Document 6506698


Document 6506698
Why Be Tired?
MARCH 1 9 5 3
Your baby will thrive on 2forg'fft4
, r..,1A
1 for all babies—although
yWN scientifically developed to
, ,., meet infant feeding
problems, Soyalac serves also as a
splendid food in milk-free diets of
children and adults. It is easy to
prepare, 100% soluble and its sweet,
milk-like flavor is most palatable.
Soyalac is much like mothers' milk
in composition and ease of assimilation. Moreover, Soyalac has been
clinically tested and found suitable
for premature feeding. Soyalac is
available at your drug store.
FREE BOOKLET: For complete information
about Soyalac send for free booklet.
Consult your physician regarding feeding
instructions. To get Free Booklet address:
Arlington, California, or Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Accepted by American Medical Association's
Council on Foods and Nutrition.
March, 1953
Vol. 68, No.
J. DeWITT FOX, M.D., L.M.C.C., Editor
MARY CASTOR, Assistant to the Editor
D. A. DELAFIELD, Assistant Editor
T. K. MARTIN, Art Editor
C. E. WENIGER, Ph.D., Editorial Consultant
Consulting Editors: ROBERT A. HARE, M.D., F.A.C.P.; WALTER E. MACPHERSON,
Contributing Editors: D. Lois BURNETT, R.N. • M. WEBSTER PRINCE, D.D.S., F.A.C.D.
Braille Edition, Life & Health: C. W. DEGERING, MANAGING EDITOR
I have received your magazine LIFE &
HEALTH. I have read it with interest and
also showed it to my wife, who enjoyed
reading it very much.
Washington, D.C.
I Am Tired of Love and Security
How to Dodge Colds
Chronic Fatigue
Wisdom Teeth
Are You Anemic?
J DEWITT Fox, M.D. 16
Hawaii: Prescription for Happy Living
I love the editorial "What Makes a
Good Doctor Good?" [July, 1952.] It puts
into charming words my own thoughts.
A good doctor's loving, personal interest
helps the medicines work their cures, it
seems to me.
I am a doctor's daughter. My father
was a former-generation doctor, who
never sent bills, so his patients forgot to
pay. He devoted his life to his patients.
Today I find doctors just as loving and
devoted, as you point out. They have to
send bills because new inventions and
streamlined medical care require secre(Turn to page 4)
Home Treatments _
Family Physician
Breast Feeding
Mother's Counselor
Dietitian Says
Homemaker Hints _
Wings of Health
Philosophy of Life
R..1. CHRISTIAN, Circulation Manager
J. R. HANNA, Advertising Manager
.1. M. JACKSON, Associate Circulation Manager
LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1953 by the
Review and Herald Publishing Association,
Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. All rights reserved. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office.
Published monthly by the Review and Herald
Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C.
Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1904,
at the post office at Washington, D.C., under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate postage provided for in
Section 538, Act of October 2, 1917, and
authorized June 24, 1904. Member of A.B.C.
MARCH, 1953
U.S. and possessions, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, and Pan-American Union, 1 year, $2.75;
2 years, $5.25; 3 years, $7.50. Add 35c a year
elsewhere. All subscriptions must be paid for
in advance. Single copy, 25 cents, U.S.
LIFE AND HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.,
at least 30 days prior to the date of the issue
with which it is to take effect. Send old
address with the new, enclosing if possible
your address label.
Color Photo by Hawaii Press Bureau
This interesting scene on one of the beaches in
Hawaii is typical of the tropical beauty that enhances this island group.
Not only does nature appear at its best here,
with tall, graceful palms, a profusion of beautiful
flowers, and inviting sea bathing, but the temperature is perfect the year round I
What a place! It is difficult to imagine anything
more ideal.
Readers' Pulse
Nes the doctor put
you on a low-sodium
or salt-free diet? Fresh
lemons, themselves
salt-free, can make all
the difference between flat, insipid
dishes and tempting, appetizing
ones. A few drops of tangy lemon
juice work wonders for food flavors.
Overweight? Many diets recommend cutting down on salt. Seasoning with lemons instead of salt not
only helps you shed pounds faster,
but a squeeze of tangy, fresh lemon
sparks low-calorie foods.
(Continued from page 3)
taries, nurses, equipment—all requiring
money. But the doctors' hearts have not
changed. God, bless them.
I love also your article on "The Ship
With a Heart." You have a delightful
style of writing. I am amazed that you
have time to be a practicing doctor, an
editor, and a writer.
My purpose in writing this is to tell
you what pleasure, inspiration, and actual
strength it gave me to read your articles.
Congratulations and many thanks.
Washington, D.C.
LIFE & HEALTH September issue has
just arrived. I always glance through the
magazine before settling down to serious
reading. I notice one subscriber thinks
very little of your magazine. I am a recent subscriber, and I think it's wonderful. In six months' time it has saved me
several trips to my doctor's office, so I
have saved more than the cost of my
subscription. Perhaps if this reader concentrated on what she was reading, she
would benefit as much as I have. Lack of
absorption is the only reason I can see
for her criticism.
Will you kindly send me the January
issue containing "Why Hysterectomy?"
I would like very much to read this article, since this has been prescribed for
me, and I hesitate, because I am only
thirty-two and, I feel, too young. Perhaps
this article that I have heard so much
about will help me to decide.
Thanks for a grand magazine.
J. K.
Bridgeport, Connecticut
From Arthritic, Rheumatic Pain with
7/4ea Meat
Effective help for neuritis,
colds, and "flu" with THERMOPHORE "fomentations."
Pain-soothing heat "at the snap
of a switch' gives you quick relaxation and relief from soreness.
The Battle Creek THERMOPHORE replaces messy old-style
hot packs and wet towels with
quick, convenient, moist-heat
A professional appliance, yet safely, easily used at
home. Satisfied users testify to the effectiveness of
the THERMOPHORE when moist heat is desired.
Included are a 27" x 13" electric unit (uses AC or
DC current), two washable covers, a safety thermostat,
a switch, and a 10' cord.
Write Today for Literature
Battle Creek Equipment Co.
Dept. L-33, Battle Creek, Michigan
In the July LIFE & HEALTH the article
"You and Your Food," by Katherine Volk,
is fine! I wish we could have more by her.
She tells some things I've not read in
other sources. I am much interested in
learning all I can about nutrition, and
many other women are too.
I read my LIFE & HEALTH magazine
with a pencil ready to underline, and
have used it freely on this article. I think
foods and nutrition interest more women
homemakers than any other one subject.
The Dietitian Says is fine. I wish the
pages might be numbered at the top instead of at the bottom.
Rowley, Massachusetts
* We thank Reader Hinkley for her
suggestion of paging LIFE & HEALTH
at the top, but unfortunately our magazine lends itself best to paging at the
bottom. In a survey of popular national
magazines they split about 50-50, with
paging and running heads at top and
The road to understanding is the
road to agreement. If our friends
overseas could follow our way of
thinking—if we could follow theirs
—our disagreements just wouldn't
happen. Is that harmony impossible
to reach? Not at all!
You yourself could help—and a
million you's could help tremendously, and make a telling impression on a million friends overseas
(who would tell their friends)!
How can you do it? Send your copy
of LIFE AND HEALTH, after you have
read it, every month to someone
overseas. Or if you don't know the
name and address of anyone in another country, send your LrFE AND
HEALTH to a United States Information Center, and it will be placed
in the hands you want to have
LIFE AND HEALTH can reach the
heart of the world, for the whole
world is sick.
Simply roll up your LIFE AND
HEALTH in a square of brown paper,
leaving the ends open, and mark it
"PRINTED MATTER." It will cost
you only lihc for each 2 ounces.
ADDRESS YOUR Life and Health TO
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In care of the American Legation
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In care of the American Consulate
General in—
Batavia, Java (Indonesia)
Sydney, Australia
After 40-1 Out of 50
Glaucoma is a word that carries very
little meaning to most people, "yet that
word will one day sound bitter overtones
to one out of every 50 Americans over 40
years of age. These men and women800,000 of them—are slowly losing sight
from the eye disease glaucoma because of
ignorance and neglect. Unfortunately,"
most of them do not realize that they
face blindness."
To tell people over 40 the facts about
glaucoma, the National Society for the
Prevention of Blindness, 1790 Broadway,
New York City, has published a pamphlet
on the eye disease. Copies are available
without charge.
The pamphlet points out that the best
defense against glaucoma is a thorough
eye examination at least once every two
years after you reach 40.
It emphasizes that the three main points
to remember about glaucoma are:
1. Strikes after 40 in most cases.
2. Is difficult to detect in the early
stages; as a result, many have the disease
and don't know it.
3. Can usually be checked if caught
How does glaucoma destroy sight? Explains the pamphlet:
"The eyeball is shaped much like R
basketball. But instead of air, a thick,
jelly-like fluid fills most of the eyeball to
give it shape. During the first stages of
glaucoma, the pressure of the fluid . . .
mysteriously increases [and] pushes
against the retina." In this way the retinal
nerves are damaged and sight is gradually
lost, with side vision the first to go.
Most cases of glaucoma blindness are
needless, declares the pamphlet. "If treatment is started early, medical science can
check the progress of glaucoma."
In treating glaucoma, the doctor uses
either an operation or drugs, and sometimes both, to reduce pressure in the eyeball. There are two types of glaucoma: the
acute type, which strikes suddenly; the
chronic type, which is far more common
and works slowly and painlessly.
The pamphlet lists some signs that suggest chronic glaucoma:
Frequent changes of glasses, none of
which is satisfactory.
Inability to adjust the eyes to darkened
rooms, such as theaters.
Loss of side vision.
Blurred or foggy vision.
Rainbow-colored rings around lights.
"Keep in mind," warns the pamphlet,
"that having any of these symptoms does
not necessarily mean a person has glaucoma. They may be caused by some other
MARCH, 1953
less-serious eye trouble. On the other hand,
these symptoms might not even be present, and yet you could have early glaucoma.
"Therefore your best defense is this:
a thorough eye examination at least once
every two years after you reach 40."
* * *
Vegetable Violence Unwise
If you are one of those mothers who has
the perennial problem of telling Johnny,
"You must eat your vegetables," then
listen: Prof. Russell Smart, of Cornell,
suggests tempting childish appetites instead of trying to force them. His own little daughter developed a dislike for vegetables. Rather than nag her into nibbling
her broccoli or spinach, he tried a new
Taking his little five-year-old into the
kitchen, he showed her how to wash carrots and fix them up for mother to cook
ers know already that breast feeding is
best, Dr. Watson explains that 8 or 9
out of every 10 mothers can nurse their
infants if properly encouraged by their
The advantages of breast feeding are:
(1) its simplicity compared with the ritual of formulas, sterilizers, and so forth;
(2) greater safety for the infant against
disease, and (3) the close mother-child
relationship that nursing promotes.
The usual arguments by mothers that
breast feeding isn't socially "smart," that
it disfigures the breast, and they don't
want to be tied at home are arguments
any physician must cope with in encouraging mothers to nurse.
But, the GP article points out, the release and liberty from the baby bottle will
often overcome the objections that some
women raise. And every mother should
realize the inevitable fact that becoming
a mother means being tied down with the
care of a baby, regardless of the type of
Every mother should also be informed
that whether she nurses her baby or not,
the breasts go through the preparation
for lactation. But if the breasts are properly supported during lactation, they will
regress to approximately their normal
So for health of baby and mother, breast
feeding, nature's way, is still best.
* * *
Mental State and Teeth
for supper. She was so proud of her accomplishment that she gladly' ate her
share when the vegetables were placed
before her. This technic may not work in
every case, but small fry should be encouraged to take part in meal planning.
Let Johnny set the table and Mary even
plan the menu and go with mother to the
market to pick out the vegetables. The
problem, if handled with restraint, says
Professor Smart, will correct itself. Never
make a direct issue of eating vegetables,
for this may only sour the child further
on eating, and create more problems.
* * *
Breast Feeding
Breast feeding is still the best way of
feeding infants, says Dr. Ernest H. Watson in a recent article in GP, official magazine bf the American Academy of General Practice. Although doctors and moth-
Can a tormented mental state put holes
in your teeth? The answer is Yes if the
observations of Dr. Edward J. Ryan, an
Evanston, Illinois, dentist, are correct.
For, says Dr. Ryan, "every dentist occasionally gets a patient who suddenly develops rampant dental caries for no apparent reason." Then he adds, "There are
strong suspicions that there may be an
emotional basis."
His explanation is simple: The normal
mouth, in which the teeth are bathed
with a slightly alkaline saliva, which
neutralizes mouth acids and prevents decay, may be converted during a period of
anxiety to a mouth that does not combat
decay. The body fluids and saliva may actually undergo chemical change under the
stress of an anxiety. If the saliva then
does not counteract the acid, the tooth
enamel coating may be eaten through,
and a pocket of decay started.
