Document 6506507


Document 6506507
How to Stop Backaches
JULY 1959
Its Always Picnic
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Life and Health, Washington 12, D.C.
Please send me the following:
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Washington 12, D.C.
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Notional Health o
J. DeWITT FOX, M.D., L.M.C.C., Editor
HARRY M. TIPPETT, M.A., Assistant Editor
C. E. WENIGER, Ph.D., Editorial Consultant
MARY E. CASTOR, Assistant to the Editor
T. K. MARTIN, Art Editor
Consulting Editors: ROBERT A. HARE, M.D., F.A.C.P.; WALTER E. MACPHERSON, M.D., F.A.C.P.; HAROLD M. WALTON, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Contributing Editors: D. Lots BuaNErr, R.N. • HENRY W. VOLLMER, M.D., F.A.C.S. • ARLIE L. MooN, M.D. • ERWIN A. CRAWFORD, M.D.
Braille Edition, Life & Health: C. W. DEGERING, MANAGING EDITOR
G. H. HOEHN, M.D. 11
. 24
R. G. CAMPBELL, Circulation and Advertising Manager
LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1959 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association,
Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. All rights reserved. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICES, U.S. CURRENCY, U.S. and possessions, Canada, Mexico,
and Pan-American Union, I year, $3.50. Add 35c a year elsewhere. All subscriptions
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official journal of the Home Health Education Service. Published monthly by the
Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C. Second-class postage
paid at Washington, D.C.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send to LIFE AND HEALTH, Circulation Department,
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your old address label, to avoid error in old and new lists.
JULY. 1454
How to Give Medicine to Children
Giving medicine to a stubborn
child is no small "do it yourself"
home project. Dr. Forrest P. White,
a Norfolk, Virginia, pediatrician,
gives some helpful rules and technics
in a recent issue of Today's Health,
published by the American Medical
He says :
1. Plan your procedure well. Have
all your equipment within reach. If
two adults are involved, decide what
each will do.
2. Place the medicine bottle where
the child cannot knock it over, especially if the medicine is expensive.
3. Let the child know that you plan
to succeed from the outset.
4. Don't let your child's excitement
infect you, but keep calm. If you
feel anger rising, don't show it. Just
keep talking to the child calmly and
soothingly even when he is yelling his
head off.
5. If a liquid medicine is given and
the child vomits, wait until he calms
down and then repeat it. Usually the
medicine will stay down the second
6. 'The procedure when mother and
father work together is for the dad
to take the child on his lap and hold
his wrists while the mother steadies
the head and forces the mouth open.
7. When one parent gives the medicine he holds the child on his lap
with the child's legs between his knees
and the child's right arm behind the
parent's back. The parent uses his left
hand to hold the child's left elbow
so the arm is above the head and the
child's head is held firmly between
the parent's body and the child's upraised left arm.
8. When forcing medicine it is best
to give only half a teaspoonful at a
9. For the unusually rambunctious
child, Dr. White suggests pouring
half a teaspoonful into each of two
spoons, setting them on the table, and
then returning the bottle to the shelf
before getting the child.
10. The spoon should now be placed
on the child's tongue and held there.
Tip it to pour a small amount at a
time on the back of the tongue.
11. Most children resisting medicine open their mouths to cry, and
this permits the spoon to be inserted.
If instead a child clamps his mouth
shut and the mother needs both hands
free, she should wrap the child snugly
in a sheet or blanket with the child's
arms against his sides.
Dr. White advises parents to give
the child all the love and sympathy
he needs after administering the medicine.
We have been reading LIFE AND HEALTH
for many years. We have enjoyed it so
much and think of it as a wonderful
health journal.
Hurdsfield, North Dakota
I have great pleasure in stating how
satisfied I am with your LIFE AND HEALTH
magazine. I started to purchase it from a
door-to-door salesman in August, 1955.
The only regret I have is omitting to
purchase it earlier than 1955.
From the articles I have acquired a
wealth of knowledge concerning good
There was an item in January, 1958,
entitled "Exercise and Reduce." It stated
that a walk of one and a half miles a day
will enable one to lose about 15 pounds in
a year without reducing one's normal
intake of food. I can vouch from personal
experience that walking keeps down the
body weight and prevents obesity.
I advise my friends to purchase the
LIFE AND HEALTH magazine and acquire
more knowledge concerning the care of
their bodies.
Lodge Village, British Guiana
LIFE AND HEALTH has been a friend in
our home for many years. When we were
first married, some 36 years ago, it was
coming to our home in Battle Creek, Michigan. We have enjoyed reading it because
of the many helpful articles on health
found in it. We have enjoyed it so much
that we have personally subscribed to it
for many of our relatives and friends.
Loma Linda, California
For years we have been subscribers to
LIFE AND HEALTH and have appreciated
the magazine so much. After reading it
we like to pass it on to neighbors and
friends. We have also sent subscriptions
to relatives, with the result that some of
them have made helpful changes in their
diet and habits.
Montebello, California
I have been a reader of your excellent
LIFE AND HEALTH magazine for more than
twenty-five years. Not only do I enjoy
reading the fine articles on health and
nutrition that you write about, but I try
to apply this knowledge to my daily
I also look forward eagerly to the
monthly visits of Mr. and Mrs. John
Murray, who bring me this magazine.
Here's hoping you continue the good
work and bring your message to an increasing number of readers.
New York City
Color Transparency by Shostal
Supai Grand Canyon, Havasu Falls, Arizona
A river flows, placid and smooth, for miles, with
nothing to interrupt its progress toward the sea.
Then suddenly the bed on which it rested gives
This apparent disaster becomes a glorious waterfall, and men travel for miles to admire its
Into our own lives, after years of untroubled
calm, similar catastrophes will surely come. Shall
we be discouraged by them or learn a lesson from
the waterfall? The sufferings of Job, recorded in
the Sacred Scriptures, have brought comfort to
millions. The three-day blindness of Paul changed
a misguided persecutor into God's greatest missionary. The martyrdom of the saints became
their crowning glory.
So, with the help of God—who has "made every
thing beautiful in his time"—we too may turn
our troubles, our pain, our disappointments, into
the loveliest beauty spots in the streams of our
You are invited to comment on
LIFE & HEALTH articles. Which
one took your fancy? Did you take
exception to something you read?
If you have a suggestion for an
article by a doctor, nurse, or dietitian, drop us a note. Address:
Washington 12, D.C.
Ulcers and the Weather
Toothbrush Prevents Dentures
False teeth can be "postponed forever"
according to Mrs. E. Arthur Underwood,
D.D.S., Vancouver, Washington. This lady
dentist reported at a recent rural meeting
in Wichita, Kansas, that if a person gives
his teeth proper care, he can prevent
having to wear dentures. She feels that
a child should be taught to brush his
teeth for three minutes twice a day. The
average person brushes his teeth only 67
seconds. She suggests a three-minute hourglass in the bathroom to gauge the amount
of time spent brushing.
Tragic Birthdays
An emotional illness will frequently
strike a person on his birthday, or on
the anniversary of the death of a parent,
Dr. Edward Weiss reports in GP magazine.
A patient is usually unaware that his
emotional tension is connected with the
occasion, but when the connection is explained to him, he generally improves.
Dr. Weiss found that women are likely
to be most depressed on their forty-fifth
and fiftieth birthdays. Men come to melancholy on their sixtieth and sixty-fifth
Association convention in Minneapolis.
Almost everyone, it seems, considers himself a food expert.
Routine school examinations show that
poor health resulting from poor nutrition
is not limited to poor homes. Children
coming from prosperous districts are also
poorly nourished. This doesn't mean the
children are skinny and scrawny. But
many children, and adults as well, can
grow fat on food they do not need.
One of the deficient foods is protein,
found in milk, eggs, cheese, and cereals.
Most children are carefully supplied with
vitamins and minerals, yet their protein
intake is low.
Mothers unfortunately pamper their
children by giving them whatever they
want whenever it suits the fancy of the
child. This makes proper feeding a selling job. A child can drink milk and fruit
Juices fairly easily, but protein foods
often require chewing, which children are
loath to do. And protein foods are
not necessarily sweet. Many mothers have
been remiss in that they have developed
the sweet tooth in their children, making
them much more eager for desserts and
sweets and tasty between-meal snacks
than they are for their regular meals.
Duodenal ulcers may bleed when there
are marked changes in the temperature,
according to Dr. Francis K. Davis, Jr.,
of the Drexel Institute of Technology.
Cold weather seems to be more prone
to produce severe hemorrhages than
warm. Dr. Davis urged that Northerners
watch for cold-wave warnings, for a sudden change to cold weather causes constriction of the blood vessels, placing a
strain on the cardiovascular system. He
suggests that a warm climate with relatively little variation in temperature is
more suitable for duodenal ulcer patients.
* * *
Sugar Myth
The argument that sugar is not a cause
of dental decay is strictly a myth. It is
true that many Jamaicans who chew
large amounts of sugar cane have little
tooth decay, but this does not mean that
the refined sugar has no deleterious effect on the teeth. British investigators
point out that sugar cane fiber is as good
a tooth cleanser as any in existence. Moreover, sugar cells left lying around the
teeth are still alive. The antibodies in
them counteract the decaying effect of
In both these respects the unnatural
sweet of candy in the confectioners' shops
presents a striking contrast, because it
has neither antibodies nor fiber.
Wherever Mother Nature provides a
sweet in natural form she accompanies
it with vitamins and antibodies, and sometimes even with a toothbrush to help keep
our teeth clean and healthy.
Deafness and Measles
German measles has long been known
to cause blindness in newborn children
whose mothers contract the disease during the first three or four months of
pregnancy. Recent studies by the British
Ministry of Health show that measles
may also produce deafness.
Congenital deafness was found in 30.4
per cent of a group of children whose
mothers had had German measles during
the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Fiftyseven children were examined. Deafness
was previously undetected in 62 per cent.
The investigators urged that any child
born to a mother who had German measles during pregnancy should be checked
carefully for many months.
Tells clearly what causes pimples
and blackheads and how to get rid
of them.
The most satisfying explanation of
poliomyelitis we have seen in many
It your leg pains every time you go
walking, this article will help you.
Americans Are Hungry Gluttons
How an American can grow fat and
starve himself at the same time is a
strange paradox of poor nutrition. Unfortunately, nutrition is generally misunderstood and even ignored in most
parts of the country, according to Dr.
Harold D. Lynch and W. D. Snively, Jr.,
reporting to a recent American Medical
JULY, 1959
Qet in the Swim
BOUT a year ago a dear friend of
mine was fishing with three companions from a small boat off the St.
Clair Shores, near Detroit. The boys
had life preservers in the boat and
were trolling in relatively shallow
water. But they became so interested
in the fishing they did not notice when
the boat drifted into choppy water. A
squall suddenly came up and capsized
the little craft.
From high school on, these boys
had been urged to take swimming lessons. They had been given every opportunity at their YMCA, at summer
camps and pools, but they had never
taken the trouble.
So now, when this fishing boat
turned over all three boys drowned.
When I learned of the tragedy I felt
impressed to urge our readers to learn
to swim. In this modern day when
sports are so popular, it is a pity so
many boys and girls grow up without
acquiring this vital skill. Teen-agers
should by all means know how to swim
before getting into a boat, even when
there are life preservers aboard.
Swimming can offer more than
safety in time of emergency, for it is
one of the most healthful exercises
there are. It exercises nearly all the
muscles of the body, and stimulates
deep breathing, while it improves lung
capacity and brings fresh oxygen into
the lungs. This, in turn, clears cobwebs from the brain. (Fresh oxygen is
vital to tiptop brain function.) If you
are easily bored, tending to be logy
and lethargic, I suggest you take up
swimming. It will give you a new
Swimming can make any middleager prouder of his middle. When
middle-age spread, "rubber tire," and
"flabby hips" begin to make their appearance it is time to get into the
swimming pool.
If you are a good swimmer but feel
you don't have time for it, take the
time. A few minutes in a pool two or
three times a week will do much to
flatten the tummy, tone up the hips,
and correct body contours. Swimming
is better than any girdle, corset, or
foundation garment yet designed.
Muscles were meant to be used, not
to become flabby in constant idleness.
One point about swimming is that
it requires even less effort than walking. The water buoys you up, making
movement easier. Done properly, it is
not hard work. With long, smooth
strokes you'll glide through the water
with the greatest of ease.
Posture perfectionists tell us that
swimming is an excellent means for
bringing muscles back into line and
body stance into a more erect position.
By loosening and stretching the right
muscles, we find we stand straighter
and have an easier stride when we get
out of the pool.
Swimming is something anybody
1. Never swim alone. Pick a safe place, with a lifeguard present.
2. After a hard swim, rest. Don't get chilled in the water, but go
ashore and warm up. Fatigue and chilling are preludes to polio
in many cases.
