Programme Outline Place & Event Date & Time SFC Room-201


Programme Outline Place & Event Date & Time SFC Room-201
Programme Outline
Place & Event
Place & Event
Date & Time
Date & Time
Opening Ceremony
Keynote Session
Tea Break
Keynote Session
Lunch Break
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2
Theme 4
Theme 1
Thursday, 16 October, 2014
Monday, 13 October, 2014
Grand Auditorium-129
Poster Session & Tea Break
Theme 2
Theme 3
Specialist Group
Theme 4
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2
Theme 4
Theme 9
Poster Session & Tea Break
Theme 3
Theme 5
Theme 2
Lunch Break
SFC Room-201
Keynote Session
Tea Break
Best Posters Award & Closing Ceremony
Place & Event
Conference Themes
Date & Time
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2
Theme 4
Theme 1
Tea Break
Theme 2
Theme 2
Theme 2
Date & Time
y, 15
Theme 6
Theme 4
Theme 1
Poster Session & Tea Break
Lunch Break
Theme 1
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji Univer sity
Theme 3
Theme 8
Banquet Cruise
Place & Event
Technical Tour
Star t from: Sino-French center, Tongji University
Process dynamics: Hydrology, Biochemistry, Kinetics, Plants and their futures,
Substrate, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biodiversity benefits, Enhanced/active
Treatment performance of wetlands for water pollution control: Organics,
Nutrients, Suspended solids, Heavy metals, Persistent/toxic organic pollutants,
Micro-organic pollutants, Sludge dewatering/stabilization
Design criteria and operation: Hydraulics, Sizing criteria, Vegetation
management, Modelling and optimisation, Regulations, Pollutant loading
Application: Municipal wastewater, Industrial wastewater, Agricultural and
animal wastewater, Landfill leachates, Mine water, Stormwater, Combined sewer
overflows, Effluents from secondary treatment, Water reuse, Eco-sanitation,
Onsite bioremediation, Non-point source control, Riparian buffer zones, Wetland
restoration, New application and possibilities, Lesson learned
Landscaping: Green roofs, Vertical farming, Sustainable urban and agricultural
drainage, Recreational concepts for wetlands, Functional landscaping
Hybrid, floating, algal systems
Economics: Investment costs, Operation and maintenance costs, Biomass
production and benefits, Ancillary benefits
Environmental issues: Greenhouse gases, Life cycle assessment, Ecological
value and biodiversity, Clean development mechanism, Policies
CW components: New materials, Hydraulic devices, Innovative concepts, Plants,
Maintenance tools
Programme detail
Monday, 13 October, 2014
Grand Auditorium-129
Opening Ceremony
Keynote Session
Chair: Dr. Gunter Langergraber
Keynote speech 1: Prof. Brian Shutes
Wetland Treatment Technology – Neo, Retro, Urbano and Agro
Keynote speech 2: Prof. Qi Zhou
Review of the progress of CWs for water pollution control in China
Keynote speech 3: Dr. Fabio Masi
Review of the application of CWs to wineries wastewater
Tea Break
Keynote speech 4: Prof. Jie Chang
Multiple ecosystem services of constructed wetlands
Keynote speech 5: Prof. Jan Vymazal
Heavy metals in plants in constructed wetlands
Keynote speech 6: Dr. Linda Strande
The treatment of faecal sludge with planted drying beds (reed beds)
Lunch Break
Programme detail
Monday, 13 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Nitroge n Removal
