LASER-COM COVER SHEET HOLY SPIRIT - #913060 PHONE # - (714) 963-1811


LASER-COM COVER SHEET HOLY SPIRIT - #913060 PHONE # - (714) 963-1811
HOLY SPIRIT - #913060
PHONE # - (714) 963-1811
FAX/MODEM # - (714) 968-1775
Have a great day!
Saturday, July 2 through
Monday July 4,
in observance of
Independence Day.
Mass on July 4 will be at 9:00 AM.
There will not be a 6:30 AM Mass.
The entire staff of Holy Spirit would like
to wish all of our parishioners a blessed
and safe holiday.
July 3, 2005
Our new Parochial Vicar,
Fr. Joseph Long will begin serving our Parish on
July 1. Please take the
opportunity to greet him after Mass.
Fr. Joseph Long joins us from Blessed
Sacrament Church in Westminster.
We look forward to having him at
Holy Spirit Parish.
Altar Server………………………………………………………………………………………..Joanne Peters, 963-3096
Altar Society……………………………………………………………………………………….Betty Perry, 848-9733
Baptism Class (English)……………1st Wednesday, Parish Center, 7:30 PM…………………..Deacon Bill Cobbett, 963-1811
Baptism Class (Vietnamese)……….2nd Friday, Parish Hall, 7:00 PM ………………………….Deacon Jerry Dao, 963-1811
Bereavement and Education…………………………………………..………………………….Sandra Murray, 842-8486
Blessed Sacrament
Friday, 9:30 AM to 8:45 AM Saturday (Benediction).….....Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617
Charismatic Prayer Group……….. Holy Spirit Parish Center, Room 9, Wednesday, 7:30 PM Joyce Meersman, 545-9077
Catholic Spirit Singles…………….. 3rd Sunday, 1:00 PM, Parish Hall………………………… Jim Roerich, 573-2091
Commentator Coordinator……………………………………………………………………….Rich Skoczylas, 891-0737
Devotions of the Holy Wounds…… 1st Friday following the 9:00 AM Mass……………………Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617
Divine Mercy Prayer Group……… Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Fridays 3:00 PM…………….. Cathy Thomas, 965-3632
24 Hour Exposition of the..………. Monthly, 4th of each month begins after the 6:30 AM Mass
Eucharistic Ministers…………………………………………………………………………….. Joan Kennedy, 968-9860
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Homebound…………………………. Roz Esh, 537-1701
Greeters…………………………………………………………………………………………… Bev White, 963-9275
His Hands………………………….. Board Meeting, 2nd Tuesday, 12 Noon at the Mission…… Genny Victorino, 968-2111
Holy Communion Needed……………………………………………………………………….. Parish Office, 963-1811
Hospitality………………………………………………………………………………………… Bev White, 963-9275
Immaculate Heart………………… 1st Saturday of each month 8:15 AM…………………….. Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617
Of Mary Devotions
followed by the Fatima Rosary
Italian Organization………………. 2nd Thursday, Parish Hall
Knights of Columbus………………2nd Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall……………….….. Herb Baker, 488-2400
Ladi es Knights…………………….. 2nd Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall…………………… Bev White, 963-9275
Lectors……………………………………………………………………………………….……. Rich Skoczylas, 891-0737
Line Dance Group……….…………1st Thursday, 3rd Tuesday, Parish Hall…..………………..Larry Doan, 963-9424
Marriage Preparation Info………..3rd Wednesday, Parish Center, 7:30 PM …...………………Deacon Bill Cobbett, 963-1811
Marriage Prep, Class— “Unitas”…3 times yearly, Parish Center………………………………Deacon Bill Cobbett, 963-1811
Men’s Bible Study………………… Parish Hall, Every Monday, 7:00 AM………….…………. Bob Novielli, 556-8658
Music Ministry…………………………………………………………………………………….Michele McCurdy, 963-1811x124
Our Lady Of Guadalupe…………. 1st Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall…………………… Lyda Luna, 378-5189
RCIA……………………………….. Parish Hall, Every Wednes day, 7:30 PM, July To May…... Roz Esh, 537-1701
Respect Life………………………………………………………………………………………..Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617
Rosary Cenacle……………………. Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Mondays, 7:00 PM………….. Patricia Rensing, 968-5843
Rosary for Peace………………….. Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Sundays, 3:00 PM…………… Roz Esh, 537-1701
Scripture Study……………………. Room 7, Sundays, 1:15 PM,………………………...……...Roz Esh, 537-1701
Scripture Study…………………… Saturdays, please call for location………………………… Roz Esh, 537-1701
Span. Charismatic Prayer Group…Parish Hall, Every Monday 7:00 PM.………..…………… Hortencia Newhouse, 541-0507
Stephen Ministry……………………………………………………………………….………….Harvey Dorren, 841-2988
Tuesday Bible Study………………1:00-2:30 PM, Room 9 in Parish Center……………………Naomi Napoli, 714-842-3967
Vocation Cross……………………………………………………………………………………. Roz Esh, 537-1701
Women’s Bible Study………………Parish Hall, Every Thursday 7:00—8:30 PM……....…….. Ruth Vinson, 549-7750.
