electrolytics will overheat and explode. And yes, 68uF is the correct value. There are no substitutions. This circuit can be tricky to get going. Differences in transformers, transistors, parts substitutions or anything else not on this page may cause it to not function. If you want to make 220/240 VAC instead of 120 VAC, you need a transformer with a 220/240 primary (used as the secondary in this circuit as the transformer is backwards) instead of the 120V unit specified here. The rest of the circuit stays the same. But it takes twice the current at 12V to produce 240V as it does 120V. Check out this forum topic to answer many of the most commonly asked questions about this circuit: 12 - 120V Inverter Again. It covers the most common problems encountered and has some helpful suggestions. Also see for more phase spliter is a device that separates a signal into multiple phases (or polarities). The term is most often applied to amplifiers that produce two "balanced" voltage outputs: of equal amplitude but opposite polarity (i.e. 180 degrees phase difference), but sometimes is used to refer to the generation of quadrature signals (i.e. those differing by 90 degrees). Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) At any node (junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node. Kirchhoff's second rule. The directed sum of the electrical potential differences around any closed circuit must be zero. Capacitors Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The equivalent resistance of a capacitor increases in relation to the amount of charge stored on the capacitor. The faster the voltage of the AC voltage source flips, the less time charge would be allowed to be stored on the capacitor, therefore reducing the capacitor's equivalent resistance The resistance, also known as the complex impedance, ZC (in ohms) of a capacitor with capacitance C (in farads) is Invented by a German scientist named Ewald Georg von Kleist in November 1745 idepdent of the leyden jar ( metal on the inside carrying one charge, separated by glass, metal on the outside with the other charge) insulating gap between the plates of a capacitor is called the dielectric They act as reservoirs of charge, and are used to smooth varying dc charge out. [note: varying dc charge is not the same as the flat dc charge you get from a battery] Inside the capacitor, the terminals connect to two metal plates/liquids separated by a non-conducting substance, or dielectric Two sheets of foil separated by a page of a book can make a capacitor. usually its rolled up in a tiny ball to save space and or other materials is used instead. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Depending on the size and type of dielectric, some capacitors are better for high frequency uses, while some are better for high voltage applications. Lightning shows a capacitor at work. One plate is the cloud, and the other plate is the ground and the lightning is the charge released between these two "plates." "C" is the capacitance of the capacitor. The capacitance is calculated using the equation shown below as a function of the surface area of the electrodes (S), the distance between the electrodes (t), and the dielectric constant of the dielectric ( ). In the formula above, 0 represents the permittivity of free space (8.85 x 10-12F/m) A larger capacitance can be obtained by either increasing the dielectric constant, increasing the electrode surface area (S), or by decreasing the distance between the electrodes(t). Electrolyte capacitors generally to be connected in a specific direction (incase they explode), while the ceremic capacitors can be connected any way. but the electrolyte ones tend to hold more charge. so the polarity (direction of current) matters with them. Above a particular electric field, known as the dielectric strength Eds, the dielectric in a capacitor becomes conductive. The voltage at which this occurs is called the breakdown voltage of the device, and is given by the product of the dielectric strength and the separation between the conductors, Most electrolytic capacitors are polarized and may catastrophically fail if voltage is incorrectly applied. This is because a reverse-bias voltage above 1 to 1.5 V[1][2][3] will destroy the center layer of dielectric material via electrochemical reduction (see redox reactions). Following the loss of the dielectric material, the capacitor will short circuit, and with sufficient short circuit current, the electrolyte will rapidly heat up and either leak or cause the capacitor to burst. This is because, if the aluminium foil with a layer of aluminium oxide on it is made +ve the oxide ion will get oxidised and will convert into oxygen gas generating a high pressure and hence may burst up the capacitor. What happens is the power flows in. charges it up. and then it jumps the gap and continues on its way. when power ceases to the base. it discharges. exponentially (very fast to very slow,small charge remains bit like a water tower and pressure (i.e. as it empties it fails to come out as fast) Capacitance (F) = Charge (C) Voltage (V) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Can be used to top up supply, as a temporary power store.. Two capacitors in parallel increases the “capacitance” i.e. you have two stores to charge/drain simultaneously. while in series its less then the smaller capciter. as you always get some charge left. and the chain effect, leads to more waste we presume? i.e. the circuit breaks quicker The voltage rises as we charge up a capacitor, and falls as the capacitor discharges. The current falls from a high value as the capacitor charges up, and falls as it discharges We can say that a capacitor blocks d.c., but allows a.c. to flow. ergo capacitor in series with a bulb: • If connected to a d.c. circuit, the bulb flashes, then goes out. • In an a.c. circuit, the bulb remains on. • [reminder alternating current travels one way around a circuit then the other, so the stuff on the plate joins the rest… so +400v left on the plate, hit by -500v in the other direction gets you 900v at peak] This circuit can be used to measure the value of a capacitor: • • • The reed switch is operated from a 400 Hz supply. It operates on the forward half cycle, to charge up the capacitor. No current flows on the reverse half cycle so the reed switch flies back to discharge the capacitor [as the diode is blocking it! _n_n_n_n_] • Energy = charge × voltage E = ½ CV2 Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Calculations: A 5000 µF capacitor is charged to 12.0 V and discharged through a 2000 Ω resistor. Time constant = RC = 2000 Ω × 5000 × 10-6 F = 10 s. voltage after 13 s? V = V0 e –t/RC ⇒ V = 12.0 V × e – 13 s/10 s = 12.0 × e – 1.3 = 12.0 × 0.273 ⇒ V = 3.3 volts Half Life of decay: (logs) t1/2 = 0.693 × RC = 0.693 × 10 = 6.93 s. How long would it take the capacitor to discharge to 2.0 V? V = V0 e –t/RC ⇒ V / V0 = e –t/RC ⇒ loge V - loge Vo = -t/RC [When you divide two numbers, you subtract their logs] ⇒ 0.693 – 2.485 = - t/10 ⇒ -t/10 = -1.792 ⇒ +t/10 = +1.792 ⇒ t = 1.792 × 10 = 17.9 s Note: 100 kΩ = 100,000Ω 1 Combined capacitance (C) of capacitors connected in series: C = 1 1 1 + + + ... C1 C2 C3 Combined capacitance (C) of C = C1 + C2 + C3 + ... capacitors connected in parallel: Charging a capacitor The capacitor (C) in the circuit diagram is being charged from a supply voltage (Vs) with the current passing through a resistor (R). The voltage across the capacitor (Vc) is Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes initially zero but it increases as the capacitor charges. The capacitor is fully charged when Vc = Vs. The charging current (I) is determined by the voltage across the resistor (Vs - Vc): Charging current, I = (Vs - Vc) / R (note that Vc is increasing) At first Vc = 0V so the initial current, Io = Vs / R Vc increases as soon as charge (Q) starts to build up (Vc = Q/C), this reduces the voltage across the resistor and therefore reduces the charging current. This means that the rate of charging becomes progressively slower. time constant = R × C where: time constant is in seconds (s) R = resistance in ohms ( ) C = capacitance in farads (F) For example: If R = 47k and C = 22µF, then the time constant, RC = 47k × 22µF = 1.0s. If R = 33k and C = 1µF, then the time constant, RC = 33k × 1µF = 33ms. A large time constant means the capacitor charges slowly. Note that the time constant is a property of the circuit containing the capacitance and resistance, it is not a property of a capacitor alone. After each time constant the current falls by 1/e (about 1/3). After 5 time constants (5RC) the current has fallen to less than 1% of its initial value and we can reasonably say that the capacitor is fully charged, but in fact the capacitor takes for ever to charge fully! Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Current during charge and discharge: Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Capacitors have a 3 digit number which indicate its electrostatic capacity. the first 2 are its value. while the 3rd is the number of zero’s which follow. so 104 = 100,000 pF = 0.1 µF as 1,000,000µF = 1F so µ means 10-6 , n means 10-9,, p means 10-12 i.e 1,000,000,000,000 pF = 1F A 1-farad capacitor can store one coulomb (coo-lomb) of charge at 1 volt. A standard alkaline AA battery holds about 2.8 amp-hours. That means that a AA battery can produce 2.8 amps for an hour at 1.5 volts (about 4.2 watt-hours. which means a AA battery can light a 4-watt bulb for a little more than an hour). To store one AA battery's energy in a capacitor, you would need 3,600 * 1.5 * 2.8 = 15,120 farads to hold it, because an amp-hour is 3,600 amp-seconds. capacitors tend to be larger, but they tend to have the advantage of being able to discharge quicker then a battery normally can. Uses: Battery Flash: The battery charges up the flash's capacitor over several seconds, and then the capacitor dumps the full charge into the flash tube almost instantly to get it to light. If a line carrying DC voltage has ripples or spikes in it, a big capacitor can even out the voltage by absorbing the peaks and filling in the valleys Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notess Inductors An inductor or a reactor is a passive electrical component that can store energy in a magnetic field created by the electric current passing through it. An inductor's ability to store magnetic energy is measured by its inductance, in u units nits of henries. Typically an inductor is a conducting wire shaped as a coil, the loops helping to