INTELLIGENT DUST COLLECTOR PiE SERIES OPERATION MANUAL IMPORTANT : ٧ Do not operate this dust collector before reading this manual. ٧ Only those who fully understand the contents of this manual should operate this dust collector. ٧ Carry out daily and periodic inspections, observing all operation and maintenance instructions given in this manual. ٧ Observe all applicable laws regulation regarding the installation and maintenance of the dust collector. N IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Precautions in this manual are classified according to degree and type of danger, as shown below. Be sure to read them before operating the dust collector. WARNING : Shows situations in which incorrect operation could result in death or serious injury to the operator. CAUTION : Shows situations in which incorrect operation could result in injury to the operator or property damage. s 3ERIOUSINJURYREFERSTOLOSSOFEYESIGHTWOUNDSBURNSHIGHTEMPERATURELOWTEMPERATUREELECTRICSHOCKBONE fracture, poisoning, etc. which have lasting effects or require hospitalization or long-term outpatient treatment. s )NJURYREFERSTOWOUNDSBURNSELECTRICSHOCKETCWHICHDONOTREQUIREHOSPITALIZATIONORLONGTERMOUTPATIENTTREATment. s 0ROPERTYDAMAGEREFERSTOEXTENSIVEDAMAGESTOHOUSESHOUSEHOLDGOODSLIVESTOCKORPETS s %XAMPLESOFPICTORIALSYMBOLS The symbol shows a warning or caution. A specific warning or caution is indicated by the picture inside. The symbol shows a prohibited action. The specific prohibition is indicated by the picture inside. The L symbol shows a compulsory action. The specific compulsory action is indicated by the picture inside. N INTRODUCTION 4HANKYOUFORPURCHASINGTHE!MANO0I%SERIESDUSTCOLLECTOR )T IS IMPORTANT TO READ THE OPERATION MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE EQUIPMENT IN ORDER TO OPERATE IT SAFELY AND CORRECTLY !LSO MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE MANUAL CLOSE AT HAND SO THAT YOU CAN REFER TO IT WHEN necessary. L4HE0I%3ERIES$UST#OLLECTORISINTENDEDFORCOLLECTINGPARTICLESTHATDONOTPOSETHERISK OFDUSTEXPLOSIONORlRE L4HEMANUFACTURERANDDEALERSARENOTRESPONSIBLEFORACCIDENTSORDAMAGEDUETOTHE FOLLOWINGCAUSES s&IREOREXPLOSIONCAUSEDBYDUSTINTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR s)MPROPEROPERATINGCONDITIONSORUSAGEDIFFERENTFROMTHATSPECIlEDINTHISMANUAL s&AILURETOMAINTAINTHEDUSTCOLLECTORORREPLACETHECONSUMABLEPARTSASSPECIlEDINTHISMANUAL s!NYMODIlCATIONREPAIROREQUIPMENTTRANSFERPERFORMEDBYATHIRDPARTYORPERSONNELNOTAUTHORIZEDBY AMANO. s.ATURALDISASTERSORCALAMITIESSUCHASlRESEARTHQUAKESORmOODS s!NYEVENTTHATCOULDNOTBEPREDICTEDSCIENTIlCALLYORTECHNOLOGICALLYATTHETIMEOFMANUFACTURE s/THERCAUSESTHATARENOTTHERESPONSIBILITYOF!-!./ N)FANYTHINGRELATEDTOTHEPRODUCTORTHISOPERATIONMANUALISUNCLEARPLEASECONTACTTHEDEALERORTHESALESOFlCE N The specifications and appearance of the dust collector and the description in this manual are subject to change due to improvements. N7HENWARNINGLABELSLOOKLIKETHEYMIGHTCOMEOFFCONTACTTHEDEALERORSALESOFlCETOGETNEWONESFORREPLACEMENT NCONTENTS &OR3AFE/PERATION................................................................................. 1 Cautions regarding installation............................................................... 3 2. Structure and Names of Components.................................................... 4 3. Preparing for Operation.......................................................................... 7 )NSTALLINGDUCTING .................................................................................... 8 Connecting the power supply................................................................. 9 Connecting the compressed air supply.................................................. 11 #ONNECTINGTHEMANOMETER&OR*4YPEONLY ........................................ 12 Setting for remote-operation .................................................................. 13 4. Setting the Data ..................................................................................... 14 !IRmOWSETTING;5= ................................................................................... 15 3ETTINGTHEPULSESTARTING;5=;-=............................................................. 16 3ETTINGTHEPULSEJETOPERATIONMODE;5=;-=;*= ....................................... 17 3ETTINGh/.4)-%v;5=;-=;*= .................................................................. 18 3ETTINGh/&&4)-%v;5=;-=;*=................................................................. 19 )NTERVAL;5=;-=;*=..................................................................................... 20 %NDPULSE;5=;-=;*=................................................................................. 21 3ETTINGTHEPULSESTOPTARGETDIFFERENTIALPRESSURE;5=;-= ....................... 22 3ETTINGTHEREMOTEOPERATION;5=;-=;*= ................................................... 23 3ETTINGTHEABNORMALlLTERDIFFERENTIALPRESSURE;5=;-=........................... 24 Other settings......................................................................................... 25 5. Operation ............................................................................................... 26 Start and stop of the operation............................................................... 27 Changing the display content................................................................. 28 Message display .................................................................................... 29 Dust removal from the filter ................................................................... 31 &ILTERDUSTCLOGGINGSEVERITY................................................................... 31 Reset of thermal relay............................................................................ 32 6. Maintenance .......................................................................................... 33 Discharging the collected dust ............................................................... 34 )NSPECTIONANDREPLACEMENTOFlLTER ...................................................... 36 Maintenance of dust removal components ............................................ 38 !PPENDIX ................................................................................................ 40 Specifications......................................................................................... 40 Service parts.......................................................................................... 40 Outside drawing ..................................................................................... 41 Wiring diagram....................................................................................... 43 Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 46 Periodic inspection table ........................................................................ 47 1. FOR SAFE OPERATION Before operating the equipment, read the following warnings and cautions, and make sure you understand them. 7!2.).' s .EVERALLOWTHEFOLLOWINGSUBSTANCESTOGETINTOTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR s %XPLOSIVEmAMMABLEPOWDER!LUMINUMMAGNESIUMTITANIUMEPOXYORGANICSOLVENTETC s )NmAMMABLESUBSTANCES'ASOLINETHINNERBENZINEKEROSENEPAINTETC s $USTWITHSPARKS$USTPRODUCEDBYAHIGHSPEEDCUTTERGRINDERWELDING MACHINEETC s !SHES#IGARETTEBUTTSASHESETC s 3TICKYSUBSTANCES3OLUBLEMISTOILMISTETC s /THER7ATEROILANDCHEMICALETC These substances could cause fires or explosions. s .EVERINSTALLTHEDUSTCOLLECTORINHAZARDOUSAREASCLASSORACCORDINGTO *APANESESTANDARDS Doing so may result in fire or explosion. s .EVERUSETHEDUSTCOLLECTORINORNEARAREASWHEREITWILLBEEXPOSEDTOmAMMABLEORCORROSIVEMISTSMOKEFUMESORGASESORWHEREEXPLOSIVEmAMMABLEDUSTISPRESENTINTHEAIR Doing so may result in fire or explosion. s .EVERUSEANYVOLTAGEOTHERTHANTHESUPPLYVOLTAGESHOWNONTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR!LSODONOTOVERLOADONEELECTRICALOUTLET This could cause fire or electric shock. s .EVERTOUCHTHEPOWERCABLEWITHWETHANDSWHENCONNECTINGORDISCONNECTING IT This could cause electric shock. s .EVERALLOWTHEPOWERCABLETOGETDAMAGEDORBROKEN.EVERPLACEHEAVYITEMS ONTHEPOWERCABLEORBENDITEXCESSIVELY This could also cause fire or electric shock. s .EVERMAKEANYMODIlCATIONSTOTHISEQUIPMENT This could cause fire or electric shock. s "ESURETOGROUNDTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Otherwise, electric shock could occur if there is a leak. s )FAlREOCCURSORTHEREISADUSTEXPLOSIONINSIDETHEDUSTCOLLECTOR s TURNOFFTHEPOWERIMMEDIATELY s USEAlREEXTINGUISHINGAGENTSUITABLEFORDUST s EVEN AFTER THE lRE IS OUT DONT OPEN THE DOOR UNTIL THE INTERNAL TEMPERATURE DROPSTOTHENORMALLEVEL Otherwise, a secondary explosion could occur. s#LEAN THE EQUIPMENT PERIODICALLY TO PREVENT BUILDUP OF DUSTS INSIDE AND OUTSIDEANDINSIDETHEPIPING Ignition source put in the dust accumulation could cause a fire