Chair: Prof. Jac ques Brisson
Theme 4: App lica tion
Highlig hts: : Stormwat er Manage ment
Chair: Dr. Florent Chazare nc
Theme 1: Pro cess dyna mics
Highlig hts: CW Microbiology
Chair: Prof. Lu Zhou
Nitr ogen removal and micro bial co mmun ities in tida l flow
constru cted wetla nds with d rinking wa ter treatment residu als as
J. F. Liu, Z. Y. Wang, K. Y. Son g, L. L. Bai and Y. S. Pei
Development of Hyb rid Con structe d Wetland Syste m for Trea tin g
Stormwate r Runo ff from Ro ad
J. Y. Choi, J. A. S. Tobio, J. S. Hong, K. K. Yu, S. Y. Mun and L.
H. Kim
Assessment o f th e metabol ic diversity of microbial commu niti es in
four horizontal su bsu rfa ce flow constr ucted wetlands b y Biolo g
ana lysis
Lun Lu, Fengmin Li*, Xiuwen Zhang
Rice cultivatio n system with cir cula ted irr igation for enh anced
nitroge n re mo val from treated municipal wastewater: Comparison
of systems feedin g ir rigation wate r up wa rd a nd downward
A. Muram atsu, H. Ito, A. Sasaki, A. Kaji hara and T. Watanabe
Treatment of stormwate r by a p ilot surface flow we tlan d in
Sing apore
W. K. Yau, G. S. Ong, R. B. E. Shu tes, C.H. Sim
An assessment o f te mp oral and spati al varia tio n in microbial
commu nity me tab olic functi on in d ifferen t fie ld-sca le constructed
Mark Button, Jaime Nivala, Thomas A ubron, Kela Webe r
Optimizatio n o f a "Duplex-constru cted wetla nd" for n itro gen
removal th rough nitrifica tion an d d enitrification
M. Zapater-Pereyra*, V. Namakula, J.J.A va n B rugge n, P.N.L.
Len s
Effe ct o f Samplin g Dura tion on the Performance Evaluation of
Stormwate r Wetland
Siping Niu, Kisoo Park, You ngchul Kim
Metageno mic analysis of microbia l community in fu ll-sca le h ybr id
treatme nt wetland
Kristjan O opkaup, Teele Ligi, Jens-Kon rad Preem, Ker tu Tiirik,
Hiie Nõ lva k, Marika Tru u, Ülo Ma nder, Jaak Truu
The Efficiency of Pon ted aria co rdata in Nitro gen Re mo val from
Lan dscape Water unde r Va ryin g Flow Ra tes
George Kirumba, Yilia ng He*, Cheng Jiang, Feijian Mao,
Qia nyo ng Xia
Rain Wate r Harvesti ng i s a wa y fo r Diminishing Droug ht Impa ct
Mehemed A. Razzaghi
Pathog en remova l in exper ime nta l vegetated co nstructed we tlan ds
treating wa stewater under diffe rent or ganic loading rates
G. Giá coman-Vall ejos, C. Pon ce-Caballe ro, P. Cha mpagne
Nitr ogen conversion during treatment of vari ous typ e o f wastewater
in multi stage treatme nt wetlands
Magda lena Gajews ka
Results fro m monitoring the first ‘Fren ch design ’ full-sca le
constru cted wetla nd for combined sewer ove rflo w treatme nt
D. Meyer, T.G. Pálfy, Stépha ne Tro esch , Dirk Esser , P. Molle
Silver nan oparticles have selective impact on micro bial
commu niti es in constructed we tlan ds
Mark B utton, Hanne le Auv inen, Frederi k Van Koe tsem, Bah arak
Hossei nkh ani, Diederi k Roussea u, Kela P. Weber and G ijs Du
Lain g
Dyn amics of Nitro gen Transfor ma tion s in Co nstructed We tlan ds
with Tidal Ope rational Strategy: Role of Differe nt Sub strates
Minghu i Li u, Shubiao Wu*, Li Chen, Renjie Dong
Contributions of emerge nt vegetation acting as a substrate for
biofilms in a fr ee water surface constr ucted wetland
Yaoping Chen, Jing Ch eng, Qin gke Yu an, You ngchul Kim
Factors Influe ncin g B acteria Removal in Con structe d Wetlan ds
Jochen A. Müller, Matthia s Kästner, Peter Kuschk, Mareike
Bra eckevelt, Helmut Wand, Gab riela Vacca, Jaime Nivalla, Roland
A. Müller
Poster Session (SFC-Base Floor, 15:30-16:10)
& Tea Break
SFC-Sino-Fre nch center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Monday, 13 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Perform ance
Chair: Dr. Shubiao Wu
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 3: Design criteria an d o peration
Highlig hts: Operation
Chair: Mr. Jam es S. Bays
Theme 4: App lica tion
Highlig hts: Tre atment of Natura l Water bodies
Chair: Dr. Cha ngming Yang
Per forman ce of a pil ot showca se of d ifferen t we tlan d systems in an
urba n setting in S ingapo re
B.S. Quek, Q.H. He and C.H. Sim
Water u se efficie ncy and evapotranspira tion of five we tlan d
species in an arid climate surface flow wetla nd (Nimr, Oman)
Sté phane Prigent, And rew Naug hto n, James Johnston, Roman
Bre uer, Tom Head ley
Systematic ap plicatio n o f ecological system for water poll utio n
control in the nor ther n b asi n of the Fuxian Lake
Xiaoxia o Song, Weijian g G e, Yue Zhang
French ver tical-flow constr ucted wetlands i n moun tai n ar eas: how
do cold tempe ratures impact p erfo rmances?
Prost-Boucle S., Gar cia O., Molle P.
