How to Become a Treatment Wizard and


How to Become a Treatment Wizard and
How to Become a Treatment Wizard and
Boost Your Business in Any Economy
The Practitioner’s Guide to Microcurrent, ElectroAcupuncture & Energy Medicine
by Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Lic. Ac.
ph: (602) 992-2338
fax: (602) 992-2455
[email protected]
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
The Practitioner's Guide to Microcurrent Electro-Acupuncture and Energy Medicine
Read this guide and you will discover :
How to bring in lots of new patient referrals during tough economic times. (Page 4)
Masterful results for techno-phobic practitioners. (Page 6)
How to avoid the four prime causes of failure with pain relief treatment.
(Page 7)
Three ways to boost results and reduce treatment times for your pain and injury
patients. (Page 10)
Six mistakes to avoid when choosing a microcurrent therapy device for your practice.
(Page 13)
The amazing power of color light therapy. (Page 15)
How Microlight therapy can help you shift your patients’ imbalances on the core
emotional level. (Page 17)
The hidden danger of cold-lasers. (Page 19)
For Acupuncturists: Why you should be offering non-needle services and how to get
the best results with it. (Page 20)
Three harmful misconceptions about electrical stimulation. (Page 21)
Four Steps to effectively incorporating energy medicine devices into your practice.
(Page 23)
Testimonials (Page 26)
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Dear Practitioner,
Choosing a microcurrent or electro-acupuncture device isn’t easy. Why? Because you’re
bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims and simply bad information.
From super-low prices and ineffective technologies to unqualified sales people and modalities that
deliver limited effectiveness – how do you ever find a versatile, technologically advanced,
synergistic system that can deliver stunning results for your patients and allow you to create a
constant, reliable river of income for your practice?
You start by reading this Practitioner’s Guide. In this fact-filled e-Book, you’ll discover:
how to avoid four prime causes of failure with pain relief treatment,
How to keep referrals flowing during challenging economic times
six mistakes to avoid when choosing a microcurrent therapy device for your practice,
how to address your patient’s emotional imbalances with color therapy… and much more.
I wrote this guide to help you better understand energy medicine and microcurrent electroacupuncture. Now, with this information, you can make an informed, intelligent decision.
I have dedicated myself to helping practitioners get the most profound results and the highest
return from their equipment investment and education. I welcome your inquiries and will gladly
answer your questions. If you have any questions about equipment, training or protocols, you’re
invited to call the East-West Seminars office at 1-888-803-7397. We’ve dedicated our business to
educating practitioners. We’ll be happy to help you in every way.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D.
East-West Seminars
Main Office: (602) 992-2338
Dr. Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. has over 30 years clinical experience, and is an expert
on electro-therapeutic pain management and vibrational healing. He has integrated
his extensive study of traditional Chinese, Japanese and German acupuncture and
color therapies with bodywork and electronics to develop highly effective systems of
advanced pain management and facial rejuvenation. Dr. Starwynn has taught
extensively throughout the world, and is author of the landmark book Microcurrent
Electro-Acupuncture. He is a graduate of two acupuncture colleges, and earned his
OMD in 1995. To read articles by Dr. Starwynn, please visit his website at
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
How to Bring in Lots of New Patient Referrals during Tough Economic Times
Is your practice schedule filled to the brim with patients, and you can’t handle any more? Then please
skip this section. If you are like most practitioners, however, and want and need more business coming
through your door, then read on!
OK, let’s say that you are a dedicated and skilled practitioner, you are well-trained and have invested in
excellent equipment and you have a nicely feng-shui’d office.
Shouldn’t that attract lots of business? Not necessarily. It’s
vital that you don’t keep all this to yourself, and that requires
marketing your practice. The word “marketing” often evokes
feelings as comfortable for many holistic practitioners as
stabbing one’s self with an ice pick, but it doesn’t have to be
that way!
The most effective and fun form of marketing is
sharing what you love with as many people as possible.
In this message-heavy culture, traditional advertising has become increasingly ineffective. People are
inundated with marketing messages on TV, on their computers, on public transportation, in
newspapers, skywriting and even above toilet stalls in restaurants! Yet what has always worked since
ancient times still works the best. Your #1 job in promoting your practice is to dazzle your clients with
impressive RESULTS as quickly as possible. RESULTS speak louder than any other marketing. In
addition to being a RESULTS wizard nurture your relationships with the patients and friends who
already know and believe in the value of your services. Kill them with kindness (not literally) and they
will be your best marketing agents by spreading the word about you to those who trust them.
Open houses have been highly successful for microcurrent and facial rejuvenation practitioners. Again,
people get a chance to see it, feel it and touch it in small groups, and the attendees build each other’s
If your goal is to bring in lots of referrals in a tough economy then one of your principal priorities should
be to develop your own market niche within your community. This is often called your USP, or Unique
Selling Proposition. If you don’t like the word “selling”, you could call it your UHO – Unique Healing
Whatever you call it, people are looking for practitioners who they perceive as leaders or
experts in their specialty. Please don’t be scared off by the word “expert”. There are plenty of selfdescribed experts on television, radio and national magazines with no more valuable experience and
study in their field than you have. While no one can be an expert on all subjects, you can make
yourself highly knowledgeable in your own practice focus or niche.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Here are activities that raise your visibility and esteem in your community and draw more new patients
to you:
Have a website. Make it professional and attractive. Use it to build your list and establish
yourself as an authority in a niche area of practice. Put valuable free information on it that your
target customers will want to read – don’t just promote your practice on it. Change the content
Our East-West Seminars marketing support team offers website reviews and
consultation to help you achieve these objectives.
Create a newsletter. Some highly successful marketing gurus I know have taught that a good
newsletter is the #1 marketing tool for a small business. It should position you as a generous
authority, offer valuable tips for your readers and be fun to read. Accomplish that by including
some things about your personality and experiences and offer incentives or contests to your
Write articles. Put them on your website and in your newsletter. When someone sees your
name on an article it immediately raises their opinion of you (unless the article is illiterate).
Here’s a shortcut – you can browse my extensive articles on the
Knowledge Base and get some good ideas and references for your own. Just be sure to credit
me with any direct quotes or intellectual property.
Offer open houses and teach classes and in your office and for local organizations with
members you want to reach.
Be philanthropic: Offer some pro bono services for those who can’t afford you, donate to a
charity you believe in or conduct research or a clinical trial (which can be easier than you think).
This is the law – as you give so shall you receive, or as the movie title said: “Pay it Forward”.