to occur. –1 – 7!2.).' s$ISPOSEOFTHECOLLECTEDDUSTEVERYDAYANDNEVERBUILDUPWITHINTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Neglecting this caution may prevent the machine from functioning normally and the ignition source put in the dust accumulation could ignite a fire. #!54)/. s7HEN lTTING IN OR TAKING OFF THE lLTER INSPECTION COVER GRIP THE COVER HANDLES WITHBOTHHANDSTOPREVENTTHEFALLOFTHECOVER If the cover should fall, it could do a person injury. s 7HENCARRYINGOUTMAINTENANCEWORKSUCHASlLTERREPLACEMENTANDDUSTDISCHARGEPUTONAPPROPRIATEPROTECTIVEWEAR Otherwise, you could get hurt during the work. s.EVER OPERATE THE DUST COLLECTOR WITH THE INTAKE AND EXHAUST PORTS CLOSED OR BLOCKED This could cause a fire due to overheating. s )FABNORMALNOISESFUMESVIBRATIONSSMELLSOROVERHEATINGAREDETECTEDDURINGOPERATIONTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERATONCE Continuing to operate the dust collector could cause damage, electric shock or fire. s )FTHEMOTORSTOPSDURINGOPERATIONTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERATONCE Failure to do this could cause electric shock. s "EFOREDOINGINSPECTIONORMAINTENANCEWORKALWAYSTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERTOTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Failure to do this could cause electric shock. s%LECTRICALWIRINGMUSTBECARRIEDOUTBYTHEQUALIlEDELECTRICIAN Neglecting this caution could cause accidents to occur. s+EEPTHEINLETAIRTEMPERATUREBETWEEN#AND# Failure to do so may result in a fault. –2 – N#!54)/.32%'!2$).').34!,,!4)/. Satisfy the following conditions when installing this equipment. Failure to do so will prevent the equipment from functioning normally and may cause a breakdown of the product, which could lead to accidents to occur. s 4HEINSTALLATIONLOCATIONMUSTBEANINDOORPLACEWHERETHEEQUIPMENTWILLNOTBEEXPOSEDDIRECTLYTOTHE rain or dew. (Outdoor-specification machines excepted) s 4HEmOORSURFACEMUSTBESTRONGENOUGHTOSUPPORTTHEMASSOFTHEEQUIPMENT s )NSTALLTHEDUSTCOLLECTORINALOCATIONFREEFROMSTRONGVIBLATIONANDSHOCK s 4HELOCATIONMUSTBEmAT s 4HELOCATIONSHOULDAFFORDSUFlCIENTSPACEFORDAILYMAINTENANCEWORK s -AINTAINANAMBIENTTEMPERATUREOFTO# s 4HEEQUIPMENTSHOULDBECONNECTEDTOAPHASEPOWERSUPPLY#HECKTHEPOWERSUPPLYSPECIlCATIONS (voltage, frequency, etc.) given on the nameplate. s &OR THE PREVENTION AGAINST ELECTRICAL SHOCK ACCIDENTS MAKE SURE THE POWER CABLE GROUND WIRES ARE properly connected. Ensure that the earth is installed in accordance with the requirements which mean MAXIMUMEARTHINGRESISTANCEOFOHMS s )NCASETHEEQUIPMENTREQUIRESMOVINGONTHEFORKLIFTORTHECRANESUCHDEVICEOPERATIONINCLUDINGTHE sling wire work, must be done by the person who is qualified to carry out such work. s 4HECOMPRESSEDAIRUSEDFORSHAKINGTHEDUSTOFFTHElLTERSURFACESHOULDBESUPPLIEDTHROUGHTHEAIRlLTER#HECKTHATTHESUPPLIEDCOMPRESSEDAIRPRESSUREISMAINTAINEDBETWEENTO-0A s %ITHER THE RIGHT OR LEFT SUCTION PORT CAN BE USED (OWEVER THE UNUSED PORT MUST BE COVERED WITH THE blind cover. s 4HE SUCTION PORT SHOULD BE CONNECTED WITH THE DUCT HOSE &ASTEN THE HOSE USING A HOSE BAND OR ANY other kind of clamps firmly. s !VOIDSUSPENDINGINLETDUCTSANDHOSESTOENSURETHATDUSTDOESNOTCOLLECTINSIDE3ELECTTHEAPPROPRIate duct diameter to minimize air resistance, and ensure that ducting is of the minimum possible length. s &LANGESFORPIPINGWAYBRANCHPIPESWAYBRANCHPIPESmANGESFOREXHAUSTDUCTAREAVAILABLEASAN OPTION0LACEANORDERATNEED –3 – 3425#452%!.$.!-%3/&#/-0/.%.43 N"/$9 4HEABOVEILLUSTRATESTHECONSTRUCTIONOFTHE0I%- 4HE0I%ISDIFFERENTFROMTHEABOVEININSTALLATIONDIRECTIONOF the motor/fan. The “J” type models are provided with a manometer (differential pressure gauge). nn N#/.42/,0!.%, The drawing on the right shows a message window on the “J” type machine control panel (Without “Q/ Ӡ 00S)vDISPLAY .O 0ARTNAME &UNCTION Ԙ 0/7%2LAMP 4HISLAMPGOES/.WHENTHEPOWERCORDISCONNECTEDTOTHEPRIMARY power supply and the power is applied to the equipment. ԙ ).30%#4LAMP 4HECONTENTTOBEINSPECTEDISDISPLAYEDINTHEMESSAGEWINDOWATTHE same time this lamp is lit. Ԛ #(%#+LAMP 4HECONTENTTOBECHECKEDISDISPLAYEDINTHEMESSAGEWINDOWATTHE same time this lamp is lit. (When two events, one requiring “inspection” and the other “check” on the operator’s side, occur at the same time, both of these lamps are lit concurrently.) ԛ -ESSAGEWINDOW #ODESAPPEARINTHEMASSAGEWINDOWTOINDICATEOPERATIONSTATUS and inspection and check items when errors occur. During data setting, information regarding the setting is displayed. (When there are two or more items regarding the operation status, inspections, or Ԝ +EYSWITCHESLAMPS CHECKSTHEDISPLAYCHANGESEVERYSECONDSTOSHOWEACHCODE 3EETHENEXTPAGE nn N+%937)4#(3,!-03/.4(%#/.42/,0!.%, .O 0ARTNAME &UNCTION $)30#(!.'%KEY 5SETHISKEYTOCHANGETHEMODEOFDISPLAYINTHEMESSAGEWINDOW Each time this key is pressed, the next message is displayed in the window. ԙ !DDITIONKEY 5SETHISKEYTOCHANGETHENUMERICVALUEOFTHEDATAWHENSETTINGTHE operation data. Each time this key is pressed, the numeric value is INCREASEDBYhvORhv ① Ԛ 3UBTRACTIONKEY ԛ 3%4KEY 5SETHISKEYTOMAKECHANGESINTHESETOPERATIONDATARESETTING! push on this key will change the operation mode to setting mode. Ԝ %.429KEY 5SETHISKEYTOENTERTHEINPUTDATATOTHEMEMORYWHENSETTINGTHE operation data. ԝ 34!24/.SWITCH 0RESSINGONTHISSWITCHWILLSTARTTHEOPERATION Ԟ 34/0/&&SWITCH 0RESSINGONTHISSWITCHWILLSTOPTHEOPERATION ԟ 05,3%*%4SWITCH !PRESSONTHISSWITCHWILLCARRYOUTONECYCLEOFPULSEJETOPERATION Ԡ External operation lamp The start (ON)/stop (OFF) operation is usually controlled with switches on the control panel. It can also be remote-controlled using the externally linked switches. This lamp lights up in yellow when the operation is executed by the commands from such external device. 5SETHISKEYTOCHANGETHENUMERICVALUEOFTHEDATAWHENSETTINGTHE operation data. Each time this key is pressed, the numeric value is DECREASEDBYhvORhv –6 – 02%0!2).'&/2/0%2!4)/. -AKESURETOREADANDUNDERSTANDTHEFOLLOWINGWARNINGSANDCAUTIONSWHENPREPARINGFORTHEOPERATIONOFTHEUNIT 7!2.).' s .EVERINSTALLTHEDUSTCOLLECTORINHAZARDOUSAREASCLASSORACCORDINGTO *APANESESTANDARDS Doing so may result in fire or explosion. s .EVERUSETHEDUSTCOLLECTORINORNEARAREASWHEREITWILLBEEXPOSEDTOmAMMABLEORCORROSIVEMISTSMOKEFUMESORGASESORWHEREEXPLOSIVEmAMMABLEDUSTISPRESENTINTHEAIR Doing so may result in fire or explosion. s .EVERUSEANYVOLTAGEOTHERTHANTHESUPPLYVOLTAGESHOWNONTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR!LSODONOTOVERLOADONEELECTRICALOUTLET This could cause fire or electric shock. s .EVERTOUCHTHEPOWERCABLEWITHWETHANDSWHENCONNECTINGORDISCONNECTING IT This could cause electric shock. s .EVERALLOWTHEPOWERCABLETOGETDAMAGEDORBROKEN.EVERPLACEHEAVYITEMS ONTHEPOWERCABLEORBENDITEXCESSIVELY This could also cause fire or electric shock. s "ESURETOGROUNDTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Otherwise, electric shock could occur if there is a leak. #!54)/. s.EVER OPERATE THE DUST COLLECTOR WITH THE INTAKE AND EXHAUST PORTS CLOSED OR BLOCKED This could cause a fire due to overheating. s )FABNORMALNOISESFUMESVIBRATIONSSMELLSOROVERHEATINGAREDETECTEDDURINGOPERATIONTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERATONCE Continuing to operate the dust collector could cause damage, electric shock or fire. s )FTHEMOTORSTOPSDURINGOPERATIONTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERATONCE Failure to do this could cause electric shock. s "EFOREDOINGINSPECTIONORMAINTENANCEWORKALWAYSTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERTOTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Failure to do this could cause electric shock. s%LECTRICALWIRINGMUSTBECARRIEDOUTBYTHEQUALIlEDELECTRICIAN Neglecting this caution could cause accidents to occur. nn ■ )NSTALLATION0RECAUTIONS 0LEASEFOLLOWALLPRECAUTIONSGIVENBELOWWHENUSINGTHISDUSTCOLLECTOR/THERWISEYOUWILLNOTHAVETHE full performance of the dust collector, or even may suffer from malfunctions, which could lead to causing an accident to occur. sDo not use it for purposes other than dust collection. sDo not collect dust containing abrasive particles. sDo not start or stop machine operation directly by turning on and off the primary power supply. Instead, always do it by manipulating the ON (start running)/OFF (stop running) switches on the control panel or via remote controlled on/off operation, with the primary power supply turned on beforehand. sDo not modify electrical wiring inside the dust collector. Wrong value display on the control panel, or machine malfunction could be caused. sThe standard type dust collector has a built-in fan (exhauster). If the duct connection is made on the exhaust side, then, do not install any fan to the piping side. To reduce the exhausting RESISTANCEANEXHAUSTVENTILATINGFANCANBEINSTALLEDSEPARATELY(OWEVERTHISMAYCAUSE wrong data display on the control