Remaining Unreacted Methacrylate Groups in Resin-Based


Remaining Unreacted Methacrylate Groups in Resin-Based
Remaining Unreacted Methacrylate Groups in Resin-Based
Composite With Respect to Sample Preparation and
Storing Conditions Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Vesna J. Miletic, Ario Santini
Postgraduate Dental Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH3 9HA, United Kingdom
Received 19 November 2007; revised 8 February 2008; accepted 27 March 2008
Published online 27 May 2008 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.31128
Abstract: The aim of this study was to measure degree of conversion (DC) of resin-based
composites (RBCs) using micro-Raman spectroscopy followed by different sample preparation
procedures and storing conditions. Ninety samples of Tetric EvoCeram (Ivoclar Vivadent,
Schaan, Liechtenstein) were prepared in standardized molds and cured with a high powered
LED light-curing unit, bluephase1 (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) for 20 s. Samples
were allocated to eight groups. DC of groups 1 and 2 was recorded without or after polishing.
DC in groups 3 and 4 was recorded from vertically sectioned samples versus ‘‘split’’ samples.
DC in groups 5–8 was recorded after storing samples at room temperature and humidity, in 90
6 2% humidity at 37 6 18C, distilled water at 37 6 18C or buffered incubation medium
(BIM) at 37 6 18C for 24 h. Mean values of DC in polished and unpolished samples were
63.6% (63.2%) and 54.7% (65.2%), respectively (p < 0.0001). There was no significant
difference in DC after sample-sectioning (p > 0.05). Significantly higher DC values were
obtained after storing samples in BIM (76.8% 6 2.1%) than in distilled water (59.7% 6
5.7%), extreme humidity (60.3% 6 3.9%) or in room conditions (63.6% 6 3.2%) (p < 0.001).
DC of an RBC measured by micro-Raman spectroscopy may be affected by differences in
sample preparation and storing conditions, making it difficult to extrapolate data from in vitro
studies into clinically relevant information. ' 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B:
Appl Biomater 87B: 468–474, 2008
Keywords: micro-Raman spectroscopy; degree of conversion; resin-based composites;
adhesive restorations; dental materials
The composition of resin-based composites (RBCs), their
degree of conversion (DC) and reaction kinetics are important parameters determining the loss of mechanical function1 and leaching of components from the RBCs in the
clinical situation.2–4
In particular, the DC of RBCs affects their structure in
terms of mechanical properties as well as chemical stability. As shown in previous studies, DC is never 100%,1,5–7
and when less than optimal, the mechanical properties,
such as wear,1 fracture toughness, flexural modulus, hardness,8 and flexural fatigue,9 are compromised. The leaching
of monomers from restorations, and their diffusion through
intervening dentine, may have a detrimental effect on the
dental pulp.10 Unreacted monomers have been detected in
saliva during the first 24 h after polymerization.11 More-
Correspondence to: V. Miletic (e-mail: [email protected])
' 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
over, the chemical instability of underpolymerized RBCs
leads to accelerated biodegradation due to hydrolysis and
plasticization resulting in the increase of available monomers and oligomers.12
Micro-Raman spectroscopy has been used in dentistry to
identify the mineral component of intact teeth,13–16 teeth
after various treatment modalities,17,18 to determine the polymerization rate of various materials,6,7,19-22 and to investigate tooth tissue/material interfaces.23–26 DC has been
measured by various methods.6,7,22,27–32 Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique without the need for
physical alteration of samples prior to analysis, and therefore, it is a useful tool for studying the DC. However, the
literature search reveals that different preparation procedures
have been used in studies determining DC of RBCs, thus,
making the results difficult to compare (Table I).
The aim of this study was to measure and compare the
DC values of an RBC as affected by different sample preparation procedures and storing conditions. The null hypothesis
was that there would be no significant difference regarding
sample preparation and storage conditions on DC.
TABLE I. Differences in Preparation Procedures
Used in Previous Studies
Not polished
24 h
48 h
Immediate use
Unknown time
Unknown humidity
Room temperature
Unknown temperature
Distilled water
Delbecco’s solution
Storage time
Table II shows the details on the RBC used in this study.
Preparation of Acrylic Molds and RBC Samples
A precision metal rod 5 mm in diameter was placed vertically in a rubber mold 3 3 3 3 6 cm3 and freshly mixed
acrylic was poured round this and cured for 24 h at 558C
and 3 bar pressure. After curing, the metal rod was
removed, leaving an acrylic block with a 5 mm diameter
internal cylinder. Eight such acrylic blocks were made.
