Sample collection for high throughput radiation biodosimetry 


Sample collection for high throughput radiation biodosimetry 
Sample collection for high throughput radiation biodosimetry G. Garty1, H.C. Turner1, Y. Chen2, J. Zhang2, H. Wang2, G.W. Johnson1, A. Bertucci1, M.
Brengues3, G. Randers-Pehrson1, N. Simaan2, Y. L. Yao2, F. Zenhausern3 and D.J. Brenner1
Center for High Throughput, Minimally Invasive Radiation Biodosimetry, RARAF Columbia University, P. O. Box 21, Irvington, NY 10533, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
Center for Applied Nanobioscience & Medicine, University of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Abstract The Rapid Automated BIodosimetry Tool (RABIT) is a fully automated, ultra-high
throughput robotically-based biodosimetry workstation. It screens fingerstick-derived blood
samples, either to estimate past radiation dose, or to sort individuals exposed above or below a
cutoff dose. The throughput of the RABIT is 6,000 samples per day per machine with future
upgrade to 30,000 samples per day per machine. One of the major challenges encountered in the
design of high throughput screening platforms, such as the RABIT, is that of sample collection.
Due to the necessary interaction with people, this is the only part of the RABIT that cannot be
automated. We present here the requirements for sample collection, our operational concept for
sample collection, as well as first tests of its reliability.
Introduction After a large-scale radiological event, there
will be a major need to assess, within a few
days, the radiation doses received by tens or
hundreds of thousands of individuals, both
in order to assess radiation risk in what is
sure to be a resource-limited scenario [1, 2],
as well as to reduce panic by reassuring
those who were not significantly exposed.
As the general population would not be
carrying physical dosimeters, a very high
throughput means of assessing the radiation
exposure, based on biological endpoints will
be needed. Current “high throughput”
biodosimetry can, at best, assess ~100
individuals per day [3, 4].
In recent years, we have developed the
Rapid Automated BIodosimetry Tool
(RABIT) [5-8], a fully automated, ultra-high
throughput (6,000-30,000 samples per day
per machine) robotically-based biodosimetry
workstation. The RABIT is based on
complete automation of two wellcharacterized biodosimetric assays, the γ-
H2AX assay [9] and the micronucleus assay
[10, 11]. Both assays, as implemented
manually, are in current use in radiation
biodosimetry, and are highly radiationspecific [11-15].
The γ-H2AX assay [9, 16] directly
measures DNA double strand breaks (DSB),
which have a highly linear relationship with
phosphorylated H2AX histone which
localizes to them. This assay gives a same
day result, but requires that the blood
samples are available within about 36 hours
of irradiation.
The micronucleus assay [10, 11] quantifies
radiation-induced chromosome damage
expressed as post-mitotic micronuclei.
Lymphocytes are cultured to division but
cytokinesis is blocked, preventing separation
of the two new cells. Healthy lymphocytes
form binucleate cells, while those with
chromosome damage can form an additional
micronucleus containing chromosomal
fragments, with the yield of micronuclei per
binucleated cell increasing monotonically
with dose. A key advantage of the
micronucleus assay is that the signal is
stable for years post-exposure, so the need
for early acquisition of blood samples is
removed. Due to the required culture time,
analysis time for this assay is 3 days.
One of the major challenges of ultra-high
throughput screening is that of sample
collection. Due to the necessary interaction
with people, this is the only part of the
RABIT that cannot be automated. In this
context, one of the important design
improvements of the RABIT is that it has
been designed to use fingerstick bloodsamples as opposed to larger, venipuncturebased, samples required for manual
Since public health agencies are not likely
to have enough trained staff or volunteers to
effectively respond to such an event [17], we
have designed a sample collection procedure
and kit based on collecting fingersticks of
blood using a lancet, which allows obtaining
blood samples, compatible with processing
in the RABIT, by a minimally trained
sample collector.
We present here our operational concept
for sample collection, as well as the first
tests of the procedure’s reliability.
separation of lymphocytes out of whole
blood samples, the blood needs to be
layered above separation medium with
no mixing.
The lymphocytes in the collected blood
need to be kept viable as the
micronucleus assay requires them to be
cultured to division.
During transport, the blood needs to be
kept chilled to prevent γ-H2AX foci
decay (see figure 4a in [18]).
Patient information needs to be tracked
and correlated with the samples.
Collection sites Over the last few years local and federal
agencies have developed plans for rapid
distribution of countermeasures in response
to an outbreak of infectious disease. At the
center of this planning is the POD (Point of
Dispensing) concept [19-21]. The original
purpose of a POD is to dispense
countermeasures, educational materials and
emotional support, primarily to asymptomatic
individuals during an epidemic. The layout
and workflow [19] of a POD is optimized for
an orderly flow of people from the entrance to
the point of dispensing, and finally to the exit
of the POD, with symptomatic individuals
directed to hospitals.