panel. s+EEPTHESUCTIONAIRTEMPERATUREBELOW# s-AINTAINANAMBIENTTEMPERATUREOFTO# sDo not install the dust collector at a place where it will be subject to sharp temperature mUCTUATIONSORITMAYBEDIRECTLYEXPOSEDTOSUNLIGHTTOAVOIDDEWFORMATIONWITHINTHEELECTRICAL equipment (control panel). )NSTALLING$UCTING Install the ducting between the duct source and the dust collector. s #ONNECT THE DUCT OR HOSE TO THE SUCTION PORT &ASTEN lRMLY USING A HOSE BAND OR ANY OTHER KIND OF clamps, preventing them from coming off. s &LANGES FOR PIPING WAY BRANCH PIPES WAY BRANCH PIPES mANGES FOR EXHAUST DUCT ARE RESPECTIVELY available as an option. #!54)/. s $ONOTALLOWTHEDUCTHOSETOHANGDOWNFROMTHESUCTIONPORTTOAVOIDDUSTACCUMULATIONINTHEDUCT HOSE!LSOTOMINIMIZETHESUCTIONRESISTANCEDETERMINETHEDUCTDIAMETERACCORDINGTOTHETYPEOF dust to be collected and take the shortest path to install the duct. s)FYOUUSEA06#HOSEFORTHEPREVENTIONOFSTATICATTRIBUTABLEOPERATIONERRORSTAKEANTISTATICMEAsures including ground wire installation to the hose, etc. Some kinds of tubes/hoses and dust may allow easier generation of static electricity in and around the equipment in action. –8 – s 9OU CAN USE EITHER THE RIGHT OR LEFT SUCTION PORT (OWEVER the unused port must be coverd with the blind cover. #ONNECTINGTHE0OWER3UPPLY #!54)/. s#ONNECTTHEPOWERCORDTOAPHASEPOWERSUPPLYFOLLOWINGTHESTEPSGIVENBELOW-AKESURETHE specifications of the power supply to be used meet the requirements given on the identification plate AFlXEDTOTHEBODYUNIT0OWERSUPPLIESOFDIFFERENTSPECIlCATIONSMUSTNOTBEUSEDFORTHISMACHINE If you desire to change the power supply specifications on the machine side, contact the dealer, or our local office. .#ONVERSIONFROM6(ZTO6(ZORVICEVERSAREQUIRESCHANGINGSOMESETTINGS . Conversion to any power supply specification other than above cannot be made valid even by changing settings, for such a machine uses different parts. s-AKESURETHATTHEGROUNDINGRESISTANCEISLESSTHAN:. s4HEPOWERSUPPLYCONNECTIONSHOULDBECARRIEDOUTBYTHEQUALIlEDELECTRICIAN Ԙ-AKE SURE THAT THE SPECIFICATIONS OF YOUR POWER SUPPLY TO which the equipment is to be connected, and the power supply description on the nameplate affixed to this equipment match closely. Switchboard ԙFor electric shock prevention, be sure to cut the power supply to the switchboard (primary power supply). Ԛ)NSTALL THE GROUND WIRE OF THE POWER CORD -AKE SURE IT AFFORDSAGROUNDINGRESISTANCEOFLESSTHAN: . 'ROUND 0OWERCORDS ԛFasten power cord core wires other than the ground wire to the respective terminal blocks on the switchboard (primary power- supply). ԜCheck for the above 1 to 4 items once again. Then, turn on the switchboard (primary power supply). Switchboard ԝ!FTERTHEPOWERCONNECTIONCHECKIFTHEFANMOTORROTATESIN the proper direction. 0OWERCORDS In case of reverse rotation, turn off the switchboard and change the phase sequence. –9 – 2EVERSEPHASECONNECTION If reverse-phase connection of the power supply is detected, THE ERROR CODE h%Rv WILL APPEAR IN THE MESSAGE WINDOW keeping the fan from rotating. If this happens, turn off the switchboard (primary power supply) and rework the power CORD WIRE CONNECTION SO THAT THE h4v AND h2v PHASES WILL change places each other. Turn the power on once again and make sure that the error code is no more displayed in the message window. When changing the phase sequence, be sure to turn off the switchboard (primary power source) before setting to the work. #HECKONROTATIONDIRECTION Operate the fan to check if the motor rotates in the proper diRECTION'IVEAPUSHTOTHE;/.=SWITCHTOSTARTFANROTATION )MMEDIATELY TURN ON THE ;/&&= SWITCH 7HEN THE FAN SLOWS down, you can see in which direction the fan motor rotates. 4HE 0I% HAS A hROTATION DIRECTION CHECK WINDOWv AT THE REAR OF THE MAIN FRAME 2EMOVE THE RUBBER CAP AND CHECK rotation direction through that window. With other models, do it through the exhaust port. #HECKINGOFBREAKER For safety, install a breaker on the side of the primary power supply, which meets the following requirement: -ODEL 4YPEOFBREAKER "REAKERCAPACITY6POWERSUPPLY 0I% !OROVER NFB (molded case circuit breaker), 0I% !OROVER or 0I% !OROVER %,"GROUNDFAULTCIRCUITBREAKER 0I% !OROVER nn #ONNECTINGTHE#OMPRESSED!IR3UPPLY Connect the compressed air supply line to remove the accumulation of dust from the filter. If you use the air filter, attached as an accessory, install as follows: #!54)/. s"EFORESUPPLYINGTHECOMPRESSEDAIRTOTHEINSIDEOFTHEEQUIPMENTUSETHEATTACHEDAIRlLTERTOREmove the dust, moisture, oil and other contaminants from it. The compressed air supplied through no filter should contain metal particles, moisture, or oil, which might adversely affect the filter life or dust collecting efficiency of the equipment. s4HESUPPLYPRESSUREOFTHECOMPRESSEDAIRSHOULDBEREGULATEDATTO-0A s$ONOTREMOVETHESEALINGTAPEWHITEFROMTHETIPOFTHELONGNIPPLE s$ONOTMAKEIMPACTORAPPLYFORCEONTHEAIRlLTERFROMOUTSIDE4HEBROKENORDEFORMEDLONGNIPPLE or air filter could be blown off away by the compressed air. ԘConnect the long nipple (attached as an accessory) to the com-pressed air supply port. ԙInstall the air filter attached as an accessory. Find an arrow MARKINDICATINGTHEAIRmOWDIRECTIONONTHETOPOFTHEAIRlLTER #ONNECTTHEOPENENDOFTHELONGNIPPLETOTHEAIRlLTERh/54v side, as indicated by the arrow. ԚConnect the compressed air piping to the air filter “IN” side. ԛ3UPPLYTHECOMPRESSEDAIRATTO-0A – 11 – #ONNECTINGTHE-ANOMETER&OR*4YPEONLY The evaluation of filter clogging is made on the differential pressure of the suction air between beforeand after-filtration. If the differential pressure is large, the filter should have got clogged. The manometer ISUSEDTOMEASURETHISDIFFERENTIALPRESSURE4HE-AND5TYPEMACHINESDONOTHAVEAMONOMETER instead they are provided with a differential pressure. The filter differential pressure is displayed in the message window.) ;#ONNECTION= Ԙ &ROMEITHER!OR"INSERTIONPLUGREMOVETHEHOSETHATHASCONNECTED the manometer with the main frame. ԙThrough the open end of the detached hose, pour water into the hose LITTLEBYLITTLE!DJUSTSOTHATTHESTATICWATERINTHEHOSEWILLSTABILIZEAT hv"UBBLESINWATERMAYCAUSEMEASURINGERRORS3OTAPTHEHOSE to break them away. Ԛ2ECONNECTANDlRMLYSECURETHEDETACHEDHOSETOTHEINSERTIONPLUG as before. ;5SAGE= ԘWhen the dust collector is operated, the water level rises to point “a” ANDDROPSTOPOINThBv!TTHISTIMETAKETHEREADINGOFTHEDIFFERENCE (h) between these two water levels, which indicates the difference in pressure between “a” and “b” points. The “a”- point side is subjected to the static pressure (negative pressure) of the suction air after the filtration, and so is the “b”- point side to that before the filtration. Therefore, the difference between the two water levels indicates the amount of the pressure loss due to filtration. 3CALEUNIT0A The evalution of clogging the dust collector is indicated by measurement “h” on the manometer. ԙ0ULSEJETOPERATIONCONTRIBUTESTORECOVERYOFTHElLTERSOTHAT@HWILLBERESTOREDTOTHEINITIALVALUE4HE pulse jet operation period should be determined according to the filter clogging severity* which will be checked by the manometer reading. !LTHOUGHTHESEVERITYOFlLTERCLOGGINGVARIESACCORDINGTOTHETYPEOFDUSTTOBECOLLECTEDOROPERATINGCONDITIONSOFTHEMACHINEUSEDONTHENORMALOPERATINGCONDITIONTHElLTERSHOULDBEDUSTEDOFFWHEN@HIS TO0AASTHESTANDARD3OLONGASTHElLTERISNEWTHEPULSEJETISSOEFlCIENTINREMOVINGDUST FROMTHElLTERTHATTHElLTERWILLBERELIEVEDFROMCLOGGING(OWEVERWITHTHEPROGRESSIVEBUILDUPOFDUST on the filter, dust removal by pulse jet operation will be inefficient in clearing up clogging. If this happens, it is the time to replace the filter with new one. 4HE@H VALUE GIVEN ABOVE AS THE GUIDE FOR PERIOD OF lLTER DUST REMOVAL VARIES DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF dust to be collected or operating conditions of the machine used. If the dust is uniquely easy to clog the lLTERORlLTRATIONAIRmOWRATEISVERYHIGHTHEEFFECTOFDUSTREMOVALFROMTHElLTERMIGHTWEAROFFVERYRAPidly, resulting in the demand for earlier replacement of the filter. The severity of filter clogging should be judged by each of individual users in light of their own operating conditions. – 12 – 3ETTINGFOR2EMOTE/PERATION In addition to the operation with switches on the control panel, a remote operation through external signals is also possible with this machine. If you desire to operate the machine from a remote location, MAKETHEFOLLOWINGCONNECTIONS!LSOMAKETHEREMOTEOPERATIONDATASETTINGEFFECTIVEACCORDINGTOTHE setting items tabulated in the next section, since these data should have been made invalid as per specifications applied at factory shipment. #!54)/. s4HEREMOTEOPERATIONCONNECTIONWIRINGMUSTBEPERFORMEDBYTHEQUALIlEDELECTRICIAN s$ONTTOUCHANYELECTRICALPARTSONTHEEQUIPMENTOTHERTHANTHOSEATLOCATIONSSPECIlED BELOWTOAVOIDSUFFERINGFROMMACHINEFAULTSORBREAKDOWN s5SEWIRINGSWITCHESANDRELAYSMEETINGTHESPECIlCATIONSGIVENBELOW s!VAILABLEWIRINGEXTENSIONFORREMOTEOPERATIONISMETERSATTHEMAXIMUM N3PECIlCATIONS 7IRINGMATERIALS )TEMS 3PECS 7IRETYPE 3HEATHWIRE #ONDUCTORCROSS MM SECTION ANDOVER 7ITHSTANDVOLTAGE 6ANDOVER 0USHBUTTONSWITCHES )TEMS 3PECS #ONTACTCAPACITY !ANDOVER 7ITHSTANDVOLTAGE $#6AND OVER -INAPPLICATION $#6M! LOAD ANDLESS 2ELAYS )TEMS 3PECS #ONTACTCAPACITY !ANDOVER 7ITHSTANDVOLTAGE $#6AND OVER -INAPPLICATION $#6M! LOAD ANDLESS N#ONNECTINGTHEWIRES Ԙ Turn off the switchboard (primary power supply) for safety. ԙ/PENTHECONTROLPANEL2EFERRINGTOTHEBELOWDIAGRAMCON nect external operation switches to the terminal assemblies arranged on the back of the control panel. &ORPUSHBUTTONSWITCHES &ORRELAYCONTACT ԚClose the control panel and secure it with the screw. ԛTurn on the switchboard (primary power supply). To set the remote operation function on, make the necessary data settings following the description in (9) “Setting for 2EMOTE/PERATIONvOFTHENEXT3ECTIONh3ETTINGTHE$ATAv N3IGNAL/UTPUT4ERMINAL Terminal assembly TB1-1 and TB1-2 are connected with non-voltage contact, and the contact breaks (ON) WHENTHEINSPECTIONCHECKLAMPTERNSON5TILIZEDFORPILOTLAMPSETC/UTPUTCINTACT!