Sample Preparation for Determination of Macrocyclic Lactone
Sample Preparation for Determination of Macrocyclic Lactone
LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 729 FOOD CHEMICAL CONTAMINANTS Sample Preparation for Determination of Macrocyclic Lactone Mycotoxins in Fish Tissue, Based on On-Line Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion and Solid-Phase Extraction Cleanup Followed by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry ALDO LAGANÀ, ALESSANDRO BACALONI, MARYANNA CASTELLANO, ROBERTA CURINI, ILARIA DE LEVA, ANGELO FABERI, and STEFANO MATERAZZI La Sapienza University, Department of Chemistry, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy A new method based on matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) on-line with a solid-phase extraction (SPE) cleanup process followed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) is presented for the determination of 3 macrocyclic lactone mycotoxins in fish tissues: zearalenone, a-zearalenol, and b-zearalenol. The sample was prepared in a device that used a reversed-phase material (C18) or a normal-phase material (neutral alumina) as a matrix dispersing agent, and a graphitized carbon black cartridge was used for sequential cleanup by SPE. LC/MS/MS was used for selective determination. Isocratic elution with acetonitrile–methanol–water was used for LC separation; for MS/MS, 2 types of interfaces (a pneumatically assisted electrospray ionization interface or an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface) were evaluated and compared in terms of the intensity of the total ion current produced by each analyte. The use of highly selective MSPD on-line with SPE for sample preparation before analysis allowed the removal of interfering matrix compounds `present in tissue extracts that would otherwise cause severe ionization suppression of zearalenone and its metabolites during the ionization process. Average recoveries at 100 ng/g were between 83 and 103% with C18 and ³67% with neutral alumina; the relative standard deviations were <11% with C18 and <18% with alumina. The limits of detection ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 ng/g. Sample preparation is simple to perform, no special technical equipment is required, and solvent volumes are minimal. he infection of food with several species of fungi has been recognized as a potential threat to animal and human health. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of T Received October 21, 2002. Accepted by AP February 20, 2003. Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]. filamentous fungi or, more specifically, molds. Their presence in food is a real problem. Over 300 mycotoxins have been isolated and chemically characterized (1). It can be assumed that about 5–10% of the total cereal, fruit, and vegetable harvest is destroyed by mold. Therefore, a significant degree of contamination is due to fungal metabolites, among which are many mycotoxins that can be detected in food products and animal feed. Zearalenone (ZON) is a nonsteroidal estrogenic macrocyclic lactone mycotoxin produced by different strains of fungi (Fusarium spp.), which often affect cereal crops in temperate climate zones. This substance is known because of its estrogenic activity: it binds to estrogen receptors influencing estrogen-dependent transcriptions in the nucleus and thereby causes dysfunction to human and animal reproductive systems (2, 3). Recent studies have demonstrated the potential for ZON to stimulate the growth of human breast cancer cells containing estrogen-response receptors (4, 5). It has been observed that ZON at approximately 500 mg/kg is a level at which toxic effects can be found in livestock, and that 50 mg/kg can cause visible effects in the reproductive organs of mammals (6). Metabolism investigation has shown that ZON is transformed into 2 biologically active metabolites, a-zearalenol (a-ZOL) and b-zearalenol (b-ZOL; Figure 1), and that the ratio of the metabolites varies among different species (7). Even the latter compounds are estrogenic, behaving like endocrine disrupters (8), and therefore must be included in an appropriate monitoring program. Animal exposure to ZON occurs mainly by ingestion of contaminated feed, whereas humans can also be damaged by eating contaminated meat (9). Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the most widely diffused aquaculture species worldwide (in Italy there are >1000 fish farms). Trout feed is composed of animal protein, fats, oils, semioleo byproducts, and cereals in grains (10); because of the last component, trout can be particularly subject to mycotoxin exposure through ingestion of contaminated feed (11). Therefore, it is important to have an analytical method for monitoring mycotoxins in animals. Several analytical techniques, such as thin-layer chromatography, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, gas chroma- 730 LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 Figure 1. Chemical structures of selected analytes. is more efficient, because it combines disruption of the gross architecture of the sample with the dissolution and dispersion of sample components into the bound organic phase on the surface of particles. Thus, MSPD extraction is a promising approach for extraction of mycotoxins from solid or semisolid samples. In this paper, we report the development of an on-line MSPD–SPE cleanup followed by LC/MS/MS for the determination of ZON and its metabolites in fish tissues. A nonpolar (C18) or a polar (aluminum oxide activity I) dispersing agent was used for sample dispersion. The elution profile and further cleanup using graphitized carbon black (GCB) were optimized. The analytes in the extracts were selectively determined by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) LC/MS/MS to allow detection at the ng/g level. Experimental tography, liquid chromatography (LC), and LC/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), have been used for the determination of ZON, a-ZOL, and $-ZOL in different matrixes such as various foods and feeds, animal tissues, blood, and urine (12–17). A common belief is that, because LC with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) is very selective and specific, sample preparation may be reduced to a minimum or even omitted. On the contrary, some researchers have recently demonstrated without any doubt that chromatographic coelution of matrix compounds can severely affect the ion formation process in both electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) interfaces, resulting in a decrease in the accuracy and reproducibility of LC/MS/MS analyses (18, 19). The use of an internal standard can reduce this phenomenon, but cannot prevent it completely. Therefore, an efficient sample preparation and cleanup process is needed to minimize it. With complex matrixes, such as meat and vegetable tissues, this task is often long, tedious, and difficult: it consists not simply in extraction of the analytes from the solid matrix, but also in their separation from many interfering substances of biological origin; the cellular structure of the sample needs to be disrupted, and there is a high abundance of proteins and lipids. Current methodologies for preparation of samples containing macrocyclic lactone mycotoxins are preferably based on solid-phase extraction (SPE). Zöllner et al. (20–22) have recently developed LC/MS/MS methods to determine ZON and its metabolites in various matrixes: beer, urine, grain, and meat. These methods involve an extraction step using C18 SPE columns for liquid samples; homogenization with various organic solvents is used for solid samples, followed by an SPE cleanup with a C18 or immunoaffinity column. The use of SPE in analytical protocols has some drawbacks such as the presence of particulates that impede and block the flow because they occupy the spaces in the solid-phase support materials. Centrifugation or filtration is used to remove the particulates, but it can potentially alter the results and lead to variability. Recently, matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) extraction has been applied to a variety of matrixes for the extraction of analytes with a broad range of polarity. The MSPD process Chemicals and Reagents (a) 2,4-Dihydroxy-6-(10-hydroxy-6-oxo-trans-1-undecenyl) benzoic acid m-lactone (ZON), 2,4-dihydroxy-6-(6a,10dihydroxy-trans-1-undecenyl)benzoic acid m-lactone (a-ZOL), 2,4-dihydroxy-6-(6b,10-dihydroxy-trans-1-undecenyl)benzoic acid m-lactone (b-ZOL), and 2,4-dihydroxy-6-(10-hydroxy6-oxo-undecenyl)benzoic acid m-lactone (ZAN).—Sigma (Milwaukee, WI). (b) C18 (Lichroprep® RP 18, 25–40 mm) and neutral alumina (aluminum oxide activity I).—Merck (Darmstadt, Germany); both were used as supplied, without any preliminary treatment. (c) Carbograph-4.—A particular type of GCB; supplied by L.A.R.A. srl (Rome, Italy). The particle size range was 120–400 mm. No particular precautions were taken in storing the GCB. The carbograph cartridge was prepared by filling a polypropylene tube, 6 ´ 1.3 cm (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA), with 0.250 g adsorbent material. A polyethylene fritted disk and ca 1 cm pressed quartz wool were placed below the sorbent bed, and another polyethylene fritted disk was placed above the sorbent bed. (d) Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter.—0.2 mm, 25 mm diameter (Alltech, Milan, Italy). (e) Acetonitrile and methanol, both LC grade.—Carlo-Erba (Milan, Italy). (f) Hexane and dichloromethane.—Carlo-Erba. (g) Deionized water.