Document 6564041
Document 6564041
PUBLIC VERSION UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. In the Matter of CERTAIN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING THE SAME ORDER NO. 17: Inv. N0. 337-TA-920 GRANTING-IN-PART CORRECTED JOINT MOTION TO TERMINATE INVESTIGATION (October 15, 2014) On September 29, 2014, Complainant Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (“Freescale”) and Respondents MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc. (collectively “MediaTek”) filed a joint motion to terminate this Investigation with prejudice based on a settlement agreement. (Motion Docket No. 920-O22.) On October 3, 2014, the Moving Parties filed a motion for leave to file a corrected joint motion to terminate this Investigation based on a settlement agreement. (Motion Docket No. 920-023.) The Moving Parties submitted confidential and public version of the corrected joint motions to terminate this Investigation with prejudice as attachments to their motion for leave. The Moving Parties’ motion for leave is hereby GRANTED. The Moving Parties’ corrected motion to terminate is addressed below and need not be refiled. Motion Docket No. 920-O22 is hereby DENIED as moot. In their corrected motion to terminate, the Moving Parties state that an agreement between Freescalc and MediaTek resolves the dispute as to MediaTek and all non-MediaTek Respondents. The Moving Parties thus request this Investigation be terminated in its entirety. The Moving Parties aver that the non-MediaTek Respondents do not oppose the motion] On 1The non-MediaTek Respondents are; Acer Inc.; AmTRAN Technology Co. Ltd.; AmTRAN Logistics, Inc.; ASUSTek Computer Inc.; ASUS Computer International; BLU Products, Inc.; Sharp Corporation; Sharp Electronics PUBLIC VERSION October 7, 2014, Commission Investigative Staff (“Staff”) filed a response to the Moving Parties’ corrected motion to terminate stating it does not oppose terminating the agreement without prejudice. The Moving Parties request that the service of the confidential exhibits be limited to the settling parties. The Moving Parties state that good cause exists for limiting the service because the specific tenns of the settlement agreement are highly sensitive business infonnation with respect to the non-MediaTek Respondents because they have business units that compete directly with MediaTek. (Mem. at 2.) Staff avers that the Moving Parties have demonstrated good cause for restricted service because of the highly sensitive nature of the redacted information and because the non-MediaTek Respondents have business units that compete with MediaTek. Having shown good cause, the request is GRANTED pursuant to 19 C.F.R. § 21O.21(b). The Commission’s Rules provide that “[a]ny party may move at any time to terminate an investigation in whole or in part as to any or all respondents on the basis of a settlement, a licensing or other agreement, including an agreement to present the_matter for arbitration, or a consent order, as provided in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section.” 