Document 6552499
Document 6552499
INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4 WIRING Connection method Head Separated Digital Pressure Sensor Controller DPC-100 Series "z?{$L<<)<<=<|L> !(*Z#{&q&" #&#&ZZ#&}&( Z*#~(# WARNING )*&&*# In case of using devices for personnel protection, use products which meet laws &&&`)z$# &&&##Z"Z ?&&&#* Output 1 operation indicator % Zparative output 1 is ON Unit display (Note 1, 2) Release lever Disconnection method Connector area of the cable with connector Housing: PAP-06V-S !"#$%&' Pressing the release lever of the cable with Note: Do not pull by holding the cable without pressing the release lever, as this can cause cable break or connector ( <Connection connector pin arrangement> $) 1 PART DESCRIPTION Connector area for a power supply / I-O cable Cable with connector CN-66A-C Insert the cable with connector CN-66A-C into the product’s connector area for a power 1 2 3 4 5 6 Terminal name 1 +V 2 Analogue voltage / current output 3 0V 4 Comparative output 1 5 Comparative output 2 6 External input 5 I/O CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS Main display Output 2 operation indicator % Zparative output 2 is ON When using the analogue voltage output, take care to the input impedance of the &&* Furthermore, note that if the cable is extended, the cable resistance will cause the *& Sub display Setting value DOWN key Connector area for a pressure sensor head Setting value UP key Mode selection key NPN output type (Brown) +V (Gray) Analogue voltage / current %& output (Note 1, 2, 3) (Black) Comparative output 1 Main circuit )JL@& U@!&#&"{_({_ 2 MOUNTING The sensor mounting bracket MS-DP1-6*QZ Z(~& <X)Z M3 (length 6mm) screws with washers (Accessory with MS-DP1-6) %& + - (White) Comparative output 2 (Pink) External input 12 to 24V DC ±10% (*1) (Blue) 0V PNP output type (Brown) +V Main circuit (Pink) External input Sensor mounting bracket MS-DP1-6 (Optional) (Black) Comparative output 1 (*2) + (White) Comparative output 2 (Gray) Analogue %& voltage / current output (Note 1, 2, 3) - %& 12 to 24V DC ±10% (Blue) 0V The panel mounting bracket MS-DP1-2 (optional), as well as the front cover MS-DP1-3 ;@* For mounting of the panel mounting bracket, refer to the Instruction Manual enclosed with MS-DP1-2 !&Z&& Q&&*Z& !#Z&* Connection method Pressure sensor head cable Disconnection method or High (5V to +V DC): Valid %;<K>?$@J*& )JL@Q&&UX<YZ[ U@!(X>Z* \@Q*#Z&#&&* ]Z#[&&*& The EASY mode, hysteresis mode or window comparator mode can be selected as Z&#Z*L&Z*U Refer to <Comparative output 1 / 2 output mode setting> in “ 8 MENU SETTING MODE_#& EASY mode Release lever Connector area of the pressure sensor head cable e-con: 1473562-4 !z"{ }' Note: Do not pull by holding the cable without pressing the release lever, as this can cause cable break or connector ( <Connection connector pin arrangement> 4 or $) Terminal name 1 Sensor head supply voltage 2 Analogue input 3 0V 4 Model discrimination signal ) ]]#Z*&Z& Pressure Pressing the release lever of the pressure & 3 Non-voltage contact, PNP open-collector transistor or DC 2-wire output 6 OUTPUT MODE AND OUTPUT OPERATION Insert the pressure sensor head cable into the product’s connector area for the pressure & 2 *2 Non-voltage contact, NPN open-collector transistor or DC 2-wire output High (5 to 30V DC or Open): Invalid %;<=>?$@J>& 3 CONNECTION OF PRESSURE SENSOR HEAD 1 *1 H (Hysteresis) P 0 Comparative ON output OFF `J`[&;)L@ When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or positive pressure type, hysteresis is & When the pressure sensor head is vacuum pressure type, hysteresis *Z& Notes: 1) `[&jq# in “ 9 PRO MODE_# 2) “ ” is displayed for comparative output 1 and “ _#Z*U& 8 MENU SETTING MODE The mode will change to RUN mode when the mode selection key is held down & & & Z # & & Z&(* Pressure Hysteresis mode The comparative output ON / OFF state can be controlled with randomly set hysterZ& H: 1digit or more 2 digits or more when using psi unit for use outside Japan Hi H (Hysteresis) % 0 