3. Avoid showing off and horseplay in the water. Accidents may
mean broken bones and can be fatal.
4. Stay ashore after dark and in rough weather.
5. When too tired, change your stroke or float. Don't overdo it.
Quit while it is still fun.
6. In case of cramps—keep cool. Cramps don't cause drowning.
Ineffective movements and overbreathing can aggravate cramps.
Stretch the muscle involved. For calf cramp, straighten knee
fast. In sole cramp, press cramped foot against the instep of
the other foot and extend toes.
7. If caught in current don't fight it, but swim parallel to shore.
8. When racing, never race out to sea but toward the shore. Know
how far you can swim and make certain the racing distance is
shorter than your limit.
9. Only good swimmers should go boating.
10. Don't dive from a boat. It may overturn. Slide out of the boat
over the side. Should boat swamp or tip, stay with it and keep
can learn. All you need is water, a
swimsuit, and the willingness to enjoy yourself. Everybody should develop his swimming skill for his own
pleasure and protection. It is a sport
that can be enjoyed with a buddy, with
the whole family, or with a group of
friends. What could be more fun than
taking the whole family to the beach,
jumping into the breakers, swimming
in the surf, and tossing the beach ball
back and forth to the kids? But what
can be more treacherous than being
caught in deep water, unable to swim?
You can learn to swim at any age.
You are never too old. In fact, if your
joints seem a little creaky the water is
just what you need. For swimming can
make arthritic sufferers more comfortable. European spas that offer
water baths for arthritic patients capitalize on joint movements under
water. But how much cheaper it is to
swim in your local lake or pool than
to travel to a foreign spa! The buoyant
effect of the water on your body will
make joint movements easier than
they would be in the air. Hydrotherapy is recommended by rehabilitation
specialists for arthritic patients. So
get in the swim, and watch those
joints loosen up!
For you who say, "Where can I
learn to swim?" the question is easily
answered. Your local American Red
Cross conducts swimming classes. In
fact, YMCA and YWCA are pioneers
in the field of water sports and water
safety, having conducted classes for
more than 72 years. They operate 700
pools and 600 camps in the United
States. You can be one of 360,000 who
learn good swimming each year at
the "Y."
One of the joys that came to me as
a boy was learning to swim at the
Glendale, California, YMCA, and I've
been swimming at the "Y" ever since.
From personal experience I can say
that swimming is one of the best
body-building sports we have. It keeps
you fit, makes you feel safer, offers
you refreshing fun, and adds zip and
zing to your life.
If you don't know how to swim enroll in a class at your YMCA right
now. If you do know and have been
neglecting the sport get back in the
swim and see what you've been missing. Make sure your children learn too.
It will keep them safe in a boat and
enhance your summer's fun.
Yours for swimming fun and safety,
JULY, 1959
Our eontTi6utot.3
E. William Immermann, M.D. ("Do
You Suffer With Your Back?" page 13), is
a Chicago, Illinois, orthopedic surgeon.
He is author of the classic book Heart
Disease. Dr. White's writings are referred
to by physicians around the world. He is
a former chairman of the committee on
cardiovascular disease of the National
Research Council, executive director of
the National Advisory Heart Council, and
president of the International Society of
LIFE AND HEALTH was honored to publish one of Dr. White's first articles outside scientific journals. Most of his writing has been for the profession, in heart
journals, especially the American Heart
Journal and Circulation. He is a pastpresident of the American Heart Association.
Dr. White has two children, and lives
in Belmont, Massachusetts. He enjoys
daily bicycling, working outdoors. He is
an extensive traveler, and has made many
trips to Europe, Hawaii, Russia, and.
Dr. Immermann is a graduate of the
University of Illinois School of Medicine,
and served his internship and orthopedic
residency at Cook County Hospital. He
spent three years as a major in the Army
doing orthopedic reconstructive surgery
at Hoff, Mayo, and Oliver General hospitals. At present he is on the teaching staff
at the Stritch School of Medicine at
Loyola University. He is vice-chairman
of the department of bone-and-joint surgery at Mercy Hospital, where he is a
senior attending orthopedist.
A member of many medical organizations, he is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a diplomate of the
American Board of Orthopedic Surgery,
a member of the American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons.
Dr. Immermann is married to the actress Toni Gilman, who assisted in the
drawings noted in his article, and they
have three children. His favorite hobby
when time permits is photography.
Jessie Wilmore Murton ("Evening
Prayer," page 34) is a Battle Creek, Michigan, housewife-poet.
Born in Kentucky and educated in
Tennessee, she moved to Battle Creek
after her marriage, where she became
a medical secretary of the Battle Creek
She has written verse and articles for
magazines and newspapers for many years
and published three books of poetry.
* * *
Paul Dudley White, M.D. ("Bicycling
for Health," page 18), heart consultant
to President Eisenhower, is one of the
leading authorities on heart disease in
the United States. His article reveals
some of the findings of his long experience
as a professor of medicine at Harvard
Medical School, and physician in charge
of the Cardiac Laboratory and Clinics at
the Massachusetts General Hospital for
many years.
He was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts,
and educated in the Roxbury Latin School
and at. Harvard University. He has been
a student all his life. At one time he was
a Harvard Traveling Fellow in London,
and early became interested in research,
practice, and teaching in the field of
heart disease.
Science writer Shirley Motter Linde
("How to Keep Cool," page 15) lives at
Lake Lotawana near Kansas City, Missouri. Most of the time when she isn't
doing free-lance writing she spends with
her husband, Doug, and their infant son,
Scott, either on the lake sailing and water
skiing or in the lake and swimming. Their
home is right on the lake front, so you
can guess how well they like the water.
Shirley was born in Cincinnati in 1929,
earned a B.S. in zoology from the University of Cincinnati and an M.S. in physiology from the University of Michigan. She
got her training in writing in a couple
of night school courses and now enjoys
conducting workshops in creative writing
at the lake.
Life's greatest victories are often seen through the
prism of tears. Whittier expressed the lament,
"Alas for him who never sees
The stars shine through his cypress trees!"
The cypress tree has long been associated with sorrow,
and the poet's thought is that he is bereft indeed who
never sees through the murk of grief to a clearer sky
The patriarch Job was recording no new observation
when he declared, "Man is born unto trouble, as the
sparks fly upward." In a world of chance and error such
as we live in, there must needs come occasional spoiling
of plans and frequent detours on the way toward coveted
goals. Bleak is the chill of dreams that never came true,
but rare is the life that has never seen the shimmering
horizon suddenly grow dark with ominous storm clouds.
Few of us meet these comthon calamities with the confident assurance of the young fellow who hired out to a
farmer with the mystifying claim, "I can sleep in the wind."
The farmer desperately needed help or he never would
have taken the fellow on, for the boy just smiled when
asked what he meant.
A week or so later a great storm arose, with gales that
tore at the very roots of the trees. So sudden was the onslaught in its fury that the fanner in alarm rushed down
fanner scurried to the house and there in the attic where
the boy roomed he found him fast asleep.
The young fellow's claim to be able to sleep in the
wind was now clear—he had meant that he heeded the
weather warnings and prepared for the inevitable blow.
But many of us sail so long on smooth seas that we
forget that tempests often suddenly arise, and when they
do we have no chosen haven. We have not fortified our
spirits with faith and reserve courage to cope with life's
sudden furies. Having no resources in trust and prayer,
we surrender to the reversal of our good fortune and
helplessly resign ourselves to an unhappy fate.
Like Miss Havisham in Dickens' Great Expectations
we have no plans for emergencies in an evil hour. She
was to be married, you remember, but the bridegroom
never came. The guests were gathered in happy, chattering
groups, the banqueting table groaned with the wedding
feast, the bride was glowingly beautiful in her nuptial
gown. But the hour for the nuptials passed and time ceased
for the bride at twenty minutes to nine, the hour of her
humiliation. The shades were drawn, and she lived thereafter in darkness lighted only by candles. The description
of the decay that followed fills the mind with dismay. The
bride had met trouble with unconditional surrender.
No greater tragedy is there than this—to succumb to
trouble without a struggle—for it indicates a breakdown
of one's spiritual forces. Many a defeat has been turned
into victory by refusing to take a rain check in time of
tears and resolutely carrying on with new plans, yes, even
if need be, with a new objective. In baseball every good
manager knows that the game isn't won or lost till the
last man is out. Perhaps the following fragment of verse
will suggest the way:
"Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it,
And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts,
But only how did you take it?"
to the cattle yard to house his livestock. To his great
surprise the cows and horses were in the barn and the door
was shut, a tarpaulin was battened down over the haystack,
and the lighter farm machinery was anchored to stable
moorings. When he shouted for the new farm hand he
was nowhere to be found, but as the floods descended the
There is one kind of surrender, of course, that is
sublime. It is the yielding of the life in humble consecration to God's holy will as outlined in the Bible, the only
divine revelation of truth. Within the sanctuary of its
precepts and promises we can calm our common fears and
sheath the sharp edges of sorrow. Out of the inner peace
this brings we gather strength to press forward to surprising victories.
Several suggestions to help relieve the
itchiness of this distressing malady
OB COULD hardly keep his shoes on during
the summer. His feet itched so badly, especially between the toes, that sometimes the
itching nearly drove him crazy. "You've got
athlete's foot," his friends told him. "Go to your doctor
and he'll clear it up."
"No, no," Bob countered, "Doctors can't do anything for this. t emember Jack? He went to the doctor
every two weeks last summer, and the doctor didn't
help him at all."
It is true that some cases of athlete's foot* baffle
the most skilled medical men. It is also true that Bob
probably would get a lot of relief if he went to his
doctor, for most cases of athlete's foot can be cleared
up in a reasonable length of time under proper care.
The disease is caused by a group of fungi that
penetrate the skin of the foot but cannot invade living
tissue directly. On other parts of the body these same
fungi may produce ringworm. But though the fungi
feed on only the dead portion of the skin, they produce
toxins that irritate the living tissue, making it red,
even causing it to bleed. The irritation increases the
amount of dead skin cast off, thus providing more food
and moisture for the fungus to multiply on.
Of course, the fungus has to grow faster than the
skin sheds. It can never be inactive or it would be
shed off with the dead skin the same as a spot of ink
or other dye that penetrates the skin is slowly grown
off. So, occasionally, the severity of the reaction of
the body will shed tissue so rapidly that the fungus
is mechanically cast off because it cannot penetrate
as fast as the skin sheds.
The common fallacy of trying to blister the skin
to cure the disease probably has its origin in this fact.
There is no question but that some cases of a chronic
fungus infection are cleared up by a violent irritant
Athlete's foot may be transmitted in public locker rooms. A healthy skin is a better barrier against infection than are antiseptic foot baths.
JULY, 1959
that blisters off the skin. However, most cases have
widespread spores all around the spot that is obviously
infected and reinfection occurs before the broken skin
can heal again. Then the pain and suffering caused by
the blistering are in vain. Indeed, secondary infection
and serious results frequently follow injudicious home
care of this sort, and many patients have had the
opportunity of relaxing in a hospital bed because they
followed a friend's advice to put on a strong preparation that would "burn out" the disease.
The problem of how people become infected with
fungi has no definite answer. To quote Dr. Albert M.
Kligman, "What seems impressive is not the infectiousness of the ringworm fungi, but the high natural
resistance of the skin of normal human beings" (Therapy of Fungus Diseases, Little, Brown & Co. Copyright, 1955).
Experimental attempts to infect healthy people,
using thousands of spores, usually fail or establish
only a mild infection that clears quickly of its own
accord. Spreading among members of the same family is rare in temperate zones, despite years of exposure; but it is known that cuts, scratches, burns,
blisters, or anything that breaks the skin may be followed by infection. Even in these cases it seems to be
necessary for a person to be susceptible to the disease
first, for attempts to infect cuts and scratches experimentally have usually failed.
A patient having a fungus infection of one nail is
likely to have it spread to another nail if he develops
a hangnail or crushes the nail in a car door. A person
with one or more nails already infected must be careful not to use his nails as screw drivers or can openers
and should not push back the cuticle.
It is known that humidity, which prevents evaporation of perspiration, predisposes to infection and makes
the infections much more severe. Some reports from
the armed forces indicate that 95 per cent of all personnel become infected with varying degrees of superficial fungus infection when stationed in humid areas.
It is also accepted that exposure to unaccustomed
organisms makes a difference. A severe outbreak of
fungus infections of the feet and groin, frequently
occurs after students move into a college dormitory.
It has been thought that such an outbreak is caused
by exposure to new fungi, but now it is known that
fungi are spread so universally that the same organisms that cause a mild infection in the United States
are apt to produce violent and disabling infections
under the humid conditions of the South Pacific. In
fact, of all the many severe infections observed in the
South Pacific, only one pathogenic fungus was found
that was not native to the United States, and it caused
less than a dozen known cases.
