Sample of a Trade Sales DESADV (ASN) to the OEM Customer.
Sample of a Trade Sales DESADV (ASN) to the OEM Customer.
Sample of a Trade Sales DESADV (ASN) Purpose: To allow the Supplier to send an ASN to Faurecia for the shipment of goods to the OEM Customer. The NAD+ST and NAD+SU values, should be the turnaround data being sent to you in the DELFOR/DELJIT. This is how Faurecia will recognize Trade Sales ASN’s versus standard Production ASN’s. UNB+UNOA:2+SUPPLIER_DUNS:01+FAURECIA_DUNS:01+030216:0216+00000000000027' UNH+10001+DESADV:D:97A:UN' BGM+351+SHIPPER-NUM+9' Customer Shipto Codes: DTM+137:200302191600:203' DTM+11:200302191600:203' Delphi Orion = R501, Delphi Fairfax = R301 MEA+AAX+G+LBR:008249' GM Orion = 19017, GM Fairfax = 18044 MEA+AAX+N+LBR:008000' MEA+AAX+SQ+C62:033' NAD+ST+CUSTOMER_SHIPTO_CODE::16' NAD+SU+COTTAGE_DUNS::16' Cottage DUNS* number assigned to you by TDT+25+VECHILEID+M:M++SCAC-CODE' the OEM Customer. This should NOT be CPS+1++4' your DUNS#, or the Faurecia Plant your PAC+3+++::BP:FNACONTIDNAME' shipping to. LIN+++FNAPARTNUMBER:IN' PIA+1+SUPPLOTA:BB' QTY+1:300:C62' RFF+ON:PONUMBER:POLINE' CPS+2++4' PAC+4+++::BP:FNACONTIDNAME' LIN+++FNAPARTNUMBER:IN' PIA+1+SUPPLOTA,LOTB,LOTC' ------> Multiple lots use "," max length 22 chars QTY+1:200:C62' RFF+ON:PONUMBER:POLINE' UNT+24+10001' UNZ+1+00000000000027 * If the Supplier needs to know or compare the Cottage DUNS# prior to the ASN being transmitted, please call your Materials contact at the Faurecia plant receiving this ASN.