#6! 3EETHEWIRINGDIAGRAMONPAGESTO – 13 – 3%44).'4(%$!4! Before running the machine, users should make settings for certain functions as follows from the control panel. This chapter mainly relates to settings for pulse jet operation (filter dust removal operation). Setting items SHOULDVARYBYTHETYPEOFMACHINES5-*3EETHETABLEBELOW Note: Settings for remote control (at page 23) must be made before starting operation. Other settings may be provided even after the machine enters operation. If you hasten to start the machine running, you can put off the data setting. )TEM #ONTENT &UNCTION 5 - * !IRmOWSETTING The amount of the suction air can be set here. With this setTINGTHEAIRmOWISMAINTAINEDATAlXEDQUANTITYDURINGTHEOP- ٤ ERATIONREGARDLESSOFTHElLTERCLOGGINGCONDITION3EE0 (2) — Setting the pulse starting The clogged filter will decrease the collection efficiency. This setting is made to specify the value of the filter differential pressure (indicating filter clogging degree) at which the autoMATICDUSTREMOVALPULSEJETOPERATIONISACTIVATED3EE0 ٤ ٤ Nn 0ULSEJET operation mode This setting is made to select filter dust removal mode from the followings: )NTHISMODEDUSTREMOVALISCONTINUOUSLYPERFORMED throughout the run. The operating time of the dust removal (pulse jet operation time) and its halt duration are SETBY/.4)-%AND/&&4)-%RESPECTIVELY 4HISISTHEMODEINWHICHTHEAUTOMATICDUSTREMOVAL (pulse jet operation) is started when the specified pulse starting differential pressure is attained. The operating time ANDHALTDURATIONARESETBY/.4)-%AND/&&4)-%RE ٤ ٤ ٌ spectively. )NTHISMODETHEAUTOMATICDUSTREMOVALPULSEJETOPERA tion) is performed when the specified pulse starting differential pressure is attained, plus once every hour. The operating time and halt duration are set respectively BY/.4)-%AND/&&4)-% )FTHISMODEISSELECTEDTHEPULSEOPERATIONISACTIVATED ONLYWHENTHE;05,3%=SWITCHISPRESSEDBYTHEOPERATOR 3EE0 Nn /.4)-% This sets the continued operating time of automatic dust re٤ ٤ ٤ MOVALPULSEOPERATION3EE0 Nn /&&4)-% This sets the duration of halt of automatic dust removal (pulse) ٤ ٤ ٤ OPERATION3EE0 Nn )NTERVAL Following the start of the pulse operation, the solenoid valves are sequentially operated to complete dust removal of all filters ٤ ٤ ٤ INSTALLED 4HE SETTING FOR@INTERVAL SPECIlES THE TIME MINUTES UNTILTHENEXTSTARTOFTHEPULSEOPERATION3EE0 nn )TEM Nn #ONTENT %NDPULSE &UNCTION 5 - * This setting enables the dust removal operation to be performed at the time the machine stops running. Set the desired NUMBEROFCYCLESOFTHATOPERATIONCONSIDERINGTHATh/.4)-%v ٤ ٤ PLUSh/&&4)-%vCONSTITUTESCYCLEOFTHEDUSTREMOVALOPERATION3EE0 Nn 0ULSESTOPTARGET The operation of the automatic dust removal (pulse) will resolve differential the filter clogging and reduce the filter differential pressure. So, ٤ ٤ pressure this sets the target differential pressure that effects the autoMATICSTOPOFTHEDUSTREMOVALOPERATION3EE0 Nn Nn 2EMOTE operation In addition to the operation with switches on the control panel, a remote operation through external signals is also possible with ٤ ٤ ٤ this machine. If you desire to perform remote operation, make THISSETTINGVALID3EE0 !BNORMALlLTER If the filter gets clogged, the filter differential pressure ( ٌ 0 differential goes high. Specify the set point at which an error alarm indi٤ ٤ pressure cating abnormality in the differential pressure is issued on the DISPLAY3EE0 ٤!VAILABLE 5NAVAILABLE ٌ!VAILABLEFORANDMODESONLY)FTHESETTINGISMADEFORORMODEITWILLBECONSIDERED ASTHEMODE 4HESETTINGFORTHEITEMhNvISUNCHANGEABLE !IRmOWSETTING 5 4HEDESIREDVALUEOFSUCTIONAIRmOWCANBEGIVENTOTHEMACHINE)FTHISVALUEISGIVENORPRESETINRESPONSE TO THE SEVERITY OF CLOGGING THE FREQUENCY WILL CHANGE BY ITSELF BETWEEN TO (Z IN ORDER TO MAINTAINTHEAIRmOWATTHESETPOINT Ԙ0RESSTHE$)30#(!.'%KEYANDLOCATEً just under “Q (m3/ min)”. (This “display selection” screen will re-turn to the original screen if no access is made to the screen within 1 minute. Do the next key manipulation within 1 minute.) ԙ0RESSTHE3%4KEY3ELECTTHESETVALUEUSINGKEYS 0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDDATATOTHEMEMORY If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains ONTHEDISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREEN will return to the previous one.) Default value (m3/min) Setting range (m3/min) 0I%5 TO 0I%5 TO 0I%5 TO 0I%5 TO 4HESETPOINTSHOULDBETHEDESIREDVALUEGIVENTOTHEMACHINE)NACTUALOPERATIONCORRECTIONFORTHEAIRmOWMAY be made approximately, not absolutely, to the set point according to the operating conditions (pipe/tube diameter, clogging state, etc.). nn Ԛ 0RESS THE 3%4 KEY OR LEAVE THE SCREEN AS IT IS FOR SECONDS 4HE SCREEN WILL RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS screen, and after a lapse of 1 minute, make transition to the original screen. 3ETTINGTHEPULSESTARTING 5 #LOGGED lLTER WILL CAUSE A DECREASE IN THE VOLUME OF AIR INTAKE (ERE THE SETTING IS MADE TO PERFORM automatic removal of the dust (pulse operation) from dust accumulation on the filter surface that is the cause for lowering of air intake efficiency. Input the filter differential pressure at which the pulse operation is made to start. h&ILTER DIFFERENTIAL PRESSUREv IS INDICATED BY THE DIFFERENCE IN THE SUCTION AIR PRESSURE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER PASSING THROUGH THE lLTER 4HE lLTER CLOGGING GETS WORSE IN PROPORTION TO THE SIZEOFTHISDIFFERENCE Ԙ0RESSTHE$)30#(!.'%KEYANDLOCATEً just under ' 00Av4HIShDISPLAYSELECTIONvSCREENWILLRETURNTOTHE original screen if no access is made to this screen within 1 minute. Do the next key manipulation within 1 minute.) ԙ0RESSTHE3%4KEY3ELECTTHESETVALUEUSINGKEYS 0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDDATATOTHEMEMory. If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. The setting should be made within ARANGEOFTO0AAND0AISTHEDEFAULT)F the default value is acceptable, no data updation is necessary. (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on THEDISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREEN will return to the previous one.) Ԛ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS screen, and after a lapse of 1 minute, make transition to the original screen. – 16 – 3ETTINGTHEPULSEJETOPERATIONMODE 5-* 4HEMODEOFPULSEJETOPERATIONWHICHWILLBEPERFORMEDTODUSTOFFTHElLTERCANBESELECTEDFROM TOMODESEXPLAINEDBELOW Ԙ0RESSTHE$)30#(!.'%KEYSEVERALTIMESTOLOCATEً just UNDERh-ODEv ԙ4HESETTINGITEMhNvAPPEARSONTHEDISPLAY)FNOTCONTINUE pressing on keys until the target item appears. 0RESS THE 3%4 KEY 4HIS SCREEN WILL RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL screen, if no access is made to this screen within 1 minute. To proceed to the task, manipulate the next key within 1 minute.) Ԛ0RESSKEYSTOMAKEASELECTIONFROMhvTOhv hvISTHEDEFAULT7HILETHESETTINGMODEPROMPThv REMAINSONTHEDISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHE screen will return to the previous one.) )N THIS MODE DUST REMOVAL IS CONTINUOUSLY PERFORMED throughout the run. The operating time of the dust removal (pulse operation time) and its halt duration are SETBY/.4)-%AND/&&4)-%RESPECTIVELY (J Type default) 4HIS IS THE MODE IN WHICH THE AUTOMATIC DUST REMOVAL (pulse operation) is started when the specified pulse starting differential pressure is attained. The operating TIME AND HALT DURATION ARE SET BY /.4)-% AND /&& 4)-%RESPECTIVELY 5-4YPEDEFAULT )NTHISMODETHEAUTOMATICDUSTREMOVALPULSEOPERAtion) is performed once every an hour of operation, as well as whenever the specified pulse starting differential pressure is attained during runs. The operating time ANDHALTDURATIONARESETRESPECTIVELYBY/.4)-%AND /&&4)-% )N THIS MODE THE PULSE OPERATION IS ACTIVATED ONLY WHENTHE;05,3%=SWITCHISPRESSEDBYTHEOPERATOR &ORHOWTOMAKE/.4)-%AND/&&4)-%SETTINGSSEETHEDESCRIPTIONATPAGESAND s)FhvSETTINGMODEISSELECTEDTHEPULSEOPERATIONWILLSTARTMINUTEAFTERTHESTARTOFMACHINERUN s 4HEh*vTYPECANOPERATESINANDMODESONLYORMODESELECTEDFORh*vTYPESHOULD BECONSIDEREDAShvMODE ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDMODETOTHEMEMORY)FYOUFAILTOPRESSTHISKEYYOUWILLNOTBE able to update the mode settings. