EXHIBITOR MANUAL The Home Renovations Show January 24 to 26, 2014


EXHIBITOR MANUAL The Home Renovations Show January 24 to 26, 2014
The Home Renovations Show
January 24 to 26, 2014
EY Centre, Ottawa, ON
SHOW SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................................ 3
PARKING AT THE EY CENTRE ........................................................................................................... 3
INCLUDED IN YOUR CONTRACTED BOOTH SPACE .......................................................................... 3
NOT INCLUDED – Order forms available on our website ............................................................... 4
DEADLINES AND IMPORTANT DATES.............................................................................................. 5
MOVE-IN ......................................................................................................................................... 6
MOVE-OUT ...................................................................................................................................... 6
SECURITY ......................................................................................................................................... 6
INSURANCE – MANDATORY FOR ALL EXHIBITORS ......................................................................... 7
SHIPPING AND RECEIVING .............................................................................................................. 7
SOLICITING ...................................................................................................................................... 8
CONTESTS AND DRAWS .................................................................................................................. 8
RULES AND REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................. 8
HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS ................................................................................................................ 8
BOOTH RESTRICTIONS ................................................................................................................. 9
FLOOR & CEILING ........................................................................................................................ 9
DISPLAY INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 9
ELECTRICAL AND FIRE REGULATIONS........................................................................................ 10
Show Guide Form
Exhibitor Badge Form (less than 400 sq. ft.)
Exhibitor Badge Form (more than 400 sq. ft.)
Move-in Form
Additional Guest Passes Order Form
Additional Exhibitor Passes Order Form
Contest Draw Form
Freeman Décor
Freeman Electrical
DE Systems
New Products and Media Form
Out-of-Town Shipping of Goods
Wednesday, January 22
8 am to 7 pm
Thursday, January 23
8 am to 7 pm
Friday, January 24
8 am to 11 am (hand carry only)
NOTE: Fork lifts available only until 4 pm on Wednesday and Thursday
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Sunday, January 26
5 pm to 10 pm
Monday, January 27
8 am to 12 noon
NOTE: Fork lifts available only until 12 noon Monday
12 noon to 9 pm
10 am to 6 pm
10 am to 5 pm
Paid parking on-site is in effect during move-in and move-out as well as throughout the show
for exhibitors and visitors. Parking charges of $7.00 must be paid daily. For exhibitors that have
parking passes included in their booth space, you may pick them up at the Caneast Show office
on site, as of 8 am on Wednesday, January 22.
 Your booth space draped and perimeter marked
 Company name and website in the Exhibitor section of the show website
 Company name and website in the Show Guide (must be registered prior to January 3,
 5 exhibitor badges (booths under 400 sq.ft.) or 10 exhibitor badges (booths over 400
 The Home Renovations Show ticket link to send to your customer database to promote
yourself in the show
 10 complimentary entry passes for friends, family, or VIP guests
 Special discount pricing for additional passes
 1 parking pass
NOT INCLUDED – Order forms available on our website:
Telephone and internet service
Shipping of material
Advance storage of material
The following service centres are available to you during The Home Renovations
Caneast Show Office
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
8 am to 7 pm
8 am to 7 pm
8 am to 9:30 pm
9 am to 6:30 pm
9 am to 10 pm
7 am to 12 noon
Services offered:
• Exhibitor badge pick-up
• Parking passes
• General exhibitor information
• Lost and Found
Freeman Show Office
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
8 am to 6 pm
8 am to 12 noon
Services offered:
• All furniture installation (carpet, drapes, tables, etc.)
• Delivery and material handling
• Additional furniture orders
• Electricity needs
DE Systems Office
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 12 noon
Services offered:
• Internet connection
• Computer rental
• Telephone rental
*installation times can be arranged outside those posted by contacting 613-903-4123. A
technician is on-call and/or on-site throughout the setup and duration of the event.*
certificate –
*if you need
to purchase
add. coverage
certificate –
*if you
already have a
policy copy
Move-in form mandatory
Name badges mandatory
Show Guide
form mandatory
order –
Décor order –
Kim Libenstein
administered by
Brokers Trust Insurance
Group Inc.)
Tel: 905-695-2971, ext. 104 or 1866-836-9066
Fax: 905-760-2260
[email protected]
Due date
January 3, 2014
Kim Libenstein
Tel: 905-695-2971, ext. 104 or 1866-836-9066
Fax: 905-760-2260
[email protected]
January 3, 2014
Ian Forsyth
(613) 241-7775 ext. 203 or
[email protected]
(613) 241-7775 ext. 203 or
[email protected]
(613) 241-7775 ext. 203 or
[email protected]
January 10, 2014
Breanna Pizzuto
(613) 241-6555 or
[email protected]
Early bird savings
deadline – January 6,
Bryan Glube
(613) 748-7180 or
Early bird savings
[email protected] deadline – January 6,
Ian Forsyth
Ian Forsyth
January 10, 2014
January 3, 2014
Due to liability and insurance concerns, working in your booth will ONLY be allowed during
the allocated move-in/move-out times.
