
Vadstena Peace Letter
Jesus: unify the dates Nrof1 Easter.
Appendix (to be published on a website)
The story behind the division of Easter
The miracles of Jerusalem
What is the Rosary?
The Glorious Mysterious for Unity
The icon of the Resurrection - Anastatis - contains many symbols. Background
of gold is eternity the white colour is the symbol for purity and the glory of the
Resurrection. The green fields are symbols of the Reign of Heaven. The Rocky
Mountains are the signs of Holy Spirit who embrace the universe. To the right of
Christ stand King David, King Salomon, and the prophet Elijah. To the left stand
the Just. Jesus grasps Adam and Eve by the arm out from the tomb of dead as
they are the symbols of all humanity destroyed by sin.
1 . May 8 2014, Friends of Tru Life in God, Sweden
Vadstena Peace Letter
Easter date’s history and Christian unity
And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying This
month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the
year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day
thodox Church Easter one week later than
the Western Church. Local initiatives have,
however, been made to bridge . Lay people
in Damascus has been a Catholic and Orthodox church to celebrate a common Easter since 2005.
Paschal meaning is liberation from slavery “Easter “ is a reminder of the Hebrew
word Pesach , meaning mercy or passing.
The people of Israel escaped from the Destroyer, the one who killed all the firstborn
in Egypt. The Jewish Passover rest on this
original .
The Julian and Gregorian calendar
For over 400 years, Eastern and Western
Church has had different calendars, the Julian respectively . Gregorian calendar. This
shatters the Easter celebrations .
The year 2015 celebrates the West Church
Easter on April 5. Eastern Church begins
Easter on April 12. Jew Passover begins
April 4, 2015
When we in the West are celebrating
Christ’s Resurrection is the Eastern Church
in Passion Week. The consequence is it unreasonable to two different Easter celebrations are in the same city worldwide. Jesus
Christ must drink the chalice twice.
In 2008, the difference between Eastern
and Western Church five weeks. In 2007,
coinciding the . In 2006, celebrated the Or-
The Orthodox Church still calculates their
weekends according to the Julian calendar,
and this is echoed in some of the countries
that have been or are orthodox dominated.
Julius Caesar completed year 45 BC, a calendar reform in the Roman Empire that
was based on that one year is 365.25 days.
It was decided that every fourth year is a
leap year with 366 days . This calendar was
in the early Church both East and West.
The Council of Nicaea 325
In 325 was held a synod in Nicaea, which,
among other things decided that Easter
Sunday will fall on the first Sunday after
the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
The Nicene Easter formula meant interpretations of what is the starting point for a
correct calculation of the Easter date. It is
based on the sun’s movement ( spring equinox ) with the lunar motion ( first full moon
) and the week ( the first Sunday ) , three
calendrical elements that have no connection with each other. Here differ east and
west from each other with different dates
for the spring equinox. ( Source: Easter ,
chronology and mathematics by Torbjörn
Tambour , Stockholm University, 2002
The Gregorian calendar in 1582
In the early 1500s had the equinox moved
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Vadstena Peace Letter
as much as ten days, which was noticeable
to everyone. The timing ruled farms time
of sowing .
After an extensive investigation Pope Gregory XIII decided on a major calendar reform implemented in the Catholic part of
the world in 1582 , which became the Gregorian calendar.
This year underscored simply 10 days from
the calendar to October 15 followed directly on October 4. This reform takes place in
the time when the Protestant Reformation
spread across Europe.
Church split East and West 1054, Reformation of 1517 and calendar reform in 1582
depicts a threefold division, which affected
the entire Christian development.
The schism between the World Council
of Churches (WCC)
Various proposals have been brought into
the modern era for a common Easter date
for all Christian churches but they do
not unanimously accepted. The Catholic
Church has once again proposed a general
date , the second Sunday in April. Cardinal
Kasper, the prefect of the pontifical council for Christian unity, has highlighted this
issue to unite Christendom for a common
Easter. Also to celebrate the Passover according to the Eastern Church has been
The difficulties in finding a solution has
been longstanding debate about the astronomical and mathematical correct Easter
time and how the Easter date is entitled to be
calculated instead of arriving at a common
statement in time. One way is the select the
Ortodox Easter because of the orgin time.
there are many Protestant churches in the
WCC . The Catholic Church is not a member but sends representatives to the organization’s meetings.