In public locker rooms the fungi that cause infections are not new strains but probably only more
active varieties of strains the patient has been exposed
to before. No known lights, powders, or foot baths
have proved effective in eliminating fungus spores
from these locker rooms or in preventing the infection
of persons who dress there. At present, cleanliness of
showers and locker rooms is advised, but requiring
all visitors to walk through antiseptic solutions has a
psychological benefit only.
Fortunately, under ordinary conditions the majority of cases of athlete's foot can be cleared up easily.
That is why druggists' shelves are crowded with remedies that have a faithful and vocal following. Most
of the preparations are useless on the resistant infections. But the directions given for using them are
often quite helpful. It is similar to laxatives that
require numerous full glasses of water with each dose.
The water is the valuable part of the treatment, and
if taking the medicine will get you to drink the water,
it is probably worth it. The important point to remember in the treatment and prevention of athlete's foot
is that fungi are plants that need food and moisture.
Without either of these the fungi will die.
1. Starve the fungi—remove their food supply.
a. Wash the feet with a bland soap or with one
of the newer soaps advertised as containing
hexachlorophene. (Ask your doctor to give
you the name of one, if necessary.) Be careful
to wash between the toes and to rub off any
dead skin there and on the soles. Washing
once a day will suffice for most people, but
if the patient perspires heavily, wash twice
a day.
b. Use clean socks daily, because dead tissue in
socks will keep fungi alive.
C. Walk barefoot frequently. This tends to rub
off dead skin faster than when socks and shoes
are used.
2. Dry out the fungi—remove their water supply.
a. Dry the feet carefully after washing. Dry
between the toes and the edges of the toenails specifically. Public lockers frequently
have wet floors, so that the soles of the feet
are still wet when the socks are put on.
b. Change socks daily or even' twice daily if
sweating is a problem, or go barefoot as soon
as you get home. Use open, airy socks and do
not depend on heavy socks to soak up the.
sweat. These usually keep the feet surrounded
with moisture.
c. A bland foot powder containing pure talcum
(with or without perfume) will absorb further moisture and help to keep the feet dry.
Use medicated powders with caution. Put the
powder in the shoes too.
d. Change shoes frequently so the soles and lining are not still moist from the previous day.
Some people need to leave a pair three or
four days to dry out properly.
e. Change to slippers or thongs on getting home
from the office.
f. Avoid all caffeine products if sweating is a
problem. This includes tea, coffee, and cola
g. Exercise the toes so they spread apart and are
not cramped tightly together. Undoubtedly
the open arrangement of the toes accounts
for the rarity of this infection in children.
3. Have your doctor prescribe a bland cream containing one of the undecylenic acid preparations. These
are to date the most effective antifungal preparations
available that are relatively
(Turn to page 27)
Do You Suffer With Your Back?
At3 E. WILLIAM immERmAnn, M.D.
What you are doing to prevent backache
may be the very thing that is causing it!
HAT low back pain that sometimes bothers
you may be eliminated if you learn correct
"What is wrong with my posture? I always sit and stand straight," you say. But standing
"straight"—holding the shoulders and neck back with
an exaggerated hollow in the low back—is not correct
Many folks are familiar with military parade
grounds where soldiers stand at attention for hours
at a time. It is no wonder so many men used to drop
to the ground in a faint and end up at the dispensary
with a "GI back." In recent years as the knowledge of
the cause and prevention of low back pain has advanced, this situation has been largely corrected in
the Army. The general public, however, has not yet
taken advantage of this advanced knowledge.
What is correct posture? The correct stance in
walking, sitting, and standing is one in which the
buttocks (hips) are tucked up and under, as if one
were walking uphill. This flattens out the curve of the
lower spine, shifting the center of gravity away from
the spine and permitting more room for the nerves that
branch out from the spinal column. Frequently this
position will correct a ruptured disc or prevent such
an injury.
As one approaches the middle thirties the muscles
of the buttocks and "stomach" become flabby. This loss
of muscle strength causes the pelvis to tilt downward,
increasing the hollow in the low back and causing the
abdomen to project outward. These muscles become
increasingly flabby, till they cannot support the pelvis
JuLr, 1959
1 1,1 ! eI 1
against the strong pull of the back muscles, and the
back curve increases. A frequent cause of back pain
after childbirth is related to the failure of the mother
to carry out exercises that would restore the strength
of muscles stretched and weakened by the birth.
Our mode of living today is such that we tend to
avoid those activities that would help the posture
and strengthen the muscles. We shy away from walking, though it would strengthen the muscles of our
buttocks. In fact, what walking we do is usually done
improperly, walking with our legs rather than our
hips, so that buttocks remain almost completely relaxed.
Good posture is a 24-hbur-a-day job and not one
limited to a few exercises in the morning. Certain
exercises are helpful, but these play only a small part.
One should practice correct posture throughout the
day. Flattening of the low back can be learned by
standing with your feet about six inches from a wall
and resting the shoulders and back flat against the
wall. While in this position rotate the hips up and
forward so that your hand cannot be placed between
the low back and the wall. When the entire trunk is
flat against the wall, push yourself forward with your
hands. Without changing the flat position of your back,
attempt to walk. At first your movements will be stiff.
But with practice you will learn the feel of correct
posture, and it will come easily.
The upward roll of the pelvis or hips can also be
learned by standing with knees bent. After you learn
the knack of rolling the pelvis, repeat it with the
knees straight. At first there will be a tendency to
walk with the shoulders held forward. This will be
corrected when the art of flattening the low back is
learned. It may take a few weeks or two or three
months, depending on the effort you put into it.
Back Exercises
There are only a few exercises that are really beneficial. (An increasing number of back problems, lately,
have resulted from improper exercises directed on
morning radio and television shows.)
Hamstring Stretch. Stretching the muscles that
travel from the pelvis to below the knees is best accomplished in a seated position with the knees held
straight. Rock back and forth with outstretched arms,
attempting to touch the toes with the finger tips. This
should not be done standing up, since arising from
the stooped position with the knees straight can cause
back pain.
The Tummy Tightener. The abdominal muscles are
developed while lying on the floor with the knees bent.
Keeping the feet flat on the floor, attempt to rise to a
sitting position. One may not be able to arise to a
complete sitting position, but the attempt to do so
will develop the muscles.
Back Stretch. The exercise to stretch the back is
performed while lying flat on the floor and drawing
the knees toward each armpit while rocking back
and forth.
Buttocks Bounce. To strengthen the muscles of the
buttocks lie on the floor with the knees bent and feet
flat on the floor. Fold your hands across the lower abdomen to remind you not to move that part of your
anatomy. Keeping the back flat on the floor, roll the
hips upward by tightening the buttocks. Then bounce
two or three times.
These exercises are done at least twice a day. Begin
by doing each of them ten times. Every third day increase the number by two until you are doing each
exercise twenty-four times.
It isn't enough just to walk and stand properly.
Most daily activities should be performed with low
back flat. But when one lifts a heavy object it is important that the low back be rounded and the knees
bent. Upon arising to the erect position, one should
not carry the object by leaning backward and resting
it against the chest or abdomen. Support it with the
arms and hands. If it is too heavy to carry in this
manner, the knees should be kept bent and the back
rounded until relieved of the load.
Whenever stooping it is important to bend the
knees. Rising when the knees are straight often produces a back strain. Such activities as reaching for a
shelf, painting, hanging clothes, et cetera, should be
done at or below shoulder level. Whenever the arms
are lifted above this level, the curve of the low back
tends to increase. The use of a footstool or ladder will
eliminate this difficulty.
Improper sitting is a frequent cause of back discomfort. To sit in a chair with the knees lower than the
hips produces a hollow in the low back that causes
discomfort. This can be corrected by either having a
chair of correct height (the hips lower than the knees),
by crossing one leg over the other, or by using a
footrest with the knees bent.
The so-called posture chair used in business offices
is often the cause of painful, tired backs. A chair that
places the hips at a higher level than the knees and
which has a pad for the hollow of the back is ideally
designed to cause back pain. The height of the chair
should be lowered and the backrest raised so it supports the upper back, keeping the lower back curved
outward rather than inward.
There is no objection to sitting on a soft upholstered chair. Usually the discomfort associated with
this type of chair is produced in rising, since the arms
are used to raise oneself out of the chair, and this
causes the back to arch. It would be better to lean
forward and use the legs for rising.
In using a footrest the feet should be placed on its
surface, raising the knees higher than the hips.
Stretching the legs out on the floor or on a footrest
tends to curve the low back. The contour chair, if
fitted properly, fulfills the necessary prerequisites for
proper posture.
Proper posture is also necessary in bed. To sleep on
your stomach causes the low back to arch inward,
producing an aching, tired back in the morning. Sleeping on either side, with the knees partly bent on a firm
mattress is usually most restful. Sleeping on the back
is made comfortable by placing a pillow or blanket
roll under the knees. Frequently during the day a
housewife finds comfort by lying on the floor with
her legs on a chair and a couple of pillows under her
head and shoulders.
If the suggestions made here are conscientiously
followed, the chances for relief
(Turn to page 25)
Before you've finished breakfast your shirt
is soaked and your face is greasy. Temperature and tempers are on a rampage. You wilt
into the nearest chair and wonder, "How can I
weather the weather ?"
You don't have to worry about burning up, scientists say. Your body has the heat under automatic
control. No matter how hot the day becomes, your
body will still be at its normal average, within a degree
There is no doubt that this is a good way to keep cool in summer!
JULY. 1959
Your clothing, your diet, and the design
of your house help keep you warm or cool.
or two of 98.6° F. In fact, men have survived experiments of being in 240° F. for half an hour. Raw steak
would be cooked by such treatment.
The thermostat that aids in this amazing control
is the hypothalamus, a small nerve center in the brain
that is so sensitive it responds to a change of only
half a degree in the temperature of your blood. When
the blood temperature rises, messages from the hypothalamus cause the blood to rush to the capillaries in
the skin where it can be cooled by the outside air.
The hypothalamus also helps the body lose heat by
promoting the evaporation of moisture in the lungs
and the evaporation of sweat off the skin. Men working in a hot dry atmosphere have lost as much as a
quart and a half of water by evaporation in one hour.
For those who don't want to simmer all summer,
doctors suggest a few simple ideas.
A cool head. Don't let yourself become angry or
tense over minor annoyances. For when you are hot
under the collar you are hot all over. Anger actually
makes your body generate heat.
Relax, take your time doing things, let your muscles
go limp. Work smoothly and rhythmically. Hum a tune.
And while you're reading the rest of these suggestions,
stretch yourself in the shade with a glass of lemonade.
Cool water. Soak your head in water and let it
evaporate. It feels so good. Babies are more vulnerable
to heat than adults, so if they seem troubled in hot
weather, keep their heads moist with a wet cap or
Sweat glands will work more effectively if you
wash away accumulated wastes on the skin by frequent baths. A cool bath is always good for a refreshed
Clothing. The best way to keep cool is not to throw
off your clothes as some seem to think. Your body
should be covered to protect it from the sun, but
there should be plenty of opportunity for air to
circulate. Lightweight, loose-fitting, porous garments
with a coarse mesh are good. Choose material easy to
launder for frequent changes.
Color is important too. Dark colors absorb heat
and make the body hotter; light colors reflect the heat
and keep the body cooler. White helps you look and
feel fresh;
If you must be out in direct sunlight for a long
time, wear a hat. A porous cap that protects your
head from the sun and still lets air circulate around
your scalp will save you from many headaches and
possible sunstroke.
Food. The answer to dark, hot clothing may be
to dye it lighter, but a lighter diet is not the answer
to your summer food problems. You still need three
healthy meals a day with vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk,
cereal, and bread. Cut down on rich foods. They produce a lot of body heat. Concentrate more on fresh
fruits and vegetables—cool meals to combat the boiling temperature outside.
Be sure to eat a breakfast that's big enough to
keep you going all morning. And it shouldn't be necessary to warn you against bolting down your food and
then rushing out into the sun, or worse yet, going
swimming right away.
When you perspire, your body loses a large amount
of water. This must be replaced, for if it isn't you
will soon feel even more tired and listless, and in
extreme cases may go into shock. So drink six to
eight glasses' of water or fruit juice every day. Do
it gradually, not in one huge gallon gulp that cramps
your stomach.
Much salt is lost, too, when you sweat, so put salt
back into your system with salty foods. If you do
heavy work that causes profuse sweating, check with
your doctor about taking salt tablets. If you take these
on an empty stomach, you may be nauseated, so take
them with a glass of water after a meal.
Your house. To keep the heat out in the daytime,
close all the windows and doors and pull the shades
on the side where the sun is shining. Awnings also
will help keep the sun out, but you should leave the
sides partially open to allow air to circulate.
Plan for future heat spells by planting shade trees.