create a strong magnetic field inside the coil due to Faraday's Law of Induction. Inductors are one of the basic electronic components used in electronics where ere current and voltage change with time, due to the ability of inductors to delay and reshape alternating currents. LC circuit If a charged capacitor is connected across an inductor, charge will start to flow through the inductor, building up a magnetic field around it, and reducing the voltage on the capacitor. Eventually all the charge on the capacitor will be gone. However, the current will continue, because inductors resist changes in current, and energy will be extracted from the magnetic field to keep ep it flowing. The current will begin to charge the capacitor with a voltage of opposite polarity to its original charge. When the magnetic field is completely dissipated the current will stop and the charge will again be stored in the capacitor (with the opposite polarity). Then the cycle will begin again, with the current flowing in the opposite direction through the inductor. Like a pendulum. The charge flows back and forth between the plates of the capacitor, through The Devils Science Notes the inductor. The energy oscillates back and forth between the capacitor and the inductor until (if not replenished by power from an external circuit) internal resistance makes the oscillations die out. AKA a tank circuit or harmonic oscillator The resonant frequency of the LC circuit is where L is the inductance in henries, and C is the capacitance in farads. The angular frequency has units of radians per second. Transformers Changes current voltage You have a core, which becomes magnatised when electricity travels through one set of coils. this in turn, is picked up in another set of coils and is passed on. So if you have a wire with 100 coils in the left, and 200 in the right you can x 2 the voltage, while 100 coils in the left, 50 in the right will reduce it by x 2 instead or would be ideally if it were not for “leakage” however it seems pretty efficient generally. So there is some resistance/loss there caused by resistance heating, Hysteresis, eddy currents as well Superconducting (cooled materials) improve it to 99.85% efficency. See Fradays law of induction for more Toroidal (circular ring) transformers are more efficient than the cheaper laminated E-I types for a similar power level Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes A tap on a transformer is an additional connection somewhere in the middle of the winding, used either in conjunction with or instead of the connections at the ends of the winding to provide different winding ratios. A center tap is a special case in which the tap is halfway between the ends of the secondary winding, such that it can be used to split the voltage output in half. or a tapped one Question What exactly is meant by "Center Tap" in relation to a transformer? i.e. 400-0-400? ----------------Your transformer has one winding with a center tap. From the center tap to either side is 400 volts. Across the entire winding is 800 volts. I don't know what your application is, but often this is done when there is a requirement for greater amperage at a given voltage. Part of the application is attached to one side and another part to the other side. Sometimes a center tap is used to power a full wave rectifier providing DC. Larry Krengel ==================================================== The center tap is simply another wire which is typically connected somewhere in the middle of the secondary coil. For example, suppose you had a transformer with 120VAC primary (2wires) and a 24VAC secondary (2 Wires at each end of the secondary coil). If you placed a center tap on the coil, using the center tap and either end you would get 12 VAC if the center tap is truly in the center. This concept is used in electronics to generate positive and negative voltages using the center tap as the ground. Bob Hartwell ==================================================== A conventional transformer has two output wires. The rated voltage is produced across those wires. It is the "RMS" or root-mean-square voltage. In the 400-0-400 example, assume the three wires are A, B and C. You would find 400V between A and B. 400V between B and C, and 800V between A and C. A transformer consists of two coils of wire that magnetically interact with each other. The "center tap" or center connection is simply a wire that Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes attaches at the halfway point on the output coil. Industrial machinery may contain transformers with many input and output taps. For example, the transformer in a power supply that I have contains input taps for 208, 220, and 240V. The user would connect to different taps, depending on the voltage coming into the building, In the example, one wire would be marked 400 Bob Erck ==================================================== Suppose you wind 1000 turns of wire for the secondary (output) coil of a transformer. If you then find the middle, at turn #500, cut through the wire's insulation and attach another wire leading to the outside world, that is a "center-tap". You can see it's in the center of the coil or transformer-winding. The word "tap" is used in the same sense a "tapping a keg", or a well, or a pipe. It means making a connection by cutting into the object at hand. It is electrically the same as having two separate secondary coils, of 500 turns each, wired in series so their AC voltages add up. Often the transformer is used with the center-tap connected to the "ground" or "common" or otherwise zero voltage point in the circuit being powered. So, when listing the voltages on each of several taps on a long coil, one of the taps will be labeled "0", and each other will be labeled with the AC voltage it has with respect to the "0" tap. In your example, if this is a power transformer (120VAC applied to the primary coil), it's likely that "400-0-400" means that this secondary coil produces 800 VAC total. Look out! If the center tap is considered "zero-volts", then each end-tap will have 400 VAC. But their polarities are opposite each other, +/-. Being 60Hz sine waves, they are 180 degrees out of phase. You cannot connect them directly together to use in parallel, that would be an 800V short circuit. A fuse will blow, or the transformer will burn out. You can, however, rectify each end tap with a single diode, both oriented for positive output, and hook those together. That works well (has less ripple than one winding and one diode), because the two windings have their positive surges at complementary times. 60 times a second they take turns driving the output positive. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Be real careful and study your circuit well before you mess with voltages this high. There are procedures to learn, too. For example, each of the diodes in the above example must be rated at over 1000V! Any less it will probably burn out instantly. Hope you had a fuse in the primary-coil's circuit. "400" may mean 400v peak: V(t)= 400 sin(2pi60*time), or 400vrms, which is more like 560v peak: V(t)=560 sin(2pi60*time). When the sine-wave on an end-tap goes to -560v, and the capacitor after the diodes is still charged up to +400v, the diode experiences -960v. And it could get higher if the capacitor charges higher. For reasons like this, well-designed vacuum tube supplies often use two 800v or 1000v diodes in series as one single diode. Jim Swenson ===================================================== Invertors Transformer which increases power to the required level. i.e 230 volts for mains power Adapter Device which reduces power level to the required level Radio receivers Iron core, and copper wire wrapped around it will act as a receiver of sound waves and it powers the circuit as well! (its weak) but telsa did something here as well! free power through the air until they dismantled the towers/couldn’t charge for it or something like that. That’s all it is! bit of iron, with wire wrapped around it. and you can make a diode with paper clips and rust…. which is what they used to do in world war I apparently. when making radios themselves Search on telsa free energy in google. and you will find inter alia vidios of a telsa transmission tower (free power generaters) and of course the copper coil receivers as well! Speakers/Microphone Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes A foil disk with wires to it. or perhaps arranged in a cone/concave shape get a paper plate! wrap some foil around it (to seal it) keep it smooth. get a very shiny penny and tape the wires onto it in the center. I.e. the end of a cheap audio plug. and test it out. every home electronic set, has a ear piece which is essentially just a bit of foil. with the wire taped on in a moulded ear piece. and its one of the biggest head f**ks ever. as that’s all there is to sound/microphones. see the piezoelectric effect for more Remember electronics is just the difference between two metals, as electrons vibrate out and yet how does that equate to sound? really its scary stuff! though you do to get more impressive sounds using magnets to vibrate certain types of material as well and there are numerous designs floating around on the web, like utube and places like that. And are essentially built around. ac/dc current to power an electromagnet in the center of a cone which vibrates against a permanent magnet. usually with a cardboard/metal/plastic cone in the middle to produce the sound. with another bit of card at the end to keep out dust (that one usually curves inward, with the knob in the centre to make it look pretty) All the coil is (is copper wire wrapped around a thin of bit plastic/or something like that. it moves freely to get away from the other magnets. and if the cone is attached to this. that’s what causes the sound. Two speaker systems/ have two cones. a larger cone (woofer) which vibrate more slowly at the lower frequencies while Tweeters vibrates more quickly at high frequencies, so you can build different cones to move at different ranges. remember it’s the reversing of the magnetic field, which is attracted/repelled from the permanent magnet which drives the cone. To make a permanent magnet apply something like 600 volts to plates of iron cut into the desired [circular] shapes/glued together. as this diagrams just a cross sectional view Best one I’ve seen is a tower of 4 chepo magnets, with the plastic tube of a tampon slid over it Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes (so it moves