19 C.F.R. § 2l0.21(a)(2). In the instant Investigation, the motion to tenninate is based on a Settlement Agreement between Freescale Semiconductor, Ltd. (“the Freescale Party”) and MediaTek Inc. (“the MediaTek Party”). Confidential and public copies of the settlement agreement were provided, as required by 19 C.F.R. § 210.21(b)(1). The public settlement agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Corporation; Sharp Electronics Manufacturing Company of America, Inc.; Sony Corporation; Sony Corporation of America; Sony Electronics Inc.; Sony EMCS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd; Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.; Toshiba Logistics America, Inc.; TPV Display Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.; Trend Smart America, Ltd.; Trend Smart Ce Mexico, S.r.l. de C.V.; VIZIO, Inc.; Best Buy Co., Inc.; Walmart Stores, Inc.; Amazoncom, Inc.; Lenovo Group Ltd.; Lenovo (United States) Inc.; Yamaha Corporation (Japan); Yamaha Corporation of America; Newegg Inc.; B & H Foto & Electronics Corp.; Costco VVholesaleCorporation; and Inc. (d/b/a Shopping). ‘ 2 PUBLIC VERSION Moving Parties have also included a statement that “there are no other agreements, written or oral, express or implied, between Freescale and MediaTek or between Freescale and any other Respondent concerning the subject matter of this investigation” as required by Commission Rule 21O.2l(b). (Mem. at 2.) l9 C.F.R. § 2lO.5O(b)(2)provides that in the case of a proposed termination by settlement agreement, the parties may file statements regarding the impact of the proposed termination on the public interest, and the administrative law judge may hear argument, although no discovery may be compelled, with respect to issues relating solely to the public interest. In I any initial determination terminating an investigation by settlement agreement or consent order, the administrative law judge is directed to consider and make appropriate findings regarding the effect of the proposed settlement on the public health and welfare, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, and United States consumers. 19 C.F.R. § 210.50(b)(2). The Moving Parties state that “the termination of this investigation will not adversely affect the public interest because it will not affect the public health and welfare, competitive conditions in the U.S. economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, or U.S. consumers.” (Mem. at 2.) The Moving Parties further state that “it is in the interest of the public and administrative economy to grant this Motion.” (Ia'.) Staff says that it is unaware of any infonnation that indicates that partial termination would hann the public interest and adds that the public interest favors settlement to avoid needless litigation and to conserve public resources. Based on the foregoing, I find that tennination of this Investigation does not impose any undue burdens on the public health and welfare, competitive conditions in 3 PUBLIC VERSION the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, and United States consumers. The Moving Parties’ request to terminate this Investigation with prejudice is contrary to Commission precedent. See, e.g., Certain Bar Clamps, Bar Clamp Pads and Related Packaging, Displays and Other Materials, Inv. No. 337-TA-429, Comm’n Op., 2001 WL 361 14993, at *2 (Feb. 13, 2001) (“We do