
October 2014
220 Carson Road
Seneca, South Carolina 29678
[email protected]
Office: 864-882-3209 or 864-882-5512
Little Lambs Preschool: 864-882-3202
As a congregation, we have a major decision before us in the days
and months ahead. Here at the start of October we will hold our informational meeting about the facilities expansion proposal; yet, soon enough, we
will also need to make a final decision about the matter. Is it time for Eternal
Shepherd to take a next step of growth with an expanded facility?
There are no doubts that this certainly could be the next step for
ESLC. We’ve had similar growth spurts and financial commitments made
over our history as a congregation. From the decision to begin ESLC to the
purchase of our own land and from the first building to its later expansion, the people of Eternal
Shepherd have sought to respond to God’s leading. Along the way, we’ve made other commitments, too, like the decision to serve our community through the ministry of Little Lambs Preschool
and, more recently, a growing emphasis on taking the Gospel out to our community and missionary
efforts around the world. We are no strangers to new tasks and bold commitments.
It can also be easily argued that the need for expanded space is already upon us. With a
preschool that has grown over the years and makes full use of the lower level, and limited space for
classes and ministry efforts upstairs, some added meeting space is needed. This is seen most often
on Sunday mornings when bible classes get squeezed into the library, the entire Council crams into
little Room 200 for an emergency meeting, and new member classes are arm wrestling the choir for
use of the Sanctuary between services. There’s little denying that our current efforts already make
full use of our existing space.
Equally significant is the fact that most of us seem to be at least open to, if not outright supportive of, the effort to build (based on the hallway conversations I’ve had or overheard). There are
certainly outstanding questions that many people have as well as other suggestions and ideas that
need to be weighed and considered; yet, on the whole, ESLC is willingly walking this road of discovery as we look to the future.
We should pause in our reflections to say that building a new wing onto our facilities isn’t
required. There is no rule, no Synodical demand, no moral imperative to spend a set amount of
money on a particular style of structure at this point in time. We are free as a congregation to make
this decision in light of what we feel God is calling us to be and to do. This, however, is the important factor. God’s leading and calling. While He may not always be crystal clear on the details, we
do know God is leading and we want to be responsive. And He has been leading us.
Eternal Shepherd continues to grow in members, in opportunities to share the Good News
of salvation in Christ, and in resources through the time, talent, and treasure offered to the Lord by
our members. We don’t have to build; however, sitting still isn’t an option either because God has
called us to make disciples and continues to give us opportunities to do so.
Continued on next page…
There is a world of people living with guilt, hopelessness, and the Devil’s deceptions
who need to know of the forgiveness God has given them in Jesus Christ and the meaning of life
He provides. While we aren’t required to add to our facilities, we don’t have a choice to sit on
our hands. If we should decide the facilities expansion isn’t for us, that doesn’t mean we’re
done planning; rather, it means we move to discussions of Plan B (who wants to be part of the
core group for a new mission church as we call and fund a mission planter?) or Plan C (where
do we build a satellite location for ESLC to expand our ministry in a new area?) or Plan D
(which full time missionary are we going to fully fund and in what corner of the world?). Technically, those are options, too; but, they aren’t as clearly defined before us right now.
The Gospel needs to go forward and the love of God shown to others even as the Lord
continues to bless us with opportunities, serving hands, and resources to do just that. If we
value Eternal Shepherd and what we have been enabled to do in service to the Lord, the question
before us right now is “How does expanding our existing facility help us do more for His kingdom?”
Yes, that certainly includes maintaining the ministries and projects that we currently
conduct and which sometimes get cramped for space. We are right on the verge of maximizing
our current space. But expanding our facilities is about more than just being comfortable in
what we do today. How do we take the next step in being God’s instruments for service both to
our members and to our community? A new building isn’t just to make a nicer home for those
of us already here at ESLC. It isn’t a home so much as a home base. A tool or resource, on the
one hand, to better equip our members for faithful service and bold, clear witnessing; while, on
the other hand, to give us more space to welcome others in and to serve them according to their
needs. And that should include both providing space for future members that the Lord will
bring even as it also means finding ways to use that new space to serve the people of our community who may not be looking to join ESLC.
The Lord has placed many potential opportunities before Eternal Shepherd. The one
that stands before us most clearly at this time is an expansion of our existing facilities. If we
hear the Lord’s call and walk this road, the challenge and the joy will be found in using this
space effectively for the Gospel: to proclaim Christ and to serve our neighbors’ needs.
