Document 6534297
Document 6534297
m^^^^w m mmmmmim wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm > ^ ^ ^ KATTSIURGH NtiSS-REniiUCANsMONOAY, SIFTIMtlR 12, I f M •rib M i l 11 i TV previews 1 New slioivs and some that survived s 7>50 p m , Ch. J—Giiligan's (Premiere) Hsare's lots of S * . Ch. 5 - Roger MtHer! 10:00. Ch. t — Jean Arthur Island (Season's Premiere). Out- horseplay without the horses in I Show (Premiere). While the i Show (Premiere). Off this start, landish island shenanigans • re- this new farce comedy series j folks watch Lucy and Georgej the series looks like a winner, turn for another juvenile romp, about a poor schnook who "runs j Bums, the young 'una may be j Wasting no time with character lafcjjfe** bite gives empty-headed j for his life" from four villain- eying country boy Roger Miller j explanation, movie star Jean rjrfHllgan cause to believe be'Ujous gangsters whose murder as ho sings "Dang Me" and j Arthur returns to work as a :feoon turn into a blood-loving • plots he overhears in a turtdsh chats with his happy4aiker fighting lady lawyer. Right off the bat, Miss Arthur attempts ••vampire. (Color) [bath. In the opener tonight, guest Bill Cosbv TCotor, ;; 7 30. Ch. 5 - The Monkees Buddy (Jack Sheldon) speeds 7Mt Ch. 5~The Rat Patrof to euro elevator operator iXPrerruere) "The Ro\al Flush." his way into hiding via a job $:», Ch. a—The Rat Patrol Mickey Rooney of race-track *iA fast paced, teen age slanted I as an utterly useless gas station (Premiere) A promising World boding,, and defends him on a •Jserie?? about t*:o ad\entures of attendant. (Color) War II half-hour series, well murder charge outside of the ?J*, male siru;m£ group called i 8:00. Ch. S--I Dream of Jean- cast, beautifully photographed, I courtroom in the process. ;!**The Monkcv^V The show' me. (Seasons Premiere). Bar- direct and clipped. From the'1 (Color) £<Ftnve- for the H!e«:t created by j bara Eden is coming out of opener, at least, there are few 10:W, Ch. 5—Run For Your l\rhe Beatles'>^pular film "A that bottle and complicating j unnecessary fnlls in the for Life. (Season's Premiere). * The ,t JJHard Days N»»m' and. on a 1 U r n Hagman's life on Mon- j mat dealing with a group of four Day Time Stopped." If this show •^smaller scale, occasionally sue- days instead of Saturdays, i soldiers who are sent out on weren't entering its second seaS*coed< (Color. from now on. (Color) ! special missions of great dan- son, you'd almost think the eip~| 7 30. Ch. 8—The Iron Horse ' s ;10. Ch. $—The Lucy Show, j ger involving behind the-lines side tonight was the pilot for a ;:<Prem»ere>. 'The Karis Run* (Season's Premiere). George action.(Color) On two networks series to be called Run For JlMSW." Hale Robertson is back ' Burns and Lucv team up for! s:00, Yh. 3 — Andy Griffith. Your Life." Paul Bryan (Ben •in the saddle aiufn in tri* hour-* a barrage of old jokes and a j (Season's Premiere) The best Gazzara) finds himself sufferijor? western action ^en^v He> little of the old soft shoe in this child actor tn the business, Ron- ing from amnesia in a Swiss ' s pamblin/ man who. wins a premiere. Lucy makes a fine; ny Howard, carries the prem- hospital. (Color) fjrajlroad in a poker same, and partner for George with her ex- iere episode as Opie who falls ftrakes on a k»ad >* trouble try- rquisite timing m^ihe w0dumb an- for a young eirl who might t u r n ^ , ^ l o V l © G l l i d c Jang to keep it a-chuggm along^ ^wer bit. and tla$J saunter out a Babe Didnkson when s h e j _ , in fine ;grows up. The two kids hold! 4 00 pm., Ch. 0 - ' Night