Developer Advisory Travelport Universal API™ Travelport Universal API™ New Sample Workflows
Developer Advisory Travelport Universal API™ Travelport Universal API™ New Sample Workflows
Developer Advisory Travelport Universal API™ Travelport Universal API™ New Sample Workflows Developer Advisory Number: 445 Document Version: 01 Load To Production: Not applicable Product Version: Universal API 6.0 High Level Description: New XML sample transactions for Release 6.0 have been added to the Help for Travelport Universal API™. Impact Summary: No schema or functionality impacts. This update is for supporting content only. Reason For Issue: First notification Customer Impact: Universal API Developers Galileo Apollo Worldspan AXESS System: ACH RCH Travelport Rooms and More Merchandising Load To PreProduction: Not applicable Issue History: Version 01 20-Jan-14 TRAVELPORT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Page 1 Developer Advisory: Travelport Universal API™ New Sample Workflows Overview New XML sample transactions for Release 6.0 have been added to the Help for Travelport Universal API™ at The updated samples are located in Samples > XML Samples: Release 6.0. (|St artTopic=Content%2FSampleWeb%2FSamples_MainPage.htm|SkinName=Universal) The sample XML transactions provided in the Travelport Universal API™ Help are provided for various functions, including Air, Air Merchandising Optional Services, Vehicle, Hotel, and Universal Record manipulation. Samples will be updated with each release, and additional samples and functionality will be added in future updates. Please note that these samples support XML transactions only, and do not include sample application code. However, a Travelport Universal API Sample Site, as well as sample application code in several languages are available, at the following links: Workflows All samples are included as part of workflows that contain common transaction sequences for various providers and suppliers. Required and optional status for an individual transaction within a workflow may vary depending on the desired business process. Please note that sample providers and suppliers associated to a specific sample may be representative for that sample, but may not be the only providers and supplier for whom that sample is valid. If a sample does or does not apply to other providers, it is noted in the Comments column for that workflow. Naming Convention for Samples The naming convention for samples uses: A unique three-digit number to identify the associated sample workflow. This number is arbitrary and does not indicate any priority or chronological relationship between sample workflows. A two-digit number for a "step" or chronological placement of the sample within the transaction flow. The two-character code for the associated provider. If more than one provider is associated with the transaction flow the codes are hyphenated; for example: 1G-ACH. A brief description of the transaction. A transaction request (Rq) or response (Rs) indicator. For example: 004-04_1P_AirTicket_Rq 004 indicates that the transaction is part of Workflow 004-1P_Air_MinimumData (Air Flow with Minimum Data for United Flights on Worldspan). 04 is the fourth step in the workflow as Air Ticketing must be preceded by Availability, Pricing, and Booking. 1P is the Worldspan provider code. AirTicket indicates an Air Ticketing transaction.Rq is a request transaction. 004-04_1P_AirTicket_Rs is the corresponding response to this request. 20-Jan-14 TRAVELPORT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Page 2 Developer Advisory: Travelport Universal API™ New Sample Workflows Version Control for Samples For more efficient maintenance, samples do not indicate the Travelport Universal API release or the schema version in the file name. Version control for samples use: The schema versions that indicate in the namespace for each sample request and response. For example: <air:AirPriceRsp xmlns:air="" xmlns:common_v25_0=> Comments at the top of each sample request that indicate: The associated release A brief description of the transaction A date stamp for the date when the sample was generated If a sample is modified in the same release, the date stamp can be used to confirm the exact date of creation for the sample. For example: <-- Release 6.0--> <-- Timestamp: 23 Nov 2013--> <-- Air Booking For Galileo(1G) with Connection Request--> Date stamps: In each Workflow description on the Sample topic page as Created or Updated. Any updates from the initially created sample workflow are listed in a corresponding pop-up box. On the All Sample Files Zip file name to indicate the latest date that an update was made to a sample contained in the Zip. Replacing Generic Request Data For sample transaction requests, values for credentials, credit cards, and other sensitive data are replaced with generic equivalents. When testing with sample requests, please replace: OriginApplication="UAPI" with your assigned OriginApplication, if applicable. If you have not been assigned another OriginApplication value, retain the "UAPI" value. TargetBranch=“TRGT_BRCH” with your assigned Target Branch/Work Area Branch (WAB). PseudoCityCode=“PCC” with your assigned pseudo city code. CreditCard @Name @Number @CVV with your own test credit card data. Other values that are not validated by Travelport Universal API, such as LoyaltyCard @CardNumber, may be kept or replaced with your own test data. 20-Jan-14 TRAVELPORT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Page 3 Developer Advisory: Travelport Universal API™ New Sample Workflows Travelport provides this document for information purposes only and does not guarantee that the information contained in this document is accurate, current or complete. This document and the products listed herein are subject to change without notice. © 2014 Travelport. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 20-Jan-14 TRAVELPORT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Page 4