Requirements •
To achieve high throughput, sample
collection must be minimally invasive
and should not require highly trained
Samples will be collected in the field and
will need to be transported to the RABIT
with no spillage and no cross
The RABIT is designed to isolate
lymphocytes, by centrifugation, from
small volumes of whole blood, in
heparin-coated capillaries. To ensure
Figure 1: Possible scheme of RABIT sample collection site.
As an example, during the World Trade
Center disaster [22], multiple triage sites
were set up by local authorities at church
halls, schools and hospitals in the immediate
vicinity of ground zero. Injured individuals
Figure 2: a) sample collection kit, b) data collection card with capillary, c) close-up of bar-coded capillary d) wristband.
were evaluated at these locations and then
evacuated out of the area. It is expected that
a similar scenario will occur following a
radiological event. Sample collection for the
RABIT, as described below can be easily
merged into this emergency response
scenario (Figure 1):
Each site will be augmented by a number
of sample collectors, who will draw the
blood and verify the contact information.
Individuals with other injuries (e.g. trauma)
will be triaged by a medical professional and
can be evacuated to a hospital. Those who
appear healthy, other than the possible
radiation exposure, will be sent home after
the sample collection. Samples will then be
packed and transported to the RABIT
(across the hall or in a different state).
Sample collection kit In order to facilitate blood collection we
have developed a sample collection kit
(Figure 2a), consisting of lancets, bar-coded,
heparin coated, capillary tubes with matched
personal data cards and patient tracking
wristbands, alcohol wipes and sample
holders for filled capillaries. The kit is
designed to match the 32 samples that can
be collected over a 2-3 hour collection
period by one sampler. We envision a few
hundred such collection kits would be kept
at local emergency response stores, as part
of the POD Go-kit [23] and would be ready
to be used immediately. A much larger
number of kits can then be stored at the
Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), as part
of the “12-hour push package” [24], and will
arrive at the POD within 12 hours of a
request by local authorities.
Data collection card
Similar to the situation for foreign
nationals entering the US, individuals will
be handed a data collection card (Figure 2b),
where they are to enter personal and contact
information, on entering the POD. In
addition to the contact details, processing in
the RABIT may require knowing the age,
gender and smoking status so that this
information is also included.
The card has a printed barcode which is
matched to the barcode etched on a
heparinized PVC capillary (Figure 2b, c),
attached to the card, and a detachable human
readable version of the same code, with
instructions on how to obtain the results of
the blood test, is also provided.
Alternatively, the card can contain an
integrated self laminating wristband (Figure
2d, Laserband, St Louis, MO) which is
detached and applied to the individual. The
wristband contains information allowing the
individual, or their medical caregiver to
obtain the results of the blood test 1-3 days
following the sample collection.
Since the RABIT requires 30 μl of blood
and since multiple fingersticks would reduce
the speed of triage, we have tested a variety
of lancets, offering wide range of blade
depths and needle gauges to optimize blood
flow with minimal pain. The Microtainer®
Contact-Activated Genie™ Lancets from
BD Diagnostic Systems have proven to be
the most reliable in providing a 30 µl finger
drop of blood that is needed for blood
Fruhstorfer [25] has demonstrated that these
lancets result in >50μl of blood for 84% of
the individuals tested.
Each individual sample is collected into a
100 μl barcoded PVC capillary. The
advantage of plastic capillary tubes is that
they are safer to handle than glass and are
easily laser etched, allowing bar-coding and
rapid cutting, both of which are required for
use in the RABIT.
The 10-digit bar code on the capillary,
Figure 2b, c was etched by an ultraviolet
laser marking system (Quantronix, Osprey355-1-0) with a wavelength of 355 nm and
using a power of 0.5 W. Each etching covers
about a third of the circumference of the
capillary. Three laser etchings are used to
assemble a bar code around the entire
circumference of the capillary.
The success of reading these bar codes by
the high-precision bar code reader (Siemens,
Hawkeye 1525HD) installed in the RABIT
is currently 95%, due to a slight overlap of
the three etchings performed. This will be
rectified by rotating the capillary during
barcode reading.
The lymphocytes are isolated from whole
blood by centrifugation of the capillaries
containing whole blood, followed by lasercutting the capillaries in between the
isolated lymphocyte band and the red blood
cell pellet. The Same UV laser, with 1-W
output power, 3.5-sec cutting time, and 40rpm capillary rotation speed, has achieved
better than 98% success rate in cutting these
Capillary holder
A capillary holder, Figure 2a, 3 was
designed to serve the dual purpose of
facilitating sample collection and shipping
as well as an insert for loading multiple
capillaries into the RABIT.
Figure 3: Scheme of the sample collection. a) sample holder with sealing putty (P) and separation medium (M), b) Blood in a
capillary (B), c) capillary loaded into sample holder layering blood above the separation medium without mixing. d) Photo of
filled capillary holder. e) Samples packaged for shipping. f) Blood-filled capillary removed from holder after shipping from
ASU. Note that the air gap between the separation medium and blood is intact.