In a recent case Dr. Ryan noted that
a young mother came to him with a
mouthful of new cavities, never having
had cavity trouble before. After sympathetic questioning he learned that she
was worrying over her youngest child,
who was not progressing as fast as she
thought he should. Her case is typical of
thousands reviewed by Dr. Ryan, in which
the common denominator was found to
be a relatively trouble-free dental history,
a sudden onset of rapid tooth decay, and
a recent emotional conflict.
So you had better take it easy over
your mother-in-law, for tension over her
may cause a toothache later.
~s tie for Refazatioll
One cool
cool March day I took a drive
through Washington's famed Rock
Creek Park. Besides the picturesque
stream that twines through the heart
of the city and the ducks and kiddies
enjoying the brisk spring day, I saw
several middle-aged men bundled up
in overcoats and scarfs sitting quietly
on park benches, relaxing in the early
afternoon sun. Downtown in the heart
of Washington, just across from the
White House, I saw well-dressed Government executives and businessmen
sitting in the sun basking or quietly
talking. You know, it was in this
park—Lafayette Park—that Bernard
Baruch, the elder statesman, would
frequently sit on a bench in the quiet
and relaxing rays of the midday sun
and give pointed advice to leaders in
Seeing that busy executives had time
for sun-basking, I decided to join them
and see for myself what the secret
of park-bench warming was. I strolled
through the park and took a seat near
a dear old grandpa, who was obviously
out warming his knees and limbering
up his joints. I watched. He would
turn his face toward the sun and drink
in the salubrious rays as if they were
dripping with sweetness. He would
stretch a bit, rub his knees, and lean
back for another relaxing stretch. His
white head would nod a little, but only
enough to remind him to rub his knees
again. Then he'd doze off once more
into the land of childhood and bare
feet, fishing poles, and scolding teachers, who caught him playing hooky.
As I sat toasting in the warm sun
I began to think of the wonders the
sun can bring to the human body. This
boundless source of radiant energy
can be tapped by each of us simply by
our taking time to absorb its rays.
You say, "I live in Wisconsin, and it's
too cold to sit on park benches." But
you can sit inside a warm house and
let the sun shine through a window
onto your face or feet. Or if you're
lucky, a sun porch is at your disposal.
Here are a few of the wonderful
benefits the sun brings to your body:
It's the most healthful form of heat
we have for bringing blood to the
skin surface. Sun-bathing in summer
gives a golden tan, but even in winter,
through a glass window, the sunshine
will bring a rosy hue to your cheek.
Although it is true that the ordinary
glass window filters out the beneficial
ultraviolet rays, the relaxing warmth
from the infrared rays penetrates the
It is true that not enough of us get
to sun-bathe in Florida or California
during the winter months, and much
of the vitamin D we need must be
obtained in the form of cod-liver oil,
other vitamin supplements, or vitaminenriched foods such as vitamin D milk.
But we still need the relaxing rays of
the sun for health.
Winter months are the strenuous
months. Most of us push harder, enter into keener competition, and take
fewer breathers in the form of vacations or week-end jaunts to the country. Consequently, we feel below par,
we lack the zest to get over a cold in
a hurry, to jump out of bed and into
a cold shower, and to spring into a
brisk walk to work.
To feel zippy again we must not
drive ourselves harder, until we feel
that about-to-drop feeling; rather,
we should take a few moments off to
give our bodies the chance to catch
up, to repair and rebuild resistance,
to snap back. One of the finest times to
do this is immediately after lunch.
Even though you have but a half hour
for lunch, eat your sandwich in a quiet
place in the sunshine. Sit still; just
think and be motionless. Drink in the
sun's energy. Lean back and meditate
on what a wonderful place this world
is after all and how gracious the good
Lord was to shower equally on rich
and poor the blessings that really
Soon you'll feel your blood rushing
to the skin surface, and a ruddy, warm
glow will pervade your very being. You
will feel rested, relaxed. A wonderful
feeling of well-being and a man-it'sgreat-to-be-alive feeling will replace
your half-dead, dragging-your-feet
All this is yours when you but take
time to let the sun shower its radiant
energy upon your body and soul: (1)
New energy. (2) Vitamin D, made
when the health-giving ultraviolet rays
strike the oils in your skin. (3) Increased circulation to the skin, especially the face; this in turn flushes
out the impurities from vital internal
organs—liver, lungs, kidneys, stomach.
(4) Soothing relaxation, which aids
in repair of broken-down body cells.
(5) That wonderful feeling of wellbeing that comes when we take time
to meditate on God's goodness and enjoy His free gifts.
Yours for better health,
.4iLe( 74_, A.
her B.S. and R.N. degrees, she did publichealth work for five years, but is now
devoting her time to her son, Billy, three,
and daughter, Betsy, six months. Her husband, Jack, is a technician on the guided
missile project. They live in a remodeled
"summer kitchen" in an 1850 mansion in
the Spanish-moss-covered town of Eau
Gallie, Florida. And as a frequent outing
they spend a day at the beach surf fishing
Our eontziLtoz.4
Nils P. Larsen, M.D. ("Prescription for
Happy Living," page 18), is a specialist
in internal medicine with the medical
group in Honolulu. He is also medical adviser to the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, and supervises the health activities of the many workers on the sugar
and pineapple plantations.
An authority on Hawaiian lore, Dr. Larsen enjoys giving lectures using his many
kodachrome slides, taken on short jaunts
around the Islands.
Dr. Larsen is a native Swede, born in
Stockholm, Sweden, He came to the
United States in 1893, and became a U.S.
citizen in 1897.
Educated in Bridgeport, Connecticut,
he holds a B.S. degree from the University of Massachusetts and an M.D. degree
from Cornell Medical College.
He served in World War I, rising from
lieutenant to major. He has held many
instructorships and fellowships in 'New
York hospitals, and was medical director
and pathologist for the Queen's Hospital,
Honolulu, from 1922 to 1942.
Married to the former Sara Elizabeth
Lucas, Dr. Larsen has three grandchildren. The Larsens live in the Kahala section of Oahu, where their home is at the
very edge of the beautiful blue Pacific,
offering a perfect setting for sketching,
which the doctor enjoys during his leisure
Dr. Larsen is quite a traveler, having
been round the world twice, with two
trips to Alaska and a recent four-month
vacation in Europe. But after all his travels he says there's no place like Hawaii.
Joseph Palma, M.D. ("I Am Tired of
Love and Security," page 8), is pediatrician at Straub Clinic, of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Born in Lafayette, Indiana, of Italian
parentage, he is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he was a noted
glee club singer and piano player. After
four years of postgraduate work in pediatrics at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, in
Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the Boston
MARCH, 1953
Floating Hospital, he went to Hawaii, in
Interested in child health in Hawaii,
Dr. Palma has been president of the Hawaii Territorial Medical Association and
medical adviser to the Kauikeolani Children's Hospital.
He served in the Navy for four and a
half years during the last war, and was
discharged with the rank of captain, and
holds a unit citation ribbon earned by the
Pearl Harbor staff on December 7, 1941.
Dr. Palma is married, and he and his
wife, Juliette, have two teen-aged children—Joan and Richard. Besides practicing pediatrics, he enjoys his family, and
is a devotee of golf.
Lynn Van Atta ("Breast Feeding,"
page 21) is an Eau Gallie, Florida, mother
and nurse.
Born in Milwaukee and educated at
Marquette University, where she received
and swimming with both children. Week
ends are often spent on their farm across
Florida on the Gulf of Mexico, where they
can guava jelly and mango chutney from
the fruit they raise, as well as cook savory
pots of swamp cabbage.
Mrs. Van Atta wrote this article on giving breast feeding a second try in the
hope it might be an encouragement to
prospective mothers who would like to try
breast feeding.
Zee Near%
A wife may be as courteous to her
husband as she is to any of their
You will be stronger, healthier, and
peppier if you get your iron today!
You and your children will be only
too happy to relax and enjoy mealtimes without distressing scenes
over lack of appetite.
You wouldn't think of putting
sand in the gears of your car. But
some of your habits may be as
destructive to your digestion!
Here are simple rules that will
give you relief from pain in arthritis.
ids 4;tie/
A noted pediatrician—after 30 years and 6,000 babies—
sounds off on the soft approach in child care. Love and
kisses should be balanced with discipline and obedience.
DISCUSSION of what constitutes proper child
care is a touchy subject, since many people—
especially doctors—have children. But I am
tired of love and security, and I write this because
I am impelled by strong convictions to take issue with
the present philosophy of child rearing.
It has been my experience in thirty years of pediatric practice and after caring for six thousand children that every action is a conditioned reflex and
Eva Luoma
FORTUNATE THE CHILD who is taught to meet childhood's tears as
he will have to meet the uncushioned jolts of later life as a man.
therefore plays its part in the formation of habit.
Although many of my children are becoming mothers and fathers themselves, in a survey I recently
made of the local jail I found that none of my former
patients were inmates. So whatever early beginnings
of child psychiatry I practiced, and I must confess
that I belonged to the "tough school" (I used to tie
up the infants' hands when they sucked their fingers
and thumbs), even though my psychology and psychiatry were faulty, none of my patients ended up in the
local jail.
What am I driving at? What is all this carping criticism that I am tired of love and security? I am convinced that in training to meet life, which is not all
soft cushions and dessert, we must learn certain useful
habits, have self-discipline, and set up for ourselves a
moral code that will keep us out of trouble with others.
Our habits are guided first by our parents, then by
children on the playground, next by the school, and
later by an adult community that formulates our laws.
Eventually a child becomes an adult, and if he has not
been trained into some pattern of self-discipline, he
will end up a juvenile delinquent perhaps in the hands
of the authorities.
Gallup polls have been conducted on juvenile delinquents to find out what brought about their downfall. They revealed that broken homes, soft love and
security in the household, and a lack of restraint
eventually brought these children to the juvenile court.
I wish that someone would conduct a survey among
successful teen-agers to find out the rules they followed
to achieve success.
Meantime psychiatrists have branded parents as
the major culprits in the picture, and breast feeding
and the training of the growing child are put on a
sexual basis. Mothers who are not well prepared for
marriage in the first place, and then are confronted
with parenthood, find that childbearing and culture
must be put on a scientific basis. So they quickly use
When we speak of beginning education
we mean in the cradle. From the first breath
of life the child begins to learn. In the womb
the child drew automatically from his
mother, with no effort on his part. But
with his rude propulsion into this noisy,
bright world, he began to breathe and was
on his own, specifically when the cord was
Ewing Galloway
tied and severed. Learning begins then, and
EARLY TRAINING that makes Johnny take the responsibility for
no amount of love and security will ever put
his wrong acts will keep him on the right side of law and order.
him back into the idyllic situation enjoyed
the child as a lavish outlet for their emotional imin his mother's womb. From that moment forward he
maturity. This, tied to the age-old wish of parents
learns to measure time between his demands for "I
that their children could have a better break in life
want" and his satisfaction in "I get." A measure of
than they had, soon puts the psychiatrist in the driver's
the child's maturity is the manner in which he learns
seat, where he says, "Of course your child needs love
to handle this time interval. To that end, all learning
and security."
and philosophy of child culture and child rearing should
Told by psychologists that she should follow a selfbe devoted.
demand feeding routine and submit to every whim of
If love and security are the answer, then the psythe child, the mother uses the counterfeit money of
chiatrists are right. But I am sure that the red-faced,
love and affection as purchase price for his silence
fighting infant who attains the "I get" as soon as he
and peace. But she only lives to regret it in the adodemands the "I want" has no regard for his mother
lescent years, when the child becomes a dictator and
or her utterings. He has become conditioned by the
totalitarian, with no regard for the rights of others
ever-present and watchful mother, who satisfies his
and little respect for her.
every whim. And he has no question but that the
Infants are tyrants until mother demands some sort
outside world will do his bidding.
of self-discipline and self-denial from them.
This kind of child develops into a teen-ager who
The measure of a person's maturity is his ability
is constantly eating, who knows no other enjoyment
than to stuff his gullet. He is usually overweight and
to adjust his feelings in the time interval that elapses
does poorly in school. The parents wind up blaming the
between the "I want" and "I get" periods.
teacher, saying, "She doesn't understand our child,"
Time does not have the same value in childhood as
in later years. One year to a child of ten corresponds
and changing him to another school.
He's the lad who finds the pencil and writes all
to two years to a man of twenty. The time between
over the nice new walls in my examining room, while
the third and seventh years is equivalent to fifteen or
his mother sits idly by smoking a cigarette in this
twenty years for a grown person. During this time
few moments of quiet peace in her otherwise hectic
the child builds up a framework on which his future
life and moral code must depend; it is highly imporlife.