On an inner level, offering these types of services cleanse and purify your own energy fields
and raise your vibrational level, thereby making you more magnetic to more people. Maybe
instead of the old saying “When the going gets tough the tough get going” we can propose
“When the going gets tough the best healers get glowing”. (yes I have a silly side)
I offer weekly webinars, most of which are free of charge. At least one webinar per month offers highly
relevant business and marketing tips to give you more details on these points. You can view the
current schedule and register for the webinars at
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Masterful Results for Techno-Phobic Practitioners
Many holistic doctors and practitioners have a love/hate relationship with technology. They love what
computers and healing tools can do for them. They love the rapid, powerful results. However, many go
into a panic-stricken, deer in the headlights reaction when confronted with the need to learn a new
modality. I guess the majority of holistic practitioners like to work hands-on with their patients, and
sometimes also feel that using a “machine” is a departure from that kind of pure person-to-person
relationship. Yet using the right technology can boost and accelerate your results with relief of pain,
facial rejuvenation and functional medicine and give you more time for helping your patients with their
deeper needs.
Here are some words of advice for techno-phobes who are nonetheless drawn to the advantages of
using energy medical devices:
1. When it comes to learning how to use it, take a deep breath. Think
about the smiling faces of your patients when they are surprised to
see their pain disappear so quickly, or their face look lifted and
toned after a facial rejuvenation session. Think about the new juice
and excitement an effective new modality can bring into your
Connect with your desire to be financially successful.
Then read the instructions or watch the training video with those
motivations in mind. You’ll find yourself more focused and present.
2. Inspire yourself by applying the Power of Intention to your use of the new tool. Good energy
medical devices can be a channel, or focusing point for your intention, love and caring. When
you connect with your highest intentions for serving your patient before you pick up your
treatment probes your treatments can be greatly boosted in effectiveness – and you will feel
more inspired.
3. Walk before you run. If you feel technologically challenged don’t feel you have to learn
everything about your device at once. Just start by learning one or two simple pain relief
techniques, such as Circling the Dragon treatment or pad applications with motion. Build your
confidence by seeing the positive results just from these simple methods. Then, when you are
comfortable, move on and learn more. The training programs East-West Seminars offers for
microcurrent electro-acupuncture can be paced like that – learn at your own speed and be
motivated by the results you see for yourself.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
How to Avoid Four Prime Causes of Failure with Pain Relief Treatment
Pain is an incredibly complex phenomenon. It is an urgent message from the body-mind-spirit that
some aspect is energetically blocked or out of balance with the organism. Pain is intimately related to
trauma, attitude and emotion. In many cases acupuncture, bodywork
or chiropractic treatment is able to relieve mild to difficult pain
conditions to the satisfaction of the patient. Yet all of us encounter
patients who do not respond satisfactorily even with well-chosen
These cases are frustrating for both patient and
practitioner, and can hurt your business reputation.
Here are four prime reasons for these failures:
CAUSE #1: Over-Reliance on Local Treatment
It is instinctive to touch or rub a painful area when one is hurt, and it is also a common reaction to apply
therapy primarily to the painful areas of our patients. Yet this is not always, or even often, the most
rewarding treatment strategy.
Our bodies are holograms. This means that each individual part is connected to the whole. This is not
just an abstract philosophical concept, but a practical basis
for obtaining outstanding results with your difficult pain
patients, and for understanding how the body works.1
Some of the most powerfully effective and RAPID results
with pain are obtained by creating a polarized microcurrent
circuit between the painful area and a holographicallyrelated distal zone.
Here is an example of applying
polarized microcurrent stimulation to treat tennis elbow.
Note how the + probe is on the painful elbow, while the –
probe is on a tender holographic distal region on the opposite knee.
CAUSE #2: Failure to Apply the Law of Polarity
In my over 20-year teaching career, I have concluded that the factors in energy medicine that makes
one of the biggest differences between clinical success and failure is the use of correct polarity in
For more details on holographic pain therapy, see my article posted at:
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
treatment. Yet few, if any, chiropractic or acupuncture schools teach much about this subject! Many
microcurrent stimulators only offer biphasic, or alternating current. This is current with the + and –
polarity switching back and forth every few seconds. Circling the Dragon technique using biphasic
current has its uses and can produce great results under the right circumstances, but it'
s only one tool
in the toolbox and unfortunately it'
s one many practitioners rely on too much. This makes them miss
out on the deeper and potentially longer-lasting benefits you get when you utilize the Law of Polarity.
Biphasic devices are easier to manufacture and simpler to teach about. But unfortunately they have
only limited effectiveness.
You can easily learn about the laws of polarity by reading my book Microcurrent Electro-Acupuncture2
or better yet, attending one of my hands-on seminars where I thoroughly demonstrate how to use the
Law of Polarity when treating patients. It'
s really very simple and can greatly enhance your results,
regardless of what equipment or treatment modalities you use.3
CAUSE #3: Failure to Address Underlying Emotional Aspects of Pain
Let’s face it. Modern Americans are stressed out with so many pressures and uncontrollable changes.
Most people with relatively simple, short-term pain and illness won’t pay a practitioner, they will just
“wait until it goes away” or take OTC medication. By the time they come to you, the pain or illness is
usually well entrenched and often has emotional undertones.
I’m about to tell you the bombshell breakthrough that will allow you to help connect with and balance
your clients on a much more profound level.
The great
news – applying it can take you less time than you are
spending now on other modalities!
Here it is – color light
This is an under-appreciated and very potent
simultaneously added to microcurrent electro-acupuncture,
you are addressing the physical, energetic and emotional
levels, all at once! That'
s because they'
re all connected...and affect each other in ways that until
recently, hadn'
t been studied or very well understood.
Many doctors see color therapy as a fad, a waste of time or worse. Yet this is only because they are
not keeping up with the latest research! Did you know that light or color therapy is now extensively
used for all of the following applications by doctors and hospitals?:
Pain relief (including use by the US armed forces)
Published by Desert Heart Press, available from East-West Seminars or Redwing Books
You can view the schedule of seminars at
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Photo-dynamic cancer therapies
Treatment of depression and other psychiatric applications (including color design of mental
hospital facilities)
Children’s learning difficulties including ADHD
Wound healing acceleration
Killing resistant infections in the blood and body (including fungus)
In addition to these medical applications there are many more holistic uses for color therapy. These
Boosting the power and effectiveness of acupuncture and microcurrent therapies for pain relief,
internal medicine, addictions and neuropathy
Assisting emotional healing for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and many other
Superior results for anti-aging facial and whole body rejuvenation
Spiritual/Soul level treatments that help address the causative level of chronic pain and disease
CAUSE #4: Failure to Use the Most Effective Tools
One of the biggest hesitations practitioners feel when making the decision to purchase a new piece of
equipment comes from memories of prior disappointments. This usually came from investing in highpriced systems in the past where the reality of the results delivered did not live up to the claims and the
hype from the manufacturer.