Comparative ON output OFF RUN mode {#U <Comparative output 1 output mode setting> Hysteresis mode EASY mode Window comparator mode Notes: 1) “ ” or “ ” is displayed for comparative output 1 and “ ” or “ ” for comparative output 2 on the & 2) When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or positive pressure type, high pressure indicates “ ” and low pressure indicates “ ,” while in case of vacuum pressure type, high vacuum indicates “ ” and low vacuum indicates “ _ Window comparator mode Pressure In this mode, the ON or OFF state of the comparative output is controlled with a `J`[&;)L@ When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or posiH (Hysteresis) tive pressure type, hysteresis is & When the pressure sensor head is vacuum pressure type, hysteresis *Z& <Comparative output 2 output mode setting> Hysteresis mode OFF mode EASY mode Window comparator mode H (Hysteresis) Hi % 0 Comparative ON output OFF Notes: 1) `[&jq# in “ 9 PRO MODE_# 2) “ ” or “ ” is displayed for comparative output 1 and “ ” or “ ” for comparative output 2 on the & 3) When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or positive pressure type, high pressure indicates “ ” and low pressure indicates “ ,” while in case of vacuum pressure type, high vacuum indicates “ ” and low vacuum indicates “ _ =@*%&&`&[&*Z ) )$;QZ*UZ&]]@ ) )$ ) )$;QZ*UZ&]]@ LJ) LJ)$ LJ) LJ)$ UJ) UJ)$ UJ)$ UJ) 7 RUN MODE Setting the threshold value Refer to <Comparative output 1 / 2 output mode setting> in “ 8 MENU SETTING MODE_#& !&&&*"&&& <Analogue voltage / current output selection> Analogue Analogue voltage outcurrent output mode put mode ?&& EASY mode (Comparative output 2 is OFF) Comparative output 1 EASY mode Comparative output 2 Comparative Hysteresis mode / output 1 Window comparator Comparative Z&%& output 2 Comparative Hysteresis mode / output 1 Window comparator Comparative Z&`& output 2 Automatic Press When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or positive pressure type !&*& When the pressure sensor head is vacuum pressure type !&*&*Z& <External input selection> Auto-reference input OFF Remote zero-adjustment input Press When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or positive pressure type !&*&& When the pressure sensor head is vacuum pressure type !&**Z& Blinks alternately (Note 2) <Response time setting> 1ms UXZ 5,000ms <Display color of the main display selection> Red when ON Green when ON Green when OFF Red when OFF Always red Always green <Unit selection> (Note 1) MPa (Note 2) kPa bar psi inchHg (Note 3) mmHg (Note 3) <XZ (Note 3) Notes: 1) If the set pressure range is exceeded, “ ” (exceeds the upper limit) or “ ” (exceeds the lower limit) will &“ ”#`&&*[&%&& *Z& &ZZ&_&* U@#*&Z&Z*&& For details, refer to “ 11 AUTO-REFERENCE FUNCTION” and “ 12 REMOTE ZERO-ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION_ 3) In the dash line box is not displayed when not setting “ ” or “ _[] method, refer to in “ 8 MENU SETTING MODE_ Zero-adjustment function The zero-adjustment function forcibly sets the pressure value to “zero” when the & Hold down Automatic 2 kgf/cm )J z*#&Z&&* & Key lock function The key lock function prevents key operations so that the conditions set in each setZ&&*& <Key lock set> RUN mode Hold down Automatic <Key lock released> Hold down Automatic Notes: 1) When positive pressure type of the pressure sensor head is connected to the controller for use inside Japan, "{_({_QZ&*Z& && 2) When compound pressure type or vacuum pressure type of the pressure sensor head is connected to the controller for use outside Japan, “ _&& 3) When positive pressure type of the pressure sensor head is connected to the controller for use outside Japan, && Setting item Peak / bottom hold function The peak / bottom hold functions display the peak value and bottom value of the The peak value is displayed on the main display and the bottom value is displayed & When the pressure sensor head is compound pressure type or positive pressure type, the higher pressure side indicates the peak value, while the lower pressure side indicates the Z*Q&*Z*Z&&(**Z&&Z* <Peak / bottom hold set> Hold down <Peak / bottom hold released> Blinks alternately Factory setting Description Comparative output 1 output mode setting #Z*L Comparative output 2 output mode setting #Z*U ) )$ )Z;)@Z;)$@& The initial state when the comparative output 2 output mode setting is set to other than OFF shows “ _ Analogue voltage / current output selection * External input selection #Z&Z Response time setting Z ! Z & #Z <XZ LZ UXZ XZ L<Z UXZX<ZL<<ZUX<ZX<<ZL<<<ZX<<<Z Displayed color of the main display selection ?