Song througLthe occasion * ft Color) I a sports contest and Opie has Dana Andrews, Mark Oberon fashion. (Color) Buddy, Run :; 0:00, Ch. *~Run 6 00, Ch 8 — "The Littlest ! to learn to lose with grace 4* Hobo" I (Color) : *t 11:25,'Ch. R—"The Price of - 9 00, Ch. S-The Road West ' Silence" Gordon Jackson 1 EVENING (Premiere) Families who head j MONDAY 11:30. Ch 3— Lust for Gold" 5:00 3 ) Adventure Club JfMORNTNG f west on T\" are always nuking | Glenn Ford, Ida Lupino 3P Summer Camp !i 7 OO^D Today r at least one parent, so meet 5JJO 3?, Film Shorts j w idow^er Benjamin Pnde < Barry I.' 7 os - ^ CBS Moming News 5:30 6 Mad Movies i Sullivan) taking his km from l\ 7 45 'jp Farm & Home (j|) The 5 30 Report ! Ohio to Kansas in search of a ;; 8 00 f £ Capt. Kangaroo 5 40 >S) Superman \ £jood life, post Civil War time i: if) Where the Action Is 6.00 J ) Movie In the opener, the Prides find St 8;30 IS) ToAp and Country (S) Sports plenty of the corn from which •f o? Recovery of Gemini 41 Run. Budd>*. Run successful shows grow, includi» 9.00 5>-Di>rna Rtid € 00 If) News ing a viciotrs band of renegade^ 9 6:10 3 ) Cane and Brus^ ft ^'f o'clock Land i Confederate soldiers led by such ; 6:30 35 Huntley and Brinklcy competent villains as Ceorge c ;;* (3D Hamper Room Scott and John Drew Barry- , i! 9'15 ;® Teudv Bear 3 ) News and Weather ! more, iColor* ($]-Evening Report :; 9 30 D Gener al Hospital 9 00. Ch. 8 -^Felony Squad 6 40 3^ World of Sports ;; 9 30 3 ) Its No Picnic (Prenwfe* -The Streets Are. 7 00 OB Rat Patrol «j;10 00 'R Eye Guess Paved With Quicksand." I'olice ; (& Seven On SAX *• CC The Nurse= detective series seem to be mak- j 3 ] Shannon •^rrrr (j) l Love Lucy ing a ctrmeback this sea>on. 1 7 30 3) Monkee's <& Tc>: Partem and here's one that's a half-! •JH Iron Horse V> jQ 'W) Concer.rraTiorj (6 Don Messer's Jubiiee hour ^how set ar.d filmed in-Lo* • (5^ The Real McCo\s Angeles, with Howard Huff 3 (iilligan's l^and : ff" Never Too Young - ! vtarred as tough Sam Slone. j 800 j £ The Saint r 10 55 8 Ar tene Dahl (Color) 1 3J Run, Buddy. Run ^ 11:00 :'f N!orning Star 9:30. Ch 3 — Family Af^ir.) r 3^1 Dream of JearuuV J' C5; ^ ^y Griffith (Premiere) Casting Brian Keith j 8:30 30 Lucy Show (8; S.p.-mart'et Sweep j as a mature, nicgedly hand; 8T Rat* Patrol 11:30 Tj Para,: >e Bav »some, sophisticated bachelor, \%) Roger Miller CD Dick Van Dvke • and very English, stuffy, fat 9.00 8"; Felony' Squad '$ The Dating u-^.e j and correct" Seba^tiaif Cabot as i 3 ) Andy Griffith It tS '6' Today on CBMT j his perfec* housekeeper, msn*»e? Show of the Week l|:4n 6 N,«vs i WcaLher. ) servant, takes a bit of the edge 3 ; Road West It47 6, Goif ;Off the •Bachelor Father" for- 5 ; 9 30 3j' A Family Affair <& 1 mat of this new comedy series j 8 Peyton Place IfcJO (& Jeoparady : • 10.00 3 Front Page Challenge (Color) • "" C53 Love of Life 3 ) Run For Your Life ^ (6; Luncheon Date : (3; Jean Arthur Show 12i25 % CBS News ! T8 1 The Big Valley :r* "8J Di>r.r.a K-ed [.'10:30 L6 To Have and to Hold ^R0 C5) Swme-r.' t .»untry^ I've Got A-Secret ( S Search tor-T"im«rrow !• 11:00 C5) News •— C3j Search for Tomorrow 11:00 8^ Mountain Report (Formerly U M t Adam) " * « rtPlU. ~ \ ® Father Knows EJest. (§} News, Weather i2i4S>'3[)' The. Guiding Light r • PLUMUNG •HEATING I - 15) News 5) Guiding Light 1 11 25 T Movie X; 00 "S3 Ben Casey • SALES •SEKVI ^~~^. -~Q Luncheon Date ; 11:30 3 ) Movie j ® Tonight Show "~~ "* W World d Fashion 6] Sports Final 3; Across The Fence jj DIAL Sol-5310 FAST SetVICE 11 *0« £ Science Fiction" M5 3 ) To He Announced m 5 9 TV schedule he II look this in the eye on Sept 30 drrrr.svoiv/ ADAMS Eyjffi" wen Riverside* r Stop-Leek or with water or FREE ESTIMATES j — ! (gj Confidenual iur women t 2.30 3 ) Houseparty , (D The Doctors {£ Coronation Street tU d ) A Time For I.s U T o Tell the Truth CC- Gen. Hosp. ($; Tak,- Thirty (E .Another World i$j fcdge oi >>.