How to Develop a Workforce Strategic Plan A one day


How to Develop a Workforce Strategic Plan A one day
How to Develop a
Workforce Strategic Plan
A one day
The missing link in workforce/talent management
Based on latest research and contemporary thought leaders, this workshop
will encourage you to think differently about how to best manage your most
vital intangible asset – your people.
The need to move beyond workforce planning
CEOs and HR Professionals are under pressure to demonstrate to board
members and shareholders how they are managing their most vital intangible asset.
Whilst most organisations have bundles of HR policies, and many may undertake
workforce and succession planning (which is traditionally focused on head counts
and time lines), very few have developed and documented a workforce or human
capital strategy. At the heart of such a strategy is a focus on workforce differentiation,
segmenting the workforce, and linking the importance of roles to the business strategy.
The benefits of attending this workshop
– New opportunities for HR Professionals
This Workforce Strategic Plan workshop provides concepts and value on
an entirely different plane, presenting new opportunities for HR Professionals.
You will acquire the knowledge and resources to:
✓✓ Better understand the dynamics and characteristics of the contemporary
workplace, future trends and their likely impact on the workforce;
✓✓ Develop deeper workforce insights, differentiate roles (including the identification of
critical roles, specialist roles, roles suitable for outsourcing, etc.), and link roles and
workforce strategies more closely to the business strategy;
✓✓ Develop a clearer conceptual framework for reviewing, refining and maximising the
effectiveness of human resources practices in your organisation and mitigate risk;
✓✓ Provide the necessary workforce intelligence, unlock the potential and surface
the hidden aspects of your workforce that may be impeding performance and
✓✓ Fully engage your CEO and Executives, and significantly elevate your influence
as a HR Professional.
About the Presenter:
Colin Beames
BA(Hons)Qld, BEng(Hons), MBA, MAPS
Colin Beames,
author, engineer
and corporate
psychologist, is
one of Australia’s
thought leaders in
capital strategies
and workplace
trends, with a deep
and expansive knowledge of these topics.
He takes complex, emergent and critical
subjects and presents them in a way that
is readily grasped by his audience.
Colin is the Director of Advanced
Workforce Strategies, a firm that provides
consultancy services in the areas of
human capital, employment strategies,
workforce segmentation, and workforce
engagement and retention (including key
talent) surveys. The firm's client base
includes a number of prominent Australian
The design and content included in this workshop
The design of this workshop provides an integrated framework for translating your
business strategy into an actionable workforce strategy, incorporating the following
models and concepts:
–– The 5 ways to build human capital;
–– The 3 types of capabilities/competencies from organisational through to individual;
–– Segmentation of your workforce and differentiation of roles according to a skills’
based model (i.e., skills value and skills uniqueness);
–– Profiling Employment Value Propositions (EVP) for job roles, based on the concept
of the Psychological Contract; and
–– The 3 types of human capital data and reporting of this data in a compelling format.
The approach combines education and application, including an interactive format,
exercises and activities.
© Colin Beames 2013
The resources that you will take away
from attending this workshop
✓✓ A guide on How to Develop a Workforce Strategic Plan
✓✓ A sample Workforce Strategic Plan (pdf) and a MS Word template which
you can readily populate with your own logo, information and data
✓✓ A book by Colin Beames entitled Aligning Workforce and Business
Strategies: Mobilising the 21st Century Workforce
✓✓ A Power Point tutorial on the development of a Workforce Strategic Plan
✓✓ An introduction to the Skills Segmentation Questionnaire (SSQ) for
anaylising and then plotting roles
✓✓ An Employment Value Proposition (EVP) Profiler tool for profiling the EVP
of roles, and then using this tool as a Realistic Job (RJP) interview tool to
compare the candidate's expectations (typically at short listing) with what
is being offered in the role (usage limitation)
✓✓ A Recruitment Forecasting tool
✓✓ A Cost of Turnover Calculator tool
✓✓ A checklist for determining roles potentially suitable for outsourcing
✓✓ A Career and Talent Development Policy
✓✓ A Policy on Outsourcing
What workshop attendees say
Testimonials from Victorian Local Government
HR Managers and OD Professionals who have
attended this workshop
I have been involved in workforce
planning previously but not analysed and
thought about various roles and there relative
importance with scrutiny that the workforce
segmentation tool entails.
Also I intend to use the Employment Value
Proposition (EVP) tool in the recruitment
process including its application for Realistic Job
Previews for short listed candidates.”
Seeing the workforce segmentation
tool was really useful. It made me think
about roles and their relative importance with a
different mindset.
Having the benefit of an outsider looking in (i.e.,
Colin Beames), really stimulated my thinking
and helped me gain both a wider and deeper
perspective on human capital and workforce
management challenges.”
I really like the plots (workforce
segmentation tool) and intend to
start of using this tool initially for our own HR
Lots of food for thought and more! I intend to
review all of our HR metrics following on from
this workshop to analyse and formulate the
Workforce Strategic Plan. I am very hopeful that
there will be useful implementation of many of
the concepts.”
Who should attend?
HR Directors, HR Managers, Senior HR Professionals, and anyone working in
the following areas: workforce planning, organisational development, change
management, career development, succession planning, talent management,
recruitment, HR policies, engagement and retention, etc.
Note. This workshop is typically run in-house and forms part of the Advanced
Version of the Workforce Strategic Plan which includes access to the SSQ tool.
Workshop Details
Times:8:30 am registration for an 8:45 am start, 5:15 pm finish
© Colin Beames 2013
Workshop Program and Modules
Module 1
–– About human capital and its importance;
–– 5 ways to build human capital – a model for enhancing human capital
and performance;
–– The new key focus of strategic HR – integrating and aligning workforce
strategies with the business needs.
Module 2
Capabilities and Competencies
–– Understanding 3 types of capabilities/competencies: (1) differentiating,
(2) organisational and (3) workplace or role;
–– Developing core competencies;
–– Linking critical capabilities and organisational core competencies to roles.
Module 3
Workforce Segmentation and Role Analysis
–– Why traditional job evaluation methodologies and hierarchical workforce
segmentation models are flawed and the adverse implications;
–– 4 universal role categories using a skills’ based workforce segmentation model
based on the 2 dimensions of skills: (1) valuable skills and (2) unique skills;
–– Deciding whether to “make” (i.e., develop in-house) versus “buy”
(i.e., ready made from the market or outsource) employees;
–– One size doesn’t fit all: How to develop differentiated HR policies and practices
for various workforce segments, including performance management, rewards
and remuneration, training and development and career advancement,
recruitment and selection.
Module 4
Brand, Employment Value Propositions
and the Psychological Contract
–– One brand but many Employment Value Propositions (EVPs);
–– The Psychological Contract and its relevance to the EVP or the “deal”;
–– How to profile EVPs (including both the tangibles and intangibles), for
various workforce segments and roles.
–– EVPs and Realistic Job Previews (RJPs).
–– Post recruitment assessment and the Psychological Contract.
Module 5
Reporting Human Capital
–– Understanding the 3 types of human capital data: (1) demographic,
(2) organisational process, and (3) predictive;
–– The People Data Cube and workforce analytics;
–– Calculating the cost of turnover and the skills’ based workforce segmentation
–– Other workforce segmentation considerations.
Module 6
Wrap Up
–– The process for developing a Workforce Strategic Plan.
© Colin Beames 2013