Most of us invest in new therapy equipment for two main reasons: The first is to improve results with
our hard-to-treat patients, or reduce treatment times; the second is to help make our practices more
financially lucrative. So think about it. How many devices have you purchased that have actually
accomplished both objectives in a way that made you really happy?
Here are the main reasons so many energy medical devices have provided mainly mediocre or
disappointing results:
They are not designed to perform techniques that are in accord with the actual energetic
functioning of the body. This is simply due to ignorance of the Universal Laws of energy on the
part of the equipment designers. For more details on this see my article “How to Choose A
Microcurrent Device”4.
view it at:
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
They over-stimulate the body, thereby generally giving only inconsistent results and triggering
uncomfortable reactions in sensitive people
They are confusing to use, so practitioners end up not using them properly
Quality of manufacture, service or support is deficient so they end up malfunctioning and then
gathering dust in a closet
I can say with absolute confidence, from my extensive clinical experience and that of a great many
other practitioners, that non-needle acu-point treatment with microcurrents combined with added color
light (Microlight) is one of the most significant advances in energy modalities and acupuncture in
modern times.
Modern electronics allows you to effortlessly use the power of polarity, correct
frequency and waveforms, point location, electro-diagnosis and many other vital advances.
modality is amazingly effective.
Microcurrent electro-acupuncture is unparalleled for its amazing
clinical effectiveness, speed of results and patient acceptance (including children, animals and needlephobic adults).
Three Methods to Improve Results and Reduce Treatment Times for Your Pain and Injury
When I attended acupuncture school in the early 1908’s I was taught to insert needles into appropriate
acupuncture points and leave them in place for up to 20 minutes. Then turn the patient over and put
needles in their back, if needed, for another block of time.
This method produced positive results for
many forms of internal medical imbalances and sometimes worked well for pain.
But it was
inconsistent and very time-consuming. I took lots of classes and experimented with various needling
techniques and energy applications to try to find ways to have better, more consistent results in less
time. Eventually I hit the jackpot and started enjoying my practice SO much more. Great news for you
– you can now have the benefit of my years of tedious experimentation right here and now!
The key is using microcurrent electro-acupuncture. Why does it work faster and better in many cases?
The reason is that electronic acupuncture-type stimulation can do many things needles or standard
electric or laser stimulation cannot do. The body is exquisitely sensitive to the factors of specific
frequency, polarity and color, and is also very responsive to gentle stimulation (as opposed to harsh,
high level currents). A good microcurrent device will make it simple and easy to utilize all of these
Here are three methods I use in my practice for getting better results in less time:
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
METHOD #1: Kinetic Microcurrent Therapeutics (KMT)
You know what’s great about this method? It’s extremely simple! No knowledge of acupuncture or
advanced anatomy is needed. Simply place four microcurrent interferential pad electrodes around a
painful or injured joint or body area, start the flow of current, and then have the patient exercise that
area. What kind of exercise? Just about any appropriate exercise will work, including simple range of
motion movements, isometrics, rehab exercises, use of rehab machines or weight training. The key is
to get a range of microcurrent frequencies circulating through the injured or painful area while
simultaneous mobilization is being performed. A good device will allow you to deliver true interferential
currents which automatically set up complex frequency patterns deep in the target tissues that deepen
the effect.
METHOD #2: Great Loops Balancing treatments
This is done with polarized probe electrodes, placing a
positive probe on a painful extremity joint area, and a
negative probe on a reflex point on on the opposite
quadrant of the body. Here is an example of doing that for
shoulder pain:
Again, this technique can be done successfully without
knowledge of acupuncture points and meridians (although
more knowledge is always helpful). Simply palpate the opposite quadrant joint for the maximally tender
point. Place the + probe on the painful area and the – probe on the opposite tender spot and treat.
This technique, when properly done, can relieve significant to severe pain in two minutes or less. The
addition of color light (Blue or Purple for pain and inflammation) will significantly enhance effectiveness.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
METHOD #3: Auricular Micro-Macro technique
I really love this one! You probably already know about
the power of using auricular (ear) acupuncture points for
relieving pain and balancing the body’s energies. You may
have leaned that in school.
What they probably didn’t
teach you is that the results of auricular therapy can be
greatly augmented by creating a polarized microcurrent
circuit between the ear point and its corresponding painful,
or diseased body area. This dynamic, powerful technique
accomplishes a great deal of symptomatic relief and
systemic balancing within seconds. This picture shows the use of Micro-Macro technique for relief of
shoulder pain.
I’ve also used it with great success for low back pain, digestive upsets, Kidney weakness, migraines,
cancer pain and knee pain. It is valuable for pain relief, internal regulation (through the autonomic
nervous system connections) and can even be used for overall energetic balancing and as a support
for treatment of emotional disorders.
The ear not only contains points for the various anatomical features of the body.
It also has
corresponding points and regions for dermatomes, chakras and points of special effect. Micro-Macro
technique can be used to for augmenting the results of almost any kind of therapeutic treatment.
The common feature to all three of the methods described in this section is that they utilize principles of
therapy that are in accord with Universal Laws of energy balance and movement. Kinetic microcurrent
therapy applies added gentle energy to enhance the benefits of exercise, working with the body’s
proprioceptive feedback system.
The Great Loops and Micro-Macro techniques tap into the
holographic nature of the body: the universal “as above – so below” principle. When these great
principles of energy are utilized in therapy, there is an economy of time and effectiveness that greatly
exceeds conventional acupuncture and electro-therapeutic methods. This then opens the power of
“less is more”.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Six Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Microcurrent Therapy Device for Your Practice
Your clinical tools are important investments in the success of your practice, and your patient’s wellbeing. It is important to do your homework before making a purchase decision, as many practitioners
I’ve spoken to have regretted investing in equipment that turned out to be inadequate or came from
companies with inadequate or non-existent training and support. Taking the time to understand what to
look for in a device and company can save you years of headaches and struggles trying to find '
works' and literally thousands of dollars of your hard-earned money that could be a wasted
investment if you'
re not armed with the knowledge you need to make an intelligent, informed and
educated decision. Here are some important mistakes to avoid.
MISTAKE #1: Purchasing a Device That Does Not Offer Selectable Polarity
Strangely enough, most of the microcurrent devices marketed to practitioners do not have this feature,
which is paramount for accurate, effective holographic pain treatment. You will certainly be very
limited in your results without being able to set the polarities the body needs for balance because
utilizing the Law of Polarity is one of the most significant factors in your ability to generate rapid,
lasting results for your patients. I can teach you how to use polarity correctly so you can achieve the
best results quickly and easily. It'
s easy for manufacturers to jump on the electric-stim bandwagon and
create a device that people will buy without even a rudimentary understanding of how to maximize it
MISTAKE #2: Purchasing a Device That Is Not Precisely Calibrated With High
Standards of Manufacturing
The systems I design and consult on are made locally in the USA.
