NYSSRA Manual 2014-2015 2014 2014 N2014YSSR2014A Manual
NYSSRA Manual 2014-2015 2014 2014 N2014YSSR2014A Manual
2014 2014 N2014YSSR2014A Manual 2014 NYSSRA Manual NYSSRANYSSRA 201 20 2014-2015 2014-2015 NYSSRA MANUAL INDEX The NYSSRA Alpine Competition Manual is an official publication of the New York State Ski Racing Association, Alpine, Inc. Keep your copy of the Manual as an important reference for this ski season. The electronic Manual at www.nyssra.org will be updated as needed during the season. Refer to NYSSRA website www.nyssra.org for additional up-to-date information. SECTION 1 SKI RACING IN NEW YORK - General Information NYSSRA Manual Advertisors USSA Membership & NYSSRA Racer Support Funds NYSSRA Membership Information SECTION 2 RULES & PROCEDURES Race Entries NYSSRA Sportsmanship, Code of Conduct Rules for Speed & Racer Support SECTION 3 COACHES Coaches Membership SECTION 4 RECOGNITION AND AWARDS New York State Alpine Elite Team New York State Awards SECTION 5 U12, U14, U16 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Children's Program Description U16 Racing U16 Progression Chart U14 Racing U14 Progression Chart Late Winter Racing & Kandahar Events SECTION 6 U18, U21, Sr COMPETITION PROGRAM Program Description NYSSRA Sportsmanship Code of Conduct Selection Information Sportsmanship, Code of Conduct NYSSRA Race Series & ECS NYS Championships FIS Junior Finals Team & USSA Eastern Finals FIS Information SECTION 7 DIRECTORY Committees & Members Coaches & Club Representatives Thanks for advertising with NYSSRA AlpineReg.com Aquarius Cup at Song Mountain D'Arcangelo & Co. Bristol Mountain Race Team Foot Performance Center Fox 40 Gilroy, Kernan and Gilroy Hosmer Winery Holiday Valley Training Center Hunt Hollow Race Team Labrador Mtn Ligety/Weibrecht Camp Mud Sweat & Gears Northwood School NYSEF Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camp Polar Bear Ski Club Reliable Racing The Ski Company Snow Ridge Song Mountain Sports Page Toggenburg Ski Center Windham Mountain Wildwood on the Lake Thanks to our NYSSRA Sponsors for supporting our Teams and Event Winners The Dawson Family Harden Furniture Mud, Sweat n' Gears Reliable Racing Supply Rossignol Twitchell Sportwear Section 1 USSA MEMBERSHIP Amateur ski racing in the United States comes under the organization of the United States Ski Association (USSA). Any skier wishing to compete in a USSA sanctioned race must first become a member of USSA. This membership must be renewed each year. A USSA membership number is assigned when a skier first joins the organization and does not change as long as the skier retains membership. The racer must put the membership number on every race entry form and present the membership card at race registration. When a competitor pays the fee as a U16-U18-U21 competitor they are included in the USSA Computerized Competitor Classification System and results will appear on the USSA Seeding List. This list is maintained to show racers' national rank in Combined, Downhill, Super G, Giant Slalom and Slalom. USSA Competition Guides are mailed to Alpine coaches, officials and clubs only. Competition Guides and Directory are also posted online to view and download. Application forms are available at www.ussa.org. All participants in the Alpine program must also sign waivers found with the membership form. Once your USSA membership is processed, you can download and print your USSA membership card. You may download verification of membership from Member Lookup on ussa.org. Enter your first and last name, then click ENTER or FIND. If processed, the membership number will be highlighted. To print click on the highlighted membership number and print. FIS membership information can be found at www.fis-ski.com NYSSRA Racer Support These funds are used to partially reimburse top racers in the different age categories for the extraordinary expenses they incur at their level of participation in cases involving travel to races above the Eastern Cup level. The Committee reserves the right to recommend assistance for various development activities. Coaches may apply for support funds if they attend out of region national coaches clinics. In addition, available funds may be used for NYSSRA coaches clinics to promote coaches education within our State. The level of support is dependent on the amount of funds set aside by the Alpine Executive Committee. Members appointed to the Racer Support Committee are NYSSRA President, Treasurer, NYSSRA Program Director and chair(s) of U18 Dev Com. A thorough accounting of money spent including receipts, must be sent with the application and emailed to NYSSRA Program Director. The racer support committee evaluates these requests as received. Note: Applicants for racer support money must be NYSSRA members in good standing prior to Dec.1, 2014. The primary source of funds for Racer Support is a $2 NYSSRA Race Fee placed on U18-U21 NYS sanctioned races. NYSSRA MEMBERSHIP The New York State Ski Racing Association, Alpine Inc. is the official governing body for competition in the State of New York for the United States Ski Association (USSA). NYSSRA coordinates and is responsible for: • Scheduling of races in New York State, including all USSA sanctioned races. • Selection of teams using late January membership data to fill State Quotas to regional races. • Assignment of officials to races. • Communication and education for racers, officials and coaches. • Financial support - Racer Support Fund for NYSSRA racers competing at upper levels of competition. NYSSRA Board of Directors President Jason Barcoff VP 1 Maren Hosmer VP 2 Mark Sertl Immediate Past Pres -Chuck Schweitzer Coaches Committee Chairpersons Steve Mergenthaler Secretary Kathy Chase Treasurer Mark Sertl Athlete Rep Travis Widger Alpine Officials Committee Mike Browne Other appointed Members of the Association (non-voting/limited term) Coaches Committee Steve Mergenthaler U18/U21 Development Com John Przekop/John Norton U16 Development Committee Tyler Travis U14 Development Committee Rich Burnley U12 Development Committee Beatty Schulter Alpine Officials Committee Mike Browne Alpine Officials Education Martin Besant The Assembly of Delegates conducts the business of NYSSRA. The NYSSRA structure creates a committee organization that separates the interests of NYSSRA into focus groups to concentrate on a specific interest. The committees are empowered by the Executive Committee which runs the business of NYSSRA. All committee members must be current NYSSRA members. The active committees of NYSSRA are: CommitteeFocus Board of Directors Total Program Organization Coaches Committee Create long term policy/long term education Officials Committee Implement Officials program Officials Education Sub-Committee Officials Education U18 Development Committee Initiate policy/Team & FIS Selection U16 Development Committee Initiate policy/Team Selection U14 Development Committee Initiate policy/Team Selection U12 Development Committee Initiate policy Awards Committee Annual awards selection Race Competition Committee Race related appeals/discretionary Racer Support Committee Allocate Funds Review CommitteeReviews decisions/appeals NOTE: Most committee information can be found at the back of this Manual. Each committee consists of selected volunteers who have shown initiative and expertise in the respective focus area. Committees submit a report at NYSSRA meetings for approval by the General Assembly. Proposals, comments, questions and other NYSSRA business should be routed to the appropriate committee for discussion and consideration. This can be accomplished by passing the information through the council organization to committee chair or by contacting the committee members directly. A NYSSRA meeting is held yearly in the Spring. Meeting date and time is posted on the NYSSRA website. Due to the yearly cycle of the ski racing organizations, timely inputs to NYSSRA should take place in early spring. COMPETITION CATEGORIES - 2015 NYSSRA membership is available online at www. nyssra.org. October 15th is the deadline for membership renewal. Membership renewals after October 15th must include a late fee. New first time memberships are not subject to this late fee, but please sign up online as soon as possible. Competitors in the NYSSRA and USSA Alpine program are assigned to race classes according to age. U8-U16 U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18-U21 U18 U21 Born in 2007 & Younger Born in 2005-06 Born in 2003-04 Born in 2001-02 Born in 1999-00 Born in 1997-98 Born in 1994, 1995, 1996 SECTION 2 RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR RACERS & COACHES RACE ENTRIES There are two ways to register for races, online or mail-in. Either way paid entries must be received by the Race Organizer 2 days prior to the race date or as noted below. Online Entries can be made from the schedules page on www.nyssra.org. Current online competitor lists are available on the NYSSRA schedules page. Mail in Entries must include the race fee and the appropriate voucher (race entry card) for each race start. Race entry vouchers are available in Member Services tab on www.nyssra.org. U18-U21 use the USSA entry card. U8-U16 use the NYSSRA entry card. Addresses are posted on the schedules page. Acceptable Mail Entry: PAID, Postmarked 5 days before OR received 2 days prior to the race