Programme October 10 and 11, 2014 Hamburg Chamber of Commerce


Programme October 10 and 11, 2014 Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
as of 04.10.2014
October 10 and 11, 2014
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Hamburg, Germany
Friday, October 10, 2014
From 08.30
Registration, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce (Vestibül)
Official opening of the conference (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Press photographers and broadcasting press will have access to the
“Albert-Schäfer-Saal” at all times. Due to the limited number of seats,
we may have to ask press writers to use the press workroom in the
“Elbe-Zimmer”, where there will be a live broadcast of the conference,
and where press representatives can also work on their laptops.
Catering will be provided.
Welcome Addresses
 Fritz Horst Melsheimer, President, Hamburg Chamber of
Commerce, Germany
 Olaf Scholz, First Mayor and President of the Senate of the Free
and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany
Opening Speeches
 Li Yizhong, Chairman, China Federation of Industrial Economics,
P.R. China
 Yao Shenhong, Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General,
China Association of Trade in Services, P.R. China
Keynote Speeches (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Welcome by the Conference Chairman and Introduction of
keynote speakers
 Nikolaus W. Schües, Conference Chairman; Former President,
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce; Shipowner, Reederei F. Laeisz,
Confirmed Speakers
 Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg
 Li Yunpeng, Director of Board and President, China Ocean
Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO), P.R. China
One-on-one: The bull and the dragon - How China and Europe
perceive each other
Despite the dynamic and thriving economic relations between China
and Europe, the knowledge gaps about the society, culture and last but
not least the political system of the respective counterpart remain
large. These gaps have not only allowed old stereotypes to persist, but
create room for new misperceptions as the Sino-European relations
evolve. While some of the stereotypes and misperceptions might do no
harm, others have the potential to distort the relationship between
China and Europe. Even though the problem has been known for a
long time, current instruments to overcome stereotypes have shown
little effect. This panel will discuss ways to overcome stereotypes and
misperceptions, broad roadmaps as well as concrete measures that
would allow China and Europe to move a step forward in achieving a
deeper mutual understanding.
Confirmed Speakers
 Reinhard Bütikofer, MEP (Germany), European Parliament,
 Mingming Liu, Executive Representative, Voith Group Asia, P.R.
 Andreas Cichowicz, Editor in Chief and Deputy Director of
Television, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Germany
Contact break (Commerzsaal)
Panel: The future of the Chinese economic system - Changing the
rules of the game (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
In the last three decades, China’s economic growth has mainly been
driven by investment and export. However, with the outbreak of the
global financial crisis, this growth model has become unsustainable.
China’s export sector has lost its momentum, and economic growth
has become ever more dependent on investment – a development that
has resulted in overcapacities and a growing amount of non-performing
loans. To create a more sustainable growth model, China’s authorities
plan to promote domestic consumption and foster innovation to allow
for increases in productivity. To achieve these goals, a range of
reforms that would boost the spending power of consumers and
strengthen the role of private companies is needed. China’s
policymakers have thus designed an ambitious reform agenda that
puts a premium on financial system liberalisation and a restructuring of
the fiscal system. This panel discusses China’s reform strategy and its
implications for the activities of European companies engaged in
Confirmed Speakers
 Günter Butschek, Chief Operating Officer, Airbus SAS, France
 Dr. Han Benyi, Vice President, China National Aviation Fuel Group
Corporation, P.R. China
 Prof. Sebastian Heilmann, President, Mercator Institute for China
Studies (MERICS), Germany
 Xu Ningyue, Vice President and Chief Corporate Banking Officer,
Bank of Beijing, P.R. China
 Shada Islam, Director of Policy, Friends of Europe, Belgium
Lunch break (Commerzsaal)
Press Conference, “Merkur-Zimmer”
Panel: More Chinese investment in Europe - Challenge and
opportunity (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Increasing outbound investment from China has been a major
structural trend in recent years, and this is only the beginning. Given
the EU’s open markets, Chinese overseas foreign direct investments
are expanding rapidly across Europe. Chinese firms are increasingly
diversifying their investment targets and climbing up the value chain.
Setting up new factories, their acquisition of well-known brands and
technology positions them on European markets but also serves to
compete back home in China. This panel will discuss the motives,
strategies, trends and implications of Chinese investment in Europe.
Confirmed Speakers
 Dr. He Linbo, Managing Director and Head of Private Equity
Investment Department, China Investment Corporation (CIC), P.R.