—Purified in a Milli-Q RG system (Millipore, Bedford, MA). Each individual compound was dissolved in an appropriate volume of methanol to obtain a 1 mg/mL stock solution. An aliquot of each stock solution was mixed and diluted with methanol to obtain a primary working solution containing each analyte at 100 ng/mL. Working solutions at the appropriate concentrations were prepared daily by dilution of the primary solution with methanol. All stock solutions and the primary working solution were stored at –18°C and brought to room temperature before use. LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 731 Instrumentation A Series 200 Perkin-Elmer pump equipped with a Rheodyne Model 7125 injector with a 50 mL loop was used for LC. Chromatographic separation was achieved under isocratic conditions on an Alltima Prevail C18 column, 250 ´ 4.6 mm id, average particle size 5 mm (Alltech, Deerfield, IL) with a Supelguard precolumn, 20 ´ 4.6 mm id (Supelco). The mobile phase was acetonitrile–methanol–water (37 + 16 + 47, v/v/v). The flow rate was set at 1 mL/min, but only 1/5 (200 mL/min) of the total column effluent was diverted to the mass spectrometer. A PE Sciex (Concord, ON, Canada) API 365 triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer, equipped with a TurboIonSpray™ (TISP) source and operated in the negative-ion mode, was used for MS/MS. MassChrom 1.1.1 software on a Power Macintosh G3 was used for data processing. All ion source and MS/MS instrumental parameters were optimized for high sensitivity by infusing a standard solution of each analyte (1 ng/mL) at a flow rate of 10 mL/min by using an infusion pump (Harvard Apparatus, South Natick, MA). The Q1 full scans of the analytes were conducted from 80 to 350 m/z, in 0.5 m/z increments with a dwell time of 10 ms; the MS/MS product ion scans of the precursor ion [M–H]– were conducted from 50 to 400 m/z, with the same increments and dwell time. The temperature of the turbo gas (nominal heating-gun temperature) was set at 350°C. High-purity nitrogen was used as the nebulizer, curtain, and collision gas with respective (arbitrary) settings of 10, 10, and 2 as characteristic values for the Sciex API 365 instrument. The MS/MS analysis was performed in the MRM mode. The deprotonated molecular species of ZON (m/z 317) and of a-ZOL, b-ZOL, and ZAN (m/z 319) were selected as the precursor ions, and the following fragment ions were selected: m/z 175, 160, and 131 for ZON; m/z 174, 160, and 130 for a-ZOL; m/z 160, 144, and 130 for b-ZOL; and m/z 205 and 161 for ZAN. The dwell time for each monitored transition was 600 ms except that for the internal standard, which was set at 200 ms. For each analyte, the best declustering potential (OR) was chosen as follows: –30 V for ZON, –28 V for a-ZOL, –29 V for b-ZOL, and –51 V for ZAN. The collision energy was adjusted by varying the voltage between the high-pressure entrance quadrupole, Q0, and the collision cell quadrupole, R02. For each individual monitored transition, the value giving the most intense signal was selected (for a-ZOL, 32.0 eV for m/z 174, 38.0 eV for m/z 160, and 46.0 eV for m/z 130; for b-ZOL, 40.0 eV for m/z 160, 38.0 eV for m/z 144, and 44.5 eV for m/z 130; for ZON, 31.5 eV for m/z 175, 37.0 eV for m/z 160, and 41.0 eV for m/z 131; for ZAN, 38.0 eV for both m/z 205 and 161). Data acquisition was divided into 3 time periods in order to use longer dwell times for each MRM transition. Unit mass resolution was used for both Q1 and Q3 mass-resolving quadrupoles (full peak width at half height was ca 0.7 Da). Sample Preparation Portions of the edible part or liver of a trout, purchased in a local supermarket, were chopped and kept refrigerated at –18°C. A 0.5 g portion of tissue was placed in a glass mortar, homogenized with a pestle, and then spiked with 50 or 5 ng of each target analyte (a-ZOL, b-ZOL, and ZON). These compounds were contained in 1 mL acetone. The sample was then allowed to air-dry at room temperature to eliminate all the organic solvent. A 2 g portion of C18 was then added to the sample, and the contents of the mortar were vigorously mixed with the pestle to obtain homogeneity. The resulting powder was dried overnight in a ventilated oven set at 40°C. Finally, the material was packed into a 6 mL polypropylene cartridge tube; polyethylene fritted disks were placed above and below the packing material. Meanwhile, the carbograph-4 cartridge was prepared. The analytes were extracted by placing the MSPD packed column, stacked on-line with the cartridge containing the GCB, onto a vacuum extractor as shown in Figure 2. Before the extraction, the GCB cartridge was sequentially washed with 10 mL dichloromethane–methanol (80 + 20, v/v), 5 mL methanol, 20 mL water acidified with hydrochloric acid (10mM), 10 mL water and, finally, 10 mL methanol–water (70 + 30, v/v). When the matrix dispersion was performed with aluminum oxide instead of C18, the last solution was replaced