&#Z&& Unit selection {& When compound pressure type or vacuum type of the pressure sensor head is connected to the controller for use outside Japan, the initial state shows “ _ Hold down 9 PRO MODE Code table The mode will change to RUN mode when the mode selection key is held down &`*&Z#&&Z& (* Main display (1st digit form left) RUN mode Press for 4 seconds <PRO mode> Code 1st digit Q)&_$Z&_&_ <Sub-display selection> When “ ” is set Comparative output 1 output mode 2nd digit Comparative ) )$ output 2 selection output mode ) Change the displayed details with )$ ) EASY )$ Unit display )& )$ Custom display - - Comparative output 2 Auto-reference Threshold value 4 Comparative output 1 / 2 )$ Threshold value 1 Comparative output 1 ) Threshold value 2 Remote zero- Comparative adjustment output 2 Threshold value 3 Comparative output 1 / 2 )$ - Analogue current output Threshold value 4 - - - Sub-display (5th digit from left) 1,000ms Code <Display speed selection> 250ms 500ms Window comparator - Comparative output 1 Threshold value 3 ) ) - OFF Threshold value 2 Analogue voltage output Hysteresis Window comparator <Sub-display selection> Standard Display OFF )$ External input Threshold value 1 Hysteresis ” is set 4th digit Threshold display - OFF ) Set pressure range is displayed & Analogue output EASY RUN mode When “ 3rd digit ) )$ selection 5th digit Displayed color of the main display Red when ON `[&*L*J[L&;$Z&J[U&@';Q{&@ "[ " 6th digit 7th digit Response time Unit selection (Note) Comparative output 1 <XZ MPa Comparative output 2 1ms kPa Eco mode OFF Std 250ms 2 UXZ Comparative output 2 5ms Comparative output 1 10ms psi Comparative output 2 25ms mmHg Comparative output 1 50ms inchHg Comparative output 2 100ms - - - 250ms - - - 500ms - - - - 1,000ms - - - - - 5,000ms - - - Always green kgf/cm j& Display speed Comparative output 1 Green when ON Always red <Displayed color relation selection> Relating with Relating with comparative comparative output 1 output 2 Displayed color relation Full bar OFF Std 500ms Full OFF Std 1,000ms Full - Note: When positive pressure type of the pressure sensor head is connected to the controller for use inside Japan, “ ” (MPa) or “ _;({@&&QZ&*Z& ” ;({@&& <External input relation selection> Corresponding Corresponding to comparative to comparative output 1 output 2 <Eco mode setting> OFF Standard 10 SETTING COPY FUNCTION Corresponding to comparative output 1 / 2 !#Z&*& #&Z& !#&&##Z& Only one sensor can be connected on slave side with a master side sensor for the # Do not use the setting copy function other than the following wiring, as pulsed output generates when turning the power ON after setting the master side sensor to & "[ Setting procedure 1. Set the setting copy function of the master side sensor to “Copy sending ON” or $&)%_&&& Z&(&]&# <Setting copy mode> in “ 9 PRO MODE_ 2. !]]Z& 3. Remove the pressure sensor head and connect the master side sensor with the *& <Setting check code> Automatic <Setting copy mode> Copy sending Copy sending OFF ON Copy sending )% Color code of cable with connector Copy ready state Power supply Master side sensor Slave side sensor (Brown) +V <Reset setting> (Blue) 0V (Black) Comparative output 1 (Pink) External input RUN mode Setting item Factory setting Description Sub-display selection $&#& _ J ? “ “ _ J {&&& “ _ J ?