
Is your heart yearning to give in the form of good deeds? Do you have a
heart's desire to jump into the flow of giving and receiving? Volunteering is an
ideal way to create heart coherence and we have many opportunities for you
to consider. Current openings include:
 Newcomer's Welcome
• Hospitality
 Front Desk
• Bookstore
• CD Duplication
To learn more, or sign up to serve, come by our Volunteer Center in the Foyer
and speak to Tammy Lorraine or contact us at [email protected].
Today’s Hospitality
The 9:30 Service Hospitality is provided by Liz McIllece.
The 11:30 Service Hospitality is provided by Ginger Baldwin.
Thank you to all the loving hands and hearts who provide our hospitality! If
you or your group would like to help with Hospitality, stop by the Volunteer
Center and speak with Tammy Lorraine, Volunteer Coordinator.
How to Master Mind
Every 2nd Sunday following both Services, a “How to Master Mind” session is
held in Room 129. Long-time Master Minders take you through the steps and
answer questions you may have about this powerful process, including giving
you information on how best to start your own Master Mind group.
TODAY—10:45 a.m. & 12:45 p.m.—Room 129
Unity Prayer Chaplains are available following Services for one-on-one prayer.
Look for the purple sash.
Thank you for silencing your electronic devices for the duration of the Service.
Please consider including
Unity Church of the Hills in your will.
Please see an usher if you require additional aid to hear the Services.
All are invited to join us for our Daily Prayer Service at 11:00 a.m.
Monday through Saturday, in the Chapel.
Notice of Filming
Unity Church of the Hills films during the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Service. By entering the
Sanctuary today, you are consenting to the use of your image and likeness, and that of
any child you may have with you, to be viewable on our website and/or on a DVD of
this Service/Performance.
Unity Church of the Hills
9905 Anderson Mill Rd.—Austin, TX 78750—www.unityhills.org—(512) 335-4449
A member of Unity Worldwide Ministries, affiliated with Unity Institute
A Church that Love is Building
September 8, 2013
Musical Prelude – “Heal the World”
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer – Ellen Fannin
Congregational Song – “Imagine”
Community News – Art Carter
Preparation for Meditation
Meditation – Rev. Donna Loflin
Lord’s Prayer
Musical Inspiration – “How Great Thou Art”– Roderick Sanford
Message –“What Is Possible With God” – Rev. Steve Bolen
Offering – Rev. Steve Bolen
Musical Inspiration – “My Song”
Blessing of the Offering – Rev. Steve Bolen
Welcome Our Youth – “When the Saints”
Closing Song – “Until We Meet Again”
Prayer for Protection
Postlude – Celebration
Our Mission
Our Vision
We put God first,
Celebrate life,
Serve Truth and
Empower people to
transform their lives.
We are an ever-expanding
community of love
and acceptance,
where lives
are transformed.
Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try.
No hell, below us; above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today. Ah...
Imagine there’s no country, it isn’t hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too.
Imagine all the people, living life in peace
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.
Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.
Music & Lyrics by John Lennon © 1971 LenonoMusic
■ My mind is aligned with the Mind of God!
■ The wholeness that God is, I am!
■ Looking past appearances, I behold great possibilities!
■ I am open to the peace of God within.
■ Thank You, Sweet Spirit, for a renewed faith in mankind.
Senior Minister…………………………………………..Rev. Steve Bolen
Assistant to the Minister……………………………….Mary Bolen, LUT
Associate Ministers……………..Rev. Eileen Ramsey, Rev. Donna Loflin
Platform Leader…...…………………………………………Ellen Fannin
Director of Music Ministry...……………………………Susan Heinrichs
Vocalists.………..Susan Heinrichs, Kelley Glover and Roderick Sanford
Pianist………………………………………………….Jennifer Feiereisel
Bass…………………………………………………….Johnny Vogelsang
Percussion……………………………………………………..Tom Wells
Sunday Coordinator…………………………………… Anneliese Rosea
Thursday, September 12 (continued)
6:00 to 8:15 p.m...UBetterSing Youth Chorus...Room 201
Led by Kelley Glover; contact her at [email protected].
7:00 to 9:00 p.m...The Artist’s Way…Room 201 Unity Oaks
Week 10 of 13; Class is taught by Teresa Brazil; fee is $25 per class.
7:00 p.m...Citizenship Class...Comfort Room
For those preparing for the U.S. Citizenship test.
