Document 6524870
Document 6524870
Building Information C2-1VL Occupancy allowed: Yes Stories: Parking Requirements: (per City of Los Angeles Municipal Code) 2 Table 12.21 A.4(d)(5) 1 space per housing unit - may be reduced to .5 space / senior unit in accordance with Ordinance No. 179681 amending Sections 12.22, 12.24, 14.00, and 19.01 of the LA Municipal Code (Density Bonus Ordinance) 1 manager unit, 26 senior units 14 spaces required Surface Parking Provided: 1 accessible van space complyies with current requirements 9 standard spaces (existing spaces) 8 compact spaces (existing spaces) 18 total spaces provided Abbreviations & @ CL /CL (E)/(e) (N)/(n) (R) # PL grab bar gypsum wall board gauge galvanized glass ground grade gypsum hose bibb hollow core hollow metal high point hardwood hardware height horizontal hour PAT. PAV. PL. PLAS. PLBG PLYWD. PR. PRCST. PT. PTD. PTN. W/O W/ W. W.C. W.F. W.G. W.O. W.S. WD. WP. WR WSCT. WT. X YD. without with west/washing machine water closet wood floor wire glass where occurs weather-stripping wood waterproof water resistant wainscot weight ELEVATION yard Urban Design 1631 Stanford Street Santa Monica, California 9 0 4 0 4 T 310.829.9176 F 310.829.3254 BID SET BACK CHECK SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION A Elevation number 1 B A6.1 Revisions Sheet number where elevation is drawn 1 A6.1 SECTION PROPERTY LINE (ASSUMED-NOT BASED UPON A SURVEY) Reference or dimension DATUM POINT times or by (2x4) + Circled area shown on large scale detail or elevation Detail number 8 A6.1 DETAIL Sheet number where detail is drawn H 1 KEY NOTE (APPLIES ONLY TO SHEET ON WHICH APPEARS U.O.N.) COLUMN OR GRID NUMBER REFERENCE OR CENTER LINE 1 DOOR TYPE NUMBER 1 D A RCH I SE N A BETH ZIM T IZ E clothes dryer drinking fountain door opening dry standpipe file fire alarm floor drain fire extinguisher fire extinguisher cabinet fire hose cabinet face of concrete face of finish face of studs full size foundation finish floor flashing flexible fluorescent fireproof foot or feet footing furring future QTY. quantity R refrigerator R.D. roof drain R.O. rough opening RAD. radius RCP reflected ceiling plan RECT. rectangular janitor REF. reference janitor closet REINF. reinforcing/reinforced joint REQ./REQ'D required RESIL. resilient kick plate REG. register RM. room low point RUB. rubber laminate lavatory S. south locker S.C. solid core line S.C.D. seat cover dispenser light S.D. soap dispenser S.N.D. sanitary napkin dispenser mirror S.M.S. sheet metal screw metal lath S.N.R. sanitary napkin receptacle masonry opening S.S. stainless steel multi-purpose unit S.V. sheet vinyl machine SCHED. schedule material SECT. section maximum SECUR. security mechanical SH. shelf/shower medicine/medication SHT. sheet membrane SIM. similar manufacturer SPEC. specification manhole SQ. square minimum STAG. staggered mirror STD. standard miscellaneous STL. steel mounted STOR. storage metal STRUC. structural mullion SUSP. suspended SYM. symmetrical/symbol north not in contract T.&G. tongue and groove not to scale T.B. towel bar number T.C. top of curb nominal T.O.C. top of concrete T.O.P. top of parapet overall T.P. top of pavement on center toilet paper dispenser owner furnished-contractor installed T.P.D. T.W. top of wall outside diameter (dim.) TEL. telephone opposite hand TEMP. tempered owner furnished-owner installed THK. thick office THRES. threshold opening TOIL. toilet opposite TRD. tread TYP. typical plastic laminate paper towel dispenser under counter combination paper towel dispenser UC U.O.N. unless otherwise noted & receptacle UNF. unfinished patient UR. urinal paving plate V.C.T. vinyl composition tile plaster V.G. vertical grain plumbing V.I.F. verify in field plywood VENT. ventilation pair VERT. vertical pre-cast VEST. vestibule paint painted WH water heater partition inside diameter (dim.) inch insulation interior intermediate invert Architecture M catch basin cast iron control joint concrete masonry unit cased