Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam Grade 10 going to grade 11 2013-2014


Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam Grade 10 going to grade 11 2013-2014
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
Level: L
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam
Grade 10 going to grade 11
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
Chapter:1 Laboratory Skills and Techniques
Know the warning labels on containers of chemicals
01. Label the following warnings and hazard labels.
[-A-] explosive
[-B-] Flammable
[-C-] Toxic
[-A-] explosive
[-B-] Flammable
[-C-] Toxic
[-A-] explosive
[-B-] Flammable
[-C-] Toxic
Section №: 2 Chemical Apparatus
Concept №:
Recognize the shape of some chemical apparatus
02. Give the name of the following chemical apparatus:
[-A-] Measuring Cylinder
[-B-] Thermometer
[-C-] Beaker
[-A-] Measuring Cylinder
[-B-] Thermometer
[-C-] Beaker
[-A-] Measuring Cylinder
[-B-] Thermometer
[-C-] Beaker
Know what crystallization is
03. __________ is the process of forming crystals. What is the missing word?
[-A-] Crystallization
[-B-] Distillation
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
[-C-] Sublimation
Chapter:2 Revision of the Scientific Method
Reading a cooling curve of a pure compound
04. The following is the cooling behaviour for 2.00 g of pure liquid substance Y.
What is the freezing point of substance Y?
[-A-] 25 oC
[-B-] 75 oC
[-C-] 50 oC
Section №: 4 Scientific Models and Uncertainty in Science
Concept №:
Recognize the correct pressure-volume relation for a gas: Boyle’s law
05. Which is TRUE about the pressure-volume relationship for a gas at constant temperature
(Boyle’s law)?
[-A-] P is proportional to V
[-B-] V is proportional to P
[-C-] P.V = constant
Chapter 3: The Atomic Theory
06. Consider the following equation:
2NF3 (g) → 1N2 (g) + 3F2 (g)
How can you write this equation in terms of volumes (V)?
[-A-] 2V of NF3 → 2V of N2 + 3V of F2
[-B-] 1V of NF3 → 1V of N2 + 3V of F2
[-C-] 2V of NF3 → 1V of N2 + 3V of F2
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
Given volumes reaction ratio, find ratio by molecules
07. 2 volumes of CO combine with 1 volume of O2 to give 2 volumes of CO2 gas. Which of the
following statements is TRUE?
[-A-] 2V of CO + 1V of O2 → 2V of CO2
[-B-] 2V of C + 1V of O2 → 2V of CO2
[-C-] 1V of CO2 + 1V of O2 → 1V of CO2
Know the meaning of atomicity
08. The term Atomicity is referred to as: [-A-] number of atoms in a mole
[-B-] number of molecules in an atom
[-C-] number of atoms in a molecule
09. Which of the following represent a molecular formula?
[-A-] 1 only
[-B-] 3 only
[-C-] 4 only
Recognizing a structural formula
10. Which of the following represent a structural formula?
[-A-] H2O
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
What molecular models are
11. Which of the following represent a ball and a stick model?
[-A-] CO2
Section №: 5 Avogadro’s Number and the Mole Concept
Concept №:
What a mole is
12. What is a mole?
[-A-] A mole of a substance is equal to the atomic number of an element expressed in amu.
[-B-] A mole of a substance is Avogadro’s number 6x1023 of particles whether atoms or
[-C-] A mole of a substance is Avogadro’s number 6x1020 of particles.
Find the molecular mass of a compound
13. Given the following atomic masses: H = 1; Na = 23; O = 16. What is the molecular mass of
[-A-] 40
[-B-] 35
[-C-] 60
Find the molar mass of a compound
14. Given the following atomic masses: N = 14; O = 16. What is the molecular mass of N 2O3?
[-A-] 67
[-B-] 76
[-C-] 70
Given atomic mass and mass, find № of moles n = m/M.
15. How many moles are there in 3.9g of K?
[Atomic mass of K = 39]
[-A-] 200 moles
[-B-] 2 mole
[-C-] 15 moles
[-D-] 0.1 mole
Given mole, find № of atoms n(atoms) = atomicity x n(moles) x NA
16. How many atoms are present in 1.5 moles of carbon dioxide gas (CO2)? [Given atomic
masses: C=12 and O=16]. Use Avogadro’s number NA= 6 x 1023
[-A-] 30 x 1023 atoms
[-B-] 16 x 1023 atoms
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
[-C-] 27 x 1023 atoms
Chapter 4: Chemical Reactions
Know that in chemical changes new substances are formed
17. In chemical reactions, ___________ substances are formed. What is the missing word(s)?
[-A-] new
[-B-] no new
[-C-] old
Recognizing physical and chemical changes
18. Which of the following can be found in a chemical change?
[-A-] No new substances are produced.
