
Volume 24 No. 1
Western New York Walk to Emmaus & Chrysalis
January 2014
It is a joy to report that the sponsors for the
Women’s Walk # 45 should be proud of themselves for having the most on-time registrations
to us of recent Walks. Everyone connected
with the Walks thanks you!
Yes, on time registrations matter in too many ways
to list here. It’s not just the registrars who must
wait for the registrations to arrive before doing
their respective jobs. Every job description has a
connection to the number of pilgrims registered
and the unique needs of each group of pilgrims.
Addressing special diet restrictions, sleeping needs,
medical issues, etc., are just a few examples of
things needing attention.
Please keep the thought in mind that your prompt
registrations are important in so many ways. And early
registrations are even better! J Thank you.
May your Christmases be blessed and may 2014
Bring many more pilgrims into the Emmaus Community.
De Colores!
Will and Carolyn Rickman
Men’s Walk #46
MARCH 13-16
“And behold, the star that they had
seen when it rose went before
them until it came to rest over the
place where the child was. 10
When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great
joy.11And going into the house
they saw the child with Mary his
other, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their
treasures, they offered him gifts,
god and frankincense and myrrh.
Luke 2:9-11
Women’s Walk #46
Deadline for February Rainbow Connection January 15
Thank you for your service
The Western New York Walk to Emmaus Board would like to extend their
thanks and appreciation to the following people for their time of service on
the board. We are grateful that you have given of your time and gifts to the
Walk to Emmaus community these past three years. We extend a warm
welcome to those whom God has brought forth to fill these positions. We
look forward to working with and learning from you as God uses Walk to
Emmaus to extend His Kingdom in Western New York and beyond.
Term Completed
Starting new term
Treasurers —
Duane and Anita Domes
Paul and Mary Kay Williams
Kitchen --
Bill and Geniece Perkins
Darrell Rublee
Dan Benjamin
Chris Klimecko
Kathy Wessel
Kathie Woika
Chrysalis-Kathy Weil
Clergy-Joan Zimmerman
accepted a full three year term.
Cherie Trabert
Pastor Joan just completed and one year term and has graciously
I am Kathy Wessel and my term as Secretary for Board is ending. I would like to thank everyone for all
the help and support that has been given to me during my term, and for this opportunity to serve. Our
new Board Secretary will be Kathie Woika. Kathie has served Emmaus and Chrysalis in many capacities
and this is not her first time on the Board. I know she will do an outstanding job. I would ask each of
you to keep her and the entire Board in prayer as they begin a new year doing God's work. DeColores!
Evangelism Opportunity
On January 26, 2014 a group from Western New York Walk to Emmaus community
will be traveling to the Toronto Methodist Chinese Church in Toronto. That afternoon
we plan on meeting with a group of people from that church who are very interested in going on a
walk this spring. We will be sharing our experience of how Emmaus has change and enriched our
lives. We will answer any questions or concerns they may have about Emmaus. If you are interested in coming along and sharing your experience please contact Jim and Lora Keiper or Vern and
Judy Heiler. What an exciting opportunity to sponsor a fellow brother or sister in Christ. We really
hope you pray over this and if you feel a nudge from God come along and be blessed by this opportunity.
Prayer Chain Coordinator
The celebration of a new year always seems to be connected with resolutions. It seems like
we all make them, only to forget about them before the new calendar flips over to February. I would like to
suggest an option for each of us - to pray more. As a person honored to lift others up to God in prayer, I
can vouch for the fact that you will feel better when you pray for others. As the recipient of others' prayers,
especially in the past year, I can also vouch for God's answering of those prayers. I don't know how to explain it, other than to say that I can physically feel people praying for me at times. There is NO better feeling
than knowing God is with me during my tough times. The struggles right now with my daughter were never
in my parenthood dreams or plans, but knowing that to God, all of this is history and knowing it will work
out for His glory, carries me through.
Part of Western New York's Emmaus' Fourth Day, is something called the "Prayer Chain". It is an
email-based prayer service where any Emmaus member can submit a prayer request, whether it is for themselves or someone else. People willing to pray for others are called "links" in the Chain. You submit your
name and email address to me and you become a link in the chain. When new prayer requests or updates to
existing prayers are submitted, an email is sent to all the links.
New King James translation of the Bible has the words "pray" and "prayer" 245 times. Seems like
God wants us to pray. Won't you consider becoming a link in a chain and be obedient to God by lifting others up in prayer? I promise you it is rewarding not only for you, but for those being lifted up.
Contact me via email at [email protected] or calling my home number (leave a message if I
don't answer as I work crazy hours!) at 585-633-2812.
May God bless you and may our New Year be happy and healthy!