7:00 p.m...Hawkins Study Group...Room 138
A discussion group exploring the writings of Dr. David Hawkins.
7:30 p.m...Faith Al-Anon Family Group...Room 129
12-step support fellowship for relatives and friends of alcoholics.
7:30 p.m...World Day of Prayer Service...Sanctuary
Friday, September 13
10:30 & 11:30 a.m…Music Together® Family Music Classes…Room 202
Register at www.HeartsongMusic.net. Fridays thru December 6.
11:00 a.m...Daily Prayer Service...Chapel
6:30 to 9:30 p.m…Holographic Sound Healing Certification…Room 203
Take this advanced training to get certified in working with the healing art
of the Angelic Realms and the Hathor’s energy. Register online at
www.unityhills.org. $330 (UCOH Members).
6:30 p.m...Marijuana Anonymous...Room 129
A recovery group sharing their strength and hope to release addictions.
7:00 to 8:00 p.m...Laughter Yoga...Backstage
Laughter Yoga supports the belief that laughter can be a catalyst for positive
transformation in one’s life. Love offering.
7:30 to 9:00 p.m…Coffeehouse Concert Series…Friendship Hall
Features host Rick Busby, with guest artist, Bob Cheevers. Series is
sponsored by the Sacred Elders who will be selling refreshments and
desserts to raise funds for the UCOH LUT Scholarship program.
Saturday, September 14
9:00 a.m...Al-Anon...Room 129
9:00 a.m...Alcoholics Anonymous...Room 202 Unity Oaks
9:30 to 10:30 a.m...Qigong: “Releasing the Heart”… Room 201
10:00 a.m…Free Intro to Basic & Advanced ThetaHealing™…Room 204
10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m…Holographic Sound Healing Certification…Rm 203
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m…Jin Shin Jyutsu® (JSJ) Self-Help Class…Friend Hall
In JSJ, though similar to acupuncture, one touches the safety energy locks
manually, with one’s hands, in sequences, or flows, to increase vitality,
enhance elimination, and improve digestion. $60 in advance; $93 at door.
11:00 a.m...Daily Prayer Service...Chapel
11:00 a.m...“Course In Miracles” Study Group...Room 129
Facilitators or individuals feeling a call to be "teachers of God" will find this
material enriching.
2:00 to 5:00 p.m...Monthly Breath Group...Room 201
This Week at Unity Church of the Hills
September 8-14, 2013
For details on all activities, go to www.unityhills.org
A Church that Love is Building
Sunday, September 8
8:00 a.m...Early Worship Service...Room 205-206 Unity Oaks
Rev. Donna Loflin, Associate Minister, presents the message, “The Captain
Is On the Bridge,” and the scripture for the day is Psalms 119:165.
9:30 & 11:30 a.m...Sunday Services...Sanctuary
Rev. Steve Bolen presents the message “What Is Possible With God.” Music
is by Susan Heinrichs, Kelley Glover and Roderick Sanford.
9:30 & 11:30 a.m...Youth Education…Education Wing & Unity Oaks
Today's Lessons:
In addition to today's lessons, our Sunday School classes are decorating
bookmarks for the World Day of Prayer Service.
 Toddlers/Unitots: Truth for Tots
 Pre-K/Kindergarten: The Miracle of Birth (Principle 2)
 First-Fifth Grade: From Chaos to Order (Principle 3)
 Uniteens: From Chaos to Order (Principle 3)
 Y.O.U: The Four Agreements (Principle 5)
10:30 to 11:30 a.m...Young Adults Class...Room 131
See details on the front page of the Yellow Sheets.
10:30 a.m...UHome: Homeless Youth Project...Room 204 Unity Oaks
Planning meeting for newly forming ministry.
10:40 a.m...“The Quest” Adult Sunday School...Chapel
Today’s topic: “Relationships: Understanding and Being Understood.”
10:45 a.m. & 12:45 p.m...How to MasterMind…Room 129
Experienced Master Minders, Mills Spangberg, and Lu & Cliff Mark lead
participants through the steps of this powerful process. Free.
10:45 a.m. & 12:45 p.m...Introduction to Jin Shin Jyutsu®...Room 205
Free intro to the class, which will be held on Saturday, September 14. See
description under Saturday listings.