World Council of Churches is an international ecumenical bodies with over 340
member organizations (churches , religious communities and ecumenical cooperation body ) from over a hundred countries and with about 400 million members.
The World Council was formed in 1948.
The Church Unity and Christianty
In John 17:21 is one of the most central
messages of God’s Oness and Christianity
in Jesus’ words to the disciples.
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they
also may be one in us: that the world
may believe that thou hast sent me.
John 17:21
How much joy would not the Father in
heaven see when the Passover and the
Church became one. We obey God!. So, we
read how Paul suffers for the church in carrying out its mission. In Colossians 1:24 we
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for
you, and fill up that which is behind of
the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for
his body’s sake, which is the church:
Colossians 1:24
Without this device remains the Christian
church split into East and West. Therefore,
it is of such importance.
Most Orthodox churches are members, as
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Vadstena Peace Letter
St. Pope John Paul II
ope John Paul II traveled to the various ecclesiastical families in order to
bring peace and the renewal of the Church.
The picture above is from a meeting with
Patriarch Teoctis in Romania in 1999.
God is the Holy Trinity. There is one
God, who is in three divine persons: the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Pope carried a vision of the Church in the
East and West as two lungs ehich breathing together in one body with two hands together in a prayer. The birth of True Church
in the beginning.
Former Pope Benedict XVI has continued
mission of unity and forgiveness since his
papacy began in 2005. A dynamic dialogue
began. There is hope for us to tear down
What is unity?
Acorrding to the
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
John 14:10-11
living unit is indivisible into
smaller parts without perishing.
As a living cell with a mission to support the body. In the middle is the the
cell nucleus for renewal.
Our physical body is a unit of life processes and the minds.
The community itself is a social unit
for the common good and wellfaire..
The nature of the planet is an unit.
Believest thou not that I am in the
Father, and the Father in me? the words
that I speak unto you I speak not of
myself: but the Father that dwelleth in
me, he doeth the works.
Believe me that I am in the Father, and
the Father in me: or else believe me for
the very works’ sake.
The Church’s unity with Christ as the
head of the miraculous body.
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The Orthodox Easter - Easter miracle in Jerusalem
The Easter miracle in Jerusalem return again the 19 April 2014. At the same time it´s a
common Easter for the whole world. There is a spontaneous light, a shimmering light,
which turns into a flame out of the Jesu´s tomb. Wax candles are lited to the crowd who
then are spread by cars and aireplanes all over the East. A fire that did not consume.
he Miracle of the Holy Fire” by
Christians from the Orthodox
Churches is known as “The greatest of all
Christian miracles”. It takes place every
single year, on the same time, in the same
manner, and on the same spot. No other
miracle is known to occur so regularly
and for such an extensive period of time;
one can read about it in sources as old
as from the eighth Century AD. The miracle happens in the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre in Jerusalem, to millions of
believers the holiest place on earth. The
Church of the Holy Sepulchre itself is an
enigmatic place. Theologians, historians
and archaeologists consider the church to
contain both Golgatha, the little hill on
which Jesus Christ was crucified, as well
as the “new tomb” close to Golgatha that
received his dead body, as one reads in
the Gospels. It is on this same spot that
Christians believe he rose from the dead.
Holy Sepulcher or Revelation Church of
the Holy Sepulcher was built by Constantine the Great in the mid 300’s. It has been
destroyed several times through the centuries, and it was the Crusaders who gave
the church the appearance it has today.
5 . May 8 2014, Friends of Tru Life in God, Sweden
Vadstena Peace Letter
Around the tomb itself, today there is a
small chapel with two rooms - an antechamber and the burial chapel, where
there is room for more than four people
at once. Like a Russian doll, then, there
the great basilica that surround the small
tomb in the chapel, which in turn encloses
itself the flat headstone that distinguishes
Jesus’ death camps. It is the little chapel
that on Easter Eve stands in the center.