BOD removal and nitrogen transfo rmatio ns in an intermittently
aera ted vertical treatment wetland
D. Van Oirsc hot, S. Wallace
Natural tun dra we tla nd mun icip al wastewate r treatment in the
Canad ian arctic: a ca se stu dy in Coral Ha rbour, Nunavut
Jennife r Hayward, Rob Ja mie son, Lea h B outilier, Tristan
Gou lden, Bu Lam
An integra ted sewage tr eatme nt pond/wetland ch alleng es
conventional process treatment pe rfo rma nce
Vaness a P ersonnaz, Robert McKen zie, Ian Kikkert
Design and opera tio nal imp rovements fo r hi gh ammon ium re mo val
by sing le stage vertical flow constructed wetlands
Yoann MILLOT, Pascal MO LLE, Stépha ne TROES CH, Dirk
Follow-up, transfe r an d r ehabilitation of constructed wetlands in
four co mmuni ties in Lake P átzcuaro, Michoacán, México
M. A. Córdov a, R. Hurtado
Causes of algae occurrence and control me asu res in a co nstructed
wetland in an agricultural landu se
Soyoung Lee, Marla C. Maniqu iz-Redilla s, Jiye on Ch oi,
Kyungh yu n K im and Le e-Hyu ng Kim
Correla tion be tween Water Quality an d Water Bala nce for Small
Scale Constru cted Wetl and
Nur As maliza Mohd Noor, Lari yah Mohd Sid ek, Simon Bee ch am,
Mohamed Roseli Za inal Abidin
Comparison of slags and gravels as substra tes in h orizontal
subsurface flow constructed wetlands for po lluted r ive r water
treatme nt
Y. Ge, X.C. Wang, Y.C. Zheng, M. Dza kpa su, J.Q. Xion g a nd Y.Q.
Pilo t-sca le study of ve rtical flo w constru cted wetla nd combi ned
with tricklin g filter and fe rric chlorid e coag ulation
B. Kim, M. Gau tier, G. Olvera Pal ma, P. Molle, P. Michel and R.
Gou rdon
Cloggin g mea sur ement, dissolved oxygen an d tempera ture control
in a we tlan d throu gh the de vel opment of an Autonomous Re ed
Bed Instal latio n (ARBI)
P. Hawes, T. Hughe s-Riley, E. Uggetti, J. Puig agut, J. Gar cia,
R.H. Morris
Characterizing th e composition and sources of DO M in large sca le
constru cted wetla nd in the Liao River Co nse rva tion Ar ea
Erquan Zhi, Yon ghui Song, Huibin Yu, Lian g Dua n, Li Liu
Wastewater Advanced Treatment by Efficient V erti cal Flow
Constru cted Wetland
Zhihong Lei
Treatment of soft dri nk wastewater by vertical flow con structe d
wetlands: prel imin aries r esu lts
V. Gagnon, K.E. Bor ne, J. Pain g, M., Welsch billig, M. Calvez, F.
Pilo t Scale Te st o f Eco-Dam for th e In-situ Remediation of P olluted
Aqu acu ltu re Water in Yang che ng Lake
Chunjie Li, Zhe Lv, Zhifan Ni , Zhiming Liu , Zhenjia Zhang, Aimin
Hao, Yasushi Iseri , Takahiro Kub a an d Wei min Wu
Specialist Group Meeting
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Bio-electroche mical
Chair: Prof. Matthia s Käs tne r
Theme 4: App lica tion
Highlig hts: : Municipal/Sm all S cale Was tewat er Manage ment
Chair: Dr. Pas cal Molle
Theme 1: Pro cess dyna mics
Highlig hts: CW Hydrology
Chair: Prof. Miguel R. Peña Varón
Embed ding of Microbial Fuel Cells into th e V ertical Flow
Constru cted Wetland Enha nce d Deni trog enation and Water
Pur ification
Shibin Xia, Min Zhang , Dan Xu , Luo Binhua , Yi Zhang , Dongru Qiu
A demonstrative stud y on decentralized wastewater reuse syste m
using constru cted we tla nd process fo r the resident site in
northwest China
Lu ZHO U*, Tao LI, Hong H. WU, Zhi W. CHE N, Zhe HA N, Ping
Evalua tion of flow patte rn b y COMSOL durin g clog ging process in
vertical flow constructed wetland
G.F. Hua*, T.Y. Xie, Y.T. Zeng
Wastewater Treatme nt and Ele ctricity Gene ratio n from
Constru cted Wetlands Incorpo rati ng Microbi al Fue l Cell
Technolog y
L. Doherty, Y. Q. Zhao
Gra ss Filtration in Paral lel with VFCW Te chn ology for Community
Wastewater Treatme nt through the King's Initiative Nature-byNature Process
K.Chunkao, O. Phewnil, T. Pattamapitoon, N. Semvimol, W.
Warara m
Simula tion of a full-sca le constructed wetland treating co mb ined
sewer o ve rflo w using HY DRUS / CW2D
T.G. Pálfy, P. Molle, S. Troesch, R. Gou rdon, G. Lan gergra ber, D.
Effe ct o f primary trea tment on electro genic b acteria po pulations
colonizing the electro des o f mi cro bial fue l cells imp lemented in
constru cted wetla nds
Cla ra Corbella, Miriam Guivernau, Marc V iñas, Jaume Puigag ut
Optimizatio n o f ecote ch nologie s fo r d ece ntr alized wastewate r
treatme nt in Jordan
Jaime Nivala, Gha ida Abdal lat, Thoma s Aubron, Iyad Zreiqa t,
Manfred va n A fferde n, Roland Müller
An Event-Based Hyd rologic Simulation Model for B ioretention
Aud rey Roy-Poir ier, Yves Filion, Pas cale Champagne
Microbial disinfection re silie nce of we tlan ds and de nitr ifying
bior eactor ecotechnolog ies du ring sh ock loadin g
R. Stott, C.C. Tanner, J.P.S. Sukias
An Assessment o f th e Feasibil ity o f Household Gre ywater
Treatment in Water S tre ssed Regions in Co ld Climates Using ‘IceBlock Units’: A Case Study in Ula anbaatar, Mongo lia