At night open your windows top and bottom to
let hot air out, cool air in.
If the day is blazing hot, soak the porch roof and
awnings with your garden hose. As the water evaporates it will absorb heat. Better yet, insulate the
attic to keep some of the heat from ever getting into
the house.
Use fans liberally. Don't invite colds by letting
fans blow directly on people, but use them to circulate
the air in the room. Put one in your kitchen window,
facing outward to draw away the heat from cooking.
(Turn to page 29)
Medicated Baths for Skin Rashes
Physical Therapy Department
Washington Sanitarium and Hospital
Washington, D.C.
A bath in oatmeal? Sounds a bit odd, doesn't it? But I
am sure you have heard of a soda or starch bath for someone with an itchy rash. Oatmeal, soda, or starch added to
bath water soothes irritated skin and hastens healing.
It is wise to consult your physician in a severe skin irritation, for some irritations are made worse by water. If a
soothing bath is prescribed, the following suggestions may
prove helpful.
Water of a neutral temperature (94°-97° F.) is used
for each of these baths. The water in the tub should be
deep enough to cover the patient's body, coming well up
on the neck.
If the soda bath is to be used, about one pound of bicarbonate of soda should be made into a paste and added
to the water. If starch is used, choose a fine laundry starch,
made from corn. (Most laundry starch is made from corn,
but some starches are coarser than others.) About one
pound of starch, made into a paste with cold water, is added
to the tub. For the oatmeal bath choose a quick-cooking
oatmeal and use one or two pounds.
Oatmeal must be put in a thin muslin bag and tied securely so that only the beneficial colloidal substances get
into the bath. The oatmeal may be cooked first, using
more water than one uses when preparing breakfast cereal,
or it may be placed in the bag and very hot water run over
it. If this is done first, the temperature of the bath must be
cooled to the neutral temperature before use, since a higher
temperature will increase the itching and discomfort. There
is a colloid oatmeal preparation on the market called
Aveeno. It does not require cooking and the tub is easily
cleaned after the bath. You should be able to obtain it
from your druggist. Instructions for use are on the box.
Articles Needed
1. Two or three bath towels.
2. Bath mat.
3. Washcloth.
(Turn to page 31)
Professor of Applied Christianity, College of Medical
It is not possible to avoid all troubles, but
we can learn to meet them courageously.
`1•• .11 I
you sometimes feel like this, Dr. Bietz will cheer you up.
WOMAN came to my office a while back
and lamented, "I can't take any more. Each
week that I see coming scares me. I have
gotten to the place where I'm sad when I'm
happy, because I feel guilty for feeling good when
things are so bad."
Perhaps there is more of this woman's attitude
in each of us than we would like to admit. We are
all familiar with the Negro spiritual:
"Nobody knows the troubles I've seen.
Nobody knows but Jesus.
Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm down.
Sometimes I'm almost to the ground."
The greatest- mistake we could make is to shut
our eyes to the fact that there is trouble in the world.
We can't pretend that if we ignore trouble, it will go
away. The Bible itself is concerned with man's tribulation. In Job 5:7 we read: "Man is born unto trouble,
as the sparks fly upward." And in John 16:33 the
JULY, 1959
Master observed, "In the world ye shall have tribulation." So trouble and problems are a settled fact.
Some of the most unhappy people in the world are
the ones who feel compelled to be happy all the time.
If you take the attitude that in this world you should
be free from all difficulties and hardships, you will
never be able to face the future without fear and
trembling. Actually, the first sign of real Christian
maturity and mental hygiene is the capacity to face
Before you begin another day ask yourself this
question, "Have you grown in your troubles, or have
you been shattered by them?" The answer to this
question is the fork in the road. You see, the blow
of a hammer on glass shatters the glass into a thousand useless pieces; the blow of a hammer on steel
forges the steel into instruments of unmeasured
The problem is not, How much trouble do we have?
but, How do we react to our troubles? Some people
can lose loved ones, financial fortunes, even their
health; but they can still meet Monday morning with
a smile. Others surrender to the slightest passing
irritation. The difference between us is probably not
that some of us have fewer troubles than others; we
differ in the way we handle our troubles.
Briefly, let us enumerate a few of the most important ways in which we ought to face our days:
1. Don't be bitter. Lin Yutang is one of my favorite
philosophers. He tells the story of a Chinese ,who
stopped by a market
(Turn to page 23)
B I CYC I 1\
Heart Consultant
Dr. White attributes his good health to frequently riding a bicycle.
other children, I had a bicycle as a boy.
I played with it, I rode to school on it, and I
ran errands with it. In those days, fifty or
more years ago, there were few automobiles
on the streets, and this method of locomotion was
quite safe. As a freshman going to college, I used to
ride my bicycle morning and afternoon from where
I lived in Roxbury to Cambridge and back again, a fivemile distance twice a day. It was perfectly easy and
In later years, I took many bicycle trips with my
wife in Europe, where there are excellent facilities for
bicycle travelers. This was especially true in Holland,
where we spent a week cycling around the country on
paths both broad and narrow, reserved entirely for
cyclists. It was a delightful experience and a pleasant
and inexpensive way to see the country. We cycled
also in Sweden, England, and France.
Our family continues to ride bicycles. We have a
small place at Harvard, Massachusetts, thirty miles
outside of Boston, where we can enjoy our cycling.
However, on occasion we have cycled in other places,
for example in New Hampshire; and one summer my
son and I cycled around Martha's Vineyard on a very
pleasant day. We put our bicycles on the train leaving
Boston for Woods Hole, transported them across a
short bit of water by boat to Vineyard Haven, and
after a pleasant night's sleep cycled to Squibnocket,
Menemsha Bight, West Tisbury, and on to Edgartown,
where we spent the second night. This day's ride covered about thirty miles. It was perfectly easy and
pleasant, and because we were not accustomed to
cycling very much, it left us pleasantly tired.
Actually, such a distance is less than a third of
what our fathers thought very little of when they
did a "century," that is, one hundred miles a day. In
these days of softness and lackadaisical exercise, a
thirty-mile ride renders many of my friends and associates aghast.
There are many health reasons why cycling is to
be highly recommended if it can be done safely. It
helps build good muscle tone, much needed by the
American people today. It aids:
1. The circulation, and thereby the heart and its
work, by keeping the blood actively moving in the legs
(muscular contraction squeezes the veins, which with
their valves direct the blood back toward the heart).
2. The lungs, which through good tone of the diaphragm make it easier to bring oxygen into the body
and pump out carbon dioxide.
3. The brain, by keeping down the cobwebs therein.
4. The nerves, through improving sleep and maintaining equanimity and sanity (vital needs in this
country today and a help in combating the hysteria
about a red Indian behind every tree or a witch in
every college classroom, along with the current ridiculous slavery of our people—men, women, and children
-.—to the television and other push-button devices,
which should be our tools and not our masters).
5. Our digestion, whereby it may even protect
against peptic ulcers if we don't try to establish new
speed records every day.
6. Our weight, in its control, if we at the same
time keep the caloric and fat content of our diet where
it belongs.
President Eisenhower
7. Our longevity, since it may quite possibly help
in the long run (like other healthy exercise) in reducing the amount of high blood pressure, coronary
thrombosis, and diabetes that have engulfed us. This,
of course, we must determine by further detailed research, but there is a strong likelihood that it is true.
Certainly both for private individuals and for the
community and country at large, the substitution of
at least a small fraction of the excessive traffic on the
roads today by bicycles on safe paths should be a
useful step in economy. There are various arguments
that can readily be advanced:
1. The initial cost of the bicycle is much less than
that of an automobile. A bicycle requires little attention, is able to stand hard use, and can be repaired
2. A bicycle requires no gasoline.
3. It can traverse all types of roads. If a road is
blocked, the rider can walk and remount at the first
4. Almost everyone, aged four to ninety, can ride
a bike or can be taught to ride in a few hours.
5. When accidents between bicycles occur, there
is much less danger of serious injury to passenger or
machine than in the case of the automobile.
6. It is possible to equip bicycles with side cars
to transport passengers. One correspondent said that
it might be possible to attach a small truck to carry
The argument that a bicycle is difficult to use in
severe weather is of some importance, but in almost
all cities and towns in the United States cycling can
be a practical method of transportation for eight or
nine months of the year.
Bicycling can be useful as well as enjoyable. It can
become and should become, as in Europe and many
places abroad, a routine of daily life, to take us to
work, to visit our friends,
(Turn to page 25)
With Chicago's Mayor Richard I. Daley at the helm, Dr. White rides tandem in Chicago's Ogden Park.
JULY, 1959
ale 3coilitj Yhjsician
We do not diagnose or treat disease by mail, but answer general health questions. Enclose
stamped, addressed envelope. Address: Family Physician, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
Drinking Sea Water
Several of the people I work with
say that drinking sea water is good
for the health. Some of them even
travel to the ocean to buy the water
at $1.25 a gallon. One of them claims
that his niece, who has multiple sclerosis, was greatly helped by the water. What do you think?
There is always someone coming
along and claiming that this or that
substance has special curative powers. Just because Aunt Martha ate
kelp boiled in goat's milk and got
over her asthma, it must obviously
follow that the kelp and goat's milk
effected the cure. Witch doctors in
Africa reason the same way, only
there they use dried crocodile skin
and elephant's hairs instead of sea
kelp and goat's milk.
We know of no advantage in drinking ocean water. It is argued that it
contains certain minerals that are
useful in human nutrition. But these
minerals may be obtained in ordinary
food just as well.
We have known of an instance in
which "ocean water" was sold at a
good figure, making money for the
distributors. It was simply ordinary
water taken from the city supply.
Certain chemicals were added to it
and it was sold as an ocean product.
have trouble with my fingernails
—they split and grow ridges. Calcium
lactate pills helped for a while, but
not any more. What should I do next?
The nutrition of the nails is not
fully understood. Calcium lactate is
sometimes advised and results are
often encouraging.
In many instances of nail imperfection the trouble is caused by the absence of certain minerals in the diet.
The freer use of vegetables is frequently helpful. Some people are
helped by using additional quantiI
ties of vitamin and mineral mixtures. We do not know of any single
plan that can be advised, but recommend the reinforcement of the diet
over periods of time, watching results.
Falling Hair
Is there any help for a man who
is losing his hair? Does a break in
the blood supply to the scalp cause
baldness? Can yeast flakes be of help?
It seems evident that interference
with the blood supply of the scalp
is often a factor in the cessation of
the growth of hair, but we do not
believe it to be the case in all instances. We have seen young men
of 20 with practically no hair left.
There are various causes of hair
loss such as local infection in the
glands around the hair roots. Inadequate nutrition probably plays a part
sometimes, and there apparently are
familial tendencies toward the loss of
hair. Some families have practically
no record of baldness, whereas others
have frequent early baldness.
god mows
My need
Cod knows my need, for am I not His creature
That He Himself has molded from the clay?
Therefore He knows my every trait and feature.
I lean on Him for strength to meet each day.
He gives me books and friends; sunshine and
Smooth-flowing hours that cast in high relief
Rare, wondrous moments; pain soon overlaid
By new-found joy to ease the sting of grief.
How can I doubt His wisdom who knows well
The winding path each human being treads?
What would be best for me, I cannot tell,
But when I've made of life a thing of shreds
And patches, He it is who mends,
And smooths to beauty frayed and tattered ends.
If the scalp itself is suspected in
any way, it can be gently massaged
with the tips of the fingers with a
lubricant such as olive oil. Benefit
may come in this way. Yeast flakes,
because they contain vitamin B, theoretically may be of some value. In
certain animal experimentation the
giving of large portions of vitamin
B, seems to have led to an improved
growth of hair and improved color.
But the lifetime of animals is not parallel to that of human beings, and we
do not have evidence that similar
changes can be expected in people.
Undeveloped Breasts
I have a friend in her early twenties whose breasts have not developed
—they have stayed small like a girl
about 14. Is there anything that can
be done? Please let me know as soon
as you can.
Some girls naturally have large
busts, while others do not. We have
seen flat-chested women raise families. At the time of childbirth they
develop moderate-sized breasts that
supply adequate milk for their children.
The normal experience is that when
a girl reaches puberty the breasts
grow to a marked fullness. At this
age, they are made up mostly of fatsupporting tissue, which could not of
itself produce milk. The glandular,
milk-producing tissue is buried in
this fatty substance and develops
more completely during pregnancy.
Flat breasts may actually produce
more milk than a very large breast
that is predominantly fat.
Where the breasts have not grown,
certain glandular preparations and
hormones may help. These should be
administered under the careful guidance of a physician. The improper
use of hormones in the early years of
adult life is not recommended. The
use of creams is not satisfactory.
mind if I
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Eczema and Hay Fever
Our daughter, age 3, suffered with
eczema on the inside of her arms
from the age of 7 months. Now the
eczema is dormant and she has hay
fever. She has difficulty breathing
at night and early in the morning.