1:00 p.m...Rainbow Ministry Out-to-Lunch...Offsite
We’ll be gathering in the Foyer following the 11:30 Service for those wanting
to car pool to Dos Salsas Tex-Mex, 1600 E. Whitestone Blvd., Cedar Park.
1:15 p.m...Singles Out-to-Lunch Bunch...Off Site
This week, the Singles are lunching at Panera Bread, 10900 Lakeline Mall
Dr., Austin, 78717. Come join us!
4:00 p.m...Meditation of Inner Light...Chapel
This Jyoti Meditation consists of beholding one’s own inner light.
5:30 p.m…“Takin’ It to the Streets” Music Ministry Concert...Sanctuary
See insert for details on tonight’s concert.
Monday, September 9
10:00 a.m...Yoga...Room 206 Unity Oaks
Instructor-led gentle yoga for all levels; $5-$10 per class.
Monday, September 9 (continued)
Tuesday, September 10 (continued)
10:30 a.m…Power for Parkinson’s Movement & Balance…Legacy Room
A program of the Capital Area Parkinson’s Society that provides free exercise and dance classes for people with Parkinson’s and their care partners.
11:00 a.m...Daily Prayer Service...Chapel
Monday through Saturday. All are invited to attend.
4:30 to 6:30 p.m…Ballroom & Latin Dance for Youth…Room 202
For ages 12 to 16, come share the joy of dancing and get all the health
benefits too. Register at www.untiyhill.org. Meets Mondays & Wednesdays
through December 4. $150 for UCOH congregants/$20 per drop-in class.
5:45 p.m...Weight Watchers®...Unity Oaks Legacy Room
6:30 p.m...Recovery, Int’l (Mental Health Support)...Room 129
Based on the work of founder, neuro-psychiatrist Abraham A. Low, M.D.
7:00 to 9:00 p.m...Boy Scout Troop 162...Unity Oaks Pavilion
7:00 to 9:00 p.m...Connecting with Our Guides…Room 206 Unity Oaks
Learn to connect with your Guides and Angels. Bring a pen, a paper and a
willing heart. $10 suggested love offering.
7:00 to 8:00 p.m...Adult Dance Class...Room 202 Unity Oaks
7:00 p.m...UCOH Men’s Fellowship Network...Room 201 Unity Oaks
Men of the Church meet weekly to discuss their quest for spirituality and
prayer; brief presentation each week followed by discussion. Love offering.
7:00 p.m...Financial Peace University...Friendship Hall
Week 6 of 9-week, taught by Dave Ramsey & FPU teaching team on video.
7:00 to 9:00 p.m…How I Used Truth…Room 131
This 5-week class, based on the book by H. Emilie Cady, is primarily for
those who are new to Unity and New Thought teachings. Bob Withrow, a
Licensed Unity Teacher candidate, will facilitate the class. Purchase The
Complete Works of H. Emilie Cady at the Bookstore or download How I
Used Truth from www.truthunity.net. Love offering.
7:30 p.m...Holographic Sound Meditation...Chapel
This unique meditation and healing experience, led by Paul Hubbert, uses
the power of sound to help open to the Truth within. $10 love offering.
7:00 to 8:30 p.m...Inspiration Rehearsal...Backstage
7:00 to 9:00 p.m…4T Prosperity Program…Friendship Hall
Week 9 of 12 of the prosperity class designed by Stretton Smith and
facilitated by Rev. Eileen Ramsey.
7:00 to 9:00 p.m…Healing and Wholeness: Part 2…Room 131
If you intend to enroll in the next Spiritual Education and Enrichment class,
your time is almost up! Next Tuesday we will be offering the required course
“Myrtle and Charles on Healing and Wholeness 2,” being taught by Penny
Seay, LUT. You do not need to have taken Part 1 first! Go online today and
let us know if you plan to join us. $60 (Series)/$36 (S.E.E. Fee)
7:15 to 8:45 p.m…The Way of ACIM - Choose Once Again...Room 203
This 5-week Course in Miracles series features text Q & A, case studies and
life application. Led by Jennifer Feiereisel, this series is designed only for
committed ACIM students. Refer to insert for more detail. Love offering.
7:30 p.m...Anderson Mill Al-Anon...Room 129
12-step support fellowship for relatives and friends of alcoholics.