with 10 mL methanol–water (50 + 50, v/v). The analytes were extracted and purified sequentially in a few operations. The analytes were first eluted from the upper MSPD cartridge with 15 mL methanol–water (70 + 30, v/v). The vacuum was regulated to obtain an average flow of ca 1 mL/min. After the solvent passed through the upper cartridge, that cartridge was removed; in this step, the eluate from the GCB cartridge was discarded. The cartridge containing GCB was sequentially washed with 10 mL water, 10 mL methanol acidified with 10mM formic acid, and 3 mL methanol. Finally, a 0.22 mm PTFE filter was inserted at the bottom of the cartridge, and the analytes were eluted with 15 mL dichloromethane–methanol (80 + 20, v/v). The eluate was collected in a round-bottom glass vial. The eluate was evaporated to dryness under a gentle stream of nitrogen. The residue was reconstituted with 250 mL water–acetonitrile–methanol (40 + 42 + 18, v/v/v) containing the internal standard (ZAN) at 0.5 ng/mL. ZAN was chosen as the internal standard because it does not occur in nature. For the LC/TISP–MS/MS analysis, 50 mL final extract was injected into the LC/MS/MS system. With aluminum oxide instead of C18, the procedure was similar to that described above: 0.5 g sample, spiked as described above, was placed in a glass mortar and homogenized with 2 g aluminum oxide activity I to obtain a yellowish (when muscular tissues are analyzed) or brownish powder (when liver tissues are analyzed). The contents of the mortar were dried overnight in a ventilated oven set at 40°C. Then the material was packed into a 6 mL polypropylene cartridge tube in the same manner as described above. Subsequently, the packed column was sequentially washed with 5 mL hexane and 5 mL methanol. 732 LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 The extraction was performed on-line with GBC by using 30 mL methanol–water (50 + 50, v/v). The flow was adjusted, by regulating the vacuum, to ca 0.5–1 mL/min. After all of the solvent passed through the upper cartridge, that cartridge and the eluting solution were discarded. The subsequent operation was performed in the same manner as described for the extraction using the C18 procedure. To assess accuracy and precision, with either the C18 or the alumina procedure, the following experimental design was adopted: 12 different samples of muscular tissue and 12 different samples of liver were spiked at 100 ng/g as described above; the first 6 samples of each type were processed with the C18 protocol, and the remaining 6 were processed with the alumina protocol. The final extracts were then analyzed by LC/MS/MS. Recoveries were assessed by comparing ratios of the analyte peak area to the internal standard peak area with those obtained by injecting a standard solution at the same concentration level. This protocol was then repeated for samples spiked at 10 ng/g. Results and Discussion LC/MS/MS We used the chromatographic separation developed previously (23) involving a ternary phase (acetonitrile–methanol–water) that produced a good chromatographic separation in a short time. The relatively clean extracts coming from the MSPD and GCB cartridges allowed the use of a shorter chromatographic run time, because interferences arising from biological sources were drastically reduced and thus ion suppression phenomena were minimized. In a confirmation of the findings of other researchers (24), the negative ionization mode was found to be more sensitive for the selected analytes, compared with the positive mode. The deprotonated molecule [M–H]– was chosen as the precursor ion, and product ion (MS/MS) spectra were generated with precursor ions at m/z 319 for a-ZOL and b-ZOL and m/z 317 for ZON. The product ions selected for MRM transition were the most abundant in the fragmentation spectra obtained under the optimized experimental conditions. Because of the structural similarity of the analytes, they exhibit similar fragmentation patterns and, therefore, mutual interference in the total ion chromatograms. Thus, chromatographic separation before mass spectrometric detection cannot be omitted. To optimize MS/MS conditions and the sensitivity for individual analytes, MRM analysis was performed by using a different setting of the ion optics and MS/MS tuning conditions to achieve the lowest level of quantification for the macrocyclic lactones studied. Moreover, to achieve better sensitivity, the chromatographic run was divided into 3 acquisition time periods, permitting the use of a longer dwell time (600 ms) for each monitored transition. Because the concentration of the internal standard was constant, its dwell time was not increased. For this study, ZAN was used as the internal standard, because the similarity of its structure to those of the target analytes allowed efficient compensation for fluctuations