These are not '
slapped'together in
some factory overseas where we don'
t know the people actually making them or know if there are
problems until they start getting returned. Because of the precision necessary in a device like this,
every device is tested and calibrated to exceedingly exacting standards before they are ever shipped
out. If the device you are using isn'
t calibrated precisely, you could still get '
results'with it but you
t even know if it was only producing a fraction of the benefits you could be getting.
Unfortunately, many practitioners don'
t figure out that their equipment isn'
t delivering the results they'
looking for until it'
s too late and they'
ve lost patients who go looking for someone who can produce
greater results.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
MISTAKE #3: Buying From a Company That Does Not Have Experts on Staff to
Offer You the Training You Need
Even the greatest tool is useless unless you know how to use it properly.
The training and
knowledge you receive is just as valuable as the device itself. Some manufacturers are only in the
business of selling machines and if you call their support team, they may not have one person on that
team who is well trained how to use the device, let alone have any medical background at all! Make
sure that you source your equipment from a company with support staff that are actively practicing
energetic medicine and can help guide you to the best clinical applications given your unique practice
and clients. Ask the company exactly what their training program is and make sure you don’t settle for
less than what you need to be successful.
MISTAKE #4: Buying a Device without Precise Feedback Capabilities
One of the most exciting aspects of microcurrent electro-acupuncture is the ability to precisely and
easily locate optimal treatment points, and to monitor the electrical changes in them as patients are
treated. This really wows your patients, as they can see changes in their points for themselves right
after your treatments! It also takes the guesswork out of it so you can focus on generating the results
re looking for, quickly and easily.
s amazing to be able to show patients the measured level of resistance that'
s associated with a
specific pain, for example, and then watch their reaction when they see the resistance melt away as the
pain leaves their body. They can literally see it happening with their own eyes – confirming for them the
scientific validity of this amazing technology. If you can'
t demonstrate the science behind what you
do, some patients can be nothing more than skeptical that it does what you say it does. This one
feature alone has given our practitioners much more confidence and has turned many patients into
very strong believers in this type of healing.
MISTAKE #5: Buying a Device without True Interferential Capabilities
Some of the most effective rehabilitation techniques involve use of mixed-frequency, four-pad
microcurrent stimulation placed around an injured joint, often with simultaneous exercise. At the EastWest Seminars trainings we show you how to combine acu and trigger point probe treatment (for local
and distal treatments) with local interferential therapy and exercise, to deliver results that really are
nothing short of amazing.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
MISTAKE #6: Buying a Device That Does Not Offer Color Light Therapy Along
With the Microcurrent
Microcurrent Therapy in and of itself is incredibly powerful. When microcurrent is combined with color
light therapy (or Microlight), the effects are enhanced significantly. That'
s because colored light is a
vital part of the body’s information network, a.k.a the Living Matrix.
For many years I used and taught the methods of microcurrent electro-acupuncture, without added
light. Practitioners I was in touch with mainly reported very positive and satisfactory results. About
eight years ago I started combining microcurrent with color light on the same treatment points and
regions. Some of the people who had already used microcurrent for several years added the new light
therapy probes. They then had a year or more to compare the results. The feedback we got showed
the results were longer lasting (longer carry over of relief) and deeper (helping balance emotional and
Root energies as well) in many cases. One acupuncturist in Nevada told me that pain and injury
conditions previously requiring 10 or more sessions for resolution with acupuncture and microcurrent
were only requiring 5 – 6 sessions after color light was added! This was typical of most of the reports.
To help you in your “due diligence” process in investigating if Microlight therapy is right for
your business, we have set up easy access to the clinical and business information you need to
help you make an informed decision. A link to help you get started can be found on the home
page of .
The Amazing Power of Color Light Therapy
It may sound like a bad pun when I say that patients “light up” when I show them my color light therapy
system. But that is what usually happens! We all instinctively have deep neural, hormonal and
emotional connections to the various colors of the visible light spectrum. We love some colors, we
dislike some, we tend to wear certain ones on our bodies, but we are in almost constant relationship
with light and color.
I have observed what I call “color hunger” in my patients – the innate craving for certain wavelengths of
light that had been previously blocked in the body/mind. When such a needed color is administered
through appropriate acu-points patients demonstrate profound shifts in symptoms, affect and diagnostic
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Here is some further information about color therapy:
1) The body’s subtle energy communication system is based in part on light flows.
Research has shown that light travels through the meridian system, similarly to light moving through
fiber-optic cables.5 Therefore appropriately selected colors of light are one of the most direct and
profound ways to regulate the body. Light is the “language” that our bodies speak when information is
being processed, so using Microlight therapy allows you to speak in the language of the body, which is
why we'
ve been able to generate such gratifying results with this form of treatment.
2) People love it.
There’s just something about color… practitioners who have added color light
therapy to their practices always have enthusiastic patients and increased referrals. People intuitively
know, on an unconscious level, that color is at the root of their emotions and state of consciousness,
and love the subtle, but unmistakable shifts they feel when treated with appropriate colors of light
through their acupuncture points.
3) Color light is a primary link between Matter and Spirit. Psychologists have long known the
relationship of color with mood, motivation and even mental illnesses.
For examples:
Bright red, orange, and hot pink can increase muscular tension,
emotional excitement and stimulate the release of adrenaline.
Reds often increase energy levels and in some cases stimulate
the sex drive. (Odom & Sholtz, 2009; Vodvarka, 1999).
Rooms painted with warm colors (reds, oranges) can create
feelings of claustrophobia, while rooms painted with cool colors
spaciousness. (Kaya & Epps, 2004).
Purple has been shown to increase creativity. It is associated
with the Third Eye chakra. (Eiseman, 2003)
Blue, green, and turquoise may reduce stress and irritability,
promoting relaxation (Odon & Sholtz, 2009).
A primary pathway for the body processing color appears to be through
the chakra system first described by ancient Ayurvedic medical
practitioners. If you look at a chakra chart you will see that the colors associated with each center
Pankratov, Sergei. Meridians Conduct Light. Raum and Zeit. Germany: 1991
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
follow the colors of the rainbow, ranging from the coolest colors with shortest wavelengths (violet –
crown of head) to the warmest colors with the longest wavelengths (red – root - perineum). Each
chakra is said to regulate the functions of an endocrine gland and its associated hormones. These in
turn switch on and off almost every body function, and have intimate relationships with emotions and
4) How to use color therapy?