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREEN WITH PROMPThNv DISPLAYED )F YOU DESIRE TO CONTINUE UPDATING THE SETTINGS FORhNv AND subsequent items, select the target item number with keys. nn 3ETTINGh/.4)-%v 5-* The operating hour of an automatic pulse jet operation should be set as follows. This setting will be made EFFECTIVEWHENTHESELECTEDPULSEJETOPERATIONMODEISORSEETHEEXPLANATIONATTHEPREVIous page). The least value within the range of the setting is the default, and so, change the setting if you desire to enhance the dust removal effect. Ԙ0RESS THE $)30 #(!.'% KEY SEVERAL TIMES TO LOCATE ً JUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a letTERhNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHETARGETITEMNUMBERhNv4HENPRESSTHE3%4KEY This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHEDESIREDTIMEINARANGE OFhvTOhvINUNITSOFMSEChvXMSEC is the default. (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDTIMETOTHEMEMory. If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREEN WITH PROMPThNv DISPLAYED )F YOU DESIRE TO CONTINUE UPDATINGhNv AND THE SUBSEQUENT setting items, select the next target item number with keys. If there is no manipulation, after 1 minute more lapse of time, the screen will make transition to the original status screen. – 18 – 3ETTINGh/&&4)-%v 5-* This sets the duration of halt of dust removal (pulse operation). The setting is made effective when the PULSEMODEEXPLAINEDINTHEPREVIOUSPAGEISSETTOhvhvORhv Ԙ 0RESS THE $)30 #(!.'% KEY SEVERAL TIMES TO LOCATE ً JUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a letTERhNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHETARGETITEMNUMBERhNv4HENPRESSTHE3%4KEY This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHEDESIREDTIMEINARANGE OFhvTOhvSEChvSECISTHEDEFAULT (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDTIMETOTHEMEMory. If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREEN WITH PROMPThNv DISPLAYED )F YOU DESIRE TO CONTINUE UPDATINGhNv AND THE SUBSEQUENT items, select the next target item number with keys. If there is no manipulation, after 1 minute more lapse of time, the screen will make transition to the original status screen. – 19 – )NTERVAL 5-* Following the start of the pulse operation, the solenoid valves are sequentially operated to complete dust REMOVALOFALLlLTERSINSTALLED4HESETTINGFOR@INTERVALSPECIlESTHETIMEMINUTESUNTILTHENEXTSTARTOF THEPULSEOPERATION)TISVALIDWHENTHEPULSEMODEISSETAT@ Ԙ 0RESS THE $)30,!9 3%,%#4/2 BUTTON SEVERAL TIMES TO locate ًJUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a letTERhNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHETARGETITEMNUMBERhNv4HENPRESSTHE3%4KEY This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHEDESIREDTIMEINARANGE OFhvTOhvMINhvMINISTHEDEFAULT (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDTIMETOTHEMEMory. If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREEN WITH PROMPThNv DISPLAYED )F YOU DESIRE TO CONTINUE UPDATINGhNv AND THE SUBSEQUENT items, select the next target item number with keys. If there is no manipulation, after 1 minute more lapse of time, the screen will make transition to the original status screen. nn %NDPULSE 5-* This setting enables the dust removal operation to be performed at the time the machine stops running. Set the desired number of cycles of that operation. Ԙ 0RESS THE $)30,!9 3%,%#4/2 BUTTON SEVERAL TIMES TO locate ًJUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a LETTERhNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHE TARGETITEMNUMBERhNv4HENPRESSTHE3%4KEY This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHEDESIREDCYCLEFREQUENCIESINARANGEOFhvTOhvCYCLEShvCYCLEIS the default. (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ 0RESS THE %.429 TO ENTER THE SELECTED CYCLE NUMBER TO the memory. If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREEN WITH PROMPThNv DISPLAYED )F YOU DESIRE TO CONTINUE UPDATINGhNv AND THE SUBSEQUENT items, select the next target item number with keys. If there is no manipulation, after 1 minute more lapse of time, the screen will make transition to the original status screen. sh%.$05,3%vSETTINGISVALIDFORMACHINERUNSLASTINGFORMORETHANONECONSECUTIVEMINUTE sh%.$05,3%vOPERATIONWILLSTARTMINUTESAFTERTHESTOPOFTHEMACHINERUN – 21 – 3ETTINGTHEPULSESTOPTARGETDIFFERENTIALPRESSURE 5This setting enables automatic stop of the pulse jet operation. Enter the amount of filter differential pressure to be deducted from the pulse-jet-operation starting differential pressure value in order to effect PULSEJETOPERATIONSTOP&OREXAMPLEIFTHEPULSEJETOPERATIONSTARTINGDIFFERENTIALPRESSUREIS0A AND THIS SETTING IS 0A THE PULSEJETOPERATION WILL AUTOMATICALLY STOP WHEN THE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE BECOMES0A.ORMALLYUSETHEDEFAULTVALUEh0Av Ԙ 0RESS THE $)30,!9 3%,%#4/2 BUTTON SEVERAL TIMES TO locate ًJUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a LETTERhNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSUNTILTHETARGET ITEM NUMBER hNv APPEARS ON THE SCREEN 0RESS THE SET key. This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHEDESIREDPRESSUREVALUE RANGINGhvTOhv0Ahv0AISTHEDEFAULT (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERTHESELECTEDPRESSUREVALUETO the memory. If you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the settings. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREEN WITH PROMPThNv DISPLAYED )F YOU DESIRE TO CONTINUE UPDATINGhNv AND THE SUBSEQUENT items, select the next target item number with keys. If there is no manipulation, after 1 minute more lapse of time, the screen will make transition to the original status screen. – 22 – 3ETTINGTHEREMOTEOPERATION 5-* In addition to the operation with switches on the control panel, a remote operation through external signals is also possible with this machine. If you desire to perform remote operation, make this setting effective. Ԙ 0RESS THE $)30,!9 3%,%#4/2 BUTTON SEVERAL TIMES TO locate ًJUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a LETTERhNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSUNTILTHETARGET ITEM NUMBER hNv APPEARS ON THE SCREEN 0RESS THE SET key. This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYhvREMOTEOPERATION/&& ORhv REMOTE OPERATION /. hv REMOTE OPERATION OFF) is the default. (While the setting mode prompt “ ” remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERABOVESETTINGTOTHEMEMORY)F you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the setting. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREENWITHPROMPThNvDISPLAYED4HEREISMINUTEMORELAPSEOFTIMEANDTHESCREENWILLMAKE transition to the original status screen. – 23 – 3ETTINGTHEABNORMALlLTERDIFFERENTIALPRESSURE 5If the filter differential pressure increases exceedingly, an error indication (Er 13) is given on the display. 3PECIFYTHESETPOINTATWHICHTHEERRORDISPLAYISSTARTED4HEINITIALVALUEHASBEENSETTO0A)FTHE error indication is displayed repeatedly even after the execution of the pulse operation, it should be taken as an indication of the time for filter replacement. * “Filter differential pressure” is indicated by the difference in the suction air pressure between before and after passing through the filter. The filter clogging gets worse in proportion to the numerical value of this difference. Ԙ0RESSTHE$)30#(!.'%KEYSEVERALTIMESTOLOCATEً JUSTUNDERh-ODEv ԙ The setting item is displayed in two digits headed by a letter hNvLIKEhNv0RESSKEYSUNTILTHETARGETITEM NUMBERhNvAPPEARSONTHESCREEN0RESSTHE3%4KEY This screen will return to the original status screen in 1 minute. If you desire to change the data, press the SET key this while. Ԛ0RESSKEYSTODISPLAYTHEDESIREDPRESSUREVALUE RANGINGhvTOhv¾0Ahv¾0AISTHEDE fault. (While the setting mode prompt “ “ remains on the DISPLAYIFNOINPUTISMADEINSECONDSTHESCREENWILL return to the previous one.) ԛ0RESSTHE%.429TOENTERABOVESETTINGTOTHEMEMORY)F you fail to press this key, you will not be able to update the setting. Ԝ0RESSTHE3%4KEYORLEAVETHESCREENASITISFORSECONDS4HESCREENWILLRETURNTOTHEPREVIOUS SCREENWITHPROMPThNvDISPLAYED4HEREISMINUTEMORELAPSEOFTIMEANDTHESCREENWILLMAKE transition to the original status screen. nn /THERSETTINGS $ONOTMAKECHANGEINSETTINGSFORTHEITEMShNvORhNvANDTHESUBSEQUENT!WRONGSETTINGINANY of these may impede the proper operation of the safety device (operational fault/error detection device). 