School Children’s Entry Rules


School Children’s Entry Rules
School Children’s Entry Rules
All work must be done by the exhibitor. Parents are urged to encourage their children in every way, but allow them to do
the work themselves.
All entries must be the work of the individual and at the appropriate school level.
All baking to be saran wrapped on paper plates.
Regulation tickets to be used. These may be obtained from your school contact or the secretary of the fair.
Note individual age restrictions per classes.
Only one entry per person per section.
All exhibits to be placed in the Community Centre on Monday from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and on Tuesday from 8:00 to 10:30
a.m. This includes School Exhibits. ALL EXHIBITS MUST REMAIN UNTIL 4:30 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY (no exceptions).
Any Section with twenty or more entries may be divided and two first prizes, two second prizes, etc. may be awarded.
(This does not refer to individuals with 20 or more entries overall).
Please read prize list carefully.
CLASS ………………………….…………………..1
SECTION: ……………………..……..…………… 11
ARTICLE: ………….…….….Potato, funniest shape
NAME: …………………………..………..Jane Smith
ADDRESS: ……………….Wellesley Public School
Superintendent: Eileen Linton, Judy Wagler
Assistants: Elinor Cook, Barb Nowak, Sheila Solomon, Nancy Cook
This class includes children 3 and 4 years of age as of September 1st. Please include full home address or name of
school when filling out entry tags to ensure your child receives his/her prize money.
Prize Money for sections A – J
A. A coloured picture of a farm animal of your choice
B. Create your name with fruit loops mounted on paper.
C. Three garden vegetables made from play doh
D. Biggest and best Maple leaf pressed and mounted
E. A bouquet for Mommy (real, in vase)
F. Hand drawn picture of a scarecrow
G. A cut-out sheep decorated with cotton balls mounted on paper.
H. Any art work stamped using a vegetable on 81/2” x 11” sheet
I. A pasta necklace (any type of dry pasta)
J. Rooster made out of paper plates & handprints (idea: see below)
Most points in Pre-School Section: Gift donated by Nancy Cook
Note: Children’s & Youth are now together for flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables.
Superintendent: Eileen Linton, Judy Wagler
Assistants: Elinor Cook, Barb Nowak, Sheila Solomon, Nancy Cook
CLASS 1 – FRUITS & VEGETABLES (home grown)
How to prepare vegetables for exhibition: Choose medium size carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. free from blemish. Cut
off tops of root vegetables leaving one inch. Consider uniformity. DO NOT cover with plastic wrap.
Prize Money for sections 1 – 18
Ages 4 – 7 as of September 1st
1. “Mr. Potato Head” created using a potato and all natural materials
Ages 4 – 18 as of September 1st
2. Apples, any variety (3)
3. Beans, 5 yellow or green
4. Carrots, 3
5. Corn, sweet, 3 ears husked
6. Corn, Indian corn, 3 ears, husks pulled back and tied
7. Corn - tallest stalk, cut off at root top
8. Cucumbers, 2
9. Onions, 3, any one variety
10. Peppers, 3 any variety – (can be 3 different or 3 the same)
11. Potato, funniest shape
12. Potatoes, 3 of any one variety
13. Pumpkin, largest
14. Squash, 1 any variety other than Zucchini
15. Tomatoes, 3 any one variety (not cherry)
16. 3 Beefsteak Tomatoes (large, quality to count)
17. Tomatoes, 7 cherry type – any one variety
18. Zucchini, 3 of similar size
Prize Money for sections 19 – 20
19. SPECIAL: A collection of locally grown vegetables displayed in a basket – at least 5 kinds
(Quality & arrangement to count
20. SPECIAL: Centrepiece using fresh homegrown Ontario fruit
Ages 4 – 18 as of September 1st
Prize Money for sections for 21 – 42
**All flower arrangements to be placed in a suitable container (no styrofoam cups please)
Bloom: an individual flower, one to a stem
Spike: an upright stem carrying several flowers, such as gladiolas and snapdragons.
Stem or Stalk: a plant structure carrying one or more flowers or buds. It may be branched.
Read your prize list carefully!