One of the Most Famous Ceremonies in the Orthodox Church
The miracle occurs every year on the Orthodox Easter Saturday. There are many
types of Orthodox Christians: Syrian,
Armenian, Russian and Greek Orthodox as well as Copts. In the Holy Sepulchre Church alone there are 7 different
Christian Denominations. The Orthodox
Easter-date is fixed according to the Julian Calendar, and not the usual Western
European Gregorian calendar, which
means that their Easter normally falls on
a different date than the Protestant and
Catholic Easter.
Pilgrims come from all over the world,
the majority from Greece but in recent
years increasing numbers from Russia
and the former Eastern European Countries.
First light miracle occurred in year
126 A.C. Next recognized is the
Passover in 1192
The English historian Gautier Vinisauf is
worthy of special attention. He tells an
interesting detail in connection with the
feast of 1192.
In 1187 had the Saracens took Jerusalem,
led by Sultan Salah ad-Din . 1192 requested the Sultan to attend the festivities, even
though he was not a Christian. Gautier
Vinisauf tells what happened at the time:
“ After his arrival descended the
heavenly light suddenly , and the congregation was deeply moved.
The Christians showed their delight by
praising the greatness of God , whereas
the Saracens believed that the fire, which
they had seen come down, come about
through cheating. Salah ad-Din wanted
to expose the fraud and let the light go
out, as the fire from the sky had lit. But
the lamp blazed up immediately again.
He put it out again, and finally a third
time, but it was lit by itself again. Then
cried the astonished Sultan in prophesied:
‘Alas, soon I may die or lose Jerusalem ! ‘
This prophecy came true, for Salah adDin died in Lent the following year. “
An ecumenical ceremony
There are many different branches of
Orthodox Christianity, and the ceremony
of the Holy Sepulchre participate Syriac,
Armenian, Russian and s church, but
at a date other than the orthodox , and
therefore they are not present at the ceremony.
The date of the Orthodox Easter is determined namely according to the Julian
calendar, and not according to the common, western ecclesiastical Gregorian
calendar. This means that the Orthodox
Easter usually does not coincide with the
Protestant and Catholic .
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Vadstena Peace Letter
The great schism in 1054, mainly for
political reasons.
The East–West Schism is the medieval
division of Chalcedonian Christianity
into Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin)
branches, which later became commonly
known as the Eastern Orthodox Church
and the Roman Catholic Church, respectively. The East–West Schism is one of
the two schisms to which the term “Great
Schism”. The new calender is “a Christian Berliner wall” threating the whole
Cristianity and our future according our
Heavenly messages in our time.
An approach has been made in our time
by John Paul II and then Pope Benedict
XVI. The new Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill is considered to have a significant impact on development .
Despite the schism continued, however,
the united celebration of the light the
miracle. According to the Russian abbot
Daniils description from the 1100s shows
the service traces of both Orthodox and
Catholic elements.
Light Miracles ceremony had a such
strong appeal that both churches come
together to celebrate, even though in all
other aspects they had no communicaton.
The miracle takes place on Easter
On that day, the church is filled with people. If you want a chance to get into the
church, you have to expect to wait in line
for five-six hours. And there are almost
as many people outside the church, for it
is already n over crowded. Pilgrims come
from all over the world - mostly from
Greece, but in recent years more and
more from Russia and Eastern Europe.
Pilgrims equipped with folding chairs
have defied fatigue and sat and watched
all night in the vicinity of the chapel, to
prepare themselves in prayer and to be so
close to the burial chapel as possible.
From around 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM the
Christian Arabs sing traditional songs
with loud voices. These songs date back
to the Turkish occupation of Jerusalem in
the 13th Century, a period in which the
Christians were not allowed to sing their
songs anywhere but in the Churches.
“We are the Christians, this we have
been for centuries and this we shall be
for ever and ever. Amen!”
They sing at the top of their voices accompanied by the sound of drums. The
drum-players sit on the shoulders of others who ferociously dance around the
Sepulchre Chapel.
But at 1:00 PM the songs fade out and
after there is silence, a tense and loaded
silence electrified by the anticipation of
the great manifestation of the Power of
God that all are about to witness.
At 1:00 PM a delegation of the local authorities elbows through the crowds. Even
though these officials are not Christian,
they are part of the ceremonies. In the
times of the Turkish occupation of Palestine they were Moslem Turks; today they
are Israelis. For centuries the presence of
these officials has been an integrated part
of the ceremony. Their function is to represent the Romans in the time of Jesus.