 Dr. Margot Schüller, Deputy Director, GIGA Institute of Asian
Studies, Germany
 Dr. Song Hailiang, Vice President, China Communications
Construction Company Ltd.; Chairman, Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy
Industries Co. Ltd., P.R. China
 Sun Yi, Head of China Business Services Germany, Switzerland
and Austria; Partner, Transaction Advisory Services, Ernst & Young
GmbH, Germany
 Dr. Richard Weber, President, EUROCHAMBRES, Belgium
 Zhang Xiangui, Chief Executive Officer, WISCO International
Tailored Blanks GmbH, Germany
 Astrid Oldekop, Founder & Managing Director, MediaPoint
Düsseldorf | Beijing, Germany
Contact break (Commerzsaal)
Panel: Urbanisation as part of the Chinese reform strategy - How
can Western companies contribute? (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Over the past 30 years, urbanisation has become one of the most
significant developments in China. 54 % of the Chinese population
already live in cities and the government’s objective for 2020 is to raise
this number to 60 % by transforming the Chinese society into a
modern, urban one. This implicates enormous social, political and
environmental challenges. In order to successfully restructure Chinese
cities, tremendous investments in sustainable infrastructure projects, in
traffic solutions and e-mobility, as well as in recycling, are needed. The
Chinese government’s shift towards a more people-centred
urbanisation strategy will also lead to a stronger demand for services
from the tertiary sector, such as health care, education and services
related to an ageing society. This panel will discuss the different facets
of China’s urbanisation strategy and how European companies can
contribute to it.
Confirmed Speakers
 Dr. Feng Wenmeng, Director of Research Department II, China
Development Research Foundation (CDRF), P.R. China
 Dr. Rainer Feurer, Senior Vice President Sales Strategy and
Steering, Channel Development, BMW Group, Germany
 Hansen Yuen, President and Board Chairman, MAXYEE GROUP,
P.R. China
 Jens-Peter Saul, CEO, Rambøll Group A/S, Denmark
 Dr. Axel Schweitzer, CEO, ALBA Group plc & Co. KG; Chairman,
Administrative Board of ALBA SE, Germany
 Yang Qing, Executive Vice President, State Grid Corporation of
China, P.R. China
 Dr. Sabine Stricker-Kellerer, Member of the German-Chinese
Dialogue Forum, Germany
One-on-one: Industry automation: Security in the internet of
things (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Confirmed Speaker
 Clas Neumann, Senior Vice President, Head of Global SAP Labs
Network, Head of Fast Growth Strategy Group, SAP Labs China,
P.R. China
 Ruediger Stroh, CEO, NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH;
Member of the International Board of Management, NXP
Semiconductors N.V., Netherlands
 Dr. Bernhard Thies, Chairman of the Board of Directors, DKE
German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information
Technologies of DIN and VDE, Germany
Keynote speech with Q&A (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Confirmed Speaker
 “Implementing change: The EU-China relationship after the 3rd
plenum” by Karel De Gucht, Commissioner for Trade, European
Commission, Belgium
 Shada Islam, Director of Policy, Friends of Europe, Belgium
Saturday, October 11, 2014
From 07.30
From 7.30
Registration, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce (Vestibül)
Press registration for the photo opportunity of the Closing Lunch with
Premier Li Keqiang
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, “Entrance B”
Panel: The future of EU-China trade relations - Building a new
trade and investment order? (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
China and Europe trade over 1 bn Euro a day and trade remains the
primary driver not only of China-EU relations but also of China’s
bilateral relationships with various European countries. While major
trade disputes, ranging from solar panel cases to wine and steel tubes
cases seem to have been settled recently, not all is rosy. Contagious
issues include the implementation of conflict settlement deals, China’s
market economy status, reciprocal market access, subsidies and
transparency, as the ongoing negotiations for a comprehensive EUChina investment agreement show. This panel will provide an outlook
on the future of EU-China trade relations. It discusses the opportunities
for Chinese and European companies to untap existing potential in
bilateral trade relations as well as China’s and the EU’s strategies in
tackling thorny trade policy issues. What are the challenges lying
ahead on the long road towards agreements on free trade and trade in
Confirmed Speakers
 Peter Berz, Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission,
 Nan Cunhui, Chairman, CHINT Group; CFIE Presidium Member,
P.R. China
 Dr. Stefan Sack, Vice President, European Union Chamber of
Commerce in China; CEO, COMAU China, P.R. China
 Xu Lejiang, Chairman, Baosteel Group Corporation; CFIE Presidium
Member, P.R. China
 Yi Xiaozhun, Deputy Director General, World Trade Organization,
 Shada Islam, Director of Policy, Friends of Europe, Belgium
Contact break (Commerzsaal)
Two parallel sessions:
Panel A: Greening the Chinese economy - Balancing sustainable
growth and environmental protection (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
Environmental pollution, including heavy smog, poor-quality drinking
water and toxic land is the price China is paying for its rapid economic
