Sample Question Paper for 9210-107 Graduate Diploma in Civil Engineering Quantity surveying


Sample Question Paper for 9210-107 Graduate Diploma in Civil Engineering Quantity surveying
Sample Question Paper for 9210-107
Graduate Diploma in Civil Engineering
Quantity surveying
Duration: three hours
You should have the
following for this examination
• one answer book
• Unmarked copy of Standard
Method of Measurement 7
(SMM 7)
• non-programmable calculator
• pen, pencil, drawing
General instructions
• This paper consists of seven questions over two sections.
• Answer five questions, Question 1 and any other two questions from section A
and any two questions from section B.
• Use standard dimensions papers to answer Question 1 b) ii).
• A non-programmable electronic calculator may be used but candidates must show
sufficient steps to justify their answers.
• Drawings should be clear, in good proportion and in pencil. Do not use red ink.
• All questions carry equal marks. The maximum marks for each section within a
question are shown.
Section A
Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) provides a uniform basis for
measurement of works and embodies the essentials of good practices.
Different types of SMMs are used for building projects and civil
engineering projects.
State two reasons for the use of a Standard Method of Measurement in
preparation of a Bill of Quantities.
Roof plan and section through eave of a two-storeyed building is shown in
Figure Q1. All dimensions are given in millimetres.
(Note: RWP: Rain Water Pipe; Floor to Floor height is 3.2 m)
(2 marks)
Figure Q1: Roof Plan and section through eave
Draw the details of a down pipe from gutter to drain.
Take off quantities for the following items using the given specification notes.
Ridge plate
ii) Roof covering
ii) Ridge tiles
iv) Fascia board
Use standard taking off sheets to answer this question. Write full description for
each item and make necessary assumptions where information is not given.
Assumptions made shall be entered on to a query sheet for the attention of
the Architect/Engineer.
Specification notes:
Roof structure :Grade 1 treated Kempas or similar approved
75 x 175 mm ridge plate continues member
Roof Covering: 375 x 250 mm single lap interlocking clay tiles manufactured
by ‘Clay Tiles Ltd. ‘on 50 x 50 mm battens with 75 mm end lap.
Ridge tiles, 300 mm long , 150 mm diameter
Roof pitch is 20°
Fascia board: 25 x 225 mm softwood grade 2.
Detach worksheet WSQ1 from the question paper, write your name, centre number
and candidate number in the spaces provided and enclose it with your answer book.
(3 marks)
(15 marks)
What are the items to be included in a mark-up of a tender?
Discuss the difference between ‘Dry rate’ and ‘Wet rate’ for a machine.
Identify five factors that influence the cost of excavation work?
State two situations in which machine excavation is not possible.
Calculate the linear metre rate to excavate 600 mm wide and 400 mm deep pipe
trench. Rate shall be included for backfilling, disposal and compacting. Do not
allow for standing time.
Use the following data to answer the question:
70% to be backfilled and 30% to be disposed 150 mm away from the site
Bulking factor for firm soil 30%
Manual excavation 1 m3 / 4.5 hrs
Machine compaction 6 m2 per hr @ £3 per hour (Rate includes for Machine
and Operator)
Labour rate is £2 per hr
Manual backfilling @ 2.5 m3 / hr
No working space is required for this operation
Disposal manually 2.0 m3/ hr using wheel barrow
Allow for small tools 10% for the total cost.
(3 marks)
(2 marks)
(5 marks)
(2 marks)
(8 marks)
Briefly explain the role of a quantity surveyor at the pre-contract stage.
Distinguish the terms, cost planning and cost controlling.
ii) State three purposes of cost controlling.
Write short notes on the following related to buildings.
Bill of Quantities.
ii) Depreciation.
(6 marks)
(5 marks)
(3 marks)
Discuss the building regulations use for a project in inception and design stages.
Write short notes on the following.
‘Coverage rules’ in the SMM.
ii) Day work Schedule.
Distinguish between an ‘offer’ and an ‘invitation to treat’ under the law of contract.
Elaborate your answer using an example.
(8 marks)
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
(6 marks)
See next page
Section B
State two advantages that a client can gain from a lump-sum contract.
Why is it necessary to have a bid bond in a tender submission?
Values of stated non-adjustable elements in a contract are not considered for
valuation of price adjustments. Elaborate the statement using two examples.
Identify the essential data required for the preparation of an interim
payment certificate.
State two reasons for the necessity of conditions of contract for a construction project.
List five factors that should be considered before a decision to tender.
Differentiate the tender document from the contract document.
Open tendering is mostly used for the public sector projects.
List eight main items to be included in a tender notice.
ii) Prepare a tender notice for construction of a proposed water treatment
plant, to call for bidders through open tendering. Make sensible assumptions
where necessary.
According to SMM 7, differentiate ‘Projections’ from ‘Walls’.
Briefly explain the method of allocating site overheads to a tender estimate.
The precise cost estimate is a must for a competitive bid. Discuss the common
errors that can be found in construction cost estimates.
Discuss the applicable measurement rules for the measurement of pipes and fittings.
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(3 marks)
(5 marks)
(4 marks)
(5 marks)
(3 marks)
(4 marks)
(8 marks)
(3 marks)
(4 marks)
(8 marks)
(5 marks)