Tuesday, September 10
9:30 a.m...Weight Watchers®...Unity Oaks Legacy Room
11:00 a.m...Daily Prayer Service...Chapel
11:00 a.m...Course In Miracles Study Group...Friendship Hall
This week, the group study and practice Lesson 253 is in the Workbook.
4:30 to 5:30…Ballroom & Latin Dance for Youth...Room 202
For ages 9 to 11, come and share the joy of dance and develop coordination,
balance, plus interpersonal dynamics. Register at www.untiyhill.org. Class
meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, through December 5. $150 for UCOH
congregants/$20 per drop-in class.
5:00 p.m...Pranic Healing® Meditation...Chapel
Experience the Twin Heart Meditation that works on one’s subtle energy
6:00 p.m...Weight Watchers®...Unity Oaks Legacy Room
Wednesday, September 11
11:00 a.m...Daily Prayer Service...Chapel
1:30 to 2:30 p.m...Power for Parkinson’s…Legacy Suite Unity Oaks
Contact: [email protected], Nina Mosier 512-750-8091 or
Susan Stahl 512-497-3574, or visit www.powerforparkinsons.org.
4:30 to 6:30 p.m…Youth Ballroom & Latin Dance, Ages 12-16…Room 202
6:00 to 7:30 p.m...Tai Chi...Unity Oaks Pavilion
Practice Tai Chi weekly in the Pavilion, with Dave Mussett. Contact Dave at
[email protected], or 512-219-5183. $10 suggested love offering.
7:00 p.m...Wednesday Evening Prayer & Meditation Service...Chapel
Join Rev. Donna Loflin for this sacred time to tune into Spirit within
through prayer, music, and meditation. Love offering.
7:00 p.m...Angels & Spirit Guides Meetup...Room 202 Unity Oaks
Develop your intuitive abilities in a safe environment. Love offering.
7:00 to 8:00 p.m…Super Brain: Prevent Alzheimer’s…Room 203
Dr. Dan Stasiak, D.C. will discuss the parts of the brain and how do they
work, Alzheimer's and ways to reduce the risk. $10 love offering.
7:30 p.m...“Course In Miracles” Study Group...Room 129
This discussion group meets weekly.
8:30 p.m...24-Hour Prayer Vigil begins...Chapel
Sign up for 30-minute segment in the Foyer.
Thursday, September 12
Prayer Vigil continues throughout the day
11:00 a.m...“Course in Miracles” Study Group...Friendship Hall
This group is a devotional study of the Text.
4:30 to 5:30…Youth Ballroom & Latin Dance, Ages 9-11...Room 202
Please silence all electronic devices during Services.
Upcoming Events & Workshops at UCOH
Watch this portion of the Yellow Sheets each Sunday
for updated information about the 2014 cruise!
UCOH Atlantis Bahamas Cruise
February 8 to 15, 2014
The ultimate "spiritual family" experience, be pampered on the luxurious
Serenade of the Seas "love boat" Valentine's Day cruise for an entire week, deepen your connections
to others and the Earth, while enjoying the white sandy beaches and gorgeous turquoise waters.
Royal Caribbean’s freshly upgraded, glistening “Serenade of the Seas”
sets sail on 2/8/2014 for a 8-day/7-night amazing journey to
Sound Fun? PLEASE JOIN US!!!
For reservations* or to make payments on an existing reservation, contact:
Michael Goldsmith 888-969-4768 (ext. 82210)
or email [email protected]
For Group Related Questions, please contact Tammy Schwartz
at 512-696-0564 or email [email protected]
* All new reservations, subject to pricing and cabin availability
1) Optional Round-Trip Group Bus Transportation to New Orleans will be
provided through Clark Travel. Details have been finalized and open registration will begin the second week in September through www.unityhills.org
2) GREAT NEWS! Excursion Registration is Open! CruisesOnly is working
with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines to coordinate shore excursions for the
UCOH Atlantis Bahamas Group. Utilize the following link to view excursions
for our specific sailing: https://secure.royalcaribbean.com/asr/login.do
Enter the following cruise reservation identifying information and ONLY
register for excursions through the above link. Royal Caribbean will run reports
to keep our group together for transportation to excursions. You will need:
your last name, individual reservation number (found on your Cruises Only
invoice), date of departure (2/8/2014), and ship name (Serenade of the Seas).