Page 3
Laurie Adams
Don Beck *
Herb Baker, Sr.
Theresa Bouchy
Barbara Bradford *
Ann Brown *
Sean Bryan *
Ed Butorac *
Marian Catani *
Karen Charlot *
Joy Chappelle
Ellen Coates
John Colucci
Virginia Conrad *
Steven Cundall *
Kit Dorren
Anita Drouin *
Maria Farrell *
Joanne Giordano *
Diana Good
Lee Heins *
Sherry Hill *
Cindy Hogan
Guy Horrocks
Darlene Jabora *
Dennis Johnson *
Ralph Kazarian *
Lucille Keller *
Jan King
Bryan “Buddy” Kojima *
Casey Lee
Cathy Malloy
Cleo Mariacher *
Dominic Mario
Joyce Meersman
Dan Morgan *
Peggy Murgolo *
Oginia Nasr *
Gloria Neria *
Fr. Joseph Nettekoven
Parker Nguyen *
Maria Theresa Nina*
Leo Nories *
Alison Ouren
Julie Pekarcik
Bill Perez*
Lucy Piampiano *
Katherine Polito
Greg Roscoe
Nicole SantaCruz *
Dorothe Schmidt *
Mary Schulz *
Suzy Skoczylas *
Kiley Sommers
Jim Stewart
John Thomas *
Robert R. Trujillo *
Marlene Volta
Dorothy Willis *
Rest in Peace
Our Parish Community wishes to extend
our sympathy to the family and friends of
Joseph Cuong Pham, Tom Madden,
Betty M. Osborne Robin Land and
those who have died. May their souls and
the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Adoration this month will be on Monday,
July. 4, after the 9:00 AM Mass and will
continue until the 6:30 AM Mass on Tuesday,
July. 5. Come and keep Jesus company for
one hour. Weekly Exposition Fridays from
9:30 AM until Saturdays at 9:00 AM.
July 9
Phuong Khanh Nguyen & Phong Nguyen
Lilia Castaneda & Carlos A. Mojarro
July 16
Joanna Barreda & Stephen Peters
First Reading: Rejoice heartily, O Jerusalem!
For see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10).
I will praise your name for ever, my
king and my God (Psalm 145).
Second Reading: The one who raised Christ
from death will give life to your mortal bodies
also (Romans 8:9, 11-13).
Gospel: Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:2530).
Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a;
Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5;
Mt 10:7-15
Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a;
Mt 10:24-33
Is 55:10-11; Ps 65; Rom 8:18-23;
Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]
Please pray for the safety of
all the men and women
serving overseas.
July 4
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
6:30 AM
9:00 AM `
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
William Walker †
July 5
Josef Stolz †
Harold Wray Jr. †
July 6
Peter Long Nguyen †
Ofelia Daugio †
July 7
Wilbur & Lana Quan †
Teresa Loretta
July 8
Teresa Mau Tran †
Emma Hrydowyj †
July 9
Haruko Weber †
Lore Shirmer †
Clara De Tovar †
July 10
Pope John Paul II †
Pro Populo
For An End Of Abortion
Aurora Serrano †
Maiann & Paul Nguyen &
† Rest in Peace
*A funeral Mass takes precedence.
If your Mass changes, you will be notified.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Page 4
Religious Education Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
9:30 AM—12 Noon, 2:30 PM—5:30 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM—12 Noon,
Sunday: 9:00 AM—11:30 AM
Sr. Anna or Linda: 714-963-7871.
Religious Education
Registration is open
Please check your mail for the R.E. Registration
forms. Register your children now for the new
school year. If you did not get registration forms in
the mail, you can pick them up at the R.E office or
call R.E office at (714) 963-7871.
Baptism classes in English are held on the first
Tuesday of each month from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM in,
the Parish Center.
At the class, parents and godparents will receive
instruction, complete the Baptismal Registration
Form and reserve the church for the date they want.
Parents and godparents must attend a baptism
class and obtain a certificate of completion. They
should plan to attending the class at least two
months before the date when they would like their
child to be baptized.
