MHA Keystone: Surgery Workshop IMPROVING QUALITY & sAVING LIVes Tuesday, October 21, 2014
MHA Keystone: Surgery Workshop IMPROVING QUALITY & sAVING LIVes Tuesday, October 21, 2014
IMPROVING QUALITY & sAVING LIVes MHA Keystone: Surgery Workshop Tuesday, October 21, 2014 JW Marriott Grand Rapids, MI This educational activity is sponsored by in-kind support from Blue Cross Blue Shield A Voluntary Collaborative to Improve Quality and Save Lives OVeRVIew CONFeReNCe sPeCIFICs REGISTRATION Each facility may register up to three individuals at no charge, additional attendees $60 per person. If you have registered for an MHA event and have login information, you may register online or with the form within this brochure. Space is limited and registration is on a firstcome, first-served basis. Confirmation will be sent via email. If you do not receive confirmation of registration, contact Tammy Nault at [email protected]. Please note that this event may be photographed and/or videotaped. Your attendance will indicate your consent for the use of such photographs or videotapes for educational and/or promotional purposes. VENUE & ACCOMMODATIONS The event will be hosted at the JW Marriott, 235 Louis Street NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503. Room reservation discounts are available for the night of Oct. 20 for $132 per night at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, 187 Monroe Avenue North West, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. The Amway Grand Hotel is connected to the JW Marriott via skywalk for easy access to the workshop. If you require overnight accommodations, please be sure to make reservations by Sept. 19 to receive this discount. Reserve your room online or call (616) 774-2000 and mention MHA Keystone Center to receive a discounted rate. The MHA Keystone Center will host the MHA Keystone: Surgery Workshop Oct. 21 at the JW Marriott, Grand Rapids. Hospitals participating in any of the MHA Keystone: Surgery or MHA Keystone: Safe Care – Adverse Drug Events (ADE) initiatives are strongly encouraged to attend. Presentations will include topics on handoff communication, health literacy, and glycemic control. Hospital teams will also hear from experts on physician and executive engagement, culture, and reducing surgical-site infections in colon patients. 2 PARKING Self-parking will only be validated for those who park at the JW Marriott, located in the covered structure adjacent to the hotel. Valet parking is $29 daily and is located at the front entrance of the building. SPECIAL NEEDS If you have any special needs or concerns regarding program site access, dietary restrictions, or your participation in the program, contact Megan Black at [email protected] or (517) 886-8385. Please inquire in advance so we may respond to your individual needs. CANCELLATION POLICY If notice of cancellation is given 72 hours in advance of the workshop, 50 percent of the registration fee is refundable. No refunds will be issued after this time. ReQUIReMeNTs & CRedITs PHARMACY CONTINUING EDUCATION (PCE) REQUIREMENTS The select activities are structured to meet knowledge-based educational needs and acquire factual knowledge. Information in knowledge-type activities is based on evidence as accepted in the literature by the health care professions. Pharmacy continuing education (PCE) credit will be earned based on participation in these activities. Attendance and participation are required before obtaining PCE credit. Any individual who is more than 10 minutes late to an activity or leaves an activity early will not be granted PCE credit. This procedure will be strictly enforced, so please plan accordingly. Participants must complete an activity evaluation and posttest with a passing score of 70 percent or greater. The select activities are accredited through the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) for pharmacist continuing education credit. Participants must complete an activity evaluation and posttest with a passing score of 70 percent or greater. Please allow MPA three weeks to grade posttests and process and upload credit to CPE Monitor. NOTE: ACPE guidelines prohibit MPA from issuing credit more than 60 days after the activity for any reason. If all requirements are met, participants will receive pharmacy continuing education credit in the following manner. Partial credit will not be awarded. Please allow 60 days for processing and upload of credit to CPE Monitor. Pharmacists CPE Monitor, a national, collaborative effort by ACPE and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) to provide an electronic system for pharmacists to track their completed PCE credits. MPA, as an ACPE-accredited provider, is required to report pharmacist PCE credit using this new tracking system. Pharmacist participants must provide their NABP e-Profile identification number and date of birth (in