There are many methods, each of which has different benefits. The simplest and oldest is bathing the
entire body, or afflicted body regions, in a needed color of light (tonation). This method, which goes
back to ancient Greek and Egyptian healing temples, is still very valuable and is suitable for patient
self-treatment at home.6
Newer, more targeted methods involve applying smaller spots of color light
through specific acupuncture and trigger points. This method provides much faster, and in many cases
more powerful results. These two methods can be used together – with the more specific “colorpuncture” treatments being done in clinic by a trained practitioner, and the patient treating themselves
in between sessions with tonation.
How Microlight Therapy Can Help You Shift Your Patients’ Imbalances on the Core Emotional
To truly do justice to this subject would take an entire report in itself, but I would like to introduce you to
these possibilities in this e-Book.
Early on my in own clinical practice it was clear that there were deeper issues underlying my patient’s
Even when they were pleased with the relief they obtained from my acupuncture
treatments, I was not always satisfied. I could see unresolved emotional and Karmic patterns within
them that were likely to cause new issues to resurface. While having patients come back repeatedly is
a good way to keep long-term business I was very motivated to try to find ways to help them come to
terms with the core of their dis-ease.
The definitive reference guide for this method is the book Let There Be Light by Dinshah, available from
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
Our ability to help our patients to heal is based on our own degree of healing and self-actualization. It
is vital for us as practitioners to try to maintain as clear and high an energy level as possible, and to
keep our inter-personal boundaries clear and strong. Then
our presence can help facilitate deeper change in our patients.
As we all know, this is not easy to maintain. Therefore a daily
practice of Qi Gong, meditation, chanting or mindfulness is
essential for those of us working with Energy Medicine.
Hundreds of practitioners and myself have found that
microcurrent and light treatment techniques can significantly
boost our therapeutic reach for core level therapy, greatly
reducing potential drain on our own personal energies. Here
are Microlight techniques that appear to have the greatest
value for this purpose:
1) PNE Balancing – This is a system that involves applying
microcurrent and color light to selected body areas that help
support nerve, organ, endocrine and energy balance in the body. These regions, called chakras in
Ayurvedic medicine, are also the primary Mind-Body connection points of the body. This method
involves applying a combination of microcurrent and appropriate colors to these areas (front and back)
while guiding the patient in speaking healing affirmations or chants or practicing visualizations.
2) SERT and TERS7 – These are two brilliant methods developed by my colleague, Dr. Greg
Nevens, for treatment of patients with depression, anxiety, PTSD and other psycho-emotional
disorders. These systems involve stimulation pairs of distal acu-points with microcurrent and light while
guiding the patient through a series of visualizations, thereby facilitating the “unwinding” of deeply held
trauma from the body/mind. Dr. Nevens has reported war veterans with recurring nightmares having
reduction or elimination of the nightmares after one or two TERS treatments. Applying these forms of
core emotional treatment does not have to be highly time-consuming. In many cases I apply PNE
balancing during the last 10 or 15 minutes of a therapeutic session, with many expanded benefits.
PNE therapy is taught, hands-on, at some of my live, hands-on seminars.
SERT = Synergenic Emotional Reintegration Techniques. TERS = Traumatic Emotional Reintegration
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
The Hidden Dangers of Cold Lasers
There is quite a bit of controversy in the holistic medical community and light therapy proponents about
the differing therapeutic value of lasers, which produce coherent light, and LED or incandescent
sources which produce incoherent light.
The term coherent refers to light that is tightly focused, and does not spread out much over long
distances. Lasers are coherent light. Non-coherent refers to light that is much less focused and
spreads out all over the place. Sunlight, light bulbs and LEDS are examples of non-coherent light.
Both types of light therapy are extremely useful and have their places. It'
s important to understand
which tools you need for which job in order to get the best results for your
patients. For example, if you want to put up a picture in your living room you
t use a sledgehammer to set the nail – you'
d use a regular hammer.
The sledgehammer would do the job but would certainly be overkill and you
may run the risk of doing damage to the wall or furniture, etc... The regular
hammer on the other hand would be a much more appropriate choice given
your task and therefore would be much more prudent.
The same is true for coherent light (lasers) and incoherent light (LED'
s and
incandescent). Color-puncture is so effective because acupuncture points are energetic gateways and
are highly responsive to light. Lasers are very good at what they do well. They are a highly focused
form of light which penetrates deeply into the body. Lasers are very useful for treating skin lesions,
scar tissue, micro-surgery and some kinds of pain control. The problem with lasers is that they can be
too invasive and some researchers believe that they actually blow out the subtle energetics of
acupuncture points over time. This could actually damage the meridian system and do more long-term
damage than short-term good. Also, they produce unnatural form of stimulation to the body and rarely
offer a range of color choices in single lasers, thus limiting the ability to induce different effects. The
use of different colors allows you to select known color combinations that work in varying ways to
produce either stimulation or calming effects depending on what'
s needed in a specific treatment
scenario. Lasers have a much higher cost, can be an eye hazard, and are not suitable for whole body
Non-coherent (LED) light has less precise wavelengths than lasers but is significantly less invasive to
the human body and much safer to use. The human body is programmed to respond to non-coherent
light (such as sunlight) and can transform non-coherent light into coherent light internally under some
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
conditions, synthesizing it into the structure it needs to get the job done.8 The ability to select colors
provides fidelity in your treatment protocols not available with lasers. Imagine the difference between a
strictly classical guitarist and one who plays many different genres of music. They both play beautiful
music but the one who can play different genres can play in a blues band, jazz, rock, country, classical,
folk, etc... and adapt his music to the environment he'
s in at the time. Non-coherent, colored light lets
you do the same thing with your treatment protocols. LED'
s are also much lower cost than lasers, can
be used for whole-body or point-specific treatments, and are suitable for supporting resolution of a wide
variety of pain, injury and disease conditions.
For a more detailed discussion of Lasers vs. LED'
s please read my article “Lasers and LED
Treatments: Which Is Better?” at this link
For Acupuncturists: Why You Should Offer Non-Needle Services, And How to Get the Best
Results with it
Simple – you will attract more needle-phobic patients, you can get significantly better results, and your
patients will grow your practice through word of mouth and referrals! You will become the “Go-To”
practitioner in your community with a reputation for achieving the results your patients are looking for,
very quickly and painlessly. Microcurrent electro-medicine and electro-acupuncture is so versatile that
it allows you to confidently treat many patient populations. Here are just a few of the uses our clients
practice with success:
Pain Relief – I can confidently say that using Microlight equipment with the advanced treatment
techniques we teach will take your results to levels you have always wished for – and beyond.
Esthetics—This can be an extremely profitable niche and is for many of our clients.
Needle-phobic patients—Many patients who are afraid of needles and who otherwise wouldn'
be clients have accepted, and been satisfied with, non-needle Microlight therapies.