Exhibitors are responsible for the moving of exhibit materials to their booth location; a limited
number of dollies are made available to assist with this process. Should you require the services
of a fork lift, please be sure to complete the Move-In Information form.
Upon your arrival, please come to the Show Office to register and received your
exhibitor badges and parking pass.
Please ensure you have sent your proof of insurance to Caneast Shows Inc. prior to
move-in. You cannot set-up without it.
Your representative should accompany all goods in transit from the loading area to your
Show management retains the right to inspect any box or crate that is removed from
the exhibit halls.
Do not begin set-up until all your goods have been removed from your vehicle and your
vehicle removed from the loading area.
You will receive detailed move-out instructions at the show. Move-out on Sunday begins only
after the show closes and the aisle carpet is removed. For safety/security reasons and as a
courtesy to attendees, no removal or dismantling of displays or materials is permitted before
5 pm on Sunday, January 26. All exhibits must be removed from the exhibit halls by 12 noon,
Monday, January 27. Failure to do so will result in additional charges incurred by the exhibitor.
The exhibit halls will be secured and locked every night on closing. It takes approximately 10
minutes to clear the hall of customers. Do not leave your booth unattended and open to theft.
For the security of your goods, we suggest you stay in your booth until 10 minutes after the
show closes. You must vacate the halls no later than a half-hour after closing each show night.
Insurance must be provided before move-in begins. Exhibitors who fail to provide proof of
insurance will be denied access to the event.
Exhibitors must provide proof of liability insurance coverage of at least $2,000,000 for each
separate occurrence during the period commencing on the first move-in date and terminating
on the last move-out date. The policy shall protect us and insure you against all claims,
demands, actions, or proceedings for money, damages, costs, penalties, and losses and all
liability which may be imposed by law for loss of life, personal injury, or damage to or loss of
property arising from or in any way connected with your presence or operations at the Show
(please refer to the back of your contract “Insurance and Indemnity” for further details).
Providing proof of insurance can be achieved by having your insurance company or broker
forward their own documentation to Brokers Trust Insurance Group Inc. For those who don’t
have existing coverage or are finding their present coverage more expensive, we have made
arrangements with Brokers Trust Insurance Group Inc.; forms are included in this package as
well as on our website. For additional information, please contact:
Exhibitorinsurance.com administered by Brokers Trust Insurance Group Inc.
434 North Rivermede Rd., Ste. 3
Concord, ON L4K 3M9
Tel: 905-695-2971, ext. 104 or 1-866-836-9066
Fax: 905-760-2260
[email protected]
Attn: Kim Libenstein
Freeman will receive shipments at the exhibit facility beginning on move-in day. Shipments
arriving before January 24 will be refused by the facility. Any charges incurred for early freight
accepted by the facility will be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Please note that any leftover
freight at the end of the show will be shipped back to the exhibitor by Freeman at the
additional expense of the exhibitor.
Caneast Shows Inc. has made arrangements with Liberty Transportation Services as the official
show transportation supplier. Forms are included online with your exhibitor kit.
Soliciting of business and distribution of samples, souvenirs, and literature (including
promotions by costumed personnel) must be confined to your exhibit space only. It is not
permitted in the aisles, in other exhibitors’ booths, at any building entrance/exit, or anywhere
on the grounds of the event, including the parking area (car windshields) without show
management authorization.
The use of stickers or balloons of any type (including deflated, helium, air filled, etc.) as giveaways and to decorate exhibits is absolutely forbidden. Contests, draws, and merchandise giveaways will not be permitted without the approval of Show Management. Draws conducted by
exhibitors in conjunction with their exhibit must be free of any obligation on the part of their
winner. Prize winners must not be required to place an order before collecting the prize
offered. The listing of prizes and terms of the draws must be clearly stated on the entry form.
Please note that the selling of raffle tickets is not permitted. Exhibitors wishing to conduct a
contest/draw in association with/at The Home Renovations Show must complete the
contest/draw approval form, and ensure that they follow all rules under section 59 of the
Competition Act obtainable from Consumer and Corporate Affairs. Failure to comply with the
rules of this Act constitutes a criminal offence.
