Intercessions For our Diocese and Parish
Intercessions For our Diocese and Parish
Intercessions For our Diocese and Parish Sovereign Lord, may we not grieve the Holy Spirit. May we start the day with Him, spend the day with Him and end the day with the Spirit in perfect peace. The Anglican Church of Southern Africa The Church of St Alban the Martyr GOODWOOD in The Diocese of Saldanha Bay For the world We pray, Lord for your mercy upon those infected and affected by Ebola. Grant to scientists and the medical profession the wisdom to contain the epidemic. We pray for the deliverance of people of northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians in this area. We pray for the protection of Crisis Relief International (CRI). Relieve the city of Queragosh which fell to ISIS where they are beheading children systematically. Strengthen the UN who evacuated its staff in Erbil. Come Holy Spirit and send your ministering angels to cleanse the world of these diabolical atrocities. 12 October 2014 th 28 Sunday of the year COLLECT – APB 281 For the sick and those in need Neville Payne, Hannah Lewis, Betty van der Merwe, Zelda Theron, Maurice Engel, Vanita Solomon, Freda Grové, Jimmy Willenberg, Caroline Ziegler, Fr Edwin Arnold, Joyce Daniels, Denise Oliver, Virgina Elders and Retha Blows. God, the source of all power your Son prayed that you would keep his disciples from the evil one: strengthen us to resist temptation and to follow you the only God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Readings THE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sun Office (E) Mon Office (M) Pss 126, 127, 128 Ps 31 Rogation day Office (E) Office (M) Pss 32, 33 Ps 34 Rogation day Office (E) Office (M) Tue Wed Thu Jer 36:1-10 Mt 15:21-28 Micah 7:1-7 Acts 26:1-23 Jer 36:11-26 Jonah 1:1-17a Lk 8:26-39 Acts 26:24-27:8 Ps 35 Ps 36 Jer 36:27-37:2 Jonah 1:17-2:10 Lk 8:40-56 Acts 27:9-26 Teresa of Avila, Religious 1582, Rogation day Office (E) Office (M) Ps 37:1-20 Ps 37:21-41 Jer 37:3-21 Jonah 3:1-4:11 Lk 9:1-17 Acts 27:27-44 Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, Bishops & Martyrs Ps 38 Ps 39 Jer 38:1-13 Ecclus 1:1-20 Lk 9:18-27 Acts 28:1-16 Hugh 1555 Fri Sat Office (E) Office (M) Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and Martyr c110 Office (E) Office (M) Pss 40, 41 Ps 103 Jer 38:14-28 Is 52:7-10 Lk 9:28-36 Lk 1:1-4 Ps 96 Is 35:3-6 Col 4:7-18 St Luke Office (E) Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Psalm 135:1-14 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 The death of Moses APB 775 Rejoice in the Lord always The wedding feast The Rector Fr Derek Abrahams (Rectory) 021 591 7306 Appointments can be arranged. The Rector’s day off is on Monday Church Wardens Rodger Matthee 558 5933 after hours Joan Sharpe 591 9827 after hours PARISH OFFICE Tel /answering machine 021 591 3504 Fax to e-mail 086 724 2672 E-mail: [email protected] Angela will be in the Parish Office Tuesday 09h00 –12h00 Parish Worker: Angela Kline 021 591 9737 The Parish Worker’s day off is Friday From the Rector’s Desk We’ve journeyed with the Moses narrative since the first Sunday in July and today we reflect briefly upon the death of Moses. Death seems so final and this is something that we mortals need to prepare ourselves for. Just last week we reflected on God telling Moses that he would see the promised land, but that he would not enter it. Humanly speaking, we would have become despondent had we been in the position that Moses was in. Moses was the only prophet that came so close to Yahweh and with whom Yahweh interacted with. The obedience and the humility within Moses is manifested, when he does as God instructed him to. He laid his hands on Joshua and he anointed him. Joshua was special because the Lord says to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in who is the Spirit and lay your hand upon him.” (Numbers 27:18) What we see in the above is the ancient tradition of the Church where the laying on of hands has such a profound meaning. Indeed, we experienced it recently at our