7HENYOUSHOULDMADEAMISTAKEINYOURSETTINGOPERATIONDONOTPRESSTHE%.429KEYBUTPRESSTHE 3%4KEYTOCHANGETHESCREENBACKTOTHEh$)30,!93%,%#4)/.vSCREEN)FYOUSHOULDHAVEPRESSED THE%.429KEYINERRORRESETTHATSETTINGTOTHEDEFAULTASFOLLOWS ,ISTOFDEFAULTVALUES Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn 5NALTERABLE "LANK "LANK 5NALTERABLE Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn "LANK 5NALTERABLE 5NALTERABLE 5NALTERABLE Nn Nn Nn Nn Nn 5NALTERABLE 5NALTERABLE 5NALTERABLE "LANK 5NALTERABLE nn /0%2!4)/. -AKESURETOREADANDUNDERSTANDTHEFOLLOWINGWARNINGSBEFOREOPERATINGTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR 7!2.).' s .EVERALLOWTHEFOLLOWINGSUBSTANCESTOGETINTOTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR s %XPLOSIVE FLAMMABLE POWDER !LUMINUM MAGNESIUM TITANIUM EPOXY ORGANICSOLVENTETC s )NmAMMABLESUBSTANCES'ASOLINETHINNERBENZINEKEROSENEPAINTETC s $USTWITHSPARKS$USTPRODUCEDBYAHIGHSPEEDCUTTERGRINDERWELDING MACHINEETC s !SHES#IGARETTEBUTTSASHESETC s 3TICKYSUBSTANCES3OLUBLEMISTOILMISTETC s /THER7ATEROILANDCHEMICALETC These substances could cause fires or explosions. s .EVERINSTALLTHEDUSTCOLLECTORINHAZARDOUSAREASCLASSORACCORDINGTO *APANESESTANDARDS Doing so may result in fire or explosion. s .EVERUSETHEDUSTCOLLECTORINORNEARAREASWHEREITWILLBEEXPOSEDTOmAMMABLEORCORROSIVEMISTSMOKEFUMESORGASESORWHEREEXPLOSIVEmAMMABLEDUSTISPRESENTINTHEAIR Doing so may result in fire or explosion. s .EVERTOUCHTHEPOWERCABLEWITHWETHANDSWHENCONNECTINGORDISCONNECTING IT This could cause electric shock. s .EVERALLOWTHEPOWERCABLETOGETDAMAGEDORBROKEN.EVERPLACEHEAVYITEMS ONTHEPOWERCABLEORBENDITEXCESSIVELY This could also cause fire or electric shock. s )FAlREOCCURSORTHEREISADUSTEXPLOSIONINSIDETHEDUSTCOLLECTOR s TURNOFFTHEPOWERIMMEDIATELY s USEAlREEXTINGUISHINGAGENTSUITABLEFORDUST s EVEN AFTER THE lRE IS OUT DONT OPEN THE DOOR UNTIL THE INTERNAL TEMPERATURE DROPSTOTHENORMALLEVEL Otherwise, a secondary explosion could occur. #!54)/. s.EVER OPERATE THE DUST COLLECTOR WITH THE INTAKE AND EXHAUST PORTS CLOSED OR BLOCKED This could cause a fire due to overheating. s )FABNORMALNOISESFUMESVIBRATIONSSMELLSOROVERHEATINGAREDETECTEDDURINGOPERATIONTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERATONCE Continuing to operate the dust collector could cause damage, electric shock or fire. s )FTHEMOTORSTOPSDURINGOPERATIONTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERATONCE Failure to do this could cause electric shock. – 26 – #!54)/. s "EFOREDOINGINSPECTIONORMAINTENANCEWORKALWAYSTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERTOTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Failure to do this could cause electric shock. s+EEPTHEINLETAIRTEMPERATUREBETWEEN#AND# Failure to do so may result in a fault. 3TARTAND3TOPOFTHE/PERATION To start the machine operation, press the ON switch on the control panel. To stop the machine from running, press the OFF switch. During running, the pulse operation (filter dust removal) is performed automatically. See the previous chapter for setting the pulse operation. Empty out the collected dust from the bucket every day after the run. See “(1) Discharging the Collected Dust” in the next chapter. nn #HANGINGTHE$ISPLAY#ONTENT During the operation, the message window displays various contents that can be changed in order each TIMETHE;$)30#(!.'%=KEYISPRESSED $ISPLAY #ONTENT Q (m3/min) ٌ0 0A 0S 0A !IRmOW 2EMARKS 5-TYPE $IFFERENTIALBETWEENTHETWOSTATICPRESSURES5-TYPE before and after passing through the filter 3TATICPRESSUREBEFOREPASSINGTHROUGH the filter 5-TYPE 5-TYPE I ! T (hour) Er Current value 2UNHOURS Error number display -ODE Note) If the voltage specification applied to the maCHINE IS OTHER THAN 6 (Z OR 6 (Z the motor amperage (I) indicated with a bar, instead of numerals. -ODEDISPLAY – 28 – See the next section. 5SEWHENSETTING data. -ESSAGE$ISPLAY During the run, if any fault or error message appears in the message window, take the appropriate collecTIVEACTIONFOLLOWINGTHEINSTRUCTIONSGIVENBELOW!NYCHECKORINSPECTIONONTHISMACHINEMUSTALWAYS be done with the power turned off and in the protective wear to ensure your safety. N,ISTOF-ESSAGE$ISPLAY)NNORMALOPERATIONANDWHEN#(%#+LAMPISLIT Display !LARMCONTENT Check ,AMP 5 - * #ORRECTIVEACTION Normally, the message window displays operation status (see the previous page). OFF ٤ ٤ ٤ Er -- Normal s 4HEPHASEPOWERSUPPLYISCONNECTEDINTHEWRONGPHASE sequence. o 2EWORKTHEPOWERCORDWIRECONNECTIONSTOCHANGETHEh4vAND h2vPHASESEQUENCESEACHOTHER3EE0 s .OPULSESIGNALISBEINGOUTPUT o Stop the compressed air supply and check by the sound (clickclack) that all solenoid valves (pilot valves) are working properly. 2EVERSEROTATION of fan motor %R Insufficient %R air pressure s Filter dust removal (pulse jet) function does not go on because of insufficient pressure in the compressed air. o #HECKTHATTHECOMPRESSEDAIRPRESSUREISMAINTAINEDATTO -0A o Check the compressed air piping for any loose or disconnected horse or duct. ON ٤ ٤ ٤ ON ٤ ٤ s 4HEDUCTORSUCTIONPORTISALMOSTCOMPLETELYBLOCKEDUPWITH dirt or foreign matters. %R $UCTBLOCKING o 2EMOVEDIRTORFOREIGNMATTERSFROMINSIDEOFDUCTORSUCTIONPORT s 4HESUCTIONSIDEDAMPERFORAIRmOWCONTROLISCLOSED o Check and see if it is closed. /. ٤ ٤ s "ADCONTACTSINELECTRICALWIRING %R !IRmOWSENSOR o#HECKFORANYDISLOCATED#.CONNECTOR ON ٤ ٤ s $)0SWITCHSETTINGHASBEENCHANGEDONTHECIRCUITBOARD %R -ODELSETTING o#ONTACT!MANOORYOURDEALEROF!MANOSREPRESENTATIVEFOR the revised setting guide and follow the given instructions . /. ٤ ٤ ٤ !NEXTERNALSIGNALALARMISGENERATED %R %XTERNALERROR o2EMOVETHECAUSE ON ٌ ٌ ٌ !NEXTERNALSIGNALALARMISGENERATED %R %XTERNALERROR o2EMOVETHECAUSE ON ٌ ٌ ٌ .OTE %RWILLNOTBEDISPLAYED Note) ٤ : Displayed : Not displayed ٌ : Displayed if the external input terminal (option) is in use. – 29 – N,ISTOF-ESSAGE$ISPLAY7HEN).30%#4LAMPISLIT Display !LARMCONTENT %R &ANOVERLOAD #ORRECTIVEACTION s &AULTINTHEINVERTERFOR5TYPE o Check the inverter for any fault. s /VERLOADTOFANMOTORFOR-*TYPE 5 - * ٤ ٤ ٤ o2EMOVETHECAUSEOFOVERLOADTOTHEFANMOTOR %R 0ILOTVALVE Er 11 ٌ 0SENSOR %R 0SSENSOR !BNORMALlLTER Er 13 differential pressure s 3OMEOFPULSESIGNALSARENOTBEINGOUTPUT o Check and ensure by the sound (click-clack) that all solenoid valves (pilot valves) are working properly. s &AULTORFAILUREINSOLENOIDVALVESPILOTVALVESORDIAPHRAGMVALVES was detected. o Check for loose connection, disconnection and contact error of connectors. ٤ ٤ s The before/after-filter differential pressure is abnormally high/low. o Check if the filter is installed properly. o Check if the filter is free of damage or defects. o Check if the pressure detection tube is free of dislocation, breakage, cuts, or abnormality. o Check for absence of obstacles in the way of air intake. ٤ ٤ s 4HESTATICPRESSUREBEFORElLTRATIONISABNORMALLYHIGHLOW o Check if lines (duct, hoses) are installed properly. o Check if the pressure detection tube is free of dislocation, breakage, cuts, or abnormality. o Check for absence of obstacles in the way of air out. ٤ ٤ s !BNORMALDIFFERENCEINPRESSUREBETWEENmOWSBEFORElLTRATIONAND after-filtration (when the filter differential pressure reads a value higher than the set point to start error indication) ٤ ٤ o Execute pulse operation to remove dust from the filter. o Dispose of the dust from the bucket. o Carry out filter replacement. !NEXTERNALSIGNALALARMISGENERATED %R %XTERNALERROR o2EMOVETHECAUSE !NEXTERNALSIGNALALARMISGENERATED %R %XTERNALERROR o2EMOVETHECAUSE ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ Note) ٤ : Displayed : Not displayed ٌ : Displayed if the external input terminal (option) is in use. .OTE%RWILLNOTBEDISPLAYED nn $UST2EMOVALFROMTHE&ILTER !PUSHONTHE05,3%SWITCHONTHECONTROLPANELWILLCARRYOUTDUSTREMOVALFROMAROUNDTHElLTER #!54)/. s"EFORE PRESSING THE 05,3% SWITCH MAKE SURE THE FILTER INSPECTION COVER IS CLOSED )F THE SWITCH should be pressed with the cover open, the dust removed off the filter by the pulse jet would scatter outwards through that opening. 