not dismiss the complaint in this investigation ‘with prejudice’ because we believe that such a condition for termination of an investigation is not permitted under section 337(b)(1) of the Tarrif Act of 1930.”) Thus, the Moving Parties’ motion, to the extent it requests termination with prejudice, is DENIED. Qlilfl Accordingly, it is my Initial Determination that the corrected motion to terminate this Investigation is GRANTED-IN-PART. This Initial Determination, along with supporting documentation, is hereby certified to the Commission. Pursuant to 19 C.F.R. § 2l0.42(h), this Initial Determination shall become the determination of the Commission unless a party files a petition for review of the Initial Determination pursuant to 19 C.F.R. § 210.43(a), or the Commission, pursuant to 19 C.F.R. § 210.44, orders, on its own motion, a review of the Initial Determination or certain issues herein. The Moving Parties’ request to limit service of confidential materials to the settling parties is GRANTED. The Moving Parties’ request for termination, to the extent it requests termination with prejudice, is DENIED. SO ORDERED. 4 __i PUBLIC VERSION Dee Lord Administrative Law Judge 5 Exhibit A (Public Version) . This .. {-51%} “Sememmt‘ ?¥31$f¢mm1"of "&fl¢¢§m¢nr“37*is> sigigatuhc {km“ $ élni eniewséy aé PF 121%: flaw of lasi byand imtwaanfmcszmieS:m‘@w1§du¢1m-. L261.a mrgsarazimr qrgasiizezi mm 7e.‘l:ji§ii1ig,'-1uf1dér 13%»Iavésynf fiermmia (f‘i?_re=es¢ili:“',La;1dN¢di§’I_’ci; i1\€4.'3» cmgmrazian fi1£ani:B:cd'anfl~mdxtin£ fimier rm»;§1m*§;.i1f’I’a§1&Ya'n (“Madia”11:k‘§§ Freeseaia ind 1vfegiiz;T'e£are iquiividnaily ra_i"er*;"e‘d in Iiaiifimas :1“"F;r:ga*’~ané mflezztivciy as me "‘Par§i_c:§."’ xwifmni = V 'W?{ER£AS.Frwsmil: and‘Mediaflfeicdaaireliillwicfiflv wnia L§sa1~A§fim1$'{w d§i§mk4ii‘n"1"u'x'i<_:§¢ $7:i:2§‘Jx1\v§: naihing the pm-I c>£cEihcrPasty., ’ mew, LTHEREEORS,, rwcmarm shin 38¢wmuueé ». VI wmimxig as an ahissiun 'c£§i;b§!§;y vi -33¢:p'mu\is_c§ma nxiinjaiemenadts mawiainezmhc Parties. inm':idSng,wi$€Yc&;iiyIb%1fld,.&3f=# 1;: follmw» A1§g*r:cui»ir? A: um ii; tliis $¢_:::;~.m=m thy: ~fcIks_wi_1{1_g“tmm§ :§haIi aw»: I$15‘fil'!uwingr meanings: “ mm. as ‘<1Q;¥i1z1'v2 ='1_'t1@iw¢*i<mj Or 1 $¢=‘ii¢* Q?*!¢ifl=<1_ transaeliuns Bywhikzixmhird whc did not p,r¢vi0fl11s!y cm1t_m§Ih:,Pl1iY»88in: owncrghig 05 more tjhm §_§y;p¢r¢¢11l($D?»8§~vclingin1:=r¢st%nr"pjquxivalpua;'ig,!z1;~: the Pmtyrgflw seen immnflivflifi)» ‘ m§‘* méfls :1 WR69v§b8i=*im=‘s_idiwc1 andivdiffi cusiomcrs. wtailars. wh6Ycaa1em,1"diatfibiztors, éeaimz. reseilem; aims, ve,t;d0t‘$;.impmim, cxpurlcrs, nriginal equipment mannfactuzu-s, Qrkiual design manufadukrem supplies; nmanufianmrars,1'-_nn€rantxirs,TassbmbIy*feci1iii:§, izsfing fiwiiixies, wviee pravidem, arrri nits" $imilir- third p;:lies,: jizxduding wimoui iirlfimian ‘customers -w1m?’di;'ac£Jyor indirectly purchasa any pmdxrm urxewiws, fiom ma Parties ar flair véisuibviors; as Wei! as me rcsp¢c(iVep:9_fi_n¢¢sSar§, sucwssorsvmd assigns qf,w¢h gftbe afozmxemimznd eaatitiesé _*“ “ qr"' ’§ :hr::sa8~ Fmsaaiw and" itsSubairiiarées, in¢:lud.iagLF'n:cs;caicsm icm\d'm‘:t1;m, trim, providéci, than Fnascalc‘: Subsidiazirzs are rkenmd in in a»Fr‘;:e_s¢:§Ie,Bxi:§gy may an mug amali ch: mqaisiia canriiiienaofbwiag aS11i%fidia11r in main; V“Fl'l=_6$€1§i€V"§§\(il');“"&’§5IJ inrzhadxgay 1im@‘:?