“I SalonI MIlano 2011” “alfa RoMeo GIulIetta” “VenIce”
“I SalonI MIlano 2011” “alfa RoMeo GIulIetta” “VenIce”
www.ministudio.rs THE FIRST ONLINE HOME LIFE STYLE MAGAZINE ■ YEAR II ■ MAY 2011. ■ NO 16 DESIGN: ON THE MOVE: TAKE A TRIP: “I SalonI MIlano 2011” “alfa RoMeo GIulIetta” “VenIce” CONTENT HOME STYLE ■ ARCHITECTURE ■ WHAT’S NEW “Maison de la lumiere” ■ INTERIOR ■ INTERVIEW “Blend of Minimalism and Radical chic” “Harry&camila” “I Saloni Milano 2011” “caSSIna revives icons of design” “the Warmth of ceramics” “light under each Step” ■ DESIGN ■ WATER OASIS ■ LIGHTING LIFE STYLE ■ WATCHES AND JEWELRY ■ FASHION ■ ON THE MOVE ■ YACHTING ■ TAKE A TRIP ■ DESIGN HOTELS ■ SPA & WELLNESS ■ HEDONISM OF TASTE ■ BLACK AND WHITE WORLD “GIRaRD-PeRReGauX” “fReY WIlle ” “PatRIZIa PePe” “alfa Romeo Giulietta” “Sunseeker - Predator 84” “Venice” “the charming House” “Soulspace” “Grani & Braci” “luce della Vite - luce 2004” ■ Editor-in-chief 04 12 14 22 28 38 42 48 52 54 56 58 62 68 74 80 86 90 Mina Petijević ■ A rt Review Editor Milica Mandić ■ Graphic Editor, Design and Preparation Mini STUDIO design team ■ Editor of Photography Miloš Nešić ■ Technical Editor Marko Antonić ■ Translation Milena Vulović, Miloš Stojadinović ■ Lector and Copyreader Sonja Božović, Miloš Stojadinović ■ Associates Milica Drobnjak, Ratomir Živković, Vuk Petijević, Ana Nešić, Ana Polić, Darija Jelinčić, Tin Tešić, Nemanja Lakić ■ Advertising [email protected] ■ Editorial office Lomina 7/1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia +381 11 3392 681 www.ministudiomagazine.com A WORD FROM THE EDITOR The new issue is dedicated to the charms of Italy. Inspired by this country of art, design, fast cars, premium wines and delicious food, a country of lovers and the Eternal City, we bring new stories that will brighten up beautiful spring days and evenings. You can plan your trip with the Giulietta, or just enjoy a virtual journey through this beautiful country, with the “House of Light” in Bologna, a colourful interior designed by Simone Micheli and the latest trends in design presented at the 50th Milan Furniture Fair. We are presenting the romantic city on water - Venice, and there, a small charming design hotel... Enjoy. MAISON DE LA LuMIERE This practise of architecture is named after its founder Duilio Damilano who moved to Milan, in order to follow a work- shop by Daniel Libeskind, where he’s developed his concept of architectural research directed towards the concreteness of space. His passion for volumes, instead, comes from a family of sculptors, his father and his brother have passed on to him an interest for the plastic and material aspect of every sculpture or architecture. Duilio Damilano says that he’s always been attracted by architectures since childhood. His design path begins from the study of the light and how it affects and moulds the shapes. Location: Bologna, Italy Surface building: 250 sqm Year of Completion: 2008 Architect: Duilio Damilano Project Team: DamilanostudioArchitects Photographer: Andrea Martiradonna www.damilanostudio.com HOME STYLE ■ ARCHITECTURE 05 La Maison de la Lumiere, the house of light, is a clear ex- ing stereotypes of the area and to build s technologically ample of Duilio Damilano’s architectural poetics, focused on advanced house. To meet the first requirement, the team the light and the various transformations that the light pro- of architects has focused in the study of different divisions duces on lines, colours and shapes in the designing path. to keep the environment cosy and private. The barriers of The architect really believes in the importance of designing green hedges are created, and strongly divide this house the light as a characterizing element of a creative process. from the surrounding context, recreating a new and unspoiled space where the interiors can dialogue with the ex- The project of this house in Bologna stems from two fun- terior through large windows. The living room, which looks damental requirements of the clients: to avoid the hous- like a cube of glass, opens up on the swimming pool. The water of the swimming pools illuminated and enlivened by to enter, emphasized by a wooden footbridge. To shield the a cascade lamp. more private rooms, some slatted wood elements and sliding panels create sort of mobile wings. The rooms follow one another in a continuing dialogue: the bathroom opens on the bedroom, the kitchen on the living The flat roof is designed as a hanging garden for the sole room and this one rises toward the loft, creating a spatial use of the rooms. From a technological point of view the and visual continuity. The lightness of the construction is house is fully automated, thanks to a domotic system counteracted by the materiality of the stone wall that invites which enables to manage every function, even from the distance, thus ensuring security, comfort control, wellbeing and the walls are very bright white. The main bathroom is and energy saving. Taking a look at a monitor, one can ver- equipped with a floor- level Jacuzzi, illuminated from below ify in real time if lights are on, what the temperature in each by immersed spotlights. room is, watch if there’s somebody in the house, making sure the irrigation is in operation, the gas turned off and the La Maison de la Lumiere has a modern design, and is sepa- windows shut. A sort of electronic butler that moves inside rated from its neighbours by green living walls. As an object your home, manages, does things and monitors. of great technological equipment, it is fully automated, of- The furniture is all design and reflects the characteristics of fering a truly modern, luxurious lifestyle, where everything the house. The colours are bright and delicate, the floors re- operates at the touch of a button. flect the light that comes imposingly from the large windows Mina PETIJEVIĆ ■ HOME STYLE ■ ARCHITECTURE 11 BLEND OF MINIMALISM AND RADICAL CHIC The genesis of the plan of the House in Florence, designed by Simone Micheli for himself and his family, his wife Roberta and son Cesar, lies in the concept of modern luxury the Tuscan architect developed after a thorough and targeted thinking. HOME STYLE ■ INTERIOR 13 During the “XXX Congreso Colombiano de Arquitectura” feelings... It does not mean opulence but rather transpar- (30th Colombian Architecture Convention) which took place ency. I am talking about possible places where your and in Baranquilla (Colombia), Simone Micheli asserted: “ …the our histories are echoing in the shape of visual, olfactory, new luxury does not mean immobility or habit, but rather tactile and auditory essence. I am telling you a story which freedom and movement. It is a light and stirring thought, at has its roots in the past and in the tastes of exotic places, any moment we are able to choose where and how to live but at the same time it is near and next future oriented... In and to reinvent the environment we live in. As for architec- my opinion the word luxury could go beyond the limits of its ture, the new luxury is related to the idea of regaining the meaning. Nowadays living in a luxurious sphere means be- beauties and the truth of our daily life together with our inner ing able to love and being loved in a genuine and absolute way, it means being surrounded by simplicity and let have and vivid intervention, taking place in an ancient 1800 set- our attention drawn by watching a grass blade waving in ting, which has converted these spaces laden with memo- the wind. It means regaining the truth of life, living by ap- ries, into a new environment capable of hosting new life preciating the beauty of each day and by growing through stories, connected with a fast and unstoppable metropoli- the intangible immaterial existence...’’ tan life. The full-height space, which breaks the residential distribution rules, divided by a big brick arch, features The house of Micheli family seems to embody the spirit of an unconventional distribution pattern on the ceiling and these words. It is a residence 90% made up of eco com- large openings revealing the opposite garden. It hosts the patible materials, an authentic hyperrealist portrait of the episodes of daily life, while a wedge, a low height diagonal “Ethical Luxury”, which is one of the main focuses of his element hosts the kitchen. Above this splinter, which can daily architectural searching. It is a dynamic, extremely fresh be reached by walking the staircase, we find a space for HOME STYLE ■ INTERIOR 15 children to play. A spiderweb, a thread texture, somewhere with a screen coming down the ceiling which can visually between an Indian dreamcatcher and a microcosm, watch- separate the kitchen from the rest of the environment. This es over the floor and creates an informal and valuable frame informal crystalline, naive, immaculate zone, suspended which embellishes the space in an elegant and light way. between minimalism and radical chic, is torn by ringing and vivid patches of colours. The bookcase, an acid green high- The longitudinal axis, which is triggered by the volumetric light, the mirror furniture and couches, which look as soft as development of the living room, meets the kitchen on the pink clouds, as well as the back wall lend liveliness to the other side, a snow white sculpture marked exclusively by overall architecture. The perception of this space is highly the partition of the doors which forms a niche in the space, unconventional, visionary