(Turn to page 33)
tant that parents realize this fact.
He is the lad in perpetual
Do-dye Cobh
Sane living is your answer to the challenge of the cold bug.
OULD you like to add one week to each
year? "Why, yes," you say, "but where
would I get the extra days?"
I am not speaking of calendar reform.
Nor am I contemplating fifty-three weeks
to the year. I am referring, simply, to the advantage
that would be yours if you could save the time that
you now lose because of being ill with the common cold.
If you are an average person, you have about three
colds a year: one in October or November, one in
early January, and one in March or April. If you escape
one of these popular seasons for colds, you may have
one in midsummer just to make up your full quota.
The common cold is responsible for more days lost
from school and work than any other factor. The
economic loss to our nation is estimated at one billion
dollars per year.
A great deal of medical research has been done in
an attempt to solve the mystery of the common cold.
Even so, people seem to catch cold just about as commonly as always.
It is recognized that a tiny virus is responsible for
damaging the delicate linings of the nose and throat.
A virus is much smaller than an ordinary germ—so
small that it cannot be seen through the conventional
microscope. After the virus has damaged the linings
of the nose and throat, some ordinary germs such as
are always present in the air passages, mouth, and
throat penetrate the delicate tissues and set up another
infection. It is this infection, that causes the sore
throat, the running nose, and the feeling of lassitude
and fatigue.
As you know, some colds are much more severe
than others. The severity of a cold depends on two
factors: the availability of the virus that starts a cold
and the resistance to disease that the body offers. When
the natural resistance is high the illness due to a cold
will be slight. When the natural resistance is low the
cold will be severe. In fact, when your resistance
against germs is high, you will not have as many colds
as when, through carelessness, you allow your resistance to decline.
The virus that starts a cold cannot gain a foothold
in the linings of the nose and throat so long as these
linings remain healthy and normal. The first step
toward a cold, therefore, consists of a change in the
membranes of the nose and throat that permits the
mischievous virus to penetrate these membranes.
This preliminary insult to the membranes of the
upper air passages may consist of a direct irritation
of these membranes as from dust, acid fumes, or sudden change in the temperature or moisture of the air.
Some persons are allergic to certain substances that
they breathe such as the pollen of flowers. When substances to which a person is allergic are inhaled, the
membrane of the nose is irritated.
Strange as it may seem, a person's emotions may
also have the effect of damaging the membranes of his
nose and throat. The emotion of anger, for example,
produces a definite congestion of these membranes,
making them more susceptible to the virus that starts
a cold.
Still another way that the delicate membranes of
the air passages are insulted is by a sudden chilling of
some distant part of the body. The skin of the various
parts of the body has reflex nervous connections that
affect the membranes lining the nose and throat. For
instance, when the feet become cold, the blood vessels
in the membranes of the nose and throat become
smaller. So a sudden chilling of the skin of some part
of the body may render the membranes of the nose and
throat vulnerable to the tiny virus that starts a cold.
Once the membranes are damaged and the virus
penetrates these delicate tissues, things begin to happen ! First, there is interference with the blood supply
to the membranes. Then the epithelial cells covering
these membranes begin to break down. Next, clear
fluid escapes (and the victim says, "By dose is rudding."). About this time, the damage to the epithelial
cells becomes so great that ordinary germs can enter
the tissues, thus causing a real infection.
In trying to prevent colds it is logical for you to
give serious attention to building up your resistance
so that you will not be susceptible to colds. You can
build it up by following these simple suggestions:
I. Provide a good diet. One authority has suggested
that your daily diet should include one quart of milk;
one green, leafy vegetable such as spinach or beet
greens; one yellow-colored vegetable such as carrots
and yellow turnips; one raw green vegetable such as
lettuce or cabbage; one orange, grapefruit, or tomato;
and one teaspoonful of cod-liver oil. Also, if you have
a tendency to anemia, it is good to eat one or two dried
apricots a day and drink a glass of grape juice.
2. Take outdoor exercise. Exercise assures a good
circulation of blood, and builds up the body's immunity
to infection.
3. Take plenty of rest each day.
4. Wear adequate clothing. Clothing should be
planned so as to prevent chilling of the skin or the
5. Avoid sitting or resting
(Turn to page 29)
MARCH, 1953
HE most satisfactory chest pack is cut to fit the
Tpatient from a piece of flannel or part-wool blanket.
The pack should fit closely around the neck and at the
armholes, so that the upper part of the chest, front
and back, is well protected. The inside piece of the
same shape is cut a little smaller. With the dry flannel
pack the inside piece may be used just to the front
of the chest. This is called a partial chest pack. The
dry chest pack, without the moist compress, is desirable for thin persons or aged persons who do not react
well to cold applications, and for those in early stages
of pneumonia. In pneumonia the skin has lost its ability
to adjust to changes of outside temperature. The dry
chest pack helps to keep the temperature of the skin
surface equalized, and thus between other treatments
is an aid in restoring skin temperature balance.
Articles Necessary
1. Dry flannel cover in two pieces cut to fit patient's
chest front and back. Allow for overlapping under arms and on shoulders.
2. Cotton cloth (old sheeting is excellent material)
if wet compress is to be used.
3. Medication such as warm camphorated oil may
be used.
4. Safety pins.
5. Oiled silk may be used to retain moisture and
give greater perspiring effect.
1. Apply chest pack after preliminary heating by
means of fomentations or heat lamp.
(Turn to page 33)
WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHEST PACK in place on the patient, and
for a half hour afterward, be sure that he is covered at all times.
Need help for that dragged-out feeling? Here it is!
COULD get much more done if I weren't tired
most of the time." How many times have you
heard this remark or even made it yourself ?
You have felt fatigued after unusually strenuous or prolonged exertion, and for this reason you relate fatigue to exertion. However, if you stop to analyze
the feeling, you can make some observations that will
help you realize that fatigue is not always the result
of exertion.
You can feel tired without having exerted yourself, especially from certain types of unpleasant social
situations, or at the mere thought of doing certain
types of work distasteful to you. Fatigue may disappear quickly if you become interested or enthusiastic
or if an emergency arises. You may go a long time
without rest if you are enjoying your activity.
Among patients who consult physicians because of
weakness and fatigue, only about one in five is found
to have physical disease. Contrary to popular opinion,
lack of vitamins, poor elimination, sluggish liver, low
blood pressure, and cancer are rare causes of these
complaints. The 20 per cent of fatigued patients who
are found to have a physical disease may have disease
of the brain or nervous system, a chronic infection, a
metabolic disorder such as diabetes, low thyroid, or
low adrenal gland activity, heart disease, anemia, allergy, or kidney disease.
The fatigue accompanying physical disease is similar to normal fatigue in that it is increased by activity, is worse later in the day, and is banished by rest.
In about four out of five of the patients who seek
medical help for tiredness, no physical disease can be
found. This type of fatigue has been termed functional
or nervous fatigue. It may follow infections or surgical
operations. If the patient is allowed to be active too
soon, a habit of fatigue may be induced. This is most
likely to happen if factors conducive to fatigue were
present before the infection or operation.
Many people work long hours at responsible tasks
without sufficient relaxation, exercise, or vacation.
This group includes mothers, businessmen, executives,
teachers, and other intellectual workers. Long-continued effort lessens the worker's energy and decreases
his efficiency. If he is conscientious and ambitious, he
does not easily tolerate this reduced energy and efficiency; so he works harder, and is likely to become
tense and irritable. In an attempt to get along he may
slip into other unhygienic practices such as skipping
breakfast, eating only a snack for lunch, excessive
coffee drinking or smoking, and using alcoholic beverages.
It is not work that causes the greatest number of
people to suffer from chronic fatigue. It is the mental
attitude toward the problems of living, including work.
Feelings of insecurity, inferiority, frustration, mental hurry, and being exploited make work exhausting.
A sense of indecision, monotony, boredom, and conflict
between the sense of obligation and the desire to do
something else produces an aversion, or "tired of it"
feeling. Initiative is lost and work effectiveness is di-
much more difficult and tiring.
Nervous fatigue affects both
ambitious people whose work is
largely intellectual and people
who have no real responsibilities.
It rarely affects those who work
primarily with their muscles.
In contrast to ordinary fatigue and the fatigue that accompanies physical disease, nervous
fatigue is likely to be worse in
the mornings or after a period
of rest or inactivity. There are
likely to be days of excellent
vigor and days of exhaustion for
A. Devaney
no apparent good reason. There
YOUR CONSTANT FATIGUE is very likely not caused by disease. Your physician can
are likely to be other symptoms
help you determine the cause. You may need only a fresh, new way of looking at life.
of nervous origin, such as loss
minished by feelings of bitterness, envy, worry, anxiof appetite and weight, lightheadedness, irritability,
ety, self-pity, self-consciousness, anger, and resentimpatience, inattention, insomnia, palpitation, lump
in the throat, aching in the back of the neck or between
The modern way of life contributes a great deal
the shoulder blades, eye discomfort, perspiring or chillto the increase in chronic nervous fatigue. The hurry,
ing, itching, muscle twitching, chronic catarrh, difnoise, crowding, and sedentary habits of city life are
ficulty in getting a satisfying breath, puffy hands,
likely to exhaust your nervous energy reserve. Other
abdominal distress, constipation, and vomiting, to menfactors in modern life are competition in the social-and
tion only a few. Persistence of fatigue for over a peeconomic spheres, wounded conscience, crime, instabilriod of at least three years without evidence of physical
ity of currency, shortages of materials, rapid rise and
disorder means that it is certainly of nervous origin.
fall of nations—all brought to your attention in conIf you are chronically tired and are in doubt as to
densed form by newspapers, magazines, newsreels,
whether the fatigue is of nervous origin or the result
radio, and television.
of physical disease, you should see your physician for
Nervous fatigue is likely to become chronic, bea thorough examination. You should keep a record of
cause it is based on habitual mental attitudes that proyour body temperature morning and evening for at
duce chronic anxiety. Anxiety produces fatigue in varileast three days before seeing the doctor, and tell him
ous ways. It destroys interest and enthusiasm, without
everything that is bothering you.
which you have little inclination to be active. Fatigue
If your physician finds no physical disease to
always involves a person's evaluation of himself, and
account for the fatigue, or if you are reasonably
if he is anxious, he is apt to feel he should not exert
sure that it is functional or nervous fatigue, you
himself for fear of injury to himself. Anxiety causes
should take stock of your habits and way of life
so that your own common sense can help you overfearful preoccupation with one's sensations, reducing
(Turn to page 25)
efficiency and increasing mistakes, thus making work
come chronic fatigue.
MARCH, 1953
Ewing Galloway
WISDOM TEETH may start giving you trouble at sixteen. Have them checked by your dentist while you are still young and strong.
F ALL the bugaboos attendant on the dental
patient perhaps the most distorted is the
wisdom tooth. In this modern era of dentistry and medicine, fears and imaginings
about the wisdom tooth should be largely passé. But
this does not mean that oral surgery for wisdom teeth
is to be taken less seriously than ever, or that the
problem of physical complication is nonexistent. Even
with the so-called miracle drugs, modern advances, and
new technics in oral surgery, the wisdom tooth can
still be a booby trap in the oral cavity. However, many
signs and warnings are given by affected wisdom
teeth. If they are heeded in good time, much of the
trouble can be sidetracked or to a great degree eliminated without too much discomfort to the dental
If they are checked faithfully, though, they will be
kept under control.
Prevention of wisdom-tooth trouble by an early
visit to your family dentist will be money in
your pocket and assured physical comfort to you.
Generally speaking, wisdom teeth give trouble
sooner or later. But some few remain quiescent
throughout life. It is a primary dogma that all wisdom teeth, impacted or not, should be X-rayed to keep
a constant check as to whether they are remaining
dormant or causing injury to adjacent teeth, whether
there is any evidence of crypts around the crown of
the teeth or any possible invasion of the mandibular
It is easier to remove wisdom teeth in young people
than in older people. In fact, it is a general rule not
to molest wisdom teeth in older people unless trouble
Proper study of the teeth to be extracted is of prime
importance. Especially should wisdom teeth be carefully examined. The dental surgeon should make a
comprehensive study of the patient before he does any
heavy extractions. He should look into the general
health of the patient and determine the extent of diseased tissues. Never should a patient object to a medical examination, especially in connection with contemplated oral surgery of wisdom teeth. Extractions
must be delayed under certain physical conditions.
Because wisdom teeth present problems from the
sixteenth year onward it is important that the dentist
keep a serial X-ray progress of the developing teeth.
These pictures will graphically disclose any irregularities. X-rays also show the roots of the teeth. They
reveal the number of roots present and their size and
shape. The pictures will show the position of each tooth
in reference to adjacent teeth, also as to direction of
growth, whether backward, forward, sidewise, perhaps
inverted, into the tongue, or into the cheek. Pictures
also show whether cavities are present, the arrangement of jaw structures about the teeth, the presence of
crypts and granulomas, and their relation to sinuses
or the jaw structures.