in the detector signal. The use of a deuterated internal standard should be superior, but isotopically labeled compounds may not be readily available because of difficult synthesis and/or cost. When real samples are analyzed by LC/MS, interferences from the matrix can affect the intensity of the signal. For this reason, the sensitivity of the LC/MS/MS system was investigated by comparing the peak areas obtained for a solution prepared as follows: a suitable known volume of working standard solution was dissolved in the eluant used for the final elution from the carbograph-4 cartridge, and the solution was evaporated to dryness as described in the Experimental section. This task was performed with the C18-based procedure only. The effect of additives on the ionization efficiency was evaluated by using both TISP and APCI–heated nebulizer (APCI–HN) interfaces. The results of these studies are summarized in Table 1, which shows that the TISP interface without any addition to the mobile phases was the most effective, producing the most intense signal, although the addition of ammonium acetate to the mobile phases enhanced the signal of the APCI interface and made it similar to that produced with the TISP interface. However, the use of the latter was preferred because minor amounts of impurities were sprayed Figure 2. Schematic representation of the on-line MSPD sample preparation procedure. LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 733 Table 1. Effect of carrier modifiersa on the relative intensities of the extracted ion current of MRM acquisition Signal, %b (RSD, %)c TISP APCI Analyte I II III I II III IV a-ZOL 100 (3.1) 29 (6.5) 76 (3.9) 49 (2.6) 60 (2.8) 39 (7.0) 85 (3.2) b-ZOL 100 (4.0) 30 (7.4) 80 (4.7) 60 (4.0) 78 (3.9) 45 (5.9) 104 (3.3) ZAN 100 (2.9) 44 (5.9) 69 (3.3) 62 (3.7) 67 (5.0) 54 (9.1) 96 (4.0) ZON 100 (4.3) 29 (7.0) 75 (5.5) 59 (4.0) 57 (5.6) 48 (8.3) 80 (3.6) a b c I = Acetonitrile–methanol–water (37 + 16 + 47, v/v/v); II = acetonitrile–methanol–water (37 + 16 + 47, v/v/v) with 2mM ammonium acetate; III = acetonitrile–methanol–water (37 + 16 + 47, v/v/v) with postcolumn methanol and 40mM ammonium hydroxide at 0.11 mL/min; IV = acetonitrile–methanol–water (37 + 16 + 47, v/v/v) with 15mM ammonium acetate. The signal intensities obtained with the TISP interface by using neutral mobile phases were arbitrarily set to 100. Injection: 10 mL of a 1 ng/mL solution. Chromatographic conditions: isocratic elution at 1 mL/min. n = 5. onto the orifice plate. The addition of ammonium hydroxide postcolumn had negative effects on the signal and therefore should be avoided. Figure 3 shows the chromatograms obtained, respectively, from 0.5 g muscle tissue and liver tissue extracted by using C18 or aluminum oxide; no interfering peaks are present in the background, or in chromatograms obtained from analyses of blank samples. Linear Dynamic Range This set of measurements was made by injecting different known amounts of standard solution into the liquid chromatograph. For each amount injected, measurements were made in triplicate. The average peak areas were plotted versus the concentrations injected. The resulting plots indicated that the linear response of the detector was in the range of 1–100 ng injected. These data apparently suggest that quantitative analysis could be performed without the use of an internal standard; however, we recommend the use of an internal standard to achieve better precision, because signal intensities may vary as a result of matrix interference in the analysis of real samples. Sample Preparation We investigated the feasibility of using 2 different sample dispersing agents for the determination of ZON and its metabolites in fish liver and muscle tissues. The application of MSPD methodology to the isolation of a specific compound or class of compounds has grown tremendously in recent years. As far as the analysis of animal tissues is concerned, this technique is simpler than previous techniques based mainly on SPE. In fact, the other techniques require sample homogenization, centrifugation, and removal of tissue debris before column separation. The addition of homogenates directly to the top of a column invariably leads to cessation of the flow because of the clogging of the fritted disk or of the upper layers of the column packing. Through the mixing of homogenate with a sample dispersing agent, the analyst eliminates the need to precipitate cellular components and to centrifuge the sample to separate the debris. Moreover, the surface area of the sample exposed to the solvent is increased so that it is entirely exposed to the solvent. Proceeding in this way, we optimized 2 extraction procedures by using both the reversed- and the normal-phase sorbing materials. Performing the extraction and the cleanup step “on-line” has 2 remarkable advantages: first, the entire procedure is simple (it combines extraction and purification in a few operations and does not use highly technical equipment); second, possible bias in analyte concentrations that may involve risks of loss and contamination due to handling is avoided (the extracts coming from the upper cartridge fall directly into the second cartridge). Dispersing Phase C18 Some researchers emphasize the need to prewash the phase before use. We omitted this operation because we noticed no substantial differences or interference when we used washed material. Besides, preconditioning the phase is not needed because fish tissue dissolves in the C18 powder simply by pestle homogenization. In the case of particularly dry samples, a few drops of eluting solution can be added to help dissolution without affecting the results. Methanol–water (70 + 30, v/v) was found to be an effective extraction solution for the target compounds. The quantity of the extracting solution was optimized by collecting fractions (5 mL each) of spiked blank (without tissue) samples and by analyzing each one separately until all of the analytes were recovered completely. The optimal quantity for the extraction was found to be 15 mL. The use of a less-polar extracting medium is theoretically more effective and allows the use of small quantities of solvents, but it consequently has the side effect of coeluting too many lipid and protein substances from the matrix, as reported by Barker et al. (25), who performed C18 MSPD analysis of animal tissues with 100% methanol as the extracting solvent. 734 LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 upper cartridge is subjected to a further cleanup in the carbograph-4 cartridge. Carbograph-4 (a particular GCB) is stronger than other nonpolar sorbing materials. It is able to retain molecules having a broad range of polarities because of its behavior as both a nonspecific (i.e., Van der Waals interaction) and an anion-exchange (electrostatic) sorbent (27). To achieve desorption, it is necessary to use mixtures of high eluant power (28). This allows the cartridge to be washed, before elution, with an acidified solvent to displace compounds retained in anionic form (i.e., organic acids). Thus, the GCB cartridge can be a valuable tool for removing matrix interferences that are not retained by the MSPD C18 cartridge. The average recoveries for this procedure (Table 2) obtained from analyses of liver and edible tissue samples, spiked at 10 and 100 ng/g, were good, ranging from 80 to 103%. These results show that target compounds are completely eluted from the dispersed phase by the medium polar extraction solvent, methanol–water (70 + 30, v/v), even when the matrix is present, and that they are retained almost quantitatively by the packing material in the lower column. Figure 3. Chromatograms obtained from the extraction of spiked samples (10 ng/g): (1) Al2O3 dispersion of muscle tissue; (2) Al2O3 dispersion of liver tissue; (3) C18 dispersion of muscle tissue; and (4) C18 dispersion of liver tissue. Moreover, we found that if the methanol percentage in the mixture is raised, the reproducibility of the analytes dissolved in such a solution and retained by the GCB cartridge is poor. The lipid and protein component is a problem when the target compounds are quantified by LC/MS/MS, as noted by Shang et al. (26) in the analysis of fish tissue extracts, because ion formation is suppressed and therefore signal intensity is altered. The proposed methodology overcomes this inconvenience because a consistent part of the interfering substances is retained by the MSPD column, and then the extract from the Dispersing Phase Al2O3 Several papers have reported the use of normal-phase aluminum oxide as a column packing material for cleanup of the extracts of animal tissues (29, 30), whereas aluminum oxide is used less frequently as a sample dispersing agent (31). Dispersing the sample in this solid support appears more complicated when compared with other reversed-phase sorbing materials (chemically modified silica-based supports), because aluminum oxide has no ability to “dissolve” the tissue. The result is obtained with mechanical effort; it is necessary to finely mill the biological sample with the inert support to completely disrupt the tissues. The most effective eluting solution was found to be methanol–water (50 + 50, v/v). As described in the Experimental section, the volume needed for extraction is twice that used with the C18 packing. This additional volume increases the to- Table 2. Accuracy, precision, and limits of detection (LODs) obtained for selected analytes by using 2 different dispersing agents in the MSPD process for 2 fish tissues spiked at 2 levels Recovery, % (RSD, %)a Muscle tissue Liver tissue Dispersing agent Spiking level, ng/g a-ZOL b-ZOL ZON a-ZOL C18 LOD, ng/g