From these acrylic blocks, using an Isomet saw (Buehler,
Lake Bluff, IL), 20 standardized acrylic molds 1 mm thick
and 70 molds 2 mm thick were sectioned and polished until
they were exactly 1 mm or 2 mm thick. The dimensions of
acrylic molds were verified using electronic digital calipers
with an accuracy of 60.02 mm per 100 mm reading at 0–
408C and at 20–80% relative humidity (Jade Products,
Rugby, UK).
From these molds, samples of RBC were prepared in the
following manner. The acrylic mold was placed on a glassmixing slab, and filled with the RBC. To standardize the
amount of material in the mold, a constant load was
applied when filling by first placing a Mylar strip (DuPont,
Stevenage, Herts, UK) on top of the material followed by a
metal sheet. A 5 kg weight was used to compress the material into the mold. The RBC was subsequently photopolymerized by a bluephase1 light-curing unit (LCU) (Ivoclar
Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) for 20 s at 1100 mW/cm2.
To achieve a constant distance between the tip of the LCU
and the surface of the RBC during curing, a custom-made
jig was fabricated. Two discs, 10 mm in diameter, were cut
from 1 mm thick plastic sheets. Into the first, a hole was
cut, just smaller than the tip of the LCU and into the second, a hole just larger than the tip of the LCU. The two
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
discs were glued together creating a well with an internal
rim. The tip of the LCU rested on this internal rim and was
maintained at 1 mm from the RBC surface during curing.
The light intensity was verified using the integrated radiometer immediately prior to and after curing. The loading
of the molds and curing of the RBC was done at room temperature and humidity, which were constantly monitored
throughout this procedure using a temperature and humidity
data logger (USB-500 Series Data Logger, Measurement
Computing Corp, Norton, USA) and were always within
the range of 22 6 28C and humidity 45 6 3%. Immediately after curing, the Mylar strip was discarded and samples were randomly allocated to various groups for
appropriate treatment.
After the preparation appropriate to each subgroup, samples were stored in light-proof containers at 22 6 28C for
24 h before micro-Raman spectra were obtained using a
LABRAM 300 (HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Stanmore, Middlesex,
UK) with red argon-ion laser at 632.817 nm. Spatial resolution was 1.5 lm and spectral resolution was 2.5 cm21.
Prior to each session, the micro-Raman spectrometer
was calibrated internally for zero and then, using a silicon
sample, calibrated for coefficient values. Acquisition time
for each spectrum was 20 s with ten accumulations. The
laser beam was focused through a 3100 objective lens
(Olympus UK, London, UK). Labspec 4.18 (HORIBA
Jobin Yvon, Stanmore, Middlesex, UK) is dedicated software for data acquisition and analysis, and has been specially designed by Horiba Jobin Yvon, the manufacturer of
LabRam system. Using this software, ‘‘band fitting’’ can be
accomplished, which allows accurate calculation of peaks
and band positions, the elimination of extraneous peaks,
and the subsequent calculation of peak amplitude, band
width, and integrated areas.
Effect of Polishing. Twenty samples of RBC, 5 mm by
2 mm, were randomly allocated to two subgroups.
Group I was polished according to the following protocol: 240-grit, 600-grit, and 1000-grit silicone carbide
discs in wet conditions, for 30 s each and finished with a
soft cloth with SiO2 solution (Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL)
for 30 s.
Group II was not polished.
TABLE II. Constituents of TetricEvoCeram
(Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein)
Dimethacrylates (including BisGMA)
Barium glass, ytterbium trifluoride, mixed oxide
Prepolymers (copolymer)
Stabilizers, catalysts
Type of RBC: Isofilled, nanofilled.
Filler size: 0.4–0.7 lm, nanofillers \ 100 nm.
% (v/v)
TABLE III. The Composition of the Buffered Incubation
Medium (per mL)
Calcium chloride
Magnesium chloride
Sodium chloride
Potassium chloride
Dibasic sodium phosphate
Three spectral measurements were obtained for both top
and bottom surfaces of each sample. The repeated acquisition of spectra was conducted to analyze the consistency of
spectral features, that is, spectral overlap, particularly in
the ‘‘finger print’’ region and to calculate a mean DC value,
using Labspec 4.18. At the same time, spectra from
uncured material were taken under the same instrumentation parameters.
