Composite.pdf CHEROKEE COUNTY SAMPLE COMPOSITE BALLOT OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA NOVEMBER 2, 2010 This is a consolidated sample ballot which contains ALL candidates running in the General Election in Cherokee County. Candidates for the U.S. Congressional, State Senate, State Representative, County Commissioner are elected by district. To determine which races will be on your ballot, check your voter registation card for your district information. "I understand that the offer or acceptance of money or any other object of value to vote for any particular candidate, list of candidates, issue, or list of issues included in this an act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law." [OCGA 21-2-285(h) and election constitutes 21-2-383(a)] For United States Senate (Vote for One) JOHNNY ISAKSON (Incumbent) Republican MICHAEL "MIKE" THURMOND Democrat For Commissioner of Agriculture (Vote for One) GARY BLACK Republican J. B. POWELL Democrat CHUCK DONOVAN KEVIN CHERRY Libertarian Libertarian For Public Service Commissioner (To Succeed Robert B. Baker, Jr.) (Vote for One) TIM ECHOLS Republican KEITH MOFFETT Democrat JAMES "JIM" SENDELBACH For State Representative in the General Assembly From 21st District (Vote for One) CALVIN HILL (Incumbent) Republican STEPHANIE PARKS WEBB Democrat Libertarian Write-in For Governor (Vote for One) NATHAN DEAL Republican ROY E. BARNES Democrat JOHN H. MONDS Libertarian Write-in For Commissioner of Insurance (Vote for One) RALPH T. HUDGENS Republican MARY SQUIRES Democrat Write-in Write-in For U.S. Representative in 112th Congress From the 6th Congressional District of Georgia For State Representative in the General Assembly From 22nd District (Vote for One) SEAN JERGUSON (Vote for One) (Incumbent) SHANE BRUCE Libertarian TOM PRICE BILL BROWN (Incumbent) Democrat Write-in Write-in Write-in Republican Republican Write-in For Lieutenant Governor (Vote for One) L. S. CASEY CAGLE (Incumbent) Republican CAROL PORTER Democrat DAN BARBER Libertarian For State School Superintendent (Vote for One) BRIAN KEMP (Incumbent) Republican (Incumbent) 23rd District Republican (Vote for One) JOE MARTIN PATRICK THOMPSON MARK HAMILTON Democrat Democrat (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in Write-in For Commissioner of Labor (Vote for One) MARK BUTLER Democrat Republican DAVID CHASTAIN DARRYL HICKS Libertarian Democrat WILL COSTA Libertarian For State Senator From 27th District (Vote for One) Write-in SAM OLENS DAVID LEE CANNON, JR. (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in Republican For State Representative in the General Assembly From 20th District Republican For County Commission Chairman (Vote for One) BUZZ AHRENS (Incumbent) Republican CHARLICE BYRD (Incumbent) LILLIAN BURNAMAN Democrat KEN HODGES (Vote For One) (Incumbent) Republican Republican For Solicitor-General of Cherokee County JACK MURPHY (Vote for One) For Attorney General (Vote for One) Republican KIRA GRIFFITHS WILLIS GEORGANNA SINKFIELD Write-in From CHIP ROGERS Write-in (Vote for One) (Vote for One) For State Representative in the General Assembly JOHN D. BARGE Republican Libertarian For Secretary of State For State Senator From 21st District Democrat Write-in For County Commissioner Post 1 (Vote for One) DON SMART Write-in Libertarian HARRY B. JOHNSTON (Incumbent) Republican Write-in TURN BALLOT OVER TO CONTINUE VOTING FRONT Card ptPct 10 "AIR ACRES" FOR PROOF ONLY 09/16/1014:27:12 Write-in For County Commissioner Post 4 (Vote for One) JASON NELMS For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Anne Elizabeth Barnes) (Vote For One) Republican ANNE ELIZABETH BARNES Write-in Write-in For County Board of Education Post 1 (Vote for One) ROBERT WOFFORD -2- (Incumbent) For County Board of Education Post 3 (To Succeed Edward H. Johnson) (Vote for One) YES ANTOINETTE "TONI" DAVIS MICHAEL GEIST CHRIS MCFADDEN -3Allows the State to execute multiyear contracts for long-term transportation projects. Senate Resolution No. 821 Republican Ga. L. 2010, p. 1263 DAVID N. SCHAEFFER Democrat For County Board of Education Post 5 (Vote for One) ROBERT "RICK" RECHSTEINER (Incumbent) Republican Write-in For Judge, Superior Court of the Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit (To Succeed N. Jackson Harris) (Vote for One) N. JACKSON HARRIS "Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to allow thethe Georgia Department of Transportation to enter into multiyear construction agreements without requiring appropriations in the current fiscal year for the total amount of payments that would be due under the entire agreement so as to reduce long-term construction cost paid by the state?" YES (Incumbent) NO -4- Write-in For County Board of Education Post 6 (Vote for One) ROB USHER Republican ALICE M. ARCHEY Democrat valorem taxation for inventory of a business?" NO STAN GUNTER ADRIENNE HUNTERSTROTHERS Write-in "Shall the Act be approved which grants an exemption from state ad JAMES BABALOLA (Vote for One) TONY GUICE Adds $10 tag fee on private passenger vehicles to fund -Astatewide trauma care expansion. Provides for inventory of businesses to be Senate Resolution No. 277 exempt from state Ga. L. 2010, p. 1260 property tax. "Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to impose an annual House Bill No. 482 $10.00 trauma charge on certain Act No. 132 passenger motor vehicles in this state for the purpose of funding Ga. L. 2010, p. 674 trauma care?' For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia Republican Write-in Write-in Allows the State to execute multiyear contracts for projects to improve energy efficiency and conservation. For Judge of State Court of Cherokee County (Vote for One) ALAN JORDAN Senate Resolution No. 1231 (Incumbent) Ga. L. 2010, p. 1264 JOE "O" OCZKOWSKI "Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide for Write-in NONPARTISAN ELECTION For Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed David E. Nahmias) (Vote For One) TAMMY