opening ceramic tile carpet cabinet contractor furnishedcontractor installed cement ceramic chalkboard circulation clean/closet ceiling caulking closet clear column communication concrete conference connection construction continuous continued corridor center countersink east expansion joint electrical panelboard electric water cooler each elevation electrical elevator enclosure engineer entrance equal equipment excavate expansion exposed existing exterior I.D. IN. INSUL. INT. INTER. INV. JAN. J.C. JT. K.P. L.P. LAM. LAV. LKR. LN LT. M. M.L. M.O. M.P.U. MACH. MAT. MAX. MECH. MED. MEMB. MFR. MH. MIN. MIR. MISC. MTD. MTL. MUL. N. N.I.C. N.T.S. NO. or # NOM. O.A. O.C. O-C O.D. OPP. HAND O-O OFF. OPNG. OPP. P.LAM. P.T.D. P.T.D./R Legend A Z Architecture Studio C-15412 9.30.09 E T EC R M AN both sides board bituminous building block blocking beam bottom bedroom double demolish/demolition department detail diameter diagonal dimension dispenser down door downspout drawing drawer INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) 2008 City of Los Angeles Building Code (LABC) based upon the 2007 California Building Code (CBC) 2008 City of Los Angeles Electrical Code 2008 City of Los Angeles Mechanical Code 2008 City of Los Angeles Plumbing Code 2008 City of Los Angeles Fire Code City of Los Angeles Municipal Code as amended through September 30, 2008 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, amended 1988 AT CEM. CER. CHBD. CIRC. CL. CLG. CLKG. CLO. CLR. COL. COMM. CONC. CONF. CONN. CONSTR. CONT. CONT'D. CORR. CTR. CTSK. D D.F. D.O. D.S.P. anchor bolt area drain access panel air conditioning acoustical/acoustic accessible adjacent administration aggregate above finish floor aluminum alternate annunciator approximate architectural asbestos asphalt assistant DBL. DEMO. DEPT. DET. DIA. DIAG. DIM. DISP. DN. DR. D.S. DWG. DWR. E. EXP. JT. E.P. E.W.C. EA. EL. ELEC. ELEV. ENCL. ENGR. ENT. EQ. EQPT. EXC. EXP. EXPO. EXST. EXT. F F.A. F.D. F.E. F.E.C. F.H.C. F.O.C. F.O.F. F.O.S. F.S. FOUND. FIN. FL. FLASH. FLEX. FLUOR. FPRF. FT. FTG. FURR. FUT. G.B. G.W.B. GA. GALV. GL. GND. GR. GYP. H.B. H.C. H.M. H.P. HDWD. HDWE. HGT. HORIZ. HR. copyright 2009 by AZ Architecture Studio ST A.B. A.D. A.P. AC. A/C ACCESS. ADJ. ADMIN. AGGR. A.F.F. ALUM. ALT. ANNUNC. APPROX. ARCH. ASB. ASPH. ASST. B.S. BD. BITUM. BLDG. BLK. BLKG. BM. BOT. BDRM C.B. C.I. C.J. C.M.U. C.O. C.T. CA. CAB. C-C and at centerline existing new remove pound or number property line Cover Sheet HUD letter re: funding/requirements and General Notes General Notes General Notes/Roof Plan & Courtyard Demo Plan Site & Ground Floor Demo & New Second Floor Plan Demo & New Exterior Elevations & Details Enlarged Plans Interior Elevations - Bathrooms Interior Elevations - Kitchens & Details Details Schedules & Details FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Existing Roof & Partial Site Plan Existing Ground Floor & Partial Site Plan Existing Second Floor Plan Structural General Notes and (N) Laundry Room Framing Plan Structural Sections and Details Mechanical Notes, Schedule, Legend & Detail Ground Floor Mechanical Plan Second Floor Mechanical Plan Energy Forms Plumbing Legend, Schedules, General Notes and Details Ground Floor Plumbing Plan Second Floor Plumbing Plan Enlarged Plumbing Plans Electrical Legend, General Notes and Schedules Ground Floor Electrical Plan Second Floor Electrical Plan Enlarged Electrical Plans Enlarged Electrical Plans CITY OF LOS ANGELES RENEWAL DATE OF Project Number C ALI H NI A Zoning: A0.0 A0.1 A0.2 A1.0 A1.1 A1.2 A3.0 A4.0 A5.0 A5.1 A9.0 A10.0 A11.0 A11.1 A11.2 S1.0 S1.1 M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 E1.0 E2.1 E2.2 E3.1 E3.2 OF THE R City of Los Angeles Municipal Code (for Planning and Zoning): REHABILITATION OF EXISTING TWO-STORY COURTYARD APARTMENT BUILDING FOR 27 1-BEDROOM UNITS TOTAL (INCLUDES 1 MANAGER'S UNIT) (EXISTING 28 UNITS TOTAL: 26 1-BEDROOM PLUS 2 STUDIO UNITS) 2 UNITS ACCESSIBLE (UNITS 1 AND 11) IN CONFORMANCE