Let the Lord lead on.
Pastor David
Deaconess Intern Musings
“Our Sure and Steadfast Anchor”
Autumn has arrived and the world outside will
soon begin to change and prepare for the wintertime,
whether we wish it to or not. And as we move out of
summer’s long, hot days and into fall’s cooler, colorful
ones, this time of change and transition never fails to
bring a time of contemplation and inward reassessment,
if you will. The main thought: change. It is a word that
could invoke many a thought and attitude. It is a
thought pattern that frightens the best of us. It is inevitable and something that will touch each and every one
of us – no matter our age or vocational responsibilities.
We all will experience various changes with our lives,
whether it be a new marriage, the arrival of a new
child, graduation, job promotions/losses, moving, death
of a family member or spouse, death itself, etc… But
while all people on Earth experience the very same
things, we remain anchored through unpredictable
waters. Our Lord God remains our constant source of
life and hope. He is our anchor, in whom we find “strong encouragement to hold fast to the
hope set before us” (Hebrews 6:18, 19a). No matter the change we will face in this life, God
proves a most trustworthy and ever-present companion who is “the same yesterday and today
and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). And even though for a time, our lives be mired with change,
sorrow, distress or tears, we hold an anchored hope in Jesus Christ and lean on His grace and
forgiveness. For through every change and season of our life, we rejoice in the future that has
yet to be revealed when all will be made perfect and complete through Christ. Until that day,
we take comfort and rest when we face the multitude of changes in our unchangeable, immovable, ever-present Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
“Lord God, You have called Your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending,
by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good
courage, not knowing where we go but only that Your hand is leading us and Your love
supporting us; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen”
~ Pastoral Care Companion, pg. 338
~Forever in His Care, Deaconess Intern Holly
Hope, what is hope? How do you define hope? God’s Word, the Today’s Light
Bible, tells us that hope is certain results that are sure to come but that we haven’t yet received. Some look skeptically at the future, or for that matter, the present. Hope seems
far away when illness strikes us, a family member, or a friend, when financial problems
arise, when substance or domestic abuse invade our family, when marital problems come,
or in many other difficult situations. Try as we might, sometimes a positive future seems
hopeless, or at least far, far away.
God says in 1 Peter 1:6-7 as he talks about Christ’s resurrection from the dead, “In
all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer
grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your
faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may
result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
God’s Word tells us that though we may have all kinds of trials our faith will result in the realizing of those certain results that he promised, eternal life in his perfect yes, perfect – kingdom. To me that is hope! Real hope!!
Sin is in our world and will affect each one of us. Trials will come in various
forms. Trials may be present in your life today, or may come tomorrow, or next week.
God tells us to stay close to Him as we work through these trials. He gives us hope that
the end result will be glory for those who seek him, trust him, and follow him. He urges
us to prepare for his gift to come.
1 Peter 1:13 says, “Therefore, prepare your minds for action, be self-controlled, set
your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Christ is revealed.”
God is very clear. Your future as a believer is bright. A great reward is coming.
There will be some obstacles in the way, but he offers his hand and he will walk you
through these obstacles to your place in Heaven that Jesus went to prepare for you. Have
hope – it’s real!
Psalm 31:24, “Be strong and take heart all you who hope in the Lord.”
In His Service,
Barry Voeltz
Please plan to join us for this important session on Sunday, October 5th after the
late service. Please use the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. The
Hospitality Team will be providing lunch and will need to know how many will be attending. ~Thank you
Stop by church office desk and write out your question and drop it in the basket on the
desk. Getting the questions ahead of time will allow the Facilities Committee to have as
many answers ready as possible, which will allow for more material to be covered, and for
the meeting to go quickly. Thank You
Beautiful New Foothills Pregnancy Care Center Mobile Unit To Appear At ESLC !
On Sunday, October 5th, as you drive in to church, you'll see an answer to prayer! The
Foothills Pregnancy Care Center, which serves Oconee and Pickens Counties, has outfitted a
mobile unit, to better serve our Christian community. It will be parked in the ESLC parking lot
from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Please feel free to walk through and view it before or after you
attend church. Kelly Ross, Director of the FPCC will be on hand to answer any questions.