&: (C TBA These leading clothiers all recommend . . . SANIT0NE Ed«* <^ N?e*t Secret Storm . Movie LaarH and Hardy CandGrf s S:-»n* TV* Scr'-*-•! Special Razzie Dazzle Mike Douglas Show Dry Cleaning Thrmm diH»rent colon\jt\ styles to choose from! If you w«nf « colonial Jivinqroom. you'll r Rt«.$l98 3-ie.Galaiial Maple Sofa-Btd SiHa lovo 4h#SO suites boc«r &• they are truly authentically styiao1. outstandingly constructari. covarad in axcaptional covers, and all era foam cushioned! Each sofa it exactly matched >y a handsome chair, bot4t pieces $IQO tasterpiece of comfof* • . . . . • • . . • • i . • I O O Valees te $900 Faaioas Hideaway Bed-Sofas '188 Now save many dnJfcsri on your choice of thick, tutfcioys embossed or smart modern tweed broad loom carpet made of 100% Dupont SOI nylon. Woven by famous Masland Carpet Co., these broedfooms will give yoa years of wonderful service, will clean easily, and will give your floors new warmth mnd beauty. Available in may newest decorator colors end in both $^L9S ft*} ft* 12V A 15* width. Tweed or carved stylos . . O Oir Coapfolt Slock of Fa»ois DININGR00M SETS Danish. Colonial, Provincial stylos. All styles, all finishes. Don't miss this greet offer. N O W « T AS MUCH A S . . . 40 % " If you want a beautiful tefe that ODOIH into a bod f t sleep 2 people, and weM e metching louneje chair and pletfofifi rocker • • . this is it! All pieces are foem cuiTiibnad and all frames if genuine maple. Authofttia eoloniel fabrics. Only 2 of fheso s#H ^|OQ to toll < IwO Valias fa $60 Sarla a i l Staajierlaad aid Baaico MATTRESSES All sttoe, your cfioice while they last. M#et in ariilaaj '30 Hero H is, tbo bodroom tef tfiat yoa fcavo boon worttnf for. All pieces ere solid heedrock meplo. Horo'a w4of yow gof: Large dressor end mirror, 4 drawer ehoef ami • beautiful panel bed. This set has oN duet proof draw. ors, confor guides er»d many feetwos t f o t yoe wo4fld oirpocf to find in mech moro OKpoaefvo ^lOO sets. Now goiog for eoiy . * • # # m Wa Clean # HATS • IMS 2 HOUR SERVICE DRIVE-IN WINDOW at our Lak« Show Plant Out tboy go at eoo iaboiosrs low prices temporary Danish, oowott modern #SM Tboso aro~ffoo quality sots m«de by 2 f Cecturors onej shown in somo of tbo coirtrtry's fa^asbtajg megaxinos. N#w mif . . VALUES TO $70! OPEN HOOK MAPLE OR WHITE DECOtATEO Drossors Cbosts Desks 9 Comoe Units • • C—wrDtfa tw»kl^t Valees fa «*4«%«ff '194 IPs. Sals ...u i n '49 e e e ejssowty MNTB ot aja^ •O aV#p MMrfi ^'44 Easy fsoBfat Paper# Didn't You? JAN'S I Jteg. S326.M SeN fissk Maplf OFF Valaas ta $326... 4-ac, l i tsett I Breyfcal Bsdrstai Senas SJVW in Saturday's Rog.W29.2Pc.WligSly1t Coloiial Livisaroon Siites Handmacher You Did Our Ad * ALL DININGR00M SUITES AND DINETTE SETS ON SALE ' ALL TABLES, LAMPS AND WALL ACCESSORIES ON SALE $11 Yd. DaPait kS01' Nylaa Carest ( D Yoa Don't Say 'X 3) (gj (5) '6 "3 (S) {£ * ALL LIVING ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE ON SALE Opens to sleep 2 on foam mattress. Choice of stylos. Nylon covers, foem cushions • . [ (5) On The Local S^-ne Every Floor Sample Tagged For Immediate Sale at Lash ^._ T L ^ ^ t . ^ Q) As the World Turns j -2.00/3D Password OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9m J01-3200 Free vat