Monday 10 November, 2014 09:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 Awarding of Honorary Insignia


Monday 10 November, 2014 09:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 Awarding of Honorary Insignia
Monday 10 November, 2014
09:00-10:00 Welcome Speech
Casablanca Amphitheater
Official Opening Ceremony
Awarding of Honorary Insignia
Rachid BELMOKHTAR (Morocco)
Minister of Education
Lahcen DAOUDI (Morocco)
Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Education
Hakima EL HAITE (Morocco)
Minister Delegate to the Minister of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment, in charge of
Othman BENJELLOUN (Morocco)
Thami GHORFI (Morocco)
Dean, ESCA Ecole de Management
Manager Participants and Regional Chapters, PRME Secretariat
Pr. Bouchra BENHIDA RAHMOUNI (Morocco)
Head, Research Institute in Geopolitics and GeoEconomics, ESCA Ecole de Management
Casablanca Amphitheater
Coffee Break
Round Table 1
MENA Economic Specifications vs. Program and Curriculum Offerings:
State of the Art
President : Dr. Eesa Mohammed BASTAKI (UAE)
President, University of Dubaï
Mohamed Amine MOUNIR (Morocco)
Academic Director, ESCA Ecole de Management
Rachid FILALI MEKNASSI (Morocco)
Lawyer, Professor at the Mohammed V University (Rabat - Agdal)
Member of the National Council of Transparency Maroc
The world is changing economically, socially and technologically and the ways that people learn and
work are more different than ever. Business schools in MENA region need to think differently in
order to educate top-class managers. Thinking differently means business schools in this area
should both innovate and be locally rooted to respond to this mission and to local and regional
markets. Some sectors are strategically important for economic and social development of the
MENA region: food security, renewable energy, sustainable development, governance. Business
schools in MENA area can respond to these needs with innovative programs, research, case
studies... that develop management skills for specific sectors. Did any pioneering schools suggest
new programs or plans to grow managerial talent pool of MENA region, responding to the specific
needs of this area? What are the challenges and are there any opportunities to build a locallyrelevant responsible management education?
Lunch Break
Round Table 2
Responsible Management Education In MENA:
In search of the best way to Enhance Faculty Competencies
President : Pr. Hamid BOUSTA (Morocco)
President, Scientific and Pedagogic Council
Aziz KADIRI (Morocco)
President, CSR Committee, CGEM (Moroccan Association of Entrepreneurs)
Pr. Imane EL GHAZALI (Morocco)
Head, Business Cases Institute, ESCA Ecole de Management
It is hitherto noticed and proven that “Responsible Management Education” and student skills and
knowledge are positively correlated. Hence, promoting faculty involved in “Responsible
Management Education” is becoming increasingly important in emerging countries and in transition
economies. Regional business schools must keep on modernizing their pedagogies and increasing
their connectivity to local environment to strengthen the school’s capabilities to produce and teach
cases in relation with corporate experience. Some of the topics to explore in this plenary are :
What are the critical factors leading to increase the faculty involvement in responsible
management education?
How can we make a change in faculty mentalities and, later on, in the behavior of business
schools? In other words, how can we help faculties to acquire adequate and efficient
behaviors in both teaching and research, in relation with responsible management
How can we evaluate the development of high-potential “responsible management
education” competencies in business schools?
Coffee Break
Round Table 3
Scaling a Responsible Management Education across Business Schools in MENA:
The Role of Partnership
President : Nehmé AZOURY (Lebanon)
Dean, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik USEK - Faculty of Business and Commercial Sciences
Hassan BOUCHACHIA (Morocco)
Journalist, “Les Leaders de la RSE”
Pr. Majid Kaissar EL GHAIB (Morocco)
Business Ethics Professor, ESCA Ecole de Management
Chairman, ENACTUS Morocco
Lea YAHCHOUCHI (Lebanon)
Director of International Relations, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK - Faculty of Business and
Commercial Sciences
Karim EL AYNAOUI (Morocco)
Director, OCP Policy Center
Asmaa BELKEZIZ (Morocco)
Director, Institutional Relations & Communication, Centrale Laitière
Networks and associations of business schools can be powerful tools to help schools to acquire and
spread out best pedagogical and administrative practices, in relevance with local needs.
Partnerships are particularly valuable when networks take place between schools from developing
and developed countries: cooperation then benefits to both parties, regardless of their localization.
How can MENA business schools enhance their “responsible management” knowledge and
How can MENA business schools strengthen their relationship with other stakeholders?
What about alumni relations and how can they contribute to enhance “responsible
management education” competencies and skills in their alma mater?
Gala Dinner
Thuesday 11 November, 2014
09:30-10:45 Round Table 4
Enhancing PRME in MENA Region through Research:
What to Give and What to Expect?
President : Karim SEGHIR (Egypt)
Dean, School of Business, American University in Cairo
Pr. Lahcen BELHCEN (Morocco)
Head of Research Department, ESCA Ecole de Management
Dalia ABDEL KADER (Egypt)
Director of Marketing & Communications, Arab African International Bank
Business schools in MENA region should encourage all research projects that study corporate
responsibility and responsible management education issues in emerging contexts like ours. These
projects could create a dynamic between academics from various fields and countries. Professors,
researchers, and PhD students from MENA region could as well present their work in progress on a
broad range of business and society issues.
What is the purpose of research in MENA region?
How can business education take part in the process?
Coffee Break
Round Table 5
Giving Responsible Management Education in MENA Area a Boost
President : Hatem BEN SALEM (Tunisia)
Tunisian Politician, Former Minister of Education & Training
Manager Participants and Regional Chapters, PRME Secretariat
Thami GHORFI (Morocco)
Dean, ESCA Ecole de Management
Karim SEGHIR (Egypt)
Dean, School of Business, American University in Cairo
Nehmé AZOURY (Lebanon)
Dean, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik USEK - Faculty of Business and Commercial Sciences
Dr. Eesa Mohammed BASTAKI (UAE)
President, University of Dubaï
Identifying the keys to success is a strong issue: what would best serve the needs of a relevant
responsible management education in MENA region? As growth and innovation continue to shift to
new dynamic and complex markets, fresh opportunities and challenges have risen and traditional
business schools need to adopt new teaching and program design.
What are the lessons learned from business schools success stories in MENA region? How
did they go through local barriers?
Which are effective options to address the challenges of expanding “responsible
management education” in MENA region?
How can we nurture success?
Closing Session
Lunch Break
PRME MENA Chapter Outcomes