&) “ ” : Desired numbers, alphabets (some of them cannot be displayed) & Display speed selection $&#&&*Z& `[& value selection #zZ&&&ZZ& ;j@ Displayed color relation selection The setting contents set at the displayed color setting in Menu setting mode &Z*LZ*U External input relation selection The setting contents set at the external input selection in Menu setting mode #&&Z*LUL U Eco mode setting $Z& “ _ J )Z;z$Z&##@ “ _ J #(&#[Xq) Z&&Z&( “ _ J #(&#[Xq) Z&&&## {(ZZ& Setting check code $(&]&#Code table_ Setting copy mode !#Z&&*& For details, refer to “ 10 SETTING COPY FUNCTION_ “ _ J !& “ ” : The setting contents are copied, and the slave side sensor goes (( Reset setting q&#;#@ By pressing dowun mode key when “ ” mode, becomes default settings ;#@ +V (Brown) 0V (Blue) Comparative output 1 (Black) External input (Pink) 4. !)Z&&*&ZZ;)@ 5. Set contents (16-bit coded) are shown in orange on the main display of the master && 6. The same code explained above is shown in green on the the main display of the slave side sensor, and “ ” is shown on the sub-display (When copying is com@ 7. Turn OFF the power of the master side sensor and the slave side sensor and dis * If copying the setting to another sensor repeatedly, follow steps 3 to 7 )J !(#&ZZZ& To cancel the setting copy mode of master side sensor 1. Whilst the slave side sensor is disconnected, turn on the power of the master side 2. {Z&(#[U& 11 AUTO-REFERENCE FUNCTION The auto-reference function corrects the set value using the detected pressure value during auto-reference input as the refer Using the detected pressure value at auto-reference input P(a) as a reference, the set value 1’ is automatically corrected to “set value 1{;@_ 14 SPECIFICATIONS Before auto-reference After auto-reference Type OFF "&);)L@ ON Applicable pressure sensor head OFF Atmospheric pressure P(a) Input External input Comparative output (Comparative output 1 / 2) Operation chart Output operation During normal operation (each comparative output set to N.O.) Hysteresis During auto-reference input (each comparative output set to N.O.) Repeatability Detected pressure at auto-reference input: 10kPa Output mode: Hysteresis mode ON Response time ON Output Output OFF OFF Analogue output Set value (kPa) 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 Applied pressure (kPa) 0 Displayed value (kPa) 0 Set value (kPa) 10 10 P(a) 10 20 20 1’ 20 30 30 2’ 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 )J !*#ZZ&zZ&&ZZ& 12 REMOTE ZERO-ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION The remote zero-adjustment function forcibly sets the pressure value to “zero” when [& !*&Z&Z"( pressure and set value during remote zero-adjustment do not exceed the set pressure Operation chart During normal operation (each comparative output set to N.O.) During remote zero-adjustment input (each comparative output set to N.O.) Detected pressure at remote zero-adjustment input: 10kPa Output mode: Hysteresis mode ON ON Output OFF Pollution degree Temperature characteristics Material Weight Set value (kPa) 50 50 60 60 Applied pressure (kPa) 0 10 Displayed value (kPa) -10 0 Set value (kPa) 20 10 1 10 30 20 2 20 40 30 50 40 60 50 )JL@!*#ZZ&zZ&&ZZ& 2) The remote zero-adjustment function is applicable only to the comparative output set at the external input relaZ*&Z The remote zero-adjustment value is cleared when the setting of the external input selection function is changed or the power is turned ON again, and normal opera&ZZ& The remote zero-adjustment value can be confirmed when setting the threshold *q)Z&q#&* 7 RUN MODE_ Cause Corrective action The controller and the pressure sensor head are not correctly & The pressure sensor head is &Z& Connect the controller and the pressure sensor head cor q& The load is short-circuited causing * !]]&(& Pressure is applied during zero&Z Applied pressure at the pressure port should be brought to atmospheric pressure and zero-point adjustment should be & External input is carried out outside & Applied pressure range should be brought within the rated Communication error ;?