The Gospels speak of Romans that went
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to seal the tomb of Jesus, so his disciples
would not steal his body and claim he
had risen.
In the same way the Israeli authorities on
this Easter Saturday come and seal the
tomb with wax. Before they seal the door
it is customary that they enter the tomb to
check for any hidden source of fire, which
could produce the miracle through fraud.
Just as the Romans were to guarantee
that there was no manipulation after the
death of Jesus, likewise the Israeli Local
Authorities are to guarantee that there be
no trickery in 1998.
The Testimony of the Patriarch Diadoros oh Jerusalem
When the tomb has been checked and
sealed, the whole Church chants the
Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy).
At 1:45 PM the Patriarch enters the scene.
In the wake of a large procession he encircles the Tomb three times, whereupon he is stripped of his royal liturgical
vestments, carrying only his white alba,
a sign of humility in front of the great
potent of God, to which he is about to be
the key witness. All the oil lamps have
been blown out the preceding night, and
now all remains of artificial light are extinguished, so that most of the Church is
enveloped in darkness.
With two big candles the patriarch enters
the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre — first
into the small room in front of the tomb
and from there into the tomb itself.
It is not possible to follow the events inside the tomb, so I asked the patriarch of
Jerusalem, Diodorus, about the center of
the events.
Patriarch of Jerusalem, Diodorus
has reveald the Holy the events.
“I enter the tomb and kneel in holy
fear in front of the place where Christ
lay after his death and where he rose
again from the dead. Praying in the
Holy Sepulchre in itself is for me always a very holy moment in a very holy
It is from here that he rose again
in glory, and it is from there that he
spread his light to the world. John the
Evangelist writes in the first chapter of
his gospel that Jesus is the light of the
Kneeling in front of the place where
he rose from the dead, we are brought
within the immediate closeness of his
glorious resurrection. Catholics and
Protestants call this Church “The
Church of the Holy Sepulchre”.
The Resurrection of Christ for us Orthodox is the center of our faith. In his
resurrection Christ has gained the final victory over death, not just his own
death but the death of all those who
will stay close to him.
“I believe it to be no coincidence that
the Holy Fire comes on exactly this
spot. In Matthew 28:3, it says that
when Christ rose from the dead, an angel came, dressed all in a fearful light.
I believe that the striking light that enveloped the angel at the Lord’s resurrection is the same light that appears
miraculously every Easter Saturday.
Christ wants to remind us that his resurrection is a reality and not just a
myth; he really came to the world in
order to give the necessary sacrifice
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Vadstena Peace Letter
through his death and resurrection so
that man could be re-united with his creator.
Blue Light
From the core of the very stone on which
Jesus lay an indefinable light pours forth.
It usually has a blue tint, but the color
may change and take many different
hues. It cannot be described in human
terms. The light rises out of the stone as
mist may rise out of a lake — it almost
looks as if the stone is covered by a moist
cloud, but it is light. This light each year
behaves differently. Sometimes it covers just the stone, while other times it
gives light to the whole sepulchre, so that
people who stand outside the tomb and
look into it will see it filled with light. The
light does not burn — I have never had
my beard burnt in all the sixteen years
I have been Patriarch in Jerusalem and
have received the Holy Fire. The light is
of a different consistency than normal
fire that burns in an oil lamp.
“At a certain point the light rises and
forms a column in which the fire is of a
different nature, so that I am able to light
my candles from it. When I thus have received the flame on my candles, I go out
and give the fire first to the Armenian Patriarch and then to the Coptic. Hereafter
I give the flame to all people present in
the Church.”
The Symbolic Meaning of the Miracle
The patriarch of Jerusalem, Diodorus
“The miracle touches me just as deeply
every single year. Every time it is an-
other step towards conversion for me.
For me personally it is of great comfort
to consider Christ’s faithfulness towards
us, which he displays by giving us the
holy flame every year in spite of our human frailties and failures. We experience
many wonders in our Churches, and miracles are nothing strange to us. It happens often that icons cry, when Heaven
wants to display its closeness to us; also
we have saints, to whom God gives many
spiritual gifts. But none of these miracles
have such a penetrating and symbolic
meaning for us as the miracle of the Holy
Fire. The miracle is almost like a sacrament. It makes the resurrection of Christ
present to us as if he had died only a few
years ago.”
