Status and Trends Monitoring of the mainstem Columbia River – Sample
Status and Trends Monitoring of the mainstem Columbia River – Sample
Status and Trends Monitoring of the mainstem Columbia River – Sample frame development and review of programs relevant to the development of an integrated approach to monitoring Timothy D. Counihan, Jill M. Hardiman, and Steve Waste US Geological Survey, Western Fisheries Research Center, Columbia River Research Laboratory, 5501A Cook-Underwood Road, Cook, WA 98605 PNAMP Report Series 2013-003 1 [this page left intentionally blank] 2 Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 6 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 7 What steps are needed to formulate a mainstem Columbia River ISTM? ................................................. 8 Identify Decisions and Questions that Aquatic Resource Monitoring is intended to inform .................. 8 Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion ................................................................ 9 Northwest Power Act..................................................................................................................... 10 Recovery Plans............................................................................................................................... 11 Columbia River Treaty.................................................................................................................... 12 Identify and document the extent to which existing monitoring programs support and align with the priority monitoring objectives............................................................................................................ 13 Smolt Monitoring Program – Fish Passage Center .......................................................................... 13 Northern Pikeminnow Management Program................................................................................ 14 Draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Reporting Plan (MERR Plan) - Northwest Power and Conservation Council ..................................................................................................................... 15 Resident Fish Monitoring Strategies ........................................................................................... 17 White Sturgeon Population Monitoring .................................................................................. 17 Other resident fishes .............................................................................................................. 18 Draft Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategy, Viable Salmonid Population Criteria, and Subset of Tributary Habitat and Hatchery Effectiveness ............................................................. 18 Vital Sign Indicators – Columbia River Gorge Commission .............................................................. 19 Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: 2009 Lower mid-Columbia River Ecological Assessment – Oregon Department of Environmental Quality......................................... 20 Zooplankton Monitoring – Washington State University and USGS ................................................ 22 Other studies ................................................................................................................................. 22 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 23 Sample Frame Development – USGS and PNAMP .............................................................................. 23 Develop information on the pros and cons and costs associated with different monitoring design and field protocol combinations. .............................................................................................................. 25 Examples of long-term monitoring programs in other large river systems.............................................. 27 Mississippi River ................................................................................................................................ 27 Illinois River ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Colorado River ................................................................................................................................... 27 3 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 29 References ............................................................................................................................................ 30 List of Figures Figure 1. The geographic extent of the sample frames developed for the mainstem Columbia and Snake Rivers. Sample frames comprise the individual reservoir and associated floodplain to the next upstream dam (black squares). For the Columbia River the upper most extent is the Grand Coulee Dam and for the Snake River it is the Hells Canyon Dam. ................................................................................................. 25 List of Tables Table 1. Sub-basin plans that pertain to reaches of the mainstem Columbia River that have been formulated as part of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s coordination of activities under the Northwest Power Act Fish and Wildlife program. ............................................................................ 11 Abbreviations and Acronyms Abbreviation Meaning ASMS Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategy BiOp Biological Opinion CGNSA Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area CHaMP Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program CRB Columbia River Basin CRE Columbia River Estuary CRITFC Columbia River Intertribal Fisheries Commission CRT Columbia River Treaty DEM Digital Elevation Model DEQ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality EMP Environmental Management Program EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act FCRPS Federal Columbia River Power System FPC Fish Passage Center 4 GCDAMP Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program GCPA Grand Canyon Protection Act GRTS Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified HLI High Level Indicator ISAB Independent Science Advisory Board ISTM Integrated Status and Trends Monitoring program LMC Lower Mid-Columbia LTRMP Long Term Resource Monitoring Program MERR Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Reporting Plan NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPCC Northwest Power and Conservation Council NPMP Northern Pikeminnow Management Program ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife PNAMP Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership RARE Regional Applied Research Effort RME Research, monitoring, and evaluation RPA Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives SMP Smolt Monitoring Program UMC Upper Mid-Columbia US United States USGS United States Geological Survey VSI Vital Signs Indicator 5 Executive Summary: Implementing an Integrated Status and Trends Monitoring program (ISTM) for the mainstem Columbia River will help identify trends in important natural resources and help us understand the long-term collective effects of management actions. In this report, we present progress towards the completion of a stepwise process that will facilitate the development of an ISTM for the mainstem Columbia River. We discuss planning and regulatory documents that can be used to identify monitoring goals and objectives and present existing monitoring and research activities that should be considered as the development of a Columbia River ISTM proceeds. We also report progress towards the development of sample frames for the Columbia and Snake Rivers and their floodplains. The sample frames were formulated using Digital Elevation Models (DEM’s) of the river channel and upland areas and a Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) algorithm for an area based resource to generate “master sample(s).” Working with the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) we facilitated the transfer of the sample frames to the PNAMP “Monitoring Sample Designer” tool. We then discuss aspects of response and survey designs as they pertain to the formulation of a mainstem Columbia River ISTM. As efforts to formulate an ISTM for the mainstem Columbia River proceed, practitioners should utilize the extensive literature describing the planning and implementation of fish and wildlife mitigation and recovery efforts in the Columbia River Basin. While we make progress towards establishing an ISTM framework, considerable work needs to be done to formulate an ISTM program for the mainstem Columbia River. Long-term monitoring programs have been established for other large rivers systems; scientists that have experience planning, implementing, and maintaining large river monitoring efforts such as those in the Colorado, Illinois, and Mississippi Rivers should be consulted and involved as efforts proceed. 