MMDD format) when they register for a CPE activity or complete activity evaluations. It will be the responsibility of the pharmacist to provide the correct information (i.e., e-Profile identification number and date of birth in MMDD format). If this information is not provided, NABP and ACPE prohibit MPA from issuing CPE credit. Online access to their inventory of completed credits will allow pharmacists to easily monitor their compliance with CPE requirements and print statements of credit. Therefore, MPA will not provide printed statements of credit to pharmacists. For additional information on CPE Monitor, including E-Profile set-up and its impact on pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, go to continuingEducation/. Michigan Pharmacists Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. Initial Release Date: 10/21/14; Expiration Date: 10/21/15 The following sessions have been accredited together for pharmacy continuing education. Pharmacist attendees seeking continuing education credit must attend both sessions in their entirety. Partial credit will not be awarded. Michigan Opioid Safety Score and Health Literacy and Introduction of MHA Keystone: Surgery Glycemic Bundle ACPE Universal Activity #0112-999914-340-L04-P 1.5 contact hours CME REQUIREMENTS Resolution of Conflicts of Interest In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support of CME, William Beaumont Hospital implemented mechanisms, prior to the planning and implementation of this CME activity, to identify and resolve conflicts of interest for all individuals in a position to control content of this CME activity. CME Accreditation This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of William Beaumont Hospital and Michigan Public Health Institute. William Beaumont Hospital is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CME Credit Designation William Beaumont Hospital designates this live activity for a maximum of 6.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. CME Course 16522 Non-physician professionals should check with their individual credentialing bodies to confirm that participation in this CME activity will be approved for credit. CME credits can be used to meet the continuing education requirements needed for Michigan physician assistant and nursing relicensure without limitation. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS For more information on medical continuing education opportunities, please contact Megan Black ([email protected]). 3 AGeNdA • October 21, 2014 7:30 – 8 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 8 – 8:15 a.m. Welcome 8:15 – 9:30 a.m. Physician and Executive Engagement and Culture Steve Berkowitz, MD SMB Health Consulting 9:30 – 10 a.m. Panel Discussion – Physician and Executive Engagement and Culture Gary Roth, DO, FACOS, FCCM, FACS Medical Director, MHA Keystone Center Steve Berkowitz, MD SMB Health Consulting Carol Schmidt, CRNA Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak 10 – 10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Handoff Communication Henry C. Talley V, PhD, MSN, MS, CRNA Associate Professor, Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program, Michigan State University College of Nursing 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch Break 1:15 – 2 p.m. Peri-Operative Glycemic Control Larry Custer, RPh Employee Pharmacy Coordinator, Diabetes Coordinator, Metro Health Grand Rapids At the end of this activity, participants should be able to discuss the implication of diabetes complication in the surgical patient; discuss basal bosol insulin protocols; and discuss the pathophysiology of hyperglycemia in the perioperative setting. 2 – 2:45 p.m. MHA Keystone: Surgery Data Update Danielle Barnes, MS Data Analytics Manager, MHA Patient Safety Organization Roy Soto, MD Professor and Residency Program Director, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. Advanced Colon Bundle Wing Lee, MBBS, MPH Project Manager, Greater New York Hospital Association 3:45 – 4 p.m. Closing Remarks 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Michigan Opioid Safety Score and Health Literacy Roy Soto, MD Professor and Residency Program Director, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine At the end of this activity, participants should be able to identify opioid misuse risk assessment methods; discuss how to implement appropriate levels of monitoring to reduce aberrant drugrelated behaviors; and describe the effects of prolonged use versus chronic pain. 4 sPeAKeRs STEVE BERKOWITZ, MD Board certified in internal medicine, Dr. Berkowitz is the Founder and President of SMB Health Consulting, specializing in assisting physicians and hospitals with clinical/ operational performance improvement, CMO mentoring, and strategic planning. He has worked with over 150 clients in all 50 states. Previously, for 13 years he