The maximum height for the back of an exhibitor’s display (including signage) is 8 feet. For
booth displays 10' or less in depth, sidewalls and display materials may extend 5' from the back
at a maximum height of 8'. For the remaining 5' to the front, sidewalls and display materials
cannot exceed 4' in height. All exposed areas must be finished to the satisfaction of show
All exhibit material and personnel must remain within their allocated exhibit space as
All exhibits at The Home Renovations Show MUST have a suitable floor covering as the exhibit
halls are not carpeted. You may choose carpeting (the ideal solution), floor mats, or floor tiles
to cover the floor of your space. Please ensure all floor coverings remain within the dimensions
of your exhibit space. No flooring materials (such as linoleum) requiring the use of cement or
mastic tape to secure them to the floor are permitted. No exhibit materials may be secured to
building walls or hung from ceilings. Cloth based double-sided tape is the only adhesive
material accepted to secure your materials to the floor. The only tapes authorized for use on
exhibit hall floors are:
Doublestick V (2-sided tape)
Rainbow (1-sided 7ml vinyl)
Masking tape
#618 Suretape (cloth duct tape)
#174 high-adhesion double-faced tape
“Stick-on” floor decals, floor signs or similar promotional items, meant as floor décor, may not
be used in or about the facility unless approved by the EY Centre. Acceptable wall adhesives are
Lepage Fun Tak or similar putty adhesive. Prohibited tapes include clear packaging tape, generic
duct tape, and electrical tape on the exhibit hall floors. Heat tape or double faced tape is
prohibited on the carpets. All adhesive products must be removable without damage to the
surfaces or building finishes. Charges will apply for all tape damage and for cleaning and
removal by the facility of non-approved adhesives.
1) The use of nails, screws, or any material that can mark floors, walls, or the ceiling of the
exhibit hall is prohibited.
2) The only tape exhibitors are allowed to use for securing carpet or material to the floor is
double-sided cloth tape.
3) In order to maintain a professional image for the public attending the show, handdrawn signs of any nature are not permitted.
4) Exhibitors planning to use special equipment or construction techniques are urged to
submit plans to show management well in advance, to ensure compliance with all
5) Aisle space may not be used for exhibit purposes, or for general solicitation of business.
Distribution of literature or other exhibit material is only permitted within your exhibit
6) Audio-visual devices must not interfere with surrounding exhibitors.
7) The use of stickers or balloons of any type, including deflated, helium-filled, air-filled, on
sticks, etc. as giveaway and to decorate exhibits is absolutely forbidden.
8) Any part of the back of your display panels that are unfinished and are visible from the
aisle must be finished by you. It is your responsibility to give it a finished look.
9) Out of respect for other exhibitors, excessive cutting of materials will not be permitted
on the show floor. Please contact show management to make arrangements for a
suitable location on-site.
10) Children under the age of 16 are not permitted on the show floor during move-in and
11) No exhibitor may sublet any portion of its allocated exhibit space to another company,
supplier, and/or dealer without the express written consent of Caneast Shows Inc.
12) Please allow more visitors to stop and do business with you. Simply set back exhibit
tables at least two feet from the aisle and open up your exhibit space so more attendees
may access your exhibit materials, your literature and you.
The Show does NOT supply electrical services. If you require electrical power, please make your
arrangements directly with Freeman by using the order form included with this package or in
the exhibitor area of our website. Once ordered, they will provide power in the form of a single
receptacle. You should bring a power bar for power distribution within your booth. The amount
of electricity you use can be calculated by adding together the wattage of all light bulbs used
and all other appliances you may install. Please note that the electrician will also go through
this procedure for each booth. Booths are on circuit breakers that will trip if they are
overloaded. It is less expensive to order your electrical orders in advance than at the show.
Please read and understand these regulations. Your display will be inspected at the show.
1) Each exhibitor who displays or offers for sale any electrical equipment in the province
of Ontario is subject to the requirements of the Electrical Safety Code of Ontario and
compliance with these regulations is mandatory.
2) No person shall advertise, display, or offer for sale or other disposal, or sell or dispose
of any electrical equipment unless it has been approved in accordance with Rule 2-024
of the Electrical Safety Code of Ontario. The noted Rule 2-024 in the Code describes the
process to have this equipment satisfy the requirements of Rule 2-022, which states
that all equipment must bear proof of Certification acceptable to the Code, or the
equipment must be approved by an acceptable agency which is accredited by this code.
3) Any accredited certification agency or approval agency can approve this equipment for
use, or for sale in this province. To be accredited, the agency must be recognized under
the Electrical Safety Code of Ontario as such an agency and be accepted by the
Standards Council of Canada. The two most common methods for dealing with
unapproved equipment is to have it approved by one of the following agencies:
Electrical Safety Authority
1 Terence Matthews Cres., Ste. 130
Ottawa, ON K2M 2G3
Canadian Standards Association
178 Rexdale Blvd.
Toronto, ON M9W 1R3
613-271-1489 or 1-800-559-5356
416-747-4000 or 1-866-797-4272
4) Inspectors from the Electrical Safety Authority will be visiting the show to ensure
compliance with the code. They will identify any unapproved equipment in evidence,
and offer information to exhibitors detailing the steps required to have the unapproved
equipment accepted.