Troubles caused by impacted and plain wisdom
teeth give warning signs. Perhaps the most common
sign of trouble is inflammation of the tissues around
the teeth, causing severe pain when the patient opens
or closes his jaws. While inflammation is present it
is unwise to extract the tooth. If teeth are extracted
while infections are uncontrolled, abscesses may appear, or there may be massive swelling under the chin,
which might cause difficulty in swallowing or even
breathing. The infection may occasionally spread into
the bone.
Another warning sign of trouble from wisdom teeth
is a form of lockjaw. Another sign of spreading infection, it means that the dental surgeon must take
instant action. In this condition there is a fever, and
the patient is usually constipated. There are swelling
of the jaw tissues and the tongue, dryness of the
mouth, ringing in the ears, and severe headaches and
neck aches. There is earache on the same side of the
head as the trouble. It may be that not all the signs
or symptoms of wisdom tooth violence will be present
at one time. Any one of these signs should be sufficient
warning to send the patient running to his dentist for
Neuralgia is a common symptom of wisdom tooth
difficulty. It usually occurs on the same side of the
face that the troublesome tooth is. Generally it is of a
type not seeming to have a definite location. Instead,
it feels as if it radiates to the whole side of the head.
The cause is usually an impacted wisdom tooth, which
is exerting pressure either on adjacent teeth or pressing on the nerves supplying the tooth. Particularly is
this true in the lower jaw. Pain is frequently referred
to the ear, with a subsequent
(Turn to page 32)
MARCH, 1953
At Home With a Book
People say that television and the movies have made a
big dent in our reading habits—that folks don't love books
as they did before video. When dad and mother plan the
evening for the family they either watch television or go
out to a show. It seems that reading a book is too much
trouble. Why burden the mind with picture making when
the TV screen and the nearby theater do such a good job?
Let's not forget that thousands of booklovers have
resisted the impulse to let these visual aids take over their
minds. They have resurrected the truth that books and
magazines can stir the imagination and promote ideas
better than Hollywood or Broadway. Good literature is
still the world's purveyor of truth and knowledge, and
this notwithstanding the high quality of some TV programs.
The fleeting images of video are here for a moment,
then gone. But good books may be read again and again.
Explorations in the best literature will result in one thrilling discovery after another, not unlike the glowing triumph
of Columbus sighting the beaches of the New World for
the first time.
Good reading begets noble ideas and clean mental pictures through the natural processes of thought, and it is
a stimulant to the noblest achievement and truest progress.
Choose books that will (1) inform, (2) inspire, (3) challenge, (4) lift. Avoid books that (1) excite, (2) depress, (3)
stir the passions, (4) destroy faith in man or God.
Tonight after supper put on your bathrobe and slippers, then sit down in an easy chair, and with the fire
crackling on the hearth before you, begin reading.
Here are some practical pointers: (1) Read the title
and the preface of your book. Memorize the author's name.
(2) Take a sentence at a time. Don't hopscotch. (3) Underline interesting facts, stories, and statements for future
reference. (4) Read for at least fifteen minutes every morning before breakfast and again at night. (5) Be sure to
finish the book. Then pause and reflect a moment. Now
what have you learned that will help you to be a bigger
and better person?
Whatever books you choose, bring the Book of books
into your reading every day. "When you have read the
Bible, you will know that it is the Word of God, because
you will have found it the key to your own heart, your
own happiness, your own duty."
To be at home with a good book is to enjoy the comfortable warmth of home anywhere on earth.
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Your blood stream is your "river of life." If it is running low,
you are bound to feel low too. Here's what to do about it.
re you tired all the time?
Do you have a hard time getting up in the morning?
Are you nervous and jittery, and do your hands feel
tense and tight?
Do your fingers or toes feel numb or tingle?
Do you have palpitation of the heart or feel short of
breath at times?
Do you have vague aches and pains or even acute
aching in your joints?
If so, you may be anemic, and it's time to see your
doctor. Although these symptoms can be caused by
other things, they are frequently associated with a
lack of blood, or anemia.
Is your hemoglobin low?
The way to find out whether you are anemic is to
have your doctor check your hemoglobin, or red-bloodcell count. This will tell whether you have an adequate
supply of red cells and whether your red cells contain
sufficient coloring matter—hemoglobin—which is the
vital oxygen-carrying part of the red cell. If your hemoglobin is low, it usually means you are short on
iron in your blood.
Causes of Anemia
People can become anemic in several ways. Most
common is the diet way, in which they neglect to eat
sufficient green vegetables, fresh fruits, and the vital
proteins as found in milk, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese,
and beans.
The second commonest cause of anemia is not
getting enough sleep and rest. This overexertion prevents the body from manufacturing blood, for blood
is made while we rest and relax, not while we are
racing pell-mell here and there or when we are under
the stress and strain of modern tension. Sleep is
essential for blood building.
Other causes of anemia are blood loss, such as
heavy menstrual periods, hemorrhoids, and bleeding
from the intestinal tract or the stomach. In these
instances anemia is a "red-flag" symptom. It may be
pointing a finger in the direction of hidden cancer
somewhere in the body.
Needless to say, anemia is never to be taken lightly.
Your blood stream is the river of life that feeds each
body cell, bringing it oxygen, the breath of life; carrying away waste products, such as carbon dioxide; and
feeding each cell the fuel it needs for proper function.
When the river of life runs low your vitality diminishes, your resistance against disease is broken, and
illness quickly overtakes you.
No other criterion of your health is so valuable to
your doctor as a blood-cell count. Especially important
in determining how buoyant you should feel is your
red-cell and hemoglobin level.
Tiptop blood levels should be the
aim of every American. These are:
For Men
Hemoglobin 110%
17 grams
For Women
Red-blood-cells .... 4,500,000-5,000,000
Hemoglobin 90%
14.5 grams
TIREDNESS and the blues are often due to anemia. Perk up and learn again
how it feels to be peppy by building your blood up to its normal rich crimson.
Now, the fact that few Americans
can claim blood counts as high as this
ideal standard is evidence that we are eating to tickle
If yours is the common nutritional type of anemia,
our palates and not to build our blood. Three of every
your doctor's treatment will probably include:
four Americans, nutritionists tell us, eat an inadequate
1. An iron-rich diet. This is the diet we are giving
diet. Yet 25,000,000 Americans are overweight and
you here, and water—eight to ten glasses to float the
as a result carry around 1,000,000,000 pounds of
red-blood cells in.
excess fat.
2. Hematinies. These are capsules or tablets conHow can we be fat and anemic? you ask. Very
taining iron and liver, which you take at home.
easily. We eat foods that make fat—starches, sweets,
3. Injections. A short course of liver, iron, and
and fats—but we must be skipping the foods that
injections may be needed to bring your blood
build blood—green vegetables, fresh fruits, and proup
levels quickly.
4. Sleep and rest. With a reduced daily program of
Consequently, on a recent survey conducted by
activity, these are important in any body-building
American Red Cross doctors, which they reported in
the Journal of the American Medical Association, they
5. Outdoor exercise. Moderate exercise stimulates
found a high percentage of women so anemic as to
blood formation.
be unable to give blood. They estimate there are 6,000,6. Sunshine. One of Mother Nature's helpers in
000 American women too anemic to give a pint of
keeping you fit is sunshine. Weather permitting, sun
blood. Chances are that more like 60,000,000 are anemic
baths are very beneficial in building blood.
in varying degrees.
7. A happy mental outlook. Freedom from tension
and an optimistic attitude toward life make for better
"Well, what can I do about my anemia?" you ask.
digestion of the food you eat as well as for speedier
First, you should place yourself in the hands of a
circulation of your blood. When you are happy and
competent physician, in whom you have utmost confree from worry, your blood factory works at a more
fidence. Have a thorough physical examination, includefficient level.
ing a blood count and urinalysis. Then follow his advice
(Turn to page 30)
With this article is a
to the letter.
nas P. LARDER, M.D.
The traveler looking for a healthful, serene destination will find
Hawaii a delightful vacationland.
Photos, Courtesy Hawaii Visitors Bureau
THIS LOVELY LITTLE CHILD is representative of the new Pacific
race growing up in Hawaii. Beauty, happiness, and health are hers.
UCH has been written lately about "wonder"
drugs and cures. Like all medicines, they've
been the subject of a good deal of debate,
pro and con, and the argument will go on
until the claims made for them are proved or disproved.
There's one cure, however, about which there can be
little controversy. In my opinion it's the best medicine
you can buy for some of the world's most prevalent
ailments today—nervous tension, anxiety, and general
f rustrati on.
It's called Hawaii.
At the outset let me make it clear that buying a
ticket to Hawaii isn't going to turn every brooding
neurotic into a carefree, laughing soul. (Not even our
tourist-promotion people claim that.) But I do say
that if rest, relaxation, and agreeable living are indicated, Hawaii is your medicine.
Let's take the case of the harassed executive or the
frustrated housewife who has been ordered to get a
change, and has the good sense to choose that bit of
U.S.A. in the Pacific called Hawaii.
The trip on the air liner or the ocean liner is a
small foretaste of what's to come—food in the Hawaiian manner, comfort, good companionship, and that
wonderful feeling of leaving your worries behind that
accompanies every holiday, but especially a Hawaiian
The moment the visitor steps onto Hawaiian soil
he's in a new world. He finds to his amazement that the
tourist posters didn't exaggerate. The palms really do
sway gently in the breeze, the Pacific and the sky above
are the same incredible blue the artist painted them,
and there is really a smiling brown-skinned lass to
place a fragrant flower lei about his neck and plant a
traditional Hawaiian kiss of welcome on his cheek. I
defy the most dyspeptic traveler to think of his aches
and woes in the face of that sort of welcome.
And now that he's there, what can he do? I believe
I can best answer that by telling what he can't do. He
can't drive a team of huskies, and he can't shoot elephants. Beyond that, he can do just about anything
he can think of, and quite a few things he can't.
If he's staying in Honolulu, he can go down to the
most highly publicized strip of sand in the world,
Waikiki. He can swim, he can go surfing, he can try
his hand at the ancient Hawaiian art of spear fishing
or paddling a replica of one of the outrigger canoes
that brought the first Polynesians to Hawaii more than
a thousand years ago, or he can just loll around on the
sand, as thousands of visitors choose to do.
Just to set the record straight: Despite the widespread fame of Waikiki, it is not the only beach on
the Hawaiian Islands. There are hundreds of beaches
on Oahu and the other four major islands of the group
—Maui, Hawaii, Molokai, and Kauai, including a fabulous black sand beach on the big island (Hawaii).
I said you couldn't drive a team of huskies in
Hawaii, but, come to think of it, if you bring your own
huskies you can.
Up on Mauna Kea, the great dormant volcano on the
island of Hawaii that rises three miles into the sky,
there is snow six months of the year. For skiers there
is one clear seven-mile run without an obstacle to
impede their flight.
For the hiker and explorer there are such wonders
as the active volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea, the
former constituting the largest single mountain mass
on earth; eerie lava tubes running for miles underground; almost inaccessible valleys, where strange little people are said to have once lived; Waialeale,
claimed to be the earth's wettest spot (average rainfall annually 460 inches over a twenty-five-year period) ; the serene beauty of Kauai, aptly called the
Garden Island.
If I had the space, I could go on for many pages
more simply cataloging the things to do and see in
this Pacific Paradise, but I think these few ingredients constitute a pretty good antidote for "nerves."
An important ingredient I haven't touched on is
the weather. The geography books will tell you that
Hawaii is a tropical or semitropical land, thereby conjuring up visions of steady blazing heat broken only
by occasional downpours.
Let's look at some figures from the U.S. Weather
Bureau. The highest temperature ever recorded in
Honolulu is 88°, in September, 1941. (The lowest temperature, by the way, is 56°, in February, 1909.) The
average daily temperature range the year round in
Honolulu is 9.3°.
There is rain, of course, but it's usually so light
that it is called liquid sunshine. No one bothers to
take shelter in such a shower. A week-long rain, when
one comes, is the chief topic of conversation for
If this sounds like boasting—and it certainly does—
I'd like to refer you to the U.S. Climate Study. According to this Weather Bureau document, which
takes into account temperature, humidity, and wind
velocity, Honolulu enjoys more days in what is known
as the human comfort zone than any other city in
the U.S. except Denver.
And what is a visitor going to do about food?
Captain Cook, the English explorer, called Hawaii the
Sandwich Islands when he discovered them in 1778,
but the name had nothing to do with the native diet.
(The Earl of Sandwich was Cook's patron.)