date. RULE: In New York State, a race organizer may accept late entries subject to a $50 late fee. Note - A race may be closed before the entry deadline due to field size. Entry limitations are posted on the website schedules page. Each club may set its own policy to either accept or not accept phone entries. A $25 phone entry charge is recommended, if allowed. Please note that mail-in entries will not be displayed on the competior lists until they have been received and entered by the Race Organizer. Race Withdrawal: Competitors may withdraw entries without forfeiture of any entry fees paid until 4 PM two days before the race start or the beginning of official training. After that time, the race organizer is obligated to refund entry fees only if the entrant can prove that his or her inability to compete was due to force majeure (circumstances beyond the racer's control). Non-Sufficient Funds: Racers whose checks are returned for nonsufficient funds will be restricted from participation in future races. Their membership in NYSSRA for the next season will not be accepted until they have made good on any outstanding entry fee obligations. No Shows: The racer has the responsibility to notify the race organizer if they are not going to compete. There are many problems caused by noshows. Phone numbers of ski club contacts are in this Manual for your use. Any racers, coaches and parents who feel that there is a problem concerning any NYSSRA racer and the USSA Seeding List should contact Connie Webster. Do not contact the Eastern Office directly. Racers should always take their USSA membership card with them to races. You will be asked to produce them at race registration. Sportsmanship Code of Conduct NYSSRA members are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner befitting worthy representatives of their families, ski areas and in conformity with the best traditions of Alpine Ski Racing in New York State. Section 1: All NYSSRA members, including athletes, coaches, officials, race organizers and volunteers shall be subject to the jurisdiction of and shall abide by the International Ski Competition Rules (the "ICR"), U.S. Skiing Constitution, bylaws, rules and regulations and NYSSRA Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, rules and regulations (the "Competition Rules"). Section 2: While in competitions, going to and from competitions and while at ski areas hosting competitions, NYSSRA members shall: 1. Maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct including self-control, responsible behavior, consideration for others' physical and emotional well-being, restraint from profane and abusive language, and courtesy and good manners in public places and while traveling; 2. Abstain totally from alcohol and the illegal use of drugs; 3. While at NYSSRA sponsored camps, adhere to all rules; 4. Adhere to and be knowledgeable of all Competition Rules. NYSSRA has a no tolerance policy for the above items. Section 3: Failure to comply with any of the above can lead to disciplinary action against NYSSRA members by: 1) The NYSSRA program director with the advise and consent of the NYSSRA Executive Committee; 2) the Race Jury on the recommendation of a member of the Jury; 3) the Technical Delegate; or 4) the designated State Team leader. Section 4: Disciplinary action taken can include, but is not limited to: 1. Any disciplinary measure allowed by the Competition Rules 2. Disqualify from a specific race and/or suspension from future races. 3. Withdrawal of future NYSSRA Camp invitations. All disciplinary action is to be reported to NYSSRA, c/o Program Director. Any disciplinary action taken shall be applied fairly and equitably to all parties involved. Any disciplinary action that would prevent a NYSSRA member from participating in competition for a period greater than 21 days will be conducted in accord with the Due Process procedures set forth by U.S. Skiing, and held before the NYSSRA Review Committee. NYSSRA Appeals Committee The NYSSRA Review Committee reviews decisions relating to selection, the Race Jury, the Technical Delegate and disciplinary action taken pursuant to the Code of Conduct. The Appeals and Due Process procedures as set forth in the USSA Competition Manual shall apply except as modified hereafter. Appeals must be submitted within 48 hours after the announcement/publication of the decision from which the appeal is being taken. All Appeals shall be filed with NYSSRA c/o the Program Director and USSA Eastern Office. On Appeal, factual issues shall be overturned only if it is found that the decision below was an abuse of discretion; issues relating to the interpretation and application of the Competition Rules, as that term is defined in the Code of Conduct, shall be reviewed de novo. SECTION 3 Coaches Memberships: Coaches need to be current members of USSA and NYSSRA. USSA Coaches Membership: Periodic background screening is required for all coaches and officials. USSA will re-screen coaches and officials with a target of rescreening about 30% of the coaches and officials annually. Background screening registration is required within 10 days of USSA membership registration. Coaches must earn at least 2 USSA coaches ed credits every 2 years to stay current with USSA. For new coaches - Fast Track option enables coaches to join the 1st year if you have no USSA coaches ed credits. Go to USSA.org for more information. NYS Coaches Ed projects will be recognized by USSA for coaches ed credit. USSA membership card is printable from USSA.org. Go to My USSA and Print Member Card. As with the membership verification, only active memberships will print. If an individual has registered for a coach membership, but his/her background screening or education component is “pending”, no card will print until completed. In order to participate/register as a coach in a USSA/NYSSRA sanctioned event, USSA and NYSSRA Coaches memberships are required. Certifications: Referees are required to attend USSA Referee updates bi-annually to maintain the Referee credential. USSA Referee clinics/updates and exams are offered throughout our State each Fall. Coursesetters are required to have current USSA Referee certification. NYSSRA Coaches Membership: All NYSSRA coaches membership applicants are listed as NYSSRA OFFICIALS until NYSSRA Coaches Membership requirements have been met. It's free if you register also as a NYS Competitor. NYSSRA Coaches Membership Requirements: 1. Head Coach submits coach's name on current coaching staff roster to kims@ nyssra.org and [email protected]. 2. Current NYSSRA Officials membership 3. Current USSA coach. *NYSSRA does not issue membership cards. Race Administrators have access online to a list of current coaches at race registration. NYSSRA membership is required for coaches to participate in NYSSRA education clinics, races and training camps. Periodically check nyssra.org in the coaches/officials/RA tab and email alerts for upcoming clinic information. SECTION 4 RACER RECOGNITION AND AWARDS New York State Alpine Team Sponsored by Harden Furniture NYSSRA recognizes and rewards athletes for accomplishments at all levels of ski racing. Alpine Team members are strongly encouraged to give back to NYSSRA and participate in NYSSRA sponsored events when possible. For '14-'15 Team NYSSRA named Alpine NYSSRA Team members are named from 2013-2014 results. To be eligible for this honor, nominees who qualify through state and regional criteria must be NYSSRA members in good standing and have participated in two NYSSRA races during the 2013-2014 season. Selection for '14-'15 season - (based on performance in the 20132014 season - criteria is the same for men & women) State Level: 1.Race winners at the NYSSRA U18/21 State Championships (SL, GS, SG) 2.Overall State Champion - lowest total race points in all events contested at the NYSSRA U18/U21 State Championships (must finish all races) 3.Top 3 Overall NYSSRA ECS point holders at end of season Regional Level: 1. Race podium at Eastern FIS Finals (U18/U21) 2. Race winner at Eastern USSA Finals (U18/U21) 3. Race podium at USSA Eastern U16 Championships 4. Selection to U18 National Championships or US National Championships National/International Level (Honorary) 1.Current USSA Eastern RegionalTraining Group or Canadian Provincial Team Nominee 2.Current National Team or National Training Group Nominee 3.Current NCAA All American 4.Current USCSA All American NYSSRA ALPINE TEAM FOR 2014-2015. NYSSRA Alpine Team Cecily Decker Lily Hogan Jacob Hopfinger Connor Kelly Beatrix Lever Patricia Mangan William Mangan David Meola Madison Muxworthy Katherine Grace Norris Tara Seigle Honorary: Thomas Beismeyer - USST Kenzi Dignes (USCSA - Cornell Univ Kevin Drury (NCAA - University of VT Andrew Weibrecht - USST NYSSRA Awards General & U14/U16 Coaches - Submit nominations to NYSSRA by February Don Jugle Memorial Award This annual award is presented to an outstanding individual/ organization who exhibits hard work, dedication, unselfishness, and/or sponsorship to preserve fairness in ski racing in order that those racers who start at the end have as equal a chance as those starting first. Bruce Bolger NYSSRA Coach of the Year Through dedication to athletes, perseverance and an ongoing interest in coaches education, this person has demonstrated excellence in coaching alpine ski racing in New York. We're