5) Any questions concerning regulations for booth wiring should be addressed to the
Electrical Safety Authority.
6) Failure to comply with Safety Code requirements can result in electrical equipment
being refused connection to the source of electrical supply and it may be ordered
removed from the display.
The EY Centre, in accordance with City of Ottawa bylaws, requires that all decorations and
material for display are flame-proofed. This law does not apply to your products. The primary
concern is with vertical-hanging fabrics. An inspector will be visiting every booth on set-up day
to conduct fire tests on all display materials. All tested material that holds a flame for more
than two seconds is deemed to have failed.
You should test all your materials before you arrive for set-up. Hold a flame to a sample of the
material for 12 seconds; if it burns for more than 2 seconds after you remove the flame, it is not
acceptable. To have your material flame-proofed in advance, please check the Fireproofing or
Textile Finishers section of your Yellow Pages. Please take the time to read over the following
Fire Regulations. The law prohibits the show from opening until all violations are corrected
and the regulations strictly followed.
1) These materials shall be flame-proof if used for display or decorative purposes: flowers
(artificial), foliage (artificial), paper (cardboard less than 1/8" is considered paper), plastic
materials, ruscus, split wood and bamboo fibres, Styrofoam, and textiles. Wallpaper is
permissible if adhered securely to walls or board.
2) The use of the following is prohibited: acetate fabrics, corrugated paper boxboard,
seamless paper, and paper-backed foil.
3) It is not necessary to flame-proof textiles, papers, and other combustible merchandise on
display for sale but the quantity so used shall be limited to the displaying of one
salvageable length. Each sample must differ in colour, weave, or texture.
4) The use of open flame is limited to certain articles of merchandise where the operation of
an approved appliance or device definitely helps to promote the sale of such equipment.
Equipment must be set up in a manner to comply with approved safety standards; a
suitable fire extinguisher shall be provided on recommendation of the Inspector. If at any
time the Inspector deems such equipment to be operated in a manner dangerous to public
safety, he/she shall cancel the privilege of the Exhibitor concerned.
5) Flames should not be used for the purpose of attracting attention.
6) Flammable liquids or gases shall not be stored inside the building. AEROSOLS: It is
permissible to exhibit one pressurized container, not exceeding one-pint capacity of each
product classified as a flammable liquid. Non-flammable products are not restricted.
7) Displays must not encroach on EXIT doorways, nor may exit doors be concealed or
obscured by drapes or partitions in any manner.
8) No portion of displays shall project into any aisle.
9) Hay, straw, shredded paper, and excelsior packing MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE
BUILDING unless it can be returned to tightly closed packing containers and stored within
the exhibitor’s booth.
1. Can I move in earlier than the allocated time?
• Unfortunately we cannot have access to the hall before the beginning of movein.
2. How can I pick up my exhibitor badges?
• All exhibitor badges can be picked up on site at the Caneast Show office during
3. What if my staff isn’t all there? Where can I leave their badges?
• Any extra exhibitor badges can be left at Guest Services as of 11 am Friday,
January 24 to be picked up by your staff.
4. What if I want to order extra complimentary entry passes for my guests?
• You may order additional guest passes by mailing, faxing, or emailing the form to
us. Exhibitor badges/guest passes may also be purchased during move-in at the
Show Office at the EY Centre.
5. How do we purchase additional parking passes?
• You can purchase a weekend pass which allows you unlimited entry and exits for
the duration of the show, including move-in and move-out, for the cost $23.
These are available for the Caneast Show office.
6. Is booth cleaning available?
• If you wish to have your booth cleaned after closing, please contact the EY
Centre Administration Office to have this arranged with their in-house service.
7. Are there food concessions stands available?
• Great Canadian Plates will have a concession stand open to exhibitors 30
minutes after move-in begins. During the length of the show the concession
stand will remain open until end of day.
8. Is there a hotel you recommend?
• The Southway Hotel is our official partner hotel. Located 5 minutes away from
the EY Centre, they offer free shuttle service to and from, as well as competitive
rates exclusively for Caneast exhibitors. For more information please refer to the
link online with the exhibitor kit.
9. What if I exhibit at more than one of your shows? Do I need to send you a new
insurance policy copy every time?
• If you are a repeat exhibitor, simply leave the name of the specific show off your
policy and we will keep it on file until the policy expires. Ensure that Caneast
Shows Inc., 200 Metcalfe St., Ste. 200, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P7 is clearly stated as
additional insured.