freely) and the coil attached to the tampon! ie. scotch tape holding the coil in place! and the bottom/top of a pop bottle used for the cone. (i.e. the curved outward bit) it wasn’t vey load but it proves the principle (as you need better shapes) i.e. the paper plate (with foil on) but did it sound better, then the one with the penny on the top? and did you get sound at all (as you need a lot of power to drive an electro magnet at times!) depending on how big your bits are Note: A laser pointer pointed at a window (reflecting back to a light censor) can also produce sound waves. people speak in the room, the glass vibrates and this translated back into a signal which can be reproduced as sound wave. i.e. the sound wave results in the power going up and down (those squiggly line graphs you get normally! as the power goes up and down) the navy apparently experimented with this as well… and you can probably clean pennies with vinegar and salt (or lemon juice/even coca cola) as it strips the dull copper oxide 'verdigris' (the green stuff off) if your being pedantic and all. see utube for the joke.. Note: if you place a nail in the solution with the copper oxide in, it will [eventually] coat the nail as copper ions are more strongly attracted to the nail than the iron ions, so a copper coating forms on the nail. At the same time, the reactions involving the hydrogen ions from the acid and the metal/oxides produce some hydrogen gas, which bubbles up from the site of the reaction the surface of the nail or screw. Resistance in Speaker Wire: Many people are told that they need to use very large speaker wire to prevent a noticeable loss in output. For most situations, 16g speaker wire is absolutely fine Keep in mind that 1 dB is generally the minimum difference you'll be able to hear. If the loss is less than 1dB, you'll never hear it. If its more then that use a thicker wire, or shorter length! Speaker wire calculator: [this won’t be a factor for most people unless you’re an auditorium perhaps? running long lengths perhaps?] Transistors They applify current and can be used as switches as well Two types of material p-type and n-type arranged in a sandwich. PNP or NPN. and essentially they conduct power when you put a current to the middle bit. i.e. this completes the circuit (acting as a bridge) and power continues on its way. so you can use them as switches. as use combinations of them for and/or logic gates. The base is the one with the line, the emitter is the one with the arrow, and the collector is the Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes other one. base emitter circuit completing, changes the current in the emitter-collector circuit. Their isn’t a circuit between the base and the collector (I only point this out as it took me awhile to get my head around it looking at certain diagrams on the web) Wire up in the direction of the arrow. the + end of the battery (where the power comes out of) goes into the one with the arrow pointing inwards, and it’s the other way if it’s the other type! sames as leds and diodes as well. Transistor chips. are millions of these things lined up in such a way that they produce specific outputs, depending on a particular input at the time… Darlington pair This is two transistors connected together so that the amplified current from the first is amplified further by the second transistor. This gives the Darlington pair a very high current gain such as 10000. Darlington pairs are sold as complete packages containing the two transistors. They have three leads (B, C and E) which are equivalent to the leads of a standard individual transistor. You can make up your own Darlington pair from two transistors. For example: • • For TR1 use BC548B with hFE1 = 220. For TR2 use BC639 with hFE2 = 40. The overall gain of this pair is hFE1 × hFE2 = 220 × 40 = 8800. The pair's maximum collector current IC(max) is the same as TR2. Reed switches Turn on, when a magnet is placed near Relay switch Use one circuit to turn another stronger one on. electromagnetic field going through a circuit pulls a leaver down and turns the other one on. Could use to switch from mains to battery bank, or vice versa if one goes dead. i.e. switches to use the other circuit. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes [] Example of using a rely switch to switch from an invertor (which turns off, when battery runs out) back to mains. (this is for lighting circuit of the house) perhaps when you have a turbine/panel charging the battery up! [When a relay coil is switched off there can be a short-lived high voltage spike of electricity (aka back-emf) which can damage chips and transistors etc in the circuit. Therefor a diode is often placed across the relay coil connections to supress this spike when combining a low voltage to high voltage circuit. Normally the diode does not conduct however, when the relay coil is switched off, any current which would otherwise have attempted to get through the coil is diverted harmlessly through the diode.] Wiring (just to confuse everyone) brown for live and blue for neutral Answer only for USA, Canada and countries using similar 60Hz household electricity supplies Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Red and black are the two separate 120V hot legs of a 240V 60Hz supply, green is the ground. White is the neutral. (US color coding.) Answer only for UK wiring installed before 2006 and similar 50Hz household electricity supplies Red is the 230V 50Hz hot, black is the neutral, green is the earth or ground. Note: Those colours became obsolete for use in the UK for all new wiring installations done since 2006. The new colours are: Brown is the 230V hot, blue is the neutral, green/yellow is the earth or ground. Energy efficient bulbs Appear to be two circuits with transformer in to reduce the voltage down: Part code CD11GH – K03 Item capacitor Resister resister resister resister Stats 400 volts, 4,7 uF (-40 co +105c) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notess Resister Resister transister transister transformer No idea if it was the circuit or light which blew. but the top pops off. there is plaster of paris around the base of the light with 4 wires to the circuit. 2 for each tube and two wires to the screw fiting at the base. I assume some e of the components still work even if the light doesn’t! Old version: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Outline of Glass bulb Low pressure inert gas (argon, neon, nitrogen) Tungsten filament Contact wire (goes out of stem) Contact wire (goes into stem) Support wires Stem (glass mount) Contact wire (goes out of stem) Cap (sleeve) Insulation (vitrite) Electrical contact Light output is measured in lumens. lumens... lux on the other hand measureas light intensity spread o over an area. Lighting Circuit [taken from] In modern domestic properties in the UK, the main electric lighting circuits are separate from the power ring main circuit. Each house should id ideally eally have at least two lighting circuits; each protected by a 5 amp fuse or 6 amp trip in the consumer unit. A single 5/6 amp circuit can cope with up to twelve 100 watt lamps Shaver units may also be connected to the lighting circuit (treat it as equivalent equivalent to one 100 watt lamp) - where installed in a bathroom or a room containing a shower, the shaver unit must incorporate an isolating transformer. The Devils Science Notess The cable used is a 1sq mm PVC twin core and earth rated for up to 12 amps. It consists of a red insulated ed core for live, black insulated core for neutral with a bare earth conductor between them. The three conductors are laid side by side within a PVC sheath. When connecting the cable, the exposed earth connector must be covered with a sleeve coloured yellow yellow and green (to denote that it's an earth). ring circuit since 1st january 1995. common European standard of 230 V has been supplied in single phase 50 Hz installations. it was 240 before A radial circuit is one where power is transmitted from point to point by a single length of cable linking each point to the next. It starts at the main switch or fuse and simply terminates at the last connected device. Lighting circuits are normally wired in this way, but it may also be used for low power socket circuits Ring circuits are commonly used in British wiring with fused 13 A plugs to BS 1363. Ring circuits can generate strong unwanted magnetic fields. The Devils Science Notes Energy Requirements of common house hold Appliences cost of grid power when last che cked was 0.1717 kwh Watt = 1 joule of energy per second kilowatt (kw) = 1000 watts 1 kwh = 3,600,000 kilojoules used 3.6 MJ or 3,600,000 watts = killowatt hour (kwh) on power bills = your average consumption per second spread over that hour! so a daily use of 5.4kwh would mean a continuous draw of 225 watts (a second) as you have to divide it by 24 to get the hourly use. that’s an average, you have to be aware of maximum load and duration for spikes when your planning a battery strategy on charging/usage and other things. Examples (Volts * Amps = Watts) Item Aspire 9300 lap top computer: (old) tiny lap top la spa hot tub - 2 seperate pumps, and a heater 32inch lcd lexsor television play station -2 wireless router microwave Fridge living room light fitting (3 x 11 watt bulbs) sony ericson mobile charge Dyson DC07 vacume cleaner kenwood bread maker tesco jug kettle panasonic sa-ak320 mino hifi (5 cd changer) Volts Watts (per second) Amps 19 4.75 90.25 19 7.9 150.01 230 32 max 7360??? 22-24 9? 