Sayed Mohammad Nazim Uddin, Zifu Li, Heinz-Peter Mang, Jan
Franklin Adamowski, Roman Ryndin, Tobias Ulbrich and Jean Lapegue
Relative Displacement o f Br- and PRD1 in a Surface Flow
Constru cted Wetland
Juan A. Vidales Cont reras, Humberto Ro dríg uez Fuentes,
Alej andro I. Lun a Mald onado, Jesus Jaime Her nandez-Escareño
Influ ence o f wate r le vel variation with in constructed wetlands on
power pro duction with microbia l fuel cells
Cla ra Corbella, Jaume Puigag ut*
Per forman ce Evalua tion of Sand-based Sur face flo w Constru cted
wetland in Do me stic Waste water Treatment using Typ ha orientalis
as Macrop hyte
O. S. Oladejo, A. A. Kofoworad e, A. O. Abo larinwa, S. A.
Ade yemi, A. D. Ola bisi
App lica tion of hyd rodynamics simulation to assess hyd raulic and
hydrolo gical cond itio ns of constructed wetland in an arid regi on
Edgar José Carrera Villa*, Jorge Ramíre z-Hernán dez
Poll uta nt removal in horizontal sub su rface fl ow constru cted
wetlands i n A rba Min ch, Ethiopi a
Kinfe Kassa, Tom Head ley , Jaime Nivala,Manfred va n Affe rden,
Matthia s Barje nbruch, Roland Ar no Mül ler
Use of ver tical flo w treatme nt wetl ands in Sl ove nia
Iztok A mer šek, And rej He rcog, Carlos A. Arias, Darja Istenič,
Tjaša G riessle r B ulc
A co nceptual mo del for simulating the variab ly-satu rated flow of a
vertical-flow en gineer ed wetland- based septage tr eatmen t syste m
Y.Y. Tan, F.E. Tang, V. S. W. Jong
Optimum G rowing Conditions a nd Re mo val Effi cien cy of N, P and
Org anics in Artificial Alg al S ystem
Tianpeng Mai, Md. Hasibur Ra haman, Jun Zh ai
Treatment pe rfor man ce s of French co nstructed we tlan ds Results
from a databa se collecte d o ve r the last 30 years
A. Morvannou, N. Forque t, S. Michel, S. Troesch an d P. Molle
Nutrient Flow and Hydro logy o f a 9-Cm-Deep Constru cted Wetr oof
S. Lavrnić, M. Zapater-Per eyra, van J. J. A. Bru ggen, van F. Dien,
P. N. L. Len s
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Tea Break
Programme detail
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Mic ropollutant
Chair: Prof. Pas cale Champagne
Theme 1 & 2
Highlig hts: : Macrophyte
Chair: Prof. H. John Bavor
Theme 6: Hyb rid, floating, alga l systems
Highlig hts: Floating & Hyb rid system
Chair: Dr. Ste phane Troesch
Dyn amics of Nitro benzene Degrad ati on i n Horizon tal Sub sur face
Flow Constructed Wetlands
Kirui, W. K., Ming Lei, Shu biao Wu*, Renjie Dong
Sub me rged macr ophyte s Ceratophyllum demersum L. affe cted
pho sph orus e xchang e a t se diment–water in ter face
Y. R. Dai, W. Liang and Z.B. Wu
Pur ification effect of enhan ced composite pu rifi cation floating bed
und er d ifferen t hydrodynamic con ditio ns
ZHANG Yimin, ZHO U Chuan g, DUA N Jincheng, GAO Y uexiang,
WANG Longmian, YANG Fei
Gro wth of five wetland plan t sp eci es in wate r contaminated with
imazalil and th eir phytor emediation ca pability
Tao Lv, Yang Zhang, Ped ro N. Carvalho, Carlos A. Aria s, Hans
Effe cts of P lant B iomass on Sulfate Removal and Carbon So urces
Competitio n in Su bsurfa ce-Flow Constructed Wetlands Tr eati ng
Second ary Effluent
Yi Chen, Yue Wen, Zhiru Tang, Ling Li, Qi Zhou, Jan Vymazal
Floating Wetla nd Island s as a Method of Nitrogen Mass Reducti on:
Results of 1-Yea r Test
Rafael Vázquez-Bur ney, Jam es Ba ys, Rya n Messer, Jeffrey
Removal o f si x phthalic acid esters (PAE s) from do me stic sewage
by constructe d wetlands
Tang Xiaoyan, Wang Suyu, Yan g Y ang , Dai Yunv, Li Li
Plan t diversity effect on hor izo ntal subsurface-flow constr ucted
wetlands (HSSF-CWs): Are two species b etter than one?
Marian a Rodr iguez, Lizeth O laya, Jac ques Brisson
Per forman ce comparison of a plan t root mat filter with a fl oating
plan t root mat for the tre atmen t of a grou ndwate r contaminated
with volatile orga nic compound s
Zhongbing Chen, Peter Kuschk, Nils Reiche
Ver tical-flow constr ucted wetlands trea ting do me stic waste water
contaminated by hydrocarb ons
R. H. K. Al-Isawi, A. Sani, S. A. A. A. N. Almuktar a nd M. Scholz
Effe ct o f plant harvest on nutrients re moval by surface-flow
constru cted wetla nd for water quality improvement
Y.C. Zhe ng, X.C. Wang, Y. Ge, M. Dza kpa su, J.Q. Xion g a nd Y.Q.