6 Introduction The lack of integrated long-term monitoring data for the mainstem Columbia River confounds interpretation of the long-term effects of current and past fish, hydropower, and water management strategies on recovery efforts for endangered and threatened Pacific salmon, Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus), white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), and other important natural resources. Recovery efforts for Pacific salmon in the mainstem Columbia River are ongoing and have focused on altering dam operations, improving bypass structures, managing fisheries, and predator removal programs to increase survival of migrating adult and juvenile salmonids. However, little is known about how efforts to recover anadromous fish populations are affecting resident fish species or other components of the Columbia River ecosystem that could have direct or indirect effects on Pacific salmon. Similarly, fisheries for native and non-native resident fish are managed to provide recreational opportunities (ODFW 2011) or address salmon predation issues (Sanderson 2009) but little is known of how the structure and function of the resident fish community is responding to these management strategies. Assessing trends in most ecosystem services (ESA 1997) provided by the Columbia River is not possible because there is no established baseline or dedicated monitoring program. The mainstem Columbia River provides many important ecosystem services to anadromous and resident fishes, people, and wildlife. For instance, the importance of sustaining freshwater habitats for salmonid abundance or viability, especially when ocean productivity is low, has been acknowledged in the literature (ISAB 2011, Naiman et al. 1995, Ruggerone et al. 2009). Since resident fishes use freshwater habitats in the Columbia River for feeding, migration, and shelter, they also rely on the productivity of these habitats to provide the foods needed for growth and survival. Despite the acknowledged importance of freshwater food webs to resident fish and salmon recovery efforts, very little is known of how the Columbia River ecosystem functions, whether current management is improving or degrading ecosystem function, or how altered ecosystems in turn influence the survival and production of native fishes and wildlife (ISAB 2011). In addition, despite the fact that exposure of fish, wildlife, and people to contaminants within the Columbia River Basin has caused concern (USEPA 2009), there is currently no dedicated contaminants monitoring program for large portions of the mainstem Columbia River. While integrated monitoring programs are being established in other areas of the Columbia River Basin, efforts to establish an integrated monitoring framework for the mainstem Columbia River upstream of the estuary are lacking. Recently, the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) initiated efforts to scope and implement an Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring program (ISTM) for tributaries to the Columbia River Estuary (CRE) (PNAMP 2009, Rawding and Rodgers 2013, Puls et al. In review). Monitoring programs for tributaries upstream of the estuary have also been established (Ward et al. 2011). With respect to the mainstem Columbia River, a preliminary framework for ecosystem monitoring has been established for the CRE (Simenstad et al. 2011). The advent of these programs suggests that the importance of monitoring for tracking 7 the trajectory of managed aquatic resources in the Columbia River Basin is being recognized by management agencies within the region. In this report, we describe progress towards establishing a framework that would facilitate the development of an ISTM for the mainstem Columbia River. We also report on our efforts to develop and make available sample frames for the mainstem Columbia and Snake Rivers. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive accounting of all of the factors that would need to be considered when formulating a Columbia River ISTM but rather constitutes a starting point for further discussion. What steps are needed to formulate a mainstem Columbia River ISTM? The PNAMP has suggested a step-wise process for the development of an ISTM. Although some management questions are unique to particular agencies and organizations, the need for comprehensive and efficient collection of information on metrics and indicators on all or certain aspects of the status and trend of fish, habitat, and watershed health is shared by the entities involved in monitoring in the Pacific Northwest. By applying well-coordinated monitoring approaches, technical and fiscal resources can be more effectively shared among interested parties, data can be shared, and resulting information can provide increased scientific credibility, cost-effectiveness in use of limited funds, and greater accountability to stakeholders. The steps recommended by PNAMP are as follows: 1. Identify decisions and questions that aquatic monitoring is intended to inform, and identify associated prioritized monitoring goals and objectives. 2. Identify and document the extent to which existing monitoring programs support and align with the priority monitoring objectives in #1 above. 3. Identify and/or develop monitoring designs, sampling frames, field and data management protocols, and analytical tools to meet priority aquatic status and trend monitoring objectives identified in #1 above. 4. Develop information on the pros and cons and costs associated with different monitoring design and field protocol combinations. 5. Recommend mechanism(s) to implement and report the monitoring results from implemented monitoring programs. Proceeding through the steps outlined above will provide a solid foundation to the formulation of an ISTM for the mainstem Columbia River. While it is beyond the scope of this report to complete all of these steps, we describe progress towards addressing components of the step-wise process or recommend sources that could be used to address them. Identify Decisions and Questions that Aquatic Resource Monitoring is intended to inform Formulating an ISTM that addresses the diverse needs and priorities of stakeholders in the Columbia River Basin will benefit from an understanding of the management and regulatory contexts that dictate the use of Columbia River resources. The Columbia River is one of the 8 largest river systems in North America and flows through multiple jurisdictions and originates in in British Columbia, Canada; approximately 15 percent of the 259,500 square miles of the Columbia River Basin is located in Canada. The flows from Canada account for about 38 percent of the average annual volume, and up to 50 percent of the peak flood waters at The Dalles Dam on the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington. The operations of the Federal Columbia River Power (FCRPS) are subject to multiple international treaties and other national legislation that govern aspects of water usage in the Columbia River. Columbia River water provides benefits to multiple user groups and provides for: flood control, habitat for fish and wildlife including some species listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act, fisheries for tribes, and provides water for irrigation of agricultural crops, municipalities, power generation by hydroelectric facilities, and shipping and barge navigation. Below we provide brief synopses of some of the management and regulatory processes currently driving the management of the Columbia River. Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion A mainstem Columbia River ISTM would help provide a long-term context to mitigation strategies implemented as part of the Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (FCRPS BiOp). The Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires that any federal agency proposing an action that may affect an ESA-listed fish – issuing a permit, spending money, taking a direct action on fish habitat – consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or NOAA Fisheries (i.e., regulatory agencies). The agency proposing the action (known as the action agency) will commonly complete a biological assessment on potential effects to the fish or its habitat and submit it to the regulatory agency(ies). The regulatory agency then renders a Biological Opinion (BiOp) to the action agency making the proposal. The BiOp is intended to ensure that the proposed action will not reduce the survival and recovery of ESA-listed species. A BiOp typically includes conservation recommendations to advance the recovery of the specific ESA-listed species, includes Reasonable and Prudent measures needed to minimize harmful effects, and may require monitoring and reporting to ensure that the action is implemented as described. The FCRPS BiOp (NOAA 2008) contains many proposed mitigation strategies. The implementation of these strategies is intended to have a desired outcome; progress towards the desired outcome of some strategies are being tracked (Fish Passage Center 2010) while other aspects are not (ISAB 2011). As of the writing of this report, the most recent version of the FCRPS BiOP was in 2008 (NOAA 2008) and contains 73 Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPA’s). As part of a remand of this version of the BiOP, federal agencies integrated the Adaptive Management Implementation Plan into the 2008 FCRPS BiOp resulting in the 2010 FCRPS Supplemental BiOp (NOAA 2010). The RPA’s listed in the BiOp stipulate mitigation to improve conditions of ESA listed species. Clearly, there are many actions being undertaken to monitor the progress of some of the RPA’s. However, other factors that may affect the desired outcomes of RPA’s, such as climate change effects, food-web processes, and non-indigenous species remain poorly understood. A systematic review of the food web processes currently not being monitored as 9 part of the Fish and Wildlife Program (ISAB 2011) would help inform the development of indicators and metrics that could be monitored as part of a mainstem Columbia River ISTM. Northwest Power Act The Northwest Power Act of 1980 addresses the effects of Columbia River hydroelectric dams on fish and wildlife. The Act establishes the Pacific Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) to prepare and adopt a regional conservation and electric power plan and a program to protect, mitigate and enhance fish and wildlife. The Northwest Power and Conservation Council is an interstate compact agency of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The Act specifically directs the NPCC to develop a program to “protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife, including related spawning grounds and habitat, on the Columbia River and its tributaries … affected by the development, operation, and management of [hydroelectric projects] while assuring the Pacific Northwest an adequate, efficient, economical, and reliable power supply.” This program is referred to as the “Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program” (NPCC 