Recommended Group Excursion for Nassau, Bahamas
Atlantis - Discover Atlantis Tour - NS03 - $59/pp
OVERVIEW: At Atlantis, enjoy a narrated guided tour of the resort's attractions, where
you will explore the ruins of ancient Atlantis in The Dig, a replica of an archaeological
excavation site and Predator Lagoon, where you will view sharks, barracudas and many
other creatures. This guided tour recreates the lost city of Atlantis, while providing a
fascinating look at life in the ocean's depths. Wander through a maze of underground
passageways, discovering archaeological artifacts, hieroglyphs and Atlantean inventions
while surrounded by a stunning civilization of sea animals. Expert navigators will help
guide you through the ancient city streets of Atlantis to decode the legend of Atlantis,
as well as, providing fascinating information on the habits of the sea animals.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
2013 World Day of Prayer & Prayer Vigil
On Thursday, September 12, at 7:30 p.m.,
Unity Church of the Hills, along with
millions of people around the globe, will
join Silent Unity, our international, transdenominational 24/7 prayer ministry, Unity
Institute, and Unity churches, as we celebrate the 20th Annual Unity World
Day of Prayer. This year’s theme is “Living Well: Nurturing Mind, Body &
My Prayer List: There is an insert, “My Prayer List,” included in today’s bulletin. You are asked to fill out the “list” and drop it in the basket in the Foyer.
They will be sent to Silent Unity where each name will be held in prayer during
their 24-hour Prayer Vigil which coincides with ours.
24-Hour Prayer Vigil: Our 24-hour Prayer Vigil will begin at 8:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, September 11, in the Chapel. In 30-minute segments throughout
the following 23 hours, you, along with others, have the opportunity to come
to the Chapel to pray. The schedule is in the Foyer so that you may sign up for
your Divine Appointment. There are reminder cards with the sign-up sheet for
you to take with you.
World Day of Prayer Service: The final hour of the Prayer Vigil, 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. on Thursday, September 12, will be held in the Sanctuary, as we come
together for the World Day of Prayer Service. Rev. Steve will provide the
message, “Heart to Heart,” and Inspiration will provide the music for the
Prayer Vigil: Begins Wednesday, September 11—8:30 p.m.
World Day of Prayer Service: Thursday, September 12—7:30 p.m.
Music Ministry Concert & Fundraiser
Join Celebration and the UCOH House Band at the “Takin’
it to the Streets" Concert. This year’s theme is about all of us
taking our joy, love, forgiveness, acceptance, excitement…
all of it…out into the world every day! The concert is FREE to our wonderful
UCOH family and friends. There are four ways to support our Music Ministry:
1) Give generously to the special Love Offering during the Concert;
2) Doors will open for Silent Auction bidding at 4:00 p.m. The final bid will be
at the end of the intermission during the concert; 3) “A Night with Celebration Under the Stars” will be held on Friday, September 27 in a private home.
Tickets are $100 and are available in the Foyer or online; 4) Sponsorships for
the members of Celebration to support their trip to Los Angeles.
TONIGHT—5:30 p.m.—Doors open at 4:00 for bidding
More to Explore
Upcoming Workshops, Classes & Events—October
Wednesday Evening Prayer & Meditation Service
Annual Dialogue & Friendship Dinner
The Wednesday Evening Service is led by Rev. Donna Loflin,
an amazingly gifted metaphysical teacher, with an uncanny
ability to hone in on and provide the exact spiritual tools,
knowledge, guidance and reflective meditation needed by
the participants. Everyone who attends this mid-week Service feels so blessed and rewarded, they cannot wait to participate again and
again. Another beautiful benefit of this Service is the strong bond and interconnection felt by people participating, as the evening is concluded with a "circle of
gratitude." You are invited to join us and make this Wednesday evening an opportunity for true and lasting personal transformation.
Every Wednesday – 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. – Chapel
Youth Education News
Profound Parenting: Join Language of Listening and Love & Logic facilitators
and other parents for a solution-oriented discussion about the challenges and
successes you are having with your children! The focus of these discussions is
on how to help your children see and express their inner greatness. This
month's topic is "Homework: Helping Kids Learn." Love Offering. Complimentary childcare in Room 135.
Sunday, September 15—10:45 to11:30 a.m.—Unity Oaks Room 204
YFM Volunteer Regional Training: There will be a regional training for all
YFM volunteers at Unity of Wimberley on Saturday, October 5 from 9:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. The training will be led by Marygrace Sorensen and Betsy Giunti,
our Children and Teen Ministry Consultants. The registration deadline
is TODAY. Talk to Linda Hancock in the Youth Education Office, Room 140
to make arrangements to attend.