Kelly also plans to speak with our youth between services, and give them "food for
thought" - a presentation they won't soon forget! We're encouraging ALL ESLC young people
and ALL their friends, churched or unchurched, to attend Kelly's presentation. If you know any
other young people who might benefit from this information, please encourage them to attend,
as well. Kelly's message gives timely facts, provokes open discussion and changes lives. We
want our young people to meet their potential and fulfill all that God has in mind for them.
Early pregnancies cut off dreams, or at the very least make them more difficult to achieve.
Abortions kill, shatter lives and affect relationships long after the fact. This is an important time
for our youth, and we would have them be prepared with God's expectations, as well as all the
facts. Please pray for this ministry ~Your Stewardship Board
Commitment Sunday - October 19th - is almost upon us! There
will be a Commitment Form for each ESLC member in your mailboxes. We
ask you to prayerfully consider how you are serving your church and our
God. Would you have to stumble and mumble if God asked you how you are
serving Him and His Kingdom? Or do you feel that you are using your God
-given interests and joyfully LIVING your faith? Are you over-burdened or
under-used? Do you need a change? Are you waiting for a "nudge"?
Sit down and talk with God about your commitment; then fill out your
pledge and bring it to church on October 19th. Pledges will be placed on the
altar during the service.
*Please note instructions section on your Commitment Form.*
Go with God
~Your Stewardship Board
Eternal Shepherd is alive and well because of people who accepted the call from God to
serve. What is the purpose of each board, and what is each one doing NOW??? If you're
excited about something you read and YOU want to help? God will truly bless you in the
process - we GUARANTEE IT!
Celebrating Conversations About Christ
Our Outreach focus can best be expressed in the guidelines used by the board
when they consider their recommendations to ESLC members for missions in which to
BOCO Ministry Metrics - guidelines to rank ideas/requests using the following
Is the great Commission implemented?
How is the Word (Bible or selected passages) put into action?
Do ESLC members become emissaries for Christ?
Can the intended recipient easily/readily discern/perceive a focus on Jesus Christ?
Does the Vertical Relationship with God have a higher priority than human Horizontal
Two examples of ESLC outreach to community groups is the Foothills Pregnancy Care
Center (FPCC) and Christ Central Ministries (CCM), where ESLC provides monetary
support and Blue Life Bibles (book-marked as how to use the New Testament, Psalms &
Proverbs). Our goal is not just to “give a man a fish” but to “teach a man to fish” by
showing him how God’s Word is beneficial in his earthly and eternal life.
FPCC service examples include Baby bottle drive and volunteering at the center.
CCM service examples include Teaching GED students, Families Fighting Addiction, and volunteering at the Ashtree Recovery house in Walhalla. We are also
looking for a GED administrator.
We try to provide a monthly…usually the 2nd Saturday of each month…
opportunity for ESLC members to participate in an Outreach activity to our community,
based on Matthew 25.35: “ For I was hungry, and ye gave Me meat; I was thirsty, and ye
gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took Me in: Naked, and ye clothed Me; I was sick
and ye visited Me; I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.”
“For I was hungry…Naked…”: Luncheons behind Hometown Market in downtown Seneca provides physical food, clothing, and spiritual nourishment to the
hungry & homeless of Oconee County. And in January we try to make a
“kerosene/propane” run to provide fuel for heaters to those who have had their
electrical service stopped.
“I was a stranger…”: ESLC members visit local restaurants and express concern for their
servers by one or more of the following ways: Write a thank-you note on the back of an
ESLC business card. Leave a book-marked Blue Life Bible.
Continued on next page...
Look for an opportunity to have a "Conversation about Christ" or ask "How can I
pray for you" and put those concerns on the ESLC prayer chains.
“I was in prison…”: ESLC members simultaneously visit both the men’s and
women’s sides of the Oconee Law Enforcement Detention Center in Walhalla with
cookies and book-marked Blue Life Bibles. A devotional is usually lead by one of our
retired Pastors and we collect prayer requests for inclusion on the ESLC prayer chains.
Periodic outreach opportunities include prospective member visitations and College
Ministry. In addition BOCO provides Blue Life Bibles and monetary gifts during ministry
visits to the DAR School & Girls Wilderness Camp, and when volunteering at the SafeHarbor
Domestic Violence Shelter.
Please pray about serving on the Board of Outreach or possibly taking “on a new area
of service” in one of the above mission opportunities!