200 8.5 12 5.3 1 102 2 45.05 12 1000 240 33 4.9 0.7 (700mA) 3.3 1050 480 max 2200 242 Join for more politics and more science ideas… stand by (watts) 2??? The Devils Science Notes A rated electric cooker 0.79 kwh Induction hobs are also said to be considerably more energy efficient than gas hobs cost of induction hob (start £300) and are perhaps taking over gas which is over priced, and on the way out! [you may need to change your pans for efficiency/so it will work as ferrous pans are required because the electromagnetic field transfers its energy directly to the pan. The hobs also begin to cool down as soon as the pan is taken away, meaning that they are very safe to touch. In comparison to gas, there are no emissions, and hence no fears about any gas leaks] ] typically hobs are: 2 x 2,00 kW induction zones, Ø 180 mm 2 x 1,50 kW induction zones, Ø 180 mm Technology Efficiency Time required to boil 2 quarts (1.9 litres) of water Energy consumption when boiling 2 litres of water (from 20 degrees Celsius) Induction stove 83 to 90% [4] 4 minutes 46 seconds 745 kJ Halogen stove 60% 9 minutes 0 seconds 1120 kJ Electron Coil or Cast Iron 55% 9 minutes 50 seconds 1220 kJ Gas 40% [5] 8 minutes 18 seconds 1340 kJ reference: electric boilers and electric heaters: my gas bill over winter of 2008 was 256.87 which the point I turned the thermostat off! and only started turning it on, when I needed it! (saving me £200 off my gas/electric bill) currently my gas bill is around 36.17 and I’m not using hot water at all(or barely) so the majority of that is cooking which I rarely do so its over priced! Note: when considering boilers, you have to realise that boilers switch on/off all the time like a fridge so you have to consider how long its on to heat! as well as the power it uses to heat it. ie. 212kwh may not be on all the time for the entire hour. so you need average use as well! which is how Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes fridges work. i.e. whats needed to keep the water warm! as you need to consider solar heating here as well. the other alternative is pricing of heaters in separate rooms, as opposed to using the old gas central heating, as I think gas is over priced more expensive (but I have yet to prove that!) either way with solar power, wind turbines, and magnet generators I want gas out! (if I had the choice with a new home) High efficiency condensing boilers convert 86% or more of their fuel into heat, compared to 65% for old G rated boilers. Combination boilers Combination boilers provide both instant hot water and central heating, but not at the same time they are "hot water priority", which means that when hot water is being run there is no heat output to the radiators. This also means they have low water rate, so they can only feed one tap at a time. For historical reasons boiler heating powers are often expressed in the British Imperial units BTU/hr rather than the kW equivalent. To convert from kW to BTU/hr multiply by 3412 e.g. 1 kW = 3412 BTU/hr. Similarly to convert from BTU/hr to kW divide by 3412. example pricing: £355 £355 OUTPUT 9 KW --- (30,600 BTU's) --- Width 165mm, Height 1080mm, Depth 143mm £476 OUTPUT 12 KW -- (40,800 BTU's) -- Width 165mm, Height 1080mm, Depth 143mm £596 OUTPUT 2 KW --- (6,824 BTU's) --- Width 165mm, Height 550mm, Depth 143mm OUTPUT 6 KW --- (20,400 BTU's) --- Width 165mm, Height 825mm, Depth 143mm So the million doller question is, how much heating do you need? and how long will it be on over the course of an hour to maintain the water at the temperature your thermostats at! and how long will it take to get it there! (I think gas is a rip off, but I still haven’t done the maths) No one else seems to know either? I remember my old fish tank (4ft x 3ft x1.5w being heated by one of those tiny 150 watt heaters to the correct temp (took ages, but got their in the end/compare against heating fast/heater off! coming back on as it cools…). so yeah. how long will the heater be on for! as without that stat you can’t figure out price/running costs at all) Q How big is your water tank? [from the web] 3kW electric on a 50 gal tank (US) = 10,236 BtuH on 400 lb water. Since 1 BtuH = 1 lb water/1 degree F/Hr then 10,236 BtuH will heat 400 lb by about 25 deg F. in one hour. If you fill the tank completely with cold water at 40 deg F and want it at 140 deg F, then it will take about 4 Hr. Same tank on natural gas at 50,000 BtuH will take about 45 min. notwithstanding the fact, heater efficiency can change all that. depending on what is wasted/put to use! which means the entire thing is a mess! when trying to compare prices. as draw is one thing, but how well does it work? and how long will it be off, before it cuts in again? 1 litre of water weighs 1.01 kilograms. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes 1 litre = 10cm x 10 cm x 10cm 1 foot = 30.48 centimetres 1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pounds 1 Imperial gallon = 4.54609188 litres [if your after my old fish tank! it was 121cm x 91.14cm x 45.57cm = 502.54 litres of water (this didn’t need to get hot fast, and only needed to stay in the correct temperature range for use!!! 502.54 / 1.01 = 497.56 kg of water! 497.56 / 2.20462262 = 229.69 Lb = amount of btuHs to heat it by a degree. 1kwh = 3412 Btus meaning my 150 watt heater would heat 513.5.btus by a degree in an hour. 513.5 / 229.69 = +2.69 degree in an hour (but you have to factor in it getting cold/loosing heat as well to the surroundings – I suppose? was it a 150 watt heater, or was it a stronger one I can’t remember now. but it had to stay around 37 degrees the entire time! so I needed it to heat the water quicker then it takes to cool! (water flows around a pump, bit like a radiator system all be it we hope without the heat loss with fish!) and the heater wasn’t on 24/7 and the lights above the tank some heat out as well put perhaps didn’t add to the equation at all! so yeah maybe it was a 300 watt one can’t remember now at all] eitherway heat convection rocked So yes how quick do you need to get warm? as its life or death for fish! so yes pipes? insulation and the heaters themselves? Either experiment with a thermometer, or use newtons law of cooling. to work out how quickly water will go cold (useful for working out how fast we need to heat!) as we need to consider ambient temperature, humidty, insulation, surface area and things like that Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes energy notes: [] boiler themorstat recommend temps: 60 C (140 F). Set room thermostat at 18 C - 21 C (65 - 70 F) With young children or elderly in bed, the temperature should not be allowed to fall below 12 C (55 F). For severely disabled people or babies a room temperature of 23 C (73 F) may be more appropriate . Setting your room thermostat down 1 0C can save up to 10% on your fuel bill. mines at 15 (if its on which it isn’t currently! I have gas/cant afford to run it at all. so am freezing my but off this winter incase I get another £200 on my bill I can’t afford to pay! this means you generally don’t want to get out of bed/eat at all!) Reduce the time the heating is on: You will probably find that you can save energy without loss of comfort by setting the system to "come on" about half to three quarters of an hour before you get up, and to "go off" half an hour before everyone goes out. Set it to "come on" again half and hour before you get home and to "go off" again half an hour before going to bed. notes: legionnaires grow/reproduce at 20-45 degrees. said bug" dies at temp above about 55-60. and its a naturally accuring bacteria... Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Radiator loss (the point) The heat emitted from a radiator or heating panel depends primarily on the temperature difference between the radiator and the surrounding air. The heat emission can be expressed as: P = P50 [ (ti - tr) / ln( (ti - ta) / (tr - ta) ) 1 / 49.32 ]n (1) where P = the emitted heat (W, J/s) P50 = the emitted heat with an temperature difference 50oC (W). In general radiators are dimensioned1) for a middle temperature of 70oC and surrounding temperatures of 20oC (a difference of 50oC) ti = water temperature inn (oC) tr = water temperature out (oC) ta = surrounding air temperature (oC) n = constant describing the type of radiator (1.33 for standard panel radiators, 1.3 - 1.6 for convectors) BTU room calculators for calculating load you need to consider the pressure the boiler can handle, and the amount of load “Btus” the radiators are taking up. seems to be a lot off of views on formula. as it depends on factors like double glazing, outside wall, north facing, type of floor, insulation things like that. to find size of radiator you require: (from web) Bedrooms BTU = width/ft x length/ft x height/ft x 4 Living rooms/Bath BTU = width/ft x length/ft x height/ft x 5 Overly complicating it [] Ventilation heat loss Ventilation = Room X Air Change X Temperature X Ventilation Heat Loss Volume Rate Difference Factor ( Watts ) ( m3 ) ( Qty) ( oC ) ( w / m3 0C ) fabric heat loss The 'U Value' of a building element is the rate of loss of heat in watts per square meter of that element per degree centigrade temperature difference across that element. Thus the rate of loss of heat through a building element is give by: Fabric Heat Loss ( Watts ) = U Value ( w/m2 0C ) X Area ( m2 ) X Temperature Difference ( oC ) Complete tables of pre calculated "U" Values, are published by British Standards Institute. The minimum design temperature and air change rates required by BS 5449: 1990 are set out in the table below. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Room Lounge sitting room Living room Dining room Kitchen Breakfast room Kitchen/Breakfast Hall Cloakroom Toilet Utility Room Study Games Room Bedroom Bedroom/en suite Bedsitting Bedroom/Study Landing Bathroom Dressingroom Storeroom Temp 21 21 21 18 21 21 18 18 18 18 21 21 18 18 21 21 18 22 21 16 Air Change 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 Heatloss calculation for a bedroom example Surface Element External wall Window Area X Temp/Diff X U Value ( m2 ) ( oC ) (W/m2 oC) 5.5 x 19 x = Design Heatloss Totals Watts 0.92 = 96 2.0 x 19 x 5 = 190 10.0 x 8 x 2.1 = 168 Internal wall 1 7.5 x Nil x N/A = N/A Internal wall 2 10.0 x -2 x 1.7 = -34 Floor 12.0 x -5 x 1.36 = -82 Ceiling 12.0 x 19 x 0.34 = 78 Party Wall 416 Ventilation Heatloss Air Changes X Room Volume X Temp/Diff X Vent Factor = Design Heatloss ( m3 ) 2 x 30 (O C ) x 19 ( W/m3 OC ) x 0.33 Watts = 376 Total Design Heatloss 376 792 W Notes : 1. All "U" values are take from British Standards 2. Heat Gains (#) from adjacent Warmer Spaces 3. Correction factors need to be added to the calculated Q What’s the difference between Watts & BTUs? A They are both measurements of heat output. To convert from Watts to BTU, simply divide by 0.293. To convert BTUs to Watts multiply by 0.293 Adding the total for all the rooms in your house or flat will give you the demand in BTUs for the whole house. Add approx 12,000 BTU to the total for a hot water cylinder and 10% for general losses. This will then give you the boiler size you need for your house. (allegedly! Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes oh for a formula for surface area, length of pipes to tell me the rate it looses a degree and that be it.. as this lot seems overly complicating it somehow! in the meantime its radiators and mine are off! (so like I care anyway) remember Heat is a form of energy. Heat energy is also called thermal energy. When heat is given to a body, its temperature increases and when heat is removed from a body, its temperature decreases and heat travels from hot to cold The basic equation for Newton's Law of Cooling is: [cut and pasted from as I suck at maths!] T(t) = TA + (TH-TA) e-kt where T(t) = Temperature at time t TA = Ambient temperature (temp of surroundings) TH = Temperature of hot object at time 0 k = positive constant t = time This kind of cooling data can be measured and plotted and the results can be used to compute the unkown parameter k. The parameter can sometimes also be derived mathematically. Deriving the Equation: Newton's Law of Cooling can be derived from two basic physics equations and a little calculus. Deriving the relationship from scratch is useful because we can then compute the coefficient k based on the R-value of the insulation and some other parameters, and compare that to the empirically measured value of k. The first basic formula is that for heat loss through an insulating material: Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes H = A(Thot-Tcold)/R where H = Heat loss in btu/hr A = Surface area in square feet Thot = Hot water temperature in F Tcold = Air temperature in F R = R-value of the insulation in ft2hrF/btu This formula can also be stated as: H = AU(Thot-Tcold) Here U is the conductance of the insulating material. The conductance is the reciprocal of the R-value. Both equations give the same result, they just have a slightly different form. Sometimes people who work with insulation find it more convenient to use R-values, and sometimes it is more convenient to use U values (depending on whether the insulation is in series or parallel). I will use the first heat loss formula because we happen to have the R-values at hand. The second basic formula relates the heat energy added to a material to its temperature: Q = mc(T-Ti) (2) where Q = Heat in btus m = mass in pounds c = specific heat in btus/lb/F T = Temperature of the substance after the heat is added, in F Ti = Initial temperature of the substance in F Now imagine an insulated hot water tank containing a mass of hot water. Heat escapes through the insulation as described by the first equation, causing the water to cool down as described by the second equation. If we can link the two equations and apply a little calculus we can get some neat results. Here goes: H = dQ/dt = A(Thot-Tcold)/R Substitute T for Thot because that will be changing as the water cools, and substitute TA for Tcold because A stands for the ambient air temperature outside the insulation. dQ = (A(T-TA)/R) dt Restating equation (2) using differentials: dQ = mc dT We can now equate the two dQ's, but we have to be careful because one is stated as a positive and the other is really a negative, so we have to include a negative sign on one side: mc dT = -(A(T-TA)/R) dt Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Rearranging: dT/(T-TA) = -(A/(mcR)) dt Taking the indefinite integral of both sides yields: ln(T-TA) = -(A/(mcR))t + C where C is the constant of integration. Using each side as the exponent of e: T-TA = C'e-(A/(mcR))t where C' is actually a different constant: C' = eC So T(t) = TA + C'e-(A/(mcR))t We can solve for C' by setting t=0: T(0) = TA + C' C' = T(0) - TA But T(0) is actually the initial hot water temperature, call it TH So C' = (TH - TA) Finally: T(t) = TA + (TH - TA)e-(A/(mcR))t Behold, this is Newton's Law of Cooling as stated at the top of this web page, with k=A/(mcR). We often know the values of A, m, c, and R, so can then compute k. Sample Calculation: As a simple example, if I shut off the power to our 80 gallon R-16 water heater, how much would it cool down over the course of a day? Suppose: TH = 120 F TA = 60 F A = 37.5 ft2 as computed in page on hot water tank heat loss m = 80 gal * 8.34 lb/gal = 667 lb c = 1 btu/lb/F for water R = 16 So the coefficient A/(mcR) = 37.5/(667*1*16) = 0.00351 Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Substituting into the equation: T(t) = 60 + (120 - 60)e-0.00351 t Setting t=24 hours: T(24) = 115 F A hot water tank with a higher R-value would cool down less, and one with a lower R-value would cool down more. As I stated on the web page on hot water tank heat loss, I suspect that the brass pressure relief valve and the hot water pipe may leak as much heat as the insulation. This means that the actual rate of cooling could be significantly faster than this calculated result. end of cut and paste, we assume this will be helpful one of these days just not now! radiant heat v forced air v heat pumps v underfloor heating v anything else remember: your more interested in how long the heater is on! (i.e. if the room is hitting required temp/thermostat goes off then your not using the kwh which assumes continuous average use over the period! so more localised heat sources may be better depending on your requirements as most people seem to keep spouting b*llocks on this! my radiator bills have proved its not efficient at all in the long run (for me – 1 bloke in a house alone!) A toaster uses radiant heat. The metal elements in the toaster heat up, and convey that heat to the bread. Very efficient. But a hot-air popcorn popper uses forced air instead, by sucking in room air and then blowing out hot air. They both use similar amounts of electricity, but the toaster is more efficient. You could toast a piece of bread with a popcorn popper, but it would take longer. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Hydrogen production (you burn it!!!) HH0 in cars and for welding as well… Water is two hydrogen atoms in a covelent bond with an oxygen atom.(they share electrons) i.e. oxygen has two free slots the hydrogen atoms fill. water normally align in a tetrahedral geometry with the sigma pairs looking to be as far as part as possible (109.5 degrees) if you drew the oxygen atom in the centre of a pyramid! however the hydrogen pairs are pushed closer together (104.5 degrees) because the other two electron pairs orbit closer. (electrons repel each other! so its strange how they circle in pairs! anyway due to tug and war effect of hydrogen and oxygen pulling on the electrons (they aren’t the same size) the atoms exibit a slight charge. which is known as the dipole moment. the hydogean is slightly negative, while the hydrogen side is slightly positive and this is perhaps enough to make things like electrolysis and other things work distilled water (pure water – tap water isn’t pure has other chemicals/minerals dissolved in it) will conduct electricity because of the above! and insulators will conduct electricity if sufficient voltage is applied to them to overcome their huge resistance as well before people start spouting gibberish again perhaps an experiment is in order? (70 micro amps at 12 volts? higher – curved/with more?) Water is diamagnetic and repelled from a magnetic field [hearsay: two diamagnetic hydrogen atoms and one paramagnetic oxygen atom? A team in South Korea has discovered a whole new dimension to just about the simplest chemical reaction in the book - what happens when you dissolve a substance in water and then add more water. Conventional wisdom says that the dissolved molecules simply spread further and further apart as a solution is diluted. But two chemists have found that some do the opposite: they clump together, first as clusters of molecules, then as bigger aggregates of those clusters. Far from drifting apart from their neighbours, they got closer together. some people dilute medicanes arguing it increases potency but is this effect in play??? magnetism on water i.e. water left to magnet exposuse south pole being better, promotes alkaline results in body for some bizarre reason/tastes better. while stuff exposed to north pole tastes bitter has the opposite effect? which ties in with surface tension and how water aligns (i.e. the negative side up) normally, south pole would expose the hydrogen instead and this is perhaps used more when it comes to absorbing things… stale water tastes off! this is perhaps because more of it aligns - which makes it uck to humans perhaps? i.e. fresh water is all over the place, and it would take awhile for it to form… ] Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes heat will effect the conductivity as well electrolosys (anode is throwing electrodes out) they collect at the cathode which is the one hydrogen comes off! which is bizarre when you think about it. but yes oxygen rushes to the anode (+) (the output device for the cell/input device for the circuit) as it implies stealing the electrons and throwing them out… while the other implies taking them in, and giving them out to hydrogen as well! sweet wrappers sticking to my arm (and the stronger object winning/ripping electrons off is perhaps the winner here!) Note: 2H ie. two separate Hydogen atoms is different from H2 which is two hydrogen atoms bonded around a single electron. hydronium (H3O+) and hydroxide (OH-). another head fuck: (boiling points!) Hydorgen blow tourch: Invented by Langmuir in 1926 , this device produces a temperature of 3700 degrees centigrade. Tungsten can be melted , diamond vapourised. H + H > H2 + 422kJ From the May 1, 1926 issue of The Science News-Letter - "...developed by Dr. Irving Langmuir, assistant director of the Schenectady laboratory, and makes use of what he calls flames of atomic hydrogen.... Electric currents of 20 amperes and at voltages ranging from 300 to 800" From A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry, Partington 1946 - "Atomic hydrogen. - Langmuir (1912) has shown that hydrogen in contact with a tungsten wire heated by an electric current at low pressure, is dissociated into atoms: H2 <=> 2H. This splitting of the hydrogen molecule is attended by the absorption of a large amount of energy, about 100kcal per gram molecule. The atomic hydrogen so formed is chemically very active. Langmuir also showed that atomic Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes hydrogen is formed when an electric arc between tungsten electrodes is allowed to burn in hydrogen at atmospheric pressure. The atomic hydrogen was blown out of the arc by a jet of molecular hydrogen directed across the arc, and formed an intensely hot flame, which is capable of melting tungsten (m.p. 3400oC). This flame obtains its heat not from combustion but from the recombination of hydrogen atoms into H2. It is suitable for melting and welding many metals. Iron can be melted without contamination with carbon, oxygen or nitrogen. Because of the powerful reducing action of the atomic hydrogen, alloys can be melted without fluxes and without