Ages 4 – 7 as of September 1st
21. “Salute to a Farmer” – Arrangement of weeds in a straw hat
Ages 4 – 18 as of September 1st
22. Asters, bouquet of 5 stems
23. Brown-eyed Susan, 3 stems
24. Cornflowers, bouquet of 5 or more stems
25. Dahlia, any one variety – 3 stems
26. Cosmos, bouquet of 5 or more of mixed colours
27. Gladiola, 3 spikes, mixed colours
28. Marigolds, a mixed collection of 5 stems
29. Nasturtiums, displayed in a bowl
30. Petunias, collection of 5 or more
31. A floating rose
32. Collection of roses
33. Sedum, 3 stalks any colour
34. Snapdragons, 3 spikes
35. Sunflower bouquet of three blooms
36. Sunflower with the best seed head.
38. Sweet peas, collection
39. Zinnias, any variety, 3 blooms
40. “Pot of Gold” – Yellow & white flowers in a pot
41. “Fireworks” – Arrangement of brightly coloured flowers
42. “Moody Blues” – Arrangement of blue tone flowers
Prize Money for section 43 – 52
All baking to be covered with plastic wrap on paper plate. No mixes unless otherwise specified. No nuts please.
Ages 4 - 7 as of September 1st
43. Unbaked cereal squares, (4)
44. Rice Krispie shape(s) of your choice (3)
45. Rice Krispie square – 3” (2)
Ages 4 – 12 as of September 1st.
46. Spider Cookies - 3 (recipe to follow)**
47. Sand Art Brownies – ingredients in a jar (recipe to follow)*** do not bake, just present the ingredients in the jar
with recipe attached. (presentation to count).
48. Christmas Wreath Cookies - 3 (recipe to follow)**** (decoration to count)
49. Squares, baked, 3 of same kind
50. Brownies, 3 squares (no nuts)
51. Banana muffins (3)
52. Blueberry muffins (3)
#46 Spider Cookies**
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chipits
1 cup butterscotch chipits
2 ½ cups Chinese noodles (not crushed)
Put both types of chipits in large bowl. Microwave on high 2 minutes or until mixture is smooth when stirred.
Add Chinese noodles and stir to coat well.
Press 1 miniature marshmallow on cookie to represent the head.
Drop by spoonful on waxed paper. Chill.
#47 Sand Art Brownies*** (Layer dry ingredients in a jar – attach recipe to jar – presentation counts)
Do not bake, just present. (a great gift idea)
1/3 cup cocoa
2/3 cup sugar
½ cup chocolate chips
½ cup white chocolate chips
½ cup brown sugar
1 cup + 2 tbsp. flour
Hint: Ingredients fit in 796ml jar nicely!
Attach recipe card
Combine dry ingredients with 1 tsp. vanilla, 2/3 cup oil and 3 large eggs. Pour batter into greased 8” square pan and
bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. (Makes a nice gift)
#48 Christmas Wreath Cookies****
¼ cup butter
32 regular size marshmallows
1 tsp. vanilla
4 cups cornflakes or Special K
Green food colouring
Red sprinkles, silver balls, etc.
Melt butter and add marshmallows. Stir to coat. Melt together in microwave for 1 ½ minutes on high, stirring at
half time. Add vanilla and food colouring; stir well and add cereal. Drop by teaspoons on wax paper and decorate
with red sprinkles, etc. to complete your Christmas wreath. Store in refrigerator.
A. SPECIAL: Fleischmann’s Yeast “Beginners Best Bread “Youth” Contest Best Homemade white bread using a bread
maker. Must attach a proof of purchase of the yeast. Must be 15 years old or younger as of Dec. 31, 2014 – please
put age on entry tag. Judging will be based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity.
1st Prize $15
Donated by Country Fair Baking Contest on behalf of
B. OAAS (Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies)
Plain Chocolate Chip Cookie Competition – NO NUTS
1. Open to all youth up to 15 years (as of December 31, 2014)
2. Must have 6 cookies displayed on a firm disposable plate
3. Cookies to be no larger than 3” (6.75 cm) and no smaller than 2” (5 cm)
4. Winner will go on to District 7 competition later in the fall.
Prize Money for the Plain Chocolate Chip Cookies
$5.00/ 3.00 / 2.00
Superintendents: Eileen Linton, Judy Wagler
Assistants: Elinor Cook, Barb Nowak, Sheila Solomon, Nancy Cook
Prize Money for sections 53 – 86
Ages 4 –6 as of September 1st
53 Scarecrow made from your sock plus other materials, no more than 12” in height
54. Bracelet made from elastic band type loom (i.e. Rainbow loom)
55. A plate of 3 play dough or plasticine cookies
56. A shoe box farm scene
57. Homemade snow globe in a jar, no kits
58. Creation made from any type of building block securely mounted for transporting, no kits.
59. Creation, as above, but may use kits.
60. Display a school project of which you are proud
Age 7-8 as of September 1st
61. Scarecrow made from your sock plus other materials, no more than 12” in height
62. A teddy bear dressed like a farmer or pioneer
63. Suncatcher using tissue paper
64. Inuksuk, made from stones, No taller than 8”
65. An article of jewelry made from elastic band–type loom (i.e. Rainbow loom)
66. First Aid Kit for home
67. Creation made from Meccano, Lego or Construx securely mounted for transportation.
NO KITS. Max 30cm in any direction.