proud to say congratulations to: Andrew Minier U16 Horst Weber Award This award goes to the U16 New York racer who best reflects unselfish sportsmanship and has shown these traits by their ski results, dedication, determination and accomplishment in the sport of ski racing. John Carbaugh NYSSRA Council Cup Award Each year this permanent Cup is passed to the winning Council at U14 State Championships. Highest total points from each council's top 3 finishers in each run using Team Points Scoring method. The winning Council: Niagara Council U16 Most Improved Award The recipients, one boy and one girl, are elected for significant improvement over a two year period based primarily on race results while they are a U16 athlete. Chole Doctor & Alexandar Wylie Jan Burnap U16 Combined Award During the U16 State Championships one boy and one girl are named for this combined event award using simple place points. Best GS race, best SL race and SG#1 are used for scoring. Don Cushing U14 Skimeister Award During the U14 State Championships the top boy and girl are selected based on simple place points from all runs during the weekend. Cecily Decker Aiden Cohane Camryn Glick & Max Carbaugh U18-U21 NYSSRA Awards Hal Evans Award Hal Evans from Lake Placid was a friend of ski racing. This award is given to the man and woman who have the lowest combined race points at ECS Empire Winter Games SG and GS. The permanent plaque remains at Whiteface. Madison Muxworthy Jacob Middleton These awards are presented to the overall winners, man Empire and woman, with the lowest total race points at the ECS Cup NYS Championships (SG,GS,SL) Skimeister Award NYSSRA Speed/Tech Award Tara Seigle William Mangan This award is given for the best combined time from the ECS BM SG #1 and the ECS NYS Champs SL. Madison Muxworthy Connor Kelly Empire Cup This award goes to 3 U18 men and U18 women with the Series highest total points on the seasonal ECS running score Award at the end of the Empire Cup Series. Madison Muxworthy William Mangan Katharine Grace Norris David Meola Lily Hogan Drexler Memorial Award Jacob Hopfinger This memorial award for Joe and Brett Drexler is awarded to the man who has the lowest combined race points at the ECS Empire Winter Games at WF GS and SL. Jeff Swagler Landmark Trophy Lynn Brown Award Whiteface Mountain Regional Visitors Bureau honors the winners of the NYS ESG Empire Winter Games SL. The 2014 recipients are: Sheila Decker David Meola This award is given annually to the U18 New York racer who best reflects unselfish sportsmanship and who has shown these traits by their actions, dedication, determination and accomplishment in the sport of ski racing. Aiden Elizondo Sally Davis Scholar Athlete Award The annual Sally Davis Scholar/Athlete Award is presented to those racers who 1) maintain a 90 average Spring '14 and Fall '14 and 2) are in the top 1/2 of ECS standings as of Feb 1st. The 2014 recipients are: Julian Barile Joseph Carrier Dalton Carter Sheila Decker Hannah Doro Aiden Elizondo Madeline Evans Garrett Hinge Patrick Hylkema Alexis Kane Phillip Maier William Mangan Kelly Oot Meredith Parenti Owen Reilly Sophia Richards Mitchell Schweitzer Tara Seigle Nicholas Sertl Gunnar Sertl Austin Swirsky Mitchell Teal Joseph Vasile Max Webber NYSSRA Awards Selection Committee: Nominations for awards should be submitted to NYSSRA Office in March. Final selections will be made by NYSSRA President, 1st VP, the relevant Development Committee Chairperson, AO Chairperson and NYSSRA Program Director. SECTION 5 U16 & CHILDREN'S RACING (U8 - U14) INTRODUCTION Please review the Sportsmanship Code of Conduct. The key to learning is to insure a positive first experience that is fun. Fun facilitates learning which in turn motivates the child. When first learning a skill, a relaxed, low-anxiety climate encourages the child to try new things. A child has a natural self-motivated learning aptitude if the situation is suitable and attainable goals are set within his reach. The NYSSRA Junior Program is designed to promote learning through approval, praise and encouragement. With empathy, unlimited opportunities can be attained. It is important for our young racers to learn that the only real competition is within themselves. Learning the intrinsic rewards of sport is the most valuable lesson we can teach them. The starting point, center and end of learning should begin with the child, their growth and development. There are many contributing factors in this process. A child's attitudes, values and behavior are learned from the people most impressionable to them - such as their own parents and coaches. Parents should realize the impact they have on their offspring. The key is not to push your child into sports, but to insure that first experience is positive . Parents should always be available with positive reinforcement. Learn more about your local club program. Coaches and parents should make sure that each youngster is properly outfitted for maximum results and safety. Make sure to consult your coach, the local ski shops and anyone else you might know who is up to date regarding ski equipment. Learn how to properly take care of your equipment. Both the New York State Ski Racing Association and the United States Ski Association are important organizations to familiarize yourself with as a racer or supporter. Learn what they can do for you and what you, in return, can help them with. Your participation is critical for successful, fair and safe events. Please read all Alpine ski related information available on ussa.org. Race Entries: Online race registration is available at www.nyssra.org Schedules page. Mail-in entries: U10-12-14 racers use NYS vouchers (race entry forms) available on nyssra.org/member services page. A completed entry includes a voucher and payment which must be received by the Race Administrator at least 2 days prior to the race to be considered on time. Online registration is required at the U16, U14 State Championships and the Kandahar races. USSA MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES U16's must purchase a USSA Competitor Membership. U14 & younger participant racer must purchase a USSA Youth Competitor Membership. Racers competing in U14 & U16 State Championships must present their USSA Competitor membership card at race registration. All membership renewals received by USSA after October 15th will be charged a late fee. These memberships will not be processed until the late fee is received. It is very important, especially for the race organizer's liability, that racers have their current USSA Membership card for presentation at every race. For specific registration questions contact your coach. Team Selection Committees U14 Rich Burnley Alex Nenno Andrew Minier U16 Brad Rauch Steve Mergenthaler Jim Holt Jeff Walker NYSSRA MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES All U8-U10-U12-U14-U16 racers competing in the Council Series, U16 Cup Series, State Championships, U16 Eastern Championships and participating in NYSSRA sponsored training camps must be registered with both NYSSRA and USSA. All racers need to commit to one Council including Independents. Renewals are subject to a late fee after October 15th. For Race Administrators - All sanctioned USSA race results need to be sent to USSA via National/FIS software. U16 Racing INTRODUCTION U16s participate in a statewide series called the U16 Cup Series. During January through mid February the State is divided into 2 divisions: West and East. This age group competes in Slalom, Giant Slalom and Super Giant Slalom. The series culminates with the Open U16 State Championships and for some qualifying for Empire State Games. U16s must race within their home division Cup Series. NYSSRAs philosophy is to keep race starts, cost and travel at a minimum. 2014 U16 Championships Team Cecily Decker Beatrix Lever Julia Smith Elizabeth Rankin Taylor Davies Alyson Brunell Lillian Silverstein Gabriella Vasile Sierra Bouchard Kylie Mackie Isabella Wylie Victor Wiacek Carter Lawrence Thomas Shantler Eric Greenstein Dillon Smith Joseph Mergl Alex Hohman Jake Jenkins Evan Scriven Ethan Hejna JD Foxcroft John Carbaugh U16 Fundamentals & Dryland Camps U16 athletes are invited to apply for selection to Fundamentals and Dryland training camps in Lake Placid. Go to www.nyssra.org for application and further information. Eastern Projects: Go to NYSSRA website Eastern Schedule or check USSA website/Eastern Region for more info. NOTE: U16 Teams consist of those members who participate at the Championship events. Those who do not participate are ineligible for Team membership. 