#@ $(# Communication error ;Z&@ "(Z&#ZZ& # The applied pressure exceeds the upper limit of the display pressure The applied pressure exceeds the lower limit (reverse pressure) of the & QZ&& )*J<=>?$ OFF voltage: 5 to 30V DC or open Z&J[L<( Input time: 1ms or more NPN open-collector transistor Maximum sink current: 100mA Applied voltage: 30V DC or less (between comparative output and 0V) Residual voltage: 1V or less (at 100mA sink current ) ON voltage: 5V to +V DC ]]*J<K>?$ Z&J[L<(Y Input time: 1ms or more PNP open-collector transistor Maximum source current: 100mA Applied voltage: 30V DC or less (between comparative output and +V) Residual voltage: 1V or less (at 100mA source current ) ))$( "L&;*U&#&@ Q* *Z&JQ<U]&;U&@ QZ&&JQ<U]&;=&@ <XZLZUXZXZL<ZUXZX<ZL<<ZUX<ZX<<ZL<<<Z 5,000ms selectable with key operations <Analogue current output> Output current: 4 to 20mA Zero point: Q=ZL];* *Z@ QLUZLX];Z&@ JQLKZLX] %JQ<L] %&JUX<;"@ <Analogue voltage output> Output voltage: 1 to 5V Zero point: QL><X];* *Z@ Q\><X];Z&@ JQ=><X] %JQ<L] Z&J[L(Y \XjXq`J\XjXq` 2 Q<X];U<$#@ zJ{!;@%$?&J "J;(&@}J [UX;"&@ CN-66A-C2 (Cable with a connector, 2m long) (optional for J@JL JL 15 CAUTIONS 13 ERROR INDICATION Error message Same as supply voltage Input voltage range: 1 to 5V DC (within the rated pressure range) Notes: 1) The cable with connector is not enclosed with models that have “-J_&#Z&Z U@z[&Z#&& \@!*&*&q&#&&#Z&& 40 40 12 to 24V DC ±10% Ripple P-P 10% or less )ZJ|K<ZQ;Z=<ZU=>*@ ECO mode (STD): 720mW or less (current consumption 30mA or less at 24V supply voltage) z$Z&;]%%@JK<<ZQ;ZUXZU=>*@ I OFF 30 30 <L<L<({ <L<<<"{ L<<<L<<<({ L<L\L<L\({ L<X<L<X<"{ L|||L|||({ -10 to +50°C (No dew condensation or icing allowed), Storage: -10 to +60°C Output 20 20 2 20 DPC-101-P Compound pressure type DPH-101{*DPH-102 Vacuum pressure type DPH-103 Ambient temperature Accessories 10 10 1 10 DPC-101Z-P Overvoltage category Ambient humidity The detected pressure value at auto-reference input becomes “zero” when the setting of the external input selection function is changed or the power is turned ON The auto-reference input value can be checked when setting the threshold value in q)Z&q#&* 7 RUN MODE_#& Applied pressure (kPa) 0 Displayed value (kPa) 0 DPC-101 Pressure sensor head input If the corrected set value exceeds the set pressure range when auto-reference input is carried out, the set value will be automatically corrected to within the set pressure !([& 20 20 2 20 For use outside Japan DPC-101Z Sensor head supply voltage The set pressure range is wider than the rating pressure range so that the auto##&& 10 10 1 10 For use inside Japan Supply voltage Settable range and set pressure range after correction Applied pressure (kPa) 0 Displayed value (kPa) 0 For use outside Japan Rated pressure range Power consumption (Note 2) PNP output type For use inside Japan Set pressure range Set value 1 Set value 1’ Pressure Set value 1’ after auto-reference is: 1’ = 1 + P(a) Detected pressure value at auto-reference input NPN output type ON !&&*& &&#& !&#& The operating altitude of this product is 2000m or less "(]] Take care that if a voltage exceeding the rated range is applied, or if an AC power &&&Z&Z& !(&Z If power is supplied from a commercial switching regulator, ensure that the frame &;] @Z#&& ~Z ; * Z @ &*##Z&;] @Z# ~Z& ? & Z ;<X @ # & Do not run the wires together with high-voltage lines or power lines or put them in Z!Z#&& !Z&Z& Extension up to total 100m (emitter and receiver each for thru-beam type), or less, <\ZZ2Z#& `*&Z(#&ZZ&$zZ(Z\<Z Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied directly to the sensor *&&&&Z Take care that the product does not come in contact with water, oil, grease, or or* ?(& ?*[**&Z Z* )*&ZZ&# !&zz{q"!zz{q"#Z&Z LZZ# 16 INTENDED PRODUCTS FOR CE MARKING The models listed under “ 14 SPECIFICATIONS” Z$z"( #Z&# Contact for CE <From July 1 ,2013> Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Center Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg,Germany Applied pressure range should be brought within the rated J & &[ U=\LLZ}=jK<|<L {JjLXKj\\jKL]JjLXKj\\jX|L (* PRINTED IN JAPAN {&?*)$%&U<L\