0RESS THE 05,3% SWITCH 4HIS ACTIVATES THE hPULSE JETv TO carry out dust removal from the filter. (The switch is operable regardless of the ON/OFF state of the fan motor.) !TAPRESSONTHE05,3%SWITCHONECOMPLETECYCLEOFTHE “pulse jet” operation is performed, during which time the PROMPTh0-vREMAINS/.INTHEMESSAGEWINDOW 0ULSERUNINDICATOR &ILTER$UST#LOGGING3EVERITY The severity of filter clogging may be judged from the state of restoration of differential pressure read by the manometer or indicated in the message window just after the execution of dust removal from the filter. *TYPE 5-TYPE -ANOMETER READINGS OF @HINDICATETHESEVERITIES of filter clogging. Judgment is made by the △ 0VALUEIN0A indicated on the message window. The severity of filter clogging varies according to the type of dust to be collected and operation conditions OFTHEMACHINEUSED9OUMAYUSETHEFOLLOWINGCRITERIATOMAKEITSJUDGMENT /NTHENORMALOPERATINGCONDITIONTHElLTERSHOULDBEDUSTEDOFFWHENTHEVALUEOFä0OR@HISTO 0AASTHESTANDARD3OLONGASTHElLTERISNEWTHEPULSEJETISSOEFlCIENTINREMOVINGDUSTFROM THElLTERTHATTHElLTERWILLBERELIEVEDFROMCLOGGING(OWEVERWITHTHEPROGRESSIVEBUILDUPOFDUSTONTHE filter, dust removal by pulse jet operation will be inefficient in clearing up clogging. If this happens, it is the time to replace the filter with new one. 4HE@HVALUEGIVENABOVEASTHEGUIDEFORPERIODOFlLTERDUSTREMOVALVARIESDEPENDINGONTHETYPEOF dust to be collected or operating conditions of the machine used. If the dust is uniquely easy to clog the lLTERORlLTRATIONAIRmOWRATEISVERYHIGHTHEEFFECTOFDUSTREMOVALFROMTHElLTERMIGHTWEAROFFVERY rapidly, resulting in the demand for earlier replacement of the filter. The severity of filter clogging should be judged by each of individual users in light of their own operating conditions. – 31 – 2ESETOF4HERMAL2ELAY If the motor is overloaded, the thermal relay may trip to bring a stop to the motor. In that case, reset it as follows: #!54)/. s)NCASESTHEMACHINECANNOTBERESTOREDTONORMALOPERATIONBYRESETTINGORCURRENTINTERRUPTIONIS OFTENCAUSEDBYTHETRIPOFTHERMALRELAYCONTACT!MANOORYOURDEALEROF!MANOREPRESENTATIVE s)F THE CAUSE OF THE THERMAL RELAY TRIPS SHOULD BE ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY OTHER FACTORS THAN THIS MACHINE conduct an on-the-spot current/voltage investigation by the qualified electrician on your side. ;-*TYPE= Ԙ Turn off the switchboard (primary power supply) for safety. ԙ Open the control panel. Ԛ Check the electrical wiring for any defects or connection error (and remove the cause of thermal relay trip). !FTER THAT PRESS THE THERMAL RELAY RESET BUTTON PROVIDED on the electromagnetic switch box. ԛ Close the control panel and secure with the screw. Ԝ Turn on the switchboard (primary power supply). Then, press the ON switch on the control panel to run the machine for operational test. Check for abnormal sound, overheat, malfunction, etc. ;5TYPE= Ԙ Turn off the switchboard (primary power supply). Check the electrical wiring for any defects or connection error (and remove the cause of thermal relay trip). ԙ7AITFORSECONDSORSO4URNONTHEPOWERONCEAGAIN This will cause the inverter thermal relay to reset. Ԛ0RESSTHE/.34!24SWITCHONTHECONTROLPANELTORUN the machine for operational test. Check for abnormal sound, overheat, malfunction, etc. – 32 – -!).4%.!.#% -AKESURETOREADANDUNDERSTANDTHEFOLLOWINGDANGERSWARNINGSANDCAUTIONSBEFOREPERFORMINGMAINTEnance. $!.'%2 s$ONOTPUTYOURHANDSINTHEROTATINGPARTOFTHEROTARYVALVE Disobedience to this caution could cause you to suffer a serious injury. s$ONOTREMOVETHEPROTECTIVECOMPONENTDISCHARGEPIPECHAINCOVERFROMTHE ROTATINGPART Disobedience to this caution could cause a serious personal injury to occur. 7!2.).' s#LEAN THE EQUIPMENT PERIODICALLY TO PREVENT BUILDUP OF DUSTS INSIDE AND OUTSIDEANDINSIDETHEPIPING Ignition source put in the dust accumulation could cause a fire to occur. s$ISPOSEOFTHECOLLECTEDDUSTEVERYDAYANDNEVERBUILDUPWITHINTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Neglecting this caution may prevent the machine from functioning normally and the ignition source put in the dust accumulation could ignite a fire. #!54)/. s7HEN lTTING IN OR TAKING OFF THE lLTER INSPECTION COVER GRIP THE COVER HANDLES WITHBOTHHANDSTOPREVENTTHEFALLOFTHECOVER If the cover should fall, it could do a person injury. s 7HENCARRYINGOUTMAINTENANCEWORKSUCHASlLTERREPLACEMENTANDDUSTDISCHARGEPUTONAPPROPRIATEPROTECTIVEWEAR Otherwise, you could get hurt during the work. s "EFOREDOINGINSPECTIONORMAINTENANCEWORKALWAYSTURNOFFTHEPRIMARYPOWERTOTHEDUSTCOLLECTOR Failure to do this could cause electric shock. – 33 – $ISCHARGINGTHECOLLECTEDDUST ;3TANDARDBUCKETTYPE= !TTHEENDOFEVERYWORKINGDAYTHECOLLECTEDDUSTSHOULDBEDISCHARGEDFROMTHEMACHINEINSIDE)FTHIS caution is not observed and an ignition source is put in the accumulation of dust, a fire can be caused to occur. The discharged dust, then, should be disposed of appropriately according to your in-company rule or the related local regulations. Ԙ0RESSTHE;/&&=STOPSWITCHANDWAITFORAPPROXIMATELY minutes until the motor stops completely. ԙ 0RESS THE 05,3% SWITCH TO START THE FILTER DUST REMOVAL operation. In case “end pulse” function is set on, wait until the “end pulse” dust removal operation is finished. h0-vISDISPLAYEDWHILETHE pulse operation is in progress. Ԛ For a while wait until the dust scattering inside the unit is settled down. ԛ 5NDO THE CATCH CLIPS RETAINING THE BUCKET COVER AT BOTH sides. Ԝ Turn the bucket lift handle to the right and pull out the bucket to your side. ԝ Discharge the dust in the bucket. If you use a dust-pack (an option), discharge the dust and pack all together. Bucket lifting handle The discharged dust should be disposed of appropriately according to your in-company rule or the related local regulations. nn Ԟ !FTER THE DISCHARGE OF DUST MOUNT THE EMPTY BUCKET ON the lift panel and push them deep into the main frame until they hit against the stopper. If you desire to put in the dust-pack (an option), spread it uniformly on the entire bottom and internal side surfaces of the bucket, and turn down its four edges outwards along the external side surfaces of the bucket. ԟ Turn up the bucket lift handle to the left to secure the bucket. Ԡ Fit the hole in the bucket cover to the bucket cover receiver of the main frame. ԡ While pressing the bucket cover against the main frame, secure it with the catch clips. ;2OTARYVALVEDISCHARGER= Depending on the specifications of the main body, some machines are provided with the rotary valve type automatic discharger. When operating such a machine, never put your hand(s) in the rotating part of the rotary valve discharger. Neglecting this caution could lead you to suffer a serious injury. Important! The discharge pipe is provided with a metal grating for safety. (OWEVER ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS SOME DISCHARGER does not have a discharge pipe, and some, although having the discharge pipe, may not have the grating. With such types, the operator’s hand can easily reach the rotating part of the valve, which is very dangerous. Never put the hand in the rotating part of the discharger. Do not remove the discharge pipe. Do not put the hand in the rotating part. nn )NSPECTIONAND2EPLACEMENTOF&ILTER The filter should be periodically inspected and replaced. The standard interval between replacements is TOYEARS3UBJECTTOCHANGEDEPENDINGONTHEKINDSIZEOFTHEDUSTTOBECOLLECTEDANDMACHINES working environment. If the filter gets clogged earlier, replace immediately.) If you find any torn, broken or worn-out part in the filter, immediately replace it with new one. #!54)/. Follow the instructions below. Neglecting these cautions can cause breakdown of products or deterirate their efficiency. s$ONOTOPERATETHEMACHINEWITHTHElLTERREMOVED s&IRMLYSECURETHElLTERWITHWINGNUTS s7HENPERFORMINGlLTERREPLACEMENTALWAYSCHANGEALLlLTERSATTHESAMETIME)FNEWANDOLDlLTERS or different types of filters, are used together in an operation, new or some specific filters may get clogged up earlier due to non-uniform losses of the filter pressure. Ԙ0RESSTHE;/&&=STOPSWITCHANDWAITFORAPPROXIMATELY minutes until the motor stops completely. ԙ0RESSTHE05,3%SWITCHTOCARRYOUTTHElLTERDUSTREMOVal operation. In case “end pulse” function is set on, wait until the “end pulse” dust removal operation is finished. Ԛ2EMOVETHESTARKNOBBOLTSRETAININGTHElLTERINSPECTION cover. Open the inspection cover. .OTE s,OOSENTHESTARKNOBBOLTSWHILEHOLDINGTHECOVERINPLACETOAVOIDTHEFALLOFTHECOVER s'RIPBOTHHANDLESlRMLYWITHYOURHANDSANDDETACHTHECOVERFROMTHEMAINBODYWITHDUECARE NOTTOLETITFALLONYOURFOOT s+EEPTHEDETACHEDCOVERINASAFEPLACEWHEREIT WILLNOTBEOBSTACLETOYOURWORK ԛ2EMOVEWINGNUTSSECURINGTHElLTERFRAME0ULLOUTTHE filter and filter frame all together to your side. Ԝ Take the filter out of the filter frame to inspect or replace WITHANEWONE2EPEATUNTILALLlLTERSAREREPLACED #!54)/. Dispose of the used filter in the manner conforming to your rule or the related local regulations. ԝ Insert the filter frame between rails and push in deeply until the rails’ ends hang on the support at the back of the main frame. – 36 – Ԟ Secure the filter frame with the wing nut. If the wing nuts are not tightened sufficiently, the dust may leak. ԟ Insert the hook on the cover support of the main frame in the hole in the filter inspection cover. .OTE s (OLD THE lLTER INSPECTION COVER BY GRASPING BOTH HANDLESANDPUTITONTHECOVERSUPPORT s#HECKIFTHESUPPORTHOOKSARESETINTHEHOLESIN THElLTERINSPECTIONCOVER Ԡ While pressing the filter inspection cover against the main frame, secure with the star knob bolt. .OTE s 3ECURE THE INSPECTION COVER WITH STAR KNOB BOLTS WHILE HOLDING THE COVER AGAINST THE MAIN BODY WITHTHEHANDTOAVOIDTHEFALLOFTHECOVER