a n = 6. ZON 10 83 (8.1) 86 (7.5) 90 (10.1) 80 (11.0) 98 (9.8) 94 (10.9) 100 85 (7.8) 88 (7.0) 92 (9.3) 83 (9.1) 103 (8.2) 95 (10.2) 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 10 68 (12.9) 70 (13.6) 71 (17.8) 67 (12.8) 71 (14.5) 67 (23.7) 100 71 (9.3) 67 (9.7) 70 (14.3) 68 (10.2) 70 (9.9) 69 (17.3) 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.4 LOD, ng/g Al2O3 b-ZOL LAGANÀ ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 86, NO. 4, 2003 735 tal analysis time, because the flow during the extraction step must be kept below 1 mL/min to avoid the formation of preferential paths in the column. Preliminary experiments in which just the target analytes, without the biological tissues, were dispersed showed that they were strongly retained by the solid phase with the use of organic solvents only. The results allowed us to develop a cleanup and extraction strategy by using C18 to retain nonpolar compounds such as lipids; aluminum oxide does not have this capability. The presence of fatty compounds, as mentioned above, interferes with the subsequent GCB cleanup by decreasing the reproducibility of the entire analysis and yielding high relative standard deviations (RSDs; data not shown). Moreover, the coeluted compounds can interfere with the determination step by influencing ion formation in the interface. The preliminary cleanup with hexane and methanol removes part of this interference. However, the eluates from the alumina packed column were more opaque than those from the C18 column, and the evaporation of the final solution yielded a white residue that tests with ninhydrin showed was mainly protein, which is not retained by the matrix dispersing agent (in contrast to C18). The average recoveries (Table 2) obtained from analyses of liver and edible tissue samples, spiked at 10 and 100 ng/g, were acceptable, but lower than those obtained with the C18 procedure; moreover, the RSDs were higher. The only advantage of using aluminum oxide is its lower cost, which is about 1/10 of the cost of the chemically modified silica-based support. Recovery, Precision, and Method Detection Limit Before the samples for the recovery study were spiked, a blank sample for each method of sample preparation was analyzed. Peaks of the target compounds in the blank chromatograms were absent. The recoveries of all the compounds from analyses using C18 or neutral alumina are shown in Table 2. The precision of the methods, expressed as the RSD of the recoveries, was determined by repeating each analysis 5 times. As Table 2 shows, the data obtained with the C18 method are better both in terms of recovery and precision, indicating that this matrix dispersing agent is more effective and reproducible, because for both liver and muscle tissues the RSD values are lower. The between-day precision of the methods was assessed by analyzing 5 times during 1 work week a sample spiked at 100 ng/g. The results showed that the method is reproducible; the RSDs were <13% for the C18-based method and <28% for the Al2O3-based method. The results are comparable with those for other published procedures for the analysis of biological tissues. The limits of detection (LODs) of both techniques were calculated by using a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 3 (ratio of the signal intensity and the intensity of the noise was used). These data are shown in Table 2. The data reflect the superiority of the “clean” extracts obtained with the reversed-phase material. The intraday precision of the LOD was £20%, which confirmed that the entire procedure is very reproducible. Conclusions The results obtained with this methodology demonstrate that the sample preparation protocol, in combination with determination by LC/MS/MS, is well suited for the analysis of biological tissues for ZON and its metabolites at the ng/g level. Two dispersing agents were tested: chemically modified silica (C18) and neutral alumina. The data obtained showed that the C18-based protocol is well suited for the determination of the macrocyclic lactones studied (recoveries of ³83%), whereas normal-phase alumina can be used for the same purpose, in the same way, as a low-cost alternative to produce recoveries that are still acceptable. The analysis by means of MSPD is easy to use, does not require any special equipment, and needs minimal quantities of solvent. The target compounds can be selectively determined by the LC/MS/MS technique, which allows determination of as little as 0.1 ng/g. The improvement in the LODs attained for the method presented here, which are lower than those obtained for other methods used to determine ZON and its metabolites by LC/TISP–MS/MS, is largely due to the absence of matrix components in the sample extract provided by the extraction and SPE cleanup. 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