Nancy Grierson
Dear Emmaus Family,
Our daughter, Julia has been studying in England since September and when she first left it
seemed like a long time before December would arrive and she would return. We have corresponded through email and have skyped with her twice. Truly, not the same as talking on the
phone, or better yet sitting down together and enjoying each other’s company. So we have lived
in anticipation of our reunion. As we thought about this we wondered if we were anticipating
the celebration of birth of our Savior Jesus as much as the return of Julia. Do we have our priorities correct? Are we too worried about presents for our family? Are the Christmas cards addressed and sent out? Is the Christmas tree up and cookies baked? Where we live we don’t
have to wonder if we’ll have a white Christmas! All those things pressing into our minds
should be shoved aside. We need to take the time to be still and remember that Jesus is coming. Our Saviors birth is almost here. What an awesome thing to be able to celebrate! Are you
filled with anticipation of this coming celebration or have you too gotten side tracked by the
whirlwind of the commercial Christmas? We encourage you to take time to be quiet and reflect
on the most anticipated precious gift ever given—God’s Son. Oh, by the way, Julia returns on
Christmas Eve so we have two wonderful things to anticipate that night. We are looking forward to having our family altogether again so we can celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas
day. We wish you all a Christ filled Christmas and a New Year filled with God’s abundance
and joy.
Jim and Lora Keiper
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given . . . (Isaiah 9:6)
The team selections for Walks #46 will be completed shortly. We need to continue praying for the team
selection process. Start looking at who you will be sponsoring and get the applications in early. We should
be able to fill all the openings, there are a lot of good Christians out there who would grow in God’s Love.
We have agape placemats and napkins. We will have them at various events for you to take and decorate.
Each set walks takes approximately seven hundred decorated napkins and placemats. Again, pray for the
team selection and the future pilgrims. Pray without ceasing.
72 Hour Prayer Vigil
De Colores Rich and Nancy Preston, Agape Chairs
Facilities are excited about the Spring Walks in Akron and hope
you are all praying for the team and pilgrim's to be. Merry Christmas
and a Healthy New Year.
Bob and Trudie Slocum
Greetings from the Musicians Corner
It’s finally here and God has seen us through. I am not referring to 2013, though that is also true. I am talking about my term as Musician’s Board Rep. It has been an amazing experience and as is always true when
doing God’s work I received much more than I gave. I would like to thank all those who mentored, managed, assisted and supported me these last three years. You’ve been such a blessing to me and my family.
The WNY Emmaus / Chrysalis community is awesome and I feel truly blessed to have had an opportunity
to serve my brothers and sister in Christ in and through this community. Thank you so very much.
I think I just heard the music playing like on those awards shows, so I will move on to the important news.
I am pleased to announce that Chris Klimecko has agreed to serve as our next Musician’s Board rep. Besides being an incredible guitarist, Chris brings pastoral and mission mindedness to the position. Based
upon this I am confident the Emmaus – Chrysalis community is in good hands. Please join me in welcoming
Chris to the Board.
God Bless, DeColores and Fly with Christ,
Dan Benjamin
“Outgoing” Music Chair
Women’s Walk #46 Teaming
Dates & Locations
#1 January 25, 2014
#2 February 28 &
#3 March 21 & 22, 2014
Penfield UMC
March 1, 2014
Akron UMC
Medina UMC
Gathering Schedules, Times, Locations, & Leader Contact Information
Alexander: Alexander UMC -
Kendall: Kendall UMC,
West Bank: Greece UMC -
3rd Saturday of month
7 p.m. - Meeting (Child care as
1808 Kendall Road - 2nd Friday of
2nd Saturday of the month
the month; 6:30 p.m. - Meeting
Bob Neamon
[email protected]
8:30 a.m. - Continental breakfast
9 a.m. - Meeting (Call ahead for child
[email protected]
Bob & Trudy Slocum 585-659-8445
Sonia Ingle - Child care contact
Medina/Millville: Millville UMC Second Friday of the month
Buffalo: New Hope UMC
7 p.m. - Meeting
2846 Seneca St., West Seneca -
Jesse & Cheryl Babcock
[email protected]
3rd Saturday of the month
9:30 a.m.- Meeting
[email protected]
Will & Carolyn Rickman
Pat Corsette 716-826-6840
[email protected]
Napoli: Little Valley UMC 4th Monday of the month
Enchanted Mountain (Olean):
Christ UMC lounge
7 p.m. - Meeting
1st Wednesday of the month
7-8:30 p.m. - Meeting Mike or Jan
Mortimer *** 716-373-2237
[email protected]
Bill & Geniece Perkins
[email protected]
Six Emmaus/Chrysalis:
Middleport UMC
Hamburg/Buffalo Southtowns:
Hamburg UMC 116 Union St., Parlor - 6 Park Ave. (at South Vernon) 3rd Tuesday of the month
2nd Sunday of the month; 6PM
7 p.m. - Meeting
Stephen & Pat Morse
Jerry & Caroline Schneggenburger
[email protected]
[email protected]
Honeoye Falls:
Springville: Springville UMC - 3rd
Saturday of month
Honeoye Falls UMC 31 East St
9:30 a.m. - Meeting
Honeoye Falls NY 14472
Duane & Anita Domes
2nd Sunday of the month
6:30 PM
[email protected]
Darrell Rublee
[email protected]
Men's Walk #46
Teaming Dates:
January 11, 2014
Indian Falls UMC
February 7/8, 2014
Alexander UMC
February 28 & March 1,
2014 Akron UMC
Friday December 20th
Please notify Barb Swanson
at 585-261-7407 or
[email protected]. If you have
moved, changed phone number or email address. If you have moved to college, graduated from college, OR if you have a name
change (gotten married?)