“The miracle touches me just as deeply
The miracle is almost like a sacrament. It
makes the resurrection of Christ present
to us as if he had died only a few years
When the Patriarch comes out with the
two candles lit and shinning brightly in
the darkness, a roar of jubilee resounds
in the Church, comparable only to a goal
at a soccer-match.
No consuming fire
It is no ordinary fire devouring. It burns
no hands or beard. Then the patriarch out
kyrakn and light the candles for all pending and pilgrims. Where it grows into a
sea of ​​candle flames in a cheering crowd.
The light is then spread on with flights to
other Orthodox countries.
Unknown in the West
One can ask the question why the Miracle of the Holy Fire is hardly known in
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Western Europe.
In the
Protestant areas
it may to a certain extent be explained
by the fact that there is no real tradition
for miracles; people don’t really know in
which box to place the miracles, and they
don’t take up much space in newspapers.
But in the Catholic tradition there is vast
interest for miracles. Thus, why is it not
more known?
For this it only one explanation suffices: Church politics. Only the Orthodox Churches attend the ceremony
A sign for truth, trust och joy
Light miracle should be perceived as a
source of faith och joy and the way to a
Charles Bosseron Chambers(1882-1964) an
American artist of religous theme, created
this beautiful art of the Virgin Mary, where she
holds the rosary and implore us to pray the
The Secret of the Rosary
“Someone who says his Rosary alone only
gains the merit of one Rosary but if he
says it together with thirty other people,
he gains the merits of thirty Rosaries.
How profitable and advantageous is the
law of public prayer.”- St Louis Maria de
reunion. God
us the Church
Meinardus, Otto. The Ceremony of the Holy
is risen
all. Bulletin de
Fire in the He
la Société d’Archéologie Copte, 16, 1961-2.
Klameth, Dr. Gustav. Das Karsamstagsfeuerwunder der heiligen Grabeskirche. Wien,
10 . May 8 2014, Friends of Tru Life in God, Sweden
Vadstena Peace Letter
What is the Rosary ?
The entire 1200s is full of conflicts through the
Crusades, hitting on both Muslims and Jews.
The Christian community is in danger.
The world today is still suffering from a spiritual disease of greed and materialism.
Virgin Mary appearing to the Spanish priest
Dominic , founder of the Dominican order in
1216 , and bringing him the Rosery
He had the mission of spreading it to prevent
the evil that comes into Europe through false
doctrines. The greeting words comes from the
Angel Gabriel and Elisabeth to give birth to
John the Baptist.
The Rosary is a prayer for protection.
A prayer for help as from a friend. A prayer
around the gospel and Christ’s mysteries on
earth to redeem us. A prayer to the devotion of
the Mother of God .
The origin is the rosary with ambers as bullets.
The Swedish word “Rosenkrans” is a corruption of ravband, which is orgin since 1668.
“Rav” means amber in Old Norse - a material
that was common in the orgin rosaries. They became later consits of beads and pearls
Rosary serves as a kind of memory.
Each bead represents a prayer and all fifty small
beads summarizes a series of events in Jesus’
and Mary’s life ( = the whole gospel synthesis)
Would the people around the world pray the
Rosary , the earth would be released from
evil powers. It has Our Lays said at Fatima
in 1917.
Rosary is an extremely powerful spiritual
The ordination of all nations, especially when
Russia , the U.S. and European countries.
La Salette in 1846 as popes have approved. Fatima in 1917 contains Gods
plan to Salvation.
Our time is predicted as the climate change and
social upheaval, crises in the Church and Chris-
Queen of Peace. Marian Apparation
in Medjurgorje since 1981 is a Fullfillment of all Marian Apperations.
Mir, Mir Mir. Peace. Peace, Peace. Peace
in our hearts, families and between Nations
All people should be part of a prayer group ..
Dear children, “All II people should
be part of a prayer group
Dear children Without prayer there
is no peace.