growth during the last decades. China’s environmental problems and
its noxious effects on public health are one of the drivers behind
China’s planned shift towards a greener and more sustainable model
of economic development. Considering the enormous energy demand
of China’s heavy as well as manufacturing industry, the shift from fossil
to renewable energy sources presents a great and long-term challenge
for the country. What technological as well as regulatory strategies will
China need to implement to boost the proportion of renewable energy
in its overall energy mix? How can European companies support China
with know-how and technologies and assist them in achieving their
goal of greener economic development? This panel will discuss
solutions to China’s environmental problems and explore the great
potential for mutually beneficial cooperation between Europe and
China with regard to environmentally efficient and effective
Confirmed Speakers
 Charles-Edouard Bouée, Chief Executive Officer, Roland Berger
Strategy Consultants, France
 Lothar Herrmann, President & CEO, Siemens Limited China;
Chairman of the Board of Directors, German Chamber of
Commerce in North China, P.R. China
 Tor E. Svensen, CEO, DNV GL Maritime, Germany
 Zhang Xiaogang PhD, President, Ansteel Group Corporation;
President-elect, International Organization for Standardization; CFIE
Presidium Member, P.R. China
 Zhou Zhongshu, Chairman, Minmetals Corporation; CFIE Presidium
Member, P.R. China
 Björn Conrad, Associate Vice President for Research and Director
of the Innovation and Environment Research Area, Mercator
Institute for China Studies (MERICS), Germany
Panel B: How to become famous - Chinese brands take to the
global stage (Plenarsaal)
Only a small number of Chinese companies have successfully entered
international markets and have successfully established globally
recognised brands. Many Chinese brands have remained less visible
for international consumers, but are making enormous strides in fastmoving consumer goods markets within their own country. Similarly,
even China’s top export brands, such as manufacturers of household
appliances or leading telecommunications manufacturers, struggle to
develop truly global brands and are just now in process of positioning
their brands in global markets. What strategies need to be
implemented for Chinese brands to gain international recognition and
to successfully enter global markets? This panel will discuss the
challenges Chinese brands are facing.
Confirmed Speakers
 Joel Backaler, Author “China Goes West”; Associate Vice
President, Frontier Strategy Group, USA
 Jia Xiaoju, Deputy General Manager, Qingdao Changlong
Stationery Co. Ltd., P.R. China
 Mei Yan, Senior Partner, Brunswick Group, P.R. China
 Marc Szepan, Co-Director of the Economy and Business Research
Area, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), Germany
One-on-one: Shifting powers in world politics - China’s role in
global governance (Albert-Schäfer-Saal)
China’s role in global governance is one of the defining questions of
global politics in the 21st century. Some observers complain that China
has so far shown only very partial involvement in global issues. Others
fear that with China’s constantly growing economic power it will
challenge the existing set of global governance institutions by creating
new alternative frameworks. Currently, global governance faces severe
gridlock and the international demand for China to assume more
responsibility in global governance is high. How can the US and the EU
provide space and encourage China to become more involved in
issues affecting global politics? What potential does China have to give
new impulses to global governance?
Confirmed Speakers
 Elmar Brok, MEP (Germany), Chairman of the Foreign Affairs
Committee, European Parliament, Belgium
 Jin Canrong PhD, Professor and Associate Dean, School of
International Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing, P.R.
 Matthias Nass, International Correspondent, DIE ZEIT, Germany
Reception (Ground floor)
Photo opportunity: Signing of the Golden Book by Li Keqiang, Martin
Schulz and Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, “Effektensaal”
Closing Lunch (Börsensaal)
Welcome Addresses
 Fritz Horst Melsheimer, President, Hamburg Chamber of
Commerce, Germany
 Olaf Scholz, First Mayor and President of the Senate of the Free
and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany
 Dr. Hubert Lienhard, Chairman, Asia-Pacific Committee of
German Business (APA); President and CEO, Voith GmbH,
Keynote Speech by Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
Keynote Speech by Martin Schulz, President, European Parliament,
Keynote Speech by Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the People’s
Republic of China
Closing Remarks
Nikolaus W. Schües, Conference Chairman; Former President,
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce; Shipowner, Reederei F. Laeisz,
Keynote Speeches will be given during the Closing Lunch in the
“Börsensaal” (on the ground floor). Live broadcast of the Closing
Dinner will be provided in the press workroom “Elbe-Zimmer” on
the upper floor, where press representatives can also work on their
laptops. Press representatives will also have the opportunity to
take photos and film the “Börsensaal” from the gallery on the upper
floor. Catering will be provided.
Confirmed Speakers
China Investment Corporation (CIC), P.R.