surface oxidation. A feature of the flame is the great rapidity with which heat can be delivered to a surface, which is very important in welding operations." [reference] hho tourches (see utube) spark back protector (section of tube, where gas goes through a porus bit of plastic to stop any explosions going back to the tanks. mike myers has patents on this as well! but the trick is the shape of the nozel (thin) which the gas is being filtered through. other have the safty in the nozzle bit. bronze wool is being used for flashback arrester end of torch bit(at least by some. some say it has to be wet) placed just before it narrows into a tiny tube (the bit you light) and a standard air valve (to turn tourch off) before it. assembly: plastic tube letal air valve on/off metal section with air arrester in tip assembly suggestions: see vidios on utbue random point: people are using hho tourches on the web to melt silica sand as well… Hydrogen (H) = 1 proton (rarely does it have a neutron attached in the earth atmosphere. Abundance 99.98% . Other isotopes Deutrium 2H 1 proton, 1 nutron is 1 in every 6,500 atoms present in heavy water Hydrogen produces water when burned in air. Pure hydrogen-oxygen flames emit ultraviolet light and are nearly invisible to the naked eye 2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2 H2O(l) + 572 kJ (286 kJ/mol) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes ionize hydrogen, photons need an energy greater than 13.6 electronvolts, which corresponds to a [ultraviolet photon] wavelength of 91.2 nm. [ref] its electron ground state is -13.6 electron volts. chemical make up of air %: Nitrogen (N2) 78.08 Oxygen (O2) 20.95 Argon (Ar) 0.93 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.033 Neon (Ne) 0.0018 Helium (He) 0.00052 Methane (CH4) 0.0002 Krypton (Kr) 0.00011 Nitrogen(I) Oxide (N20) 0.00005 Hydrogen H2 0.00005 Xenon Xe 0.0000087 Ozone 03 0.000001 source Why does burning hydrogen H produce H20? not NH3 (ammonia) which is the most common compound, and is lighter then air note ammonia boils at −33.3 °C, and solidifies at −77.7 °C. while water solidifies at 0°C,, and boils at 100°C. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notess The triple bond in molecular nitrogen (N2) is i the strongest in nature. (why?) now compare with the harber process: which is the synthesis of ammonia using a form of magnetite, magnetite, iron oxide, as the catalyst: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) −1 2 NH3 (g) (ΔH = −92.4 kJ·mol kJ· ) This is done at 15–25 MPa (150–250 250 bar) and between 300 and 550 °C as you compare are hydrogen burning in a flame (while forming water with the air!) energy required to break H20 with electrolosys: 2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g); E0 = +1.229 V • • the electrode potential for the reduction producing hydrogen is −0.41 V the electrode potential for the oxidation producing oxygen is +0.82 V. 1.229 volts is allegdly the minimum voltage you need to break water up! Oxygen will collect at the anode and hydrogen will collect at the cathode. "glowing splint" test. A glowing splint is held over the tube containing oxygen. If oxygen is present, the splint reignites problem: (from the web) Hook up a 1.5 volt dry-cell cell battery to the two plates using a couple of test leads and then measure the voltage across the cell plates. You should see some gas coming off the electrodes and it'll be fizzing. (my measurement showed 1.51 volts under load) 4. Next, connect a small silicon rectifier diode diod in series with the battery and cell. The particular diode I had available dropped the circuit voltage by about .5 volts. The current will be quite a bit lower than it was, and the gas production will be quite a bit slower. But, you should be able to see and hear the bubbles coming off the plates. (my cell voltage was 1.05 volts during this part of the test.) Congratulations! Your cell voltage should be lower than 1.24 volts, and yet you are still producing hydrogen and oxygen gas! this type of reaction also gives off heat as well! why? what effect does temperature have, and heat as well? note: electrolysis is more effect at higher temperatures (i.e. more comes off as it warms up, and it will warm up…) What works better? DC, AC/DC or pulsed pulsed? [there is a difference] try around 5 KHz (varies with mineral content/make content up of water) and 2000-500o 500o volts with next to no ampage! (i.e. use a transformer) meyer claimed to have tapped into the zero ero point energy a i.e. there is a frequency/rate where it just goes crazy and it releass hydrogen gas at a rate exceeding the The Devils Science Notes other frequencies, and this would tie into some other sources as well, which certain people don’t like! Think of a gun shoot where the door opens. and you have to get the timing right and hit the target as it pops up, and if you miss it (shoot too many times it breaks the rhythm) it f**ks it up! i.e. your score goes down. and you have to make sure your hitting it when its open (optimal time) and you may have more of an idea… why it works (see resonance glass breaking, bridges breaking to the beat (when the shouldn’t! and you get the idea…) LOOK AT WHAT HE SAID – as people seem to be doing other voltages/ignoring the stats frequency and they did on the water burning thing as well. its almost as though people go stupid or something here. these odd combinations account for the cold fusion/transmutation crowd as well! i.e. depends what mix/ratio of elements you have to the results, and people seem to ignore numbers, stats, combinations for some reasons. i.e. what frequency does glass break at! random points elsewhere: Meyer's cell functions at greatest efficiency with pure water. I believe he said he used alumium for both eltrodes on one of the videos he did (early cells) staneless steel is mentioned elsewhere and what gets me is no one seems to be trying to do the same voltages at all. [ref] beware the electrolyte you use and what you produce! In chemistry, salts are ionic compounds which can result from the neutralization reaction of acids and bases. Salts are ionic compounds composed of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negative ions) so that the product is electrically neutral (without a net charge). i.e. Na+ and Cl- join together to form NaCl note: if you add salt you will get more gas, but you will also get chlorine coming off the oxygen terminal as well. (hydrogen is the one which burns) positive sodium ions move towards the negatively charged electrode (the cathode while chloride ions are attracted to the positive electrode (the anode). When they get there, each chloride ion loses an electron to the anode to form an atom, and those deposited electrons get pumped around the circuit to the cathode as they join with the sodium again… Anode: chlorine (Cl2) Note: small amounts of oxygen will form at this terminal as well! Note: Cl2 boils at -34.04c, while oxygen boils at -182.95 C Cathode: sodium hydroxide (NaOH) AKA lye! melts at 318c, boils at 1338c Cathode: hydrogen (H2) is a gas at room tempt! boils at (- 252.87 c) sodium hydroxide solution leaving the cell is usually concentrated by evaporation. Warning: Both solid dry lye (caustic soda) and lye solutions are corrosive and will degrade organic tissue. heavy duty alkali at about 13.0 pH. is highly exothermic mixed with Aluminum it will form hydrogen in large quanties. Sodium hydroxide and chlorine combine to form sodium hypochlorite solution which is widely used in the home as domestic bleach. A stronger solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl )is used as a dairy and industrial disinfectant. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The solution must be kept below 40 °C (by cooling coils) to prevent the undesired formation of sodium chlorate. Cl2 + 2 NaOH → NaCl + NaOCl+ H2O now how much energy do you need to extract a mol of the gas? [1 kiloJoule (kJ) = 6.24150974 × 1021 electron volts = 6 ,241 ,457, 006, 000, 000, 000,000 kiloelectron volts (keV)]] 572kj = 3.57113407432x1021 = 3 570 113 407 432 000 000 000 kilo-electron volts (keV) A electronvolt is the kinetic energy a electron gets when its passed through a 1 volt electrostatic potential difference. A volt is one joule/coulomb. which is 6.25 x 1018 electrons make up one coulomb of charge 1kj = BTU’s 0.94781712 ( BTUs to Watts multiply by 0.293 ) which is only to heat water – not to generate stream/turn a turbine inorder to induce current to break the water up… which could be done by renewable but yeah…. how much energy in water again?) Anyway from what I can see. you get more energy “heat from water” then you do from separation, ignoring wastage which seems to be the bitch, unless you want to prove my maths wrong! as I don’t go in for that second rule of thermodynamics which I think is a misnomer people quote to stop thinking about things logically! i.e. they go its impossible without using their eyes as a lot of people seem to think its doable, are doing it currently A heat proof plastic container (i.e. cookwear – this produces heat remember!) and jus two steel plates (these would rust) for the anode/cathode will do! stick salt/baking sodar in and put a current through. and bang hydrogen is produced. people have modified their cars for increase efficiency. i.e. piping it into the air flow! so it mixes with the air. see H00 generators/utube for more. STAN MEYER hes tactic was to use 0.5 amp with lots of volts, pulsed (i.e. high frequency) not constant current and this is what trigger the immense release of hydrogen, outside “conventional wisdom” i.e. pulses/frequency seem to be the order of the day… most people just regurgitate the 2nd law of thermodynamics which seems arrogant for people who know nothing at all! i.e. how does anyone come up with a rule like that! without trying every combination first! and it seems range matters for things like this (see cold fusion as well!) Think! Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes drilling holes for wires to go through isn’t that hard, silicon sealing gel? to make it watertight, and another hole/pipe to let the gas off/store it elsewhere is not outside the realm of probability. note lighting small amounts of hydrogen gas will result in a bang, people do it for a laugh and some morons have even hooked up gas bottles of the stuff direct to the car – but there is a kick back/it can explode if you do it in the wrong place and yes stuff gets how, so think about saftey gear: i.e. cutting power off if it gets too hot! all you need Is a separate circuit which breaks the main one, if stuff starts going out of yours afety parameters… in short term experiments where you monitoring it, you can suck it and see – but for unsupervised use… your going to want to add your check in! (which is what takes you perhaps from being an amateur to mainstream professional perhaps? when you consider the limitations of things like that) other people will warn you off trying to do anything at all – these people perhaps may be more concerned about you coming up with something new/getting good/cutting them out of the market though then your health long term! screw it just do it, yes you can and all the other stuff– just learn the risks before hand, and counter them with skill! you can probably drill holes in tops of saucepans, weld copper tubbing in, make a still without any real hastle (for other things) Do a search on John Kanzius (Died feb 18th 2009) he accidently discovered you could burn salt water when you exposed it to a certain radio frequency. this apparently weakons the bonds. Frequency ive heard reported is around 13.56 MHz. it was on the news in 2007 but everyone seemed to ignore it. to my knowledge no one has gone into how wide an area you can ignite with it. as it was just tiny test tubes they were using. burnt around 1800c they used it to power a miniature steam engine. what about central heating? and how big a fire can you get? as people are complaining about the amount of energy you get v the singnal strength. but as it would be a fuel source (it only burns while the frequency is maintained!) you could potentially get better results over a wider area. now the problem here is. chlorine. so you may have to filter the fumes out/treat them in a exhaust if you try and build something mainstream! i.e. you don’t wan that stuff going into the air willy nilly. also has anyone tried it yet with a substitute to salt? as there are alternatives in electrolosis as well. i.e. different salts/mizes/frequencies may harbor different results. if the results of resonance are to go by elsewhere. anyway there is a lot of scope for progress/new tech here! notwithstanding cars, welding and other things… most people seem to resent anyone discovering anything here! as people are lazy, want other people to bring it into the mainstream before they begin to use it, look at it properly… i.e. people fight innovation tooth and nail, because they hare anyone discovering anything new! much as they hate to admit otherwise here I don’t have the cash for an rf signal generator at all. so I couldn’t build one even if I had the parts! people were using pringle tubes (metal lining) as receivers at one point for wireless as well… when it comes to how that is done gas separation Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes never ever take a light bulb, melt the glue and fill it with hydrogen/black power before putting it back together again. as if you did that/turned it on. the filament would act as a fuse and that would be bad! as the entire idea of light bulbs was to remove the air so it wouldn’t explode! • hydrogen gas burns. Heat this one bugs the crap out of me! side effect of current moving around a circuit and what with theories of gas, I think its wrong. heat is a particle of some kind, and I think it repels each other. i.e. lots of it together causes gases to expand, separate like magnets. if you compress it down (the heat escapes is released) and if you expand it it allows more room for heat from other areas to go in. i.e. fridge freezer technology. and considering the energy stored in “bonds” as you consider exothermic/endothermic reactions. i.e. explosions and those which absorb heat. you have to reconsider the particle model again. as the heat absorbtion stats are all over the place! and you need to do more work here before you figure out what the f**k is going on/ that lot may be controversial to some, but is where I currently stand: see thermodynamics/other people for more! anyway: Q = heat transfer rate Q = dQ / dt measured in watts. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes heat flux heat transfer per cross sectional area We use heat all the time (perhaps to produce steam to turn turbines, that it has to be considered especially with wastage and the effects of temperature on other things! i.e. as a resistive/repelling force/perhaps levitation as well inter alia) phonon is a quantum of energy (a vibration) i.e. an energy packet? moving through an object (Like a crystal lattice) perhaps. sound as opposed to photon for “Light”. whats the difference here? magnets: gyroscopes (movement) there of! carrying a person across the road = lot of weight, a person in a tire, rolled is easier to move (a few taps) once its going magnets do run out eventually valves we’ve talke about stream pressure before, you boil water up. the gas expands and sooner or later something has to give! unless we control the pressure direction of force. (I apologies for the crap nature of my diagrams again – but essentially you either having a force pushing on something/opening it up. i.e. its greater then the closing force. or you have something which gives/breaks sooner then the rest of the continer as in the top diagram. as the gas can push on a “button”, creating a gap. for pressure to release or you can have manual valves where you turn Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes it on/off. i.e. a disk which spins. closed (the pipe is blocked) turned it is open and stuff can continue as is. see diagram for a butterfly valve! future/closing points I think quantum phsyics is getting confused between the interpretation of a thing, i.e. how we as individual see it, and what it is! i.e. they are not necessarily one and the same. so I have issues with color forces and stuff like that – as it goes back to cause and effect. i.e. a sensor and the effect of the thing/and how it is displayed/rendered is not the same things at all! and goes to interpretation and you loose sight of the facts, and what the hell is going on! when you start reading into technobable. ergo take a step back and meditate on the basics instead! you will get further in the end! as no one knows what they are talking about at all! and that’s the problem- it shows in their results at times. use your own mind and do instead least you deceive yourself with observations and “rules” which may not exist at all inter alia The human energy system In the 80’s their was a bloke called James Hydrick who was seen rotating pencils, and moving yellow pages manuals. he was foiled when steofoam (static electricity) was put before the pages. now he later confesed to breathing on the pages to move them! however have you tried moving pages by breathing? and he did the same trick with his mouth covered by a presenter on tv! which is also another problem with the confession. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes the problem is the breath control, when he was saying he was trying “to see how dumb America” could perhaps be related back to the early part of qi wong, reiki and other marial arts which he studied. now I’m not saying he could move objects or that uri geller can bend spoons but there is a problem with this! namely the human energy system and what we are, is perhaps not what the west things. if you go to a car on a dry winter day, you will often see a spark from you, to the car. when you stick the key in, you may get a shock depending on your mood, and may have seen plastic sweet wrappers sticking to you before, and there is obviously cases of levitation in the past, and other random psychic phenomen. with poltergeists and things like that. but what are we? and how does it link back? ive seen vidios of reiki helers with hot hands,(using what looks like capacitors – foil/wrapped in paper towels rolled up. to demonstrate other tricks of this nature. I myself, when meditating in the bath hands apart. experienced shocks, after a few months of meditation – which stopped me doing it after awhile (in the bath at least) because you can’t relax when your getting shocks, that and the whole babtism of fire/see my psychic course bit which put me off it for awhile. now I could mention psi balls (look it up) and other research like that, but you have to reflect on what is travelling through the air? what is matter? and what is this reality inter alia the people are stupid, they believe what ever they want to hear, most reiki masters (the east) meditate for years daily, before they get results. obviously visualing light/heat in their solar plexis region (charkras) and demonstrate results with the shocks people get. other people talk about chi and moving objects like that, qi wong, tai chi masters have been recorded throwin people from still, and akido it’s the same. you do the movements, and the actions follow suit. its all in the mind, visualisation and your stress/fear holds you back! obviously I have no proof of this! other then my own experiences, stories which none of you will believe, as your stupid! and will you will go with the mainstream, at least some of you will! perhaps its suggestion! but in theory, I think you have to consider the issue of why isn’t that screw driver moving into my hand, as the more I study learn about the human energy field (see hands of light book) the more you will realise there is perhaps more going on then you think! obviously if you can’t prove what it is! you can prove what it isn’t. ergo rule body language/cold reading out. when you get a spiritual image in your head, of something happening else where. perhaps a precognitive dream, and if you say anything you will be called a fraud, a lier and a con. so yeah, who cares what it is? does it work? what is this place? and can you move things with you mind! loo at crystals. one material, against another! that is all this lot is.. and people complain about magick. look at magnetic fields, how objects levitate/diamagnetism and think it through! your mind Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes plays tricks, but is this reality real? some of us go our entire lives without seeing anything, and others have one or two experiences which they would rather not say! so yes, why won’t they tell me the truth. why do they just prod me, with information like a puppet on a string, is this some course, some school, where you only graduate to the next level if you prove everyone wrong? i.e. you know their protests are stupid, because you’ve seen it for yourself, which is why you ignore the many, and go with the few! you’ve built on their knowledge, and that opens