Gulf & Red River YOU Leadership Rally: There will be a YOU Leadership
Rally hosted at Unity of Dallas the weekend of October 11-13. The theme of
this Rally is "The Ripple Effect" and is designed for all YOU members to step
into the beautiful and powerful leaders they are meant to be. This event will
help to foster strong spiritual leadership in our YOU and will be based upon the
book, "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. Early bird registration ends
September 16 and regular registration ends September 24. Registration forms
are available in the YOU classroom, Room 203 Unity Oaks.
YFM Registration: Registration for the 2013-14 school year continues. New
registration forms are available in all the classrooms as well as in the Youth Education Office. Classroom sign-in sheets have been cleared and new rosters are
being formed as completed registrations are returned. We request that all regular attending children, infants through high school, have a registration form on
file with the Youth & Family Ministry.
Autumn Sky: An Evening of Poetry, Music and Stories
The Austin Chapter of Dialogue Institute will sponsor the Annual
Dialogue & Friendship Dinner on Sunday, October 20, at the Hilton
Austin, featuring Coleman Barks and David Darling. For over 30
years, Coleman Barks has collaborated with various scholars of the Persian language to translate the poetry of the 13th Century mystic, Jelaluddin Rumi. The
collaborative effort resulted in 21 volumes, including the bestselling, Essential
Rumi, in 1995, which was included in the prestigious Norton Anthology of
World Masterpieces. Over the last 15 years, Rumi has been the most-read poet
in the United States. Barks appeared on the Bill Moyers’ PBS specials on a
couple of occasions. Grammy-winning artist, David Darling is considered a
“maverick cellist,” a phrase that hardly captures the richness, diversity, and
breadth with which he redefines the way the cello is played. His innovative
performance style represents an eclectic variety of musical genres. The Dialogue
Institute annual gatherings further the cross-cultural and interfaith understanding of people in our Austin Metro area. Your support is greatly appreciated. Purchase tickets with the early bird special at ruminight.eventbrite.com.
Sunday, October 20 – 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. – Hilton Austin
Bible Interpretation: Hebrew Scriptures
Learn the metaphysical interpretation of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures within the Unity framework. Explore, understand, and interpret the Hebrew Scriptures from a metaphysical viewpoint. The chief aim is to interpret
scripture simply and to apply the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures to one’s
life. The instructor, Marygrace Sidovar Sorensen, Licensed Unity Teacher, is
also a Certified Spiritual Educator. This course is a foundational class for S.E.E.
credit, which has a matriculation fee of $36. The required books are: Bible, New
Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. Metaphysical Bible Dictionary,
Fillmore, Charles, (originally, 1931). The Revealing Word, Fillmore, Charles,
(originally, 1959). Wisdom for a Lifetime: How to Get the Bible Off the Shelf and
Into Your Hands, Studebaker, Alden, (1998).
Tuesdays, October 22 to November 19 — 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
$60 (Series)/ $36 (S.E.E. Fee)
Prayer Requests
If you have a special prayer request for yourself or someone close to
you, fill out a Prayer Intention Form from the Welcome Center or
next to the Prayer Boxes in the Chapel and Youth Wing. After
depositing your request in one of the boxes, your first name is
forwarded to the Prayer Team where they hold you in a consciousness of
Divine Truth and Love for two weeks. Your requests are kept confidential. They
are also forwarded to Silent Unity where they are prayed over for 30 days.
Upcoming Workshops, Classes & Events—Sept/Oct
Upcoming Workshops, Classes & Events—September
“Path to Discovery” New Member Class
Staging Your Home for Life or For Sale
The New Member Class, A Path To Discovery, taught by
Mary Bolen, LUT and Director of New Member Development, begins Sunday, September 29, and will run thru
October 27, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The Monday evening
classes begin on September 30, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., and conclude on October 28.
The membership class is a series of five consecutive classes. These sessions are
intended to enhance one’s understanding of Unity and Unity Church of the
Hills. Completion of this class satisfies the requirement to become a member of
UCOH. The materials fee of $15 includes a copy of the required book, Lessons
in Truth. Pre-registration is required to have student materials prepared in advance. If you already own the book, let Mary Bolen know at
[email protected]. This class is offered as an optional S.E.E. (Spiritual
Education and Enrichment) elective, and the $36 S.E.E. fee applies to those
seeking credit hours. Register at www.unityhills.org or sign-up in the Foyer.