Emmaus Board Meeting
at Trinity UMC 6:30 PM**
Note time change for Dec
Friday January 17th
Monday January 6, 2014
Chrysalis Board Meeting
January 26, 2014 Evangelism trip to
Batavia 1st UMC 7PM
All are welcome
Open to community members
Unsure of community events? Follow community events on Twitter!!!
Term Position
2014 Comm. Lay Dir.
Jim & Lora Keiper
(585) 591-3121
[email protected]
2015 Spiritual Director Rick Koch
(716) 655-4871
[email protected]
2015 4th Day
Mike Quesenberry
(716) 549-4209
[email protected]
2015 Library
Allen & Alethia Keiper
(585) 591-0502
[email protected]
2015 Newsletter
Barbara Swanson
(585) 261-7407
[email protected]
2015 Supplies
Jeff & Char Smith
(585) 798-3831
[email protected]
[email protected]
2015 Community
Ron & Alice Alsworth
2016 Clergy
Joan Zimmerman
2016 Kitchen
Darrell Rublee
2016 Music
Chris Klimecko
2016 Secretary
(585) 593-1205
[email protected]
[email protected]
(585) 721-7237
[email protected]
Kathie Woika
(585) 343-3813
[email protected]
2016 Treasurer
Paul & Mary Kay Williams
(716) 942-3872
2014 Agape
Rich & Nancy Preston
(716) 942-6651
[email protected]
2014 Clergy
Renee Engels
(716) 683-2014
[email protected]
2014 Evangelism
Vern & Judy Heiler
(716) 992-4557
[email protected]
2014 Facilities
Bob & Trudie Slocum
(585) 659-8445
[email protected]
2014 Registration
Will & Carolyn Rickman
(585) 392-9784
[email protected]
2014 Team Selection
Rose Caldwell
(716) 649-3889
[email protected]
2016 Chrysalis
Cherie Trabert
(585) 261-7118
[email protected]
* correction since last
WNY Emmaus Board of Directors
Find us at @wnyemmauschrys
Not on Twitter??? Go to twitter.com to create an account & to sign up to follow Community
events & updates!!
Directions to Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church:
From Rochester & Thruway, Route I-390 South, to Rush/Scottsville Exit. At the exit ramp, turn left onto
Route 15 South. At the next light, turn left onto Route 251 East towards Rush. Turn right at the light in Rush
onto Route 15A South. Follow Route 15A South for about 4 miles, turn left onto Monroe St Honeoye Falls.
Follow Monroe St to the first traffic light. Go straight through the traffic light, across a small bridge, keep
left, church is ahead on the right on the corner of East & Church Streets.
Alternate route from Rochester: Take Route 65 south from Brighton/Pittsford. Follow Route 65 South into
Honeoye Falls. At traffic light, turn left onto East St, go across the small bridge, keep left, church is ahead
on the corner of East St and Church St.
From Victor: Route 444 South to 4-way stop. Turn right onto County Road 41 Boughton Hill Road. Follow
Boughton Hill Road all the way to Honeoye Falls. Boughton Hill Road becomes East St in Honeoye Falls.
Church is on the left on the corner of East and Church streets.
Church Parking: Either on the street, across the street in the high school, or in village parking lots.
Mark your calendars. I look forward to seeing everyone at the first gathering! Musicians still needed..
Darrell Rublee
CHRYSALIS Board of Directors
Lay Director
Cherie Trabert
(585) 261– 7118
[email protected]
Suzanne Perry
(585) 880-6322
[email protected]
Spiritual Director
Dave Wickins
(716) 499-8829
[email protected]
Sue Russell
(585) 591-0148
[email protected]
Bob & Deanna Laurie
(716) 667-7151
[email protected]
Laurie Manzer
(585) 742-3637
[email protected]
Asst Evangelism
Sonia/Karen Ingle
(585) 621-1766*
[email protected]
Joe & Lindsey Peters
(716) 984-3495
[email protected]
Barbara Swanson
(585) 261-7407
[email protected]
Marty Goodenbery
(585) 659-4073
[email protected]
Erich/Vickie Jones
(585) 964-8104
[email protected]
Zina Goodenbery
(585) 659-4073
[email protected]
Next Steps
Chris Collins
(585) 749-3727
[email protected]
Team Selection
Rose Caldwell
(716) 713-9548
[email protected]
Jessica White
(716) 536-1820
[email protected]
John Trowbridge
(585) 347-4834
[email protected]
Emmaus LD
Jim & Lora Keiper
Mary Rublee
(585) 591-3121
(585) 721-7236
[email protected]
[email protected]
B. Swanson
40 Newcomb Dr.
Hilton, NY 14468
Deadline for February Rainbow Connection is January 15