[-B-] It is not easily reversible.
[-C-] It is easily reversible.
Recognize an exothermic process
19. In an exothermic reaction, energy is ___________. What is the missing word?
[-A-] not released and not produced
[-B-] absorbed or used
[-C-] produced or released
Recognize an endothermic process
20. A(n) _____ reaction or process is the one that uses heat energy. The missing word is
[-A-] exothermic
[-B-] thermal
[-C-] endothermic
21. Electrolysis of water is an example of:[-A-] combustion reaction
[-B-] endothermic reaction
[-C-] exothermic reaction
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
Conservation of atoms and mass in chemical
22. In a chemical reaction, the number of atoms and mass are ___________ (conserved/ not
[-A-] Conserved
[-B-] Not conserved
Application of conservation of atoms and mass in chemical reactions
23. If 8.0 g of a substance A reacts with 14.0 g of a substance B to produce 16.0 g of a substance
C and some substance D, What mass of D do you expect to have?
[-A-] 5g
[-B-] 6g
[-C-] 7g
Know the terms ‘subscript’ & ‘coefficient’ in, say, 4 CO2
24. Complete the following sentence. In the following symbol: 3 K2Cr2O7 ,
3 is a coefficient.
7 is a coefficient.
2 is a subscript.
[-A-] 1 only
[-B-] 2 and 3 only
[-C-] 1 and 3 only
25. Choose the correct answer. In the following symbol 4 Al2CO3:
[-A-] 3 is the coefficient.
[-B-] 4 is a subscript.
[-C-] 4 is the coefficient, 2 and 3 are the subscripts.
26. Balance the following reaction:
1. aC4H10 + bO2
cCO2 + dH2O
[-A-] a =1, b =13/2, c = 4, d = 5
[-B-] a =2, b =2, c = 1, d = 2
[-C-] a =1, b =2, c = 1, d = 2
2. aC25H52 + bO2
→ cCO2 + dH2O
[-A-] a =1, b =13/2, c = 4, d = 5
[-B-] a =1, b =38, c = 25, d = 26
[-C-] a =1, b =2, c = 1, d = 2
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
16. Find a, b, c and/or d in each of the following reaction:
27. Consider the following equation:
a CH4 + b O2 → c CO2 + d H2O
What are the coefficients a, b, c, and d after balancing this equation?
[-A-] a =2, b =1, c = 1, d = 2
[-B-] a =2, b =2, c = 1, d = 2
[-C-] a =1, b =2, c = 1, d = 2
28. Find the coefficients a, b, and c while balancing the following equation:
a S8 + b Cl2 → c S2Cl2
[-A-] a = 2, b = 8, c = 4
[-B-] a = 1, b = 4, c = 4
[-C-] a = 2, b = 4, c = 4
Section №: 4 Stoichiometry
Concept №:
Reading a balanced equation in molecules and moles
29. Consider the reaction between ammonia (NH3) and oxygen (O2) to produce nitrogen gas
(N2) and water vapour (H2O):
4NH3(g) + 3O2(g) → 2N2(g) + 6H2O(g)
Complete the following statement. The above equation may be best read as:
[-A-] 4 atoms of ammonia react with 6 atoms of oxygen to produce 4 atoms of nitrogen and 6
atoms of water.
[-B-] 4 atoms of ammonia react with 3 atoms of oxygen to produce 2 atoms of nitrogen and 6
atoms of water
[-C-] 4 molecules of ammonia react with 3 molecules of oxygen to produce 2 molecules of
nitrogen and 6 molecules of water.
30. Equations with whole-number coefficients can be read in __________. What is the missing
[-A-] moles only
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
[-B-] molecules only
[-C-] moles and molecules only
Reading a balanced equation with fractional coefficients in moles
31. How would you read the equation: H2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) → H2O (g)
[-A-] 1 mole H2 + ½ mole O2 → 1 mole H2O
[-B-] 1 molecule H2 + ½ mole O2 → 1 mole H2O
[-C-] 1 molecule H2 + ½ molecule O2 → 1 mole H2O
32. Equations with fractional coefficients can be read in __________. What is the missing
[-A-] moles only
[-B-] molecules only
[-C-] moles and molecules only
Reaction ratios involving masses and moles
33. Consider the following reaction:
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3 (g)
What are the ratios of reactants and products in moles?