Sundays, September 29 to October 27— 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. OR
Mondays, September 30 to October 28—7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
$15 (Materials Fee)/SEE Credit Fee: $36
The Secrets of Spiritual Success
Discern a clear and concise road map for thousands of years of spiritual
teachings, inquiries, and understandings. The objectives of this workshop are to
understand the dynamics of soul, God and self, learning energy exercises for
health; and, to release conflict, stress and fear. The facilitator, Bill Foss, is author
of The Secrets of Spiritual Success. Join Bill for a journey into a powerful experience of quantum activation with his use of the Akashic Records. Bill will have
his books available for purchase at the event. For mystical students from
beyond and for newcomers seeking expanded views, attend to enliven and
enrich your spiritual search and practices. Visit www.billfossworld.com.
Saturday, October 5—10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.—$99
The Now: Rejoicing in the Perfection of All That Is
Join Steven & Marcia Rogat for this special half-day seminar that provides an effective catalyst for positive change
with profound effects upon daily life! Life is not about the
money, the perfect house, the perfect job, stability, or
holding onto the past. It is about celebrating in the NOW,
recognizing the perfection of all that is, letting it grow, and manifesting it in
myriad forms throughout life. Focus on clarifying goals that bring true joy and
happiness. With the use of Shamanic techniques and movement, release any
resistance to manifesting those goals, freeing oneself to verbalize, visualize, energize, and become dynamic co-creators. As an awesome being, nothing can
stand in the way of your happiness!
Saturday October 12—9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.—$45
Learn the basics of design, Feng Shui, and getting your home
organized to look its very best and to function well. Lifetime
Learning Institute is offering this 8-week series at UCOH.
The instructor, Elaine S. Ciotola is an interior designer and a
real estate professional. She will address questions such as: Have you ever
looked at your home as a stranger might? Have you ever thought about staging
your home to make it more attractive, livable, organized, and enjoyable?
Register at www.lliaustin.org/registration. Send in your registration card with
your check by mail. Call 512-206-4232 for assistance.
Tuesdays, Sept. 17 to Nov. 15 — 10:00 a.m. to 12:00—$20 + $3 (Mat’ls Fee)
Line Dance 101
No prior knowledge of line dancing is needed for this
course. Dance steps and their names, plus a variety of
rhythms and easy starter dances are presented. You can repeat this course,
taught by Pat Watson, until you feel comfortable. The most important part is
having fun while exercising your mind and body. Limited to 24 participants
maximum. To register, see www.lliaustin.org/registration. Send in your registration card with your check by mail. Call 512-206-4232 for assistance.
Thursdays, September 19 to November 5—10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. —$20
Line Dancing 102
If you know line-dance step terminology and have participated in at least one
course such as Line Dance 101 (#53), this is the course for you. High Beginner,
Improver and Intermediate dances are presented in this 8-week series by Pat
Watson. Dancing makes one stronger physically and mentally. Come enjoy!
Class limited to 24 participants. Register at www.lliaustin.org/registration. Send
in registration card with your check by mail. Call 512-206-4232 for assistance.
Wednesdays, September 18 to November 6— 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. —$20
Experience the Angelic Kingdom in Your Daily Life
Master Stephen Co, director of the U.S. Pranic Healing Center/
American Institute of Asian Studies, returns to UCOH with the refreshing topic of Angelic Beings. MCKS Pranic Healing® acknowledges
their presence of these benevolent and powerful spiritual helpers. Master Co
shares techniques on how to invoke their help to produce miraculous healings
and lead us closer to the Divine Presence of God. Experience the Angelic Kingdom in your daily life for healing, guidance, prosperity and protection. Also
learn what the Indian sages call Devas or "Shining Ones." Master Co will lead
the meditation with the Angels of Love within your Aura! Register at
www.unityhills.org. A book signing will begin at 9:00 p.m. The Bookstore carries Master Co books and will be open for purchases that evening.
Thursday, September 19 — 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.— $10 Love Offering
Upcoming Workshops, Classes & Events—September
Upcoming Workshops, Classes & Events—September
2013 Women’s Retreat
Spiritual Cinema: “What Is NEW THOUGHT?”