Sports injuries—Injuries heal faster and with longer carry-over of relief. Once you earn a
reputation for these kind of results you will be very busy.
Pediatrics—Children accept this treatment very well and love the color light.
Veterinary—Our Veterinarian clients have seen very gratifying results with treatment of dogs,
For details on how non-coherent light can become coherent in the body see book Optical Coherence and
Quantum Optics by Leonard Mandel and Emil Wolf, Cambridge University Press 1995
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
cats, horses and more.9
PT/OT—Pain management and range of motion results with worker’s Comp and personal injury
cases has been remarkable.
Psycho-Emotional Balancing — See previous section regarding this aspect of treatment
Another reason to offer microcurrent electro-acupuncture is that it feels so good to be regarded as a
miracle worker by your patients. I interviewed a practitioner from Idaho who told me that she recently
attended a book signing, and that many people were regarding her as a celebrity. They told her that
they were so grateful that her microcurrent and color light facial rejuvenation treatments had not only
made them look better, but had changed their lives for the better by making them feel more balanced
and healthy! See testimonials at the end of this e-Book.
The way to get the best results: get the most effective equipment and learn to use the most effective
techniques. Align yourself with the Power of Intention while applying the therapies. Talk to your
patients about the technology. They love being seen as intelligent people who are considered worthy
of teaching them a little about how energy medicine works.
Three Harmful Misconceptions about Electrical Stimulation
What first comes to your mind when you read the words “electrical stimulation”? I’ve asked many
people this question and have gotten answers including “over-stimulating patients”, “Yeah, I did that 20
years ago and it doesn’t work very well so I don’t use it anymore” or other very limited or negative
conceptions about electrical stimulation (ES). I agree that conventional ES is relatively ineffective, or
at best is like an electronic band-aid to provide temporary relief of pain and muscle tension.
But when electrical energies are applied to the body according to the correct principles it can provide
near-miraculous results. Here are a few of the misconceptions about ES that prevent practitioners from
having those kinds of results:
See this short video of a veterinarian demonstrating his results with treating dogs
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
HARMFUL MISCONCEPTION #1: Turn it up as high as they can take, it will
work better
This is false and dangerous. The human body is extremely sensitive to energy.
The endocrine
glands, nervous system and neuro-peptides that regulate our subtle internal communication system
respond to billionths or trillionth-of-an-amp currents (nano and pico-amps)! Even though microcurrents
can’t be felt much of the time, they are still considerably stronger than much of our own internal bioelectricity. Microcurrents are therefore in the perfect range for powerful clinical effectiveness because
they are low enough to not disturb our subtle bio-electrical balance, yet high enough to “push” the body
to instantaneously, and seemingly magically, relieve pain and other symptoms.
Higher milliamp currents, as are used in TENS units, electrical-stim devices and electro-acupuncture
machines, are useful at times for treating acute disorders, but can be “overkill” and actually hamper
you from attaining the results you'
re looking for. That'
s why I recommend devices including both
microcurrents and milliamps. 10
About 95% of the time I use microcurrents and 5% of the time I'
ll use milliamp. Milliamp definitely has
its place, though.
I call it using the '
Big Hammer'and sometimes you need it to reduce acute
inflammation, edema and for some paralytic conditions, but my experience and research validates that
the human body responds significantly better to microcurrents applied in specific and easy to learn
modalities, based on our understanding of both Eastern and Western medicine.
HARMFUL MISCONCEPTION #2: Electric Stimulation Is Chaotic and Disturbing
To Sensitive Patients
The real truth is it doesn'
t have to be this way. Stimulation is only disturbing when the wrong current is
used, or current that is too high, or the current is used improperly. There are many people who have
hated electrical-stim due to being over-treated with milliamp currents, which can be very uncomfortable.
Yet these same, very sensitive people have become ecstatic microcurrent converts once they
experienced treatment from a knowledgeable practitioner because the results were simply astounding.
Unfortunately, many practitioners have unknowingly used electrical stimulation improperly – not through
any fault of their own, but because of a general lack of knowledge in the community about how to
design or use these devices correctly.
Information on equipment may be requested by writing to [email protected] or calling the EWS
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
HARMFUL MISCONCEPTION #3: Using “Machines” Is a Detraction from the
Pure Practice of Chiropractic, Acupuncture or Other Energetic Medicine
Far from taking away from the purity of your holistic practice, advances in technology allow you to
generate the results for your patients that simply weren’t available before, using earlier tools. If getting
results is important to you – then you want the best tools available to do the job because you probably
t start your profession to be simply a purist but to help people heal themselves in the most
efficient and effective manner possible.
Metal needles inserted into the human body create electrical discharges. This is much of the basis for
the effectiveness of acupuncture. Osseous adjustments create measurable electrical discharges in the
tissues. Modern electronics allow you to deliver far more precise stimulation patterns that can vastly
increase effectiveness, as proven through years of clinical application and research.
By using
appropriate polarity, frequency and electronic acu-point location, the consistency of your results will
improve dramatically.
As long as most treatment remains in the subtle microcurrent range, the
meridians become more balanced. This is easily verified by using any form of energetic diagnosis
before and after microcurrent treatment.
If you don’t believe this try it for yourself! Using pulse diagnosis, abdominal diagnosis, kinesiology or
even some kinds of Western lab tests, test some of your patients before and after a microcurrent
electro-acupuncture sessions. You will quickly see how rapidly well-placed microcurrent electrodes can
improve diagnostic indicators.
Four Steps to Effectively Incorporating Energy Medicine Devices into Your Practice
Does what you’ve read in this e-Book sound great, but you don’t know where to start? The following
guidelines can help you start building the effectiveness and income of your practice, starting from the
first steps:
Step 1: Make a commitment. Educate yourself. Learn all you can about how to incorporate the
timeless principles of Energy Medicine into your practice. These principles are the basis for all effective
healing systems throughout the world, from ancient times to the present. There are many kinds of
devices and forms of treatment available so learn about what kind will be the most beneficial for you in
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
your practice. You want to be sure your equipment and treatment methods deliver the absolute best
results you can provide your patients.
Step 2: List your objectives. Get the best healing tools for your practice. Don’t compromise here, as
that is “penny wise and pound foolish.” Do you want separate devices for every function you'
re looking
for or do you want them all seamlessly combined together? Are you already comfortable with energy
medicine or is it important to you that you have thorough training and support from experts who are on
the cutting edge of both the treatments and the technology?
Step 3: Ask questions. The way you learn about a company is to ask specific questions and listen
carefully to the answers. Here are nine tough questions to ask a device distributor or manufacturer
before you place your order:
What methods of energy medicine do you recommend and why?
How is your equipment assembled?