Effe ct o f loadi ng strategies on remova l e ffici encies of a hybrid
constru cted wetla nd trea tin g a gricultu ral wa stewate rs
T. Hudcová, M. Šer eš, J. Vymazal a nd T. Van ěk
Emerge nt macrophytes for the removal of emer ging
micropollu tan ts in aq uatic syste ms
P. N. Carvalho, T. Lv, Y. Zhang, C. A. Aria s, H. Brix
The Applying Aqu ati c Plant in Alte rnated Flo oding and Drying
Wetland System of Phe tchabu ri Muni cipa l Wastewate r Treatment
in Thailan d
O. Phewnil, K. Chunkao, P. Prabhuddham, T. Pattamapitoon, O.
Chueawong, T. Boonprakong, C. Nimpee, P. Rollap and S. Mokatip
Experie nces with hybrid constr ucted wetland and pond system for
polytyp ic wastewater tre atmen t
Ying Zhang *, Jianqia ng Du, Beiyan Xin g, Gun the r G eller
Dyn amics and Impact o f Wastes, Efflu ents on th e Wetland
Ecosystem an d Man agement O ptions for Produ ctivity and
Sustainab ility
A. M. Puste, T. K. Manda l, D. K. Das, M. Dasgupta and B. Ray
Pra man ik
Phytoremedia tion of con tamina ted gr ound wate r using Typ ha
ang ustifolia
Isra a Abdul Wahab Al-Baldaw i, Siti Rozaimah Sh eikh A bdullah,
Fati hah Suja, Nurina An uar, Mushrifah Idri s
Per forman ce and cost evaluation of h ybr id wetland systems for
orga nic waste wa ter treatme nt in Hokkaid o, norther n Japa n
Kunihiko Kat o, Takash i Inoue, Hidehir o Ietsu gu, Yasuhi de
Sug awara, June Harada, Katsuji Kita gawa, Hito shi Sa saki, Hiroaki
Sakura gi, Kazuhi ko Aoki, Ken zo Miura
Study o n the Removal E fficiency of Diclofenac with Cyp erus
Ji J iucui, Md. Hasibur Rahaman, Jun Zh ai
Role of Ve getatio n (Typ ha latifolia) On Nutrient Removal in A
Horizontal Subsurface-Flow Constructed Wetland Treating UASB
Reacto r – Tricklin g Filter Efflue nt
Jocilene Ferreira da Costa, Weber Lui z Pinto Ma rtin s, Martin Seidl,
Marcos von S pe rling
The removal o f nitrogen ous compoun ds from p olluted rive r water
by two floa ting constructed wetlands (FCWs) und er l ow
temperature conditions
Wenping Cao
Lunch Break
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Sludge & Leachate
Chair: Dr. Yaqian Zhao
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 4: App lica tion
Highlig hts: : Industry & Heavy Metal
Chair: Prof. Jam idu Katima
Theme 1: Pro cess dyna mics
Highlig hts: Kine tics
Chair: Prof. Lei Yang
Per forman ce of a system with full and pil ot-sca le vertical flow
constru cted wetla nd units treating sep tic tan k sludge in Brazil
Luisa Fernand a Cald erón Valle jo, Cyn thia Franco Andr ade, Elia s
Sete Manjate, Carlos Artu ro Ma dera Parra, Marcos von S pe rling
Sea son al dyn amics of heavy metals i n a bovegroun d b iomass of
constru cted wetla nds
Tereza Březinov á, Jan Vymazal
Temperature, Plan t Species and Carbon Loa ding Effects on
Denitrification an d Nitrous O xid e E mi ssion in Model Tr eatme nt
C.R. Alle n, O.R. Ste in*, M.D. Bur r, J.J. Moss, J. Spe ngler
Experimen tal stu dy on exce ssive activate d slud ge dewate ring and
stab ility in reeds & earthworm integrated sl udge tr eatme nt wetla nd
Shuang Hou, Zifu Li*,Hao Guo
Enh anced He avy Me tal Removal by Wetland Vege tations and its
Sign ificance for V egetation-Acti vated Slud ge Process
Jia-jia YUAN, Wen-yi DONG, Fei-yun SUN, Ke Zhao and Pu Li
On the Fa te of Su lphate in Hor izo ntal Su bsu rfa ce-Flow
Constru cted Wetlands
Peter Kuschk*, Shu biao Wu, Zhongb ing Ch en, Jochen A. Müller,
Arn dt Wiessne r, Matthia s Käs tne r
Reed Bed Systems for Slud ge Tre atmen t: Case S tud ies in Italy
G. Mascia ndaro, R. Iannell i, M. Chiarug i, E. Peruzzi
Inte grated Biochemical Rea ctor Wetla nd Systems for Passive
Treatment of Seleniu m
Jam es S. Bays, B.T. Thomas, Derek E va ns
Isotopo logue signatures and N2:N2O measurements ind ica te
complete d enitrifi cation in ripar ian grey a lder fo rests
Ülo Ma nder*, Reinha rd Wel l, Daniel Weyma nn, Kaid o S oosaar,
Martin Mad dison, Arn o K anal, Ain Kul l, Krista L õhmus, Jaak Truu,
Jürgen Au gustin, Julien Tourne bize
Economic Assessme nt of S ludge Handlin g a nd Environmental
Imp act of Slud ge Tre atmen t in Re ed Bed System
Ste en Nie lse n
Removal o f Heavy Meta ls from Wetland Sed ime nts Using Iron
Pho sph ate Nano particle s
Batdelger Shinen, John Bavor
Pho sph orus vertical distribu tio n in de posit layer of a ve rtical flow
constru cted wetla nd
B. Kim, M. Gau tier, C. Riva rd, P. Michel and R. Gou rdon
Evalua tion of a constructed wetland treatme nt potential to treat
leacha te contami nated with wo od preservatives
Julie Vincent, Jac ques Brisson, Yves Comeau
Treatment of Refiner y Wastewater using Vertica l Flow Co nstructed
Atif Mustafa*, Faraz A li
Nitr ification Ce ssation and Recove ry Field Study in an Ae rate d
Saturated Ver tical Fl ow Treatment Wetland
C. Murphy, A.R. Rajabzade h, K.P. Weber, S.D. Wallace, J. Niva la,
D.J. Coope r
Polyculture Constructed We tla nds (CW) At P ilot Scale Treating
Lan dfil l Le ach ate (LL): Water Q uality, Physiologi cal and Gr owth
Native Pla nts Re spo nse
C.A. Madera-Par ra, M.R. Peña-V, E.J. Peñ a, P.N.L. Len s
Constru cted wetl and designed for ter tiary tre atmen t of ind ustrial
wastewater—a ca se stu dy in Changshu Advanced Materials
Industr ial P ark
G.Gel ler, H. Rustige, M. Blumbe rg, J.Q. Du, Y. Zhang, G.D.