For more information call Deacon Bill Cobbett at
(714) 963-1811 Ext 122.
There will be a Respect Life Meeting on
Tuesday, July 5 at 7:00 PM, room 7 in Doyle
Hall. We invite anyone interested to attend.
If you have considered joining the
Catholic Faith and wish to learn more
about it, please join our RCIA Inquiry
Classes beginning Wednesday, July 6.
We meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM,
classrooms 1 and 2 in Doyle Hall. Those who wish
to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter
Vigil 2006 will be invited to enter formal preparation
in September. Those who have not been baptized,
those who have been baptized in another Faith Tradition, and Catholics who have not received their First
Eucharist are all invited to join us. For more information, please call Roz Esh at (714) 537-1701.
CYF meetings are held on
Sunday evenings in Doyle Hall.
Summer calendars and Boomers
permission slips are available in the
Parish Office. Please get yours today.
No CYF Meeting, July 3rd. Happy 4th of
July. Have a Save and Sane Holiday.
Kingdom Seekers are now practicing on
Thursdays at 7:00 PM. This is a GREAT
YOUth Ministry event for the Summer.
Please join if you are able.
July 10, we start playing volleyball in the
park behind the Church from 1:00 PM3:00 PM. Please bring your sun screen,
chairs and friends.
We are designing special t-shirts for
everyone who attends YOUth Ministry
events. I need sizes. I want to start
ordering them as soon as possible. Please
email or call the YOUth Ministry Office.
There will be a small charge for the
shirts, but they will be all yours.
For more info, leave a message for
Marianne O’Conner in the
YOUth Ministry Office: 963-7256,
or [email protected].
How many people need just a little of yours or my encouragement?
How many people are happy to hear
you will pray for them? How many people
would like to pray with you and then maybe talk
to you?
HOLY SPIRIT PARISH welcomes you to
consider becoming a STEPHEN MINISTER
who listens and prays but does not counsel.
A Stephen Minister learns the art of listening in a series of classes totaling 50 hours given
in the parish. The time a Stephen Minister commits to helping people is very flexible.
Interested in knowing more? Call Harvey
Dorren, Stephen Leader, at 714-841-2988 or
Roger Stollenwerk, Facilitator at 714-968-3406.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Page 5
Welcome to the newest members
of our Parish,
Baptized in June, 2005
Regular Collection: $ 16,838.50
PSA Pledges: $ 189,487.00
Universal Church Collection: $ 6,789.50
Thank you for your generosity!
Angel Benitez, Miguel Benitez, Aden Eckenwiler,
Maria Fanelli, Joseph Lindner, Quinn Lopez, Noah
Romero, Jacob Verdejo, Amanda Mayer, Angela
Maytorena, Melissa Maytorena,
Please join with the Zacchaeus Welcoming Ministry
in welcoming the new parishioners from Holy Spirit
Church this month. They are:
Mr. Michael J. Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Tautunu Fauese
Ms. Jessica R. Fauese
Mr. & Mrs. John Thibodeaux
Mrs. Janet Louise Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Jason R. Clark
Ms. Carole J. Cherry.
Congratulations to those who were
married in the month of June, 2005!
Laura Nguyen & Duke Nguyen
Britney Nguyen & Kelvin Mai
Daryl Rojsirivat & Kevin Marcelo
Kate Nguyen & Hieu Hoang
Suzette Pinili & Sayan Ray
Ellie Esquivel & David Gonzalez
Kacee Do & Quoc Nguyen
Lisa Ngoc le & Jason Tam Nguyen
July 4: Fourth of July Parade —Main St.,
Huntington Beach
July 10: Help Developmentally Disabled at Mass,
July 12: Business Meeting, Doyle Hall
July 16: Installation & PGK Dinner, Church and
Doyle Hall
July 26: Officers Meeting, Doyle Hall
Become a member of the Knights of Columbus!
Herb Baker: (714) 488-2400 [email protected].
Vocation View
Come to me all you who are weary
and find life burdensome and I
will refresh you. Pray for priests, brothers,
and sisters, for all who offer their lives to be a
sign of Jesus’ refreshing love. Pray for those
who are called to join them in that ministry.
(Matthew 11:25-30). For more information
on vocations, contact Msgr. Will Davis at
(714) 282-3000.
Eucharistic ministers: Group
Photos will be taken after all
Masses on July 9 and 10. For
more information or questions,
please call Joan Kennedy at
(714) 865-5295.
If you have already scheduled your
portrait sitting, great! If not, what
are you waiting for?? There are 2
ways to sign up.
