Facsimile/Email Cover Sheet
Facsimile/Email Cover Sheet
Facsimile/Email Cover Sheet To <customer company> Bloomer Constructions Qld Pty Ltd - Mr Geoffrey Menzies <Fax Number or Email Address or Mailed Date> [email protected] Company <customer address> PO BOX 5480 Alexandra suburb/town> Hills <customer From Locations Officer Subject Dial Before You Dig Enquiry Date <Enquiry created time> 04/06/2012 Response Affected This Transmittal is confidential. If you have received this document in error, please contact APA Group immediately. DBYD Reference: <Enquiry 25296871number> Dear Sir/Madam RE: REQUEST FOR APA GROUP (APA) UNDERGROUND LOCATIONS <Worksite 52 Dibar Staddress> Wynnum <Worksite suburb/town> In response to the above enquiry we wish to confirm that APA do operate underground plant (mains and/or Services) at or in the vicinity of the above address. If works are proposed adjacent to any underground plant operated by APA please ensure compliance with the attached ‘DUTY OF CARE’. Please check that the following map represents the area you requested - if the area is not correct please contact our Locations Officer (contact details at bottom of page). Please find enclosed the following information in support of the above. 1. Location map showing the status of APA underground plant (mains and/or Services) adjacent to the subject site. 2. DUTY OF CARE statement which forms an integral part of any information supplied by APA. Please note that as work on APA underground plant is ongoing any information supplied on their status can only be considered current for one month from the date of issue. For any excavation works, including vacuum excavations, an “Authority to Work” Permit may need to be required and a Site Watch may need to scheduled. A minimum of 5 business days notice is required to process permit applications. Permit applications can be made by: Post: Permit applications QLD P.O. Box 2229 Mansfield 4122 Fax: (07) 3323 7653 Phone: (07) 3323 7684 though an application will most likely be required Email: [email protected] Charges may apply for Site Watch requests Your sequence number may be requested when making your booking, please have this available when you request either a mains location or site watch. For emergencies or to report damage to pipes please call 1300 763 106. For further enquiries please contact your gas retailer. To find out who your gas retailer is call 1800 657 567. Yours Faithfully Brisbane South Locations Officer APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446 <Enquiry created time> SCALE: DO NOT SCALE REF NO: <Enquiry 04/06/2012 25296871number> As work on APA underground plant is ongoing any drawing with an issue date of more than one month previous can no longer be considered valid. All persons planning civil works on any site are advised to contact APA to confirm location. All underground gas pipelines are the property of APA & are not to be accessed by unauthorised persons. All care is taken with preparation of the drawings & no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. ÕÕ 143-G19 143-F19 143-H19Õ 143-E19 Õ & Õ Õ Õ Õ &Õ & & 143-E20 ¡ 143-H20 4 & & ¹ & 163-E1 163-G1 & & 1 & & & & & 163-E2 163-J1 163-K1 163-J2 163-K2 & & & ¹ & & 163-H1 & & & 4 Õ Õ Õ Õ 143-K20 143-J20 & 163-F1 Õ Õ ¹ 143-G20 143-F20 ÕÕ 143-K19 143-J19 163-F2 163-G2 & & & & && &163-H2 & & & & & & & & & & 163-F3 & & 163-G3 163-H3 & 163-J3 163-K3 163-J4 163-K4 163-E3 & & ¡ & & & & & 163-F4 163-G4 & 163-H4 163-E4 <overview map> ¹ Enquiry: <Enquiry 25296871number> Papersize: A4 & Scale: 1: 6000 <overview scale> 0 0.07km <overview scalebar> Legend <north arrow> Data Source Pipeline Data Copyright APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd, Property Parcels Copyright QLD Government, Background – Copyright OpenStreetMaps, DBYD Dig Location provided by DBYD. This map is created in colour and shall be printed in colour APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the map and does not make any warranty about the data. APT Allgas Energy Pty is not under any liability to the user for any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) which the user may suffer resulting from the use of this map. APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446 40 0. 2/21 1 0 10 DN 1/21 ST .9 33 OD TI OD 90 PE OD PE IN CI 90 PE 3/4 5 4/4 5/70 T ET 6 E RE RE 1/4 S EM 4/70 ST ST R WO 0 .7 90 ST 82 W R TH 19 3/70 163-H1 E DR AN 1. 1/15 T E RE 5 1. 8 46 6/70 3 10 5 12 37 50 63 00 & 1/11 163-G1 DN 2 DN IN CI PE 86 2/70 .5 BA DI 3 1. ST 90 0. 