Turn each star knob bolt clockwise to secure. nn -AINTENANCEOF$UST2EMOVAL#OMPONENTS s$RAINTHEAIRlLTERPERIODICALLY#HECKTHEDRAINAMOUNTTHROUGHTHEAIRlLTERINSPECTIONWINDOW s$RAINTHEHEADERPIPEANDDODIAPHRAGMMAINTENANCEONEORTWOTIMESAYEAR ;$RAININGTHEAIRlLTER= The drain amount is variable according to the working conditions of the machine. Ԙ 0REPARE A DRAIN PAN AND LAY IT UNDER THE DRAIN HOSE SO that the hose nozzle will be open against the pan. ԙ Turn the knob in the lower part of the air filter to let the drain out into the pan. Carefully do this, since the drain may scatter off by the compressed air pressure. Ԛ!FTERMAKINGSURETHATTHEAIRlLTERISCOMPLETELYDRAINED out, turn the knob in the lower portion to the right to close the drain port. – 38 – ;$RAININGTHEHEADERPIPE= !LTHOUGHTHEDRAINAMOUNTMAYVARYDEPENDINGONYOUROPERATINGCONDITIONSTHEHEADERPIPESHOULDBE drained periodically (once or twice a year, or so). Ԙ 0RESS THE /&& 34/0 SWITCH 7AIT FOR APPROXIMATELY minute until the fan motor rotation makes a complete stop. ԙ Stop the supply of the compressed air. Ԛ /PERATE THE PULSE JET SEVERAL TIMES USING THE 05,3% switch, to remove the pressure from inside the header pipe. ԛ0REPAREADRAINPANANDPLACEITUNDERTHEDRAINPORT Ԝ2EMOVETHEDRAINBOLTSLOWLYUSINGAHEXAGONWRENCHTO let the drain out. ԝ !FTER COMPLETING DRAINAGE OPERATION TAPE THE DRAIN BOLT with new sealing tape, put it in the drain port and tighten firmly. Ԟ3UPPLYTHECOMPRESSEDAIRUNDERAGIVENPRESSUREOF TO-0A ԟ0RESSTHE05,3%SWITCHTOCHECKTHEPULSEJETWORKING ;-AINTENANCEOFDIAPHRAGMVALVES= s 4HEDIAPHRAGMVALVESWITHAPILOTVALVEINSTALLEDTOTHISMACHINESHOULDBECHECKEDANDSERVEDONCE or twice a year. s )TISRECOMMENDEDTOMAKEAPERIODICINSPECTIONTHEDIAPHRAGMRUBBERPORTIONINTHEDIAPHRAGMVALVE of once a year. s &ORFURTHERINFORMATIONCONTACT!MANOORYOURDEALEROF!MANOREPRESENTATIVE – 39 – !00%.$)8 U30%#)&)#!4)/.3 -ODELNAME 0I% 0I% 0I% 0I% 0OWER -*TYPE PHASE6OR(ZFOREXCLUSIVEUSEOR6AND(ZASPERNAMEPLATE SUPPLY 5TYPE PHASE6FOR(ZSHAREDUSEOR6AND(ZASPERNAMEPLATE 3 !IRmOWM MIN 3TATICPRESSURE0A .OISED";!=,ESSTHANÒ,ESSTHANÒ,ESSTHANÒ,ESSTHANÒ &ILTER !REAM2 1UANTITY -ATERIAL 0 OLYESTERSPANBOND 'EOMETRY -OLDEDCARTRIDGETYPE $USTREMOVALMETHOD !UTOMATICPULSEJETMETHOD !IRPRESSURE TO-0A -OTOR Totally enclosed 4OTALLYENCLOSEDVERTICALmANGETYPE Type outer-fan type /UTPUTK7 )NVERTER5TYPE &ORK7 &ORK7 &ORK7 &ORK7 &REQ!DJUSTINGRANGE TO(Z!UTOMATICADJUSTMENTBYMICROCOMPUTER 5TYPE Type of fan Turbo fan .UMBEROFPILOTVALVESPCS Compressed air consumption (N/min.) "UCKETCAPACITYLITER X X 0OWERCORD MCOREWIRESWITHOUTPLUG 3UCTIONPORTDIAMETERMM 7EIGHTMASSKG $IMENSIONS7X,X(MM XX XX XX XX s4HEABOVEhSTATICPRESSUREvANDhNOISEvFOR54YPEARESPECIlCATIONSFORMACHINESOPERATINGAT(ZFREQUENCY s4HEABOVEAREDATAFORSTANDARDMACHINESFORDOMESTICUSETHEMACHINESBUILTFORSPECIALUSEORFOREIGNUSE may have different data from above in the contents. U3%26)#%0!243 .AME &ILTER3PANBOND &INE&ILlLTER 3TATIClLTER 7ETlLTER &ILTERPACKING $USTPACKPOLYVINYLBAG $USTPACKPOLYVINYLBAG $IAPHRAGMVALVEWITHPILOTVALVE $IAPHRAGM * : Optional parts 0ART.UMBER 2EMARKS 0)" 0)" 0)" 0)" 0)" 6. 6. 0)0 #7% WITHlLTERPACKING WITHlLTERPACKING WITHlLTERPACKING WITHlLTERPACKING 5RETHANESPONGE FOR0I%USE FOR0I%USE !#6 2UBBERSPARE nn U/543)$%$2!7).' 0I% s!LLCOMMONTO5-AND*TYPES (Some par ts in operation panel unique to J type excepted) s-ANOMETER INSTALLATION IS AVAILABLE on J type only. 0I% s!LLCOMMONTO5-AND*TYPES (Some par ts in operation panel unique to J type excepted) s-ANOMETER INSTALLATION IS AVAILABLE on J type only. nn 0I% s!LLCOMMONTO5-AND*TYPES (Some par ts in operation panel unique to J type excepted) s-ANOMETER INSTALLATION IS AVAILABLE on J type only. 0I% s!LLCOMMONTO5-AND*TYPES (Some par ts in operation panel unique to J type excepted) s-ANOMETER INSTALLATION IS AVAILABLE on J type only. nn U7)2).'$)!'2!;54YPE= nn ;-4YPE= nn ;*4YPE= nn U42/5",%3(//4).' To ensure safety, if a fault or error is detected during operation, turn off the power supply before everything. !FTERTHATPERFORMINSPECTION)FREPAIRSARENEEDEDCONTACTYOURDEALEROF!MANOREPRESENTATIVE 4ROUBLEPROBLEM #AUSE 2EMEDY 4HE/.34!24SWITCHWAS pressed, but the machine will not go on. q$ISCONNECTIONOFPOWERCORD q.OPOWERAPPLICATION q0OWERFAILUREHASOCCURRED q4HESWITCHBOARDISTURNEDOFF 5NUSUALORABNORMALSOUND q3INGLEPHASEOPERATIONISBEING q2EPLACETHEPOWERCORD performed due to the disconnection of core wire(s) of the power cord. )MMEDIATELYSTOPSAFTER starting up. q4HETHERMALRELAYHASTIPPED because filter inspection cover is OPENEDOROFOTHERCAUSES 3UDDENSTOPOFOPERATION q4HETHERMALRELAYHASTRIPPEDDUE q3TABILIZETHEPOWERSUPPLYVOLTAGE to the drop of power supply voltage. and reset the thermal relay. q4HESWITCHBOARDISTURNEDOFF q7AITUNTILTHEPOWERISRECOVERED q2EPLACETHEPOWERCORD q#HECKTHEPOWERSUPPLYSOURCE q7AITFORPOWERRECOVERY q4URNONTHESWITCHBOARD qFind the cause for thermal relay trip, and remove the cause. 2ESETTHERELAY )NADEQUATESUCTIONFORCE q4HElLTERISCLOGGEDUP q2EMOVETHElLTERDUSTBYPALSEJET q4HESUCTIONPORTHOSEORDUCTIS clogged. q4HElLTERINSPECTIONCOVERISOPEN q4HElLTERHASGOTEXPIRED q2EMOVEDIRTANDDUSTWITHWHICHTHE suction port, hose or duct is clogged up. q#LOSETHElLTERINSPECTIONCOVER q2EPLACETHElLTER q4HEBUCKETISlLLEDUPWITHTHECOL q$ISCHARGEDUSTFROMTHEBUCKET lected dust. q!VOLTAGELOWERTHANTHEGIVENONE q#HECKIFTHEPOWERSUPPLYVOLTAGE is supplied from the power source. meets the specification. $USTLEAKFROMEXHAUSTPORT q4HElLTERISBROKENDAMAGED q$EFECTSINlLTERINSTALLATION q2EPLACETHElLTER q2EINSTALLTHElLTERINCORRECTMANNER 6IBRATIONABNORMALSOUND odor q&AULTSINMOTORORFAN q4URNOFFTHEPOWERANDCARRYOUT inspection. nn U0%2)/$)#).30%#4)/.4!",% Inspection point (OOD Duct/hose Internal/external surfaces of main body Daily 1. Discharge collected dust from the bucket every day. The discharged dust should be disposed of according to your in-company rule or related regula tions by the local government. ٤ Filter -ETHODANDCONTENTS 1. Check if these are properly installed. If any defect is found, correct and remedy. 2. Check for any broken or deformed part. If any, REPAIRORREPLACEWITHNEWONE 3. Check the interior of duct, hose or hood for any ACCUMULATIONOFDUST2EMOVETHEDUSTDIRTAWAY at need, and re-arrange lines for the pre vention of such dust accumulation. #LEANTHEINTERIOREXTERIOROFTHEMAINBODYAND interior of the duct thoroughly to remove dust ac cumulations. ٤ Bucket Inspection frequency 7EEKLY -ONTHLY 9EARLY ٤ 1. Open the filter inspection cover to check the filter INSTALLATIONFORANYDEFECTS2EMEDYIFANY 2. Open the filter inspection cover to check for any broken or damaged part, or cleanliness. Broken parts or filters with accumulation of sticky dust must be replaced. 1. Check for breakage/deterioration of power cord, or defects in wire connection. If the core wire is ex posed through the tear in the covering, immedi ately replace the cord. 2. Check the power plug for any breakage or defor mation. 0OWERCORD ٤ !IRlLTER ٤ 1. Drain the filter. (EADERPIPE ٤ 1. Drain once or twice every year. ٤ 2EPLACEONCEORTWICEEVERYYEAR Diaphragm valve Dust leak from exhaust port -OTOR ٤ 1. Check that if any dust leaks from the exhaust. If any, check the filter and replace at need. The motor needs inspection and maintenance service every 2 or 3 years of operation. #ONTACT!MANOORYOURDEALEROF!MANOSREPRESENTATIVES nn 275 Mamedo Kohoku, Yokohama, Japan 222-8558 TEL.:+81-45-401-1508 FAX.:+81-45-439-1151 AMANO HomePage http://www.amano.co.jp/English/ AMANO CINCINNATI,INC.㧔Corporate Headquarters㧕 140 Harrison Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1239 U.S.A. AMANO CINCINNATI CANADA,INC. 2740 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 4 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4X3 AMANO PIONEER ECLIPSE CORPORATION 1 Eclipse Road. Sparta, North Carolina 28675-0909 U.S.A. AMANO EUPORE NV㧔Corporate Office㧕 Westerring 2, 3600 Genk, Belgium AMANO KOREA CORPORATION Woolim E-Biz Center2,4F-407, Yangpyeong-Dong 3Ga-16,Yeongdeungpo-Gu, Seoul, Korea 150-103 AMANO INTERNATIONAL TRADING (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. Room No. 901, Zhongdian Mansion 1029 Nanquan Road.(N), Pudong, Shanghai, China 200122 AMANO TIME & AIR SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.㧔Head Office㧕 No.1 Jalan Kilang Timor #02-01 Pacific Tech Centre , Singapore 159303 PT. AMANO INDONESIA Gedung Pusat Perfilman H.Usmar Ismail, Lantai 3 JL.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav. C-22 , Jakarta 12940 , Indonesia AMANO CLEANTECH MALAYSIA SDN. BHD.㧔Head Office㧕 No.12, Jalan Pengacara U1/48, Temasya Industrial Park 40150 Shan Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia AMANO MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. No.12, Jalan Pengacara U1/48, Temasya Industrial Park 40150 Shan Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 2-# Printed in Japan on recycled paper 6#