She has a goose-down pillow; her
foam-rubber pillow was uncomfortable. Could she be allergic to her pets
or to something in her diet?
She is probably a nervous, sensitive child and no doubt tends to allergies. It was good to remove the
foam-rubber pillow if it wasn't comfortable. You may give her any other
kind except a feather one. Kapokfilled pillows are available, also dacron pillows.
She could be allergic to some of her
pets. Keep her away from them, especially dogs and cats.
Her diet should be smooth and
bland and easily digested, but it must
contain all the essentials. Omit any
foods to which she may seem allergic,
such as oranges and strawberries.
Give her cereals, but avoid wheat.
Experiment with eliminating all
wheat for a while, except perhaps
oven toast baked very crisp. Boil all
her milk. Keep her happy and the
atmosphere of the home free from
See your doctor about her. He may
advise a soothing ointment. Cod-liver
ointments are often good.
Breaking Toys
My children seem to break every
toy I give them. They seem to be naturally destructive. I try to stop them
but it does no good. Am I supposed
to put up with this as a normal phase
that the children will outgrow?
I am not sure that children are naturally destructive, but I do know that
they are naturally inquisitive and love
to take things apart to see what is in- easily. Simple toys of this kind can
side and how they run. Whatever be found, and there are educational
they get hold of, whether a clock or toys young children enjoy. For older
a mechanical toy, they love to take it children, Tinker Toy and erector sets
apart and put it together again. satisfy the same need.
There was a toddler in my room
Breakable toys are not best for
the other day. Spying a covered con- children. If a child insists on treattainer, he took it down, set it on the ing his toys roughly, take them from
floor beside him, and proceeded to him and put them away, and buy no
take the cover off and put it on again. more until he has learned how to use
This continued for at least twenty 'them.
minutes. He was having great fun.
No toy could have pleased him so Tears at Bedtime
My three-year-old daughter has
Give a child a toy he can take apart,
and take it apart he surely will. He slept with me and my husband for the
would like to put it together again, past two years. She bites her nails
but does not always know how. It and seems to be nervous. Every time
would be a fine thing for children I try to get her to sleep in her own
to have toys they can put together bed she becomes almost hysterical.
How can I get her to sleep by herself
without upsetting her?
It is certainly important that your
little girl learn to sleep in her own
bed. It is not good for her healthwise
to sleep with her parents. She is unMartha, Age Six
doubtedly a nervous child. She may
be allergic. Perhaps fortifying her
diet with Parke, Davis panteric capsules and Squibbs vitamin B capsules
She spends her time on little things—
will help. I suggest them for many
Or so to us they count for small—
A bird's crushed egg, an earthworm's plight
When you put her into her own litOn stark cement, the fading light
tle bed and she becomes hysterical,
Of a firefly, and the lonely call
screaming, crying, or showing other
At night when a whippoorwill sings.
evidence of emotionalism, lift her up
gently, undress her, and place her
She worries for small winter birds;
carefully in a tepid or slightly warm
When snow upon the hard ground comes
bath. With soothing words keep her
In drifts and trees are spun with ice,
there for a few minutes. Carefully
She dons her boots to go out twice
hold her head out of the water with
A day with suet bits and crumbs,
your hand.
Calling with sweet, gentle words.
This is good treatment for any hysterical child. I think you will find that
when you put her back to bed she will
Though life's demands make stern our brow,
be relaxed and comfortable.
We sense her loving impetus;
And we must pause to wonder how
Give her plenty of loving and cudSo warm a child was born to us.
dling during the day, especially just
before you want her to go to bed. I believe this will go a long way toward
'11F\111I-"Nr",11•11•^11 '11111."--.11,,,IIII--"Ir.1111.^.1 '11111."--"WW
solving your problem.
Monday Morning Blues
(Continued from page 17)
on his way home from work to purchase a pot of soy sauce. He tied the
pot to the end of a bamboo pole and
started walking home. Suddenly the
pot dropped off the pole and shattered.
Someone saw it and yelled, but the
Chinese kept right on walking and
never turned around. Finally, the man
who had seen the accident ran up to
him, grabbed his arm, and said, "Man,
don't you know your pot of soy sauce
fell off?" Complacently the Chinese retorted, "Yes, I heard it break. There's
nothing I can do about it, so why
should I let it detain me from getting
home and enjoying the evening with
my family?"
Most of us would have done differently and some of us might even
have acted like the chap who stubbed
his toe on a curb, then in fury backed
up and really kicked the curb, so that
he ended up with a very sore foot
indeed. It would be wonderful if we
could all learn that when we have
troubles, bitterness only serves to
make these troubles worse.
2. Don't surrender to your troubles.
So many people hug trouble. One day
a doctor told me, "I wish my patients
wouldn't identify themselves so quickly
with their pain. They hang on to it
and entertain it. They love to speak
of it and moan over it. They seem to
live for it." Christ never surrendered
to His troubles. Even in the Garden
of Gethsemane He faced them, then
said to His disciples, "Rise, let us be
going," and He went to meet His
would-be captors. Go out and conquer
your troubles, before they conquer
3. Don't meet your low moods by
thinking trouble will help to make you
good. Some parents think their children must go through a lot of trouble
in order to develop character, so they
give them plenty of it. Such thinking
is poisonous. The idea that good is the
result of evil is false. The best sign
of being able to have a happy home
is to come from one. Children that do
not come from happy homes usually
find it difficult to get along with other
You have perhaps heard of the minister who was walking along with a
certain family. His collar was unbuttoned, so one of the solicitous parishioners asked, "What is wrong? I see
your collar is unbuttoned and you have
a bandage around your neck."
"Yes," answered the minister, "I
have a number of large boils there,
but then, I suppose it's good for us
to suffer a little. It teaches us patience."
JULY, 1959
At that point a six-year-old girl interrupted with a wise idea. "Well," she
said, "if pain is good for you, why
don't you button your collar?"
The philosophy that the more
trouble you have the better you'll be
is a poor philosophy. We must believe that trouble is an enemy, but
that we can take that enemy and wrest
some good from him.
4. Learn to adjust. Learn to be flexible like the trees on the coast between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
The winds have blown against them
for years and they have learned to
give, but they do not break. They give
and come back. An outstanding psychiatrist has said that people break
because they cannot adjust.
5. Anticipate low ebbs. This is infinitely important. We must realize
and accept that life has its low moments as well as its high ones. Can
you laugh when you're low? Can you
say, "Well, here I go down; but it
won't be for long. I'll be up again"?
The music of human experience is
played in different keys. If it were all
in one key, it would become monotonous. The ocean is not always calm,
quietly reflecting the sun. Sometimes
the breakers heave and foam and roar
6. Cooperate with adversity. Does
this seem strange? For fourteen years
a severe backache has kept a man I
know in almost constant pain. He says
that the only time he can't bear this
misfortune is when he has a compulsion to get rid of it; but as he accepts it and cooperates with it, he says
he can go on with his lifework. The
pain doesn't direct him; he directs
his pain.
7. Never dwell on defeat. I like
the statement by Tommy Hendricks
who was one of the great baseball
players of the New York Yankees.
He wrote in a book, "Whenever our
team loses, I forget that and focus on
the next game and make up my mind
that the next game is going to be successful. I do that, not because I'm a
poor loser, but because I'm so dreadfully afraid that if I keep my eyes on
defeat, I will attract it to myself."
8. Acquire a sense of humor. Laugh
at yourself. When you suffer from
Monday morning blues, look in the
mirror and laugh at your own depressed image. Don't take yourself so
seriously that you forget how to smile.
9. Take time to reflect. It is always
well to think through your problems.
And the most comforting part is that
you need never face them alone. There
is Someone who has already gone
through your adversities. He under(Turn to page 27)
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This page is dedicated to all our Golden Age readers who are still young at heart.
It is designed to improve and encourage active hobbies, good diet, and outdoor exercise.
fertilizer. It might be called the lazy that he was still alive, even playing
man's method, but it worked with my golf ! Was this good luck? Or was it
avocado orchard. The trees required because of careful planning? I asked
eighty-one years old. "When did you less water and the little roots came up my patient what he thought. "I sat at
retire?" I asked him. He laughed. into the mulch. With some added dinner with the doctor," he told me,
barnyard manure the trees did won- "and I saw him pass up some sweet
"Retired? I am not retired!"
Then he told me how he had pur- derfully well. It seems that this and useless dessert because he felt it
chased a plot of ground and was now method would lend itself especially to was not good for his health."
To be physically and mentally acgrowing all kinds of fruits, vegeta- a person of older years who might not
bles, and berries. He was experiment- want to wrestle with deep cultivating, tive at eighty-six isn't bad! Certainly
ing with the organic method of gar- although a little power tool can han- it's worth a little self-discipline and
dening and was apparently having a dle the necessary cultivation of a small
great time with it.
He certainly did not look eighty-one plot without too much
years old, nor did he seem to have effort.
After I had checked
slowed down mentally. His eye still
shone with a youthful gleam as he this man of eightytold me about the interesting things one years he told me
that his number one
he was doing and planning to do.
Should a man as old as this man do hobby was keeping
vigorous gardening? Yes, if he has himself in tiptop
no history of heart difficulty and has shape. I urged him to
good control over tobacco, coffee, and keep up his projects
other hurtful indulgences. Of course, and activities as long
his activities should be tempered with as possible, for they
rest periods as necessary, but such might easily carry
activities will tend to keep a person him well toward
active and young beyond the usual age. ninety and beyond beThe organic method of gardening fore he would be tapthat this healthy man was using is a ping the sidewalk
real saver of hard work. Not long ago with a cane.
I purchased a ten-acre avocado orA patient I examchard. I was advised to keep down the ined this week chanced
grass and weeds by using a weed to remark that he
spray, and obediently spent hundreds liked golf and often
of dollars for oil and labor. Then a played with a doctor,
neighbor asked me why I did not for- whom I remembered
get the grass and weeds till they were as the doctor who
tall, then mow them down like hay gave me my examinaand pile them around the trees.
tion in hygiene when
I remembered a doctor friend whom I took the California
I visited in the northern part of the State Board examinaState. What wonderful meals he tion forty-three years
served right out of his own garden! ago. I supposed he
This doctor mowed his weeds and had passed away long Arthur C. Paulson used to help print LIFE AND HEALTH. Now,
grass and piled them up for organic ago. Now I learned looking younger than his years, he enjoys golf in his retirement.
MAN came to my office recently
complaining of a minor ailment. I
was surprised when he said he was
to become acquainted with the beauties of the scenery, and to learn about
the people themselves. This is perhaps one of the most potent of all
arguments in favor of bicycle touring on vacation. This kind of vacation
is much appreciated abroad.
After all these arguments in favor
of cycling, we come to the vital issue
of the day, that this means of transportation and exercise must be made
safe. It should not be reserved simply
for children in parks but should become a routine measure to bring thousands of our people to their daily jobs
safely from their homes five or ten
miles away.
Safe bicycle paths should be part of
the new interstate highway system.
They would make it possible for people to tour the country by bicycle, going from one town to another. My
father told me that when he was a
young man he and a few others rode
their bicycles from Boston to Albany,
from Albany to New York City, and
back to Boston. This is hard to imagine today, but wouldn't we like to
have the opportunity!
Despite the relatively minor difficulties in getting this idea started
and in planning and building the actual paths, I feel certain that the
establishment of cycling as a routine
in the daily life of Americans, young
and old, can become one of the most
vital steps in restoring health and
vigor to us all in the important days
* * *
Let us bequeath to our children,
will be the citizens here tomorBicycling for Health
row, more than the gadgets that surround us. The bicycle will not alone
(Continued from page 19)
do this, but it can become a symbol
to go to concerts or sports events of the red-blooded vigor, personal insuch as ball games, as in the Old dependence, economy, and restoration
World. Thus we can be more than of a sound mind in a sound body so
passive participants in all these enter- much needed in our beloved country
Many adults have told me that they
are embarrassed to ride a bicycle because cycling is supposed to be a
Do You Suffer With Your Back?
child's game. This attitude, which is
(Continued from page 14)
current and which does deter many
persons, must be overcome. It is quite are excellent. It is important to underunnecessary—witness the routine bi- stand the reasons for the exercises. To
cycling in the course of a normal way carry out the routine without purpose
of life in the Old World.
will soon lead to lack of interest. ConIn travel it is the common experi- sider two boys playing catch with an
ence that we get to places fastest by imaginary baseball, and have them go
airplane but we see the least en route. through the motions of catching and
The train, bus, and automobile come throwing the ball. How long will they
next, and we are so engrossed by our keep it up? Neither will you continue
method of transportation that we can very long exercises for better posture
hardly enjoy the country through unless you can see the reasons for
which we pass. Walking is the best such exercises.
way of all, but often it is impractical
So become acquainted with the facts
if one wants to go any distance.
outlined in this article and follow the
Of all methods of transportation, routines suggested, and we are sure
bicycling gives us the opportunity to it won't be long before 90 per cent of
see the country through which we ride, your back troubles will be relieved.
careful planning. Keen interests and
good habits are the best recipe for
meeting the problems of age.
Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur said
that old soldiers "fade away." But the
general himself is probably as busy
today as at any time in his life. When
the fading time comes, as come it
must, to go with one's boots on has its
Athletes, it seems, seldom reach a
ripe old age. Perhaps they take too
much for granted! Being possessed
of extraordinary strength and energy, they fool themselves into thinking they will always be healthy, only
to wake up when it is too late to learn
that, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap." I have heard
many a person say that during the
second thirty years of life he had
enjoyed better health than during the
first. Careful living pays off.
Getting old should be such a slow,
gradual process that, except for tripping up ,a little easier and forgetting
a little better—and it is a good thing
to forget some things anyway—one
scarcely notices that birthdays come
more frequently than they used to.
Some wag has remarked that a
woman is as old as she looks and a
man as old as he feels. The statement
may not always be true, but good
health will certainly aid good looks
and in feeling young. And it will be
appreciated more by the oldsters than
by the youngsters.
JULY, 1959
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"Mother's got a secret," Joan whispered to John, "and she won't tell us till Tommy's in bed."
OTHER Munroe whispered to
Joan, "When Tommy is in bed,
daddy.and I have a secret to tell you
"Oh," gasped Joan, for she enjoyed
secrets so much. "But please, Mother,
can't you tell me a little bit about it
right now ?"
"All I will say is, it's something
that will happen next month."
Joan ran out to look for John and
tell him about the secret. She found
him near the garage, and together
the twins tried to guess what it could
be. But they couldn't figure it out.
Only one thing was sure. Mother
wouldn't tell them until Tommy was
in bed. "So," said Joan, "we'd better
help with the dishes after supper and
maybe mother can get him to bed
It seemed to take hours and hours,
but at last Tommy was in bed and the
Little Jays were sitting at the table,
eagerly awaiting the news.
"We shall need two secretaries,"
mother said mysteriously. "Joan,
would you like to be secretary number one? And John, we will elect you
to be secretary number two."
Down off their chairs jumped Joan
and John and what a scramble followed as they looked for paper and
pencils! They made so much noise
that Tommy woke up and called,
"Mommy, come here. I want a drink."
You should have seen how quiet the
twins suddenly became when they
heard that! Now they would have to
wait even longer to know what the
secret was, while mother was getting
the water.
At last they heard mother's footsteps coming down the stairs. The important moment had arrived.
Mother began: "Daddy and I have
been talking about taking a vacation
trip this summer."
"Oh, goody, goody. Where are we
going?" said Joan.
"Will it be • to a lake so we can
swim?" asked John.
"One at a time, please," said
mother. "We have decided to go in the
car all the way to San Francisco,
California. Daddy has to go to some
meetings there."
"Will we see Aunt Sue?" said John.
"I hope so," said mother.
The twins could hardly keep still.
What fun this would be! All the way
to San Francisco in the car!
"Will we camp out on the way?"
Joan wanted to know.
"Will we see the Pacific Ocean?"
asked John.
"I want to see the bears in Yellowstone Park"—from Joan.
"I want to go through Arizona and
see the Indians"—from John.
Mother wouldn't answer any questions. She just looked mysterious
again and said, "It is time for the secretaries to get to work. Joan, you may
label one piece of paper EQUIPMENT FOR TRIP. John, label one
piece SHOPPING LIST and another
piece THINGS TO DO."
Then the real planning began. The
twins did not enjoy putting down the
first item on the lists, but they realized it was necessary for anyone going on a camping trip. John wrote it
on his paper :
1. Immunization for typhoid and
"We shall go to the doctor's office
and start getting the shots tomorrow," mother explained.
The second item went on Joan's
2. Tent, folding camp cots, mosquito netting, air mattresses.
"Mommy, at the surplus store they
have cots with a wooden pole for each
corner," John interrupted, "and dark
green netting ties to these poles. It
would be wonderful for keeping out
"Sounds good," said mother, "write
it down—poles and netting. We could
look at them when we go to town tomorrow to get the typhoid shots.
"Then this item," mother went on:
"3. Lunch box."
"Oh, Daddy," said John, "aren't you
glad you bought that nice lunch box
last summer? The ice compartment
will keep our food fresh and cool, even
on a desert."
"We will need a flashlight," mother
continued. "And let's take the DDT
bomb. It will be good to use before we
eat to keep flies and bugs away."
The twins wrote quickly:
4. Flashlight with extra bulb and
5. DDT bomb.
"I have a secret," said daddy, "that
even mommy does not know. Jack Wall
said we might use their small
"Oh, Daddy !" gasped the Little with the powder make a saturated solution that may be many times stronger
"It is not a house type of trailer, than the safest strength used medFOR MORE
but the back can be raised to make a ically.
Many cases of so-called athlete's
kitchenette with gas stove and a place
for supplies. And there is room in the foot are only collections of tissue fluid
trailer for a tent, cots, bedding, and in open spaces under the skin. They
are a result of nervous tension and
"Character is often determined by the
Mother looked worried, so daddy should be classified as a type of neuroway leisure hours are spent."
hurried on, "Jack says the trailer is dermatitis. The caffeine in tea, coffee,
very small, so it is easy to pull along or cola drinks aggravates them. Eliminating the caffeine for several months
behind the car.
"But now," said daddy, "it's bed- often clears the condition without furtime for two children I know. So off ther therapy.
If your infection resists ordinary
you go. But remember, if we take a
trip like this, we shall need your treatment, your doctor may have to
make a culture of it and see which of
It was hard for the twins to go to the four common fungi is causing the
bed, but they did—and what do you problem. Then he can plan your treatment better.
suppose they dreamed about?
This little game, consisting of 101 nicely
In the meantime the challenge of printed cards with accompanying instruction
Health Precautions for Camping Trips
athlete's foot remains to vex the abil- and answer book, promotes interest in Bible
facts. Some of the questions test the memory;
1. Get immunized beforehand, es- ity of the physician and the skill of some
provoke thought. Profitable for Sabbath
the compounders of powders and oint- hours.
pecially for typhoid and smallpox.
PRICE, $1.25
2. Take containers with lids that ments. There it grows on the very
will keep flies and insects away from surface of the skin in a position where
therapy ought to destroy it easily. Yet,
3. Have facilities for keeping food in spite of a myriad of "cures," it is,
like the common cold, still with us,
4. Eat hot meals regularly.
frustrating on occasion even the most
astute clinician.
5. Pasteurize or boil all milk.
A sea that lost its tongue, imported apes and
6. Be sure your water is pure, and
peacocks, twenty worthless towns—could you
locate these references in the Bible? This
keep cups clean.
attractively printed card game affords suit7. Eat only wholesome food and
Monday Morning Blues
able Sabbath diversion in finding Bible place
few sweets.
PRICE, $1.00
(Continued from page 23)
8. Make sure the beds and cots are
stands fully. The psalmist says, "In
comfortable, with mosquito nets.
.kPtithrei 6:4
9. Don't drive too long at one time. the day of my trouble I sought the
Drive early in the morning and stop Lord" (Psalm 77:2). Talk over your
early at night. Stop frequently for problem with God. Tell Him exactly
how you feel. Find a quiet spot and
solve your mood with Him. He will
10. Be safe rather than sorry.
A game for Junior youth to play with younger
help you find joy again.
brothers and sisters—these thirty sets of
* * *
twin cards will provide instruction and entermorning blues, you must identify tainment for very young children by making
Athlete's Foot
yourself with your better hours. Claim them familiar with some common words
joy, peace, serenity, as your rightful through association of the words with the
(Continued from page 12)
pictures that portray them. The first fifteen
heritage. If some have wronged you, sets
are for very young children, and the last
nonirritating. Apply this in all folds think of those who have always loved fifteen
sets are designed for a slightly older
and creases of the toes after washing you. If some have mistreated you, re- group.
PRICE, $.75
each evening.
member that there are some who
If this program does not free your would not hurt you for anything in the
Where Family Life Ends,
feet of athlete's foot, you should see world. If the day seems dark, rememJuvenile
Delinquency Begins
your doctor. Fatigue, vitamin defi- ber that the sun still shines behind
ciency, anemia, and other medical the clouds. Monday morning blues can
problems tend to increase nervous become Monday morning jubilees.
tension and produce nervous sweating,
which is as helpful to the fungi as ir* * *
Enclosed is $
. Please mail me the
rigation is to alfalfa.
game (s) checked below:
Furthermore, not all rashes on the Young Giants
▪ Bible Truth Game
D Bible Geography Game
Boys and girls are taller and heavfeet are fungus infections. Some peoO Spelling Game
ple are sensitive to dyes in the shoe ier today than they were a generation
lining. Some are sensitive to the rub- ago. A Michigan study reported in
ber cement used to stiffen the toes of Medical Science showed boys from
ADDRESS _________
shoes. Some are sensitive to powders seven to 14 years of age in 1954 were
that sift into their shoes at work an inch or more taller than those in
(fertilizers, cement, chemicals). Many 1937-39. Girls revealed a similarly imClip out and mail coupon today to
powders are non-irritating when dry pressive record. As for weight, boys
Review & Herald Pub. Assn.
but harmful in solution. This is why had added two to 14 pounds dependWashington 12, D.C.
medicated powders are potentially dan- ing on their ages while girls showed
gerous. A few drops of sweat mixed even greater gains in some instances. L
Bible Games
JULY. 1959
36 Dietitian/ Sajs
If you have a question or problem regarding food or diet, address: The Dietitian,
HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
Nobody—but nobody—wants to sit
down to a meal of hot sticky food
in the middle of July. So why prepare
that kind?
Right now the family want something cool, that slips down easily no
matter what the temperature outside.
Yet mother must be sure her family's
diet is properly balanced.
Salads are the answer. And since
pears are coming back onto the market in July, we suggest you treat the
family to several pear salads this
Pears, incidentally, are a Western
fruit. Almost 95 per cent of our
canned pears come from the Pacific
Coast, where the soil is rich and volcanic, the days are warm, and frost is
rare at night.
Special care must be taken to harvest pears at the right time, for they
must not be allowed to ripen on the
trees. If they were, they would be
gritty and the flavor would be poor.
Instead, pears are picked while
green and hard. Fruit growers judge
the proper time by the number of
days that have elapsed since blossoming, and also by means of a scientific
test that determines how many
pounds of pressure are needed to
force a small cylinder into the flesh of
the pear.
Once the pears are picked they are
carefully sorted, wrapped, and boxed
to be stored in a cool place until time
for shipment to market._ When you
buy them fresh, if they are still green,
leave them in their paper wrappings
and store at room temperatures until
ripe. Then put them in the refrigerator—or eat them.
Pears for canning are ripened under controlled conditions until they
are tender and juicy. As soon as they
turn yellow and yield to pressure they
are rushed to the canneries.
Pears with cottage cheese, grapes, and sour cream make
a wonderful
There are four main varieties.
Bartletts ripen in the summer. They
are shaped like a bell, are soft and
yellow. They will be popular for the
next two or three months.
Bose pears can be identified by
their long tapering neck. They come
on the market in the fall.
Comice pears are green-skinned,
famous for size and quality. They become available in November.
The Anjou also has a green skin. It
is more round than other pears, and
has a spicy flavor. It is on sale the
longest—from October to April.
Pears are good for meals all day
long. Blend the canned juice with
lemon or orange juice for a refreshing breakfast drink. Pour grapefruit
juice over pear halves for a tangy,
lively appetizer. For luncheon, combine pear halves or other fruits with
cottage cheese. There are only about
70 calories to a pear. At dinner, serve
combination your family is sure to rave over. So be prepared, have seconds ready!
pears with ice cream and frozen
Here are several pear recipes your
family will like, including some we're
sure you've never tried.
Pear-Cottage-Cheese Salad
(See picture)
On salad greens place two canned Bartlett pear halves, cut side up. Add a mound
of cottage cheese. Garnish the pears with
a maraschino cherry for color contrast.
Serve with mayonnaise on the greens or
in a container nearby. For variety, add
drained crushed pineapple to the cottage
cheese. The mayonnaise may be thinned
with pineapple juice and flavored with a
couple drops of mint flavoring.
Pear Delight Salad
(See picture)
1 No. 2i can of pears
pint sour cream
pint cottage cheese
Garden leaves
4 pieces of green pepper for stems
Drain juice from can of pears. Combine
sour cream and cottage cheese. Spread 4
pear halves with mixture. Top with other
halves and secure with toothpicks. Refrigerate 15 minutes or longer. Remove
toothpicks. Place on washed and polished
garden leaves on individual salad plates
(polish leaves with a clean soft cloth).