Effect of Sectioning. Group 1 (Vertical sectioning): Ten
samples of RBC, 5 mm by 2 mm, were used. Each sample
was sectioned vertically on the Isomet saw through its
greatest diameter.
Group 2 (‘‘Split’’ sample technique): The ‘‘split’’ sample
was constructed from two 1 mm molds. One mold was
placed on top of a Mylar strip on a glass mixing slab and
filled with RBC. A second Mylar strip was placed on top
of this and a second mold added, sandwiching the Mylar
strip between the two molds. The second mold was filled
with RBC and the RBC in both molds was simultaneously
cured as previously described.
In Group 1 (‘‘sectioned’’ samples), spectra were taken at
three points within each sample, on top and bottom surfaces and in the middle of the section. In Group 2 (‘‘split’’
samples), spectra were taken on top and bottom surfaces of
both parts of the ‘‘split’’ sample. At the same time, spectra
from uncured material were taken under the same instrumentation parameters.
Values from corresponding regions in both ‘‘sectioned’’
and ‘‘split’’ samples were statistically analyzed, top with
top, bottom with bottom, and middle sectioned with bottom
of the upper ‘‘split’’ sample.
Effect of Different Storing Conditions. Forty samples
of RBC, 5 mm by 2 mm, were used. All samples were polished immediately after curing according to the following
protocol: 240-grit, 600-grit, and 1000-grit silicone carbide
discs in wet conditions, for 30 s each, and finished with
soft cloth with SiO2 solution for 30 s.
Group A was stored at room temperature (22 6 28C)
and (45 6 3%) humidity (63%) for 24 h.
Group B was stored at body temperature (37 6 18C)
and (90 6 2%) humidity for 24 h.
Group C was stored in distilled water at body temperature (37 6 18C) for 24 h.
Group D was stored in a buffered incubation medium
(BIM) (Saliveze , LOT:20266-02, EXP: 2009.08, Wyvern
Medical, Ledbury, UK) at body temperature (37 6 18C) for
24 h. The pH of BIM was monitored before storage of RBC
samples. The composition of BIM is given in Table III.
With all parameters set as previously described, spectra
were obtained from top and bottom surfaces of each sample, after they had been air-dried with a mild stream of air
from a dental syringe, and from uncured material.
Calculation of Degree of Conversion
The DC was calculated according to the formula:
DC ¼ ½1 Rcured =Runcured 3 100
R is the ratio of peak heights at 1640 and 1610 cm21 in
cured and uncured material.
Aliphatic C¼
¼C bonds in cured and uncured samples
corresponded to the 1640 cm21 peak in the micro-Raman
spectrum whilst aromatic C¼
¼C bonds corresponded to the
1610 cm21 peak. Since aromatic bonds do not undergo any
changes during the polymerization process, unlike aliphatic
bonds, the 1610 cm21 peak was used as an internal standard for DC calculations. The complete loss of aliphatic
¼C bonds was not expected, as it has been shown that
the DC of resin-based materials is never 100%.1,5–7
Data were analyzed using nonparametric Mann–Whitney
test and Kruskal–Wallis test (GraphPad InStat, version
3.00, GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA).
Repeated spectra showed consistency and overlapping of
spectral features in the ‘‘finger print’’ region in all groups
of cured and uncured samples.
The mean DC of polished RBC samples was 63.6%
(63.2% SD), whereas mean DC of unpolished material
was found to be 54.7% (65.2%). There was a statistically
significant difference between DC of polished and unpolished samples (p \ 0.0001).
Figure 1 shows mean and SD values for the DC of sectioned versus ‘‘split’’ samples of RBC. Mean DC of sectioned samples were on top 64.5% (64.2%), in the middle
Figure 1. Mean and SD of the degree of conversion of sectioned
vs. ‘split’ samples of Tetric EvoCeram. Legend: A-section top; Bsplit top; C-section middle; D-split middle; E-section bottom; F-split
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
Figure 2. Mean and SD of DC of RBC samples stored in different
storing conditions. Top: (A) 228C, 45% RH; (B) 378C, 90% RH; (C)
378C, distilled H2O; (D) 378C, BIM. Bottom: (E) 228C, 45% RH; (F)
378C, 90% RH; (G) 378C, distilled H2O; (H) 378C, BIM.
58.5% (62.8%), and at the bottom 54.2 (64.4%). Mean
DC of ‘‘split’’ samples were on top 62.7% (61.7%), in the
middle 57.8% (62.3%), and at the bottom 53.8% (63.3%).