where colour bubbles floating in resulting in dilating space. All along this transversal dilata- spotless sea generate emotions connected with childish in- tion, glass tables for lunch and work are located together nocence, lightness and joy. The enamelled grès porcelain floor tiles are absolute white, niture is composed by few elements. The double bed- they are as bright as the walls, the surreal ecoleather spher- room is suspended between dream and reality. A big blue ical poufs and the kitchen lacquering, the furniture side sur- backlit round mirror, flies over the bed like a flying saucer. faces and the bases of the furniture. The lighting featuring The bed mattress is supported by a “flying carpet” which built in adjustable spotlights located in the false ceiling, and forms the upholstered structured headboard with its fold. the lamps with very narrow optics, underline and enhance The white lacquered closet, covering the whole wall, is the chromatic effects of this composition. embellished with essential chromium plated handles, setting the perfect background for other dreamlike and reas- The bedrooms and another bathroom are located in a suring environments. The big mirror resting against the transversal partition of the original volume. As well as the wall supports a TV, while the ceramic vases which look rest of the residence, they are characterized by extreme as smooth as river stones are put on a low wooden el- whiteness and by essential architectural moves. The fur- liptical shelf. HOME STYLE ■ INTERIOR 17 On the one hand the bedroom of Roberta e Simone is har- ideal for playing, studying and living in a highly stimulating monious and delicate, on the other hand the room of Cesar environment. The two bathrooms follow a simple and for- is joyful and sparkling. A big yellow snake, which represents mally clean pattern and feature few essential elements hav- a deformation of the standard bed unit, stretches along the ing soft shapes and spotless finishing. two sides of the room and it becomes the support for toys, books and for the mattress. Bubbles come up from the bed Micheli house originated from the mould of a lively, dynam- and colour joyfully the wall, opposite the space totally filled ic, metropolitan future oriented soul. It is a contemporary, by the wall closet. Yellow lacquered round shaped desk intriguing, unpredictable mould which has the unmistakable and shelves, together with the white ecoleather cylindri- signature of Architect Simone Micheli. cal pouff, the circular black carpets and the round backlit mirror, complete this lively and childfriendly space which is Ana POLIĆ ■ PHoTo: darija Jelinčić i miloš nešić INTERVIEW: HARRY & CAMILA Harry & Camila have established their own design studio in 1988 in Milan. Although in 2002 they have moved to Barcelona, they continued to work in Milan, designing for many companies. This April, they presented their work at the Milan Furniture Fair, and we had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Harry... CAmiLA & HArrY, HAve You ALwAYS wAnTed To beCome induSTriAL deSignerS? Yes and No...Yes stands for Harry and No for Camila... she originally has a fashion designer background education. With specialization in making trend books and textile design, though in this sense, she is very much related to the industrial design process to make the circle round again. PLeASe TeLL uS more AbouT Your ArT And deSign bACkground, And wHAT brougHT You Two TogeTHer? We went both to the Domus Academy in Milan, the same year for our Master degree, however she did fashion and I... industrial design. Fortunately we shared some classes and than the magic happened. wHAT do You THink Are THe moST imPorTAnT Your fAvouriTe deSign/ProduCT? SkiLLS for A deSigner To HAve/deveLoP? In reality none, and certainly not one of ours. If I have to Passion for the job, to be open minded and eyes/ears al- choose one, it would be the iPod, for the simple fact that it ways wide open, to be a team player, to have the attitude allows me to take my music were ever I go... and believe that the best is never good enough and everything can always be improved, but specially patience, pa- wHere do You find inSPirATion, wHere tience, and more patience. do You fueL YourSeLf wiTH energY? Libraries, museums and galleries. My music and travel... Are THere AnY fAmouS deSignerS or deSign Specially visiting creative cities, like NY, London, Tokyo and movemenTS THAT HAve inSPired or infLuenCed Milan. But in reality we find our inspiration in everything. It is You wHen You deSign ProduCTS? all out there, you just have to see it... All the great ones from the past Bauhaus, Hoffman, Loewy, Rams, Moullino, Collani, Sotsass, Jacobsen, T Saperneva, Wirkkala etc. The list is to long but not specially related to the design world....more from music and art world… the use of colours and shapes....sculptors and painters like Moore, Brancusi, Giacometti, Pollock, Cesanne, Matise, Kiefer, Apple, Dekoninck, Harring etc. dedon - babylon vases HOME STYLE ■ INTERVIEW 21 kriSTALiA - bCn wood stool How do You THink deSign And ArCHiTeCTure CouLd You TeLL uS SomeTHing AbouT THe deSign infLuenCe everYdAY Life? of THe new vASeS CoLLeCTion, bAbYLon for dedon, A bit...as daily life is much more and more complicated than And bCn wood for kriSTALiA, PreSenTed AT i SALoni only these two. They are certainly not accessible for the miLAno THiS YeAr? major part of the global population and for the very, very Not to forget the large carpet collection for LivingDivani and small part, who are lucky enough to enjoy in them on a daily vases for VONDOM… base, I hope in a positive sense, otherwise it would be really a bother, wouldn’t it? You Are on THe move ALL THe Time; wHAT iS Your fAvouriTe deSTinATion? iS deSigning for You A CHALLenge, PLeASure, See above. NY, Tokyo. Japan in general. Mexico, Chile, SomeTHing THAT keePS You moving? specially the glaciers in the south and the dessert in the Nothing to add, it’s really like in the question itself, a chal- north. lenge, a pleasure but also something that can hurt, it keeps you moving day and night! 7 days a week! Something that Your SPeCiAL Corner in Your Home? is inside and has to come out... The bathroom. wHAT iS Your fAvouriTe wine? that must be the generation gap... I am not a big fan of this Gaja, Ferrari... all since it seems so unreal. Also, we invented this all to make our life easier, to gain more time free for yourself but instead, How do You See THe fuTure? we dedicate more time than ever to work, sit by the compu- Far away, close to nature, on a desert island or beach and/ ter, even in our free time... Have you ever encountered that or high up in the mountains. your internet connection did not work? At that moment you probably get crazy and become very impatient, like a part of do You reAd deSign mAgAzineS? you is missing, like you are taken off the drugs. When we talk Hardly any more. about being impatient: if we do not respond in 20-30 minutes, people start calling on the phone, asking if I have a problem wHere do You geT newS from? with the connection if their email did arrived... It’s getting all Newspapers, I like to read 2-3 newspapers day. The time to too crazy… And as for your above question of how I see the read the newspapers is the only time I have for myself. To- future – I see it far away from this, on a small primitive island gether with a cup of coffee very early in the morning 6.00- or beach... 6.30, when nobody is disturbing me... I love that... wHAT do You THink of THe mini STudio mAgAzine? How imPorTAnT do You THink Like the original small size. THe inTerneT iS To deSign? For the design itself, it is not so important. Apart educating, Mina PETIJEVIĆ ■ in the sense by showing the outside world what is going on, it has significantly speed up everything, cycles of products have become much shorter. Everybody wants to see new stuff constantly, to treat the design world as fashion - but that is impossible, as the investments are very different, and you hardly have time to get a return on the investment. But time will put this in place; it has added to consumerism and buy for buy. There is no time to relate to a product any more – use it and throw it away. I can see that with my children – they have a different relationship with their friends than I did at my time: I was always outside, always with friends in direct contact with nature, and they, the kids, prefer to meet on-line, which is so unreal for me, and do 3 different things at the same time. Well, Living divAni - growing Points HOME STYLE ■ INTERVIEW 23 PHOTO: Luciano Pascali - Courtesy Cosmit spa 50. BIRTHDAY I SALONI MILANO FuRNITuRE FAIR IN MILAN Furniture Fair Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, was held from 12 to 17 April, and more than 2,300 exhibitors presented their work on an area of 210,000 square meters of the Milan fairgrounds. Visitors could see and try out the latest products from the world of furniture. This is the largest design fair, both in Milan, and the world. It consists of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Salone del Complemento d’Arredo, Euroluce, Eurocucina, Saloneufficio, Salone Internazionale del Bagno, Salone Satellite and more additional programs. HOME STYLE ■ DESIGN 27 PHoTo: Alessandro russotti - Courtesy Cosmit spa The Salone Internazionale del Mobile - the biggest event dustrialist Alberto Alessi’s version of the greatest hits of in the design calendar - celebrated its 50th year with over Italian furniture – as if to remind us that Italy is not just 2,700 companies on exhibit and expected over 100,000 the home of quality but of experimentation. Meanwhile, people to flock through its doors. Curious visitors and the the octogenarian designer Alessandro Mendini’s famous design-savvy alike wandered between hoards of minimal- Proust armchair has been reissued by Magis, in plastic. ist lampshades, bird ornaments and plant displays and But then the Italians have no problem celebrating their perched on sleek plastic chairs or reclined on eccentrically aging stars, it’s the young ones that no one seems to shaped chaise lounges. know about. If there ever was a year to celebrate the grand Italian tra- Designers laughed off the economic crisis at Milan’s annual dition of furniture design, this is it, as 2011 is not only the furniture fair this year, ditching staid luxury for jocular ham- 50th anniversary of the fair but the 150th of the republic. mock sofas, tilting chairs, bar stools with pedals and robot In the Triennale Design Museum visitors can see the in- bookcases. The majority of the design talent on show at the fair is in- so minimalist that the designer has boasted he had man- ternational. The Munich-based designer Konstantin Grcic aged to break the limits of scaled down furniture design. is ubiquitous this year. However, there is always a strong The chair, a solid block of glossy black plastic -- which also British contingent. Of the London-based studios, Barber comes in a two-toned version with a transparent back-rest Osgerby and Jasper Morrison are showing chairs with Vitra, -- starred alongside Starck’s towering, long-legged bar Doshi Levien has pieces in production with Moroso, while stool and white table with a lustrous black top. the stalwarts Tom Dixon and Ron Arad are exhibiting new work with Magis. In another area of the show, Italian architect and designer Fabio Novembre showed off his Transformer-style 1980s French designer Philippe Starck drew crowds with his “Miss Robot-shaped bookcase, created for the design company Less” chair, a plastic creation for Italian company Kartell, Casamania. kArTeLL - Philip Starck - miss Less HOME STYLE ■ DESIGN 29 “My generation always had a robot as a playtime com- in-built rocker that prevents the occupant from tilting so panion and I needed to find a new reason to justify its far over that they end up falling onto the floor. Vitra was presence next to my desk,” the 44-year-old joked when also exhibiting “Oiseau”, a graceful, ornamental wooden the bookcase was recently presented to the public. Com- bird by French designers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, posed of black asymmetrical shelves and cubbyholes, which the company’s marketing representative Eckart the towering robot with jetting shoulders and a square Maise said was symptomatic of a new trend. “There’s a head sported a red compartment for a heart -- a per- tendency to bring images of animals or plants indoors, to fect place for stashing Transformer comics. Swiss manu- seek the warmth of an animal without having to go for a facturer Vitra had drawn inspiration from students who walk in a park... because it’s not always possible, seeing swing on their chairs for their “Tip Ton,” designed with an as our ways of life have changed,” he said. PHoTo: Luciano Pascali - Courtesy Cosmit spa PHoTo: Saverio Lombardi vallauri - Courtesy Cosmit spa In other areas, designers reacted to the economic crisis by Heller introduced the extraordinary Frank Gehry Color Collec- toning down their creations, preferring to use classic mate- tion at Salone Internazionale del Mobile. Like a beautiful bou- rials -- wood and leather -- in sombre colours rather than quet of flowers, Heller’s new Gehry Color Collection brings overstimulate already drained consumers. “People want light to a grey world. Frank Gehry saturates his powerful to be reassured... we’re seeing a lot of furniture that goes forms with the magical energy of colour. His stunning furni- easier on the public,” said Salone trend spotter, Marco Ro- ture is about more than sitting - it’s also about delighting the manelli. eye and cheering the heart. Made of UV-protected rotationalmoulded polyethylene, it’s perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Among the futuristic pieces inspired by the movie “Tron: Legacy” was a gleaming white Jacuzzi tub display by Italian In celebration of its 100th anniversary and for the Milan Fur- designer Marco Piva and this bed by the Capo D’Opera niture Fair 2011, Trussardi re-launched the Trussardi Design company. brand through a new collaboration with world renowned HOME STYLE ■ DESIGN 31 designer Michael Young. During Milan’s Furniture Fair of its international design talent at Milan’s Salone Internazi- 2011, Trussardi presented at Palazzo Trussardi Alla Scala onale Del Mobile. At design junction, Zegna headquarters in Piazza della Scala 5 a collection that Michael Young de- on Via Savona, Modus has displayed work from its stable signed to re-launch the Trussardi Design brand. Inspired by of renowned designers, including new designs by Monica Trussardi’s commitment to product design that was amply Förster, Pearson Lloyd, Kirsty Whyte, Michael Sodeau and developed in the eighties and nineties, Michael Young’s col- Clåesson Koivisto Rune. lection is the result of his research of Trussardi’s archives to review the history of the brand and its values and transform Successful and surprising new products were on display at it into inspiration for his new contemporary products. the Kristalia stand, where we were able to meet the design- British furniture manufacturer Modus presented a selection ers who have contributed to the important history of the PHoTo: Luciano Pascali - Courtesy Cosmit spa PHoTo: Luciano Pascali - Courtesy Cosmit spa company: Bartoli Design, Luciano Bertoncini, Harry&Camila Domitalia presented at the Salone del Mobile 2011, the two and the more recently “acquired” Neuland Industriedesign, sessions Playa and New Retro, both made with innova- Christophe Pillet and Patrick Norguet. tive technology and 100% recyclable. Made of lightweight, durable, sessions New Retro and Playa are colourful and The Italian manufacturer B-Line presented the minimalist versatile. New Retro is made with a new technology that side table designed by the German studio Neuland Indus- has allowed Domitalia two colours to produce a chair from triedesign at this year’s Salone del Mobile in Milan. ‘Abra’ a single mould, and Playa, is characterized by working in is made from smartly folded sheet metal and comes in two relief of styrene acrylate nitrile shell that creates a beautiful different sizes. Tables are perhaps one of the most integral light refraction and recalls the marks left on shore by the parts of furniture and thus modernization in their design waves. During the exhibition the Masiero company offered could not be ignored. some interesting new Venetians, like the new luxury DiaHOME STYLE ■ DESIGN 33 PHOTO: Luciano Pascali - Courtesy Cosmit spa mond collection. Masiero celebrates thirty years of activity with a significant participation in Euroluce 2011 (side event and specializes in lighting at the Salone del Mobile in Milan) and offers a preview of the new Diamond elegant collection. The Group Doimo is the leading in the furniture sector in Italy, with a variety of brands that cover every room in the house. At the Salone del Mobile 2011, however, the company founded in 1991 presented a new brand for office furnishings: DoimOffice. DoimOffice offers operating systems, management, programs for collective spaces and walls for offices and workplaces, with the aim to create a new office icon. On the biggest festival of design “Fuori Salone”, which is held simultaneously in Milan with the international furniture fair “Salone del Mobile” participated the designers from Serbia, under the name “Creative Space Serbia” (CSS), and SIEPA was the organizer of this presentation. The designers presented were Andrej Mišić, Igor Stupar, Sljavoljub Ljubić and studio „Kako.ko”. Ana NEŠIĆ ■ HOME STYLE ■ DESIGN 35 CASSINA REVIVES ICONS OF DESIGN Cassina owes its worldwide fame, among other, to a unique collection “I Maestri”, which is dedicated to the great modernism period. I Maestri collection consists of authentic, exclusive pieces of furniture, for the production of which only Cassina has copyrights, and all the artefacts from this collection have a serial number and the signature of the author engraved. CASSinA LC1 outdoor HOME STYLE ■ DESIGN 37 CASSinA LC7 outdoor These are not museum pieces, frozen at their point of con- Cassina makes its debut into the world of exterior furnish- ception, but objects of powerful intuition that continuously ings with its new Outdoor Collection. In a highly techno- reveal new dimensions to those who, like Cassina, know logical way they revive some of the most important projects how to identify and interpret them. It is a meeting of cul- by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand. In ture and nature. Like all items of furniture in the Cassina collaboration with the Le Corbusier Foundation, with Per- I Maestri Collection, the respective outdoor versions are nette Perriand-Barsac - daughter and sole heir of Charlotte each marked with the signature of the designers, logo and Perriand – and alongside the advice of Professor Arthur production