2014 U16 Finals Team Olivia Reynolds Chloe Doctor Olivia Reynolds Miranda Davenport Alexa Barile Chloe Richards Celine Bacha Annabelle Feist Lake Tibodeau Brittany Pollack Sophia Jaeger Danielle Mason 2014 U16 Am Can Qualifiers Beatrix Leaver Aiden Cohane Klyie Mackie Victor Wiacek Lillian Silverstein Ethan Henja Liddy Rankin Josef Mergl Dillon Smith Carter Lawrence Tommy Shantler Peter Reynolds Alex Akoundi Cy Barkauskas Jacob Flaherty Zachary Thorp Matthew Kane Jonathan Neron David Flaherty Ryan Fries Max Klebba Blake Piper Mack Hurley U16 PROGRESSION CHART East U16 An Cam March 26-29 Stowe East U16 Champs East U16 Finals March 16-20 Whiteface March 12-15 Sunday River NYS U16 State Championships February 25-March 1 Hunt Hollow & Bristol Open Event Empire State Games Quota 60 - Selection Process Below SG Camps & Race East Division Gore - Jan 31-Feb 2 West Division Bristol - Jan 31-Feb 2 EAST DIVISION Cup Series Adirondack, Rip Van Winkle, Mountain WEST DIVISION Cup Series Niagara, Genesee, Central Seeding & General Information U16 Cup Series - The seeding for U16 Cup races is random draw, boys and girls within their own gender. The second run is reverse order. DNF and DSQs run within reverse seed order for the 2nd run. Girls run first both runs. Note: If an athlete registers day of race he/she runs last (in same gender seeding) both runs. New for '15 - All U16 races are scored races. USSA Race Points earned will not be used for selection or seeding at Cup races. Out of State Athletes - Requests to participate in this series must go through State Chairmen as designated by Eastern Children's Committee. The out of state athletes are randomized within the field unless the number is greater than 5% of the field per gender, in which case they will run at the end. U16 SG Cup Series - 1st year U16 must fully participate in your SG Division Camp 2 training days . 2nd year U16s are no longer required to participate. However it is highly recommended. Empire State Games - A quota of 60 U16 athletes from U16 Cup Series will be named. Gender quotas will be based on end of January NYSSRA membership. Selection process - All Cup races (including SG) are included in selection for ESG. ESG selection will be based on best single race (combined result only) using simple place points. Ties are broken by the next best result. First year U16s must have participated fully in the Eastern Elite Speed Camp or a U16 Division SG Camp to be considered for selection. U16 State Championships - Open scored event consisting of M/W SG, men's GS day, women's GS day, M/W SL day and a Combined event for scoring consisting of the combined result of SG and 1st SL run (total time). U16 Information - continued General - The State is divided into 2 Divisions, the East (Mtn, Adirondack & RVW Councils) and the West (Niagara, Genesee & Central Councils). Qualifying for Empire State Games from U16 Cup Series: ESG selection is based on best single race (combined result only) using simple place points. Ties are broken by the best result and then the next best result outside of the selection criteria (i.e. 1st,6th,7th,8th, etc results) Qualifying to U16 State Champs: U16s must compete in a minimum of 2 Cup races in order to be eligible to participate at U16 State Championships. USSA points are used for seeding for first run. Second run is flip 30 bibbo. Girls run prior to boys for all events. Out of State Athletes: Up to 6 out of state U16s may join our State Championships. They are removed from the results for team selection purposes. Requests must be submitted through State Chairs at least 10 days prior to series. Seeding - Any out of State racer will run bibbo after the flip for 2nd run. Eastern U16 Events: U16 Champion- ships and U16 Finals Teams are selected based on the best 1 of 4 result. Ties are broken by the best result and then the next best result outside of the selection criteria (i.e. 1st,6th,7th,8th, etc results) U16 Submission Process to Empire Cup Series (ECS) Races: For all ECS races: U18/U21,Sr athletes have priority for registering in all ECS races. Race organizers must publish a maximum field size and deadline for entry. If the maximum field size has not been reached by the published deadline, U16 athletes may register for the race on a first come/first served basis. It is the responsibility of the race organizer to adhere to the published maximum field size and to manage entry procedure. NEW YORK STATE TEAM SELECTION RULE FOR U16 COMPETITION This procedure is designed to be used only in rare instances in the selection of U16 NYS Teams. The implementation of the procedure must be accomplished as soon as possible after the necessary results are available. • The designated team quota for both boys and girls, less the final 2 positions in each category, will be filled by the published selection procedure. • One, or both, of the final 2 positions in either the boys or girls may be filled by discretionary choice of the U16 Selection Committees. • All of the following criteria must be met to qualify for a discretionary choice: 1. Injury, illness, or other circumstance beyond the racer's control has prevented the skier from qualifying. 2. The skier has a record of outstanding performance. This would be defined as race results that would place the individual with racing times that would be consistently comparable to the top State Age Class competitor. 3. The skier chosen has clearly exhibited superior potential. This would be defined as race results that indicate this racer could be expected to perform consistently above the level of their statewide contemporaries. • In the event that no racers shall qualify for discretionary choice, the next place finishers in order of finish will be used to fill the Team Quota. Written petitions for consideration under the Team Selection Rule must be presented by a coach to the Team Selection Committee within one half hour after the conclusion of the final qualifying race. Discretionary Options: NYS Selection Rule as applied to U16 Competition (above). U 14 Racing Introduction: New York State is divided into 6 geographic councils. U14 ath- letes qualify for their State Championships during their club affiliated Council races in January and February. The disciplines included at this level are Slalom, Giant Slalom, Super G, Dual Paneled SL, and Kombi. Council and Inter-Council Racing - Please go to NYSSRA.com for U14 Schedule • Councils use 4 races to qualify U14 athletes to State Championships. 1 of 4 races MUST be an “Dual-Council” race. An Dual-Council race is a U14 only race that takes place between 2 councils (Division). The Divisions races are as follows: Western Division: GVSC & Niagara - Bristol Central Division: Central & Adirondack - Song Eastern Division: Mountain & Rip Van Winkle - West Mtn •Division SG races will also be used to qualify to U14 States. Full 2 day SG Camp participation is mandatory. Participation in SG race is not required. U14 athletes who have participated in a 2015 USSA/Eastern Invitational SG Camp meet the camp participation requirement. Division SG races are as follows: Bristol U14 SG Race - NFSC & GVSC Gore U14 SG Race - Mtn. & Central Windham U14 SG Race - ADK & RVW Equipment Requirements •U14 athletes are required to ski and race on GS or SG skis only for all U14 SG Races and SG Camps. Selection to U14 State Championships & Council Quotas • Best 5 of 13 results (single runs & race result) from the 4 Council races + SG race. Ties are broken by the best result and then the next best result outside of the selection criteria (i.e. 1st,6th,7th,8th, etc results). • A total of 140 racers will be named to U14 State Championships from the 6 Councils. These quotas, based Jan 29th membership data, will be posted on www.nyssra. org by the end of Jan. 4 Day U14 State Championships at Gore Thursday - SG Training and Skills Assessment Friday - SG Race and Skills Assessment Saturday - GS race Sunday - SL race • Athletes are required to participate 100% in the Skills Assessment to be considered for State Team selection. This is an important part of NYSSRA's long term development initiative. We encourage all clubs to promote its importance by including Skills Assessment into their training plan. U14 Skills Assessments • The Skills Assessment will be executed Thurs and Friday afternoon of the State Championship weekend at Gore. Athletes are expected to perform the required skills. Programs are encouraged to prepare their U14 athletes during the season for this required event. • 3 skills will be tested at U14 States will be selected from 6 possible skills: 1 ski, apex, pivot slips, lane change, pole jumps, hop turns. The 3 contested skills will be selected at random at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the event. Course Setting at U14 State Championships • The course setters for U14 State Championships will be determined by the U14 Development Committee with approval of the NYSSRA Executive Committee. Each council may submit 2 names to be considered for selection. 