Prayer groups are the hope of the
ChurchEvery parish should have
prayer group
“Prayer groups are the hope of the
Church and the world
It is a call to all of us us to be the the Marian
Army in the last Battle with The Dragon. The
Last Apostelles in the age of the Queen of Peace.
Satan will be defeated by one who obtains everything by simply praying. Our Lady said on
11 . May 8 2014, Friends of Tru Life in God, Sweden
Vadstena Peace Letter
August 31,1982:
“...I receive from God what I obtain through
prayer. God has placed His complete trust in
September 4,1986 ‘
...satan is lurking for each individual...
‘... in a great plan for the
salvation of
The Appartion in Medjugorje will be the last
on earth!!
The theme of the Rosary
Joyful Mysteries
Our Lady will defeat satan with the
help of those consecrated to Her, all of
whom are helpless without God’s grace.
1. Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38)
This will be a most crushing defeat for satan:
being defeated by the meek, the humble. It will
be a great horror to the devil, who is the essence
of pride, to be defeated by one who is the essence of humility.
3. Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-21)
History has foretold the future: David and Goliath. These results show what Our Lady and we,
helpless creatures, can do against satan.
It will be a great victory for God and a great
joy for those who fervently try to live Our
Lady’s messages..
2. Marie visits Elisabeth
(Luke 1:39)
4. The Presentation in the Temple
(Luke 2:22-36)
5. The finding of Jesus in the Temple
(Luke 2:41-52)
The Luminous Mysteries
Our Lady is guiding us from Medjugorje: January 25, 1987
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1. Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan
Rivet (Matthew 3:13-16)
2. Chrisfs first Miracle at the Wedding
at Cana (Jn2:1-11)
Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:51-57)
5. The Coronation of Mary as Queen of
Heaven (Revelation 12:1-2)
3. Christ’s Proclaiming the Coming of
the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:1)The
Luminous Mysteries
4. Christ’s Proclaiming the Coming of
the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:1)
5. Christ’s Proclaiming the Corning of
the Kingdom of God
(Matthew 17:1-8)
6. Establishment of the Eucharist
(Matthew 26)
The Sorrowful Mysteries
1. Jesus recalls the Agony
(Matthew 26:36-56) 2. The Scourging of Jesus at Pilate’s
Court (Matthew 27:26) 3. Jesus Dictates His Passion (Matthew
27:27-31) 4. Jesus Carries His Cross Toward Calvary (Matthew 27:32) 5. Jesus Is Crucified and Dies on the
Cross (Matthew 27:33-56) Glorious Mysteries : 1. The Resurrection of Jesus Jn 20:1-29
2. The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
(Luke 24:36-53) 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts
2:1-41) 4. The Assumption of Mary into
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of all nations and peoples through Jesus Christ sacred wounds.
A Rosary for Unity
We begin with silent recollection to bring
ourselves into the awareness of God’s
Holy Presence. We into our hearts asking Him to unite our spirit with His Holy
Spirit thus enabling us to truly pray from
the heart. In unison, we open our prayer
meeting with the following intentions and
Kissing the Cross.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Mother, we are together in this
seventh hour here around the earth
with all people in order to dedicate
you and your Son this Rosary to complete the Easter unit of Dates as Jesus
wishes so that East and West always
can celebrate the Passover together.
We also pray that the Church in the
East and West will be reunited and
to flourishing as it was in the Early
We pray for all priests, Bishops,
Cardinals, Patriarchs, and the Pope
of Rome and all the Church leaders to
reconciliation, peace and unity to become One in Christ.
We pray to you that we will be
One Christian family in God.
We dedicate our families and parishes to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s
heart and hands for her protection.
We pray for love and peace that the
whole creation will be reconciled and
revives the body of Christ.
Jesus and Mary we love you. Save
souls. Save our souls, we ask humbly.
O Heavenly King, the Advocate the Spirit
of Truth, omnipresent and within everything, the treasure of the simple hearted,
and the giver of life, come, and pitch Your
Tent within us, cleanse us from our stains
and may Your holiness save our souls, O
Most Pure. Amen.
The Apostle’s Creed
The Our Father
Hail Mary (for greater faith, hope &
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with
thee; blessed art thou among women and
blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners now, and at the hour ot our death.