2009). Management plans have been developed for reaches of the mainstem Columbia River that could serve as a starting point for identifying decisions and questions associated with the Fish and Wildlife Program that could be informed by a mainstem ISTM. In 2005 the NPCC completed one of the largest locally led watershed planning efforts of its kind in the United States, an effort that resulted in separate plans for 58 tributary watersheds or mainstem segments of the Columbia River. These sub-basin plans were developed collaboratively by state and federal fish and wildlife agencies, Indian tribes, local planning groups, fish recovery boards, and Canadian entities where the plans address trans-boundary rivers. The planning effort was guided by the NPCC and funded by the Bonneville Power Administration. The sub-basin plans were developed collaboratively by multiple stakeholders and presumably represent the collective priorities of the entities that contributed to their development. If workshops were convened to garner input into the development of a mainstem ISTM, contacting the entities listed as contributors to the reports would be a good starting point for enlisting participation. The sub-basin plans developed for the mainstem Columbia River (Table 1) could be used to help identify metrics that would characterize the status of biological objectives resulting from the priority restoration and protection strategies for key habitats and fish species identified in the plans. The sub-basin plans were formulated to guide the future implementation of the NPCC’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, which directs funds in excess of $200 million per year from the Bonneville Power Administration. The sub-basin plans outline a sequential process of providing 1) an assessment of the sub-basin being described including aquatic and terrestrial focal species and habitats and factors that limit them; 2) an inventory of existing activities including a description of existing legal protection and management plans for the area; 3) a gap analysis of existing legal protection and management plans; and 4) the development of a management plan that includes biological objectives and strategies for managing focal species in the area. Evaluating the efficacy of these strategies will require periodic assessments of progress towards the underlying biological objectives. Based on the 10 outcome of these periodic assessments the probability of success of strategies can be determined. If the probability of success is low, the strategies can then be altered adaptively. Establishing a long-term mainstem Columbia River ISTM would help to assess the long-term effects of these activities on important aquatic resources, including resources not specifically targeted. Table 1. Sub-basin plans that pertain to reaches of the mainstem Columbia River that have been formulated as part of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s coordination of activities under the Northwest Power Act Fish and Wildlife program. Subbasin Plan Columbia Gorge Subbasin Plan Reach description The Columbia River between Bonneville and The Dalles Dams River km range 232-306 Web address http://www.nwcouncil.or g/fw/subbasinplanning/co lumbiagorge/plan/ Lower MidColumbia Mainstem Subbasin Plan The Columbia River 306-505 from The Dalles Dam to the mouth of the Walla Walla River http://www.nwcouncil.or g/fw/subbasinplanning/lo wermidcolumbia/plan/ Upper Middle Mainstem Subbasin Plan The Columbia River from Wanapum Dam to Chief Joseph Dam; contains Wells, Rocky Reach, Rock Island and Wanapum reservoirs. 669-877 http://www.nwcouncil.or g/fw/subbasinplanning/u ppermidcolumbia/plan/ Upper Columbia Subbasin Plan Grand Coulee Dam to border with Canada 954-1205 http://www.nwcouncil.or g/fw/subbasinplanning/ad min/level2/intermtn/plan /uprcol.pdf Recovery Plans Recovery plans developed as part of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) can also be used to identify decisions and questions that could be addressed by a mainstem Columbia River ISTM. For instance, the NOAA Fisheries has adopted a Recovery Plan for the Middle Columbia River Steelhead Distinct Population Segment. This recovery plan was developed to guide the recovery of the Middle Columbia steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that are listed as Threatened under the ESA. The steelhead spawn and rear in freshwater tributaries then migrate to the ocean. Of the 17 extant populations of Middle Columbia steelhead, five are considered at high risk of extinction over the next 100 years, nine are at moderate risk, and three populations are currently considered viable. The recovery plan addresses major factors currently limiting the viability of Middle Columbia River steelhead populations; that is, degraded tributary habitats, 11 impaired fish passage in the mainstem Columbia River and tributaries, hatchery-related effects, and predation/competition/disease. The plan then develops strategies for recovery that include improving juvenile and adult steelhead migratory passage and survival in the FCRPS and reducing predation on steelhead in the Columbia River and estuary. Progress towards achieving these objectives are being addressed in part by components of the Army Corps of Engineers Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program, namely by studies documenting the passage and survival through mainstem hydroelectric facilities (Adams and Counihan 2009) but others such as reducing predation effects of non-indigenous predators remain poorly understood (Sanderson et al. 2009). Columbia River Treaty The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) with Canada will expire in 2024, and a ten year period for renegotiation of the treaty prior to its expiration commences in September of 2014. The Pacific Northwest recognizes the value of the CRT to facilitate shared water resource management in the Columbia River Basin to maximize benefits to both countries. The regional goal is for the U.S. and Canada to develop a new framework for the Treaty that retains Flood Risk Management and Hydropower as primary purposes while incorporating Ecosystem Function as a third primary purpose. The intent is to ensure a more resilient and healthy ecosystem-based function throughout the Columbia River Basin while maintaining an acceptable level of flood risk and providing reliable and economic hydropower benefits. In addition, the CRT should include both short- and long-term mechanisms that allow for adapting the treaty and/or build in flexibility of operations as conditions change or as new information becomes available. Implementation of the CRT should be modernized to incorporate a coordinated operations plan based on power production, flood risk management, and ecosystem-based function as primary drivers. In general, the intent is to ensure the greatest shared benefits across the U.S. and Canada for these primary drivers while considering potential impacts to recreation, navigation, cultural resources, water supply, and water quality – all important issues to Columbia River Basin (CRB) entities dependent on the mainstem of the Columbia River, such as the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area (CGNSA). The Department of the Interior proposes that specific flow targets and anticipated ecological gains be identified, refined, and quantified, to the extent necessary, from 2014-2024. This period would also be used to develop and organize an ecosystem flow development process, to determine sideboard provisions for ecosystem flow requests, and to assess other ecosystem benefits of interest to Canada. In support of this effort, regional sovereigns will develop a scope of work addressing necessary studies and monitoring to implement the operation of the CRT post-2024. These studies will include multiple scenarios designed to test and compare a range of possible situations with varying: 1) study time horizons, 2) maximum flood control flow objectives, 3) Assured Operating Procedures, and 4) observed and forecast mode water supply and inflow model simulations. 12 To successfully implement a modernized CRT will require that the expected benefits from prescribed management actions, such as flow management, be validated to ensure that was predicted to happen is actually occurring. The ISTM could help improve management of the Columbia River under a new CRT, by providing information to help validate predicted outcomes or that suggests a new management strategy is warranted. Identify and document the extent to which existing monitoring programs support and align with the priority monitoring objectives Existing monitoring efforts in the mainstem Columbia River should be examined to determine the potential for synergy amongst the programs. We submitted a query to a variety of regional agencies requesting information regarding current monitoring efforts in the mainstem Columbia River; the response to this query was limited. We requested a listing of known monitoring activities within the mainstem Columbia River. We assumed a lack of a response indicated that there were no known activities. Below, we describe existing monitoring activities in the mainstem Columbia River based on these limited responses and also report on other programs or known activities in the mainstem Columbia River based on professional knowledge and other less formal queries to other scientists. The list we provide below is likely to be a partial listing; we encourage those with additional information to contact the authors or PNAMP staff. The monitoring efforts we describe here would provide context and possibly synergy to a larger mainstem Columbia River ISTM. Most of the programs we describe rely on fixed sites, such as hydroelectric projects, to implement monitoring; few employ a probabilistic framework. As efforts to formulate a mainstem Columbia River ISTM proceed, there will be a need to provide a framework for the inclusion of these long standing monitoring efforts. Smolt Monitoring