HOW TO READ YOUR METER AND CALCULATE YOUR WATER USE COMPARED TO YOUR ALLOCATION. STEP 1. READ YOUR METER TWICE, RECORD THE DATES AND READINGS STEP 2. CALCULATE WATER USE IN HUNDRED CUBIC FEET (HCF) Reading #1: Date and meter odometer reading. Reading #2: Date: Reading #1: –HCF = Odometer Reading: Reading #2: Date and meter odometer reading. Date: (B) HCF HCF water used Odometer Reading: (A) Number of Days Between Readings: STEP 3. WATER USE PER MONTH AT CURRENT RATE OF USE x ÷ = (C) HCF per month* Water use in HCF x Number of days in the month ÷ Days between readings = Use per month* (B) (A) *at current rate of use STEP 4. WATER USE PER MONTH AT CURRENT RATE OF USE COMPARED TO ALLOCATION – Allocation for the month. – Water use in (From your allocation letter HCF per month or water bill.) (C) = = HCF per month over or under allocation Estimated amount Under allocation (if a positive #) Over allocation (if a negative #) READ YOUR WATER METER AS NEEDED, CHECK FOR LEAKS, AND STAY UNDER YOUR MANDATORY RATIONING ALLOCATION EVERY MONTH. If you cannot locate your meter, are disabled, or you would like District Staff to show you where it is located and how to read it, please contact us at: (805) 969-2271. 583 San Ysidro Road, Montecito, CA 93108-2124 • email: [email protected] • REPEAT READINGS AND CALCULATIONS AS OFTEN AS NEEDED. START AGAIN AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH MONTH. STEP 1. READ YOUR METER TWICE AGAIN, RECORD THE DATE AND READING STEP 2. CALCULATE WATER USE IN HUNDRED CUBIC FEET (HCF) Reading #3: Date and meter odometer reading. Reading #3: Date: Reading **#1: –HCF Odometer Reading: (B) = **The first reading of the month. (A) N umber of days between reading #1** and #3: HCF HCF water used STEP 3. WATER USE PER MONTH AT CURRENT RATE OF USE x ÷ = (C) HCF per month* Water use in HCF x Number of days in the month ÷ Days between readings = Use per month* (B) (A) *at current rate of use STEP 4. WATER USE PER MONTH AT CURRENT RATE OF USE COMPARED TO ALLOCATION – Allocation for the month. – Water use in (From your allocation letter HCF per month or water bill.) (C) = = HCF per month over or under allocation Estimated amount Under allocation (if a positive #) Over allocation (if a negative #) METER READING CALCULATION FILL-IN TABLE. USE THIS FILL-IN TABLE TO CALCULATE YOUR WATER USE COMPARED TO YOUR ALLOCATION. FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DO IT, SEE OTHER SIDE. Todays Date Today’s Meter Minus First Meter Equals HCF Water x Reading Reading of Month used # Days Divided by # Days Equals Water Use In Allocation Minus Water Use In Equals HCF/Month Over (+) in Month Between Readings HCF/Month HCF/Month or Under Allocation (-) – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = – =x =– = READ YOUR WATER METER AS OFTEN AS NEEDED, CHECK FOR LEAKS, AND STAY UNDER YOUR MANDATORY RATIONING ALLOCATION EVERY MONTH. If you cannot locate your meter, are disabled, or you would like District Staff to show you where it is located and how to read it, please contact us at: (805) 969-2271. MONTECITO WATER DISTRICT • 583 San Ysidro Road, Montecito, CA 93108 • email: [email protected] • www.