There was no statistically significant difference between
top (p 5 0.3095), middle (p 5 0.6991), and bottom (p 5
0.8182) surfaces of sectioned and ‘‘split’’ samples.
Figure 2 presents mean and SD values of the DC of
samples kept in different storing conditions:
Group A: Room temperature (22 6 28C) and humidity
(45% 6 3%) for 24 h.
Group B: Body temperature (37 6 18C) and humidity
(90% 6 2%) for 24 h.
Group C: Distilled water at body temperature (37 6
18C) for 24 h.
Group D: BIM at body temperature (37 6 18C) for 24 h.
The greatest mean value for the DC was found in the
Group D in BIM at 378C (76.8% 6 2.1%), and it was significantly higher than mean values for Group A (63.6% 6
3.2%, p \ 0.05), Group B (60.3% 6 3.9%, p \ 0.001),
and Group C (59.7% 6 5.7%, p \ 0.001).
Bottom surface DC values in Group D (75.2% 6 1.7%)
were also found to be significantly higher than those in
Group A (54.1% 6 3.7%), Group B (54.5% 6 3.2%), and
Group C (56.6% 6 9.7%) (p \ 0.001).
Figure 3 shows spectra of uncured and cured RBC. Note
the difference in 1640 cm21 peak height in the cured sample due to monomer conversion. Figure 4 shows band fitted
area for a cured sample.
Lorentzian and Gaussian combination that would allow the
best fit between the calculated curve and the real data.
Variation in methodology when preparing samples in
terms of polishing may influence results and make data
comparison difficult if not impossible. It has been suggested that a resin-rich layer forms on top of the RBC after
polymerization due to textural features of the material,
such as filler loading, size, and distribution.33,34 In various
RBCs, there is a tendency for filler particles to compress
together, thus exuding resin towards the surface layer.
Other authors have reported that this resin-rich layer may
account for increased microleakage35 or reduced biaxial
flexure strength and microhardness36 of RBCs.
In the present study, the DC of polished and unpolished
samples of a contemporary RBC was measured by microRaman spectroscopy and was significantly affected by the
presence of the resin-rich layer. In this study, the removal
of the resin-rich layer exposed much better cured RBC material and resulted in significantly higher DC values.
Consideration was also given to whether or not sectioning of RBC samples on the Isomet influenced DC values. It
was considered that sectioning procedures may alter physical properties especially deep within the RBC samples, and
so, data was acquired from the middle of the sectioned
samples and compared with data from the corresponding
‘‘middle’’ section of the ‘‘split’’ samples.
There is evidence that post-polymerization heating of
RBCs results in weight loss of individual monomer components with a positive correlation between the loss of volatile monomer and the temperature and duration of heat.37
According to the present study, sectioning, when performed
under cooling, does not appear to be a source of material
overheating, which significantly alters the DC values during
sample preparation. Although theoretically, water coolant
may cause the washout of soluble unreacted monomers, the
present results showed no difference in DC in samples
stored in water and air (45% humidity), suggesting that
there was no washing out of unreacted monomers under
these conditions. Therefore, it was assumed that there was,
In this study, micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the DC of an RBC after different preparation conditions. Labspec 4.18 software was used to analyze data in
terms of band fitting of characteristic peaks. The values for
peak heights were used for calculations, because these two
peaks were distinctive, relatively sharp, and had no interference from any other peaks (Figure 3). According to Shin
et al. (1993), there is no a priori reason to expect the vibrational modes for resin-based systems to have a particular
peak shape.29 Therefore, band fitting was run to optimize the
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
Figure 3. Micro-Raman spectra of uncured and cured Tetric EvoCeram. The characteristic peaks are distinctive, relatively sharp, and
do not interfere with adjacent peaks.
Figure 4. Band fitting of 1610 and 1640 cm21 peaks of a cured sample. Area between 1590 and
1660 cm21 zoomed and extracted. Light blue curve represents raw data, while red and green
curves represent fitted peaks at their exact positions. [Color figure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at]
also, no washing out of unreacted monomers during the 10
s of sectioning with water coolant.