Joel Backaler, Author “China Goes West”;
Strategy Group, USA
Prof. Sebastian Heilmann, President,
Mercator Institute for China Studies
(MERICS), Germany
Peter Berz, Head of Unit, DG Trade,
European Commission, Belgium
Lothar Herrmann, President & CEO,
Siemens Limited China; Chairman of the
Board of Directors, German Chamber of
Commerce in North China, P.R. China
Charles-Edouard Bouée, Chief Executive
Consultants, France
Shada Islam, Director of Policy, Friends of
Europe, Belgium
Elmar Brok, MEP (Germany), Chairman of
the Foreign Affairs Committee, European
Parliament, Belgium
Jia Xiaoju, Deputy General Manager,
Qingdao Changlong Stationery Co. Ltd.,
P.R. China
Reinhard Bütikofer, MEP (Germany),
European Parliament, Belgium
Jin Canrong PhD, Professor and
Associate Dean, School of International
Studies, Renmin University of China,
Beijing, P.R. China
Günter Butschek, Chief Operating Officer,
Airbus SAS, France
Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the People’s
Republic of China
Andreas Cichowicz, Editor in Chief and
Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Germany
Li Yizhong, Chairman, China Federation
of Industrial Economics, P.R. China
Björn Conrad, Associate Vice President
for Research and Director of the
Innovation and Environment Research
Area, Mercator Institute for China Studies
(MERICS), Germany
Li Yunpeng, Director of Board and
President, China Ocean Shipping (Group)
Company (COSCO), P.R. China
Dr. Hubert Lienhard, Chairman, AsiaPacific Committee of German Business
(APA); President and CEO, Voith GmbH,
Karel De Gucht, Commissioner for Trade,
European Commission, Belgium
Dr. Feng Wenmeng, Director of Research
Department II, China Development
Research Foundation (CDRF), P.R. China
Mingming Liu, Executive Representative,
Voith Group Asia, P.R. China
Dr. Rainer Feurer, Senior Vice President
Sales Strategy and Steering, Channel
Development, BMW Group, Germany
Mei Yan, Senior
Group, P.R. China
Fritz Horst Melsheimer, President,
Dr. Han Benyi, Vice President, China
National Aviation Fuel Group Corporation,
P.R. China
Nan Cunhui, Chairman, CHINT Group;
CFIE Presidium Member, P.R. China
Hansen Yuen, President and Board
Chairman, MAXYEE GROUP, P.R. China
Correspondent, DIE ZEIT, Germany
Dr. He Linbo, Managing Director and Head
of Private Equity Investment Department,
Clas Neumann, Senior Vice President,
Head of Global SAP Labs Network, Head
of Fast Growth Strategy Group, SAP Labs
China, P.R. China
Tor E. Svensen, CEO, DNV GL Maritime,
Marc Szepan, Co-Director of the Economy
and Business Research Area, Mercator
Institute for China Studies (MERICS),
Astrid Oldekop, Founder & Managing
Director, MediaPoint Düsseldorf | Beijing,
Dr. Bernhard Thies, Chairman of the
Board of Directors, DKE German
Commission for Electrical, Electronic &
Information Technologies of DIN and VDE,
Dr. Stefan Sack, Vice President,
European Union Chamber of Commerce in
China; CEO, COMAU China, P.R. China
Jens-Peter Saul, CEO, Rambøll Group
A/S, Denmark
Olaf Scholz, First Mayor and President of
the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City
of Hamburg, Germany
Xu Lejiang, Chairman, Baosteel Group
Corporation; CFIE Presidium Member,
P.R. China
Chairman; Former President, Hamburg
Chamber of Commerce; Shipowner,
Reederei F. Laeisz, Germany
Xu Ningyue, Vice President and Chief
Corporate Banking Officer, Bank of
Beijing, P.R. China
Dr. Margot Schüller, Deputy Director,
GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Germany
Martin Schulz, President,
Parliament, Belgium
Yao Shenhong, Executive Vice Chairman
and Secretary General, China Association
of Trade in Services, P.R. China
Yang Qing, Executive Vice President,
State Grid Corporation of China, P.R.
Dr. Axel Schweitzer, CEO, ALBA Group
plc & Co. KG; Chairman, Administrative
Board of ALBA SE, Germany
Yi Xiaozhun, Deputy Director General,
World Trade Organization, Switzerland
Dr. Song Hailiang, Vice President, China
Communications Construction Company
Ltd.; Chairman, Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy
Industries Co. Ltd., P.R. China
Zhang Xiangui, Chief Executive Officer,
WISCO International Tailored Blanks
GmbH, Germany
Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Zhang Xiaogang PhD, President, Ansteel
Standardization; CFIE Presidium Member,
P.R. China
Dr. Sabine Stricker-Kellerer, Member of
the German-Chinese Dialogue Forum,
Zhou Zhongshu, Chairman, Minmetals
Corporation; CFIE Presidium Member,
P.R. China
Semiconductors Germany GmbH; Member
of the International Board of Management,
NXP Semiconductors N.V., Netherlands
Sun Yi, Head of China Business Services
Germany, Switzerland and Austria;
Partner, Transaction Advisory Services,
Ernst & Young GmbH, Germany