the door for the next stage? as it takes years, centuries before some things come through. your ideas will be resisted! if you invent something good! it will be ignored” the better the idea the more resistence you will have, the press will ignore you, you will perhaps never get funding at all and it will take generations before someone else gets the credit at all! share knowledge, and don’t be surprised if the rules are wrong – as people defend their “truth”, their reality in case they are wrong. the system is buit on authorised knowledge which the people regurgitate parot fashion, anyone who attacks that knowledge, is an outcast and academia and those deemed clever at repeating that knowledge, will defend that knowledge with their lives. it’s the same as religion, and you have been warned. know nothing, learn everything and don’t assume you know anything at all! existence is built on assumption, and that assumption could prove all of you wrong! as it only takes one exception to break the rule! and existence is it! proof of paradox? we shouldn’t exist and yet we do. that if anything should prove to you that something can be got from nothing! else we wouldn’t be here! and I don’t care if you believe in god or not.for god to create the world, it woud have to create itself first! that is an impossibility and yes has the same probability of success as each of us existing in turn! think about it, and contemplate the facts. as some of you may have to unlearn everything you were tought as a kid before you continue again. I rebelled, I resisted and I resent what I was tought! it was a waste of time and set me back years. as it conditions you into slavery in part. Others may have a better view of what they were tought! I do not as your belief set defines you, which is why I believe nothing, question everything and goes with what works. and until you try it for yourself, and build it you will never now what works. so trust yourself, or trust the corporations, government and religion which move on stupidity and keep you in fear Everything worth doing was done in the garage first! prototypes are easy! taking it to the mainstream , scaling up to mass production and protecting yourself with patents another thing entirely! I hope the people will learn to help one another build things instead, but with the way the world is currently, we may have a long time! as the prevailing mentality is to make people dependent on you, that’s the Christian/Islamic way and i’m sick of it. share the apple. share your knowledge and build something good instead. knowledge is power, it belongs in the peoples hands, which is why I do it for free! Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Appendix Ferrofluid [magnetic liquid] is used in many industrial applications. Many kinds of loudspeakers are damped with ferrofluid. If you own a CD or DVD player, the laser head most likely has a drop of ferrofluid in there to damp it. It's used in sensors and switches, and for testing magnetic audio, video and data media (floppy discs, etc.) Some new bridges in windy or earthquake-prone zones use a thicker version of ferrofluid to damp movement. When the wind starts the bridge swaying, large magnets in the structure come closer to each other, and since ferrofluid gets thicker (more dense) in a magnetic field, it stops the bridge motion. A ferrofluid will always tend to move to the region of highest flux. This can create some VERY interesting patterns when magnets of different shapes are used! make it dance – hook it up to a load speaker diamagnetism/levitation of small frogs: how to dig a well: dig a hole till you hit the water table (perhaps use a pvc pipe!) fine mesh/holes at bottom where the water is to allow it into the pipe/then you will need to consider a pump to get it out. you might want to consider dowsing rods (best place to dig!) in large pieces of land or relax your mind (try psychic ability – and get a feel for it that way! some people are very good at judging where the water is, how deep it is! so do not underestimate the power of an open mind!) cars run on water its been done in the home garage before. see Stan Meyer's Water Powered Dune Buggy for more. use your brain, you can do this stuff at home if you want to and it gets easier by the day with more knowledge on the web then ever before and remember existence can’t exist if power can’t come from somewhere. ergo it has to be possible to create energy, or their would be nothing here at all! on other points, which proves physics is wrong. See existence proof of paradox for more notwithstanding stories of all the people who have done it before (generated energy for free) Photosensitization is a process of transferring the energy of absorbed light. After absorption, the energy is transferred to the (chosen) reactants. see photochemistry for more transmutation: turning one element into another (some reports of side effects to various things) and it happens naturally in the atmosphere. davis homesake experiment high voltage/spinning disks (levitation)? hutchingson effect? electro static effect/telsa coil/levitation/transmutation/cold fussion are all other areas which need expanding/looking at Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes thermal expansion The coefficient of thermal expansion describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature. The volumetric thermal expansion coefficient is the most basic thermal expansion coefficient. All substances expand or contract when their temperature changes, and the expansion or contraction always occurs in all directions. Substances that expand at the same rate in any direction are called isotropic Unlike gases or liquids, solid materials tend to keep their shape. For Example, a steel block with a volume of 1 cubic foot might expand to 1.02 cubic feet when the temperature is raised by 50 degrees, and my heating pipes are making lots of noise. as I’ve turned the radiators on, and the snow is outside because I’m freezing my arse off here. as this system has been off for ages! (ok its hail not snow! but still I neat heat as I have perhaps neglected to do the bushist thing of meditating on fire in the solar plexus bit! *sigh* talk about raising body temperature by 17 degrees, I wish! perhaps I’m being lazy now and just want out!) Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes this is random, but come on… some of it’s a joke! positions on peridic table: c is 6, n is 7,o is 8.. Bondlength (pm) and bond energy (kJ/mol) Bond Length Energy Bond Length Energy H--H 74 436 H--C 109 413 C--C 154 348 H--N 101 391 N--N 145 170 H--O 96 366 O--O 148 145 H--F 92 568 F--F 142 158 H--Cl 127 432 Cl-Cl 199 243 H--Br 141 366 Br-Br 228 193 H--I 161 298 I--I 267 151 C--C 154 348 C--C 154 348 C=C 134 614 C--N 147 308 C≡C 120 839 C--O 143 360 C--S 182 272 O--O 148 145 C--F 135 488 O=O 121 498 C--Cl 177 330 C--Br 194 288 N--N 145 170 C--I 214 216 N≡N 110 945 The bond energy is essentially the average enthalpy change for a gas reaction to break all the similar bonds. For the methane molecule, C(-H)4, 435 kJ is required to break a single C-H bond for a mole of methane, but breaking all four C-H bonds for a mole requires 1662 kJ. Thus the average bond energy is (1662/4) 416 (not 436) kJ/mol. Bond energy is a measure of the strength of a chemical bond. The larger the bond energy, the stronger the bond. Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes l Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes Glossery mass is mealy the degree of attraction between two objects. (size is relative) ergo the heavier you are the more attractive you are perhaps mens rea – intent/presence of a guilty state of mind. Generally required in order to be found guilty of a crime. inter alia – amongst other things ultra vires exceeding ones authoritymutatis mutandis - when the necessary changes have been made and carried out [please insert new standard model here] References: Electronic lab 500 in 1 owners manual Join for more politics and more science ideas… The Devils Science Notes The laws of physics are based on observation and the interpretation of results Any law which hypothesis something can’t be done because no ones done it yet is ultra vires as we are still only seeing a subset of the results and there are many things yet to come which could take us out of “normal operating procedure” which means any law saying you can’t do something is most probably wrong as we are still trying to explain what we know. Ergo Ignore any law which is negative seeks to restrain you as they are written by morons who are trying to box themselves in, narrow your mind and have no place in physics or this universe at all Remember What you see, and how you interpret it i.e. how you render it in your mind. like hot and cold is not necessarily the same thing as what it is! you sensors are designed to detect change, and you can record you results, but what is that change really? and how does it relate back to everything else! We appear to be forgetting how to write things up, record results and people seeming increasingly keen to hide knowledge behind meaningless maths, meaningless terms as they try and maintain meaningless theories without reporting the facts. i.e. I only want to know what it is you did to get a particular result, and if you have a formula for working it out, all very well and good, but if you start giving theories in place of facts you end up as bad as religion! as your starting to hide the path of why people came to those conclusions to begin with, and you need to do it from first principles in order to build on what has come before. and anyone who hides the processes to accomplish a task is committing a crime against the human race. and remember the phrase “as far as we know” as only a fool jumps the gun, and rules things out. power corrupts, and power makes you look stupid as well inter alia for religion went the same with people trying to defend a persons interpretation rather then the result set/experiment itself. mutatis mutandis if someone thinks it can be done, then it most probably can be done and going that impossible, just makes you look like an ass. notwithstanding some people may fake their results try and be cleverer then they really are, which doesn’t stand as proof that someone else isn’t doing it another way or they will do it in time! i.e. there are potentially many ways to achieve/mimic a result set. and yours may not be better, just different. so try not to take reality too seriously, and have a break/fun/get laid Join for more politics and more science ideas…