Sample Items for End-of-Course Assessments
Sample Items for End-of-Course Assessments
Item Specifications: Algebra 1 WASHINGTON COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Sample Items for End-of-Course Assessments Algebra 1 2011-2012 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 The purpose of this document is to identify sample items and previously released items that align to the 2008 Mathematics Standards assessed on the End-of-Course Exams. The performance expectations (PEs) in this document are identical to those in the Washington State Test and Item Specifications. Performance expectations that will be assessed at the state level appear in bold text. The remaining performance expectations, which appear in italicized text, should be taught and assessed at the classroom level. The information in the columns to the right of each performance expectation shows alignment of each PE to other courses and item development parameters: Integrated sequence shows the alignment of this PE to other courses. PEs that are common to Algebra 1/Integrated Math 1 or Geometry/Integrated Math 2 are labeled in green; PEs that align to other courses are labeled in yellow. Cognitive complexity (C.C.) as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 as defined by Norman Webb. Format may be Multiple-Choice (MC), Completion (CP), Short-Answer (SA), or not assessed at the state level (NA). Contextual Situation (Ctxt) may be required (Y), item dependent (I), or not allowed (N). Restrictions to cognitive complexity, item format and context are necessary to construct a valid and reliable on-demand assessment; these restrictions are not necessary in classroom based assessments. For more information regarding test organization, the types of items on the exams, and considerations and procedures involved in item development, please refer to the Test and Item Specifications. Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 2 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.1 Core Content: Solving Problems (Algebra) Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence C.C. Format Ctxt A1.1.A Select and justify functions and equations to model and solve problems. M1.1.A 2 M2.1.A MC,SA Y, pg 16, items 1 and 17, item 12, item 9 A1.1.B Solve problems that can be represented by linear functions, equations, and inequalities. M1.1.B 2 CP,SA Y, item 10, item 27, items 10 and 19, pg 40 A1.1.C Solve problems that can be represented by a system of two linear equations or inequalities. M1.1.C 2 CP,SA Y, pg 24-25, item 12, item 18, item 6, COE task: Pre-Season Football Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 3 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.1.D Solve problems that can be represented by quadratic functions and equations. M2.1.C 2 CP Y, item 34, COE tasks: Marble Canyon, Safe Driving A1.1.E Solve problems that can be represented by exponential functions and equations. M1.1.D M2.1.D 2 MC,CP , pg 21, COE task: Best Interest Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 4 Y Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.2 Core Content: Numbers, expressions, and operations (Numbers, Operations, Algebra) Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence M1.6.A C.C. Format Ctxt A1.2.A Know the relationship between real numbers and 1 the number line, and compare and order real numbers with and without the number line. , pg 14 MC A1.2.B Recognize the multiple uses of variables, M1.6.C 1,(2) MC,CP determine all possible values of variables that satisfy prescribed conditions, and evaluate algebraic expressions that involve variables. , pg 21 I N, COE tasks: Big Box, Skatepark A1.2.C Interpret and use integer exponents and square M1.7.C 1 MC,CP and cube roots, and apply the laws and properties of exponents to simplify and evaluate exponential expressions., pg 14 and 40 N, COE task: Bacteria Growth A1.2.E Use algebraic properties to factor and combine M2.5.A 1 MC like terms in polynomials., item 5 N, item 25 Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 5 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.3 Core Content: Characteristics and behaviors of functions (Algebra) Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence M1.2.A C.C. Format Ctxt A1.3.A Determine whether a relationship is a function 1,2 and identify the domain, range, roots, and independent and dependent variables. , pg 15 MC,SA I MC,SA I, pg 17 A1.3.B Represent a function with a symbolic expression, M1.2.B 2 as a graph, in a table, and using words, and make connections among these representations. , pg 26-27, item 20, items 10 and 33, COE tasks: Mass and Force, Big Box, Costs of Essentials, Safe Driving A1.3.C Evaluate f(x) at a (i.e., f(a)) and solve for x in the M1.2.C 1 MC,CP N equation f(x) = b., item 14, COE tasks: Building a House, CD Recording Contract, Cell Phones, Football Kickoff, How Close is Lightning Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 6 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.4 Core Content: Linear functions, equations, and inequalities (Algebra) Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence M1.3.A A1.4.A Write and solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable., pg 15 C.C. Format Ctxt 1,2 MC,CP N 1 MC N 1 MC I, item 4 A1.4.B Write and graph an equation for a line given the M1.3.D slope and the y-intercept, the slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line, and translate between forms of linear equations. , pg 15, COE task: Building a House A1.4.C Identify and interpret the slope and intercepts of a M1.3.C linear function, including equations for parallel and perpendicular lines. , pg 16 A1.4.D Write and solve systems of two linear equations and M1.3.E 1,2 MC,CP inequalities in two variables. , pg 17 and 22 N A1.4.E Describe how changes in the parameters of linear M1.3.B functions and functions containing an absolute value of a linear expression affect their graphs and the relationships they represent. , pg 18 N Last Edited: 06/08/11 1,2 MC,SA