The natives enjoyed a diet largely of fruits, vegetables, and protein foods, which made them among
the most superb physical specimens in the world. The
•modern generation of Hawaiians has pretty much
(Turn to page 27)
followed their example.
MARCH, 1953
MILD OUTDOOR EXERCISE or walking may be the prescription your
doctor has given you. You may get both in Hawaii on the golf course.
HAWAIIAN VISITORS enjoy a sail in a catamaran, a fleet craft
built to the specifications of an ancient Polynesian outrigger canoe.
SUNSHINE and a relaxing hour in the beautiful blue waters at
Waikiki Beach—a health treat for the whole family—in old Hawaii.
We do not diagnose or treat disease by mail, but answer general health questions. Enclose
stamped, addressed envelope. Address: Family Physician, LIFE Cr HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
Ergosterol in Soy Milk
Aching Legs
I should like to know about the activated ergosterol that is in soybean
milk. What is it obtained from?
Ergosterol is a natural substance
taken from grain. When it is irradiated, a very fine form of vitamin D results. It has the same beneficial effects as vitamin D from fish oils. You
have a substance like ergosterol found
under the skin. When you sun bathe,
it is changed to the valuable vitamin
D. There are few who have enough
outdoor air and sunshine. The dust
and smoke of the city prevents much
of the valuable sunshine from coming
through. Adults as well as children
benefit from artificial sunshine vitamin D.
What is the pylorus, and what
causes spasms of the pylorus?
The pylorus is a constricting muscular ring at the outlet of the stomach, where it connects to the duodenum.
Spasm of the pylorus is usually due
to local irritation of the adjacent
stomach or duodenal mucous lining,
which may come from irritating foods,
regurgitation from the intestines,
poisons, ulcers, and other causes.
Sometimes highly nervous states may
bring about such spasms.
Why do my legs ache when I walk,
play golf, or attempt to go hunting?
The discomfort you speak of in your
legs may be due to a narrowing of the
diameter of the arteries, which often
comes with the progress of arterial
hardening. The narrowed vessel does
not allow as much blood as needed to
flow into the muscles of the leg, with
resultant aching, pain, or soreness on
exercise. People with afflictions of this
kind find their walking limited to short
distances. After the aching subsides,
walking is resumed with comfort.
Carefully grading the amount of exercise taken may permit a slightly
progressive amount of activity and an
over-all increase in physical performance. Improvement may be slow. Muscular activity must be kept within the
range of freedom from pain.
* * *
Muscular Dystrophy
Has anyone found the cause and
cure of muscular dystrophy? Is there
any help?
We wish crippling diseases could
all be studied or treated by some uniform method of approach. Muscular
dystrophy may be due to some defect
in the central nervous system. So far
as we know, there is no treatment for
it. There is a dystrophy association in
New York, designed to advance and
centralize knowledge concerning this
illness. (Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., 21 East 40th
Street, New York 16, N.Y.)
The course of the disease tends to
be progressively toward limitation of
function. Physical therapy, including
massage and hydrotherapy, has been
mentioned favorably as a treatment,
and it gives some relief. A number of
medicines have been tried without conclusive evidence of improvement in the
Heart Asthma
About a billion cigarettes are
smoked every 24 hours in this
country. This is 119 packs for
every citizen, young and old,
each year. This amounts to a
multibillion-dollar puff of
smoke, for Americans annually
spend $4,500,000,000 a year on
cigarettes—$30 per person. Two
packs a day would set you back
$156 a year—enough to buy a
Cadillac in 20 years. Cigar smokers pay even heavier—up to $500
My mother has heart asthma. How
can she treat it? Will others in the
family catch the disease?
True heart asthma, or cardiac
asthma, is a condition that appears
when the heart is failing in strength
and is too weak to maintain circulation
of blood through the lungs. If it is
present, your mother should see a doctor so that medication can be prescribed and adjusted when needed, for
there is no fixed treatment for this
condition. Sometimes it is due to
chronic inflammation in the lungs,
which interferes with the amount of
blood that can pass through them. Or
it may follow severe bronchial asthma,
ultimately wearing the heart out.
When short of breath, the patient must
limit the amount of exercise he undertakes.
You Need
fl 1111]
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A TIP young man of 91
Mr. Bartlett is a renowned
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it KEVO -Err
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Deep sea kelp
a package
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MARCH, 1953
Is Worth a Second Try
RE you expecting a baby? Have you
thought about trying to breast
feed? Let me tell you about my two
When I found that I was expecting
a little brother or sister for our twoyear-old son, I was determined to
breast feed this new baby even though
I had failed to do so the first time.
I had been a public-health nurse,
and had encouraged expectant mothers to breast feed their babies. Now
I wanted more than ever to practice
what I had preached. Knowing that
mother's milk is the best and most
complete food a baby can get, I knew
that I would try again. Also breastfeeding causes the uterus to contract
more rapidly, and who after nine
months of pregnancy isn't eager to
become slim again, and in a hurry!
The fact that the baby would be
born in the middle of the summer and
that my husband expected a transfer
about that time encouraged me to do
anything to get away from the daily
hot-bottle routine.
Billy, our first child, was a husky
seven pounds and eleven ounces. He
was born at a large hospital in a big
city. When asked whether I wanted
to nurse him I replied, "Of course I
Because it takes two to three days
and even longer for the breasts to become filled with milk, he was given a
formula a short time after his birth.
He was brought to me for each daily
feeding with his bottle, but I was instructed to let him nurse at my breasts
for a few minutes before giving it to
him. I'll never forget the first time he
clamped his little mouth on my nipples. It was so painful that I knew
something was wrong. During my
pregnancy I hadn't known that I
should prepare to breast feed, and had
not toughened my nipples by pulling
them up. (This should be done especially during the last few months, and
in a manner as your doctor instructs
you.) However, a nipple ointment
helped relieve this soreness to some
On the big day that we brought our
precious bundle home from the hospital we brought him complete with
a quart jar of formula, even though
I still expected to nurse him. My
breasts had filled to overflowing, but
still the baby did not settle down to
(Turn to page 23)
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Questions for this department should be addressed: Mother's Counselor, LIFE
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Skin Cancer
My mother is afflicted with cancer
of the skin, which is at times an open
sore. When she visits us she uses her
own towels and washcloths, but it has
concerned me as to just how contagious skin cancer is and whether it is
dangerous to my little ones.
Of course we don't know all there is
to know about cancer, but I don't believe you have to worry especially,
since your mother is careful. Even if
it were contagious, which it probably
isn't, there would have to be direct
contact to pass it from one person to
* * *
Poor Appetite?
My eighteen-month-old girl does not
eat well. I give her crackers and cottage cheese and things between meals
to help, but I can't get her to eat well
at mealtime. I am giving her baby
vitamins, but she just doesn't seem
to have much of an appetite.
It is always unwise to make an issue with the child over the question of
eating. The more one tries to get a
child to eat a certain food, the more
persistently he refuses. An argument
at mealtime is always bad for a child's
digestion and nervous system.
The only way to get children to eat
the things they should is to give them
a chance to get hungry. No matter
how little a child eats at mealtime, he
should have nothing between meals.
I often suggest for children who are
problem eaters that the cream be removed from the milk they drink. This
less rich diet gives them a chance to
get hungry. If at some particular meal
they don't eat very much, there is no
harm done. After a few such meals
they acquire a bigger appetite.
A small amount of a particular food
that you might want the children to
eat could be placed before them together with other food, and they probably would eat it ; that is, if nothing
is said about it.
Talking about food at mealtime always does more harm than good. It
is better to let some things go without correction and have a happy atmosphere at mealtime than to spoil
the meal with futile arguments.
and relaxed. Never discuss this restlessness with the little girl. It would
be tragic to spank or punish her for
it. Some vitamin B complex with her
meals might help her to have a more
relaxed nervous system.
If she is happy and not fretful in
the daytime, her restlessness at night
is probably doing no harm.
* * *
She said she had no wish for offspring,
Thought childlessness was thrifty;
But now she knows what loneliness
Can mean to one of fifty.
Restless Nights
My three-year-old granddaughter
eats well, has good food and care, and
seldom eats between meals. However,
she is unusually restless in her sleep.
We were advised to spank her, but
because she is asleep I can't feel that
it would help. If we awaken her, she
cries. What would you advise?
Your little grandchild has an active
nervous system, and I don't think her
apparent restlessness at night is anything. to worry about. Certainly she
should not be aroused; for, as you say
in your letter, she quiets down herself
after a few minutes.
You must be very sure that there
is no tension or anxiety in the family
atmosphere. Let everyone be happy
My five-year-old boy is retarded. He
does not talk yet, but he understands,
yet is slow in thinking. What can I
do to help him?
I have known children who haven't
talked till after they were five who
finally talked all right.
Sometimes if too much attention is
paid to his not talking, the child is
made self-conscious, and it is harder
than ever to get him to talk. Simply
treat him as if he were entirely normal, and he will be more likely to
develop normally. Love him, be affectionate and happy with him. That will
help him a great deal.
Our seven-year-old son has a fungus
around his ankles. Will he have to
keep out of water altogether except
for baths? Can it be completely cured?
These fungus infections are rather
common, but usually can be taken care
of by the use of a simple ointment of
about one-third strength Whitfield's
I see no reason why he should be
kept out of water. The only precaution would be that he not pass it on
to other children.
Breast Feeding
(Continued from page 21)
LOW-SODIUM CHEESE—Tangy flavor, sodium
content less than milk. 1/2 lb. and 1 lb. loaves.
CELLU RICE WAFERS—Tasty with soups and
salads. Sodium only 0.018%. 4 oz. pkgs.
Many other tasty foods—Send for catalog
1750 West Von Bur•n Street
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Shelled Pecans
Packed in 1#, 5#, 30# & 60# boxes.
Write for prices.
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$2.75 a Year-25c Single Copy
Washington 12, D.C.
74 ?leo
Makes juice and discharges pulp
in one operation. Also grinds
nuts into creamy spreads and
shreds vegetables for salads and
soups. New exclusive revolutionary feature—Made of
cast nylon, tough as steel, which reduces to a minimum
any contact of food with metal.
Write today for free descriptive literature.
1229 So. Central Ave., Lodi, California
eating normally. After a week of his
crying and vomiting and sleepless
nights for the whole family, I was
ready to give up breast feeding.
Two weeks before the expected date
of our second "blessed event" I told
myself, "This time it is going to be
different !" Being an optimist or perhaps expecting a miracle, I bought a
nursing brassiere.
Our seven-pound girl was born in
a small town, but in a modern twentyfive-bed hospital. It was routine to
feed the new borns only sterile water
for the first three days and to take
them to their mothers to nurse every
three hours day and night. My nipple manipulations were successful,
and though feeding at first was
slightly uncomfortable, it was absolutely painless soon. I drank pitcher
after pitcher of water and asked
whether I might have milk in addition to the regular beverage at each
meal. I also asked my doctor whether
I might continue calcium, which I had
taken during pregnancy. He of course
approved. The nursing mother's calcium need is large, and she should continue taking it.
Three days after the baby's arrival
my milk appeared. This time I had
my nursing brassiere. My daughter
gained weight, and soon made up the
early loss while on sterile water.
This time I went home minus the
quart jar of formula. I don't have to
worry about making a daily batch of
formula and sterilizing bottles.
Little sister is doing very well. She
sleeps all night, has had no diarrhea
and no pitiful sore buttocks such as
plagued our little boy. She smells nice
and sweet, never having the objectionable sour odor that comes from the
use of cow's milk.
We are able to go out and take her
with us, with no fear of warm weather
and spoiled bottles. At feeding time
the supply is at hand and just the
correct temperature.
In case I want to go out without
the baby it is very little trouble to mix
up one bottle of formula. We have
taken several week-end trips, and baby
fared very well. My menstrual periods have not returned, and may not
for four or five months, and I certainly do not miss them. Breast feeding is a very economical way of feeding, for the extra milk I drink does
not cost as much as supplying milk
for an entire formula. Most important
of all, I know that my little daughter
is getting the very best I can give her
toward lifetime healthfulness.
Here's a quick and easy way to get
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Carrot Juice
This solid-laden juice of
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EVEREADY Carrot Juice
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to insure greater Carotene
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Get EVEREADY Carrot Juice at your
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8478 Melrose Place, Los Angeles 46
Wings of Health
L morning George sat at his desk that are either far away or close by.
with his head bent over on his The part of your eye that does this
arms. Even when it was recess and work is known as the lens."
the other children went outdoors to
Teddy asked, "Is it anything like
play, he still sat with his head on his the lens of this magnifying glass I
arms. Several times during recess he have?" He took a small glass from his
raised up and looked out the window pocket and carried it up to Miss White.
at the other children, who were having
She held the small lens so that evfun on the school grounds.
eryone could see it. "Yes, in a way the
Miss White stepped inside the room lens in your eye is similar. See, the
during the recess, and she noticed magnifying glass is thicker in the
George still at his desk. She walked middle than it is at the edge. That is
over near him and said kindly, "What what makes the lens magnify so that
is the trouble, George? Are you sick?" objects look bigger when you use the
George looked up and tried to smile, glass."