68. Creation, as above, but may use kits.
Age 9-10 as of September 1st
69. Any article made from beads
70. Make a sock puppet scarecrow
71. Using reclaimed or recycled objects make a “Litter Bug”
72. First Aid Kit for home
73. Creation made from Meccano, Lego or Construx securely mounted for transportation.
NO KITS. Max 30cm in any direction.
74. Creation, as above, but may use kits.
75. An article of jewelry made from elastic band-type loom (i.e. Rainbow loom)
76. Display a school project of which you are proud
Age 11 – 12 as of September 1st
77. Design your own coat of arms.
78. A half & half full face, self-portrait – ½ of your own face drawn realistically and ½ your face in an abstract
medium i.e. construction paper, newsprint, tin foil, copper, etc.)
79. An article of homemade jewelry (any medium)
80. Creation made from Meccano, Lego or Construx securely mounted for transportation.
81. Creation, as above, but may use kits.
82. Diorama: Agriculture scene
83. Create a Ferris wheel with moveable parts, securely mounted (not to exceed 30x50cm.)
84. Babysitter’s entertainment kit for pre-schoolers, displayed in a container or basket.
85. A duct tape creation max. 30cm. in any direction.
86. Bird feeder.
Ages 7 – 12 as of September 1st.
Photographs must be mounted. One (1) photograph per entry unless otherwise stated.
Prize Money for sections 87 - 91
87. Colour photograph of a family pet.
88. An agriculture scene (i.e. animals, fields, barn etc.)
89. Sunset or sunrise
90. My vacation
91. A favourite spot in Wellesley Township
Prize money for sections 92 – 93
92. My garden (3 photos, mounted)
93. Collection of 3 coloured prints, mounted, depicting farm scenery
Prize Money for section 94
94. Photography: Collection of at least 4 photos (taken by exhibitor) that tell a story. Photos should have suitable
captions. Maximum size no larger than a sheet of Bristol board. Prize money donated by Elinor Cook.
95. CHILDREN’S BAKING SPECIAL – Most points in Baking
Prize Money
Prize donated by the Agricultural Society
96. CHILDREN’S HOBBIES & HANDICRAFT SPECIAL – Most points in Hobbies & Handicrafts
Prize Money
Prize donated by the Agricultural Society
97. CHILDREN & YOUTH SPECIAL – Most points in Vegetables and Fruits
Prize Money
Prize donated by the Agricultural Society
98. CHILDREN& YOUTH SPECIAL – Most points in Flowers
Prize Money
Prize donated by the Agricultural Society
99. CHILDREN & YOUTH SPECIAL – Most points overall in Class 1
Prize Money
$10.00 / $5.00
***NOTE***Winners of this special will be named Junior Ambassadors of the Fair and will be awarded their
prizes at the Tuesday evening program.
Display entered by school - not individual (writing, art, etc.) Must be in place by 10:30 a.m. on TUESDAY
Prize Money
$20.00 each display
(Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies)
Prize Money
Three Classes:
A. Junior Poster competition - up to and including Grade 4
B. Intermediate Poster competition – Grade 5 to Grade 8 inclusive
C. Senior Poster competition - Grade 9 to Grade 12 inclusive
Please put your age and grade as of June on the tag.
Entry Rules:
1. Must include name of fair – “Wellesley Fall Fair” make it big and bold.
2. Must relate to theme: The Family Farm - ‘Hands Across the Fence”
3. Must be hand drawn
4. Poster size: Min. 8 ½” x 11” (22cm x 28cm)
Max. 11” x 17” (28 cm x 44 cm)
Please do not mount the posters.
5. Winner at Wellesley NEH Fair will go on to the District 7 competition.
6. Must include dates of the Wellesley Fall Fair (September 9 and 10th)
7. Print your full name, age and school on the back.
Judging Criteria:
1. Attention to detail such as spacing and clarity.
2. Message should be clearly evident
3. Lettering should be legible, spaced effectively and appropriate.
4. Numbers should be legible and stand out so the viewer can read them easily.
5. Grammar, spelling and punctuation should be accurate.
6. Attractive, colourful and creative design
7. Overall appearance – 20 points
8. Attract and hold attention – 30 points
9. Competition theme clear – 40 points
$5.00/ $3.00 / $2.00
We are having a scarecrow competition this year which is open to everyone from 2 to 102 years young. Please
check out Class 8 and Class 9 for details.