Place a piece of green pepper in top of
pear resembling stem. Serve grapes and
additional cheese mixture alongside
stuffed pear. Serves 4.
Pear and Orange Jam
4 cups ground Bartlett pears
1 orange
1 21-ounce box powdered pectin
5 cups sugar
cup chopped walnuts
Peel and core about 21 pounds fully ripe
pears. Grind pears and 1 whole orange,
or chop very fine. Mix well. Measure 4
cups into a large saucepan. Measure sugar
and set aside. Add nuts to sugar. Stir
powdered fruit pectin into fruit in saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat
and stir until mixture comes to a hard
boil. At once, stir in sugar and nuts.
Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard
for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove
from heat and ladle quickly into sterilized
1-pint jars. Seal according to manufacturer's directions. If foam appears on jam,
skim it off with a silver spoon before sealing. Let jars cool from 25 to 30 minutes
and if fruit has tendency to float, shake
jars gently to distribute fruit.
Pear Raspberry Jam
4 cups prepared fruit (about 2 pounds
Bartlett pears and one 12-ounce box
quick-frozen raspberries)
cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon grated orange rind
6 cups sugar
I bottle liquid fruit pectin
JULY, k 7959
As the raspberries are thawing, peel,
core, and grind about 2 pounds (5 or 6)
fully ripe pears. Measure thawed raspberries and add enough ground pears to
make 4 cups prepared fruit. Place kettle
over high heat and bring to a full rolling
boil. Boil hard for 1 minute, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat and at once
stir in liquid fruit pectin. Ladle quickly
into sterilized 1-pint jars and seal according to manufacturer's directions. Let cool
for 25 to 30 minutes and if fruit has a
tendency to float, gently shake the jar to
distribute fruit. Makes about 8 jars jam.
Summer Salad
2 ripe Bartlett pears
1 cantaloupe
8 Italian prunes
1 3-ounce package cream cheese
Salad greens
Wash, halve, and core pears, then cut
pear halves into 4 sections. Wash and
peel melon and cut 4 slices crosswise.
Wash, halve, and pit prunes. Form cream
cheese into 8 balls. Arrange cantaloupe
slices on salad greens and top each slice
with 4 pear wedges. Stuff the prunes with
cheese balls and place between the pear
wedges on the cantaloupe rounds. Garnish
with mint leaves or water cress. Serves 4.
* * *
How to Keep Cool
(Continued from page 16)
If an air conditioner is not practical for your home, try an exhaust fan
in the attic. With this type of fan you
close all upstairs windows and open
only a window or two in the room
where there are people. The fan draws
out the heat and the cool night air
comes in the open windows and travels
through the house.
Sun. Fun in the sun is fine, but be
careful. Sun can be dangerous. A sun
tan doesn't ensure good health all
the winter as is sometimes believed;
but if you want a tan for looks, start
out with ten-minute exposures and
gradually build yourself up to longer
If you're fishing or swimming, remember that the ultraviolet rays are
reflected back by the water to give
you a double dose.
There are many commercial lotions
and creams you can use to reduce the
dosage of sunburn and help you tan
gradually. Some of these filter out
light rays, others block the ultraviolet
Heatstroke and heat exhaustion.
There is another good reason for being sensible during the summer—the
danger of heatstroke, heat exhaustion,
and heat cramps. All these are caused
by overexposure to heat, but the symptoms and the treatment are different.
The treatment for one disorder may
be harmful to another, and since some
(Turn to page 31)
Packed-1# to 30# boxes
HALVES—$1.15 per lb.
PIECES—$1.10 per lb.
On 51b. box always figure 61b. postage
plus 10c insurance
Prices subject to change without notice.
YANCEY, TEXAS Phone 2261
No Food Value
One teaspoon of Sugarless
Sweetener has the sweetening
power of a full cup of sugar,
but no calories. And here's
wonderful news — Sugarless
Sweetener can be used for
baking or canning without
ever leaving a bitter or metallic after-taste. Comes in handy
shaker dispenser. Start reducing today with the help of
Sugarless Sweetener.
Sugarless Sweetener contains soluble saccharin, a non-nutritive artificial sweetener which should be used only by
persons who must restrict their intake of
ordinary sweets. Supplies no food value.
Another product of the most
respected name in health foods...
"Delicious Protein Energy"
Biologically tested and proven. Torumel contains 20% to 80% MORE
nutrient value 'as compared to other
food yeasts. NOT ordinary Brewers!'
Torula yeast. Specially grown; contains extra elements. Now in
handy tablet form for between
meal pickup. Combats fatigue,
anemia, debility.
250 Tabs $2.00
500 Tabs 3.50
Jim/maker dints
When writing, please enclose stamped, addressed envelope for
reply. Address: Home Editor, LIFE Cr HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
July Surprises. June has always been
a poetic month, perfect for weddings
and good weather. But what's the
matter with July? The strawberries
are gone from the garden, but raspberries are ripening, and cherries are
still on the trees. New potatoes are
ready, string beans, Swiss chard,
beets—there are any number of surprises awaiting us in July.
You may even get a few tomatoes
(in the North, that is—you get them
much earlier down South). It seems
so easy to prepare a meal when there
are tomatoes in the garden. What is
better than a tomato sandwich? Two
of them, of course!
Tomato Juice. If you are getting
tomatoes in July, there is no better
time than right now to start putting
up some for next winter. I never can
enough tomato juice, no matter how
much I put up.
For the finished juice to be colorful
use ripe tomatoes that are firm and
deep red. Wash them and remove any
spots. Cut in small pieces and put in
a large kettle. Cover, and let simmer for about ten minutes. Stir now
and then to prevent sticking to the
Force the juice through a sieve, using a wooden spoon until only skins
and seeds are left. Put the juice back
into the kettle and reheat it until it
almost boils, but do not let it boil.
This preserves the vitamin C content.
Now pour juice into sterilized jars,
almost to top, and add 1/2 teaspoon
salt to each quart.
Have water boiling in your water
canner. Screw on the lids and place
the jars _ in the boiling water and
process them for a quarter hour. Remove and tighten the lids. That's all
there is to it.
Lucile's Recipe. Here is a dish you
can prepare in the summer, though I
was first introduced to it last winter.
We were having dinner at John
Keeler's near Port Allegany, Pennsylvania, and Lucile, John's wife, served
a luscious casserole she calls Baked
Corn and Peas (it is so yummy it
should have a more poetic name).
When I asked her for the recipe she
said it would be rather difficult to
give as she doesn't measure any of
the ingredients, so you may have to
experiment to get the results you
Fear drives me to Thee, Lord,
The fear of what I am,
Of what I may become
Without Thee, Lord.
Let me come to Thee, Lord,
For joy of what Thou art,
For love of what Thou art,
For Thee alone.
Lucile says to use about one can of
cream-style corn and one can of peas.
Combine and salt to taste. Add a little
sliced onion and about two teaspoons
of McKay's Chicken Style seasoning
(a vegetable product—get it at a
health-food store). Beat two eggs into
some milk—perhaps a pint—and pour
over corn and peas. Bake until custard
is set and the vegetables are slightly
browned. It's delicious.
Quick Hot Dish. For a quick hot dish
on a day that's too hot to work in the
kitchen, you might like this bean-andtomato soup. You use one can of
baked beans and one can of tomato
soup. Put the beans through a ricer,
combine them with the tomato soup,
add a dash of onion salt, heat, and
then add some milk and butter to
taste. A sprig of parsley lends color
and vitamins.
Cleaning Pots. To make less cleaning
while cooking, cook bubbly stews or
other foods that spatter and sputter,
in a large pot. Rinse baking dishes
soon after you are through, and wash
pots and pans as much as possible before serving dinner.
Summer Daintiness. Perspiration is
nature's method of evaporating moisture. It is your cooling system. When
one perspires where evaporation cannot take place quickly, there is an unpleasant odor. Bathing often destroys
this odor, but in hot weather one cannot always be sure, so it is safer to
use a deodorant, an antiperspirant, talcum powders, or astringents.
An antiperspirant closes the pores
and thus stops perspiration. Be sure
to follow the directions on the label.
The underarm should be dry when an
antiperspirant is applied.
A deodorant banishes the odor.
Sometimes deodorants contain antiperspirants which is another reason
for reading the label. Underarm rash
may develop when using an antiperspirant if directions are not followed,
so follow them!
You will enjoy using the astringents such as cologne and toilet water. There is a stick cologne deodorant. Talcum powder helps dry the excess moisture.
Wash feet often. Keep them dry by
dusting with talcum powder. Wear
clean hosiery every day.
Wash clothing often, especially lingerie. A daily bath and clean clothing
are essential, especially in summertime.
And what makes you feel pounds
lighter and more refreshed than a
good swim in the late afternoon of a
hot July day?
Then if you wish a cool drink, pass
by the soda pop and fix yourself a
glass of lemonade, limeade, or orange
How to Keep Cool
(Continued front page 29)
cases prove fatal, it is important to
know the difference.
In heatstroke (or sunstroke if it's
caused by intense sun instead of extreme heat), the heat regulating centers of the brain are damaged. One
out of each four victims dies, and
those who live are usually sensitive
to heat for the rest of their lives.
You can recognize the symptoms of
sunstroke easily. The victim develops
headache and nausea and urinates
frequently. He suddenly collapses and
faints. His body temperature is high,
sometimes up to 107° F. He stops
sweating, his skin is hot and dry, his
face is flushed.
You should cool him off immediately
by getting him into the shade, removing clothes, spraying with cold water,
and placing cold compresses or ice
bags on his head and body. Call a
doctor at once.
Heat exhaustion is different and
involves the circulatory system. It too
can be fatal. The victim feels dizziness, headache, and nausea as in
heatstroke. He may fall unconscious.
But his body is cold and clammy, and
his face is pale and wet with perspiration. Get the victim into the shade as
before, but cover him with a moderate
amount of clothing to keep him fairly
warm. Have him drink salt water repeatedly. (One teaspoon of salt in one
glass of water.) Call a doctor immediately.
Heat cramps may accompany heat
exhaustion or they may come alone.
The victim has painful cramps in the
abdomen or limbs. He should be given
salt water to drink.
You will not have to suffer from
these heat disorders if you act sensibly in hot weather. Schedule your
day so you won't be exercising strenuously during the hottest part of the
day, the early afternoon.
Keep a cool head, follow the experts'
advice about how to keep a cool body,
and you should be able to enjoy the
summer fun.
Home Treatments
(Continued from page 16)
4. Shower cap to keep the hair dry.
5. One pound of starch or
One pound of soda or
One to two pounds of quick-cooking oatmeal.
6. Bath thermometer.
1. If using starch or soda, mix with
cold water first and add to bath. If
JULY, 1959
using oatmeal, either cook first, place
in a thin muslin bag, and squeeze into
the water ; or place the oatmeal in the
bag and let very hot water run over it.
2. Fill the tub about two thirds full
of water between 94°-97° F. The water
should be deep enough so the body is
covered, coming well up on the neck
if possible.
3. Stir the bath well. If using oatmeal, squeeze the bag until the water
becomes milky and soft.
4. Assist the patient into the tub,
using one of the bath towels, folded,
under the head as he lies in the tub.
The washcloth may be used to bathe
any parts that are not under the
water. (Do not rub or scratch, for
this will make the itching worse).
5. The bath is usually given for
twenty to thirty minutes. It may be
given for a longer time if needed.
6. When the patient is taken out of
the tub, dry by patting the skin gently
with a towel. Do not rub.
7. Empty the residue from the bag
of oatmeal into the garbage or into the
toilet drain. Wash the bag thoroughly
so it will be ready for the next time.
You Need
when you can get EVERYTHING IN ONE!
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Trade in your old Juicers, Blenders
Write today!
Robot Div. LH-7
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1. Use the correct temperature for
the bath. A bath too cold is uncomfortable for a patient with a skin irritation, and a bath too hot will increase
2. Assist the patient in and out of
the tub if necessary. Watch for falling
as the danger of slipping may be increased by the substances used in the
3. Some skin conditions are made
worse by water, so it is best to consult
your physician before treating a severe skin condition.
I'd Walk A Mile For A
Can Of Lange's
Portland 14. Ore.
"The House of a Million Vitamins"
San Diego 1, California
1125 Sixth Avenue
Ask about our 20% discount plan.
Skin rash with burning and itching.
Free Catalog on Request
* * *
Frigid Stomach Stops Hemorrhage
Patients suffering from bleeding
peptic ulcers and requiring massive
blood transfusions can be helped by a
new technic devised by Dr. Owen H.
Wangensteen of the University of
Minnesota's Department of Surgery.
The patient swallows a balloon
through which a frigid (23° F.) solution of alcohol and water is circulated. The cold reduces blood flow and
the secretion of gastric juices. The
stomach fluids become less acid, and
are no longer able to digest the stomach wall around the ulcer. Bleeding
stops. The freezing technic has been
used in ten patients. An average of
twenty-five hours was required to
stop the bleeding.
Every Penny
you put in a Life and
Health subscription is
money invested in
better health.
Please ❑ renew. ❑ enter my subscription to Life and Health today.
1 year. $3.50.
Mail to:
Washington 12, D.C.
Mr. Morse's son was sick, but the
druggist refused to sell him the
medicine Mr. Morse demanded.
Why the Druggist Said, "No!"
S THE clock struck nine, the door
of the drugstore flew open and an
anxious father rushed in. "I'm J. H.
These are common occurrences in
drugstores and doctor's offices. Many
people fail to realize the power of the
Morse," he announced. "I need 300,- miracle drugs or the length of time it
000 units of penicillin right away. My takes to prepare them for human conboy, John, has a temperature of sumption.
104°F., and the doctor gave him peniUsing antibiotics may be thought
cillin the last time he was sick."
of as employing one germ to destroy
Wearily the druggist refused. another. That is to say, the human
"Sorry, Mr. Morse. I can't sell you body becomes ill from germs that enpenicillin without a doctor's prescrip- ter it, and the doctor prescribes ortion. It would not be wise. You might ganisms in medicine form that fight
endanger your child's health by giv- and overcome the disease germs.
ing him such powerful medicine withThis is not as simple as it sounds,
out supervision."
because before an antibiotic can be
This experience is a familiar one in given to a patient, the organism must
any drugstore. Since the dramatic be discovered, grown in a test tube,
entrance of the antibiotics, many peo- purified, tried out on all kinds of disple fail to realize that these potent ease organisms, experimented with on
foes of disease cannot be sold without laboratory mice, rats, or guinea pigs,
a prescription.
manufactured, and finally proved to
Practicing physicians are con- be of value against human illness.
stantly confronted with problems This may take years.
similar to the following.
Penicillin is a good example, for it
"Doctor," pleaded a worried was the first antibiotic to be employed
mother, "can't you give my Joe that successfully. Discovered in 1929 by
new drug called neomycin? He has Dr. Alexander Fleming of London,
had tuberculosis for so long, and you England, it promised much in drasaid that the other drugs you had matic cures for stubborn illnesses.
used didn't help." Hesitantly, she Commercial production was finally
produced a clipping from her purse. achieved under supervision of the
"It says here, 'neomycin is effective War Production Board in the United
against some strains of tuberculosis States after the beginning of the secthat have resisted streptomycin.' "
ond world war. Not until 1944 was
"Mrs. Braxton," the doctor pa- general distribution accomplished—
tiently explained, "I'm trying medi- fifteen years after the discovery.
cine that is safe to give to your boy.
Why can't an antibiotic be sold
Neomycin has been tried out success- over the drug counter? Take the case
fully on mice, but as yet it has not of John Morse, whose father tried to
been purified for human use. True, it buy penicillin at the drugstore without
is a hope, but until research scientists a prescription. Mr. Morse knew only
know more of its properties as well as three things about his son. John had a
its effect on people, I cannot and temperature of 104°F. He had taken
would not use it. Be patient, Mrs. penicillin before when he was ill. He
Braxton. Your boy is improving."
had recovered.
Mr. Morse did not realize that
John's temperature could be caused
by an entirely different organism
against which penicillin would not
be effective. He did not know that a
course of dosage should be prescribed
according to his son's symptoms, diagnosis, body weight, age, past medical history, and general condition.
He did not know that John could develop a sensitivity to penicillin or that
he might react badly to it, since he
had had it so recently. Mr. Morse did
not realize that a concentration of
penicillin must be maintained within
the blood stream to be effective. He
did not know that sometimes antibiotics are deliberately withheld in
simple illnesses so they may be used
to combat more serious conditions.
Small wonder that the law says,
"Penicillin must not be dispensed
without a prescription from a licensed physician."
Newspapers, magazines, radio,
have frequently proclaimed the discovery of new drugs—streptomycin,
aureomycin, tyrothricin, and gramicidin to mention a few—and credited
the medicines with powers to work all
sorts of wonders. Recently neomycin
was reported to show promise of being able to destroy the tuberculosis
bacilli, which have heretofore resisted
streptomycin. The article failed to
point out that months, even years,
may be required to prepare this drug
for safe administration to patients.
Such dramatic items often cause a
stricken person to build up false hope.
Sometimes cancer patients seek to secure some medication that has been
advertised with the testimonial, "I de." Delay of
feated cancer with
proper treatment may mean death
in these cases. Frequently, although
a medication is useful it may exist
only in a foreign country, or the cost
of production may be so high that it
is prohibitive to the general public.
Remember too, that no amount of
antibiotics can replace the natural
body defenses against disease. Bed
rest, plenty of fluids, a light diet, and
supporting measures are still the anchor in the treatment of illness. Doctors know that without building up
the body's natural defenses, a disease
cannot be cured. Antibiotics, in most
cases, merely hold the bacteria in
abeyance till the body can build up
its own resistance.
In any case of illness always consult your physician and rely upon his
clinical judgment in treating your
illness. Do not be swept away by announcements regarding new miracle
drugs. Ask your doctor, who will have
the latest information on proved and
scientifically accepted antibiotics.
OUNG Jerry Wilson was as
healthy as any other ten-year-old
boy, and like other fellows his age, he
was prone to the usual diseases that
plague a growing youngster. His
mother was, therefore, not too concerned to discover him complaining
of fatigue and lack of appetite one
evening after a hard day's play. Taking his temperature, she found him
running a slight fever—a little less
than two degrees—and so, after due
consideration, she gave him an aspirin
and tucked him in bed.
Things the following morning
weren't much better, and as the day
progressed Mrs. Wilson began to be
concerned about her son's lack of interest in his usual activities.
Cornering her husband as he sat
engrossed in his evening paper, she
described the situation, finally ending
with the question, "Should we call
Dr. Alexander? Somehow, Jerry
doesn't act really ill, but on the other
hand he doesn't feel well either."
JULY, 1959
"Fiddlesticks," retorted her husband. "I've never yet seen Jerry when
he was really ill that he didn't make it
obvious to all concerned. Let's go in
and talk to him and see just what it is
that is getting him down."
Jerry greeted his parents' questions with a general disinterest. No,
he didn't want to eat.
"There is one thing that's new
though," he commented. "I've got a
big red spot on my hand and there's
a lump under my arm. I just noticed
them this afternoon."
Further study of the situation
ended with Mr. Wilson reaching for
the telephone, and within a short
time Dr. Alexander, the family physician, was seated at Jerry's bedside.
After a careful examination the
doctor sat back and began to discuss
the problem with the family. No one
seemed to be able to add anything to
the history, so the doctor wisely
dropped the subject and started talking to Jerry about his schoolwork, his
buddies, and other of the myriad
things that make up the daily routine
of a small boy.
"How's the pet situation, Jerry?"
the doctor asked. "Did your dad ever
get you the dog you were pestering
him for the last time I was here?"
"Naw," retorted Jerry, "the only
thing we have around this place is
our old mouser, Blackie. And just between you and me, Doctor, we're not
on the best of terms at the moment. I
had a fight with him a couple of weeks
ago and believe me I got the worst of
the deal. Actually, it wasn't Blackie's
fault. He just didn't want to let us
boys use him for the bandit in our
game of cops and robbers. He let out
an awful yowl, scratched my hand,
and made off to the woods."
"How long ago did you say that
happened?" Dr. Alexander inquired.
"Oh, about two weeks, I guess,
maybe a little longer. Why do you
"Where did he scratch you, Jerry?"
"Oh, on my hand, I guess. Come to
think about it, he nicked me just
about the place where this sore is
now. It couldn't be the same thing
though, because the scratch disap-
peared a long time ago. This sore is
something new."
Finishing his chat with the young
patient, the doctor walked into the
living room with the parents.
"Well, Doctor, what's the verdict?"
queried Mr. Wilson.
"I can't be sure yet, Tom," replied
the physician. "Frankly though, I
think there is some relation between
the disagreement your son had with
the family cat some weeks ago and
the problem he has now. I want to do
a special test on Jerry. It's quite possible he has a disease that is just beginning to be recognized in this country. It's a virus disorder that is frequently acquired by coming in contact with the claws of a cat or otherwise being intimately exposed to the
animal when it is acting as a carrier
of the disease. For lack of a better
term, the disease is presently known
as cat scratch fever. We'll do a skin
test on Jerry in the morning as soon
as I can find a laboratory that has
the material in stock. The test is not
widely available as yet, but when it
can be done it gives a definite diagnosis."
"What's involved in the skin test,
Doctor?" Mrs. Wilson interjected
with a worried frown.
"It's so simple that you've nothing
to worry about, Irene. The laboratory
makes a special solution of material
that is injected just under the skin.
This drop of solution will give a positive reaction, that is, a red spot, if the
patient has the disease. As soon as we
get this reaction, we know what we
are dealing with."
The following day the doctor administered the test and within
twenty-four hours the Wilsons were
informed that Jerry had a heretofore
relatively undiagnosed condition
known as cat scratch fever. The doctor
reassured the Wilsons that the disease
would soon run its course, and gave
them a prescription for one of the
newer antibiotics to help hasten the
boy's recovery.
Historically, this disease seems to
be as old as the ancient civilizations.
Some doctors feel that it is the same
as the one described in older writings as Bubons Climatiques. The ancients seemed to feel that weather
was involved and quite possibly never
linked the disease to association with
The disease was disregarded in
present-day civilization, however, until in 1930, Dr. Robert Debre, a
French physician, noted that patients
who had been scratched by cats
showed certain similar symptoms.
Concurrently with Dr. Debre's investigation, an American physician,
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Dr. Lee Foshay of Cincinnati, noticed
a similar concurrence of symptoms in
his patients, and in 1932 he began an
intensive study of the problem.
The close association with cats was
so significant that Dr. Debre in Paris
named the disease cat scratch disease,
while Dr. Foshay, working independently in America, called it cat fever.
Since that time, however, the disease
has been shown to be carried also by
rabbits, porcupines, and other animals.
As a result it is now referred to in
medical circles as Benign Inoculation
Lymphoreticulosis. This professional
mouthful is best interpreted by saying
that the disease is one that does not
cause death (benign). It is usually contracted as a result of the virus entering the skin or mucous membranes
through a scratch or prick made by
some sharp object (inoculation). Finally, it makes itself known by causing an infection that spreads
throughout the lymph system in the
body (lymphoreticulosis).
The knowledge that the disease
exists is especially important to children and younger people, because the
majority of cases occur in persons under the age of thirty, and the larger
percentage of these patients are under the age of ten.
The disease may not present its
symptoms until ten to thirty days
after exposure, and in many instances
no one remembers an altercation
with a cat. As a result, the diagnosis
is not thought of during the time
that tests are being done to determine the cause of the patient's problem.
A fact of even greater importance
in the recognition of this disease, is
that it is a great mimicker of more
serious illnesses. Rabbit fever, infectious mononucleosis, Hodgkins disease, tuberculosis of the glands, and
certain tumors (both benign and malignant), all possess symptoms that
are easily confused with cat scratch
fever. It is, therefore, of great assistance to the family physician if parents can accurately recall any history
of exposure to cats in hard-to-diagnose cases involving any or all of the
symptoms of chills, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, or nausea. This
is particularly true if there is evidence of a skin infection accompanied by enlarged glands in the
neck, groin, or under the arm.
Treatment of the disease is primarily symptomatic, although the physician may feel it advisable to prescribe
some of the newer antibiotics. Since
the disease is more or less self-limiting, the principal interest is to keep
the patient comfortable. Sometimes
treatment becomes a problem, for the
disease may spread through a whole
family. It is interesting to note that
of 160 cases described recently in the
Journal of the American Medical Association by Drs. W. B. Daniels and
F. G. MacMurray, there were twelve
household epidemics that centered
around the family cat. While the dis-
8vening grayer
Thank You, Jesus, for my bread,
Thank You for my milk and bed;
Thank You for the roof and pane
That keep me safe from snow and rain;
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And kind and loving, just like You. Amen.
covery of this disease should by no
means exclude the presence of this pet
from the family circle, it is, however,
a good idea to be aware that the animal is capable of transmitting illness.
The rediscovery of what is probably a disease of antiquity pointedly
demonstrates the fact that as the
medical profession develops newer and
better methods of diagnosis, it increases its ability to detect and subsequently treat what otherwise might
remain undiagnosable mysteries. The
recognition of this illness also gives
dramatic evidence of the constant
battle being waged between medicine
and the forces of disease. This fight
is slowly and surely turning in the
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