Teddy was ready with a question.
but the smile was only a weak one.
"I don't know," he answered; "I have
a headache."
Miss White put her hand on his
forehead. "You don't feel as if you
have a fever. But your eyes look somewhat inflamed."
"They hurt when I try to read,"
George admitted.
"Have you done anything to strain
your eyes?" Miss White asked.
George had a guilty smile. "I think "Do you mean that I have a thing
I lool4d at television too long last like that in my eye ?"
night. I did not realize how long I
Miss White smiled and answered,
had been watching it until mother "Yes, and no. You have a lens in your
came and told me it was much past eye—it is right behind the colored
part of your eye. The lens is clear
Miss White nodded. "That is prob- like glass, but it is not hard like
ably what has done it.
glass; it is soft and can change its
"Let's all close our books for a shape. Muscles attached to the lens
while," she suggested later in the day. make it become thin or thick depend"I want you to do some exercises. Now, ing on where you wish to focus your
hold a pencil about six inches in front vision. When you looked at the pencil
of your nose."
your eyes had to be adjusted to see
As the students did as their teacher the close object, and when you looked
directed she asked, "Can you see the at the mountain your eyes had to be
pencil ?"
adjusted to see the faraway object."
"Of course we can." The children
"It must not take long to do that,"
were puzzled at the queer exercise. Teddy spoke up.
"Now look out the window and
"No, the eye can make these adacross the roofs of the houses and up justments quickly, showing one of its
to the top of that mountain in .the dis- wonderful abilities. We should all
tance. Can you see the mountain?" guard and take proper care of the deli"Of course," the children answered, cate muscles of our eyes."
still wondering what Miss White was
George raised his hand. "I watched
trying to do.
television too long last night, and now
"That shows the wonderful ability my eyes hurt."
your eyes have of focusing on objects
"You understand," Miss White be-
gan to explain, "those muscles that
control the lens of the eyes become
tired if they have to look at close
objects for a long time. That is why
doctors recommend that a person rest
his eyes frequently when he is doing
close work such as reading, sewing,
or any other type of eye-straining
"How may one rest his eyes?" asked
Miss White picked up a heavy book
and held it out at arm's length on the
palm of her hand. "Do you think my
arm will get tired if I hold this book
out here for a long time?"
"Of course it will!" the children
"What could I do to rest my arm?
I put the book down and then bend
my arm back and forth like this,
changing the position and relieving
the strain of my arm muscles. That
gives them a rest," Miss White said.
"Arm muscles and eye muscles are
something alike—they need a change.
If you are reading or doing close work
with your eyes, give them a change.
Stop reading and look out the window
at some faraway object. Or close your
eyes for a few moments. You give
your muscles a rest by taking the
strain away."
George was thinking of last evening's experience. He said, "I did not
give my eyes a chance to rest last
night. I kept looking at television for
a long, long time. But I won't do that
again. Next time I will go outside
and look up at the stars or the moon
in between pictures so that my eyes
can have a rest. And I'm not going to
spend such a long time watching."
"You are very wise, George, in your
decision," his teacher commended
him. "You have only one pair of eyes,
and if they should be mistreated and
become harmed, you could not buy another pair."
"Couldn't he buy glasses?" Teddy
asked with a grin, and the older children smiled.
Miss White replied, "That is a
splendid idea, Teddy. Glasses can be
a great aid in correcting vision.
George should go to a doctor and have
his eyes tested, for it is possible that
he does need glasses. But only a doctor can tell him. Remember, Teddy,"
Miss White turned to her young pupil,
"sometimes a person's eyes are so injured that no glasses or doctor can
help. If a person is wise, he will have
his eyes tested before they are injured."
George said firmly, "I hope nobody
tells the nurse about my looking at
television so long last night; I promise I won't do it again. Besides, I want
to ask my folks if I may go to a doctor
to have my eyes examined."
Chronic Fatigue
(Continued from page 13)
In order to rid yourself of chronic
and recurrent fatigue, you must bring
about and keep a balance between
work and the recreational, social, and
spiritual aspects of your life.
There are hardly any of us who cannot increase the efficiency of our
working habits. You can plan your
work so as to avoid unnecessary steps
and needless motions. You can arrange tools, utensils, and working surfaces in convenient locations. Suitable
lighting to avoid eyestrain and glare
will lessen fatigue. You can sometimes
do your work just as well sitting as
After you learn what your own individual constitution can tolerate, you
should live within your resources of
energy. This means that you should
fit your ambitions to your abilities and
adapt yourself to such adverse conditions as physical handicaps, unpleasant climatic or geographic situations,
and unfriendly attitudes and actions
of others. In short, you might as well
"cooperate with the inevitable."
If you are by habit tense and worried, and if you work with a sense
of mental hurry, you should practice
to work fast and yet relaxed. To work
this way is difficult, but it can be done
if the mind is kept on the performance
of the task at hand, off the work yet
to be done, and off possible failure or
other undesirable results of the work.
If the work is monotonous, it will be
less tiresome if you keep its useful
purpose in mind. A confident, cheerful, thankful attitude makes work
easier and dispels fatigue.
When fatigue is severe, you should
begin with small exertion and increase the difficulty and duration of
work until you reach normal activity.
It is well also to plan work so as to
utilize to best effect your natural ups
and downs of energy.
Recreation denotes all those activities of life that replenish your store
of vitality. You should keep a wide
margin of reserve energy by balancing bodily accounts hourly, daily,
weekly, and yearly by appropriate periods of relaxation from work. A
change of pace in work by alternating
periods of physical exertion with periods of mental exertion will lessen
If your work is mental or if you
suffer from nervous fatigue, physical
activity may be more restful than inactivity. The activity will be most
helpful if it is out of doors, useful,
not competitive. Gardening, nature
study, hiking, and painting are examples of such hobbies.
MARCH, 1953
The wings of the Humming Bird
beat more than 80 times per second, a physical impossibility without adequate nutrition.
It is estimated that over 75 per cent of Americans
suffer nutritional deficiencies. Yet these same people
must face the terrific demands of modern living.
More than 1,400 Americans enter a hospital as
patients every 24 hours of the day. Can faulty nutrition be a contributing factor?
Loma Linda, Calif.
To make sure of adequate amounts of essential
vitamins and minerals, ask your health food store or
write for
Sleep is a recreational factor that
must be carefully guarded in these
times of twenty-four-hour production
schedules and increase in night amusements.
Proper food and eating habits are
necessary for maintaining your vitality. You will need these admonitions
if you are a victim of chronic fatigue:
Be sure to eat a wholesome breakfast.
The body's store of readily available
energy is exhausted twelve hours after
a meal. Take some protein food at each
meal. Avoid eating sweets. Don't
smoke at all. Don't use coffee, tea, or
alcoholic beverages to overcome fatigue. They will only leave you feeling
worse than you did before.
No life can have abundant energy
unless refreshed and sustained by the
springs of spiritual strength. Faith in
the mercy and justice of God and consciousness of having conformed your
thoughts, words, and actions to the
divine will can do more to rest your
mind than all the technics or philosophies of men.
Your Lord invites you, "Come unto
me, all ye that labour and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest."
If you have a question or problem regarding food or
diet, address: The Dietitian, LIFE ty HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
How to Eat a Garden
Before you can eat a garden, there
are of course the planning, purchasing of seed and fertilizer and pest
powders, the planting, thinning, weeding, and cultivating. It is a great joy
to see plants grow, and there is health
in a garden in both the cultivation and
the eating.
In late winter make a list of all the
vegetables and fruits you would like
to grow. (It is interesting that some
of the so-called vegetables are botanically fruits.) You may want to read
a book or two from your public library
on gardening. One excellent book is
Science in the Garden, by H. Britton
Logan and Putnam. [William Collins
Sons and Company, Ltd., Toronto,
Canada.] One successful garden included the following plants:
Buttercup (hard, winter type)
Zucchini (green summer)
Pepper (Table Queen)
Corn (yellow hybrid)
Tiny yellow tomatoes (pear)
Tiny red tomatoes (cherry)
Marglobe tomatoes (like hot house)
Ponderosa tomatoes (beefsteak)
Brussels sprouts
Cabbage (red and green)
Sweet green peppers
Green Leafy Vegetables
Lettuce (rusty edged)
Swiss chard (poor man's asparagus)
Parsley (curly)
Root Vegetables
Radishes (red and white icicle)
Yellow bush beans
Kentucky Wonder green beans
Lima beans
Patty pan (white scalloped)
Yellow summer
A sprinkling of cinnamon
whipped into the cream works
It is wise to make a drawing of your
garden. You should plan it so that the
tall vegetables will make shade for
tender greens and cucumbers. A chart
will help in thinning as things come
up, for several of the vegetables look
alike, such as collards and broccoli.
You would want to thin broccoli but
not collards for greens.
A garden that can be comfortably
worked by one or two is about 25 by 75
feet. Ten-cent packages of seeds will
plant rows twenty-five feet or longer.
With favorable weather conditions you
can plant seed for all these plants except potatoes. You can buy potato eyes
or whole potatoes and cut them up for
planting. Cobblers are good, and the
whole family should enjoy them.
If you are so situated that you can
plant two gardens, one on high ground
and one on low ground, you are more
sure of success in some localities. Professional gardeners plant on two levels. For an early yield you may want
to buy a few plants of tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, peppers, and cabbage, or grow them yourself inside
and transplant. Usually fertilizer is
most profitably applied to corn and
tomatoes, but the condition of the soil
will determine the need. It is surprising what can be grown on poor land
without the cost of fertilizing, if rain
and weather are generally favorable
for growing plants.
For pest control Bordeaux powder
(which is a copper salt) is perhaps
as harmless as any. A little extra copper may make for rich, red blood. A
rotenone powder is recommended by
many agricultural agents. Soon after
the squash is well up you must surround each root with a handful or two
of powdered tobacco. Cover the tobacco lightly with earth to make its
effectiveness more sure.
You will have to watch everything
for bugs, flies, and worms. The birds,
ladybugs, toads, and spiders will help
you. Many kinds must be picked off.
(Concluded next month)
(Continued from page 19)
In addition to the great commercial
crops of sugar cane and pineapple
there is an almost endless variety of
health-giving foods—papayas, avocados, Macadamia nuts (now becoming
an important commercial crop), lilikoys (Passion fruit), Chinese peas,
Chinese cabbage, and poi (the great
staple of the old Hawaiians, which doctors are now recommending as baby
and convalescent food). What is not
grown on the islands is obtained from
the mainland, both fresh and frozen.
These are a few of what might be
called the physical attractions of Hawaii. There's another attraction that
I feel is quite as important, although
perhaps less tangible.
I'm referring to what might be
called the spirit of aloha. Aloha means
many things: "greeting," "love," "affection," and in general "happy and
joyous living." What I'm speaking
about encompasses all these things and
Let's take the last first. The people
of modern Hawaii are industrious and
progressive. Their great sugar and
pineapple industries, held up as models
of scientific efficiency the world over,
attest to this.
But when the whistle blows and the
office doors close, everyone from the
office boy to the corporation president
sets out with one purpose in mind :
to relax serenely. To facilitate this
purpose, most businesses in Hawaii
begin early and quit early, sometimes
as early as 3 P.M.
This same spirit is carried over into
dress. The comfortable and sensible
holokus and MUUMUUS worn by Hawaiian women are adaptations of the
Mother Hubbards introduced to the
islands by New England missionary
women. It is comfort rather than tradition that prompted modern Hawaii
to retain them.
The Hawaiian men also have managed to break away from the style
tyranny that demands coats, collars,
and ties regardless of comfort. Gaily
colored aloha shirts open at the neck
are the rule among Hawaiian men,
from toddlers to totterers. Look in on
a staid board of directors meeting of
one of the territory's big concerns,
and your chances of finding a tie are
about as good as finding a grass shack
in downtown Honolulu.
In most other parts of the civilized
world when women feel the urge to
stretch their toes they slip off their
shoes surreptitiously, as if there were
something indecent about being without foot covering.
In Hawaii going barefoot is the rule
MARCH. 1953
You can be "STARVED"
for the right kind of sleep...
if you aren't getting the "sleep food" you need!
a vital substance in your bloodstream
may have a lot to do with how well you
sleep. This substance, known medically
as blood sugar, is an important source of
nourishment for the brain.
At bedtime, and especially during the
long nighttime hours without food, your
supply of blood sugar may become seriously lowered. Thus, your brain and nervous system may suffer from insufficient
"sleep food." You may feel too nervous
to go to sleep ... too restless to sleep well.