[-A-] 1 mole N2 + 3 moles of H2 → 2 moles of NH3
[-B-] 1 mole N2 + 2 moles of H2 → 3 moles of NH3
[-C-] 2 mole N2 + 1 moles of H2 → 2 moles of NH3
34. Consider the following reaction:
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3 (g)
[N =14, H = 1]
What are the ratios of reactants and products in grams?
[-A-] 17g of N2 + 8g of H2 → 34g of NH3
[-B-] 28g of N2 + 6g of H2 → 34g of NH3
[-C-] 14g of N2 + 2g of H2 → 17g of NH3
Chapter 5: The Gas Phase
In all multiple choice questions, more than answer could be correct
Section №: 1 Molar Volumes of Gases
Concept №:
Know that the molar volume in the gaseous state is much larger
35. The volume occupied by one mole of any pure substance under normal temperature and
pressure is generally
[-A-] very large for gases and liquids, and small for solids
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
[-B-] the largest for solids and smallest for gases
[-C-] the largest for gases and smallest for solids
Know the meaning of the volume of a gas
36. The volume a certain gas is __________ (dependent/ independent) on its container.
[-A-] Dependent
[-B-] independent
Know how the molar volume of gases changes with molar mass
37. The molar volume of any gas at STP is almost 22.4L. As molar mass __________, the molar
volume __________. What are the missing words, respectively?
[-A-] increases; increases
[-B-] decreases; decreases
[-C-] increases; decreases
Know how the molar volume of gases changes with atomicity
38. The molar volume of any gas at STP is almost 22.4L. How does the molar volume of real
gases change as the atomicity changes?
[-A-] As the atomicity increases, the molar volume decreases.
[-B-] As the atomicity decreases, the molar volume decreases.
[-C-] As the atomicity increases, the molar volume increases.
Given mass and volume of gas at STP, find mass of 1 mole
39. 40L of a gas at STP have a mass of 20.0 g. The mass of one mole of this gas is __________.
(Molar volume of 1 mole of a gas at STP is 22.4L
[-A-] 11.2 g
[-B-] 22.4 g
[-C-] 44.8 g
Know how PxV varies with changing pressure for a real gas
40. As the pressure of the gas increases, __________. What is the missing phrase?
[-A-] the volume decreases until a point where the gas becomes a liquid and P.V= constant can’t
be applied anymore.
[-B-] the volume increases until a point where the gas becomes a solid.
[-C-] the temperature decreases and the gas becomes a liquid.
[-D-] the volume will not change.
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
Section №: 2 The Kinetic Theory of Gases
Concept №:
Kinetic theory of gases
41. The model where gas molecules collide randomly with the walls of the container to exert a
pressure is called __________. What is the missing phrase?
[-A-] Kinetic theory of gases
[-B-] Null theory of gases
[-C-] Translational theory of gases
Know what is meant by an ideal gas
42. A(n) _____________ gas is a gas whose molecules don’t liquefy and its volume becomes
zero at zero Kelvin. What is the missing word?
[-A-] Celsius
[-B-] ideal
[-C-] real
Changing Celsius to Kelvin and vice-versa
43. The relation between temperatures in Kelvin (K) and Celsius (o C) is represented by:
[-A-] T oC = 273
[-B-] TK = T oC + 273
[-C-] T oC = TK + 273
44. The temperature 300 C is how much in Kelvin?
[-A-] - 27 K
[-B-] 573 K
[-C-] -573 K
45. The temperature 400 Kelvin is how much in C?
[-A-] 27 C
[-B-] -27 C
[-C-] 127 C
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
The barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure
46. The ___________ is the instrument used to measure the atmospheric pressure. What is the
missing word?
[-A-] barometer
[-B-] thermometer
[-C-] open–end manometer
Determine the pressure in a flask using a closed-end manometer
47. What is the pressure of the gas in the following closed-end manometer? Given: atmospheric
pressure = 760 mm Hg.
[-A-] 95 mmHg
[-B-] 760 mmHg
[-C-] 855 mmHg
Determine the pressure in a flask using an open-end manometer
48. What is the pressure of the gas in the following open-end manometer? Given: atmospheric
pressure = 760 mm Hg.
[-A-] 95 mmHg
Chemistry Sample Entrance Exam for Grade 10 going to Grade 11
[-B-] 760 mmHg
[-C-] 855 mmHg
Section №: 3 The Ideal Gas
Concept №:
Know the pressure-temperature behavior for an ideal gas
49. For an ideal gas, how are the pressure and temperature related?
[-A-] P  T
[-B-] P  T2
[-C-] P  1/T