Year 12 Sample HSC Questions Standard English


Year 12 Sample HSC Questions Standard English
Year 12
Sample HSC Questions
Standard English
Question 8 — Elective 1: The Global Village (20 marks) ‘An individual’s attitudes and
beliefs can be challenged by the experience of living in the
global village.’
Discuss this view with reference to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text
of your own choosing.
The prescribed texts are:
Prose Fiction – Christopher Koch, The Year of Living Dangerously
– Nick Enright, A Man with Five Children
Film – Rob Sitch, The Castle
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Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Advanced English
Question 3 — Prose Fiction (20 marks) (a) Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the
Dog in the Night-time
Discuss how Haddon’s perspective on personal challenges is conveyed in The Curious
Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text.
(b) Jane Yolen, Briar Rose Discuss how Yolen’s perspective on personal discovery is
conveyed in Briar Rose. In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text.
(c) David Malouf, Fly Away Peter Discuss how Malouf’s perspective on personal
hardship is conveyed in Fly Away Peter. In your response, make detailed reference to your
prescribed text.
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Extension English
Elective 3: Science Fiction — Attempt Questions 1 and 2
The prescribed texts are:
Prose Fiction
Frank Herbert, Dune
William Gibson, Neuromancer
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Question 1 (25 marks)
Significant texts in any genre arise from specific social and cultural conditions and possess
an enduring relevance.
Write an essay in which you explore the extent to which this is true of the texts you have
studied in your elective.
In your response, refer to TWO prescribed texts AND texts of your own choosing.
Question 2 (25 marks)
Compose a piece of original imaginative writing using a setting from one of your prescribed
texts and incorporating these three terms:
a promise
a stone
Your response should draw on your knowledge and understanding of the elective you have
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
General Mathematics
A new phone was purchased for $725 which included 10% GST.
What was the price of the phone without GST, correct to the nearest cent?
(A) $65.91
(B) $72.50
(C) $652.50
(D) $659.09
(a) Susannah is training for a fun run by running every week for 26 weeks. She runs 1 km
in the first week and each week after that she runs 750 m more than the previous week, until
she reaches 10 km in a week. She then continues to run 10 km each week.
How far does Susannah run in the 9th week?
(ii) In which week does she first run 10 km?
(iii) What is the total distance that Susannah runs in 26 weeks?
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Mathematics Extension 1
Solve ln(x6)2lnx.
Five ordinary six-sided dice are thrown.
What is the probability that exactly two of the dice land showing a four? Leave your answer
in unsimplified form.
The mass M of a whale is modelled by
M 36 35.5e
where M is measured in tonnes, t is the age of the whale in years and k is a positive constant.
(i) Show that the rate of growth of the mass of the whale is given by the
differential equation
dM k36M.
When the whale is 10 years old its mass is 20 tonnes.
Find the value of k, correct to three decimal places.
(iii) According to this model, what is the limiting mass of the whale?
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Mathematics Extension 2
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Which of the following provides evidence that supports the theory of evolution?
Punnet squares
The fossil record
The DNA double helix
Which method did Rosalind Franklin use during her investigations of the structure of
Protein sequencing
Monohybrid crosses
Computer modeling
X-ray crystallography
Cilia prevent the entry of pathogens into the human body by:
providing a protective body covering.
producing secretions toxic to pathogens.
moving trapped pathogens to the mouth.
increasing circulation of blood to the infected area.
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton
Contact Details
P.O Box 128 Caringbah 2229
Centre: Suite 1 305 Princess Highway Carlton