Booth Worksheet Location: Troop: Door:
Booth Worksheet Location: Troop: Door:
Booth Worksheet Location: Troop: Door: Date: SU: Start Time: Location Requirements: Girl(s): End Time: Adults: Total Finish Pkgs Sold Pkgs Cases Pkgs Cases Start Savannah Smiles X $4 = Trefoils X $4 = Do-Si-Dos X $4 = Samoas X $4 = Tagalongs X $4 = Thin Mints X $4 = RahRah Raisin GlutenFree TCM Initials Parent Initials X $4 = X $5 = $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Pkgs Sold Revenue for Total Sold Cash Total at Finish $ Cash At Start - $ Net Cash at Finish Check Total at Finish Total Net Cash and Checks Total Credit Card Sales Total Funds Received Less Revenue for Total Pkgs Sold Leftover funds for OCD/TGOC $ +$ =$ +$ =$ $$ Total Packages Donated $4 = package! OCD TGOC TCM & Parents both sign for cookies checked out at Start & checked in at Finish Credit Card Sales (list amounts - email receipt to self!) Total Packages Sold (packages + OCD/TGOC) = Cookies Sold Per Girl: Total $ TCM Name:__________________________________________ TCM Phone: _________________________________________ Contact your TCM if you are unable to make this Booth Sale. (completed by TCM only) Booth Best Practices (See pages 4-7 in the Cookie Handbook for more information!) □ Call the Troop Cookie Manager ASAP if you won’t be able to make your scheduled Booth Sale! Prepare for the Booth Sale □ Practice role playing with your girl. □ Help your girl find an appropriate outfit for the Booth Sale. □ Pull together the materials you’ll need for the Booth Sale. □ Find a second adult to join you. □ Find someone to watch your other children. Day of the Booth Sale □ Get from the Troop Cookie Manager on the day of your Booth Sale: Cookies—check these out from the troop extras. Cash—for making change. Booth Worksheet—for you and the girls to keep track of how many were sold during your shift. Booth Sale Signup Sheet—this is confirmation for the site and time scheduled. Guidelines for this particular Booth Site—these would be the rules set by the manager of the business. Permission slips for girls not related to you - required for all Girl Scout events away from a troop meeting. Additional display items—this could include OCD/TGOC promo materials, money bag, table cloths, displays, etc. □ Arrive at the Booth Site early to check in with prior troop. Is there anything you need to know about the site that may have come up that day? Be respectful of the other troop, and let them finish their shift at the site. □ Set up the Booth with your girl(s) when it’s your troop’s time slot or after the prior troop has left. An adult must be present at the Booth at all times. Only display cookies and promotion materials. (No donation jar or pamphlets for another organization.) Respect the guidelines set by the business you’re visiting. Keep the doorways clear for customers to get through. Conduct yourself professionally and respectfully as an example of behavior for the girls. Examples of not acceptable behaviors: shopping, sitting in your car, or smoking during the Booth Sale. □ Remind girls to be respectful and considerate of their potential customers. Have girls only ask customers going out of the business—not as they are going into the business. Encourage girls to answer customer questions themselves to build confidence. Remind girls to thank every potential customer, even if they choose not to buy cookies. Girls can reply “Have a nice day!” □ Be in charge of the money: Have girls tell customers what’s owed for the cookies and then have them count back change. Keep money close to you (in money bag, fanny pack, pocket, etc.) and not sitting on the table. Refrain from accepting large bills. Checks can only be $144 or less and made out to GSWW. Count the money collected after the Booth Sale is complete in your car or back at home—not out in the open or at the □ Have girls keep track of cookies sold and money taken (including donations for OCD/TGOC) on the Booth Worksheet. □ Clean up the site during the last 5 to 10 minutes of your shift for the next troop to take over promptly at their start time. Have girls collect any garbage and empty cookie cases to take home with you. Leave the Booth Site cleaner than you found it. Have girls count the number of cookies leftover from the Booth Sale. □ Return leftover cookies, all money (including donations) and other items in the list above to the Troop Cookie Manager.