number: an unmistakable indication of their rig- Rüegg (an authority on design), the company has carefully orous authenticity. updated the materials and construction details, to make these icons of the modern movement resistant to extreme sue of two original variations of the LC1 small armchair, climatic conditions. Some of the revitalisations are: the LC1 designed in Le Corbusier’s atelier. Apart from the Outdoor small armchair, the LC3 armchair and two-seater sofa, the LC collection, Cassina revitalised the famous model LC1 LC7 small armchair, the LC8 stool, the LC10-P table and through LC1 Villa Church from the years of 1938 and 1930. the Tokyo chaise-longue (1940 design by Charlotte Perri- In both chairs, the structure has remained unchanged, but and). Outdoor collection is ideal for equipment of public ex- alternative materials and finishes, contrasting with the clas- terior and collective spaces, but also in exclusive interiors, sic chrome tubing and black leather, offer unexpected pos- the most prestigious hotels and yachts, where each piece sibilities of expression. exudes great style and elegance. MINA VuJOVIĆ, Modus Vivendi Enterijeri ■ As part of a continual process of close study into the icons of modernity, Cassina presents for the first time the reis- CASSinA LC3 outdoor www.cassina.com THE WARMTH OF CERAMICS The common opinion is that the tiles are installed in the bathroom, kitchen and terrace. The most common flooring in the other rooms in the apartment is wooden floor or some similar material. However, current trends (in some countries long applied) discuss the use of tiles, ceramics and mosaics in the rest of the apartment, for example dining room, living room, bedroom... Tiles can add a level of sophistication or decorate your space. They are one of the most versatile items that you can place in your house, all the while requiring less time to install, as well as to remove. Their advantage is durability and beauty. They can be divided into two categories: glazed, which are popular for their decorative nature, and unglazed, which are durable and usually found in commercial buildings. Most often it is considered that the tiles give the impression of cold, and for that people generally prefer wood. But today, when most of the apartments have central heating or perhaps floor heating, ceramic ceases to be cold. The coldness was intensified by its appearance, but that is no longer an obstacle to decide to put the tiles in other rooms in the apartment, be- vogue HOME STYLE ■ WATER OASIS 41 cause today there are those that mimic the appearance of can decorate your wall and one in any room. Mosaic can their wood, fabric or leather. provide peculiarity and freshness to the space, no other coverings can. The colours that tiles have, their size, and combining possibilities etc., you cannot find in other materials. As the mo- Mosaic in the interior looks dynamic, interesting, and origi- saic tiles are used as decoration in the bathroom, so they nal, and definitely dominates the environment. Not only on CASA doLCe CASA fLor greS the tiles in the bathroom or kitchen, but also on the walls, pecially on the walls, which form a harmonious whole or big furniture, floor, and on the details. Unit composed of larger picture with the flower motifs, dolphins, stars etc., are trendy. or smaller pieces makes a strong impression in space and On the floor, more effective and practical are tiles of larger decorative effect, regardless of whether it is represented as dimensions, but also embedded in an interesting mosaic. a mosaic on ceramic tiles, which is mostly the case, or on the glass surface, wall paper, wooden furniture, and wooden Natural and synthetic stones, for several seasons, are a floor. When it comes to bathroom interiors, small “cubes”, es- trademark of modern living environment. They are beauHOME STYLE ■ WATER OASIS 43 REX tiful and decorative in the hallway, living room and bedroom, especially when made of small stone tiles in identical colours or of small pebbles in various shades. Mirror and photo frame, as well as vase, jar, or a lamp shade, all look very interesting when they are made up of tiny parts. Mosaic is a decorative detail, but it is best to have just on one wall or the floor, because their dynamic structure can be tiring for the eyes. By combining decorative elements and tiles, you can change any room in a very interesting and positive space. They can also be combined with wooden floor, whose blend provides an interesting and warm combination. The possibilities are endless. Courageously choose tiles, not only for your bathroom or kitchen, but for the other rooms in your home... EuRODOM Beograd ■ www.eurodomsaloni.rs HOME STYLE ■ WATER OASIS 45 LIGHT uNDER EACH STEP Inspired by the illuminated floor in the video of Michael Jackson “Billie Jean”, Roberto Paoli designed “Jacko Steps” lamps. These lights are the perfect way to create a new style in your garden. It looks great when not lit, but the best effect is achieved at night... dimenSionS of THe moduLeS: 37x37x h18 cm; 34x41x h18 cm; 31x40x h18 cm; 28x30x h18 cm; 33x36x h18 cm; materials: rotomolded plastic Light source: energy saving fluorescent lamp Company: Serralunga HOME STYLE ■ LIGHTING 47 The designer Roberto Paoli was born in Ancona and gradu- “To create a new type of product you have to detach your- ated in Architecture in Florence in 1994. Among the various self from things and find inspiration in different fields. For scales of design dealt with during his studies, he chose to Jacko Steps, as the name suggests, I thought of the Billie devote himself to product design, and after graduating, he Jean video, where Michael Jackson moves with his very returned to the Marche, a region rich in manufacturing com- personal dance rhythm on a floor that lights up at every panies and a useful training ground for young designers. step... and then the light coming from below changes our perception of the setting.” In these words Roberto Paoli re- Redecoration of the old garden is a good idea especially with counts the birth of his new project, a luminous garden path. the unique lighting system from the company Serralunga. This lighting system brings the atmosphere of joy. You can “I was familiar with the Serralunga products, because last year choose Jacko Steps to create a single illuminated border sur- I designed their stand for the Milan Design Week. The com- rounding your plantings or to form an illuminated pathway. mon thread running through the collection was the concept Very creative. This lighting system was presented at Milan De- of innovation, and not just in form. This is the aspect of design sign Week 2011, which was held from April 12 to 17. that most interests me and this gave rise to Jacko Steps. Its basic difference from current ground-lighting systems is, paving stones. It is a lamp and a sign which defines places though it has the appearance and all the features of real and paths, and indefinable is perhaps the factor that most paving, it is actually a lamp, and can be easily positioned by differentiates it from other similar products, and could ap- the user because it requires no particular installation. Its five peal to different categories of customers, especially those modules can define an area, indicate a path or illuminate a who want their garden to look different and more interesting section of the garden ... “I devised a product in harmony than with conventional lighting techniques. with contemporary living. If spaces are becoming increasingly fluid and multi-functional, Jacko Steps, with its flex- “I believe design gives the best of itself when we take it to ibility and suffused light, can also change the appearance its extreme consequences. With Jacko Steps I feel I have of the garden.” succeeded in “giving a new soul to paving”. Its light, ironic appearance conceals a real innovation in the product and a The Jacko Steps glowing path is a cutting-edge object, dif- new way to interact with what is firmest and least mutable, ficult to define because it has very different but complemen- the ground on which we walk.” Roberto Paoli tary features. It’s paving that offers stability and definition in open spaces. Its irregular shapes are an allusion to ancient Marko ANTONIĆ ■ HOME STYLE ■ LIGHTING 49 GIRARD-PERREGAuX LAuREATO EVO³ Girard-Perregaux is one of the few authentic Swiss watch manufactures. It designs, creates, develops and produces both the external components of a watch and its “heart”, the movement. This comprehensive approach enables it to offer a complete portfolio of top-of-therange movements (over 100 variants) and prestigious mechanical watch collections. Inspired by its history dating back to 1791, Girard-Perregaux applies its expertise with a modern approach, with the support of its Research and Development department. Marked out by nearly 80 patents filed, the company’s heritage is reflected in the application of the latest technologies. The watches are not mere reproductions of past successes, but innovative creations guided by the quest for excellence. The Laureato line has been making demands in creativity ever since the Seventies. While remaining true to its unmistakable character - a balance of sporty, aggressive lines and subtle, elegant craftsmanship – they have added subtle design touches that have kept it right up with the times. This third adaptation of the Laureato is presented here alongside the