How you can help your body
get needed "sleep food"
Drugs or sleeping pills can't supply "sleep
food." And sweet, sugary.foods and drinks
provide only a quick jet of sugar that is
too quickly burned up. But here is a way
—a delicious, drugless way—to help your
body get needed "sleep food." This sleepaid is a POSTUM "NIGHTCAP"—a delicious
drink made with Instant Postum and
hot milk, taken shortly before retiring.
Your Postum "Nightcap" is good-tasting and safe—contains no drugs to harm
you. Moreover, your Postum milk drink
gives you easily digested nourishment
that is slowly converted into blood sugar.
Thus, it helps assure the slow, steady flow
of vital "sleep food" to your brain. That's
why a Postum "Nightcap" helps you
get refreshing sleep—the kind that leaves
you rested, looking and feeling like new!
So safe, so easy—try it!
Every night before you retire, fix yourself a Postum "Nightcap." It's easy—add
a rounded teaspoon of Instant Postum
to a cup of hot milk, and stir. Try this for
just 10 days—then see if you aren't sleeping better—feeling fresher—looking like
a new person! Get Instant Postum now.
Postum is an ideal mealtime
beverage, too. No caffein—no drugs
—no chance for "coffee nerves."
The "SLEEP-F006 Nightcap
-for sleepless Millions!
for women and children except on formal occasions. Honolulu is a sophisticated city, but it is nothing unusual
to see women going about their household duties and even walking along
the street or shopping in the supermarket in their bare feet. Children
who are required to wear shoes in
school frequently carry them to the
schoolroom door and put them on before entering the building.
I don't think there can be any doubt
that this sensible attitude has contributed to Hawaii's high health standards. Of course Hawaii has gone to
great lengths to guard the health of
A Product of
General Foods
its people. The health record of the
employees in Hawaii's largest industry, sugar, has been the subject of
worldwide comment, thanks to the
vigilance of the plantation medical
services. For example, the mortality
rate for new mothers in plantation
communities is less than one in one
thousand. Beriberi, once a dread disease, has disappeared. The incidence
of tuberculosis has dropped faster
than in any State, and venereal disease is close to the vanishing point.
There's one final aspect of this spirit
of aloha that I think can be the most
(Turn to page 29)
When writing, please enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply. Address: Home
Editor, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
Capricious March. March is a capricious month, having stormy days and
days so full of sunshine that you think
surely spring is here to stay. These
tempestuous days make me think of
the Sabbath school lesson Patsy had
last summer, of the storm on Galilee,
when Jesus stilled the winds and
waves by saying, "Peace, be still." Little tempests come up in our lives. Just
as we feel overwhelmed by the waves
of adversity, some kind friend or
neighbor comes to our aid. Tempests
of anger rise within us at times, when
we should have the Saviour speak,
"Peace, be still." Some folks are
March folks, some April folks.
"Blessed are the peacemakers" today
is just as true as when Jesus spoke
these words on the mount. A peaceful
heart, a peaceful home, a peaceful
church, a peaceful community—all
take a little subduing of passion and
pride—and someday, a peaceful world.
The spring rains come, and we are
thankful. We remember the drought
of last summer, when water was difficult to get. The wild geese flap over
in V formation, some lone lake in the
far northland their destination. It is
always a thrill to see the flocks go
over. We can hear their honking, and
we watch until they disappear over
the hills.
At this time of year we look at our
packets of seeds, little parcels of miracles. I like to try at least one new
garden product each year. Last year
we had eggplant, which we bought
from our local florist. It was really fun
to watch them grow, and when at last
the glossy purple fruits appeared we
were amply rewarded. This year I
want to try a few Lazy Wife beans
and some of those horticultural beans
(or something like that) if I can find
them. We had some once at a place
in Virginia, and they were delicious.
Selecting Pots and Pans. To select
the right kitchen utensil, keep in mind
the use to which you will put it. The
different kinds of pots and pans have
their advantages and disadvantages.
Ironware heats slowly but evenly. It
holds the heat well, but the handles
may become hot. It is durable, and
the utensil gets even better as it gets
older. Ironware is inexpensive. Changing heat will not buckle ironware. On
the other hand, ironware is heavy,
it can break, and it will rust if not
dried and oiled properly.
I like heavy aluminum ware. If a
good grade, aluminum ware will last
ale Oeal Can Wear
The waves roar noiselessly
Along the crescent sand;
The trees bow silent heads
Before the wind's command.
The rain drums without sound
Upon the sturdy slate,
And my heart sings in tune
As senses correlate.
For in this voiceless void
That circles me around,
Sheer beauty speaks to me
In motion without sound.
a lifetime. The lightweight aluminum
utensils warp, bend, and dent more
easily than .the heavy.
For casseroles I enjoy using a good
grade of glassware. You can see the
food as it cooks, and glass holds heat
well. You can use glassware for cooking and serving as well. Of course,
sudden temperature changes sometimes crack or break glassware.
I also like enamelware, but wish it
wouldn't chip so easily. I have a favorite enamelware mixing bowl. It is
lightweight, and easy to wash and
Spanish Corn. Try Spanish corn
sometime. We enjoy it occasionally.
You may use canned whole-kernel corn,
frozen corn, or, cooked corn cut off the
cob. We fry a little chopped onion and
green pepper in margarine, add sliced
tomato or canned tomato, if not too
juicy, and the corn. If you want to
add some protein, put a scrambled egg
or two into the mixture. A favorite
with us.
Laundering Madeira Linens. The
natives of the island of Madeira,
Portugal, produce a special kind of
embroidered table linens for which
their island is famous.
After the Madeira cloth is laundered in rich soapsuds, rinsed, and
dried, their method is to dampen it,
place it right side up over a wellpadded board, cover it with a damp
cloth, and iron it all over. Then they
reverse the cloth, placing it right side
down over the padding. Again they
cover it with a damp cloth and press it.
This two-step ironing does away
with puckering around the embroidered design.
Curing 'Cooking Utensils. Do you
remember any of the dishes and cooking utensils your mother used when
you were a child? I recall a little
squatty iron kettle in which my mother
fried doughnuts and made vegetable
One of these days I want to get a
cast-iron skillet. Cast iron, satisfactory for skillets and Dutch ovens, must
be dried carefully after each washing
to prevent rusting.
Unless cured by the manufacturer,
iron, tin, or cast aluminum utensils
must be cured before using. To cure
a pot or pan, wash it in soapy water,
rinse, and dry thoroughly. Then go
over the entire utensil—inside and
outside—with unsalted grease, and let
the pan remain in a warm oven for
several hours. Wash again in the soapy
water, rinse, and dry thoroughly.
(Continued from page 27)
refreshing and stimulating of all to
those who come to us to find surcease
from the worries of this tense world.
It's the way the people get along
together, in work and in play. The
islands are peopled by half a million
Americans, whose parents and grandparents came from practically every
corner of the globe—Japanese, Chinese, Anglo-Saxons, Koreans, Portuguese, Puerto Ricans, Scots, Germans,
and countless others. Each nationality
brought its own beliefs, customs, and
ways of living. Some were what the
history books call traditional enemies.
The people of Hawaii have only one
traditional enemy, and that is intolerance.
Add all these ingredients together,
and I think you will agree that we in
Hawaii have found a pretty effective
prescription for happy, serene living.
We invite the world to share it
with us.
How to Dodge Colds
(Continued from page 11)
where there is a draft of cold air.
6. Breathe through the nose. Nature has arranged the tissues inside
the nose in such a way that the air,
as it passes through, is warmed before entering the lungs.
7. Drink at least six glasses of water a day.
8. Maintain a calm, cheerful attitude.
It is too much to hope that you will
never have another cold. If by following the suggestions mentioned above,
you can reduce the number of colds
you have per year and you can improve your body's resistance so that
the colds you do have are less severe,
you will have accomplished a great
deal in promoting your personal efficiency and general health. This will
be the same as adding several days
to each year, for you will save the time
you otherwise lose with colds.
MARCH, 1953
many, other II"'
IT'S WONDERFUL—the way Worthington Breading Meal enhances the fine
flavor of your favorite foods . . . covers
choice morsels with a crusty coat of nutritious extra goodness. Worthington Breading Meal is a wholesome mixture of toasted
bread crumbs, potato meal, soya meal, and
vegetable seasonings.
It's a perfect breading mix for tender,
lean, protein-rich CHOPLETS . . . for
VEELETS, the succulent, bite-size chunks
of wheat protein ... or for deliciously
different SOYLOIN STEAKS. Just dip
these popular Worthington Foods in
the Breading Meal and pop them into
a skillet.
Worthington Breading Meal is ideal
for loaves and patties, too—and for
many other uses.
For extra taste appeal and extra food
value, be sure to get convenient, economical, ready-to-use Worthington
Worthington Foods, Inc.
Worthington, Ohio
Are You Anemic?
(Continued from page 17)
blood-building diet, which is the sheet
anchor of any anti-anemia program.
All the pills in the drugstore and all
the shots in the doctor's office cannot
make blood without good food. You
are what you eat. So let's eat the best
food to build the strongest of bodies.
The nice part about this blood-building diet is that it will not put weight
on you. In fact, a person who is a bit
overweight can actually reduce on it,
since it includes only about 1,700 calories. The diet can safely be lowered
still more by the use of skim milk in
place of whole milk, with butter
omitted, and eggs and toast omitted
on the mornings you have cereal for few starches except in potatoes and
100 per cent whole-wheat bread. Abbreakfast.
The diet is nutritionally sound, and sent altogether are sweets—pie, cake,
will promote good sleep. You will note ice cream, sodas, malts, cookies, and
the .rather abbreviated supper, de- pastries; fats—fried foods, French
signed to give you a big appetite for fried potatoes, potato chips, fatty
the farmer-style breakfast we have meats, and gravies; and highly refined
allotted you. I know this is out of step starches—spaghetti, macaroni, crackwith the American way of eating the ers, white bread, and the like.
These all make fat but not blood.
"big meal in the evening." All we ask
is that you try it for a month, reli- The reason is that they have few mingiously. At the end of that time we erals and vitamins, those essential litfeel certain you'll feel better, look tle items in building blood. They have
better, and have a richer blood stream calories but no color. And remember,
to show for it. You may like it so well pale foods make pale people. So fill up
that you will not want to return to your plate with colorful foods—fresh
green vegetables, red beets, golden
your present eating habits.
Note the absence of the so-called carrots, brown baked potatoes—and
fluff foods from this diet. You find few you'll put roses in your cheeks and
desserts except fresh fruit. You find nature's red rouge in your lips. You
This diet, which provides double your daily requirement of iron, rejuvenates tired. wornout blood cells and gives you a new lease on life.
Start your day with a wet whistle—drink 2 glasses
of water before breakfast.
Milligrams Calories
2 eggs, poached or as you like them
—soft or hard boiled
1 slice 100% whole-wheat bread
1 pat butter
2 tablespoons raisins
1 cup oatmeal
1 tablespoon wheat germ sprinkled
on cereal
1 8-ounce glass milk
1 medium orange, peeled
Milligrams Calories
serving (4 halves) apricots or
peaches (2 halves) canned with
no syrup, water packed
1 thin slice 100 per cent whole-wheat
1 pat butter
1 8-ounce glass milk
1/2 cup cottage cheese
Vegetable soup or broth
Blackstrap molasses-1 tablespoon
—in hot milk
Total for day 25.7
*Alternate fruits for supper, or
have a mixed fruit salad for variety.
Night Cap
Small baked potato (eat jacket)
1/2 cup cooked greens
1 thin slice 100 per cent wholewheat bread
1 pat butter
Tossed vegetable salad—large bowl .6
1 8-ounce glass milk
2 tablespoons raisins
1 8-ounce glass unsweetened grape
Blackstrap molasses makes up into a soothing drink
to induce sleep and at the same time increases your
iron intake. In hot milk it makes a palatable drink—
tastes like Postum.
6 apricots, dried, give 1.5 milligrams iron and only
80 calories.
2 figs, dried, give .9 milligrams iron and only 80
Dried dates, figs, prunes, apricots, and raisins are
a "must" for any blood-building diet.
Nutritionists say that apricots and mustard greens
are tops as blood builders, since the iron they contain
is utilized almost 100% in making hemoglobin for
the blood.
Clip this diet and paste it to your kitchen cupboard as a suggestive guide to meal planning.
can throw away rouge and lipstick
when you start using Mother Nature's
facial colorings in the form of luscious
juicy fruits.