Huang, B.Y. Xing
Pre sen ce, Per vasiveness, and Pe rsistence of wastewater
pathog en Escher ichi a coli O157:H7 in Model tr eatme nt wetla nds
R.J. Van Kempen-Fryl ing, O.R. Ste in, and A.K. Camper
Effe ct o f Feed Patter n o f Land fill Lea cha te on Wate r Red uction in
Constru cted Wetland in Southeast Asia
Yuka Ogata*, Tomonori Ishi gaki, Yoshitaka Ebie, Yusuke Jimbo,
Nopph arit Sutthasil, Chart Chie mchai sri, Masato Ya ma da
Treatment of high organ ic content waste water from foodprocessing industry with vertica l Fren ch reed be ds
J. Paing, V. Ser dobbel, M. Welsch billig, M. Calvez, V. Gag non, F.
Bacterial commu nity structu re and denitrifica tion po ten tial in soil
and sediment of a cr eated rive rine tre atmen t we tla nd comple x
Teele Ligi*, Kristjan Oopkaup, Marika Tru u, Jaak Truu, Hiie
Nõlvak, William J. Mitsch, Ülo Ma nder
Poster Session (SFC-Base Floor, 15:45-16:25)
& Tea Break
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Mic ropollutant
Chair: Prof. Marcos von S pe rling
Theme 3: Design criteria an d o peration
Highlig hts: : Design
Chair: Prof. Otto R. Ste in
Theme 8: Environ me nta l Issue s
Highlig hts: : Assessment/Monitoring
Chair: Dr. Liang Wei
Bior emediation of be nze ne-contaminated ground wa ter with pi lotsca le constructed wetlands
Jochen Mueller
French Vertica l Flow CW in Tro pics: can the de sig n be ad apted to
the climate?
Molle P., Lomba rd L atu ne R., Riegel C., Lacombe G., Esser D.,
Mange ot L.
Ada ptive neur o-fuzzy in fer ence system for real-time monitorin g o f
integra ted constr ucted wetl ands
M. Dza kpa su, M. Scholz, V. McCarth, S. Jordan an d A. San i
BPA an d NP removal fro m municipal wastewater by Horizontal
Sub Su rfa ce-Constru cted Wetland in the tropics
A.F. Toro-Véle z, C. Madera-Par ra, M.R. Peña-Varón, W.Y. Lee ,
W.S. Walker and H. Gar cía
Ver tical flo w constru cted we tla nds subject to load variations: an
improved design methodolo gy conne cted to ou tlet quality
obje ctives
C. Boutin, S. Pro st-Bou cle
Soil dissolved ma tter (DOM) and its rela tio n to the str ucture of
fluvial DOM and water q uality in a riparia n wetland
Yula i Wan g, Cha ngming Yang, Jianhu a Li, Min Zh ang
Hyd rocarbons removal u sin g subsupe rficial constru cted wetla nds
plan ted with Juncus effusu s and Canna sp
Raque l Rome ro, Manue l Rodrígue z Susa
Design and performance evaluation of a hig hly loa ded aerated
treatme nt wetland managin g e ffluents from a food pro cessing
indu stry in Denmark
Arias, C. A., D. V. Oirschot, Kilia n, R., Carvalho P., Lv T., Zhang
Y., Brix H., Alvarez, J.A.
Assessment o f Wate r Q uality from Pa ssur River at Mo ngla Port
nea r Su ndarb an Man groves in Ba nglade sh and Its Effects in
Sur roundin g Wetland
Md. Sira jul Isla m*, Saja l Chan dra Shil and M. Ena mu l Hoq
Pha rma ce uticals in Domestic and Ag ricu ltur al Waste Waters Pro blem a nd Its Solu tion
P. Marsik, P. Sou dek, T. Hudcova, J. Syrovatka and T. Vanek
Efficien cy of hydrated oil sh ale ash as alternative filter ma teri al in a
hybrid subsurface flow filter system fo r wastewa ter treatme nt:
Imp act on greenh ouse g as emissi ons
Kun o K asa k, Margit Kõiv, Riho Mõtle p, Pää rn P aiste, Kall e
Kirsimäe, Ülo Ma nder
Differen tia l Accumulation of Trace Me tals by Mang rove P lants in
Indian Sun darban Wetland: Pro spe cts for Phytor emediation
Santosh Kumar Sarkar, Ranju Chowdhur y
Triazopho s removal and its fate in horizontal su bsu rfa ce flow
constru cted wetla nd
S.P. Cheng, Z. Li, L. Wu, Y.Q. Feng, F. Zhong, J. Wu, Y.R. Dai
Water Deman d o f Tr eatmen t: Poll uta nt Remova l a nd Water Use in
Var ious Ecotechnolo gy Designs
Jaime Niv ala, Tom Head ley, Manfred va n A fferde n, Roland Müller
Lan d char acterisation fo r S oil-based Pla nted Disch arge Area s:
which method for wh ich obj ective?
