Assignment Work – 2013-14
Assignment Work – 2013-14
l=h; dk;Z@Assignment Work – 2013-14 M.Sc.Chemistry (Final) Max Marks – 30 funsZ'k % Min Marks-12 l=h; dk;Z ds izR;sd fo"k; esa dqy 30 vad gSaA lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gksx a sA lHkh iz'u gy dhft,A (Assignment Work of each paper carries 30 Marks. All questions carry equal marks. Attempt all questions.) Paper-I (Nuclear & Radiochemistry) 1. Boron is used as a rocket fuel, the enthalpy of combustion of boron to form B 2O3 being – 1278 kj/mol.Find the energy of formation of one molecule of B2O3 in eV. 2. The nucleus, and (b) the ratio of the axes b/a. Take the mean radius to be given by R = 1.4 A v3 F. 3. It is known that 1 g of 226 Rs emits 11.6x1017 atoms of random per year. Given the half-life period of Ra to be 1600 y, compute the value of the Avogadro constant. 4. What is the barrier energy against the symmetric fission of 114/50 Sn? (b) What is the activation energy needed to effect this fission ? Given the atomic masses of 114 Sn = 113.9030 u; 57 Mn = 56.938 3 u and r0 = 1.5 F. 5. What do you mean by electrometer? Explain the ionization chamber with it diagram. Paper-II (Medicinal Chemistry) 1. Explain Routs of Drug administrative. 2. Explain excretion and elimination. 3. Explain Mitotic inhibitors. 4. Explain Anti fungal drugs. 5. Explain structure of cell wall. Paper – III (Analytical Chemistry-II) 1. Write the applications of microwave decomposition. 2. Describe Decay By rays emission. 3. Write a short note on building materials. 4. Describe electrochemical detectors. 5. Write multi component 1. Explain free radical substitution mechanisms . 2. Write short notes on bromoniussions as inter mediates in stereos elective synthesis. 3. Explain Mannich reaction. 4. Explain effects of the structure of the substrate, strength and concentration of the base. 5. Explain interactions between molecular orbital's. Analysis. Paper – IV (Organic Chemistry-II) Paper – V (Chemistry of Natural Products) 1. Give some examples of : (i) One electron oxidation 2. How terpenes are isolated from the plant?. 3. Describe structure of nucleus. 4. Discuss synthesis and stereochemistry of quinine. 5. Give the classification of flavonoid compounds. ********
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