Most studies try to simulate conditions of the oral cavity
as close as possible when storing samples for the duration
of the study. The most frequently used storage temperature
was 37 6 18C,21–23 followed by room temperature.7 In
contrast to temperature, the range of humidity varied enormously and sometimes was not quoted.6,7,19,23,32 Storage
media was usually distilled water21 or buffered solutions.23
Therefore, four different storing conditions were used in
the present study. BIM similar to the one used in the present study are often referred to and marketed as ‘‘artificial
saliva.’’ Results suggested that storing material samples in
BIM at 37 6 18C had a substantial effect on the measured
DC. The DC values for both top and bottom surfaces of
these samples reached 76.8 and 75.2%, respectively, being
significantly higher than in samples stored in distilled water
at 37 6 18C, 90 6 2% humidity at 37 6 18C or 45 6 3%
humidity at 22 6 28C.
Tetric EvoCeram (TEC) is the most recent marketed material of the Tetric ‘‘family,’’ combining the proven technology of previously developed materials and, therefore,
reflects the properties of a wide range of available RBCs.
The ‘‘DC’’ of an RBC is the extent to which monomers
change into polymers. Basically, high molecular weight
dimethacrylates form a highly crosslinked polymer network
through the process of free radical polymerization through
the C¼
¼C double bonds in methacrylate groups. The conversion of aliphatic C¼
¼C double bonds are affected by
light energy absorbed by photoinitiators, which triggers this
free radical propagation, but also affecting the DC are
known parameters such as resin chemistry,38 temperature,39
pressure,40 and other factors. Nevertheless, there is always
a certain amount of unreacted monomers in the system,
which is influenced by elution into aqueous solutions or organic solvents.41,42 Therefore, the storage medium may
result in a difference between the actual and measured ratio
between aliphatic C¼
¼C double bonds and the used internal
standard. Because spectroscopic methods are used to determine this ratio, the term ‘‘DC’’ may not be fully suitable,
although generally used in the literature.
The acrylic molds being a methylmethacrylate (MMA)based material contains methacrylate groups, which, theoretically, could leach out and interact with subsequently
fabricated RBC samples. The total time necessary to place
the uncured RBC material, to cure it, and to remove it
from the mold took less than 90 s. High performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) has been previously used to assess
MMA leakage into distilled water and BIM (artificial saliva), and none could be detected after immersion for 90 s
(unpublished data). It was, therefore, felt appropriate to use
these molds for the experiment.
Because of UK Health and Safety policies, it is no longer possible to use human saliva for in vitro studies, as this
could be a source of cross infection. Various BIM are often
used as storage media to replicate clinical conditions as
closely as possible, but there is no standard formula, and
formulae are seldom given. Ongoing studies are investigating whether different formulae have the same effect as in
the present study.
The DC values significantly increased when samples
were stored in BIM than distilled water, and these results
corroborate the findings of a previous study, which reported
higher DC values in RBCs placed in vivo than those placed
in vitro and stored in distilled water.5 Authors suggested
that temperature might be the cause for such a difference.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
In the present study, however, micro-Raman analysis was
performed after storing samples at different temperatures,
and as there were no significant differences in DC, it was
concluded that temperature variations during the period of
storage is not the critical factor influencing the DC of
RBCs. Therefore, when looking at effects of buffered incubation media, DC was calculated only for body temperature, which would be more clinically relevant.
Bisphenol-A has been detected in vivo, in human saliva
after filling teeth with composite resin, suggesting that
unpolymerized monomers diffuse into saliva to a certain
extent.11 Tetric EvoCeram, used in the present study, contains Bis-GMA, which is synthesized from Bisphenol-A.
Probable diffusion of monomers into BIM during the
first 24 h after polymerization may result in less unreacted
aliphatic C¼
¼C double bonds and, subsequently, higher values of the DC of RBC.
A possible mechanism may be hypothesized as causing
the leaching out of monomers into BIM used in the current
study and less into the distilled water. The monomer contains the COOH carboxylic acid group that will dissociate to some extent as the anion CO22 and H3O1. The
solubility of this carboxylic acid will increase with increasing ionic strength, and it would be expected that the monomer to be more soluble in BIM than in deionized water, it
would be leached out to a greater extent. This may not
occur to the same extent with other artificial saliva formulae and indicates the need to state the composition of all
storage materials in such studies.
It can be concluded that the DC of an RBC measured by
micro-Raman spectroscopic analysis may be affected by differences in sample preparation and storing conditions.
Water-cooled sectioning has little effect on the DC of RBCs.
Significantly higher values of the DC of RBC were observed
after storing samples in BIM at 37 6 18C for 24 h compared to distilled water or 90 6 2% humidity at 37 6 18C.
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Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials