Charles Shivery career timeline


Charles Shivery career timeline
Charles Shivery
Age: 68
Family: Chris, wife of 44 years; Jake,
son who owns a film camera store
in Portland, Ore.
John Hopkins University —
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of
Engineering Science
University of Baltimore —
Master’s of Business Administration
Military: Served in U.S. Navy from
1968-1972, living for a time in Spain
Current NU Title: Chairman
Total Compensation:
2012: $6.3 million
2011: $9.6 million
2010: $8.3 million
2012 Value on Vesting Stock:
$6.6 million
S o u r c e s : S h i v e r y, N U , U . S . S e c u r i t i e s
& E x c h a n g e C o m m i ss i o n
A Timeline of Charles
Shivery’s Career at
Northeast Utilities
2002: Joined company as president
& CEO of NU Enterprises, Inc.
December 2003: Named interim
March 2004: Named permanent NU
CEO, president, and chairman
2005: Started moving company to
performing more transmission
2008: NU completed first major
transmission program in
Southwest Connecticut
Oct. 18, 2010: Announces intention
to merger NU with NStar
March 14, 2012: Following fallout
from storms, NU and
Connecticut officials agree on
concessions that lead to
regulators’ approval of merger.
Massachusetts would come to
similar agreement shortly
April 10, 2012: NU-NStar merger
completed. Shivery surrendered
CEO and president titles to
Tom May.
Oct. 10, 2013: Shivery will surrender
his chairman title to May.
May 2014: Current term as member of
board of trustees expires. He is
eligible for re-election every year
until he turns 72.
S o u r c e s : N U , S EC