Program – Fish Passage Center The Smolt Monitoring Program (SMP) was initiated in 1987 and is coordinated by the Fish Passage Center. The Fish Passage Center (FPC) was formed by fisheries agencies and tribes to interact with hydro system operators and regulators in managing anadromous fish passage. The FPC developed the SMP to assess daily information for in-season management decisions. As part of this assessment various biological parameters including juvenile salmonid survival, passage timing, and passage indices by species, dissolved gas trauma monitoring, hatchery releases and fish condition are compiled and reported. Included in the annual report are counts of adult anadromous fish that pass hydroelectric projects on the mainstem Columbia River that provide important information to managers responsible for managing sport and commercial fisheries for these fish. Additionally, environmental passage conditions, flow, spill water temperature, project operations, studies and research that occurred and that may have affected passage conditions are compiled and reported. These parameters are compiled and reported in-season and are also reported in an FPC annual report. The purpose of the FPC annual report is to document the hydrosystem operations, environmental conditions and the resulting fish passage characteristics that occurred during the year. The report consolidates 13 other information that is helpful in describing the year in terms of Columbia Basin salmon and steelhead passage through the hydrosystem; reservoir operations and weather that resulted in migration flows are documented. The annual report also presents prevailing fish passage management concerns, questions and decisions for that year. The SMP presents environmental and fishery information with an emphasis on how these data pertain to salmonids, though the reported environmental data would have applicability to other aspects of the Columbia River ecosystem. Northern Pikeminnow Management Program The Northern Pikeminnow Management Program (NPMP) has been monitoring aspects of fish predator populations for 22 years (Porter 2011). The NPMP was started in 1990 with the intent to harvest northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) to reduce predation of juvenile salmonids during their emigration from natal streams to the ocean via the Columbia and Snake Rivers. The impetus for the program was research in the Columbia River Basin that suggested predation by northern pikeminnow on juvenile salmonids might account for 10-20% of the juvenile salmonid mortality in each of eight Columbia River and Snake River reservoirs. Modeling simulations based on work in John Day Reservoir from 1982 through 1988 indicated that, if predator-size northern pikeminnow were exploited at a 10-20% rate, the resulting restructuring of their population could reduce their predation on juvenile salmonids by 50%. Data collected as part of the NPMP includes fisheries data from angler catches, fisheries data from electrofishing efforts, summaries of monetary disbursements from the NPMP program, and fisheries data from angling near hydroelectric projects. Information describing angler catches is collected at twenty-one registration stations located on the Columbia and Snake Rivers to provide anglers with access to the Sport-Reward Fishery (Hone et al. 2011); ten of these stations were located in the Columbia River estuary leaving the remaining 11 stations dispersed at locations on the mainstem Columbia and Snake Rivers. The established angler registration stations are understandably selected to accommodate angler participation. The data collected for the dam angling component is collected using hook and line angling within the boat restricted zones of the tailraces of hydroelectric projects within the study area. The stated purpose of these collection efforts is to deplete the number of fish predators within these areas (Dunlap et al. 2011). The reporting of monetary disbursements from the NPMP summarizes the financial aspects of the NPMP based on the returns of northern pikeminnow of the appropriate size to the angler registration stations. The NPMP electrofishing survey collects fish predators at sites from river kilometer (rkm) 76 (near Clatskanie, Oregon) upstream to rkm 639 (Priest Rapids Dam), and in the Snake River from rkm 112 (Little Goose Dam) to rkm 248. The number of sites sampled per year is expressed as the number of sites sampled per river mile. The number of sites sampled per river mile can vary from year to year; in 2010 two 15 min electrofishing efforts were conducted per river mile (Porter 2010) while four efforts per river mile were conducted in 2011 (Porter 2011). How the sites are chosen within river mile is not clear from the reports; the fact that they occur 14 at varying numbers of sites implies that sampling doesn’t occur at the same locations from year to year. The predators collected in these efforts are either measured, tagged and released to provide recapture data or are sampled for diet and other biological characteristics. The collection of diet and other biological information does not occur system-wide annually but does occur annually in particular reaches within the larger study area. For example, in 2009 diet data were collected for The Dalles and John Day Reservoirs and during 2011 was collected for Bonneville Reservoir. The data reported focuses primarily on northern pikeminnow, smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), and walleye (Sander vitreus) and the fish species they consume. Whether data is collected on other species collected in these efforts is not clear from the reports. The information from these efforts would help to inform the formulation of an ISTM by providing information on the relative abundance of predators and the composition of their diets in a spatial and temporal context. If information is not collected on other fish species captured, there may be a way to provide opportunities to do so. Draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Reporting Plan (MERR Plan) - Northwest Power and Conservation Council In 2010, in response to the perceived need to expand monitoring and evaluation as a means to facilitate decision-making and reporting on the Columbia River Fish and Wildlife Program (Program), the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) developed the draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Reporting Plan (MERR Plan) (NPCC 2010). The MERR Plan was developed over a one-year period by NPCC staff. The impetus for the MERR Plan came from the primary strategies for research, monitoring, evaluation and reporting adopted in the 2009 Program, which are: • Identify priority fish, wildlife, and ecosystem elements of the Program that can be monitored in a cost-effective manner, evaluate the monitoring data and adaptively manage the Program based on results • Research and report on key uncertainties • Make information from this Program accessible to the public; and • To the extent practicable, ensure consistency with other processes. The MERR (NPCC 2010) outlines specific draft management questions that Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RME) conducted through the Program should answer. To this end, NPCC (2010) identify the following ten management questions: 1. Are Columbia River Basin fish and wildlife abundant, diverse, productive, spatially distributed, and sustainable? 2. Are Columbia River Basin ecosystems healthy? 3. Are ocean conditions affecting Columbia River Basin anadromous fish in a biologically positive manner? 15 4. Are land use changes and climate change affecting fish and wildlife in the Columbia River Basin in a biologically positive manner? 5. Are the actions implemented by the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program having the expected biological effect on fish and wildlife and their habitat? 6. Are Council Program actions coordinated within the Program and with other programs? 7. Are mainstem hydro operations meeting the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program’s survival and passage objectives? 8. Is harvest supportive of the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program’s vision of restoring fish and wildlife impacted by the development and operation of the Columbia River Basin’s hydrosystem? 9. Does artificial production complement resident and anadromous recovery and harvest goals within the Columbia River Basin? 10. Are the fish and wildlife losses associated with the development and operation of the Columbia River Basin’s hydrosystem being mitigated as described by the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program? The NPCC has developed a list of High Level Indicators (HLI) that they propose will address the status of the answers to these questions. Most, if not all, of the HLI can be tied to components of the ecosystem in the mainstem Columbia River. To facilitate Program assessment and reporting, the MERR Plan consists of a Strategic Plan, Implementation Framework, as well as implementation strategies for anadromous fish, resident fish, and wildlife. Strategic Plan focuses on the Council’s research, monitoring, evaluation (RME) and reporting needs at the policy level. The Strategic Plan sets forth the purpose and expectations for RME and reporting implemented through the Program. Implementation Framework contains existing, modified and new processes for prioritizing and implementing RME and reporting at the programmatic level. The Implementation Framework describes how the various components of RME can be used to adaptively manage the Program and guides the development of standardized Implementation Strategies for anadromous fish, resident fish, and wildlife. Implementation Strategies, Anadromous Fish Implementation Strategy, Resident Fish Implementation Strategy, and Wildlife Implementation Strategy provide additional guidance in prioritizing and implementing RME and reporting. The Implementation 16 Strategies are intended to be