1. Go to the Holy Spirit Web Site at HSCCFV.
ORG and to the left of the picture of the
church, you will see Portrait Scheduling.
Open it and proceed with the easy-to-follow
steps. Just make sure you enter the # in your
group first.
2. You can call the office at (714) 963-1811 and
someone will be happy to sign you up for your
preferred date and time.
Just make sure that you SIGN-UP!!! We want to
see EVERYONE in the directory!
His Hands is in need of paper
bags, new or newly used sheets
and towels.
His Hands Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Phone # (714) 968-2111.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Page 6
The Friends of Mother Cabrini are pleased
to announce that, on July 30, at 10:00 AM,
a 100-year Anniversary Mass will take
place at the Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the
Angels celebrating the arrival of St. Frances Xavier
Cabrini in the State of California. His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony will officiate the concelebrated Mass.
The St. Charles Borromeo Choir, under the direction of
its founder Grammy-nominated Maestro Paul Salamunovich, will provide the music. All are invited to attend.
Presented by: Madeleva Williams,
Two Class Sessions Offered:
Monday, July 11-Friday, July 15, 7:00-9:00 PM,
Monday, July 18-Friday, July 22, 3:00-5:00 PM.
Pay attention to that “Presence” within and all around you
through the visual arts. Use one or more media to reflect
on your experience. Come and have fun! All are invited
regardless of “ability” in the visual arts. St. Joseph Center,
434 S. Batavia St. in the City of Orange. $60 for the week.
For information or to register call:
(714) 744-3175-ext. 4409.“ An artist may not be a special
kind of person, but every person is a special kind of artist.”
Meister Eckhart.
Sertoma is once again offering Deaf
and Hard of Hearing youth (7 to 16 years of age) a week
of Baseball-Softball fun. It will be held from August 1 to
5 at Boysen Park in Anaheim. A special day at Angels’
Stadium is part of the week’s fun. A cap, t-shirt and
lunch are provided. Extended care is provided at the
Boys and Girls Club in Anaheim. Scholarships are available. Volunteers are also being recruited. For further
information, please contact Pat Tucker at (714) 5470824, (714) 547-7316 ttd or fax (714) 558-7103, e-mail
[email protected].
Council of Orange County Society of
St. Vincent de Paul—New Program:
Lights On!
We need volunteers to help people being released
from the central jail during the night, from midnight
until 8:00 AM. There will be basic training offered.
Lights On is operated from a motor home located
next to the jail. The goal is to assist people to move
safely from jail to a safe environment. For more information or comments please call Kathryn at (714)
288-5600, or [email protected].
July 25-29; 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
7 to 12 years old
$45 per child; call for family rate
(714) 557-4538 for information.
All are invited to a free Picnic & Concert
at Sts. Simon & Jude in Huntington Beach
on Sunday, July 3. Picnic, 6:00-7:15 PM,
concert, 7:30 PM in the Church. For more
information, please call (714) 962-3333.
Saint Francis: Troubadour of God’s Peace, an
original one-man drama produced and performed
by Leonardo Defilippis. This professional production will be presented at Sts. Simon & Jude
Church in Huntington Beach, Wednesday, July 6, at
7:00 PM. Free will offering—All are welcome!!
That same evening, 5:45-6:45 PM, there will be a
“Backyard Theology” picnic! Burgers and hot
dogs are provided. Please bring a salad or dessert
to share. For more information, please call Patsi
Wagner at (714) 962-3333.
July 7—Gospel of Saint Matthew with Msgr. John Urell
July 14—Raising Caring Children with Dr. John
July 21—Ecumenism with Fr. John Monestero
July 28—Be Familiar With Your Diocese with Mrs.
Shirl Giacomi, Chancellor Diocese of Orange.
Back yard Theology will be held every Thursday evening
with a potluck supper in the Arbor area at 6:30 PM. The
evening presentation will follow in the Church from 7:30
to 9:00 PM. Don’t miss out!!
Childcare will be provided for children age 3 through 12.
For more information, please contact Sylvia Valdez at
(714) 636-6193 or Jan Hill at email: [email protected].
Have you ever considered a vocation to the religious life? Come to an afternoon reflection entitled “A WELCOME TO THE HOUSE OF OUR
LADY” hosted by the Sisters of the Company of
Mary in Santa Ana, Saturday, July 10, 12:30-5:30 PM.
The day will begin with a BBQ and include time for reflection and sharing. If you would like more information,
please contact Sr. Kathy Schneider, ODN at (714) 5581340 or [email protected].