Pet itjean, A., Forque t, N., Choub ert, J-M., Coque ry, M., Bou yer,
M., Bou tin, C.
Removal o f two phar ma ceu ticals b y five wetland plant spe cie s in
hydrop onic culture
Yang Zhang, Tao Lv, Ped ro N. Carvalho, Carlos A. Aria s,
Zhangh e Che n, Hans B rix
Crushed concrete vs. sand as filter materia l for phospho rous
removal in stormwater – a fu ll-sca le e xpe riment
Melanie J. Sønde rup, Mogen s Fl indt, Timm Bochda m, Sar a
Ege mo se
An Assessment o f th e Impact of Increasing Pol lutio n o n the
Ecolog y of the Tr opical Coa stal Wetla nds of Kerala
Shadananan Nair
Banquet Cruise
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Wednesday, 15 October, 2014
Technical Tour
Wednesday, 15 October,
Date & Time
Place & Event
Technical Tour
Start From: Sino-French center, Tongji University
Programme detail
Thursday, 16 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Macrophyte
Chair: Dr. Chris Tanner
Theme 4: App lica tion
Highlig hts: : Water Reuse
Chair: Prof. Zifu Li
Theme 9: CW Compone nts
Highlig hts: New Concepts & Materia ls
Chair: Prof. Jaume Puiga gut
Physiologi cal respon se of Phr agmite s sp. and Heliconia sp.
exposed to do me stic waste wa ter in tr opical con structe d wetland s
CF Gutiérr ez, MR Pe ña, EJ P eña
Recycling of d omestic wastewa ter treated by vertical-flow wetlands
for waterin g o f ve getables
S. A. A. A. N. Almuktar, R. H. K. Al-Isawi, A. Sani and M. Scholz
Key issues to consider in using alum slud ge as substr ate in
constru cted wetla nd
Y.Q. Zha o*, X.H. Zhao, W.K. Wang, Y. Yan g, A.O. Bab atu nde, Y.
Hu, J.L.G. Kumar
Sea son al vari atio ns in th e e ffects of plan t diversity on microb ial
commu nity fun ction in constructed we tlan ds
Mark Button, Marian a Rodr iguez, Jacques B risson, Kela Webe r*
App lica tion of Up-Flow A naerob ic Slud ge Blanket Integrated with
Constru cted Wetland fo r Bi ogasifi cation, Water Reu se and Nutrient
Recove ry from Ba nana Winery Efflue nts
Paschal, C., Bakili S., Gastory L., Katima J. H.Y., Njau K. N.
Per forman ce of four pilo t scale soil-based willow systems for
wastewater tre atmen t and wood prod uction in Mongol ia
G. Khurelbaa tar, C. Sull ivan, M. van Afferd en, J. Lon dong, R.
Testing the effect of plant d ive rsity on po llutant removal efficiency
in constructed we tlan ds
Jac ques Brisson
Characterization of drinking water tre atment residuals before and
afte r re use in constru cted wetl ands for te rtia ry sewage tre atmen t
Jian Jiao, Leil ei B ai, Yua nsh eng Pei
Nitr ate red uction in reactive swales a t low tempera ture s: full-size
field system vs. tech nical scale
D. Wic ke, P. Rouau lt, B. Kra use Camilo, C. Pag otto, M.
Dechesne, E. Soyeux
Effe cts of sho rt-term salini ty o n fresh and brackish eu trop hic water
treatme nt by yello w flag (Iris pseuda co rus)
Huilin Zhao, Fen Wa ng, Min Ji*
SWING S, treatme nt wetland te chn ology and kn owh ow transfer for
the trea tment and reuse of wastewater in In dia
Arias, C. A, Avila, C. Otte r, P, Kilia n, R, Istenič D, Rolletsche k M,
Molle, P, Kha lil, N, Brix H, Alvarez, J.A
An investig ati on i nto the effectiven ess of sand media amend ed
with bio ch ar to remove BO D, suspended solids and colifo rms
using wetl and me socosms
P de Roza ri, M. Gre enway, A. El Hanand eh
Experimen tal comparisons of three su bmerged pla nts use d for
reclaimed water p urifica tion in terms of n utri ent removal
Xiaoqin Zhou, Zifu Li, Ruixue Zh ao, Ruiling Ga o, Yup an Yun,
Xue me i Wang
30 Yea rs of Trea tment Wetlan d A pplication in P oland- Pro gress
and Research
Hanna Ob arska-Pempkowiak, Magda lena Gajews ka, Ewa
Wojciechowska, Katarzyna Kołecka, Arkadiu sz Ostojski
The use o f palm kern el she ll (PKS) as substrate materia l in
vertical-flow en gineer ed wetland s for septage treatment in
Vale rie Siaw Wee Jong, Fu Ee Tang
What’s better, Ceratophyllum demersum L. or Myr iophyllum
verticill atum L., indi vidu al or combine d?
Dai Yanra n, Tang Haibin, Chang Junjun, Wu Zhe nbin, Liang Wei
Assessing the Applicabi lity of Constru cted Wetl and Te chn ology in
the Exi sting Sani tation Service Ch ain in Tan zan ia
Katima J. H.Y., Njau K. N., Gastory, L.