Design of the holder was driven by the size
and weight limitations of the centrifuge, and
the 7.5 mm pitch between capillaries
required for robotic access. Each holder
(length 83.9 mm, width 27.90 mm, height
95.5 mm) contains 32 capillaries and 3
holders fit snugly into each centrifuge
bucket (400 ml rectangular bucket,
Eppendorf, Hauppauge, NY), leading to a
total centrifuge capacity of 384 capillaries.
A schematic cross section of the capillary
holder, prefilled with sealing putty
(Fisherbrand Hemato-Seal Capillary Tube
Sealant, Fisher Scientific) and separation
medium (Histopaque-1083, Sigma Aldrich)
is shown in Figure 3a. The dimension of the
holes is 2.2 mm in diameter and 55.0 mm in
Sampling procedure
After loading about 30 μl of blood into the
capillary, the sample collector then seals the
top of the capillary with their (gloved)
thumb, begins inserting it into the holder,
while releasing their thumb to allow trapped
air to escape from the capillary.
As the blood in the capillary (Figure 3b)
does not reach its edge, when the capillary is
inserted into the holder, an air bubble is
trapped between the blood and separation
medium, preventing their mixing during
shipping (up to 24 hours).
The sealing putty is compressed into and
around the capillary ensuring a seal (Figure
3c), requiring 0.2-0.8 N of force to extract
the capillary from the holder. This prevents
the capillary from falling out even if the
holder is inverted and vigorously shaken,
but still allows the RABIT robotics to
extract the capillary from the holder (better
than 99% reliability). As the bottom of the
capillary is sealed, the blood and separation
medium cannot leak out. This procedure
allows the sample to be collected by an
individual with minimal training, while
maintaining the required layering of the
blood and separation medium and
preventing contaminations. We have seen
that the technique for this can be learned in a
few minutes.
After the capillary holder is filled with 96
capillaries (figure 3d), the top of the
capillaries is sealed with a foam rubber mat,
to prevent contamination of the samples, as
shown in figure 3e, and the capillary holder
can be wrapped and shipped to the RABIT.
As the γ-H2AX assay, which does not
require culturing the lymphocytes, provides
a much faster processing (a few hours
compared to 3 days for the micronucleus
assay), it is the assay of choice for rapid
Triage. To reduce γ-H2AX signal decay
during shipping, the samples need to be
chilled to 4-10 °C. This can be done by
adding ice packs in with the samples for
shipping (see for example [26]).
No such cooling needs to be done for the
micronucleus assay. Indeed, we have
verified that capillaries stored at room
temperature for 24 to 48 hours, still contain
viable lymphocytes, which undergo mitosis
when stimulated in the RABIT.
Testing Micronucleus assay
In initial field tests, irradiated (0 and 2 Gy
γ-rays) blood samples were collected at
Arizona State University, loaded into
capillary holders and shipped to Columbia
University in the city of New York, using a
commercial carrier. All capillaries arrived
without spillage and without the disruption
of the blood and lymphocyte separation
medium layering (Figure 3f).
To test the viability of the cells following
this procedure, the lymphocytes were
isolated as described previously and then
γ-H2AX assay
To verify that it is feasible to delay the γH2AX decay by chilling the blood samples,
blood-filled capillaries, irradiated with 2 Gy
γ-rays were prepared and stored at 4°C.
Preliminary results showed that 24 hours
post-irradiation the γ-H2AX foci yields
(figure 4d) remained close to the yields
observed 30 min post irradiation (figure 4e),
and were significantly higher than those of
blood samples stored at room temperature or
37°C (Manuscript in preparation).
Conclusions Following a mass radiological event,
there will be an immediate need to triage
large numbers of individuals for radiation
exposure. Over the past few years, we have
developed an automated workstation for
retrospective biodosimetry in a mass
casualty scenario. We present here our
concept of sample collection and shipping,
compatible with robotic processing and
demonstrate its use.
Figure 4: a-c) CBMN assay performed on blood
samples collected at ASU and analyzed in NYC. Note:
The formation of healthy-looking bunucleate cells
indicate that the lymphocytes remained viable and
underwent mitosi following 24 h transportation. a)
unirradiated lymphocytes b) 2Gy, c) Close up of
binucleated lymphocyte with two micronuclei. d-e) γH2AX Foci in lymphocytes irradiated with 2 Gy: d) 30
min post exposure, d) after an additional 24 h at 4°C.
processed, in multi-well plates using the
cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay
[27]. Figure 4a shows images of the DAPIstained lymphocytes after the first division.
An appropriate fraction of binucleated cells
is visible at both 0 and 2Gy. In addition, at 2
Gy we observed micronuclei in some of the
lymphocytes (figure 4c). This demonstrates
that the cells maintained their viability in the
capillary tubes.
This work was supported by grant number
U19 AI067773, the Center for HighThroughput Minimally Invasive Radiation
Biodosimetry, the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases/ National
Institutes of Health. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases or the National Institutes of Health.
FZ also acknowledges blood sample
collection at Scottsdale Clinical Research
Institute, and some processing work at the
Center for Applied Nanobioscience at
Arizona State University.
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