Some special blood-building foods
are these :
Grape juice—unsweetened-1 or 2
glasses daily
Apricots—comparable to liver in
blood-building ability
Other dried fruits—prunes, figs,
dates, peaches
Blackstrap molasses-31/2 tablespoons give you half of your daily requirement of iron
100% whole-wheat bread
According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research
Council, you need twelve milligrams of
iron in your diet daily. And listed below are the iron values of some common foods:
1/2 cup cooked dry Lima beans 2.
1/2 cup cooked dry navy beans 2.8
6 slices white bread enriched 3.
6 slices whole-wheat bread
1 egg
1 baked potato, medium size 1.2
5 prunes
1 tablespoon raisins
1/2 cup cooked beet greens
1/2 cup collards
1/2 cup dandelion greens
1/2 cup kale
1/2 cup turnip greens
1 ounce whole-wheat cereal
There are many advantages to correcting anemia, for it has been our
experience in medical practice to find
anemia associated with many ailments,
ranging from arthritis to allergy; infections to headaches; nervousness to
fatigue. And, happily, when we encourage the patient to eat correctly
and give him a good anemia treat1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup cooked green peas
body tissues, and suffer first when
these are not supplied. Vitamin deficiencies, especially of the B-complex
factor, we now know affect nerve function. When we are anemic, our blood
does not properly supply the nerves
with oxygen and fuel; consequently,
they become irritable, painful, or irregular in function. Give your blood
a boost, and you help your nerves as
well. It's that simple. There are many
reasons for staying healthy, happy,
and for maintaining a rich red blood
stream—these are only a few.
Now let's stop dragging around
half-dead, with old worn-out blood. We
should never be anemic, bloodless creatures. Let's be peppy and feel buoyantly alive by getting on a real heman blood-building program today and
sticking with it from now on. If you
do, you'll look younger, live longer,
and stay happier.
Keep Up on Health
Protein Food Distributor
Battle Creek Foods—Madison Foods
Miller's—Worthington Foods
Loma Linda—Nes-Pak
Nuspred Soy Margarine
Pickles in Lemon Juice
Sunnydale Chicketts
Lange Chops
Order Now I Factory Prices!
Write for our free price list and
further information.
P.O. Box 4364, TAKOMA PARK 12, D.C.
Phone: HArrison 2-7844
Enjoy carefree relaxation under the Florida sun . . . Cool lake breezes . . . Peace
of mind—away from clamoring resort
crowds. Walker Memorial Sanitarium offers you the modern facilities of its departments of Dietetics, Surgery, Maternity,
Laboratory, X-ray.
Write for illustrated booklet "L"
MARCH, 1953
20% MORE
ment, the symptoms of his illness
mysteriously disappear. Now, we
would not be one to say that anemia
treatment alone will cure these myriad
maladies. But it is only reasonable to
assume that when a patient improves
his blood, his body will be better able
to cope with these illnesses and eliminate them.
Perhaps no other illness responds so
well to this anemia treatment as the
modern all-American disease—nervousness. Nervous tension is so common in the "hurry-worry" world in
which we live that we seldom take
time to consider our bodies. Consequently, we neglect our diet, our rest,
and our recreation, ending up anemic.
Once our blood is improved, we somehow can take the tensions in stride.
Some of our most grateful patients
have been the "cases of nerves" who
had anemia to blame for their irritability.
This outcome is only reasonable, because nerves are the most delicate tissues in the body. They require oxygen
and food to a higher degree than most
Be sure that your body gets the right
amounts of minerals and other elements needed for your daily activities.
The easiest way to get these requirements is with fresh, concentrated juice
and better food shredding with the
K&K Juicer-Shredder Combination.
The K&K Juicer is hydraulic and
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pulp-free juice than any other juicer!
And the K&K Shredder works more
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food shredding for tastier, easier-todigest soups, salads and desserts.
Quick, efficient and easily operated.
hydraulic juicer unit
delivers 3000 lbs. pressure
shredder uses 1/4 hp
guaranteed 110 volt motor
• stainless steel shredder
• life time service warranty!'
• priced lowl
Send for free folder giving
complete details! No obligation
Send to
Knuth Engineering Company
2617 North St. Louis
Chicago 47, Illinois
Nam e
_ City
lone State
Wisdom Teeth
(Continued from page 15)
ache, ringing, or dull headache. If the
tooth is pressing on the nerve, a numbness will sometimes occur, usually in
the lower lip. This numbness almost
always goes away when the tooth is
Upper wisdom teeth sometimes
cause more trouble than lower, because when infected they may in turn
infect the sinuses of the face, causing
much pain and discomfort. They too
will cause dull headaches and earaches
when pinching nerves.
Occasionally wisdom teeth grow together with other teeth, and of course
they have to be removed together. On
these rare occasions a seemingly good
Protect yourself and your family against colds, fatigue, irritable
rundown feeling, lack of "pep," digestive troubles, anemia, skin
troubles, eye strain, nervousness when due to vitamin-mineral
Provides I0 Vitamins Plus
in One Small Tablet including
B-12 the Blood Building Factor and Folic Acid
No two people are alike in their
individual vitamin needs. That
is why super-potent NUTRIFAX
actually supplies as much as
from 3 to 20 times the established minimum daily vitamin
requirements. It helps make up
for deficiencies and emergency
requirements resulting from illnesses or unusual mental,
nervous or physical activities.
NUTRIFAX also helps compensate for vitamin loss caused by
low calorie, weight control
This small tasty
helps make vitamin deficient
people feel 10
years younger!
Your Daily Ration of Nutrifax Provides:
25,000 U.S.P. Units
Vitamin A ,
Vitamin D
(Irradiated Ergosterol) 1,500 U.S.P. Units
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamin Chloride) 20 Milligrams
20 Milligrams
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)
5 Milligrams
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxin)
Vitamin B-12
10 Micrograms
(germ. Active Conc.)
100 Milligrams
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin E
(Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate) 10 Int'l. Units
Vitamin K, Active (Menadione) .1 Milligram
50 Milligrams
10 Milligrams
Calcium Pantothenate
50 Milligrams
Choline (Choline Bitartrate) 20 Milligrams
1 Milligram
Folic Acid
10 Milligrams
Para-Aminobenzoic Acid
20 Micrograms
0.1 Milligram
Lemon Peel Infusion
(Vitamin P Concentrate) 30 Milligrams
5 Milligrams
Chlorophyll (Water Soluble)
NUTRIFAX, product of Wm. T. Thompson Co.,
one of America's great vitamin laboratories,
is the result of years of scientific research.
No other vitamin-mineral tablet duplicates
the protection of NUTRIFAX at its low price.
You might pay three times as much and get
no more. Guard yourself against known
(Calcium Pyrophosphate)
450 Milligrams
10 Milligrams
Iron (Ferrous Gluconate)
Iodine (Potassium Iodide)
0.4 Milligram
7.5 Milligrams
(Manganese Sulfate)
0.2 Milligram
Cobalt (Cobalt Sulfate)
(Sodium Molybdate)
0.4 Milligram
0.2 Milligram
Copper (Copper Sulfate)
0.5 Milligram
Zinc (Zinc Sulfate)
Potassium (Potassium Sulfate) 4.0 Milligrams
Fluorine (Calcium Fluoride). 0.2 Milligram
vitamin-mineral deficiencies.
180 Tablets only $7
Thompson manufactures "Every Vitamin For Every Need." When you buy vitamins,
look for the Thompson name on the label! Compare the potency—compare the
price and you, too, will realize that when you select Thompson, you get a better buy.
AT ALL HEALTH FOOD COUNTERS (If not available, order direct.)
tooth must be removed to get an offending wisdom tooth.
Many complications occur from impacted wisdom teeth, some rare and
some quite common. One of the most
common is the much-discussed separated, or dry, socket. It occurs more
frequently than is admitted. Usually
in the wisdom tooth areas it is due
to infection. Once in a while a lowerjaw nerve will pass through a thirdmolar root. The nerve will be squeezed
and became numb, definitely complicating extraction.
Other rare deviations from the normal connection with these wisdom
teeth include a tumor or cyst. Sometimes even teeth or hair may form
inside the tumor, which, growing continually, must be wholly removed because of its very destructive nature
and possible grave danger to health.
Another deviation is a cyst that
grows at the end of the roots. It destroys surrounding bone and pushes
aside other structures. This cyst must
be removed, and the sac extracted
Still another deviation is a very destructive growth called the ameloblastoma. If left unattended, it grows rapidly and may even necessitate removal
of part of the jaw structure. This
growth returns once in a while even
after removal.
Again it must be stressed that these
conditions are not common by any
Many bodily ailments can stem from
the infection of wisdom teeth and surrounding areas. Sore throats often do
so. Wisdom teeth do decay, and it is
well established that the germs found
in a type of heart-lining inflammation
are also found in decayed teeth. Any
heart specialist will advise minute attention to and rapid removal of any
mouth infections in heart disease patients.
Pain in the back of the neck or in
the joints of the body should lead a
patient to suspect perhaps some dental infection, other causes being eliminated.
Another common signpost to wisdom tooth delinquency is crowded
front teeth. The pressure of growing
wisdom teeth may crowd the front
teeth out of line and into some peculiar formations.
After one has considered the problems wisdom teeth can present, it
would seem wise to keep ahead of these
booby traps in the mouth by taking
preventive steps by attacking first instead of fighting a defensive battle
later. Have your X-ray pictures taken
regularly, and follow the advice of
your dentist so that he may keep your
teeth in good health.
I Am Tired of Love and Security
(Continued from page 9)
motion, who goes from here to there
and there to here, and back and forth
and forth and back, until one is reminded of a hummingbird.
He is the lad who has no sense of
property values. He "didn't mean to
steal the lovely gold watch that belonged to his neighbor, but just
thought it was mislaid." It looked so
pretty that he wanted it, so he took
it. There again is the "I want" and
the "I get" philosophy.
He is the child (and there are so
many like him!) who winds up as a
statistic in a social study. He's a case
history in the child guidance clinic.
He is the darling of the child psychiatrist, who recently came to town to
practice after several years in the
cloistered halls of institutional learning.
The psychiatrist offers nothing but
love and security.
This caricature of a man (the infant is not a little adult, you know)
"What you don't know will hurt
Parents must show disapproval of
antisocial actions. Reproof and rebuke
must be as freely given as love and
kisses. There are useful fears and
useful inhibitions. And the rights of
others must be respected; otherwise
all is bedlam. We just don't throw
things because we feel like it; someone else might get hurt.
Education is teaching the future
adult, who is now a baby, to adjust
to the time lag between "I want" and
"I get," and begins by the establishment of conditioned reflexes. If a
switch is needed to help institute a
bit of obedience and self-discipline, it
will also help in preparing your child
for a better life. And it has nothing
to do with love and security.
Solomon was right when he said,
"Withhold not correction from the
child." Then he added assurance to
parents that "if thou beatest him with
the rod, he shall not die." This means
that discipline even to the point of the
stick has Biblical sanction.
I am tired of all this talk of love
and security, and it's about time that
American mothers and fathers went
back to the old-fashioned stick and a
bit of reproof and rebuke. America
would be a safer, happier, and healthier place should we see the light, and
stop mollycoddling our children with
love and kisses, love and security.
has no more regard for the honeyed
words of his mother as he protests
loudly at her fond embraces and reassurances that she loves him than he
Heating Chest Pack
would have if she would use the words
hate and detest. He has no regard for
(Continued from page 11)
coaxing language; he is merely mani2. Wring *moist compress thorfesting his total frustration in not
oughly from tap water and apply.
being able to get what he wants when
3. Cover quickly with dry flannel
he wants it, and right now. He is deand pin securely.
bauched by his emotions, because he
has not learned any definite response. Precautions
It is the learning process beginning
1. The wet compress should be well
the very first day of life that develops
covered to avoid chilling and to
useful habits of living in the child
aid in a prompt reaction.
and finally makes him a successful
2. Take care that the chest pack
man. His ability to adjust, meet his
is not so tight as to restrict
needs, and live in peace and comfort
circulation or interfere with
with his fellow man is to be taught
from the first day of life.
It is the responsibility of parents
to see that useful habits of living are
1. Colds that hang on.
developed in their child. The Chris2. Influenza of respiratory type.
tian doctrine is the epitome of what I
3. During convalescence from pneumean.
monia. (Only a dry chest pack
Parents must be aware of the
may be used during the acute
rhythm of living and habit formation.
Night follows day, food satisfies hun4. Whooping cough, croup, and
ger, rest eliminates the fatigue of exsimilar illnesses.
ertion. Since the time element is so
5. Pleurisy. For robust patients the
moist pack may be used immedidifferent in early childhood, constant
ately after application of heat,
repetition is needed.
Mealtime must not be neglected. It
but for those with low vitality
the dry chest pack should be
is indeed of more importance in child
used. A hot-water bottle should
training than the menu and the'numbe applied outside the pack.
ber of vitamins it contains.
MARCH, 1953
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