Clory be
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and
to the Holy Spirit As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,world with-
We pray for repentance and healing
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out end. Amen.
Prayer to St. Michael
st- Michael, the Archangel, defend us in
the Day of Battle, be our safeguard against
the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke Him we humbly pray.
And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly
Höst, by thePower of God, cast into hell
Satan, and all the other evil spirits who
prowl through the world seeking the ruin
of souls. Amen.
The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Meditations from True Life in God
1. The Resurrection (Mt 28.1-15 ;
Mk 16.1-18 ; Lk 24.1-12 ; Jn 20.128)
“Lord of lords, unction of our soul, Light
thrice holy, You deified Your divine Body
while on earth through Your Resurrection, turning It spiritual and incorruptible; You conquered all material things
of the earth; You triumphed over Death;
You created a Revelation1 for all eternity;
Lover of mankind, You are the living God
who gave us Your Bride2 in which She
upholds the Truth and keeps it safe; ah,
Light thrice holy, You were made visible
in flesh, to show us the Father; the Father
who is in You and that You are in Him;’…”
On the single bead: Our Father
On the next ten beads: Hail Mary (10
Recite each prayer once: Glory be.
O, my Jesus. I pray for those whom
You love, but know not how to love
You; may they be purified and healed,
so that they too be exempt from all
evil. Amen.
Jesus, my
only love, I pray for those
whom You love, but know not how
to love You; may they be purified and
healed, so that they too be exempt
from all evil. Amen.
2. The Ascension (Lk 24.39-53 ; Mk
16.19-20 ; Ac 1.6-9)
“Stay loyal to Me and yearn for all that
is Me to efface all that is you; annihilate
all that is you by absorbing all that is Me
pray for the conversion of souls, pray for
peace, love and unity, remember, My Love
is Infinite, a Love no man can understand
fully on earth. I bless you, turn to Me and
bless Me” (20.7.90)
Repeat red
3. Pentecost (Ac 1.14 - 2.47)
“My Holy Spirit repetitively uttered sayings to all of you sweeter than honey even
than honey that drips from the comb; I have
been perfuming all the cosmos anointing
all My creation; I have been allowing everyone who wished to know Me, approach
Me and inhale from My Mouth the graces
they need to keep their soul tranquil and
their heart grafted on Me and My Law ...
who could give any soul such tranquility
and freedom, other than My Holy Spirit?
who could lift your soul in the Divine other than My benevolence and the ineffable
condescension of My Love?” (7.8.02)
15 . May 8 2014, Friends of Tru Life in God, Sweden
Vadstena Peace Letter
Repeat red
Hail Holy Queen - Salve Regina
4. The Assumption (Ap 2.11)
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
Our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor bashed children of eve to thee do we send up our
sighs, mourning and weeping in this
valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy
towards us, and after this—our exile—
show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy
womb, Jesus. O element, O loving, O
sweet Virgin Mary.
“My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is united
to Mine, I desire from each one of you the
devotion Her Immaculate Heart deserves,
you see daughter how Our Divine Hearts
are covered by thorns from men who only
show Us ingratitude, sacrilege, lack of
love, it is the whole of their sins. Vassula,
I who is the Word love and respect Her,
I desire you to approach My Mother and
honour Her as I honour Her; I desire that
every knee bends honouring Her, I desire
you to pray the Rosary and Hail your Holy
Mother, I want you to repair your sins,
asking Her to teach you” (25.1.88)
Repeat red
5. The Coronation of Mary in Heaven (Ap 12.1 )
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the
promises of Christ. Amen.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“...She is the Queen of Heaven, She is My
Mother and your Mother, the loveliest of
women, beautiful as Heaven, radiant as
My Glory, unique in Her Perfection, the
Delight of My Soul, She is the Woman
with the twelve stars on Her Head for a
crown, the Vessel of My Glory, a Reflection of My Eternal Light; She is the One
whose Presence in My Courts outshines
all the constellations put together; She is
the Vessel of the True Light, The Word,
made flesh, and who lived among you”
“look, not only have I assigned Her as the
Queen of My Angels and My creatures
but I have assigned Her to be My Throne;”
Repeat red
16 . May 8 2014, Friends of Tru Life in God, Sweden