Confirmation. I wonder how the Confirmands felt as the Bishop laid his hands upon them? We have encountered the hurt that Moses must have experienced when the Israelites rebelled against God. They remonstrated with Moses and they said that it was better being under the yoke of the Egyptian rulers. Though all of it, God had been gracious. God provided them with manna in the desert. God provided them with an abundance of water as Moses struck the rock and water gushed out of it. To date, nobody knows where the burial of Moses is. All that we know is that the people wept and mourned the death of Moses for thirty days. Reflecting upon Moses and Joshua, I realize that our faith is of such a nature that we are able to pass the legacy on to the other. Let’s reflect upon our own lives, what legacy would we be leaving behind should we be called “home.” Have we lived out the injucture of the Collect of the day, “strengthen us to resist temptation and to follow you the only God.” Events of this week Mon 13: Teenage Discipleship Groups meet at 19h00 Combined Intercessory Prayers for Diocese in the chapel at 19h00. All welcome to join. Tues 14: N1 City Hospital Ministry at 14h00. Liturgical Dance Group meets at 18h30. S.A.L.L.T. group meets at 19h00. Cell Group Goodwood meets at 19h30. Contact Ivan or Angela 5919737. Wed 15: Eucharist at 09h30 Thur 16: Protea Home – Eucharist at 10h00. All welcome. Soup Kitchen from 11h00 until 12h00. Contact Carol 5919527. Diocesan Quiet Day, Churchhaven – 10h00 until 15h00. See notice board. Fri 17: Music Group meets 18h00. Sat 18: ALL SERVERS MEET at 14h00 Baptism Prep 3 at 14h00. N OT IC E S Welcome back from your holiday Fr Derek and Charmaine. All Servers : Evensong @ St Michaels Abottsdale 26 October @ 15H30. All key holders to contact Joan on 021 591 9827 to obtain new code as of 1 October. 1kg Margarine Containers are required for the soup kitchen please. Alpha Marriage Course begins 7 Oct – 18 Nov every Tuesday. Maximum 5 couples. Cost R270 includes 3 course meal and materials. Contact Justin 0218112082 or Charmaine 0834467290 or [email protected] May we lead lives worthy of our vocation. May the Spirit of God reside within us. May we be bold to profess our faith at all times. May we be steadfast in the knowledge that Jesus is our Rock and our Salvation. Spring Dance Extravaganza – 26 Oct in church hall @ 15h00. Cost R25. Children under 10 entry is R10. Tickets on sale. In his book “Befriending Death,” Nouwen asks” “What is the meaning of death? How can I see it not just as an inevitable fate, but as an act of fulfillment? Can our death be fruitful, a profoundly human gift to those we love?” Parish Fete 8 November. If you would like to host a stall eg tombola, eats, etc. please contact Merlin 5910730 after hours. Donations required are: Canned cooldrinks, cakes for tea garden and goodies for tombola. Coupons available @ R50 per booklet Ladies Guild Raffle @ R5 per ticket to raise funds for fete. Prize: bread maker . Blessings Derek Email from Archdeacon Andrew Wyngaard: Please commend the following members mourning the death of loved ones to the prayers of our Diocese. 1. Father Kulana Makalima – a member of the Makalima family, Sisanda Makalima, who lived in Khayelitsha, passed away Pray for her husband Mdyesha Mthatisi and the rest of the family as they mourn the death of Sisanda 2. Pray for Father Patrick Xhallie whose mother passed away at 11:30am this morning in Port Elizabeth The funeral will be on Saturday the 18th of October at Cradock. St Nicholas choir workshop for Advent / Christmas Sat 25 Oct. See notice board. Please contact Joan Sharpe on 021 591 9827 (after hours) if you are able to assist on 3 December with the Seniors’ lunch Southern Anglican Magazine now available on line: Thank you Ashley Maclennan for arranging with Cedric to organise sound system. To all who supported the Men’s Potjie fundraiser. th Next Sunday: 29 Sunday of the year APB 282 Ex 33:12-23; Ps 99; 1 Thess 1:1-10; Mt 22:15-22 Holy Eucharist at 07h30 and Youth Service at 09h15; Sunday School at 09h15