
Churches of St Stephen, St Olave, St Petrock, St Pancras & St Mary Arches
This parish believes in an inclusive church in which all are welcomed -
Sunday Services
Sunday 5th
Holy Communion
Sunday 12th
Holy Communion (BCP) St Pancras’
St Olave’s
Meeting Point
St Stephen’s
Sunday 19th
Holy Communion
St Stephen’s
Sunday 26th
Meeting Point
St Olave’s
St Stephen’s
St Stephen’s
Weekday Communion in St Pancras’
Tuesdays: 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th at 1.15pm
Diary dates
the venue is St Stephen’s unless otherwise shown
Wed 1st Coffee & Candles: 10.30am-12.30pm.
Sacred Space… in which to think, reflect
and pray in the ancient church of St Pancras'.
From just after 5.30pm to nearly 6.30pm.
Why does Syria matter? Mint Methodist
church. 7.30pm (see over).
Sun 5th Interactive Workshop on Progressive
Christian Thought and Practice with Anastasia
Somerville-Wong. Southernhay URC hall, 2.30pm.
Celebrate Together: a service suitable
for people with learning disabilities. 4.00pm at St
Thomas Baptist Church.
Wed 8th Bible study group: 2.30pm at Daphne
Smith’s flat.
Thurs 9th Recent Archaeological Studies in
Exeter Cathedral. A talk by John Allan. 1.00pm.
Beyond the Medical Model: film on
mental health. 7.00pm. see over.
Fri 10th Coffee Morning Mint Methodist Church
Sat 11th Community Health Check Exeter
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sun 12th City Life Church Service 3.00 -6.30pm
Holy Ground: “On the sofa with Bishop
Robert…” The Cathedral. 7.00-9.00pm.
Wed 15th What is the Point of Religious
Education Today? Ed Pawson (Chair, National
Ass’n RE Teachers & Head of Religion at King’s
School OSM). St Michael’s, Mt Dinham. 7.30pm.
Thurs 16th Coffee & Candles: 10.30am-12.30pm.
Concert for Exeter Food Bank: coffee
12.30pm; concert 1.10pm.
Fri 17th Prayer around the Cross: a meditative
service with Taizé music. 7.00pm in St Pancras’.
Sat 18th Coffee Morning Merry Go Round and
Leisure Libraries
Sun 19th Bring & Share Lunch after morning
service. Celebrating 8 x 80th birthdays.
Mon 20th Rejoice in the Dance: Jewish circle
dancing. 2.30 - 4.00 pm.
Thurs 23rd Is ‘heritage’ good for our cultural
health?: some reflections on a working life. A
talk by Peter Beacham. 1.00 pm
Fri 24th Coffee Morning Home Spun.
Vigil service: the Military and Hospitaller
Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. St Olave’s 6.30
Sat 25th Coffee Morning Cats’ Protection League.
Wed 29th Bible study group: 2.30pm at Daphne
Smith’s flat.
Thurs 30th CTaX Supper and Speaker “Dementia
Friends”. Southernhay URC. 7.00pm. see over.
Charity of the Month
The Church Mission Society
For pastoral care and visits, please contact:
The Revd Sheila Swarbrick: 01392 438866
Holy Ground
“This is Madness”
presents a showing of the film
Sun Oct 12th 7.00-9.00pm in the Cathedral
“On the sofa with Bishop Robert…”
Holy Ground is for anyone who is interested in
engaging with Christian spirituality in a
contemplative and creative way, and who
perhaps finds more traditional models of church
inaccessible. It offers an opportunity to engage in
Christian worship, matters of Christian concern
and prayer to those who are interested in the
Christian faith but would not necessarily call
themselves Christian.
Why does Syria matter?
Dr. Emma Loosley:
Syria has one of the oldest continuously Christian
communities in the world, occupying a pivotal
place in Church history. Emma Loosley, Associate
Professor of Theology & Religion at Exeter
University, lived there for several years, studying
Syrian liturgy, directing an archaeological
project, and helping raise funds for conservation,
ecological and social projects run by the
Community of Al-Khalil, which is dedicated to
hospitality and Christian-Islamic dialogue.
Wed 1st Oct, 7.30 pm
Wesley Room, Mint Methodist Church, Exeter
All welcome. Further details from David Horn
(01626 852815; [email protected]).
Will “Happy Birthday” be sung eight times
at the Bring & Share Lunch
to celebrate 8 x 80th birthdays?
come and find out… and join in
“Beyond the Medical Model”
A film sharing a range of views about mental
health on the eve of world mental health day.
Thurs 9th October. 7.00pm
St Stephen's Church
Suggested donation £2
see posters for further information
There will be a second meeting on Mon 17th Nov
with clinical psychologist, Rufus May.
“This is Madness” is creating a public forum to
explore alternatives, attitudes and power within
mental health and our society.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bridge Collective: 01392 433358 or 07812 439818
CTaX Supper and Speaker
“Dementia Friends”
Come and hear about “Dementia friends” from
Sally Farrant, Social Responsibility Officer for the
Diocese. It will help those of us with relatives or
friends living with dementia to better understand
what they are going through and how we can best
support them to maintain their lives in our
2 course supper included
To book, contact Isabel or Sheila by Wed 22nd Oct.
Cost £9: with profits to the Alzheimer’s Society
after the St Stephen’s service on 19th Oct
Thurs 30th Oct. 7.00 for 7.30
Southernhay URC hall
A Concert of Favourites
Small Pilgrim Places Network
in aid of Exeter Food bank
Breathing spaces on the Pilgrim Journey
Janet Macdonald (soprano), Alison Macdonald (mezzo),
Philip Bonser (clarinet),Dorothy Raven (piano)
Thurs 16th Oct 1.10 pm;
coffee at 12.30pm - bring your own lunch
Retiring collection in aid of Exeter Food bank
Saturday 25th OCTOBER 2014 (10.00-4.00)
at the Mint Methodist Church, Exeter.
Speaker Dr Richard Skinner
you are welcome for all or part of the day
see Joy Watson for more details
The Book Group
will next meet on Sat 8 Nov to discuss Karen Armstrong’s biography of Muhammad. Bob’s at 7.30.
If you have information that you would like to be included in the November newsletter, please contact
Richard on 01392 257591 (or, preferably, at [email protected]) by Tuesday 21st October.