well-established chronograph versions and features three useful complications: a large date, a power reserve indicator and a moon phase indicator. The GIRARDPERREGAUX manufactory-made movement has a patented large-date system for the optimal display of both digits. The Girard-Perregaux Laureato Evo 3 Large Date watch features a stainless steel case and matching stainless steel integral bracelet. The Girard-Perregaux Laureato Evo 3 Large Date watch utilizes an automatic-winding movement that features a continually rotating moon phase indicator, sub-seconds, a power reserve indication, and a large date. The watch is water resistant to 100 meters. In an original construction, the moon phase mechanism is connected to the barrel rather than the wheel train. This allows the phases of the moon to be displayed in a smooth, continuous movement instead of periodic jumps. This is not just a poetic representation of the earth’s satellite, but a precise instrument that only requires a correction of one day every 122 years and 45 days! The octagonal bezel blends perfectly into the integrated strap. This combination requires several months of fine tuning for each new model, from the design sketch to the watchmaker’s workshop. Some watch lovers marvel at other kinds of details, like the handfinish on the case and bracelet. The alternating satin-brushed and polished surfaces are yet another example of the meticulous attention GIRARD-PERREGAUX pays to every detail and reflect its truly original approach to every watch that leaves the manufactory. TeCHniCAL deTAiLS: Case: steel Water-resistance: 100 m Screw-down water-resistant crown Anti-reflective sapphire crystals Sapphire crystal back secured with 6 screws Movement GIRARD-PERREGAUX GP 3330 self-winding mechanical movement Calibre: 25.60 x 28.80 mm Frequency: 28,800 vib/h (4Hz) Jewels: 35 Tin TEŠIĆ ■ LIFE STYLE ■ WATCHES AND JEWELRY 51 FREY WILLE THE PuRE COLOuR OF LIVING ART The jewellery company Frey Wille was founded in 1951 by the Viennese enamel artist Michaela Frey, who created ornamental artefacts and jewellery from enamel. She decorated her pieces by hand with floral and folklore ornaments. After Frey’s death in 1980, the company developed a new, academically trained design team under the leadership of Simone Grunberger-Wille, which focused on the creation of art jewellery, emphasizing the artistic work in every design. She created a new jewellery design concept in which geometric or visionary images dominated the artistic designs. Today FREY WILLE is a recognized brand with more than 45 flagship boutiques around the world, and company shops can be found in Paris, Milan, London, Hamburg, Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing and Dubai. Since the 1950s FREY WILLE has been the global leading company in artistic jewellery of precious enamel and lists enormous achievements with its unique design concept. An exceptional design philosophy, innovative artistic creations and brilliant colour from the FREY inspired by nature around us and the feelings of joy that life WILLE creative team of artists, creates. Shapes and patterns fall into place and sit elegant- goldsmiths and experts of ly. The only thing that contains them is the pure enamel and fine enamelling are the most gold mountings. important factors for exclusive Jewellery and enthusi- The ‘Living Art’ range is available in two editions – yellow asts across the world. gold plated or white palladium. Yellows, reds, blues and greens can be found in the yellow gold version and are sur- Abstract prints and the colour rounded by creams and blacks. pop of life are among the fundamental thoughts of the new design work from FREY The white palladium version hosts oranges, greens and the WILLE. Thick black lines merge with canary yellow rectan- calming influence of lilacs and pinks. Living Art perfectly gles; purples and reds collide while the pure hand painted complements the Ode to Joy of Life collection, through gold powder merges with the elegant gold mountings. which we pay homage to life, love and art, because the appreciation of art is part of the Joy of Life… This is the seventh design work to emerge from FREY WILLE’s Ode to Joy of Life collection; a collection which is Let FREY WILLE guide you in your quest for the joie de vivre. Bold, beautiful and creative the ‘Living Art’ Collection is a range for women who want to feel empowered and look stunning while enjoying the life! Darija JELINČIĆ ■ LIFE STYLE ■ WATCHES AND JEWELRY 53 PATRIzIA PEPE SPRING / SuMMER 2011 COLLECTION FOR MEN The Patrizia Pepe brand was founded in Florence in 1993. The protagonists are a couple of entrepreneurs: Patrizia Bambi, the creative and stylistic spirit and Claudio Orrea, head of management and administration. The Patrizia Pepe brand evolved from another of their creations, the Tessilform textile company. The brand is based on a particularly successful philosophy. Patrizia Bambi pays great attention to the fashion universe and the market where she presents her ideal man and woman. Her collections manifest well groomed minimalism combi- to wear. The worn or washed-effect jackets are teamed with ned with a passion for details. Her clothing style is based on baggy trousers. The colour palette matches the characteristic harmony, suppleness, character. It is practical and original hues of the two themes: gradations of blue and natural to- for every moment of the day, whilst also being unfailingly ele- nes blend seamlessly together and match great with the fiery gant and modern for every moment of the night.Recently, the red. Cotton and linen yarns, reverse stitching, fabric inserts brand from Florence opened the doors for the male line, and and garment-dyed effects are used to produce a knitwear offered an interesting and complete range for men, leaving collection that is full of detail and great for anytime, anywhere their own unique stamp. Men are wearing Patrizia Pepe with dressing. The leather and fabric accessories work well across style, without exaggerating the eccentricities, but never give the entire collection. up on originality. This year, the themes of the Spring Summer 2011 Collection are Indigo Soul and Desert Nomad featuring With the spring / summer 2011, Belgrade has become one work wear influences, dry, desert wilds, hand tailoring and the of the metropolises to present this interesting line in 69 Kralja washed look for men who want to wear denim and they want Petra, in the space whose interior follows the idea that Patrizia it in colours and textures that bring to mind the Californian Pepe wants to dedicate to her men. desert. The result is an all-new classy Casual with a tight-fighting but ever-soft appeal. The trench, in both the long and www.patriziapepe.com short versions, has a minimal cut making it supremely easy Milicu Drobnjak ■ LIFE STYLE ■ FASHION 55 ALFA ROMEO GIuLIETTA ROMANTIC VANGuARD Italy, Verona. Clear night sky filled with stars. It’s like I stand before the goddess, silent and staring at the beauty... as the great maestro Shakespeare described in his play... Oh, Giulietta, Giulietta ... its magic lines glimmering in the moonlight, like beautifully sculpted women. Every detail is visible and each has attracted attention, luring with its refinement. They say that beauty is, when you cannot, even if you want to, take your eyes off. I did not even blink, looking at the curves. Pure art! We do not speak about the car industry, but about art! Alfa Romeo - vanguard. Giulietta is one step ahead of its time, bringing new value to those who seek distinctive, original style and looking for maximum dynamic performance. It is designed to respond to the strictest requirements in terms of management and security. Thanks to sophisticated technical solutions, new LIFE STYLE ■ ON THE MOVE 57 generation management systems made of lightweight ma- rior is functional and appealing, with a deserved signature terials of high strength, driving is a real pleasure. “Made in Italy”. Clean lines, details and quality, are the basic characteristics of the interior of this model. Each Art starts from the front bumper, the shield which occupies switch is in its place, with an ideal location on the centre the central place, from which derives the complete structure console. and all the lines of the car. Specific headlights and side windows, which resemble cones, emphasize the dynamism and This beautiful car, 4.35 meters long and 1.46 meters wide fluidity of form. and 1.80 meters high, with a wheelbase of 2.63 meters and with the distinctive roar of Alfa’s powerful engines (two As a combination of sport and elegance, Giulietta style turbo engines with 120 hp 1.4TB and 170 hp 1.4TB Multi- leaves a very strong impression from all angles. The inte- Air, two diesel engines: 1.6 JTDM-2 with 105 hp and 2.0 JTDM-2 with 170 hp and a brilliant 1750 Tbi with 235 hp the Alfa DNA selector, to provide security, power and with exclusive Quadrifoglio Verde configuration - the top performance in the spirit of the brightest tradition of Alfa sports version of the Alfa Romeo), will do everything to Romeo. leave you breathless. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is Giulietta is designed to meet the stringent Euro NCAP the East, and Juliet is the sun…“ safety standards, with pushing the boundaries in creating a suspension, steering and braking systems, and Vuk PETIJEVIĆ ■ using sophisticated electronic systems for dynamic control, such as the VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control), DST (Dynamic Steering Torque), Q2 electronic differential and LIFE STYLE ■ ON THE MOVE 59 SuNSEEkER PREDATOR 84 The spirit of Sunseeker is the pursuit of excellence, matched with the courage to constantly break new barriers. Few brands can confidently claim to rank amongst the world’s finest. Sunseeker is one of them. It is a brand with enormous global strength, which success lies in the commitment to constantly set new standards and benchmarks. A belief in the power of innovation, in the tireless pursuit of excellence, never settling for second best, is what draws them forward. Length: 26.48 m max. Beam: 6.34 m LIFE STYLE ■ YACHTING 61 Sunseeker has carefully nurtured the notion that the British reflect the qualities of their owners—drive, stamina and have to have their superior ships, while at the same time a thinly disguised sense of power.” Very thinly disguised, producing boats that are so Italian, one might wonder if we’d say by the looks of the Predator 84. perhaps they were built in Viareggio, the land of lovers not fighters… It is an interesting juxtaposition that Sunseeker The Sunseeker Predator 84 is a sexy beast. Seen here in a bit has been able to pull off, and none of their boats dem- of a benign state, it will travel up to 42 knots, says the builder. onstrate this melding of British grit and determination with Hyperbolic marketing-speak aside; the Predators are, in fact, Italian style and grace as well as the company’s Predator well-endowed under the hood. The Predator 84 is available 84. Sunseeker modestly says that its boats “In many ways either with conventional twin-shaft props or with twin Arneson surface drives. According to the company, the standard prop ters. Cruising speed with the Arnesons is listed as “up to 30 version will do up to 35 knots. With the Arnesons and the knots,” and range “up to 300 nautical miles.” That works manliest engines, the 84 will do up to 42 knots. That’s not bad out to something like 5.9 gallons per mile, which gives you for a boat that weighs over 59,700 kg. some idea of how much power it takes to rule the waves in the Predator 84. Did we say that this Sunseeker is not for Going 42 knots in a boat this size is more fun than the av- everybody? Sunseekers are well-constructed, meticulously erage person should have, but as the marketers say, it’s finished and yes; they are sexy as hell. not for the faint-hearted. It’s also not for those who are terribly concerned about running costs. The specs Sunseeker The 84 will accommodate up to eight guests in four cabins publishes list fuel capacity as 1,981 gallons, or 7,500 lit- each with an en suite head, as they should be in this class LIFE STYLE ■ YACHTING 63 of vessel. She also ships a crew of three – captain, mate a study in contemporary décor. We like the proportions that and stew, would be our choice. As with any yacht this size, the builder has selected for the four cabins, making sure owners have plenty of input into décor, but you’d never see that the guests’ living spaces are not gobbled up by a vora- the Predator 84 done up teak. cious owner’s cabin. The master bath continues the theme of style with simplicity and practicality. Notable is the large The formal dining space is fully integrated with the saloon. shower stall, lacquered cabinets and decorative anthurium, The hardtop retracts revealing a skylight. Note the table for another example of the Predator’s thinly disguised power. al fresco dining on the aft deck. You’ll like the hardwood Guests don’t have it so bad either. Interesting is the vanity saloon sole instead of the carpet over plywood that you desk with chair, something rarely seen even on an 84-footer often find in boats of this size. The owner’s full-beam suite is in a guest stateroom. Note, there is more anthurium. Part of the appeal of a yacht like the Predator 84 is hav- all the flash of an Italian sport yacht, with all the elegance of, ing fun in the sun. The boat has plenty of outdoor space well, an Italian sport yacht. to lounge and bake. The aft deck has a dining/cocktails table and the foredeck has a settee and additional deck So, what do all of this elegance, speed and anthurium space, but at 40 knots, you might want to leave the drinks cost? It all depends on which engines, drive systems and behind. other options you put on the boat. As we have noted, when you are moving this much weight around you need lots of If you’re the kind of guy who, like they say, has “drive, stam- horses. Further, Arneson drives do not come cheap. The ina and a thinly disguised sense of power,” you’d feel right MSRP price of a new Sunseeker Predator 84 can run any- at home with this power palace afloat. The Predator 84 has where from $4.6 to $5.6 million… LIFE STYLE ■ YACHTING 65 PHoto: Miloš Nešić VENICE, A ROMANTIC CITY ON WATER Venice, a city of art, beautiful scenery and carnival masks, is located in the Adriatic lagoon on the northwestern part of today’s Italy. It is one of the most visited destinations in the world, with average visits of 50,000 tourists a day... Legend has it, that on one occasion, Mark the Evangelist heard a message from God’s messenger, as he walked the lagoon islands, and told him that there, a beautiful but strange city, will be made, which will take him as their patron. So it was. However, the real history of Venice started in 5th century, when the attacks of the Lombards and Huns, the population of northeastern Italy, fleeing from the mainland, began to populate it. Since then, there has been a belief that the fugitives from Padua, on March 25th 413, exactly at noon, set the cornerstone in place of today’s Rialto, the renowned bridge, with a desire to create beautiful, invincible and free city. Today, Venice is located four kilometres from the mainland and two kilometres from the open sea, on 188 islands formed by 177 LIFE STYLE ■ TAKE A TRIP 67 canals in a shallow lagoon, which are connected with 409 heard that Venice is an engineering marvel, with marble bridges. It is Europe’s largest urban car free area, where in churches built atop ancient posts driven deep into the the old centre, the canals serve the function of roads, and “barene” (mud banks) – but the truth is that this city is built almost every form of transport is on water or on foot. In the on sheer nerve. 19th century a causeway to the mainland brought a railway station to Venice, and an automobile causeway and parking Reasonable people might blanch at water approaching lot was added in the 20th century. their doorsteps and flee at the first sign of acqua alta (high tide). But reason can’t compare to Venetian resolve. Instead From the look of it, you’d think Venice spent all its time of bailing out, Venetians have flooded the world with volup- primping. Bask in the glory of Grand Canal palaces, but tuous Venetian-red paintings and wines, music, Marco Polo make no mistake: this city’s a powerhouse. You may have spice-route flavours, and bohemian-chic fashion. With the world’s most artistic masterpieces per square kilo- streets. These people who have made walking on water metre, you’d think the city could take a rest. But Venice look easy, have already made their next step... refuses to retire from the inspiration business. In narrow “calli” (alleyways), you’ll glimpse artisans hammering out Venice has a rich and diverse architectural style, of which shoes, cooks whipping up four-star dishes on single-burn- probably the most famous is the Gothic style. Venetian er hotplates, and musicians lugging 18th-century cellos… Gothic architecture refers to a Venetian style building, which As you can see, all those 19th-century Romantics got it was created by combining the use of the Gothic arch with wrong. Venice is not destined for decay. Benefactors and Byzantine and Arab influences. The style originated in 14th Biennales are filling up those ancient palaces with restored century, in this very city, where the confluence of Byzantine masterpieces and contemporary art and architecture, and style from Constantinople met Arab influence from Moorish galleries and artisan showrooms are springing up in side Spain. Chief examples are the Doge’s Palace and the Ca’ LIFE STYLE ■ TAKE A TRIP 69 PHoTo: miloš nešić d’Oro. The city also has several Renaissance and Baroque tors, harpsichordists, sushi chefs and dreamers passing as buildings, including the Ca’ Pesaro and the Ca’ Rezzonico. accountants might end up bumping elbows over heaping plates of “risotto di seppie” (cuttlefish risotto) along scuffed But don’t go expecting to have the city to yourself. Even in wooden tables in authentic “osterie” (pub-restaurants). the chill of January, Venice has its followers. The advantage Judging by the crowd, you might think the Biennale must is that you’ll have good company here. More accessible be happening – but no, that’s just an average Wednesday than ever and surprisingly affordable given its exceptionality, night in Venice. Venice is always a city that should be visited. It takes a certain imagination to renounce the convenience of cars and Venice is best when caught between acts, after the day roads for slow boats and crooked narrow streets. Sculp- travellers rush off to beat afternoon traffic, and before cruise ships leave astonished newcomers off in Piazza not mean you should completely forget about style. Ven- San Marco with three hours to see all of Venice before ice is a modern city. Paved in