was Chief Medical Officer for St. David’s Healthcare, a six-hospital system in Austin, Texas, as well as Division Chief Medical Officer for HCA, which also included facilities in El Paso. As a member of the senior executive team, he had the overall responsibility of clinical outcomes improvement, physician development, strategic planning, and medical management for the Division. During this time he directed the implementation of numerous initiatives and programs to improve the system’s clinical effectiveness. St. David’s mortality index and CMS core measures are now among the best in the nation. STEMI times have reached national best practice levels, and SDH has been recognized at both the state and national levels for patient care quality and performance excellence. In 2008 St. David’s received the Texas Award for Performance Excellence, based on Baldrige criteria. Dr. Berkowitz was also Chairman of Capital Area Providers, a 5.01-(a) Texas medical foundation with over 850 physicians. Prior to this position, Dr. Berkowitz was the National Practice Leader for Physician Services with the HayGroup, assisting over 75 major healthcare clients throughout the USA and Canada in the areas of strategic development, physician integration, physician compensation, and medical practice management. He was a senior executive for Harris Methodist Health System serving as Medical Director of the HMO and Chief Medical Officer for the integrated delivery system. He was recently appointed Chairman of the Board of the Texas Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency by Governor Perry. He also sits on the Board of the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care, and the Texas Association of Health Care Quality. He has been on the Board of the Texas Hospital Association and the Texas Health Care Information Council. GARY ROTH, DO, FACOS, FCCM, FACS Gary Roth, DO, FACOS, FCCM, FACS is the Medical Director for the Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA) Keystone Center for Patient Safety and Quality. He was recently nominated to serve on the National Quality Forum’s (NQF) Surgery Steering Committee for the Surgery Measure Endorsement and Maintenance project. Dr. Roth completed the one year American Hospital Association (AHA) National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) Comprehensive Patient Safety Leadership Fellowship in May of 2014. Clinically Dr. Roth practices cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and is Board Certified in CardioThoracic Surgery, Peripheral Vascular Surgery and Surgical Critical Care. Dr. Roth is a Clinical Associate Professor in surgery at Michigan State University; College of Osteopathic Medicine. He instructs at the university level, presents locally and nationally on multiple topics with emphasis in the management of the critically ill patient, Quality Improvement, and Patient Safety Initiatives. CAROL SCHMIDT, CRNA Carol Schmidt, CRNA has been a registered nurse for 34 years and a CRNA for the last 29 years. She is the Director of Anesthesia at William Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak. In her role she works closely with quality improvement and has a passion for patient safety. HENRY C. TALLEY V, PHD, MSN, MS, CRNA Dr. Henry Clinton Talley V, PhD, MSN, CRNA graduated from the Harlem Hospital Center Schools of Nursing and Anesthesia in 1979 and 1981, respectively. He earned American Association of Nurse Anesthetist certification as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (C.R.N.A.) in 1981. He was awarded the BA degree from Ottawa University in Kansas City in 1994. He also has earned the M.S.N. degree and the PhD in nursing from the University Of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in 2001 and 2003, respectively. Dr. Talley is Director and Associate Professor of the Nurse Anesthesia Program at the Michigan State University College of Nursing. He has served as an officer in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, and has over 20 years of experience as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. His research interests include interprofessional communication, academic diversity, and the efficacy of complex simulations in the educations of CRNAs. ROY SOTO, MD Roy Soto, MD, is an anesthesiologist at Beaumont Hospital-Royal Oak. Following his residency training at UCLA, he joined the faculty of the University of South Florida in Tampa, and then the State University of New York at Stony Brook. In 2007, he was recruited to Beaumont Hospital to start an anesthesiology training program, and he currently serves as the residency program director. Dr. Soto also serves as a professor of Anesthesiology at the hospital's affiliated medical school and his research interests include patient safety, enhanced recovery after surgery, and service excellence/patient satisfaction. 