WITH MINIMUM STANDARDS PER UNIFORM FEDERAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS AND THE FAIR HOUSING AMENDMENTS ACT. 1 ADDITIONAL UNIT (UNIT 10) UPGRADED FOR THE HEARING AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED (SEE BELOW FOR DESCRIPTION). ALL OTHER UNITS UPGRADED TO BE AS USABLE AS POSSIBLE FOR SENIORS AND DISABLED. PROJECT SCOPE IS AS INCLUDED IN THE DOCUMENTS AND INCLUDES DEMOLITION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DEMOLITION OF: ALL KITCHENS, BATHROOMS FIXTURES AND CABINETS, FINISHES, PARTITIONS AS REQUIRED FOR THE NEW KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS, LIGHT FIXTURES, WALL HEATERS, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL (HVAC) AND ELECTRICAL PER THOSE DOCUMENTS. DEMOLITION AND REPLACEMENT OF ALL DOORS, ROOF SYSTEM, WINDOWS, FRAMING AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WORK. DEMOLITION AND NEW DOORS AT UNIT CLOSETS. UPGRADE (DEMOLITION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION (2 RAMPS, 1 STAIR/LANDING) PRIMARY PATH OF TRAVEL. NEW COMMON LOUNGE/LAUNDRY, RELOCATED MAILBOXES IN CONFORMANCE WITH LABC. RESURFACE AND RESTRIPE PARKING AREA AND ACCESSIBLE PARKING. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED SIGNAGE IN CONFORMANCE WITH LABC. ALL KITCHEN, LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT IS NEW, O-O. NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. UNIT 10 MODIFICATIONS FOR THE HEARING AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED SHALL INCLUDE INDEPENDENTLY HARD WIRED ELECTRICAL FOR: 1) AN AUTO ILLUMINATED DOOR BELL DEVICE MOUNTED ADJACENT TO THE UNIT ENTRY DOOR WITH VISUAL AND AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION 2) AN AMPLIFIED AND AUTO ILLUMINATED WIRELESS TELEPHONE, MOUNTED AT OR ADJACENT TO EXISTING TELEPHONE WIRING DEVICE AT HEIGHT INDICATED 3) A SOUND AND STROBE SMOKE DETECTOR ALARM DEVICE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 72 AND LABC 907.9.1 AND 907.9.2 4) SUFFICIENT CONTRAST BETWEEN DOOR AND FRAMES AND WALLS 5) KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE ILLUMINATION 6) AN ACCESSIBLE ELECTRICAL OUTLET WITHIN 48" OF A TELEPHONE CONNECTION TO FACILITATE THE USE OF A TEXT TELEPHONE. DEFERRED APPROVALS DESIGN-BUILD UNDER SEPARATE PERMITS BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR: 1) NEW HYDRAULIC 2-STOP ELEVATOR WITH SIDE OPENING DOOR FOR DISABLED PATH OF TRAVEL FOR EXISTING BUILDING. SEPARATE PERMIT WILL INCLUDE ALL STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND EXTERIOR WALLS, ROOF, CANOPY, ETC. FOR ELEVATOR AND 2) NEW STEEL CONCRETE PAN STAIRS, GUARDRAILS AND HANDRAILS HOUSING AUTHORITY LI C E REFERENCE CITY OF LOS ANGELES BUILDING CODE: OCCUPANCY GROUP R-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V-B, NO FIRE SPRINKLERS DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: ORIGINAL BUILDING CIRCA 1959 PER APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING AND FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EXITING: 2 EXIT STAIRS EXISTING TOTAL BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (EXCLUDES EXTERIOR COVERED SPACES): FIRST FLOOR 5,417 SF = 4,987 (E) SF + 430 (N) SF FOR LAUNDRY SECOND FLOOR 7,659 SF TOTAL SF: 13,076 SF PHASE 2 Plan Check Submittal This project is 100% federally-funded (see A0.1 for HUD funding letter) Drawing Index Applicable Codes Project Description ANNE E L Project Address: 461 W. 87th St. Los Angeles, CA 90003 Owner: Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles TRACT: SEVENTY FIFTH STREET TRACT BLOCK: NONE LOT: POR1 PIN: 096A201 23 APN: 6038001902 Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles 461 W. 87th Street Remodel for Low Income Senior Housing FO 08010-06 Client Project Number Vicinity Map Plan Check Number B09LA00134 Project Title 461 W. 87th Street Sheet Title Cover Sheet Scale PROJECT LOCATION Date na 6 March 2009 Sheet Number North W E S A0.0
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