7 course setters (1-SG, 2 GS, 4-SL) will be selected from the names submitted. Course setters must have current USSA Referee license and must be a USSA certified coach. Coaches must follow USSA/NYSSRA course setting guidelines. U14 Gate Requirements • 72" SL poles (27mm) will be used at State Championships. Seeding for U14 States • Seeding for the U14 States will consist of 2 seeds. A & B. 1st run - The A seed will run first. The A and B seeds are randomly mixed within their seed. 2nd run - Flip 30 & bibbo (top 30 athletes from the first run, flipped 30-1. Remaining athletes will start according to their finish on the 1st run, 31, 32, etc.) Out of State Participants: • Up to 4 out of state U14s may join our racers at State Championships. They will not receive trophies and are removed from scoring for the U14 Eastern Championships Team. State Chairmen must contact NYSSRA at least 10 days prior to the event to request aon behalf of their athlete(s) . Forerunners • Council Team 1st alternates have priority to forerun at least one run at the Championships. First alternates interested in forerunning must contact NYSSRA 1 week prior to State Championships. Vt Eastern U14 Champs – Stowe A New York State Team will be named at the conclusion of racing at NY State Championships. This team represents NYSSRA at the Eastern U14 Championships. Selection is based on the best 3 of 7 results (single run and combined result) using simple place points during the State Championships. Ties are broken internally with the best result and then externally using the next best result. (i.e. 1st,6th,7th,8th, etc results) NEW YORK STATE TEAM SELECTION RULE FOR U14 COMPETITION This procedure is designed to be used only in rare instances in the selection of U14 NYS Teams. The implementation of the procedure must be accomplished as soon as possible after the necessary results are available. • The designated team quota for both boys and girls, less the final 2 positions in each category, will be filled by the published selection procedure. • One, or both, of the final 2 positions in either the boys or girls may be filled by discretionary choice of the U14 Selection Committee. • All of the following criteria must be met to qualify for a discretionary choice: 1. Injury, illness, or other circumstance beyond the racer's control has prevented the skier from qualifying. 2. The skier has a record of outstanding performance. This would be defined as race results that would place the individual with racing times that would be consistently comparable to the top State Age Class competitor. 3. The skier chosen has clearly exhibited superior potential. This would be defined as race results that indicate this racer could be expected to perform consistently above the level of their statewide contemporaries. • In the event that no racers shall qualify for discretionary choice, the next place finishers in order of finish will be used to fill the Team Quota. Written petitions for consideration under the Team Selection Rule must be presented by a coach to the Team Selection Committee within one half hour after the conclusion of the final qualifying race. Discretionary Options: NYS Selection Rule as applied to U14 Competition (above). NYSSRA Training Camps for U14 Athletes 1) U14 Dryland Camp - Organized by NYSSRA and held in Lake Placid at Olympic Training Center, Early October 2) U14 Fundamentals Camp - Organized by NYSSRA/NYSEF with housing in Lake Placid and training at Whiteface, Early December 3) U14 Dual Project - Organized by NYSSRA and hosted by Labrador Mtn. This late Jan project brings together 60 U14 NYSSRA athletes for 2 days of Head to Head Dual SL/GS training. 4) U14 VT&NY Project - Organized by VARA and hosted by Stratton Mtn. This mid March project brings 20 NY athletes and 30 VT athletes to work on speed skills, movement in terrain and Dual Paneled Team SL. Athletes are selected from U14 State Championships results. U14 Progression Chart Eastern U14 Can-Am Project March 26-29 Mt Tremblant Eastern U14 Championships March 13-16 Stowe, VT NY U14 State Championship March 5-8 Gore Niagara/Genesee/Central Council Series U12-U14 PIche Invitational March 14-16 Gunstock, NH U12-U14 Kandahar Championship March 7 West Mountain U12-14 Kandahar Festivals Feb 28-March 1 Hunter - Greek Peak - Holimont Adirondack/Mountain/RipVanWinkle Council Series Thanks to Our U12-U14-U16 2014 Team Sponsors Rossignol - U14 Eastern Team Reliable Racing - Piche Team Nestle - Kandahars Sponsor 2014 Eastern U14 Championships Anya Elizondo Camryn Glick Noa Bregman Devynn Martin Max Carbaugh Charles Bacha Gage Thibodeau Matthieu Cote Madison Krochina Andrea Reynolds Peter Chabot Sutton Boland Joanna Rosenbluth Calynn Ceriglia BIlly Chabot Benjamin Taber Sarah Coombs Candice Kasahara Noah Shinaman Justin Kim Paige Petrell Hanna Petro Nathan Briselden Gordon Minier Madison McCarthy Marina Skripnichuk Andrew Mangan Parker Hotchkiss Jenna Jenkins Nolan Dils Alexander Baase Evan Wetzel Bryce Shively 2014 Can Am Qualifiers Camryn Glick Peter Chabot Paige Petrell Billy Chabot Anya Elizondo Nathan Briselden Candice Kasahara Gage Thibodeau Sarah Coombs Noah Shinaman Ben Taber Nolan Dils Andrew Mangan Kandahar Events & Late Winter Racing Kandahar Championships: Kandahar Champs at West Mtn:1 run Kombi & 1 run GS. Seeding: Random seed within gender and class. Girls run first in each class - 2nd run-reversed within gender and class. Girls run first in each class.2nd run-reversed within gender and class. DNF and DSQs run in order. U10 invites seeded with U12s End of the season racing begins when Council Team selection races are over. At this level the spirit and focus on post season competition is to enhance and celebrate the sport of ski racing while bringing athletes together. We create camaraderie Quotas: 138 athletes and build on Fundamental Skills The quota for the Kandahar Championship learned during the season. Kandahar Festivals: Our Kandahar Festivals are a 1 day GS & 1day paneled Kombi event. The 3 open Kandahar Festivals - for NYSSRA members only - will be held at Holimont-Niagara & GVSC, Greek Peak - Adirondack & Central and Hunter - Rip Van Winkle & Mountain Councils. Qualification to Kandahar Champs is through each Kandahar Festival. Age Classes for Kandahar Festivals: U10, U12, U14 racers may compete in the Festivals to qualify to the Kandahar Championship (no U8 or U16). All participants must be current member of NYSSRA and USSA 1 week prior to the events. Seeding at Kandahar Festivals: Random drawn within age groups, gender with girls first- U10-12, then U14 . Second run is reversed within age group. Seeding is re-randomized for the second day. Registration - Organizers will accept all entries up to entry deadline - posted on NYSSRA Schedule Page. Kombi Discipline - Paneled course using modified NYSSRA/USSA guidelines for SL/ GS technical orientation - posted on NYSSRA website. Selections - Selections to the Kandahar Championships are based on the best 2 of 6 results including single runs and combined result. Ties are broken by the best result and then the next best result outside of the selection criteria (i.e. 1st,6th,7th,8th, etc results) is based upon the total number of racers registered in the U12 and U14 classes at all three festivals. The number of racers selected to attend Kandahar Championships will be proportional to the total registrations, including gender, in each class (U12, U14). U10 entries at Kandahar Festivals will not be used in the quota calculations.The quota calculations will be based on actual entries received prior to the opening of onsite registration/check-in. Final Quotas will be announced and posted Saturday at the awards ceremony. Any athlete registration accepted after the posted deadline will not be used for quota calculation. U10's to Kandahar Championships: U10 athletes who place in the top 30 overall in his/her gender, including U12s and U14s in any 2 runs at Kandahar Festival will be invited to Kandahar Championships as a U10 invitee. At Kandahar Champs U10's are seeded and race with U12 age group. NOTE: U10 athletes cannot qualify on to NH Piche event and will not take quota spots away from U12s and U14s. Selection to Piche: U12 & U14s only - Best 1 of 3 results, in- clude runs and race result. Same tie breaker process as listed in Kandahar Selections. Piche Invitational: U12 & U14 racers are selected from the Kandahar Championship to represent NYS at the Piche Invitational in March at Gunstock, NH. The first day, Friday, is a training day with top Eastern coaches. The 2nd day is the GS race. NYSSRA quota of 36 will be determined by the U12 Committee. NYSSRA assigns 4-8 coaches to lead the NYSSRA Selection process is determined by U12 team at the Piche Invitational. Development Committee. Percentage of M&F, U12 & U14 athletes is calculated by this committee. POLICY - Any racer who competes at U14 State Championships is not eligible to race at Kandahar Festivals. 2015 - U12 NYSSRA /Council Training Camps 1) U12 Flight & Skills camps - Organized and hosted in each of the 6 NY Councils. These 1-2 day camps offer valuable training opportunities to U12 athletes in both Fundamental skiing and terrain. 