What will your equipment accomplish for my clients?
Do you have ongoing training and research programs?
Do you regularly publish clinical and research articles (or something else you do)?
6. What do you do to help advance holistic and energetic medicine in the medical community?
7. Do you have licensed medical professionals on staff who are practicing energetic medicine
clinically and actively involved in advanced research?
8. Do you have a community of practitioners that regularly exchange best practices and treatment
9. Do you have other practitioners I can speak with who use your device?
Call the customer care department of the company you are considering and see if they are easy to do
business with. This can save you a lot of trouble. Probe the support staff with questions about the
device and how to use it. Ask to speak to other practitioners who are currently using it and ask them
what they like about it as well as what they don'
t like, both about the equipment and the company. Ask
to see testimonials of both happy practitioners and happy clients.
Step 4: Review and Assess Prior to Purchase. Once you’re satisfied that you’re working with an
honest, competent, professional company, call them and ask them to give you an assessment of how
their technology and treatment protocols would best fit into your practice. Request their information so
you can see what they offer in terms of equipment but also in terms of ongoing support, education,
training and the advancement of the holistic and energetic medicine community.
There is no “one size fits all” in energetic medicine. Be open to the fact that different patients require
different approaches.
Don’t worry though, learning new modalities and incorporating advanced
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
technologies into your practice is much easier than you might think.
We are constantly holding
webinars, seminars, live training events, teleconferences and posting videos, articles and updating
educational content online in order to advance your knowledge and understanding of the most up-todate treatments available today. We are bringing practitioners together and creating resources to share
the vast knowledge available to advance energetic medicine and raise the awareness of both
practitioners and patients.
By following these four steps, you’ll gain all the information you need to make an informed, intelligent
purchase decision. If you want a cheap, relatively ineffective device to use in your practice, many
companies can help you. You can always just buy any device that looks like it might work for you and
hope for the best. However, if you want your practice to be on the leading edge of both treatments and
technology – bursting at the seams with happy, satisfied patients telling everyone they know how great
you are – then we invite you to call us.
We’ll be happy to answer your questions – provide you with a free Information Pack and DVD, answer
any questions over the telephone – or give you a complimentary Energy Medicine business
consultation to discover the best way to incorporate an energetic medical device or Microlight therapy
into your practice – without cost or obligation of any kind. To reach us, call (602) 992-2338, or email
the staff at [email protected] .
Thanks again …for reviewing our new Practitioner's Guide to Microcurrent and Energy Medicine. I
hope you found this information helpful.
If you have any questions or comments – or if you’d like us take advantage of our FREE Energy
Medicine business consultation – please call us at (602) 992-2338.
We’ve dedicated our business to consumer education and service. We look forward to your call and
will be pleased to help you in every way.
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
"After becoming familiar with your device, I consider it to be an instrument of the highest order, and I
would recommend it to all serious practitioners and students of acupuncture or other allied fields of pain
management. This is the only instrument of its type I have ever endorsed." ~ Nguyen Van Nghi, M.D.,
Director, French Review of Traditional Chinese Medicine Marseilles, France
“After 30 years in practice it is remarkable to see pain disappear before your eyes…this system offers
better pain relief than needle therapy. I now feel confident treating a variety of pain cases and expecting
immediate results.” ~ Jake Paul Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. Boulder, CO
"I'm a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, and I've dealt with patients with chronic pain
syndromes for 20 years... Almost any kind of pain patient you can imagine can benefit from the (these
methods), ... I find it very complementary to acupuncture because you have a machine that's portable ,
a machine that can do multi task, that's multi factorial... After the patients became enthusiastic, and the
excitement not only affected the other physicians, but the staff, the particular treatment … started to sell
itself, in fact the patients actually started demanding the treatment...“It wasn't more than probably
about 10 weeks, probably about 8-10 week range before we completely recovered the investment. ~
John Porter, M.D. Phoenix, AZ
“From the standpoint of a Chiropractor I’ve got to get though a lot of people quickly… I started using
your methods and my results are way better, ten times better… I’ve used lasers (and other devices) on
these points, all of it seems to work but this has definitely been a much, much bigger difference… I get
big noticeable changes in seconds.” ~ Stewart Edrich, D.C., Los Alamitos, CA
“I just wanted to let you know that I have been using the machine for the past two days, and wow! so
far, we have been having terrific feedback and results. Thanks so much! I really appreciate how much
of your learning and knowledge you share so openly.” ~ Tasleem Kassam, N.D., Calgary, AL,
“I wanted to let you know that I have been doing ELR (Energy Light Rejuvenation) treatments to many
of my clients with colds. They are telling me that the treatments are enabling them to breathe much
better and helping them feel better from the cold symptoms. Also, yesterday I treated a lady who had
ringing in her ears and had it for many years. She said after I did the ELR treatment the ringing in her
ears went away.” ~ Diane Lynch, Esthetician, Twin Falls, ID
“Before I attended your class I had a busy practice but now I am flooded with clients. I have been
working 6 days a week, with a list of people waiting to get in to see me… I have been doing work with
the Acutron and have had fantastic results….” ~Andrya Lopez, Bodyworker-Holistic Healer,
Modesto, CA
“I am really impressed how fast it worked on me. What other wonders can be done with Microlight?
WOW! I know there was a reason why I was waiting on purchasing color and matrix machines I have
researched before I met you.:)” ~ Beata George, Owner, Euro Med Cancer Treatment Center,
Phoenix, AZ
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
“Darren, as I mentioned to Jo Ann on the phone this morning, the technology, in and of itself is
phenomenal. But the added bonus of all the extra trainings and webinars, the ongoing support is
priceless, immeasurable. Really. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.“
~ Maianna Fisher, NMD,
Phoenix, AZ
"The microcurrent has been a blessing to our patients and a joy to use. We have successfully helped a
wide variety of health problems form acute trauma to chronic and non-responsive conditions given up
on by the traditional medical community... In our minds there is absolutely no question that this machine
does what the manufacturer says it will and then some.... We have used the Acutron for four months
now, and have not had one question or denial from insurance. In fact, several carriers have told us they
are very pleased with our therapies because they hasten recovery and speed healing and are thus
seen as both clinically appropriate and very cost-effective. In the four months of use the machine has
already paid for itself!" ~ James Bowman, D.C., Stevens Point, WI
"The patient opinion on this machine is great, and it paid for itself in the first couple of months we had it"
~ Susan Mitchell, L.Ac., Fort Lauderdale, FL
"I've had just phenomenal results with it....You can use it for so many applications... pain control,
sports medicine.... a patient comes in with a problem, you do something to fix the problem, and they're
overjoyed! ...there's nothing better than having patients love you." ~ Margie Simmons-Stuper, Sports
Medicine Therapist, Mesa AZ
"I've worked with a number of gold medalists at the '96 Olympic games, silver and bronze medalists, all
high level athletes from 5 countries, and various NHL hockey teams... Very often they fly in and stay
several days, and what I find is when I combine the therapies that (I learned from you) usually they only
have to stay for 2 or 3 days and then they are pretty much on the road to full recovery... once the word
gets out about the kind of work that you are doing you are going to be more busy than you can handle!"