LYNN ADKINS DAVID NAHMIAS (Incumbent) MATT WILSON Write-in For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed A. Harris Adams) (Vote For One) guaranteed cost savings for the state by authorizing a state entity to Write-in enter into multiyear contracts PROPOSED which obligate state funds for energy efficiency or conservation CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS improvement projects?" YES -1Allows competitive contracts to be enforced in Georgia courts. House Resolution No. 178 Ga. L. 2010, p. 1260 NO -5Allows owners of industrial-zoned property to choose to remove industrial designation from their of property. "Shall the constitution Georgia be amended so as to make Georgia more economically competitive by authorizing legislation to uphold reasonable competitive agreements?" YES NO A. HARRIS ADAMS (Incumbent) House Resolution No. 136 Ga. L. 2010, p. 1259 "Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to allow the owners of real property located in industrial areas to remove the property from the industrial area?" YES NO Write-in BACK Card 1 PROPOSED STATEWIDE REFERENDUM Pct 10 "AIR ACRES" FOR PROOF ONLY 09/16/1014:27:12 YES NO Composite 2.pdf CHEROKEE COUNTY SAMPLE COMPOSITE BALLOT OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA NOVEMBER 2, 2010 This is a consolidated sample ballot which contains ALL candidates running in the General Election in Cherokee County. Candidates for the U.S. Congessional, State Senate, State Representative, County Commissioner are elected by district. To determine which races will be on your ballot, check your voter registation card for your district information. "I understand that the offer or acceptance of money or any other object of value to vote for any particular candidate, list of candidates, issue, or list of issues included in this an act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law." [OCGA 21-2-285(h) and election constitutes 21-2-383(a)] SPECIAL ELECTION To Continue the Existing One (1%) Percent Special Purpose Local Option Sales and Use Tax for Certain Capital Projects (Vote for One) Shall a special 1 percent sales and use tax be reimposed in the special district of Cherokee County for a period of time not to exceed 24 calendar quarters and for the raising of an estimated amount of $185,500,000 for the following purposes pursuant to an Intergovernmental Sales Tax Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2010, among Cherokee County, Georgia (the "County"), the City of Ball Ground ("Ball Ground"), the City of Canton ("Canton"), Holly Springs, Georgia ("Holly Springs"), the City of Mountain Park ("Mountain Park"), the City of Nelson ("Nelson"), the City of Waleska ("Waleska"), and the City of Woodstock, Georgia ("Woodstock"): (a) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by the County (the "County Projects"): (1) Jail Expansion, Law Enforcement and Fire/EMS Training Facilities & Equipment, Advanced Life Support (ALS) Vehicles and Equipment, and Animal Shelter Facilities & Equipment, (2) Transportation Facilities, Equipment, Improvements, and Airport Facilities and Expansion, (3) Library Facilities, (4) Senior Center Facilities, (5) Law Enforcement, E-911 and County Marshal Facilities, Vehicles and Equipment, (6) Business & Economic Development Land Acquisition, Infrastructure, facilities, debit service, sewer system improvements, (7) Courthouse Expansion, and (8) Fire & Emergency Services Facilities, Vehicles and Equipment; (b) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Ball Ground: (1) Law Enforcement Facilities, Vehicles and Equipment, (2) Community Center, (3) Park and Recreation Facilities, (4) Transportation Facilities and Improvements, (5) Fire Facilities, Vehicles and Equipment, (6) City Hall Debt Service, and (7) Water/Sewer System Improvements; (c) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Canton: (1) Transportation Facilities and Improvements, (2) Park and Recreation Facilities, (3) General Government Buildings, (4) Fire Facilities and Equipment, (5) Water, Wastewater Facilities, Equipment and Debit Service; (d) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Holly Springs: (1) Transportation Facilities and Improvements, (2) Law Enforcement Facilities, Vehicles and Equipment, (3) Sewer System Infrastructure, Facilities and Equipment, (4) City Hall Administrative Offices, Facilities and Equipment, and (5) Public Works, Fire and Fleet Vehicles and Equipment; (e) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Mountain Park: (1) Law Enforcement, Streets, and Drainage; (f) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Nelson: (1) Law Enforcement and Fire Vehicles and Equipment, (2) Transportation Facilities and Improvements, and (3) Park and Recreation Facilities and Improvements; (g) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Waleska: (1) Water System Facilities & Improvements, (2) General Government Buildings, Public (Police and Fire) Facilities and Equipment, (4) Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Facilities, Equipment, and (5) Debt service for such projects? Buildings & Improvements, and (3) Fleet Vehicles & Equipment; and (h) capital outlay projects to be owned or operated or both by Woodstock: (1) Public Works Facilities, Transportation Facilities (Streets, Drainage and Sidewalks, etc.), and Equipment, (2) Park, Recreation and Cultural Arts Facilities, (3) Public Safety If reimposition of the tax is approved by the voters, such vote shall also constitute approval of the issuance of general obligation debt of Cherokee County, Georgia in the principal amount of $25,000,000 for the purpose of the County Projects. YES NO HOLLY SPRINGS CITY ELECTION For City Council Post 1 (Vote for One) KYLE WHITAKER MICHAEL ZENCHUK Write-in For City Council Post 2 (Vote for One) KEVIN EPPERSON DEBBIE J. "DEE" PHILLIPS (Incumbent) Write-in FRONT Card 2 R ptPct 10 "AIR ACRES" FOR PROOF ONLY 09/16/1014:27:13
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