2) NY/VT SL Fundamentals Project YOB ‘03 - Organized by NYSSRA and hosted by Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid and Whiteface, This end of March project brings together 20 NY athletes and 20 VT athletes for 2 days of SL Fundamentals, free skiing and Dual SL. Athletes stay at the OTC. Athletes are selected from the Kandahar Championships. Head to Head Dual A fun Head to Head Dual event March 8, West Mtn ·This Dual race day is open to all athletes who participated in the Kandahar Championships. The Dual SL will be a paneled SL – U12/U14 Parallel Course Specifications as stated in USSA guidelines. ·All athletes can participate in the first 2 runs. ·Top 8 M/W U12 and U14 athletes will qualify to the "ski off" bracket. · Seeding: Random seed within gender and class for the first run. Athletes will be paired according to bib #. Odd on one course, even on the other course flip for 2nd run. Athlete’s combined times determine the elimination round. Elimination rounds 8 M/W will be determined by time difference. Elimination runs until bracket finally pairs winners. ·Top (8 M/W) U12 andU14 race in a “ski-off” bracket until winners are determined in each age group· All athletes are encouraged to race, watch and free-ski all day. 2014 NYS Piche Invitational Team Girls U12 - Lauren Thomas, Christiana Taber, Grace Murphy, Cassidy Creager, Caroline Derose, Kira Howard, Logan Fredrickson, Jane Gutchess, Winifred Hotchkiss, Jaden Klebba U14 - Madeleine Cherr, Rachel Green, Lily Stearn, Grace Carey, Reilly Hogan, Hannah Morehouse, Sara Barone, Melissa Taggert, Marian Searby Boys U12 - Bode Vance, Magnus Sheffield, James Loeb, Theodore Lenz, Nicholas Czarnick, Spinnaker Blazak, Dalton Potter, Leo Hallagan, Noah Marino, Ben DeGirolamo, Orry Shattenberg, Finn Ward U14 - Carlo Muscarella, Max Fromm, Sammy Meltser, Jake Meyer, John Fedorko, Nolan Evans, Jack Cowles, Dakota Finocchiaro SECTION 6 U18-U21, SENIOR ALPINE COMPETITION PROGRAM For Competitors YOB 2000 & earlier USSA Open Races provide a base for NYSSRA U16-U21 and senior athlete development. These USSA sanctioned and scored events are open to all current USSA & NYSSRA U16-U21 and Senior racers. NYSSRA Empire Cup Series (ECS) - A USSA sanctioned and scored race series, the Empire Cup Series is open to all U18-U21 and Senior racers. U16s may also race ECS races if the race is not full with the older age groups. Empire Cup Series races are also open to members of other State associations although NYSSRA members receive preference if races are full. Racers may enter any Empire Cup race and are not confined to any one part of the State. Racers must be current NYSSRA and USSA members 5 days prior to the race to be counted in the overall ECS standings. The ongoing standings will be posted and updated on www. nyssra.org. The ECS races are located in different areas around the State to cut down on travel expenses and allow racers to stay closer to their home programs. Please visit www.nyssra.org for schedule information and more details. Eastern Championship Events Selection to USSA Eastern Finals and FIS Eastern Junior Finals are made using the ongoing Empire Cup Series scoring and quotas are based on early January NYSSRA membership data. The percentage of males/females will be based on current membership figures early January. If quotas are expanded the selection procedures will be updated at the time of selection and alternates will be named. Please review the event-specific descriptions in this manual and visit NYSSRA website - www.nyssra.org, for more specific information on these regional championship events. For information on selection procedure, please review the selection in the manual entitled 'NYSSRA Selection Procedures to Regional Championships/Finals.' SELECTION INFORMATION Selection Information NYS Selection Procedures To Regional NYSSRA Selection Procedures Champs/Finals NYSSRA uses the following selection procedures to name all NYSSRA teams NYSSRA uses followingChampionships selection procedures to name NYSSRA teams including the FISthe Jr Eastern and USSA Jr Eastern Championfor theteams. FIS Eastern Alpine Finalsselection and USSA Juniorfrom Eastern Finals events. ships NYS Championship is made the ECS/NYSSRA Selection is made from ongoing standings list. NYSSRA ECS ongoing standings list. Note: These procedures do not forNYSSRA other Eastern Regional races such as De• Athletes must beapply current members to be FIS considered for scoring velopment FIS team or Eastern Cup. Please see FIS information page on www. to any NYS or event. nyssra.org. • Scoring will include all eligible athletes for each event. For all selections, athletes must be current USSA and NYSSRA members at least 5 days prior to an event to be considered for scoring. For selections to FIS Eastern Alpine Finals, athletes must be listed as active members of FIS on FIS on list #9. • If an ECS selection race is lost due to weather or other unavoidable circumstances, the U18-U21 Development Committee may modify any selection process as needed. • A running score will be kept during the season for all NYSSRA Empire Cup Series events using World Cup Points scale as defined in the USSA Comp Guide – 100, 80, 60, 50 etc. Selection to the Regional Championships/ Finals will be based on best 4 results of ECS standings. • Any Eastern Automatics named by the Eastern USSA Office will be acknowledged by NYSSRA and included in the scoring. If an Eastern Automatic confirms to an event through Eastern, the next eligible NYS athlete in the scoring will be named to the team. • Ties will be broken by best result, then next best result within the races used for team selection, then best result from races outside those used for team selection until the tie is broken. In the case a tie still exists, the tie will be broken using the lowest total race points in the races used for selection races. DNF/DNS = 990 race points • Athletes named to State teams must confirm their spot on a team within 24 hours following the time that team is publicized online. If an athlete fails to confirm or refuse the spot with the NYSSRA office within that 24 hours (by phone, e-mail or fax), that athlete will no longer be considered for that team. Alternate athletes will be selected from the original scoring and contacted by NYSSRA adhering to M/F quota. • Any athlete named to a NYS team who finds they are unable to attend after they have confirmed with NYSSRA must notify the NYSSRA office no later than 48 hours prior to the first Team captain’s meeting of that event. Athletes who fail to do so will be declared ineligible for selection on the next NYS Team. • In the event that no racer shall qualify for the discretionary selection, the next place finishers, in order of finish, will be used to fill the Team quota. Sportsmanship Code of Conduct NYSSRA members are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner befitting worthy representatives of their families, ski areas and in conformity with the best traditions of Alpine Ski Racing in New York State. Section 1: All NYSSRA members, including athletes, coaches, officials, race organizers and volunteers shall be subject to the jurisdiction of and shall abide by the International Ski Competition Rules (the "ICR"), U.S. Skiing Constitution, bylaws, rules and regulations and NYSSRA Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, rules and regulations (the "Competition Rules"). Section 2: While in competitions, going to and from competitions and while at ski areas hosting competitions, NYSSRA members shall: 1. Maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct including self-control, responsible behavior, consideration for others' physical and emotional well-being, restraint from profane and abusive language, and courtesy and good manners in public places and while traveling; 2. Abstain totally from alcohol and the illegal use of drugs; 3. While at NYSSRA sponsored camps, adhere to all rules; 4. Adhere to and be knowledgeable of all Competition Rules. NYSSRA has a no tolerance policy for the above items. Section 3: Failure to comply with any of the above can lead to disciplinary action against NYSSRA members by: 1) The NYSSRA program director with the advise and consent of the NYSSRA Executive Committee; 2) the Race Jury on the recommendation of a member of the Jury 3) the Technical Delegate; or 4) the designated State Team leader. Section 4: Disciplinary action taken can include, but is not limited to: 1. Any disciplinary measure allowed by the Competition Rules 2. Disqualify from a specific race and/or suspension from future races. 3. Withdrawal of future NYSSRA Camp invitations. All disciplinary action is to be reported to NYSSRA, c/o Program Director. Any disciplinary action taken shall be applied fairly and equitably to all parties involved. Any disciplinary action that would prevent a NYSSRA member from participating in competition for a period greater than 21 days will be conducted in accord with the Due Process procedures set forth by U.S. Skiing, and held before the NYSSRA Review Committee. NYSSRA Review Committee The NYSSRA Review Committee reviews decisions relating to selection, the Race Jury, the Technical Delegate and disciplinary action taken pursuant to the Code of Conduct. The Appeals and Due Process procedures as set forth in the USSA Competition Manual shall apply except as modified hereafter. Appeals must be submitted within 48 hours after the announcement/publication of the decision from which the appeal is being taken. All Appeals shall be filed with NYSSRA c/o the Program Director and USSA Eastern Office. On Appeal, factual issues shall be overturned only if it is found that the decision below was an abuse of discretion; issues relating to the interpretation and application of the Competition Rules, as that term is defined in the Code of Conduct, shall be reviewed de novo. Members of the NYSSRA Review Committee are as follows: NYSSRA Program Director administrates; Members - Current AO Chairperson, appropriate Development Committee chairperson (depending on age class of reviewed person), and NYSSRA President. Any committee member may designate an alternate in the event of a conflict. NYSSRA Race Series Go to www.nyssra.org U18-21 Schedules page for details ECS Empire State Winter Games A highlight of the 2015 season will be the ECS Empire State Winter Games at Whiteface Mountain and Lake Placid, February 6-8. This prestigious event has been a staple in the NYSSRA schedule for many years. NEW FOR 2014-2015: The Empire State Winter Games will bring together the best athletes in New York State (U16 and older). The quotas and qualification criteria