1/70 5 2/15 38 50 63 NA RO 88 .5 2/11 3/15 3/30 5 1. 3/68 22 LD 3/11 T EE & 50 3/26 2/30 R ST 1/3 1 1 DN 0 0. 0 2. PE 90 0 3. 2/26 1/30 1/37 OD 2/68 2/3 1/26 63 92 .8 1/68 AD RO 110 22 2/37 AL NG 94 66 14 16 PE 96 .0 0 0 2. 3/3 3/18 OD ET RE ST ET RE ST 2/18 .5 19 5 2. 97 HS IT ED 9 0. E TR 68 3/14 & RO ET EW DR AN R L NA 5 1. .5 1/18 TR DS BA DI 3/37 2/14 T EE V PE 6 63 1.64 ¹ 39 29 BU VE AL 90 1/14 25 ED RI PE 1/7 72 5 8. 5 2/7 T EN NM 90 OD 18 PE 1 13 D NE A 0 CI OD ET 8 PE ST 90 RE ST IN 3 1. 0 1/12 DN 25 5 DN 15 50 ET DN & 4 PA BE WYNNUM 76 EW M A SH 21 DN RE 5 1. 30 5 1. DN 19 ST SW EM E D RA 0 1. DR 26 R 43 E TR HS T OR BA DN 0 7. 17 DI 80 ET 74 PE AN N BA ST 2 3 DN 15 DO 39 3/7 11 3 ON m .5 A 1. 37 G LI 20 0 Y NR HE 71 2/12 40 OD PEIN DN50 ST 8 DR 1. 3 16 & .1 27 RE ST 2/7 ET 20 29 .3 1/35 4 13 ST 2 6. ET ET RE B 3/27 163-G2 49 12 0 2. .0 56 1 . 24 2/27 3/31 3/36 40 53 0 15 DN 1/27 2/31 CI 16 3/35 55 1/31 44 20 & 5 1. 2/35 57 3/39 59 1/35 0 .8 12 159 61 2. 5 1 DN A DR 163 ET CI O YT RE T 1/43 56 50 28 ST E RE 1 7. ER NT 1/39 2/43 ST ES B 3/43 R 52 BA R PA RY M HA C RA DI 3 DN E 2/39 E AD N HE 50 1. 63 ST 32 63 77 PIN 175 0 Legend CI <Enquiry number> Map Sheet: <stripmap 25296871 1 sheet number> Papersize: A3 T ES 40 15 DN 51 5 64 <stripmap> ET RE 36 D 1. 40 PE 73 PE IN OD 0 N5 60 OD 3 1. ST Scale: 1: 1000 <stripmap scale> 0 0.01km <stripmap scalebar> <north arrow> Map Key: <stripmap key> 1 Data Source Pipeline Data Copyright APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd, Property Parcels Copyright QLD Government, Background – Copyright OpenStreetMaps, DBYD Dig Location provided by DBYD. This map is created in colour and shall be printed in colour APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the map and does not make any warranty about the data. APT Allgas Energy Pty is not under any liability to the user for any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) which the user may suffer resulting from the use of this map. APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446 0 .0 40 163-H2 2/36 51 PE 90 63 1/36 OD 0. 47 & YT 19 8 5. 32 RTR T5E0 S N N OD A DR RE H ES 56 62 0 .0 6 28 R 5 ST AM DE RA PA E AC & 1. ST BA 1. DN DI 50 Y NR 45 6. 15 50 43 6 5. DN HE 41 40 11 2/35 52 1/7 11 6. 3/35 42 EW T 55 3/7 3/12 8 5 1. 38 AN 4. E RE ST 51 CI 34 “DUTY OF CARE” For Everyone Responsibilities When Working in the Vicinity of APA Group Plant Everyone has a legal “Duty of Care” that must be observed, particularly when working in the vicinity of pressurised gas mains plant. Pressurised gas mains plant includes underground metal and plastic pipes, conduits and other associated underground equipment. When discharging this “Duty of Care” in relation to APA Group plant, the following points must be considered: 1. It is the responsibility of the architect, consulting engineer, developer, and head contractor in the project planning stages to design for minimal impact and protection of APA Group plant. APA Group will provide free plans showing the presence of its underground plant to assist at this design stage. 2. It is the constructor’s responsibility to: a) Anticipate and request plans of APA Group plant for a particular location at a reasonable time before construction begins. b) Visually locate APA Group plant by hand digging where construction activities may damage or interfere with APA Group plant. c) Contact APA Group Network Information (see above for details) if APA Group plant is wholly or partly affected by planned construction activities. 3. As the alignment and boundaries of road ways with other properties (and roads within road ways) frequently change, the alignments and boundaries contained within APA Group plans and maps will frequently differ from present alignments and boundaries “on the ground”. Accordingly, in every case where it appears that alignments and boundaries have shifted, or new road ways have been added, the constructor should contact APA Group to obtain confirmation of the actual position of APA Group assets under the road ways. In no case should the constructor rely on statements of third parties in relation to the position of APA Group assets. Important Points to Note – Please Read • Plans and or details provided by APA Group are current for ONE MONTH from the date of dispatch and should be disposed of by shredding or any other secure disposal method after use. • APA Group will provide free plans if an APA Group plant location request is made to Freecall “1100” (Dial Before You Dig – DBYD) and at