Thanks & Blessings,
Frank Kieninger
Board of Christian Outreach
The Youth Board is charged in our church constitution to submit an annual budget
recommendation. We try to be good stewards of the money allowed to us by our generous
congregation. We try to design programs to strengthen the faith of our youth (Teens Encounter Christ & weekly programs). We recommend and encourage attendance to District events
(Tending the Flame in Richmond, VA). We have service projects to help the youth look
beyond their own situations (Windshield Witness, cards to shut ins & Christmas caroling to
Belvedere Commons).
We've been blessed with several willing and able servants to help with our youth program.
Several members of the church do not serve on the Youth Board, but help as needed with
cooking and driving. Our program has been fortified by the addition of our dedicated, talented and hard working Deaconess Intern Holly.
The purpose of the youth group is to foster fellowship among our youth, to strengthen
and help their faith grow, and to be a blessing to others.
Thank you for your support,
Elaine Randles
Board of Youth
Operation Christmas Child:
Are you ready to make your GO Box??
September 16th saw the area wide Shoebox kickoff event take place at Clemson
Presbyterian Church, and the great ideas and stories we heard had everyone there super
excited about this year’s event. A couple of interesting facts that I learned was that the
processing center in Charlotte handles 29,000 shoeboxes a day during collection time,
and you can sign up online to volunteer there! I also learned that every box packed
touches the lives of at least 10 people, so the 56 boxes we packed last year impacted at
least 560 people!
The new slogan for OCC is “Good News, Great Joy” because a Gospel Opportunity is presented with every GO Box that is given out. Last year 9,950,000 GO Boxes
were sent around the world to needy children outside the United States. In America, an
additional 7,541,468 GO Boxes were given to needy children here at home, and that’s
over a million more than ever before. More than 113 million children have been touched
by Operation Christmas Child since it started back in 1993. It’s amazing to think about
how many of those children have faith in their Savior now, because of that little box of
‘Good News”!
But the need is still great. If you took 1 million GO Boxes into Mexico City today, there wouldn’t be enough to meet the need, and that’s only one city. So this year,
won’t you please consider packing a GO Box of your own for a needy child? If you prefer, you may donate the money needed to pack a box (Approx. $30.00, which includes
the $7.00 shipping cost). Just make out your check to Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church
and write Operation Christmas Child on the memo line. The Crossing Youth will shop
for, pack and send a box for you!
Please stop by the displays in the Narthex, or the Fellowship Hall, and pick up
your empty box, along with a list of acceptable items you can purchase to put in it. A
box, and $7.00, is all it takes to change a child’s life!
If you have any questions about this ministry, please contact Terri Baumann.
safe harbor
Safe Harbor is a nonprofit organization that provides shelter, counseling, and advocacy for victims of domestic violence as well as leadership for education and prevention efforts throughout Anderson, Greenville, Oconee, and Pickens counties. They recently opened their newest 24-hour emergency shelter for victims and their children here
in Seneca. At this 16 bed facility in our community, they first provide the basics to domestic violence victims and their children – food, shelter, medical care, and new schools
for the children, if necessary. Once they are sure that the victim is safe, they give clients
the support and resources they need to set goals and gain strength and hope. They receive counseling, case management, referrals, advocacy, and all the basic living necessities during their shelter stay. All of these services are free of charge for victims and their
We are looking forward to partnering with other churches in the area to support
this effort to combat domestic violence in Oconee County. Our Safe Harbor Committee
is in the process of gathering more information to determine how we at ESLC can best
offer our assistance. In the meantime, there are many ongoing needs at the local shelter
here in Seneca. We are asking for your help. October is Domestic Violence Awareness
Month. For the entire month we will be collecting paper towels, toilet paper, kitchen
trash bags, and 33 gallon trash bags to help the shelter with a few of their daily needs.
If you want to contribute, please bring your item/items to church and place them in the
container labeled Safe Harbor in the narthex.
We thank you in advance for your contributions to this important cause. We will
keep you updated as we learn more about how we can best support this effort to help
these victims make the permanent changes necessary to live lives free of domestic violence for them and their children.
ESLC Safe Harbor Committee
Roberta Port, Barb Wilken,
Diane Marino,& Peggy Voeltz
THE GOD LOVES MOM bible study
group is inviting all women to a viewing
of the wonderfully hilarious and touching
movie, Mom's Night Out. We will watch
the movie in the fellowship hall on Friday,
October 3, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Bring a
snack to share. Please sign up on the sign up
sheet on the bulletin board. Feel free to
bring a friend!