Our annual retreat registrations have filled to the maximum, so if you
owe a balance, please stop by the booth in the Foyer today to arrange
payment. We are collecting names for the waiting list if you want to be
in line in case a space opens.
Friday thru Sunday, September 20-22—Register at www.unityhills.org
Jon Miller, producer of this documentary, set on a course to
connect with others to share his “positive music.” His quest
opened up for him the field of New Thought, which led him to
develop the revealing story about New Thought including interviews with over 30 New Thought teachers and speakers. The movie
helps explain the basic principles, history, and practical use of this philosophy,
which regardless of previous religious practices, can create a more positive and
prosperous way of life. Create magic and miracles by learning from the best
such as Miracle Coach, Joe Vitale, and Unity Minister, Rev. Sky St. John. Learn
more at www.newthoughtmovie.com. RSVP at www.unityhills.org.
Friday, September 27—7:00 to 9:00 p.m. —$5 Suggested Love Offering
Introduction ThetaHealing™ Classes
Introductions to ThetaHealing™ are scheduled for Sunday, September
22. For more info, see: www.successthrubeliefs.com. Save the dates for
Basic Class, October 15-19, and Advanced Class, October 21-23.
Sunday, Sept 22—10:45 to 11:30 a.m. & 12:45 to 1:45 p.m.—Free
Sacred Elders Luncheon
The next Sacred Elders get-together is Tuesday, September 24,
at 11:30 a.m. The potluck luncheon is followed by a presentation by Anneliese Rosea, Home Funeral Chaplain. She will
share information about home funerals and green burials.
Texas law allows for a person other than a Funeral Director to act as the
director for the family. Learn what Advance Directives and advanced-care
forms allow you to design your personal life choices. Create peace of mind while
leaving a legacy for those whom matter most in your life. Please sign up in the
Foyer so that we know to expect your attendance. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, September 24 – 11:30 a.m.—Friendship Hall
Women's Health Series: Part III
As women our bodies have some extra challenges. This next class
(Saturday, September 28), we will learn to reduce belly fat and
balance hormones. Part 4 concludes on Saturday, October 5 with
Foot Health. Each class is offered as independent units of study, so if you
missed the first two classes, no worries, there are two more classes. Every class
has samples and coupons for your use. Beth Carpenter is our facilitator of this
awesome series.
Saturday, September 28 & October 5—9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
$30 Suggested Love Offering
Seeing Miracles Through the Lens of Love
CPR & First Aid
Phil Mueller of CPR Resources will be teaching another CPR Class.
Upon completion, you receive certification cards for CPR and First
Aid, valid for two years. A recent participant had the following to
say about her experience. “Over the years I have taken numerous
classes and refresher courses on CPR…this one stands out as exceptional. …
Thank you for scheduling this important class and for making it so convenient
and such a good price.” Sign up at the door for the discount.
Wednesday, September 25 – 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
$15 (at-the-door) for UCOH congregants
Seeker’s Round Table: Karen Hutchins
Shamanism is a worldview in which the participant experiences all living things
as having an energy/life force and should be treated with that respect and honor. It includes the practice of continual gratitude and thankful rituals and ceremonies. Shamanic techniques are powerful tools in healing the psyche and soul
and have been used for over 12,000 years that have been documented through
artifacts, petraglyphs and oral history.
Thursday, September 26 – 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. - $15
The core message is about perception-how one perceives
a situation is going to determine one’s life experience of
that situation. It’s not fantasy; it is how one shapes
'Reality.' Join Beverly Hamilton, author of Our Timeless
Year, which chronicles the last year with her husband, Ulf, before he transitioned. Beverly became A Course in Miracles (ACIM) student when Jerry Jampolsky introduced her to the first edition sent to him by Judy Skutch, who had
just published it through the Foundation for Inner Peace. Judy then introduced
Beverly to the originators of the ACIM book, whom we know today as Helen
Schuman and Bill Thetford. Beverly has experienced the malleability of Reality,
through her consciousness, built on the miraculous influence of ACIM. The
miracles of love she shared with Ulf, especially as he dealt with dementia, allowed her to see how the Holy Spirit guided Ulf’s experience and revealed profound reality shifts to Bev. To learn more, see www.ourtimelessyear.com.
Saturday, September 28—10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Love Offering (100% UCOH Fundraiser)
“...with God, all things are possible.”