OSPI, Page 7 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.5 Core Content: Quadratic functions and equations (Algebra) Items may ask students to: Integrated C.C. Sequence M2.2.A 2 Format Ctxt A1.5.A Represent a quadratic function with a symbolic MC I expression, as a graph, in a table, and with a description, and make connections among the representations., item 8, COE task: Skatepark A1.5.B Sketch the graph of a quadratic function, describe M2.2.B 1,2 the effects that changes in the parameters have on the graph, and interpret the x-intercepts as solutions to a quadratic equation. , pg 18 MC I, COE task: Football Kickoff A1.5.C Solve quadratic equations that can be factored as M2.2.D 1,2 MC,CP (ax + b)(cx + d) where a, b, c, and d are integers. , pg 19 and 22 N A1.5.D Solve quadratic equations that have real roots by M2.2.F 1,2 completing the square and by using the quadratic formula. , pg 23 N MC,CP, COE task: Hydraulophone Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 8 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.6 Core Content: Data and distributions (Data/Statistics/Probability) Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence M1.5.A A1.6.A Use and evaluate the accuracy of summary statistics to describe and compare data sets. , pg 27 C.C. Format Ctxt 2 MC,SA Y A1.6.B Make valid inferences and draw conclusions based M1.5.C 2,3 MC,SA Y on data., item 10, COE tasks: Mass and Force, Pre-Season Football A1.6.C Describe how linear transformations affect the M1.5.B center and spread of univariate data., pg 13 2 MC Y, item 16 A1.6.D Find the equation of a linear function that best fits M1.3.F 2 MC,SA bivariate data that are linearly related, interpret the slope and y-intercept of the line, and use the equation to make predictions., item 6 Y, item 8, COE tasks: CD Recording Contract, Costs of Essentials, How Close is Lightning A1.6.E Describe the correlation of data in scatterplots in M1.3.G terms of strong or weak and positive or negative. , pg 19 Last Edited: 06/08/11 2 MC OSPI, Page 9 I Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.7 Additional Key Content (Algebra) Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence M1.7.A A1.7.A Sketch the graph for an exponential function of the form 𝒚 = 𝒂𝒃𝒏 where n is an integer, describe the effects that changes in the parameters a and b have on the graph, and answer questions that arise in situations modeled by exponential functions., pg 13 C.C. Format Ctxt 1,2 MC,SA I, item 14, COE tasks: Bacteria Growth, Best Interest, Cell Phones A1.7.B Find and approximate solutions to exponential M1.7.B equations. , pg 20 2 MC N A1.7.C Express arithmetic and geometric sequences in both M1.7.D 1,2 MC,CP explicit and recursive forms, translate between the two forms, explain how rate of change is represented in each form, and use the forms to find specific terms in the sequence. , pg 20 and 23 N A1.7.D Solve an equation involving several variables by M1.6.D 1,2 MC expressing one variable in terms of the others., item 8 N, item 30, COE task: Safe Driving Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 10 Sample Items for End-of-Course Exams: Algebra 1 A1.8 Core Processes: Reasoning, problem solving, and communication Items assessing A1.8 Core Processes will use Core Content or Additional Key Content performance expectations from Algebra 1, which are identified below for each sample item. Items may ask students to: Integrated Sequence C.C. Format Ctxt A1.8.A Analyze a problem situation and represent it mathematically. M1.8. A1.8.B Select and apply strategies to solve problems. A-C 3 MC,SA A1.8.C Evaluate a solution for reasonableness, verify its accuracy, and interpret the solution in the context of the original problem., item 8 (A1.7.D) Y, item 30 (A1.7.D) and item 34 (A1.1.D), COE tasks: Best Interest (A1.1.E), Hydraulophone (A1.5.D), Marble Canyon (A1.1.D) A1.8.E Read and interpret diagrams, graphs, and text M1.8.E 2,3 SA Y containing the symbols, language, and conventions of mathematics., item 10 (A1.1.B), item 10 (A1.1.B), item 10 (A1.6.B), COE task: Cell Phones A1.8.G Synthesize information to draw conclusions, and M1.8.G 3 MC,SA evaluate the arguments and conclusions of others. , pg 28 (A1.6.A), COE task: Best Interest (A1.7.A) Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 11 Y Other Resources on the Web: Many teachers and districts in Washington State have created resources to help prepare their students for EOC Exams and EOC Makeup Exams. Other states and agencies have also created and released resources aligned to their own state standards for mathematics or to the Common Core State Standards. The resources below have not been thoroughly reviewed by OSPI staff, but instead are the responsibility of the reader to analyze resources and determine if they suit the needs of their own students. Database of Teacher-Created Resources on the EOC Supports Moodle: Mukilteo School District EOC Makeup Review for Algebra: INAL.pdf Snohomish School District Review packet for Algebra 1: ESD123 Math Initiative Regional Mathematics Bank: Resources compiled by Bellevue School District: Interactive Quizzes for Algebra and Geometry Review: National Center for Education Statistics NAEP Questions Tool: Released items by Science & Mathematics Achievement Required for Tomorrow (SMART): Wisconsin Released Item Book for Grade 10 Mathematics: TIMSS Released Set of 8th Grade Mathematics Items: Interactive Web Sample Items by North Carolina State University: Sample Items for the North Carolina EOC Test of Algebra I: Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 12 ADP Assessment Consortium Algebra I Resources: Virginia Department of Education: EOC Practice Items: Released Exams: Georgia Algebra I EOC Released Test Booklet, Spring 2004: 99CD364EA5554055463F1FBBF5D074D5FB1F2CAEB3B63B3ECB220CDD26C2114F3C57D8D2F15 6E2D2DFFA2812&Type=D Tennessee EOC Item Samplers and Practice Tests: Florida EOC Practice Tests: d=1205461226846&pagename=flPALPWrapper Last Edited: 06/08/11 OSPI, Page 13