least 3 business days notice is given. APA Group does not provide information on private underground installations. • APA Group retains copyright in all plans and details provided in connection with your request. • APA Group plans or other details are provided for the use of the applicant, its servants, or agents, and shall not be used for any unauthorised purpose. • APA Group plans are pipe indication diagrams only and indicate the presence of plant in the general vicinity of the geographical area shown. Exact ground cover and alignments cannot be given with any certainty, as such levels can change over time. • On receipt of plans and before commencing excavation work or similar activities near APA Group’s plant, carefully locate this plant first to avoid damage. An “Authority to Work” permit may be required. Vacuum excavations are considered to be excavation and are not permitted without an “Authority to Work” permit and possibly a site watch. • APA Group, its servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or occasioned by the use of plans and or details so supplied to the applicant, its servants and agents, and the applicant agrees to indemnify APA Group against any claim or demand for any such loss or damage. • The constructor is responsible for all plant damages when works commence prior to obtaining APA Group plans, or failure to follow agreed instructions. • APA Group reserves all rights to recover compensation for loss or damage caused by interference or damage, including consequential loss and damages to its gas mains network or other property. Remote Or On-Site Location Advice This service shall be provided at APA Group’s discretion: • • • In response to your request, APA Group provides this site visit, however any markings or pegs placed on the site will be indications of approximate equipment locations only. All markings must be confirmed by careful hand excavation. APA Group may provide either remote over the phone or on-site location advice to assist in the location of APA Group plant, including how to visually locate and protect the plant when excavating. If the constructor is unable to locate APA Group plant within 3.0 m of nominal plan locations, they should arrange with the Network Information for on-site engineering advice. • Where on-site location advice is provided, the constructor is responsible for all hand digging (potholing) to visually locate and expose APA Group plant. APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446 When Working in the Vicinity of APA Group Plant, Please Observe the Following Conditions Records The first step before any excavation commences is to obtain records of APA Group plant in the vicinity of the work. For new work, records should be obtained during the planning and design stage. The records provided by APA Group must be made available to all construction groups on site. Where plant information is transferred to plans for the proposed work, care must be exercised to ensure that important detail is not lost in the process. Location of Gas Mains and Services Examining the records is not sufficient, as reference points may change from the time of installation. Records must also be physically proven when working in close proximity to them. The exact location of plant likely to be affected shall be confirmed by use of an electronic cable and pipe locater followed by careful hand excavation to the level of cover slabs or conduits. Hand excavation must be used in advance of excavators or vacuum excavation. In any case, where any doubt exists with respect to interpretation of gas mains records, APA Group Network Information shall be contacted. For after hours enquiries, APA Group should be contacted using the emergency contact number listed below. An “Authority to Work” permit may be required Warning Tape APA Group gas mains generally have a thin plastic warning tape buried above the pipe – this is not the case when pipe is laid by means of boring or located in conduit. Note: Some gas pipes are known to be buried without warning tape. Hot Work in Proximity to Exposed Gas Pipes and Services The work area shall be certified gas free by an authorised person. Exposed gas pipes shall be protected against the effects of heat by shielding or covering with a suitable material. Heating of exposed plastic pipes is dangerous and shall be avoided at all costs. Excavating Near Gas Mains and Services For all work within 3.0 metres of nominal location, the constructor is required to hand dig (pothole) and expose the plant, hence proving its exact location before work can commence. An “Authority to Work” permit may be required for this type of work. Excavating Parallel to Gas Mains and Services If construction work is parallel to APA Group gas mains, then hand digging (potholing) at least every 4 m is required to establish the location of all gas mains, hence confirming nominal locations before work can commence. Generally, there is no restriction to excavations parallel to APA Group gas mains to a depth not exceeding that of the gas mains. If an excavation exceeds the depth of the gas mains and it is likely that the covers or bedding material around the pipes will move, APA Group shall be contacted. An “Authority to Work” permit will be required for this type of work. Note: Gas mains depths may change suddenly. Excavating Across Gas Mains and Services A minimum clearance of 150 mm above and below and gas mains shall be maintained. A standard clearance between services shall be maintained as set down by the individual authorities. If the width or depth of the excavation is such that the gas mains will be exposed or unsupported, then APA Group shall be contacted to determine whether the gas mains should be taken out of service, or whether they need to be protected or supported. Protective cover strips when removed must be replaced under APA Group supervision. Under no circumstances shall they be omitted to allow separation between APA Group gas mains and other services. An “Authority to Work” permit will be required for this type of work. Heavy Machinery Operation Over Gas Mains and Services Where heavy “Crawler” or “Vibration” type machinery is operated over the top of gas mains, a minimum cover of 750mm to a gas mains must be maintained using load bearing protection whilst the machinery is in operation. An “Authority to Work” permit may be required for this type of work. Directional Boring Near Gas Mains and Services When boring parallel to gas mains, it is essential that trial holes are carefully hand dug at regular intervals to prove the actual location of the conduits/pipes before using boring machinery. Where it is required to bore across the line of gas mains, the actual location of the gas mains shall first be proven by hand digging. A trench shall be excavated one metre from the side of the gas mains where the auger will approach to ensure a minimum clearance of 300mm for gas mains can be maintained. An “Authority to Work” permit may be required for this type of work. Explosives Clearances should be obtained from APA Group’s Network Maintenance Engineer for use of explosives in the vicinity of gas mains. An “Authority to Work” permit will be required for this type of work. Damage Reporting All damage to conduits and pipes must be reported no matter how insignificant the damage appears to be. Even very minor damage to protective coverings can lead to eventual failure through corrosion. Very minor damage to gas mains protective coverings can lead to eventual leaks through plastic degradation and corrosion of metal pipes. All work in the vicinity of damaged plant should cease and the area should be vacated until a clearance to continue work has been obtained from an APA Group officer. APA Group Natural Gas Emergencies South East Queensland & Northern NSW 1300 763 106 Plant Solutions And Assistance If plant location plans or visual location of APA Group plant by hand digging reveals that the location of APA Group plant is situated wholly or partly where the developer or constructor plans to work, then APA Group’s Network Information shall be contacted to arrange for possible engineering solutions. If APA Group relocation or protection works are part of the agreed solution, then payment to APA Group for the cost of this work shall be the responsibility of the principal developer or constructor. APA Group will provide an estimated quotation for work on receipt of the developer’s or constructor’s order number before work proceeds. It will be necessary for the developer or constructor to provide APA Group with a written Work Method Statement for all works in the vicinity of, or involving APA Group plant. This Work Method Statement should form part of the tendering documentation and work instruction. All Work Method Statements shall be approved by APA Group prior to the commencement of site civil works. APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446 HIGH PRESSURE GAS DISTRIBUTION MAINS “AUTHORITY TO WORK” REQUEST N.B. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO WORK SITE ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBURB: ……………………………………………………………………UBD MAP REF:……………… DBYD Enquiry number:………………………………………………… Date of DBYD Enquiry…........................... (Note: Only valid enquiries will be accepted and the currency of DBYD requests will affect your permit period. APA Group’s DBYD requests are valid for one month only. Enquiries may need to be renewed and a new application may be required) COMMENTS:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… BROAD DESCRIPTION OF WORK (please provide any approvals from APA Group related to these works) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT: Class 1. Location Works crossing a high pressure gas mains Class 2. Location Works within 3 metres of a high pressure gas mains Class 3. Location Works involving large excavations that would cause ground movement, vibrations or blasting beyond 3m of a high pressure gas mains Class 4. Location Works within 1m of gas service or connection to industrial gas meter DETAILS OF WORK INVOLVED (Tick Applicable) Change to surface level Boring Proving (locations) Blasting Earthworks Road Construction/Change? Excavation Service crossing (Gas CONNECTION) Vacuum Excavation Other (give details) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Relevant drawings, Block Plans etc, attached Yes No PROPOSED DATES AND TIMES From: Excavation ……… / ………. / 20… ...... am/pm ……… / ………/ 20… ...... am/pm Backfill ……… / ………. / 20… ...... am/pm ……… / ………/ 20… ...... am/pm Insurance Cover – Current Level None To: $5M $10M $20M Other _ APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446 NOTES 1. This Authority to Work applies only to work in the vicinity of the Gas Mains. It does not authorise work near or on the Gas Mains itself. 2. A minimum of 5 business days must be allowed between receipt by APA Group of this Request and a response. However, more time for notification may be necessary. 3. For Class 1 and Class 2 classifications, this application must be accompanied by a detailed sequence of events, outlining all aspects of work involved and work is not permitted until an Authority to Work is issued. 4. For class 1 and 2 locations, APA Group will arrange for an inspector to be on site as necessary during the work. An inspector must be present at all times for works involving excavation within 1m of the Gas Mains. APA Group will advise the requirement for an inspector for other works within 3m of the Gas Mains. 5. The applicant is responsible for any damage resulting from the work and all consequential damages and losses arising from such damage and therefore must insure against every liability of the contractor in respect of or arising out of any loss of life, loss of or damage to property of person (both real and personal), arising out of or in any way connected to this permit. Such insurance must be arranged for an indemnity of not less than $20 Million unless otherwise agreed. Permit Requested By:(print name)……………………………….Signature: …………………….Date …./…./…. Company:…………………………………… Postal Address:..…………………………………………………….. Phone No:………………………… Fax number………………. Email…………………….………………………… Requestors Job Number………………………….. Site Contact Details: Name…………………………………… Site Contact Number………………………………………………………………………………………..……………. Principal Contractors Details(if required)………………………………………………………………………………. Principal Contractors Contact details:…………………………………………………………………………………. Please be advised; Under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995, each work place has an obligation to comply to Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 1997. APA Group brings to your attention Part 17 “Excavations” of the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 1997. Failure to comply to the above regulation may result in APA Group reporting the non-compliance to Workplace Health and Safety as a “Dangerous Event” under Schedule 3 of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995. (Atleast drop this) Office use only Received: Date …/…./…. Site Watch required? Yes/No (please circle) Pipeline Officer: (print name)………………………………………...Signature: …………………………….Date: …/…/…. Further information can be requested via: Post: Permit applications QLD P.O. Box 2229 Mansfield 4122 Fax: (07) 3323 7653 Phone: (07) 3323 7684 though an application will most likely be required Email: [email protected] APT Allgas Energy Pty Ltd z 11 Dividend Street Mansfield z PO Box 2229 Mansfield Qld 4122 z [email protected] z ABN 52 009 656 446