Comparative rese arch o n p hosphorus removal of pilot-sca le
vertical flow constructed wetlands usi ng steel sl ag and mo dified
stee l slag as sub strates
Yun Yupan, Zhou Xiao qin , Li Zifu, Bai Xia ofe ng, Li Jun
Poster Session (SFC-Base Floor, 10:00-10:40)
&Tea Break
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Thursday, 16 October, 2014
Technical Sessions
SFC Room-201
SFC Room-301
SFC Room-401
Theme 3: Design Cri teri a a nd O perating
Highlig hts: Design
Chair: Prof. Yuansheng Pei
Theme 5: Lan dscapi ng
Highlig hts: Functiona l La ndsca pe
Chair: Dr. Jaime Niv ala
Theme 2: Treatment pe rfor man ce of wetland s for water pollu tion
Highlig hts: Perform ance
Chair: Dr. Magda lena Gajews ka
Effe ctive V olume Ch anges of Constru cted Wetl and under Differe nt
Water L evels
Junjie Liu, Bin Dong, Chang qiang Guo, Larr y Brown
Intro ducing Ecote chn ology to Leb anon: the Khirbe t Kana far
Constru cted Wetlands
Paul Frank*, Nabil Amacha
Per forman ce of G rassed Ditch es to NPS Nitrogen and Ph osp horus
Yan Ba ixing, Zhang Yan
Per forman ce evalua tion of wastewate r treatment u sing ho rizo nta l
subsurface flow constructed wetlands optimized by mi cro-aera tio n
and substr ate selection
Fei Zho ng, Juan Wu, Yan ran Da i, Shuiping Cheng, Zhaohu i
Mainstr eaming of constr ucted wetland te chn ology in re cycling,
runo ff man agement, bior ete ntio n a nd the "New" concepts of Water
Sen sitive Urb an Design
H. J. Bavor
Sali ne Wa stewater Trea tment by Constru cted Wetl and
M. Zhou, Q. Wang, X. Qu, S.B. Yun, F. Fang, L.L. Huang
Use of reactive media in we tlan ds for phosphor us removal: effe ct
of p arti cle size on re moval efficien cy, and evalua tio n of efflue nt
acidificatio n o ptio ns
Fonsec a, N., Cripps-Ger ma in,E., Pea rce, P., Dotro, G., Jefferson,
Uncerta inty analysis in classificatio n o f wetla nds used for floo d a nd
diffu se pol lutio n control
Q. Yang, C. Boe hm, M. Scholz, R. Li, C. Plan t, A. San ic, J. Sha o
Usin g o ne filter stage of unsatu rated/satu rated opti mised vertica l
flow filters to r educe the footprint o f constructed we tlan ds.
Sté phane Troesch, Ania Morvann ou*, Dirk Esser, Nico las
Forque t, Pascal Mo lle
Effe ct o f th e o rganic loadin g ra te on the adaptation and growth o f
Canna ind ica duri ng the treatment of stillage in a co nstructed
A. Lóp ez-Rive ra, A. Lóp ez-Lóp ez, E. León-Becerril
Assessing the potential of wetl ands to atten uate di ffuse a gricultu ral
poll utio n lo ads at catchment an d r egiona l scales
Tanner, C.C., Hughe s, A., Semad eni-Davies, A., Sukias, J.P.S.
Assessment o f Estro genic A ctivity in a Constructed Wetland Usi ng
Bioa ssay
C. Y. Chen, B. Y. Yu, L. Yang, and C. Y. Hsie h
Resistance and treatme nt capacity of four macr ophyte s species to
leacha te with wood preservatives
Emmanue lle Demers, Julie Vincent, Jac ques Brisson
Evalua tion of an Urb an We tlan d: Water Q uality, Ecosystem
Ser vices, Pub lic Per cep tion an d Restoration
Atif Mustafa, Muhammad Ali
Bacterial Dive rsity in Stabili zed Slu dge in a S ludge Drying Re ed
Yubo CUI, Shu nli Zha ng, Yon gzh e P iao, Lian gchen WE I
Enh anced hyd rogen pro ductio n o f Rh odoba cter sp haeroi des
promoted by e xtracellula r H + of Halo bacter ium salina rum
Jiang-Yu Ye, Yan Qi n, Wen-Wu De ng, Qia ng L iao, Gan g-Cai Ch en
How to de fine useful wetland constr uction and opera tio n
guid elines?
Heribert Rustige
Micropollu tan ts re mo val by con structe d wetland s at WWTP o utle t
Y. Penru, J. Schueh ma che r, H. Bud zin ski, S. Martin Rue l
Lunch Break
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University
Programme detail
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Plenary Season
SFC Room-201
Keynote Session
Chair: Prof. Jun Zhai
Keynote speech 7: Prof. Hans Brix
Integrated sludge dewatering and mineralization in reed beds
Keynote speech 8: Dr. Gunter Langergraber
Constructed wetlands in resource-oriented systems in urban India
Keynote speech 9: Mr. Scott Wallace
Reducing Wetland Area Requirements by using Intensification Strategies
Keynote speech 10:
Prof. Zhenbin Wu
Tea Break
Best Posters Award & Closing Ceremony
Chair: Prof. Jun Zhai
Best Posters Award
Closing Ceremony
SFC-Sino-French center in Tongji University