will be as follows: Top 80 U18/21 Senior athletes from the ECS standings at the end of January (40 men, 40 women, total of best two results in the standings, ties broken by best result, then next best result). Gender Quotas will be based on end of Jan membership. Top 60 U16 athletes from the U16 Cup Races in January and early February (15 men and 15 women from the West, 15 men and 15 women from the East. Athletes ranked by best race, simple place points, ties broken by next best result). Guest/Out of State quota: up to 20 athletes. Athletes must confirm or decline their spot in the event within 24 hours of selection on the respective sections of the NYSSRA website. ECS NYS State Championships The culmination of the ECS Series is the ECS NYS Championships to be held at Gore Mountain. As these are the final races in the ECS series, the FIS Eastern Finals Team and USSA Junior Finals Team will be named shortly after the event. To be eligible to compete, racers must have participated in at least 2 ECS races during the '14-'15 season and be a current member of NYSSRA or have less than 90 (men) or 105 (women) USSA points in either GS or SL USSA points list #9. As in other ECS races U16s may participate if they meet the qualifying criteria and if the event is not full. It is the responsibility of the Race Administrator to oversee this. FIS Eastern Junior Championships Sponsored by Twitchell This FIS event brings together many of the best U18, U21 and Senior ski racers to compete at the regional level. As a FIS-sanctioned event, athletes must be listed on FIS point list #9 to be eligible for this team. Please review the FIS information page on the NYSSRA website for more information on FIS sanctioned racing. NYSSRA USSA Eastern Finals Team members are not eligible to qualify for this event. Athletes must commit to or decline their spot within 24 hours after team posted on the U18/21 section of the NYSSRA website. See NYSSRA website and review the 'NYSSRA Selection Proce- dures To Regional Championships/Finals selection of this manual for details. Selection to this team will be directly after NYS Championships and posted on NYSSRA website within 48 hours. 2014 Jr FIS Eastern Finals Team Lily Hogan Sheila Decker Hannah Doro Madeline Haggerty Maris Van Slyke William Mangan Jonathan Yudell Jeff Swagler Ian Zdgiebloski Hans Poelmann USSA Eastern Finals Team Sponsored By Greg Hayes This event brings together many of the best U18, U21 and Senior ski racers to compete at this high level. NYSSRA FIS Eastern Championship Team members are not eligible to qualify to this event. Athletes must commit to or decline their spot within 24 hours after the team is posted on the website. • See NYSSRA website and review the and review the 'NYSSRA Selection Procedures To Regional Championships/Finals' selection of this manual for details. • Selection to this team will be directly after NYS Championships and posted on NYSSRA website within 48 hours. 2014 USSA Eastern Finals Team Madison Muxworthy Jake Middleton Madison Carts Joey Carrier Katharine Grace Norris Phillip Maier Tara Seigle Nick Sertl Nadine Downing Patrick Burton Malone GaborNed Feist Sabrina EastonEzra Hornik Leah NorrisGunther Webber Sophia RichardsJoseph Vasile Alexis KaneMax Webber Kelly OotMitchell Teal Sarah FlahertyHarrison Clough Izabella OstrowskiRyan McCarthy Danielle Benincasa Luke Doris Haley RipaMichael Costanzo Taylor FeldelsenAustin Swirsky Meredith ParentiAlexandar Djafari Mimi GaborGarrett Hinge Mitchell Schweitzer Galen Okoniewski Austin Benincasa Niall Hodges FIS Information Visit USSA East on USSA for more information FIS (Federation of International Skiing) is the international governing body for ski racing. Just like USSA sanctioned events all around the country, the FIS sanctions events worldwide. The following list includes FIS races where NYSSRA athletes might be involved. It’s important for interested athletes and coaches to learn about USSA, NYSSRA and FIS race policies and procedures pertaining specifically to FIS racing. While many of these events have their own informational pages in this manual, the rules listed below cover all FIS racing in general. General FIS rules 1. An athlete submitted to any FIS race series must have an active FIS license. All names that are submitted must commit to participate in all races of the designated series. For more detailed information, see specific series information in this Manual. 2. Team Captain Meetings (TCM): There is a mandatory TCM the day before each FIS race. Time and location will be listed on the race announcement. The TCM includes race schedule/updates, other guidelines and the athlete roll call. TCMs are important to attend as race updates and other important race related news in addition to the athlete roll call are reviewed. All athletes must be represented by a current licensed USSA coach at all TCMs. If you need assistance finding a coach, contact NYSSRA for updated list of participating coaches. Arrangements must be made with the representative coach prior to the TCM in question. 3. Non-represented Athletes: Failure to be represented during the role call will result in removal from the start list. Any NY racer selected to a FIS level race who finds that they are unable to attend the race must notify Connie Webster at least 48 hours prior to TCM. Failure to notify the NYSSRA office within 48 hours prior to TCM will cause the racer to be declared ineligible for the next FIS Series. 4. No-Shows: It is unacceptable when you have properly been represented at a TCM to not be present for the race start. No-shows run the risk of sanction for future FIS events. 5. Coaches must submit athletes for NYSSRA Eastern Cup quota electronically on the NYSSRA website at least 14 days in advance. 6. Coaches and families need to take the responsibility to know the rules and guidelines. FIS Race Series that NYSSRA Athletes may qualify to: Eastern Cup Series, Eastern Development Series/NJR, FIS Eastern Junior Championships Selection to these events is made in the following 3 ways: 1. USSA point ranking with NTSM selection - processed by the USSA Eastern Office. 2. Eastern USSA Development Quota - processed by USSA Eastern Office Contact this office for details. 3. NYSSRA Quota (when applicable). NYSSRA is not part of the registration and confirmation process for NorAms, U18 Nationals, U.S. Alpine Championships, FIS Eastern Speed Week, and out of Division FIS events. Note To Foreign Athletes: Qualification for FIS events is through your home Federation. COLLEGE STUDENTS - SKI RACING WITH NYSSRA New York State students (U21& Srs) are encouraged to continue racing in the New York series of races. If a racer is enrolled in a school located in another State, he/she must transfer their membership to that state association. The racer will continue to be welcomed back as an alumnus if they meet race entry criteria. College students with USSA Competitors license attending college in New York are welcome. All students need to thoroughly familiarize themselves with NYS Team Selection Procedures found in this manual. Racers may affiliate with only one State Association. One Event Membership for College Students – This option is primarily designed for former NYSSRA members who have a current USSA Competitor license and are currently college students returning home during winter breaks. If the athlete is not a current member of any state organization they are invited to join NYSSRA for $10 to race 1 or 2 days if it is a weekend event. This membership expires after the event. Contact Program Director, Connie Webster prior to race if an athletes requests this. Information about selections and invitations to races are handled at the NYSSRA Office, Connie Webster, Program Director conniew@ nyssra.org. NYS Members to Eastern Alpine Competition Committee Chairperson - Connie Webster NYS Representative - Mike Browne Eastern Children's Committee - Kathy Okoniewski, Jason Barcoff NYS Members to Eastern Officials Committee Eastern Officials Education Committee - Mike Browne, Marty Besant NYSSRA Members to USSA National Committees Alpine Sport Committee - Paul Van Slyke Alpine Sport Executive Committee - Paul Van Slyke Alpine Officials Ed Working Group - Paul Van Slyke, Mike Browne Classification Working Group - Connie Webster FIS Subcommittee for Technical Delegates - Paul Van Slyke Rules & Technical Subcommittee - Paul Van Slyke, Mike Browne Homologation Working Group - Peter Stwertka, Mike Browne, John Jacobs, Jeff Byrne, John Norton, Don Cushing - Emeritus NYSSRA Development Committees NYSSRA Development Committees are tasked with evaluating the needs and desires of programs across the state. The committees work collaboratively with a clear focus on youth development. They implement programs that offer optimized advancement for our athletes with input from the NYSSRA membership. The committees utilize NYSSRA's varied resources for a positive sport experience for all. Development Committee Selection: 6 or 7 members Councils interested in submitting a nomination for U14, U16 and U18-U21 committees should notify the NYSSRA Program Director’s office by mid February each year. Candidates for the U12, U14, U16 and U18-U21 Development Committees will be submitted to the respective Development Committees for nomination. The NYSSRA Executive Committee selects committee members based on