U SE ! T N O O PL E D iOS v Android v Windows Mr Stewart SA M S1 Computing Science U SE ! LEARNING INTENTION T Understand what is inside a computer N O Recognise what counts as a computer SA M PL E D O system U SE ! WORKBOOK T For this unit you have a workbook that you will keep all PL E D When you see this O N O your answers in. It means you will need to type your answers into your SA M workbook PL E M SA D O T N O U SE ! DESKTOP PC U SE ! DESKTOP PC N O Not as popular as they used to be T These type of computers have been about for a long time PL E Is not portable D Has high storage capacity O They are more powerful than tablets and smartphones SA M Not as simple to use compared with a tablet U SE ! DESKTOP PC Software T Hardware D O N O ? M PL E Things you CAN touch! SA Microsoft Word Google Chrome iTunes Windows 7 FIFA 14 Internet Explorer Things you CANNOT touch! O N O PC World for example, it normally comes with other additional hardware. Can you think of any of these? U SE ! When you buy a desktop PC, from T DESKTOP PC D If you can try and also think about SA M PL E what might be inside the “tower”. The “tower” is another name for the black box that holds all the contents of the PC. U SE ! COMPUTER SYSTEMS After looking at these devices you would have started to notice that N O T some of the same answers were coming up. Most devices used today such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop D O PCs and games consoles all have some common pieces of hardware. All of these devices are types of SA M PL E computer systems. U SE ! COMMON ANSWERS T Screen / Touch Screen N O Storage Processor Keyboard O Speakers D Camera PL E Different forms of input (mouse, keyboard, touch screen) SA M Remember you can touch hardware U SE ! COMPUTER SYSTEMS So hopefully now you understand that underneath the fancy covers and SA M PL E D O N O T glossy screens most computing devices have many of the same components. U SE ! OPERATING SYSTEMS N O running of the computer system. T An operating system is a vital piece of software that manages the You will all be familiar with the operating system on the schools O computers, Windows 7. SA M PL E D Do you know any other operating systems? PL E M SA D O T N O U SE ! CHROME OS U SE ! OPERATING SYSTEMS Just like desktop pcs, smartphones and tablets run on operating systems N O T as well. Your task is to find out the name of the operating systems that are SA M PL E D O used on current smartphones. U SE ! LEARNING INTENTION T Research tablet and smartphone spec using the Internet SA M PL E D O N O Understand some basic device specifications N O specifications of a smartphone and tablet of your own choice. U SE ! Your task is to use the Internet to find some T SMARTPHONE V TABLET O Make sure you choose two different brands. Do not have an iPhone and an iPad as they PL E D are both from Apple. Mix it up a bit and discover new devices. Websites such as PC World, Dabs, SA M and Amazon are good places to start. T Understand what a user interface is U SE ! LEARNING INTENTION SA M PL E D O N O Be able to comment on and have your say on the design of an interface U SE ! USER INTERFACE T The user interface is what connects you to the device you are using. N O Most of the interfaces you have used will probably have been a graphical SA M PL E D O user interface. U SE ! SA M PL E D O N O T iOS CONCEPT USER INTERFACE (UI) U SE ! SA M PL E D O N O T ANDROID CONCEPT USER INTERFACE U SE ! FEATURES T Features are what sell a phone. N O If you going to spend your hard earned money you want to make sure you are getting the most out of it. O Most phones now do much more than just simply calling and texting. SA M PL E D So what are some examples of features? U SE ! SOME FEATURES Navigation (Sat Nav) 3G/4G (Internet anywhere) N O T Camera (Front & Back) Voice Control (Siri, Google Now) O Video Conferencing (Skype, FaceTime) D Access to App Stores (Google Play, Apples App Store) SA M PL E Access to Music (Spotify) U SE ! UNIQUE FEATURES There are also some features that only certain smartphones have such SA M PL E D O N O T as smile detection when taking a photo or if somebody is phoning you and you turn your phone over it will automatically be quiet. U SE ! YOUR TASK In previous tasks you choose two devices, one smartphone and one N O T tablet. You are going to find out the features that are available on these. SA M PL E D that device has. O Remember to try and find out if there are any unique features that only U SE ! RESEARCH TASK N O about a smartphone and a tablet. T Your task is now to work in a pair to create a PowerPoint presentation You will have to work together and come to an agreement on the SA M PL E D O devices you will present about. U SE ! RESEARCH TASK N O include: One tablet D State its features O One smartphone State its specification T Your presentation should Why you think it’s the best device SA M PL E Would you buy it?
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