developed with regional partners, and will consider integration of regional products. The MERR has recently been updated and separated into two components (Nancy Leonard, NPCC; personal communication), one that pertains to monitoring and research and another that deals with information management, evaluation, and reporting. In the “Guidance to a balance(d) approach to Monitoring and Research” the distinction between three types of monitoring are listed as: Implementation and Compliance Monitoring - used to assess if actions and projects were implemented according to contractual agreement, appropriate design requirements and standards, and when relevant, whether it achieved its assumed functional lifespan. Status and Trend Monitoring – used to assess status over time of fish, wildlife and habitat that informs program evaluation and reporting needs. Effectiveness Monitoring – used to determine, by correlation or causation, if a Program funded action achieved the intended detectable change in environmental conditions or population characteristics. The Implementation Strategies listed in the MERR plan (NPCC 2010) contain components that are relevant to mainstem Columbia River issues; below we provide a synopsis of aspects of the Resident Fish Monitoring Strategy and a synopsis of the Anadromous Fish Implementation Strategy Resident Fish Monitoring Strategies White Sturgeon Population Monitoring Efforts to assess the status and trends of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) populations were initiated in 1986 and are currently ongoing. The project that is funded as part of the Fish and Wildlife Program is collaborative between the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Montana State University, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. As part of this project, stock assessments of adult white sturgeon are regularly conducted and age-0 white sturgeon have been surveyed annually in multiple mainstem reservoirs since 1989 (Counihan et al. 1999; Mallette 2011). The adult stock assessments are conducted using traditional fisheries gear such as gill nets and set lines. Sampling sites are not randomly selected or fixed but rather an effort is made to spread effort “equally throughout the reservoir” (Mallette 2011). Adult abundance is estimated every three years. Sampling for white sturgeon is divided into three periods. During Period 1, gill nets are used to capture white sturgeon; during Periods 2 and 3, baited setlines are used to capture fish. All reservoir sections are sampled during each period, and sampling effort during periods 2 and 3 is distributed equally throughout the reservoirs. Overall adult abundance is 17 estimated by using a Schnabel population estimator on fish in the 70-109 cm FL size class, then using the length-frequency distribution of the setline catch to apportion the Schnabel population estimate by 1 cm increments within the 70-109 cm FL size class. The Schnabel estimate is then expanded to estimate abundance of the remaining size groups based on the relative frequency of these size classes in the total setline catch and after adjusting for size specific differences in gear vulnerability. This method precludes the estimation of 95% confidence intervals for sizes outside of the 70-109 cm FL size class. Age-0 indexing is conducted at fixed sites in Bonneville, The Dalles, John Day, and McNary reservoirs that were originally selected based on the ability to fish a bottom trawl on the substrate (Counihan et al. 1999) but that are now sampled with gill nets (Mallette 2011). The adult stock assessments are conducted periodically while the age-0 indexing occurs annually. As part of the age-0 indexing efforts catches of other fish species are typically recorded and reported and as such constitute the only long-term data on fish assemblages in benthic habitats in the Columbia River. Other resident fishes In addition to white sturgeon, there are plans to develop monitoring implementation strategies for Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and other resident game fishes that could are known to inhabit the mainstem Columbia River for at least part of their life history. As such, the plan will likely seek to coordinate existing and future monitoring activities for these species. However, there currently does not seem to be any dedicated effort or program to monitor the status and trends of other resident fish species. Draft Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategy, Viable Salmonid Population Criteria, and Subset of Tributary Habitat and Hatchery Effectiveness The Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategy (ASMS) draft has been developed by Columbia River Basin fish managers 1i to coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of tributary lifecycle metrics of all wild and hatchery salmonids and their habitat in the Columbia River Basin. The strategy focuses on management decision information needs and informing policy formulation and direction. Aspects of the ASMS pertain to monitoring the status of anadromous salmonids during the time they inhabit the mainstem Columbia. For instance the ASMS suggests that for both intensively and less intensively monitored salmonid populations, that the smoltto-adult survival rate of fish using different passage routes through the hydrosystem be estimated; implying that a monitoring program should be conducted to assess passage behavior 1 A regional workshop was convened by the Bonneville Power Administration, Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Northwest Power and Conservation Council during October 20-21, 2009 and November 3-5, 2009 in Skamania Washington to develop Basin Coordinated Anadromous Monitoring Strategy. The purpose of the Regional Workshop was to reach agreement among participants on an efficient and effective framework and project specific implementation strategy for anadromous salmon and steelhead monitoring to assess (1) Viable Salmonid Population criteria, (2) habitat effectiveness and (3) hatchery effectiveness in the Columbia Basin. 18 as juvenile salmonids pass through the mainstem Columbia River. Other recommendations can be construed as proposing to monitor metrics describing salmonid residence in the Columbia River. The ASMS is not fully implemented at this stage as limitations of resources require a prioritized approach to its implementation. A Columbia River ISTM could benefit from coordination between ASMS and PNAMP on prioritization concepts and the development of tools that enhance monitoring and data sharing, such as produced by PNAMP’s Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring (ISTM) project and Coordinated Assessment process (see: Vital Sign Indicators – Columbia River Gorge Commission The Columbia River Gorge Commission, in collaboration with stakeholders, has initiated a process for developing metrics and a status and trends monitoring program for the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area (CGNSA). The project, entitled the “Vital Signs Indicators” (VSI) project proposes monitoring the status and trends of 51 attributes that characterize environmental and socioeconomic resources within the CGNSA. The VSI project was developed over a two year period with significant public input and support including the identification of key stakeholder groups. Nested within the VSI project are proposed indicators intended to characterize the Economic, Cultural, Natural, Recreation, and Scenic resources in the CGNSA. For the indicators that describe the status of CGNSA Natural resources are proposed metrics that seek to quantify aspects of the aquatic resources within the CGNSA. Since the mainstem Columbia River is the most prominent aquatic feature within the CGNSA, characterizing the status of aquatic resources within the CGNSA will entail measuring metrics for the mainstem. Specifically, the VSI project lists two specific objectives that pertain to the mainstem Columbia River: 1) Protect and enhance the native plants and animals and the habitats which support them and to 2) Protect and enhance <the> quality of the water and aquatic habitats. To track whether these objectives are being met the VSI project has proposed the following indicators: • • • • • • • • • Habitat Quality: Percent of priority habitat types rated as properly functioning. Habitat Fragmentation: Percent of priority habitat types that are lost or fragmented by human activity. Species Health: Percent of at‐risk species whose populations in the gorge are healthy. Species Range: Percent of native species (wildlife, plants, invertebrates) with ranges that are declining. Surface Water Quality: Percent of streams, including the Columbia River, whose water quality is a) poor, b) fair, c) good, and d) excellent. Habitat Quality: Percent of native fish habitat that is properly functioning. Surface Water Quantity: Percent of streams with satisfactory in‐stream flows. Groundwater Quantity: Square miles of groundwater restricted areas. Groundwater Quality The VSI project has not moved into the implementation phase. The Columbia River Gorge Commission is working with the USGS, Oregon State University, Portland State University, and 19 Washington State University to more fully develop and vet metrics that characterize the CGNSA aquatic resources, to further develop and vet the design of the long-term status and trends monitoring of metrics, and to develop the response design for the long-term status and trends monitoring program. As part of this effort, portions of the mainstem Columbia River will be monitored and could feed into a larger Columbia River ISTM. Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: 2009 Lower midColumbia River Ecological Assessment – Oregon Department of Environmental Quality In 2009 the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) conducted a study to test a probability-based survey design and new methods for acquiring contaminant data for large river systems; and provides an initial assessment of contaminant conditions in the middle portion of the Columbia River (Caton 2012). Caton (2012) divided a portion of the Columbia River into an area from Grand Coulee Dam to just upstream of McNary Dam (Upper MidColumbia; UMC)and an area from just upstream of McNary Dam to Bonneville dam (Lower MidColumbia; LMC), which includes approximately 150 river miles. The intent of this study was to assess the ecological condition of a portion of the Columbia River and to collect information that supports Oregon’s Water Quality Toxics Monitoring Program. The project also intended to demonstrate the feasibility of employing large river survey designs, sampling methods and ecological indicators relevant to water and fish tissue contaminants. Since the study used a probabilistic based design, Caton (2012) provides a statistically valid assessment on the condition of the Columbia River based on these indicators. The probabilistic sampling design used by Caton (2012) was developed by the EPA’s Western Ecology Division and the EPA Region 10 office in Seattle, WA. Twenty three random sites were selected along the centerline of the river channel. Each site was given an alpha numeric identification number, which DEQ reduced to simple consecutive numbers. Odd numbered sites were sampled along the Oregon shore, and even numbered sites along the Washington shore. Extra random sampling sites (oversample sites) were provided in case any of the original 23 locations could not be sampled for safety reasons, etc. Eight targeted (handpicked) sites were also selected. Six of these sites were located in the lower free-flowing reaches of major tributaries: the Hood, White Salmon, and Klickitat, John Day, Deschutes, and Umatilla rivers. Two sites were chosen on the mainstem Columbia in areas of concern to project sponsors: downstream of the PGE- Boardman coal-fired power plant (a potential Hg source), and downstream of The Dalles, Oregon (a potential urban contaminant source). The primary objectives of the project are listed as: 1) Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a probability-based sampling design to assess the ecological condition of the mid-Columbia River, and the potential for integration with designs being used for: 20 a. National Rivers and Streams Assessment and the state water quality monitoring strategy for Oregon b. Proposed multi-agency long-term monitoring and research programs advocated by the Columbia River Toxics Reduction Working Group. 2) Assess ecological contaminant conditions in the water column and fish tissue for this portion of the Columbia River (based on summer sampling), to answer the following questions: a. What percent of this Columbia River reach is characterized by poor physical habitat conditions? b. What percent of this Columbia River reach has impaired water quality for conventional parameters? (e.g., E. coli, dissolved oxygen, pH, Secchi depth, turbidity, total PO4-P, NO2 +NO3 –N, NH3 –N, chlorophyll a, and total suspended solids) c. What is the extent of mercury concentrations (total and methylmercury) and methylization cofactors (redox-potential, total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, sulfate, selenium, and water hardness)? d. What is the extent of priority contaminants in the water column and common foodfish fillets? e. What percent of the river length is potentially at risk from contaminants (i.e., that exceed criteria for either human or wildlife consumption)? 3) Compare contaminant conditions in the mainstem Columbia River with those near the mouths of major tributaries. 4) Evaluate stressor indicators and associated methods to assess ecological condition in a portion of the Columbia River, specifically conventional water pollutants, the use of semipermeable membrane. Secondary objectives of the study were listed as: 1) Collaborate with EPA Region 10 on their Regional Applied Research Effort (RARE) study of the UMC. The Regional Environmental and Assessment Program and RARE studies share a common survey design, sampling period, and field collection methods. 2) Provide data on contaminants in the water column and fish tissue for potential use by DEQ and the Columbia River Treaty Review Working Group to help address data gaps. These water quality, biological, and habitat data may provide additional information 21 needed by EPA Region 10 and state and local decision makers to complete an ecological condition assessment, and a contaminant source assessment for the mid-Columbia Basin. Caton (2012) state that the study was not intended to test specific statistical hypotheses regarding contaminant extent or severity in the Columbia River. Rather, the primary use of the data was to produce an initial statistically-based assessment of contaminant conditions in the LMC and UMC and evaluate the feasibility of implementing such a program for future monitoring. Caton (2012) states that statistical confidence in the assessment depends primarily on the study design and the number of randomly selected sampling locations in the Columbia River. The primary data output from the survey design was an estimate of the cumulative proportion of the target population (expressed as a percentage of reach length) with a particular value for an ecological indicator, or the percentage of river length present in discrete “condition classes” based on specified criteria (e.g., greater than some concentration of concern). Data quality objectives related to “decision statements”, “alternative actions”, “action levels”, and “decision rules” were not developed. That different data users or decision makers will have their own “action levels” of interest for particular indicators was noted by Caton (2012). Given that this study is one of the only examples where multiple aspects of the aquatic ecosystem were collected in a probabilistic design framework, any ISTM efforts conducted in the mainstem Columbia River that encompass the area sampled during this study should review the results of this study to identify opportunities for incorporating past, and presumably, the ongoing results of this work. Zooplankton Monitoring – Washington State University and USGS Recently the Washington State University and the USGS Western Fisheries Research Center initiated a program to scope the development of a zooplankton monitoring program in the mainstem Columbia River from Bonneville Reservoir to Wanapum Reservoir and in the lower portion of the Snake River. The intent of this initial phase of the monitoring program was to assess the logistics of conducting the monitoring, to estimate the expected variability in zooplankton samples over various spatial and temporal scales, and to provide estimates of the community composition over the longitudinal gradient sampled and also seasonally. Samples were collected from randomly selected stations in the forebays of hydroelectric projects and from randomly selected locations over a wider geographic area within reservoirs. Data collected in 2010 and 2011 that characterizes the seasonal dynamics of zooplankton has been processed and analyzed and is reported in a master’s thesis (Emerson et al. 2012); further analyses are in progress. Other studies Studies examining various aspects of Columbia River reaches by the EPA were noted in our search; however the efforts were not necessarily designed as monitoring efforts. Two studies, one that examines levels of contaminants in fish tissues from just below Bonneville Dam to 22 Grand Coulee Dam (US EPA 1999) and another that examines human health risks and beach sediment contaminant burdens (EPA 2006a, 2006b, 2006c, 2006d, 2006e) were noted. Following is an excerpt regarding the study design of the fish contaminant survey: “This study was designed to estimate risks for a specific group of people (Columbia River Intertribal Fisheries Commission’s (CRITFC) member tribes). Therefore, the sample location, fish species, tissue type, and chemicals were not randomly selected. Collection sites were selected because they were important to characterizing risks to CRITFC’s member tribes. Chemicals were chosen because they were identified in other fish tissue surveys of the Columbia River Basin as well as being found throughout the environment. This type of sampling is biased with unequal sample sizes and predetermined sample locations rather random. This bias is to be expected when attempting to provide information for individuals or groups based on their preferences. The results of this survey should not be extrapolated to any other fish or fish from other locations.” The EPA further note in a report describing the state of toxics in the Columbia River (see: ): “While considerable information has been collected over the past 20 years, the data are limited with regard to whether the contaminants are increasing or decreasing Basin-wide. There is some trend information for specific areas of the Basin such as the Lower Columbia.” Conclusions Listed above are monitoring programs and other ongoing studies that we identified that could contribute to a mainstem Columbia River ISTM in various ways. Other more localized monitoring efforts that are ongoing and that should be evaluated for a mainstem Columbia River ISTM likely exist. Further work needs to be done to document and coordinate additional monitoring and research efforts when they are identified. Once the decisions and questions that aquatic monitoring is intended to inform and associated prioritized monitoring goals and objectives are identified, the parties conducting the monitoring programs and other activities above should be contacted, a thorough accounting of the metrics produced by the various programs should be done, and the extent to which the existing program align with priority goals and objectives should be documented. Once this is done, information gaps and opportunities to collaborate can be fully identified. Sample Frame Development – USGS and PNAMP We worked with PNAMP and the Sitka Technology group to facilitate the transfer of existing and newly developed