Sample Question Paper for 9210-205 Built environment 1


Sample Question Paper for 9210-205 Built environment 1
Sample Question Paper for 9210-205
Level 7 Post Graduate Diploma in Civil Engineering
Built environment 1
Duration: three hours
You should have the
following for this examination
• one answer book
• non-programmable calculator
• pen, pencil, ruler
General instructions
• This paper consists of seven questions.
• Answer any five questions.
• A non-programmable electronic calculator may be used but candidates must
show sufficient steps to justify their answers.
• Drawings should be clear, in good proportion and in pencil. Do not use red ink.
• All questions carry equal marks. The maximum marks for each section within
a question are shown.
The indoor thermal environment of buildings located in tropical climates is
greatly affected by transfer of environmental loads, in particular heat, through
the building envelope.
a) Describe the behavioural characteristics of three main types of solar radiation
prevailing in an urban tropical location.
b) What are the main potential heat transfer mechanisms through the building
envelope with glass and brick facades, of a non-domestic building located
adjacent to a public road?
c) What are the main climatic factors and their characteristics that affect indoor
thermal comfort levels?
Air temperature inside a naturally ventilated building closely follows the outdoor air
temperature levels. The ambient climatic conditions in a warm humid climate in most
situations may be above the preferred thermal comfort zone. Therefore, indoor thermal
comfort levels inside a building in a warm humid climate can remain above the
acceptable and preferred comfort zone.
a) Describe the above statement with respect to Olgyay’s bioclimatic chart.
b) In extreme situations in warm humid climates, indoor air temperature inside an
occupied indoor space can be well above the ambient levels. Explain the above
situation and describe a few design strategies that can be integrated into envelope
design to reduce heat gains from outside.
Requirements for indoor thermal comfort depend on the climate type of the
building location.
a) What are the characteristics of the main climatic types that prevail in the world
with respect to the above statement?
b) What is the need to promote heating inside a residential building?
c) What is the difference between passive heating mode and active heating mode
of buildings?
Introducing daylight penetration to building interiors can reduce the demand for
energy in a building operational stage and thus contribute to reduce global warming
by reducing the need for energy.
a) Discuss the above statement in respect to indoor visual comfort and demand and
supply sides of energy.
b) Explain how day lighting can bring heat transfer into the building interiors and
affect the energy conservation potential of an office building located in an urban
area of a warm humid climate.
Recommended indoor design illuminance for a drawing office is 400 lx.
The standardized design sky illuminance is 8000 lx.
a) Using the above given values, calculate the Daylight Factor (DF) expressed as
a percentage.
b) Daylight reaches the work plane by three routes. Explain these routes.
A drawing desk near a window of an office room receives a daylight illuminance
of 200 lx. The white paper on this desk with a reflectance of 0.8 generates a luminance
of 50 cd/m2. This surface is exposed to sunlight for 30% of the working time with a
luminance of 3000 cd/m2.
c) Calculate the luminance ratio within the field of view.
d) What are the design measures to reduce the glare occurring in daylight?
e) Daylight from the side windows reaches 1/3 of the length of the room. Discuss the
useful beam sun lighting techniques to be used in the areas of the building that
are not reached by day lighting.
(6 marks)
(5 marks)
(9 marks)
(9 marks)
(11 marks)
(9 marks)
(4 marks)
(7 marks)
(11 marks)
(9 marks)
(3 marks)
(6 marks)
(3 marks)
(5 marks)
(3 marks)
Indoor environmental quality in an air conditioned office is an important design
consideration aiming at improving productivity and occupant health.
a) What are the different levels and sources of indoor air pollution that can be found
in a naturally ventilated and air conditioned office interior?
b) What is sick building syndrome (SBS) and what are the commonly known
symptoms of SBS?
A building located on a land between a motor highway and beach front can be affected
by different types of noise. The building accommodates a restaurant, office spaces,
an auditorium and a studio.
a) Identify various types of noise sources for the above situation.
b) What are the design and planning decisions which can be applied to avoid noise
penetration to internal spaces?
c) What types of material and building components can be introduced to absorb
sound and reduce reflections in the auditorium and studio space?
(12 marks)
(8 marks)
(9 marks)
(5 marks)
(6 marks)