The Crossing
Youth Activities for October
12:30-1:30 P.M.
Always feel free to invite a friend
Oct. 5 Kelly Ross from Foothills Pregnancy Center will our youth during the Sunday
School time.
Oct. 12 Continuing series Boy Meets Girl
Oct. 19 Continuing series Boy Meets Girl
Oct. 26 light lunch and Outing to Corn Maize. We may be joined by participants of Girls
Wilderness Camp. Pick up time will be later than 1:30, TBA closer to Oct. 26th.
Junior Youth Group Grades 6-8
Oct. 26 light lunch & outing to Corn Maize. Families are invited. Pick up time TBA
closer to Oct. 26th.
Join us! The Crossing meets in room 213 on at 9:45 am
Sunday Morning Bible Study – Start-up
The Board of Christian Education is delighted to share the news concerning the formation of a NEW Sunday Morning Bible Study, beginning on
Sunday, October 5, 9:45 – 10:45 AM.
This study, LUTHERANISM 101 will be led by John and Nicole Beattie.
This delightful “team” is made up of two long-time Lutherans, versed in
scripture, Lutheran doctrine and history. Their enthusiasm for God’s
Word is evident in the many ways they serve our church and preschool.
The study will be a 6 to 8 week study and
will cover such topics as:
1.The Summary of the Christian Faith
2.The Trinity
3. It’s All about Jesus
4. The Certainty of Faith
5. Delivering the Gifts of God
6. What is the Church?
7. Law and Gospel
8. Can’t we All Get Along?
9. The Means of Grace (Holy Baptism
and the Lord’s Supper)
10. Lutheranism after Luther
11. The Divine Service
Please Sign-up on the bulletin board at
church. Cost for the book is $19.00.
Call or e-mail the Beatties:
(864)710-1574 or [email protected]
Honduras Mission 2015
Our mission team is assembled and as you receive this Agapegram
we will be conducting our first team meeting here at ESLC. We, along with
the other two churches (Christ the Rock & Trinity), will be preparing our
teams to share the love of Christ with the people of Honduras. We will also
be beginning the process of raising funds to cover the medical, optical,
evangelical, and other related expenses involved in seeing over 3000 people. We will be providing for their physical needs with our doctors and
nurses and their spiritual needs as our team shares the word of God and the
love of God with the people of Honduras.
As missionaries each person is responsible for raising their own
support to cover their transportation to, and living expenses in, Honduras.
The remaining expenses for medical, eyeglasses & exams, dental, Bibles,
children’s ministry, and concrete floors will be raised by our three churches.
We rely on the members of each church to join us and be part of our
mission to share the Gospel with these wonderful people.
We have been asked if we will have a chance to go snorkeling in the
Caribbean while we are there and though each person will spend about the
same amount as staying in a resort, we don’t do that. We stay in a Mission
House in Tegucigalpa, sleep in bunk beds, eat sandwiches for lunch, struggle with our Spanish, and daily go into the barrios in the city to share our
faith stories and to minister to the poor of Honduras. And when asked why
you will generally hear the reply; “because God has called me to do this and
He has placed the love of Christ in my heart so that I can fulfill His mission.”
Please be part of Honduras Mission 0815, (Feb.21-28, 2015) by supporting
and praying for our churches, our missionaries, and for the people of
Honduras. Bendiciones! (Blessings!)
helping Christ Central Ministries feed the hungry here in
Seneca on Sat., October 11th. The sign up sheet is on the
bulletin board in the narthex. You can meet here at ESLC at
10:00 am or behind Hometown Grocery in Seneca at 11:30
am. For more information please contact John Cochell.
“for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;
Matthew 25:35a
WES – LWML Food Bank News:
Please help us in collecting preferred needed canned grocery items
each month. These canned items will help restock the Golden
Corner Food Pantry’s shelves. Each month we will have a
different preferred product featured. October’s preferred product
is “Peanut Butter!” Let’s overload the collection box (the big blue
trash can marked Food Bank near the stairwell in the Narthex). We
thank you for your generosity and support.