~ Mark Scappaticci, D.C., Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
"I presently use seven units in six pain management treatment facilities. …. I generally do not endorse
products for companies, but in this case I will, because I honestly believe that your device does all that
you claim for it and more. This is refreshing. I use the therapy n in my practice as an integral part of the
rehabilitation process. I can see how it could potentially save the health care and business communities
billions of dollars in time lost at work or athletic activities. I would certainly recommend your systems
to any health care practitioners desiring a non-invasive, safe and highly effective, as well as profitable,
solution for building their practice. Treatments may be billed under established CPT codes. Finally, I
have also been pleased with the (training) and ongoing customer support your company provides. Keep
up the good work!" ~ Alejandro Katz, O.M.D., Q.M.E., L.Ac., Los Angeles, CA
"The microcurrent system… has been in use at the Maryvale Samaritan Health Institute and
Thunderbird Samaritan.... Microcurrent has been applied to a wide variety of painful conditions
(including) post-op pain... The results have, in many cases, bordered on the miraculous. In some cases
(it)has made the difference between treatment success and failure." ~ David Ogden, P.T., Phoenix,
"There's also some of our patients that come in with pain that really don't want to have acupuncture
(needles) has greatly helped."
~ Susan Mitchell and Walter Young, L.Ac., Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
"...Many myofascial pain patients who have sympathetically-maintained pain and cannot tolerate (even)
light touch responded best to the device, using its milliamp-microamp combination therapy. Because of
the excellent results... we have purchased one unit for each of our four offices. I would recommend the
use of (this therapy) to other professionals working in the area of hand rehabilitation." ~ Peggy
Langley, P.T., Hand and Upper Quarter Rehabilitation Services, Phoenix, AZ
"On behalf of the Arizona State University Sports Medicine, I would like to take this opportunity to thank
you... We have heard nothing but compliments from the athletes and trainers who have used (your
system)... We have also found it very effective in reducing the amount of practice and competition time
lost, per athlete. Thus, we are able to get them back on the field faster. As a whole, we feel that your
system would be great benefit to any type of rehabilitation program." ~ Perry Edinger, Assistant
Athletic Trainer, ASU Sports Program
“People’s skin changes for the better no matter if they are 77 years old, a smoker of 40 years or a 30
year old… everyone gets compliments and everyone notices. The skin gets more youthful and alive!”
~ Penny Ordway, Esthetician/Owner, Eviama Life Spa, Philadelphia, PA
“My experience of my first (ELR) face-lift procedure: beside an overall clarity in skin tone, the age lines
around my mouth were hardly visible, and the puffiness under my eyes disappeared. More importantly,
I felt a wonderful sense of calm well-being; my mind was very clear and sharp and has remained so. As
a professional musician/pianist, I am finding that my creative energy has been heightened. It is as if my
technique has been unleashed, yet outwardly I am very calm, almost peaceful. My arms and back
usually get very tense very quickly at the keyboard, but I have felt none of that tension, rather a release
and a strange sense of rejuvenation, as if a broken circuit of energy has been repaired. I highly
recommend this procedure for an overall life lift!” ~ Nancy, ELR client, 52 years old, Orlando, FL
“Ever since your last fall ELR seminar I have enjoyed so much personal and professional success using
(your device) and the ELR products, especially the colored pulsed light. Not only have I enjoyed my
practice more than EVER, but my patients are so enthused and impressed with the changes in their
faces and whole bodies renewal. Their comments include: ‘my friends swear I had a surgical face-lift!’ ‘I feel like that man in the Viagra commercial who looks like he has the world on a string’ – ‘People say I
look so good – did you lose weight? Did you just come back from a vacation and only after having two
treatments’. Another patient adds ‘These treatments make me feel like pure bliss.’ Since I’ve added
light technology (to my microcurrent therapies), I’m getting more dramatic, profound and better results.
Patients seem to relax better and feel energized afterwards.” ~ Susan Roffman, RN, Acupuncture
Physician, Orlando, FL
“Using your system has truly revolutionized my dermatology practice. There are a few people who
come along and make a really significant change in my practice and you are one, Dr. Starwynn. I’ve
found the meridian balancing treatment alone helpful for psoriasis in my early experience with the unit.
It’s truly amazing. I’ve only had it for 3 – 4 days and already I’ve treated 10 people... with great results.”
~ Don Baker, M.D., Gibbsboro, NJ
“Quantum healing techniques are fascinating. Dr. Starwynn does an excellent job of presenting and
dispersing information.” ~ Renee Hubbs, L.Ac., Okemos, MI
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012
“Thanks! Yes I'm using microcurrent electro-acupuncture quite a bit for orthopedic (arthritis) and sports
related problems. I am the team acupuncturist for a triathlon team and it's amazing how well athletes
respond to combination treatments you taught me. Yes, it helps they are in their early 20's but they
love the treatments using no more than four needles and the rest your techniques.” ~ Gerry Dunphy,
L.Ac., Brazil
“As a licensed esthetician, when I compare the income producing ability of the ELR treatments, I can
almost double my income in the same amount of time that it takes me to do a basic facial. Using
Microlight therapy is the most leveraged treatment I perform for my clients. We both win! I make more
money in less time, my clients see more results and maintain their results while spending less money
than they would for a more invasive treatment.” ~ Barbara Balsamo, Lic. Esthetician, Fairfax, VA
“OK, so this is really spontaneous. I have this client that all I had to do was explain what the
microcurrent could do and the benefits of how the ELR works on her face and body, and she bought a
package right then and there. Every time I gave her a treatment, she walked out excited and smiling
and can't say enough about me to others. (and believe me, she is giving my brochures to everyone she
knows) . This woman was one step away from seeing a surgeon to have a face lift, and she is so glad
she did not choose that option. I have another client who said, "Anna, we need to get you out there and
tell more people about the work you do, you are sitting on a gold mine". Very exciting times( even in
these times). I love what I do.... Thanks doctor Starwynn for assisting me through your programs and
seminars to help me achieve my dream.” ~ Anna Marie Davis, Esthetician, Capitola, CA
“After just one rejuvenation treatment, my clients sign up for a series package…they can instantly see
the results and the value.” ~ Beth Anne Fischberg, Esthetician, Revive You, Stoneham, MA
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. East-West Seminars  2012

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