For Sale
For Sale
For Sale Bamber Pit & Sports Ground Off Galley Hill Road Swanscombe Kent Of interest to occupiers and developers for B1, B2 & B8 Uses • To be sold in one lot • Bamber Pit – 8.96 acres (3.63 ha) • Sports Ground – 9.28 acres (3.76 ha) For further information please contact: James Maskey T: 020 7911 2057 E: [email protected] • All Offers Invited Location Planning The Sports Ground is located off Galley Hill Road/London Road (A226) in Swanscombe, Kent and accessed via a single access point through Northfleet Industrial Estate, located north of the site, via an entrance below a road bridge carrying Galley Hill Road. Any redevelopment of the Sports Ground site will be subject to the necessary planning consents being granted. Bamber Pit is located off High Street, Swanscombe, Kent with access to the site through a road between some residential dwellings. Both sites lie within close proximity to Swanscombe and Ebbsfleet main line stations. Description The Bamber Pit site comprises a former landfill site located in the northern part of a former chalk quarry. The site was first used as a landfill from c.1977 following the granting of planning permission for the tipping of solid inert waste at Bamber Quarry. The land fill operations ceased in c.1986 and since 1993 the site has been shown as filled land. Since the landfill activities ceased the surface of the site has been left generally undisturbed. The site is the subject of an Environmental Permit, formerly a Waste Management Licence. There are obligations under the Environmental Permit to manage and monitor landfill gas and ground and surface water including routine inspections by the holder of a relevant Certificate of Technical Competence (COTC), currently organised through Parsons Brinkerhoff Limited. The Sports Ground site is situated in close proximity (though without direct access) to Swanscombe Rail Station. The railway line bounds the site, with the station to the south west. The Bamber Pit site is a former landfill site and is unlikely to be available for any use in the foreseeable future other than as open space. Plans to develop a new £2 billion world class entertainment destination on the Swanscombe Peninsula, close to the sites, have been unveiled by a consortium of leading UK and international companies. Terms The property is available on a Freehold basis, subject to contract. Terms and further information are available upon application. Further Information Our clients are looking to receive unconditional bids for the freehold interests of both the Bamber Pit & Sports Ground sites. Should you wish to submit a financial proposal please contact James Maskey by writing to GVA, 10 Stratton Street, London W1J 8JR or by email [email protected] Following receipt of your expression of interest you will receive a marketing pack containing detailed information about both sites. The site boundaries include Galley Hill Road to the north, railway lines to the east and south and a residential development to the west. The boundaries to the north, west and south of the site are high chalk cliff faces, and the site effectively cuts into the landscape. The eastern edge of the site slopes until it is level with the railway and industrial units further east from the boundary. The site is predominantly grass, with small clumps of shrubs and hedges. In the western half of the site is the location of a former rifle range. The eastern half of the site is the former sports ground, used historically in connection with industrial works in the surrounding area. Neither area has been in use since the start of the building of the CTRL in 2002 nor have they ever been available to the public. It is deemed that this site may be suitable for use by an owner occupier or for redevelopment for employment generating uses. 40565011v1 GVA is the trading name of GVA Grimley limited, conditions under which particulars are issued by GVA Grimley Limited for themselves, for any joint agents and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchases or lessors and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation, and other details, are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (iii) no person in the employment of GVA Grimley Limited or any joint agents has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iv) all rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT Reproduced by courtesy of the Controller of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Licence No 774359. If applicable, with consent of Chas E Goad, Cartographers, Old Hatfield, Geographers A-Z Map Co Ltd and/or The Automobile Association. For identification purposes only.
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