Thank you to all who participated in the 2014 Baby Bottle Drive to
benefit the Foothills Pregnancy Care Center. Eternal Shepherd raised
$3,000.00 this year! Heartfelt thanks to all of you for your overwhelming generosity, faithfulness and commitment to this wonderful
ministry. Your continued support enables FPCC to fulfill their mission
of “Offering HOPE, HEALING and HELP to women and families in our
community who are facing a crisis related to pregnancy”. What a
blessing to be part of this God pleasing ministry!
Many thanks to Tracy Cochell and Rudy Carbone for helping count and roll all the coins.
On behalf of FPCC, thank you and God bless! Kyra Carbone
Do your grandchildren have all the sweaters they can possibly use,
and does your granny already have too many lap robes? Is your
front closet overflowing with hats, mittens and scarves? Love to
knit, but looking for a new, worthy project???
Have we got a deal for you! We'd like to provide our home-bound,
hospitalized and bereaved church members with a knitted or crocheted shawl that has been lovingly and prayerfully hand made by a
fellow church member. My mother's church brought a prayer shawl
to her when she was hospitalized, and it meant the world to her. She
was using it every time I saw her. It was like a warm hug. I
thought, "What a kind, loving ministry! We should do that!"
We have many different patterns - easy or more difficult, available - or perhaps you
have a favorite pattern of your own. Simply speak with God as you knit, asking Him to
comfort the person who receives it. You'll be bringing yourself closer to God even as you
pray for others.
If you'd like to participate in this new ministry, leave a note in
my church mailbox (Marilyn Robertson), or simply bring your
finished shawl to church. If you'd like to present it personally,
we can arrange that, or another member will visit. We'll attach
a presentation tag to accompany the shawl.
Happy Stitching!
Marilyn Robertson, Stewardship chair
Scriptural Greeting Cards - the card rack in the Fellowship
Hall has been replenished with cards in all categories. There are
individual cards on the top for $.50 a piece and boxed cards on the
bottom for $5.00/box. Stop by and have a look or take some time
during Hospitality before and after the late service to peruse the
offerings. Choose what you want and put your money in the
money box on the side of the rack. There is a book alongside the
box to write an IOU should you not have enough to cover your
purchases. Next time you are at church, pay off your debt and
cross off your name in the book. Enjoy shopping or just browsing. I bet you find something you can't resist!
In August the following gifts were given:
The Alaska Mission Fund received gifts of $1000.00
The Debt Reduction Fund received a gift of $50.00
The Elders Fund received gifts of $368.00
The Food Bank Fund received gifts of $150.00
The Honduras Mission Team 2015 received gifts of $325.00
The Hospitality Fund received a gift of $30.00
The Little Lambs Preschool Fund received gifts of $1020.00
The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund received a gift of $500.00
The Youth Fund received gifts of $345.00
Once again the sounds of busy children are filling the preschool halls.
School resumed for the regular school year during the last week of August, but
really got into high gear as September got under way.
Besides the obvious financial benefit of running a summer school, we
discovered that the children who attended during the summer made a smooth
transition into their regular classes. That made things much easier for the teachers and the parents worried about separation anxiety.
This year we have 56 little lambs attending the preschool. Because we
have no more room in our Twos classes, we have opened up a new Moms
Morning Out class on Fridays for the children on our waiting list.
As a result of the high student population, last year we changed our drop
off and pick up procedures to avoid too much congestion in the parking lot and
hallways. PLEASE do not park in the spaces near the old fellowship hall (our
snack room) during the school day. The older children are being picked up by
their parents at that door at the end of the day. As always, we request that you
drive slowly through the church parking lot during the school day.
The Preschool Board of Directors members were a tremendous help at
the beginning of the year. They hosted our open house and helped out in a
myriad of ways during our first week of school. I even received comments
from parents expressing their appreciation for such a warm welcome for their
children during their first days at school.
Upcoming preschool activities in October include Farm Day and a trip to
Denver Downs.
Thanks for all you do for us. We are blessed.
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
(Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays)
Pastor: David Hammer
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
& Adult Bible Study
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
(Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays)
Deaconess Intern: Holly Lustila
Secretary: Celeste Entrekin
Preschool Director: Leslie Schalkoff
Choir Director: Rick Schmidt
Choir Accompanist: Michelle Rowland
Organist: David Phillips
Nate Esala, Lutheran Bible Translators
S.E.D. Missionaries to Peru
Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church
220 Carson Rd.
Seneca, SC 29678