marble. The city is so beau- lunch. These visitors will probably never be able to see tiful, that while you’re there, everything looks like a dream. that precious moment of peace in Venice, when gondo- Venice is a city of carnivals, masks, and Casanova with liers warm up their vocal chords with an espresso on their good reason. And water, water is everywhere... Get the way to work, and mosaic artisans share their stories over map and go for a walk. Or simply allow yourself to get lost a glass of spritz. in this beautiful, romantic city... they say this is the best place in the world for this. What is a secret that you need to know for your stay in Sonja BOŽOVIĆ ■ Venice? You must have comfortable shoes. But that does LIFE STYLE ■ TAKE A TRIP 71 THE CHARMING HOuSE “The Charming House experience is what it feels like to find an island within an island. A place where the world makes sense, where it stops and you can step off for a while. Where you can remind yourself of just how beautiful the world can be.” Signora Chiara Bocchini, after many years of working in her own Hotel in Milano Marittima, called Trionfal, decided to propose a new and simple way to live an unforgettable journey in Venice. In the sestiere of Dorsoduro, on the Rio Torreselle and on the Fondamenta Vendremin Callergi in a pre-nineteenth century building, the Charming House DD724 was opened in the summer of 2003. “The name of the hotel is an acronym of the address… The Charming House is neither a hotel, inn - it really wants to be a charming house where I can host my guests.” - Chiara Bocchini. A hotel with charm and modern design, created by the architect Mauro Mazzolini who has completed this project after many others in Rome and in Umbria, where he resides. LIFE STYLE ■ DESIGN HOTELS 73 DD724 is situated next to the Peggy Guggenheim Collec- painting, such as Raimondo Galeano, Stefania Orrù, Naza- tion, a few steps from the Cini Palace, the Galleria reno Luciani, Terenzio Eusebi, Gianni Tarli and the photog- dell’Accademia and the Chiesa della Salute in the hearth of raphy of Piero Roi. Venician art. Once passed through the entrance, the guests immediately find themselves surrounded by monuments, Games with light, designed to create specific atmospheres the lagoon and the allure of the city. in single rooms, and an avant-garde technique in furnishing harmonise functionality and originality of design. There are “I am a small contemporary art collector, art lover…” and also new generation high-tech details, LCD TVs, internet this is visible all around. The eyes are drawn to works of access with ISDN connection in single rooms and an inter- art by some of the most important representatives of Italian net point with an ADSL connection in the reception of the hotel. Even the way in which these modern details are brought together with the furnishing is distinctive. To the technological functionality the warm atmosphere is added in 7 rooms by features such as the small fireplace, exposed beams in the ceiling, and the open vistas, which are characteristic and authentic for Venice: the view of the Rio and its gondolas below, a fresh vista of the Giudecca canal and the Garden of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The atmospheric lighting contributes to the silence and elegance of the place, candles shed light as if to continue to the magic heart of the city and it’s fascination for art and culture. This aspect is highlighted by a small but selected library of books of art and countryside and urban views, there to delight the guest on grey winter days whilst sipping tea from the wide selection available at the hotel. In fact, the main aim of the creator of DD724 was to offer an alternative to the dominant conventionality of mass tourism, with a love of what matters in this wonderful city. The idea was to provide exceptional comfort with the added opportunity to deepen the thoughts and feelings evoked by the place, by offering a more authentic way of experiencing it. When asked about her hotel and what makes it different from the other Venetian hotels, Signora Bocchini says: “The design, ambience, atmosphere, attention to details and to customers… the uniqueness of places.” Breakfast is served either in the dining room with a window overlooking the Peggy Guggenheim CollecLIFE STYLE ■ DESIGN HOTELS 75 tion or room service with characteristic chinaware evoca- A short walk from Piazza San Marco, in the setting of the goth- tive of trips round the world. The vast choice of bread, hot ic palace Palazzo Venier, stand four luxury suites designed to croissants, jams and honey of the highest quality will wake follow the latest trends in contemporary aesthetics, a place up guest in the most pleasant way. where the guests can find themselves at home – the I Qs. The success of DD724 and DD694 (part of the hotel with Created by architect Mauro Mazzolini and by the owner suites, which is a few steps from the main building DD724) Chiara Bocchini, the peculiarity of “I Qs Charming House” has proven that “Charming House” represents a new style is to offer a contemporary hospitality blending harmoniously in the hotel industry of Venice. This brand sums up the con- with a typically Venetian setting, rich in historic-cultural ap- cept that inspires these latest-generation facilities, they are peal. “I Qs Charming House” is overlooking two typically offering the guest a cosy, elegant and tasteful ambience, picturesque canals, among the most popular destinations sophisticated in its minute detail and embellished with art, for gondola rides, thanks to their abundance of bridges and culture and sumptuous design objects. historic palaces. The appeal of IQs is not only in rediscovering the Venetian charm. The exacting choice of furnishings, colours, fabrics and upholsteries used in the designs are consistent with the shades and textures of the surrounding environment. Inside Charming House, Venetian tradition and contemporary design coexist and envelope its guests. A typical Venetian ceiling with exposed beams or a classic doorway match perfectly with innovative materials and shapes, such as a glass and Corian bathroom, a resin or tatami floor, or a cupboard with patchwork pictures à la monochromatic Mondrian. IQs goal is to offer its guests a place where they can feel at home and can recreate their own domestic environment in a setting full of charm, elegance and exquisite modernity. Charming House DD724 is part of the ‘Design Hotels’ and ‘Alberghi dell’arte’ chain. This small boutique hotel is an exquisite place which speaks for itself, and Signora Bocchini needs only few words to explain what can her guests expect – “Uniqueness of the stay”. www.dd724.com Ana NEŠIĆ ■ LIFE STYLE ■ DESIGN HOTELS 77 SOuLSPACE FLORENCE BEAuTY IS BEYOND TIME In the heart of ancient Florence where art, history and culture magnificently intertwine, there is a soft, elegant and sensorial space, an inviting, reserved and fascinating atmosphere, rich in delicate perfumes, soft lights, gentle musical notes… This is an intense space for wellness, beauty, rest and relaxation, where science, nature and skill create a space to discover the pleasure of rituals from the world, engage all the senses, where water chants a regenerating and radiant silence, where you feel good, deep inside your soul. Since the opening in May 2007, SoulSpace’s reputation for luxurious, high-quality spa treatments has attracted Florentines and outsiders alike. Just two minutes from Piazza del Duomo, it provides a memorable experience for all spa lovers. The owner, with Kurdish descent, born in Germany and raised in Turkey, derives her inspiration for the spa from personal heritage and upbringing, as well as her passion for everything holistic. “The beauty of our space, the smell of candles, taste PHoTo: SouLSPACe LIFE STYLE ■ SPA & WELLNESS 79 of our teas, and the sound of our music combine to give of mind and body. Technical skills, beauty, expertise and the our guests an extraordinary sensual experience” – says the most advanced cosmetology, beauty of rituals, personal- owner, Zelal Elbistan. ised treatments, premier quality products, welcome clients with a warm, refined style, attentive to their every need. Soulspace originates from a wish to offer the city an exclusive, regenerating space to find wellness, through an ex- In a modern and luxurious architectural design, Soulspace traordinary sensorial experience, and the pleasure of a mo- encloses the pleasure for all things beautiful, for a lifestyle ment in time dedicate to the pursuit of that superb harmony that emphasizes a search for wellness to soothe the sens- es, the mind and the soul. Designed by architects Stefano by courtyards. On entering the reception, you get immedi- Mannucci and Lorenzo Leontini, it is considered one of the ately struck by the peacefulness of the décor. This space is best spa centres in Florence. The interior is beautiful and re- used by the guests dropping in to check appointments or laxing, with a low-lit reception, hammam paved with marble buying some products in the chic retail area. Beyond this and the jade coloured pool. area, you enter the small area with the changing room and from there into the focal area where the beautifully lit indoor In total, it offers 400 m2 of contemporary interiors, designed hydrotherapy pool is. Here is the relaxation zone, overlook- to regenerate and relax, housed on two floors and enclosed ing the pool, with five