the recommendations of the Development Committee. Each council will appoint one member to the U12 Development Committee. Coaches with at least 3 years of coaching experience with U12s prior to selection may be named by each council. The U12 Committee Chairperson is selected by the NYSSRA Executive Committee based on the recommendation of this Development Committee. In addition the NYSSRA Exec Com may appoint up to 2 discretionary members. New members, with an initial term of 1 year, are invited to the Spring Development planning meetings. Returning members commit for 2 years, which may be renewed for one additional two year term. The Chairmanship rotates every two years. Members with five consecutive years must step aside for 1 year and then be eligible for consideration to return as positions open. The Executive Committee has the ability to extend each 5-year term limit by one additional year. Selection Guidelines 1) current NYSSRA and USSA coaching credentials 2) current with USSA coaches education 3) coach and travel consistently with appropriate age group throughout the season to achieve familiarity with NYSSRA's policies and racers 4) respected by his/her peers and exhibit professionalism NOTE: Current NYSSRA President, 1st/2nd Vice President, AO Chairperson, are on all Development committees in an advisory position. The current NYSSRA President is a voting participant in the event of a tie. U12 Development Committee Chair-Beatty Schuleter-S 518-304-3554 Bill Spalding 315-952-3945 Adam Helmer 315-790-3016 John Galvin 716-560-7301 Doug Axtell 585-764-8214 Rich Hawks 585.879.3999 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] U14 Development Committee 315-546-4614 585-732-8781 315-357-4994 716-680-0160 518-744-4110 518-523-3460 716-572-2088 Chair Tyler Travis-S Meghan Cleason Jim Holt-S Jeff Walker-S Steve Jackson Steve Mergenthaler-S Brad Rauch [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] U18-U21 Development Committee Chair-John Norton-S Chair-John Przekop-S Jeff Jenkins Bob Okoniewski Todd Travis Lauren Partridge Karol Kloc 518-524-1403 518-895-2767 585-455-8362 315-430-6464 307-690-4943 585-749-9631 372-492-2834 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] If a committee member has missed 2 consecutive meetings without notice of reasonable cause, or has not been active in committee business, that member shall be considered for removal at the second missed meeting. Coaches Committee - contact information above Beatty Schlueter, Rich Burnley, Tyler Travis, John Przekop, John Norton, Steve Mergenthaler - contact information above Race Discretionary Committee This committee visits appeals relating to race competition and discretionary issues. The committee consists of NYSSRA President in advisory position. AO Chair,relevant Dev Chairperson and Education Com Chairperson. NYSSRA Program Director administrates. Note: 'S' next to name denotes Selection Committee U16 Development Committee [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 518-926-8699 585-729-7701 716-592-4963 518-507-6434 315-269-1200 814-460-6690 845-807-4586 Chair-Rich Burnley-S Alex Nenno Andrew Minier Jeff Long Cory Bradbury Amy Brown Ricky Heins NYSSRA Council Chairpersons Adirondack Central Genesee Mountain Niagara Will Hollister 315-369-5055 Jeff Andrews 315-637-7592 Brooke Lupton 585-739-3015 Rich Burnley 518-926-8699 John Galvin 716-560-7301 Rip Van Winkle Peter Wiacek 917-337-6919 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Racer Support Committee Members appointed to the Racer Support Committee are NYSSRA President, Treasurer, NYSSRA Program Director, Athlete Rep and Chairs of U16-U18 Dev Com. NYSSRA Appeals Committee NYSSRA Program Director administrates, Members - Current AO Chairperson, Athlete Representative, and NYSSRA President. Any committee member may designate an alternate in the event of a conflict. NYSSRA Awards Committee Nominations due to NYSSRA Office February. Final selections will be made by NYSSRA President, 1st VP, the relevant Development Committee Chairperson, AO Chairperson and NYSSRA Program Director. NYSSRA Alpine Officials Chair Mike Browne Alpine Ed Martin Besant Scheduling Mike Browne 518-415-5514 716-655-0705 518-415-5514 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] USSA Eastern Office Information 1) For all race paperwork - send to Janet Larson PO Box 1720, Station A, Rutland, VT 05701 2) USSA Eastern Office Mailing Address USSA East - Patti Nichols - 110 Mountain Road Westford, VT 05494 Phone - 802-343-1395 3) USSA Ski & Snowboard Asssociation PO Box 100, Park City, UT 84060 SECTION 7 DIRECTORY New York State Ski Racing Association Office www.nyssra.org Connie Webster - Program Director 2616 Beckwith Bay, Cazenovia, NY 13035 315-655-2216 (B) 315-420-3922 (C) 315-655-2212 (Fax) [email protected] Kim Schweitzer - Member Services 5 Bromwich Rd, New Hartford, NY 13413 315-525- 6390 (C) [email protected] Kathy Okoniewski - Youth Administrator 315-382-5045 (C) [email protected] Note: All of the following listed as leaders and committee participants must be current NYSSRA members. Executive Committee: President, Officials Chairperson, Treasurer President Jason Barcoff 914-497-7356 [email protected] 1st VP Maren Hosmer 607-279-4104 [email protected] 2nd VP Mark Sertl 585-202-6073 [email protected] Secretary Kathy Chase 315-364-7381 [email protected] Treasurer Mark Sertl 315-725-3300 [email protected] Alpine Mike Browne Officials Committee 315-857-3640 [email protected] Alpine Officials Education Committee - TBA Coaches Steve Mergenthaler Committee 518-523-3460 x 31 [email protected] Athlete Rep Travis Widger 716-244-0203 [email protected] Website Administrator Don Crossman 315-655-5644 [email protected] High School Steve Jackson518-744-4110 [email protected] Liaison College Liaison Willi Steinrotter 315-229-5885 [email protected] DIRECTORY OF SKI CLUBS AND SCHOOLS Includes standard abbreviations for race start list BelleayreJim Catalano BE 845-254-5600 (Rip VanWinkle) [email protected] Brantling Steve Moore 'C' Kevin Spear BR 315-926-5982 (H) 315-331-2365 (Genesee) 315-879-7543 [email protected] [email protected] Bristol BM (Genesee) Victor Ashe 413-320-6104 [email protected] 'C' Jeff Jenkins 585-455-8362 [email protected] Buffalo Ski Club Mark Meyer 716-628-3486 BU (Niagara) [email protected] 'C' Tom Gradwell 716-632-7140 (H) 716-868-0363 (C) [email protected] Clarkson University Skip Fox CL (Univ) 315-268-3736 [email protected] DH (Adirondack) Cory Burns upstate56@gmailcom 'C' David Burns 315-788-3468 GO NYSEF 518-251-2825 (Mountain) 518-251-4204 (F) [email protected] Tanya Gaechter 518-251-2825 Greek Peak Nick Brewster 607-222-4827 Dry Hill Gore Bone Bayse [email protected] Greg Brown 607-765-4295 [email protected] [email protected] Holiday Mountain Tara Hulse 845-701-3599 [email protected] Lisa Bittinger 845-796-6285 [email protected] 'C' Miguel Azcarte 716-378-7509 GP (Central) HM (Rip Van Winkle) [email protected] Holiday Valley Michael Nenno 716-378-1000 [email protected] [email protected] Dave Mangan 716-947-5602 Travis Widger 716-699-5306 Jennifer Haggerty 585-260-7555 Holimont Eric Lyle 585-739-1012 [email protected] HV (Niagara) HO (Niagara) Hunt Hollow HH (Genesee) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hunter Mountain Kissing Bridge 'C' Andrew Minier 716-574-8366 [email protected] Michael Swan 315-569-7926 Kendall Bright 315-952-3586 HU (Rip Van Winkle) KB (Niagara) Labrador Mtn LB (Central) Millie Bailey 845-505-2640 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mohawk Valley Ski Team Cory Bradbury Chuck Schweitzer MV (Adirondack) 315-269-1200 [email protected] 315-725-3300 [email protected] National Sports Academy Michelle Podnecky NSA 802-291-4168 [email protected] (Mountain) Northwood School NWS (Mountain) JP Daigneault [email protected] Polar Bear (McCauley Mtn) PB (Adirondack) Marcy Fagan 518-265-7615(C) 518-523-3357 (B) [email protected] [email protected] Jim Holt 315-369-8757 (C) 315-357-6028 (W) Royal MountainCorinne Cotter RM (Mountain) 518-852-0880 (H) mrscotter2013@yanoolcom Saint Lawrence UniversityWilli Steinrotter SLU315-229-5885 (Univ) Saranac Lake SA (Mountain) Skaneateles SK (Central) Ski Valley SV (GVSC) [email protected] Wayne Feinberg 518-524-2351 Linda Brousseau 518-891-6222 Jeremy Euto 315-527-2811 Mike Len 315-289-8701 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Greg Hayes 814-434-0875 [email protected] [email protected] Ski Windham Jere Jaeger 518-755-2677 [email protected] Philip Davenport 914-466-8103 Patrick Anderson 315-376-4268 'C' Kathy Chase 315-364-7381 Song Mountain Fran Kane 315-439-1111 Abbey Dewey 315-256-6707 Dana Mehlenbacher 585-330-2872 WI (Rip Van Winkle) Snow Ridge SR (Adirondack) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SG (Central) [email protected] [email protected] Swain SW (GVSC) [email protected] Toggenburg Bill Adams TG (Central) West Mountain 315-399-2599 [email protected] Jim Brownell 585-734-9733 [email protected] 'C' Tyler Travis 315-546-4614 [email protected] David Wenn WM 518-524-6364 (Mountain) [email protected] Sara Montgomery 518-300-0987 Whiteface Mtn WF NYSEF 'C'John Norton 518-946-7001 (Mountain) Jay Rand 518-946-7001 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Woods Valley Chip Clark 315-527-2673 Adam Helmer 315-790-3016 WV (Adirondack) [email protected] [email protected] 34 35