sample frames for the mainstem Columbia and Snake Rivers from USGS to the PNAMP Monitoring Sample Designer tool. Using Digital Elevation Models (DEM’s) of the river channel and upland areas we generated “master sample(s)” for the Columbia and Snake Rivers and their floodplains using a Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) algorithm for an area based resource (Figure 1). A master sample is essentially a list of sites needed for a complete census of an area and a list of attributes assigned to each site. The GRTS 23 algorithm creates a list of sites that retains randomization and spatial balance when the full list of sites is subset for sampling. To define the sampling frame for the river channel and upland areas of the Columbia and Snake Rivers we used the presence of hydroelectric projects to delineate discrete geographic units. For example, we defined the sample frame for Bonneville Reservoir as the area bounded by Bonneville Dam at the downstream extent and The Dalles Dam as the upstream extent. We then used the forebay elevation of the upstream hydroelectric project (e.g., The Dalles Dam in this example) as a benchmark to define the maximum elevation for the floodplain extent. We then used the GRTS algorithm to generate a master sample list of sites for this area. We chose this technique to define the floodplain because the extents of the current and historic floodplains are currently undefined and because it was the same technique to define the floodplain for the master sample previously formulated for the Columbia River Estuary. The sample size was selected to have a sample site approximately every 30 x 30 m. We met with PNAMP staff (Jacque Schei, USGS) and staff from the Sitka Technology Group to coordinate the incorporation of the area based sample frames for the mainstem Columbia and Snake Rivers into the Monitoring Sample Designer tool ( that is being developed by PNAMP. We discussed the benefits and drawbacks associated with formulating one comprehensive master sample (for the entire Columbia River Basin) or as discrete units. Ultimately, how the master sample is grouped or divided will be based on the user’s needs with respect to allocating samples over an area that encompasses their monitoring program requirements but the decision was made to present multiple sample frames corresponding to discrete geographic units. For instance, we developed a sample frame for Bonneville Reservoir, The Dalles Reservoir, and John Day Reservoir versus one sample frame for the entire area. If desired, the sample frames can be regrouped to accommodate different geographic scales (for example, mainstem sub-basins). We attributed the area based sample frames with basic information. Attributes including State, County, Hydrologic Unit Codes, etc. will be associated with the master sample files. Further attribution of the sample frames is possible to accommodate various design needs; however, coordination amongst groups using the sample frames with respect to how the sample frame is attributed would provide for efficiency and could reduce duplication of effort. We have transferred the sample frame to PNAMP; as of the writing of this report the sample frames for Bonneville Reservoir and The Dalles Reservoir have been incorporated into the Monitoring Sample Designer and are available to scientists there to create a GRTS draw. The other sample frames will be loaded into the Monitoring Sample Designer per scheduling and resources (Jacque Schei, USGS; Written communication). 24 Figure 1. The geographic extent of the sample frames developed for the mainstem Columbia and Snake Rivers. Sample frames comprise the individual reservoir and associated floodplain to the next upstream dam (black squares). For the Columbia River the upper most extent is the Grand Coulee Dam and for the Snake River it is the Hells Canyon Dam. Develop information on the pros and cons and costs associated with different monitoring design and field protocol combinations. The development and implementation of a mainstem Columbia River ISTM will require the identification of monitoring designs that provide an assessment of the status and trends of important resources and that allow for efficient collection of data. Given the breadth of the policy issues and the spatial and temporal complexity of the mainstem Columbia River, no one particular response or survey design will likely meet the needs of a comprehensive mainstem Columbia River ISTM project. For instance, in some instances, conducting Effectiveness Monitoring (e.g., Intensively Monitored Watersheds studies) may be a better choice than Status and Trend Monitoring for detecting the effects of specific mitigation and restoration actions. Be that as it may, coordination amongst agencies conducting monitoring, or activities that could contribute to a monitoring effort would help to make the most use of the information being generated. By promoting coordination of efforts and standardizing protocols where sensible 25 and/or possible, the limited resources available for conducting the monitoring activities can be used as efficiently as possible. Efforts to standardize collection and analyses would allow data collected by different agencies to be used to assess changes within particular reaches of the mainstem Columbia River and help facilitate comparisons among reaches, where comparing and contrasting the resources (e.g., fish, water quality, etc.) makes sense. For some metrics, such as landscape scale metrics, using remote sensing and GIS to characterize the status and trends of habitats has the potential to census large areas in a cost-effective manner. In other instances, such as comparing changes in fish assemblage integrity, the collection of data will be more labor intensive and will require areas to be subsampled. In both cases, identifying a common set of metrics that will provide similar types of information across reaches and jurisdictional boundaries and standard ways of measuring the metrics will help to provide valuable information to decision makers and the public about whether mitigation and habitat restoration strategies are working and cost effective. Simultaneously monitoring the status and trends of resources requires special survey design considerations. Johnson et al. (2008) provide a discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of particular survey designs to address monitoring questions in the Columbia River Estuary and recommend a rotational panel design (McDonald 2003) for monitoring the status and trends of habitat conditions and juvenile salmonid performance. Rotational panel designs allow for both status and trends monitoring simultaneously. In a rotational design, some fraction of the sample location is revisited from the previous year while new sites enter the sample each year. Rotational pattern designs will likely have applicability to various components of a mainstem Columbia River ISTM. Developing a common sample frame that multiple agencies can draw from could help to coordinate disparate sampling efforts so that they can contribute to a mainstem Columbia River ISTM. Larsen et al. (2008) suggest a framework for coordinating efforts of multiple agencies so that the efforts can contribute to a larger monitoring effort. Based in part on a GRTS design (Stevens and Olsen 2004), Larsen et al. (2008) suggest that the development of a very large sample, a “master sample” (Yates 1981), that individual monitoring programs can draw subsamples from could serve as a framework for combining individual efforts into a larger monitoring effort. Using the “master sample” consists of a process of specifying a GRTS based sample of a specified size, n, that is a spatially balanced random set of sites representing the target resource, and then selecting sites from this sample frame to collect monitoring data. The master sample then serves as a standard set of sampling points that can be organized in a variety of ways to allow sample site selection across different geographic domains, habitat types or sizes, or other features by which the frame can be classified. If consistent design principles are followed, monitoring data collected from these sites can be combined if there are overlapping geographic domains and provided that the same frame, sample elements, and sampling protocols are used (e.g., Larsen et al. 2007). 26 Examples of long-term monitoring programs in other large river systems Precedence exists to suggest that establishing long-term monitoring efforts on large rivers system is accomplishable. Long-term monitoring programs have been established for other large river systems within the US. Following are three examples of long-term monitoring activities on large US Rivers. Mississippi River On the Mississippi River, a long-term monitoring program for aquatic resources was established in 1986 when congress authorized the Environmental Management Program (EMP) on the Upper Mississippi River System through the Water Resources Development Act (USGS 1999). The EMP funds two major components: ecosystem rehabilitation projects and long-term resource monitoring. The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) is implemented by the USGS in partnership with the Army Corps of Engineers and state agencies. Data collected include water quality, vegetation, invertebrates, fish, land cover, elevation, and bathymetry. A Strategic and Operational Plan developed by the LTRMP partnership for 2010-2014 calls for continued monitoring, but with expanded emphasis on research, modeling, communication, and adaptive management (see: ). The long-term goals of the program are to understand the system, determine resource trends and impacts, develop management objectives and alternatives, and manage the large amount of information collected. Illinois River A long-term monitoring program implemented by the Illinois Natural History Survey has been in place on the Illinois River since 1957 (McClelland 2006). The Long-Term Illinois River Fish Population