beds. The walkway leads to one of LIFE STYLE ■ SPA & WELLNESS 81 the fife treatment rooms and the Turkish hammam, before leading to the garden. With its carefully selected range of colours, SoulSpace offers a genuine tranquillity. It opens into a garden, which brings nature into the space. The space is enhanced with a mix of soft finishes and natural materials. The stairs lead down to the cellar, which instantly transports you to Istanbul, thanks to colourful soft furnishings and scattered pillows. This multipurpose space is great for spa classes, social gatherings, spa parties and talks. Soulspace is located on the ground floor of Palazzo Galletti built in 1831 in the neoclassical style, designed by the architect Vittorio Bellini, characterized by a facade of splendid statues representing the four seasons: “Spring” sculpted by Lorenzo Nencini, “Summer” by Giovanni Insom, “Autumn” by Francesco Orzalesi and “Winter” by Niccolò Bazzanti. www.soulspace.it Milena kOLARIĆ ■ LIFE STYLE ■ SPA & WELLNESS 83 GRANI & BRACI In Milan, close to the new district Garibaldi, in a rapidly changing urban context, the Ethos Group has chosen the location for their new restaurant Grani & Braci. It is located at the intersection of Via Ferrari and Via Carlo Farini, which connects the old city centre and the popular neighbourhood Isola, in the area that will become the new city centre of Milano... The selected area is developed in a unified way, with a large room about 500 square meters which occupies the entire ground floor of an office building, looking out, with its 25 windows, on Via Farini and Via Ferrari. This particular location and the relationship of new retail space with the varied urban reality of the place have proven fundamental to the development of architectural concept. The project was supervised by the architects Nisi Simone Magnoni and Sabrina Gallini. Two goals that designers have chosen to follow to build the project are visual continuity and discontinuity of the theme. Visual continuity included the creation of a ”physical” link between urban space and restaurant environment, while discontinuity issue was indicated with the choice of interacting the “conceptual” with the unique urban landscape of the place, built by the juxtaposition of isolated elements of the city (road, bridge, railway, the chimney, the residential LIFE STYLE ■ HEDONISM OF TASTE 85 building, the hotel, the church, the fountain and the ceme- glass, set up on a parapet wall of 1 metre in height, to tery), and a theme for the interior decoration, elements that eliminate the traffic noise and visual impact, they have are missing in the summation. It was important to pursue achieved the physical point of contact between external visual continuity and physically connect the interior and ex- and internal space. Seen from outside, there is a com- terior. Therefore, the attention was focused on the develop- plete transparency and communication between the spe- ment of visual “permeability” and designing the windows, cial lighting and graphic wall panels, while from the inside, and the selection of some unusual elements for the con- the view is oriented towards the typical urban scene. struction of the interior. Research for thematic discontinuity, The interior consists of one large L-shaped room, inter- as the key to integration of the conceptual project in an preted as a long path, space-forest, evoking the nature urban context, led to the selection of elements of nature, both physical and conceptual. The rhythmic succession the abstract representation of the forest in the interior. of large white hemisphere chandeliers, standing on the background covered with natural stone and decorated The windows were the first step of the project. Connect- with stylized branches that cover the walls of the room, ing a single span of approximately 4 metres of laminated and go up towards the ceiling, like real trees. This is the backbone of the whole design set, which, step by step, are clearly emphasized by the iron-framed fire wood. In the creates the overall theme of the forest. hall, functional zones for special arrangements and services are located, such as a pizzeria with a wood oven, cof- The tables are made of 80 centimetre sections of the trunk fee bar with a display of selected wines and liqueurs, and of centenary chestnut, the bottle shelves of white oak wood, grill with fireplace, which have deliberately remained visible, with stylized their geometry in forms of branches. The serv- with special emphasis on the element of fire, which is visible ice elements in the same style, blends with the background from the street. with the doors with print pattern, with the openings made of chestnut logs on thin beams of iron or tubular frames with The space of this restaurant is very well suited to meet your piles of firewood, which lets light trough. This creates an ef- every expectation, because it provides enjoyment in high fect similar to the sun going through the leaves. quality food, in the ambience that exudes the nature in the Reception and the zone behind the elevator, that connects urban central area of Milano... the dining room with a large service area in the basement, Nemanja LAkIĆ ■ LIFE STYLE ■ HEDONISM OF TASTE 87 LuCE DELLAVITE LuCE 2004 “It is a radiant sun, with its corona of twelve flaming rays. Anyone who strolls through the cities of Central Italy will admire it, carved into the keystone of an arch, wrought into the decorative iron of a gate, or pressed into a ceramic tile. It is even found on the high altar of Florence’s Santo Spirito church, built by Brunelleschi on a piece of property donated by the Frescobaldi family. This sun represents the Divine Light, light for mankind. It is a light that gives warmth, nourishes growing things, and crafts the sinew within wine. Simply pronouncing the name Luce (light) conjures up the power of Sangiovese and of Merlot, which together create this wine, in the land of Montalcino.“ Located in the viticultural zone of Montalcino, southwest of this medieval town, the Luce della Vite estate comprises 192 hectares, with approximately 55 under vine. A portion of the vineyards was planted in 1977, while most of the vineyards were planted/replanted from 1997 on with an average density of 6,100 plants per hectare. As one of the highest in the region, it is located at elevations ranging from 350 to 420 metres. At the higher elevations the soils are rich in galestro, a schistous sandstone and limestone mixture, with well-drained, nutrient-poor soils ideal for the cultivation Luce was the first wine created in Montalcino by blending of Sangiovese. At the lower altitudes, the soils are richer in Sangiovese and Merlot. Combining the roundedness and clay, perfect for Merlot. Recently several acres of Caber- softness of Merlot with the structure and elegance of San- net Sauvignon were planted in the areas of the estate with giovese might seem a rather obvious idea, and yet it took more sandy soils. The long, sun-drenched summers typi- the insight and collaboration of the Marchesi de’ Fresco- cal of this area and the altitudes and southern exposure of baldi and Robert Mondavi Families to launch this innovative estate’s vineyards allow for a slow, complete ripening of the project in the land of the world renowned Brunello di Mon- grapes, which in turn yields wines of impressive concentra- talcino, a wine made strictly from Sangiovese. The 2004 tion and power. The cool, ventilated nights, help to preserve vintage was excellent both in terms of quality and quan- the grapes’ aromatic complexities. tity. The cool and rainy spring allowed for the replenishing LIFE STYLE ■ BLACK AND WHITE WORLD 89 of the underground waterways and led to the vegetative matured gradually over the course of the growing season. delay, and thus, budding a week later than usual. In May The harvesting of the Merlot began slightly later than usual and June, the nights were cold with temperatures below and the grapes were healthy and perfectly ripe. The climatic average and the notable difference in temperature between conditions during the harvest of the Sangiovese were ideal, day and night allowed the grapes to develop outstanding and the grapes arrived at the winery in excellent condition. aromas. The heat during August and September compensated somewhat for the initial delay in the vegetative cycle. Luce 2004 appears deep ruby with lovely purple highlights. The sun and north wind at the beginning of September, Subtle suggestions of toasty oak appear first on the nose, together with the cool nights, helped in the production of over fragrant notes of blueberry and blackberry that seem elegant and very concentrated wines, with tannins that to infuse the background, next to emerge is a complex of floral and mint nuances, followed by smooth impressions of Luce in the land of the world renowned Brunello di Mon- of vanilla and cinnamon. The palate is smooth and mouth talcino, joining the tradition of Sangiovese, so historic to this filling, with velvety tannins and a warm alcohol, beautifully area, with the innovation represented by Merlot, introduced complemented by a crisp acidity. The finish is expansive into Montalcino only in 1976. and dynamic. Ratomir ŽIVkOVIĆ ■ In 2002, the responsibility passed entirely to Lamberto Frescobaldi, who continues to this day to write the history LIFE STYLE ■ BLACK AND WHITE WORLD 91 The next issue will appear on JUNE 1st See you soon!