5 sPeAKeRs (continued) LARRY CUSTER, RPH Larry Custer, RPh has been an outpatient pharmacist for 13 years and an inpatient clinical pharmacist for 10 years. Currently, he manages the outpatient pharmacy for the Metro health-system plan, with a special emphasis on diabetes management. Additionally, Mr. Custer has been a member on the hospital stroke team, chairs the outpatient pharmacy and therapeutics committee and is the inpatient diabetes coordinator and director of the glycemic control team. DANIELLE BARNES, MS Danielle Barnes, MS is the Data Analytics Manager with the Michigan Health and Hospital Association Patient Safety Organization. Her previous experience includes research with 6 Michigan State University in statistical analysis in microbiology and molecular genetics. Ms. Barnes has her Master of Science in Statistics and her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Michigan State University. WING LEE, MBBS, MPH Wing Lee, MBBS, MPH is a Project Manager at the Greater New York Hospital Association’s Regulatory and Professional Affairs Department where she assists member hospitals on issues pertaining to quality improvements and patient safety. In addition to leading the surgical safety and obstetrical safety initiatives for the NYS Partnership for Patients Program. Dr. Lee earned a Masters in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health in 2011, where she was the Vice President of the Harvard School of Public Health, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety organization, the Harvard University chapter for the Institute for Health Care Improvement's Open School for Health Professionals. She obtained her BSc in Psychology from Kings College London in 2007, before attending Medical School also at Kings College London prior to starting her Surgical Residency at Guy’s and St. Thomas Hospital, London. MHA KeYsTONe: sURGeRY ReGIsTRATION FORM Tuesday, October 21, 2014 • JW Marriott • 235 Louis Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Hospital/Organization Name: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Registration Fees:* First three attendees from each hospital at no cost $60 per additional attendee Registration Deadline: Oct. 13, 2014 Space is limited and registrations received after Oct. 13 will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendee 1 Information Name:____________________________________________________ Credentials: _______________________________________________ Job Title: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________________ On-site registrations will be accepted, room providing. Registration for four+ attendees $60 per person *These fees are only applicable if sending four or more individuals per hospital Total number of people from facility registering with enclosed payment: _______________ Total fees due and included on the check: $______________ Check number enclosed: $______________ Total fees to be charged: $______________ Charge to card: Attendee 2 Information n VISA n MasterCard n American Express Name:____________________________________________________ Account Number: __________________________________________ Credentials: _______________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________________________________ Job Title: _________________________________________________ CVV Code: ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ (3 or 4 digit security number on the card) Cardholder Name: _________________________________________ Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Attendee 3 Information Name:____________________________________________________ Credentials: _______________________________________________ Job Title: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Workshop Payment Policy: Following the workshop, the MHA Keystone Center will collect payment from any facility sending more than three attendees per hospital. If your hospital wants to pay with a credit card or check, please provide the payment information below. If you do not provide payment information on the registration form, following the workshop the MHA Keystone Center will invoice the collaborative leader (primary contact) for the additional attendees. Cancellation policy: If notice of cancellation is given 72 hours in advance of the workshop, 50 percent of the registration fee is refundable. No refunds will be issued after this time. The following options are available for completing registration: • Mail: Tammy Nault, MHA Keystone Center, 2112 University Park Dr., Okemos, MI 48864 • Email: Tammy Nault, [email protected] • Fax: (517) 703-0605 • Register online: Visit the MHA Event Registration page and scroll to the MHA Keystone: Surgery Workshop event Registration confirmation will be sent via email. If you do not receive confirmation of registration or if you have questions, contact Tammy Nault at [email protected] or (517) 886-8369.