Monitoring Program has sampled fishes in six navigation reaches of the Illinois River with data collected annually. Over the course of the program 205,679 fishes representing 98 fish species (and seven hybrids) from 17 families have been collected. Based on the data collected under this program it has been determined that native fish species richness has increased over time and community analyses revealed changes in fish species composition from a community dominated by common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) to one of greater species diversity. Colorado River The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) was formally established in 1997 by the Secretary of the Interior Department in response to the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 (GCPA). The GCPA is intended to improve natural resource conditions in the Colorado River corridor in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. The GCDAMP fulfills the statutory requirement of the GCPA by using science (long-term monitoring, modeling and field experiments in an adaptive framework) and a variety of perspectives from 25 stakeholders to support the decision-making process related 27 to dam operations. Monitoring data collected by the USGS’s Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center and its various cooperators since 1996, have documented improvements to several key biotic and abiotic resources and progress toward improved understanding of the ecosystem have resulted from the GCDAMP since its inception (Cross et al. 2011). Recent biotic responses include (1) an estimated 50% increase in the adult population of endangered humpback chub (Gila cypha) between 2001 and 2009, following previous declines; (2) increased abundance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Lees Ferry tailwater in response to artificial flood experiments; (3) a 90%, albeit temporary, decrease in non-native rainbow trout below the Lees Ferry tailwater, known to compete with and prey on native fish, during a multiyear removal experiment in a reach used by humpback chub; and (4) widespread, albeit temporary, rebuilding of eroded sandbars in response to an experimental high-flow release of dam water in March 2008. Summary In this report we present progress towards the development of an ISTM for the mainstem Columbia River and its floodplain. The development of a mainstem ISTM will require much directed coordination and stakeholder participation to: 1. Identify decisions and questions that aquatic monitoring is intended to inform, and identify associated prioritized monitoring goals and objectives. 2. Identify and document the extent to which existing monitoring programs support and align with the priority monitoring objectives in #1 above. 3. Identify and/or develop monitoring designs, sampling frames, field and data management protocols, and analytical tools to meet priority aquatic status and trend monitoring objectives identified in #1 above. 4. Develop information on the pros and cons and costs associated with different monitoring design and field protocol combinations. 5. Recommend mechanism(s) to implement and report the monitoring results from implemented monitoring programs. While much effort needs to be expended to complete the steps above, efforts by PNAMP to establish an ISTM in tributaries to the Columbia River estuary and the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) where long-term monitoring efforts are in process, provide examples of the benefits of completing them (Ward et al. 2011). Fortunately, there are a multitude of resources that could serve to inform the formulation of a mainstem Columbia River ISTM. As such, the efforts to establish an ISTM in the mainstem Columbia should draw upon the experiences of groups such as PNAMP and CHaMP to begin to facilitate the formulation of the program while utilizing the wealth of planning documents and existing programs to jump start the coordination of the effort. The ISTM that is being developed for tributaries to the CRE by PNAMP provides an example of how proceeding through the stepwise process above can lead to the formulation of a monitoring program that addresses priority management needs (Rawding and Rodgers 2013, Puls et al. In review). As efforts to 28 formulate a mainstem Columbia River ISTM proceed, coordinating with entities with experience formulating, conducting, and maintaining long-term monitoring efforts on large rivers will be informative. The large river monitoring programs listed above have dealt with many of the issues we will encounter as we develop a mainstem ISTM program. For instance, the involvement of multiple jurisdictions and issues associated with the logistics of sampling in large rivers are addressed in the large river monitoring programs discussed above. Long-term monitoring surveys will provide the foundation for assessments of current ecological condition and provide baseline biotic data from which to measure changes in community composition and function. The baseline and distribution data, when linked to existing habitat conditions, will in turn facilitate the research and development of predictive models and other decision support tools to assist managers in their decision making processes. Currently, managers have few tools that will help them understand how disturbance regimes and restoration actions are affecting efforts to recover endangered and threatened species in the CRB. The framework for assessing long-term benefits of rehabilitating degraded habitats, implementing mitigation projects to create habitats beneficial to indigenous species (i.e. wetlands); assessing the relative vulnerability of species and habitats to a changing environment, and mitigating the effects of environmental stressors to create more resiliencies in CRB habitats in the future is lacking. Implementing an ISTM for the mainstem Columbia River will help to identify trends in important natural resources and help us understand the long-term collective effects of management actions. Acknowledgements We would like to thank all of the people that responded to our requests for information regarding monitoring activities on the mainstem Columbia River. We would also like to acknowledge and thank Jacque Schei and Jen Bayer of PNAMP for their assistance and reviews of this document. Finally we would like to thank Amy Puls, USGS and Kirk Krieger, WDFW who provided editorial suggestions that significantly improved this report. 29 References Adams, N. S. and T. D. Counihan, (eds.). 2009. Survival and migration behavior of juvenile salmonids at McNary Dam, 2007. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, WA, Contract No. W68SBV70178419. Caton, L. 2012. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Lower mid-Columbia River Ecological Assessment Final Report: 2009. Publication No. 12/LAB/006. 2009; 219 p Counihan, T.D., A.I. Miller, and M.J. Parsley. 1999. Indexing the Relative Abundance of Age-0 White Sturgeons in an Impoundment of the Lower Columbia River from Highly Skewed Trawling Data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:520-529. Cross, W. F., C. V. Baxter, K.C. Donner, E. J. Rosi-Marshall, T. A. Kennedy, R. O. Hall, H. A. Wellard Kelly, and R. S. Rogers. 2011. Ecosystem ecology meets adaptive management: food web response to a controlled flood on the Colorado River, Glen Canyon. Ecological Applications 21:2016–2033. Dunlap, P. V., J. D. Hone, and E. C. Winther. 2011. Northern Pikeminnow Dam Angling on the Columbia River. U. S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Oregon. Project No. 1990-077-00. Contract No. 52617 Emerson, J.E., S.M. Bollens, and T.D. Counihan. (2012) Zooplankton in Columbia-Snake River system reservoirs, with special emphasis on the invasive copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi. M.S. Thesis. Washington State University, USA. EPA. 2006a. Phase I Sediment Sampling Data Evaluation - Upper Columbia River Site CERCLA RI/FS. Draft Final. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. August. EPA. 2006b. Phase I Sediment Sampling Field Summary Report - Upper Columbia River Site CERCLA RI/FS. Prepared by CH2M HILL. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, WA. July 13, 2006. EPA. 2006c. Screening-level Risk Assessment for Recreational Use of Beaches, Upper Columbia River, Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. Prepared by CH2M HILL and Ecology and Environment, Inc. Draft. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, WA. EPA. 2006d. Settlement Agreement for Implementation of Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study at the Upper Columbia River Site. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, WA. June 2, 2006. EPA. 2006e. Draft Final Phase I Sediment Sampling Data Evaluation - Upper Columbia River Site CERCLA RI/FS. Prepared by: CH2M Hill and Ecology & Environment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, WA. August 25, 2006. 30 ESA (Ecological Society of America). 1997. Ecosystem Services: Benefits Supplied to Human Societies by Natural Ecosystems, No. 2, Spring, 1997, Issues in Ecology. Hone, J. D., E. C. Winther, and P. V. Dunlap. 2011. Implementation of the Northern Pikeminnow Sport-Reward Fishery in the Columbia and Snake Rivers 2011 Annual Report. U. S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Oregon. Project No. 1990-077-00. Contract No. 52617 ISAB (Independent Scientific Advisory BoardISAB). 2011. Columbia River Food Webs: Developing a Broader Scientific Foundation for Fish and Wildlife Restoration. Document ISAB 2011-1 Johnson, G.E., H. L. Diefenderfer, B. D. Ebberts, C. Tortorici, T. Yerxa, J. Leary, and J. R. Skalski. 2008. Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation for the Federal Columbia River Estuary Program, January 31, 2008. Prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory under a Related Services Agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy. 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