£i‘z'cxiva Daze oflhifi iwga1,¢i1ti1i¢sthat bwmw ‘ W? <>f*~.1+.‘$ a Suizsidiaxy bf -Frmsgilé after “’ mcans the litigaiions,includingany muq»all "claimsand eoumerszlaims,filad undar the foiiowing eas: mmbcrs: ‘ (a) Frmsoalz ~SEI?!i¢0!§§1tC!QI‘. Inc. v. Ammri Ifedmolagy C0.‘ 114.. ex ah, Case Na. :=12-cv‘-a0s44={w,n. 'I'e:t.)_; {ii} GXLD.€d‘};‘ 'Mediz:'Tek. 1114:v. F:-evsnaie Sermicundufiior. Jim, Gasefio. {c} in _thc Mutter of Cer:¢ia"vIatAegr*axea* cmw Saw, US$112imz 3L37»T&»92£?; and {:5} Ffwoaia rind Produeriwfioniaznizig the Samimrsducfmz Jae; v. Maiiafei ,?aa~=Mil?‘ 1$;I_14{I_i\>'-£§53¢»i ' USA. in: zr $1.. Clam: Na‘ 15;'§4~ilI¥'~(33i€§~5»i{€.v3J. €l%1£.}* “M@diaTIe1;mi¢»;<* Q “ii-6e&iaT¢:i§,£q@§§3¢~s" mm Mmiafak and ix; Subsifiiafigs, mzumng ikéazfififékU39, am pmvidad ‘mam Meaiavam sqmigigrm dccmsé §\->'Im§8T¢ir. fiiliiy miy sakmg as xii the xaquisiia “$1!¢diaT¢k vfimiay”/aflsu imiudes any iagai wines Rifle?{he Effcefive 0! this Agrwumi, " ’ “g” ofheixsg aiubsidiflfy 1% vmar, ii1at'iz4:wm:?:it Suissiziifiry =2!‘'MeéiafF§k“ ‘ ruqansmlpmms, "Manymuhods<;rVpwcwses1lzy -theMadjaTekze1mn¢sVan¢=Pr¢w¢¢;¢-sgzim»-, incmaiqg Budinwgtsied cimuit _ ta fie:a limimmm;mynfiag er ‘ifnilti-d1ipA11f:o\{1_1h':»s 1*”) Lfbr per-fanning, any imdudihgl‘all Amamiais; ma ineimfing packaging {if°a'ny}—for such Scmicnnductor Pmxivers, {B}saflwre; imiudigxg iszglmctionx and mfiware dramare qr mnbodied’in or diétrihul/ed far use wifb Scmioonductnr End Pmdacss, (:5)malarial PXGEUISWS such as wafas, prof-£38» matefiala and pine pans fur Semiconductor End Pmducls. and (:2) circnii dosing: infemmtion such as oirauit dcfigns; hardware descfipfiaus. mt! biker soft reprcsmratioxts-of eoxnponcsitsof Sctnicxmductor End Products. ‘" ofafanyvmeldtmanymrpqtalion.limitedIiabiiitycomgany,amociaiipa at other busing»: mfiay Q? whic1s,pwne:‘sh§;: inienssts r/q1r¢sen_1ing_m4>r¢ aham 50% of rig, _{1}m1 puwm Lo van: 3;; e1=¢::w<>»cziireeiars ur Thanngeiiai £\i§hnrixy'iir lrustws "of £111; amputation, association or other entity, cr uihcnwise representing me right m make Lb: dceiaiom far qimh cnrpqraéon. aasaeiarim: arothe: business entity, is ‘ax1he;zi'av:’ow§z¢d By that Pmy. An sixtity‘will bu dcdmaél 16 be 1 £11118!this Agreeméut uni; sq long as 011{hp rvquisiic anndirierm at‘ bdng a Subsidiaxy arc ma, Qfhsmise such mxpozuioa, {i:_nit¢diizbiiity wmpavry, aswciéfimwor mam: Emsinmseafihfiis asthiniparty. i§‘*iE¥3 , 2.1, Am"1c;..2'11 ~ the; ircsgacxivePasties (mm; such Party's Subsidiaries) in each of the Ltgal Actions win filmajoluz szipulazian efdismissai {or its equivaiemv),r¢.spemiw:1ydismissing all claims, answers and cr>untem1aim.sin such Lagal Actions, such dismissals being wixh prcjudim as may miaze In Mcdialhk Emix-iesand Freescale Hmifics, with nach Pany bearing iisflwn casts. Mureover, Fxeascaie agmes to dismiss all "Claims,Aanswex-5, and coumerctaims against any Mcdiflek Cusmmcrs and Suppfiers, Whw Fmesmifs nlzims. KMWQYS. or mzumerciaimsagainst mqse Custmners and Suppliers are based on the use of Mediflei: Pmducts. snub dismissals being with pmjudioe, and Freescale and those Customcrs and Suppiicxsbearing mm awn casts. 2.2‘ 2 1“ 2.4. ' 'Pa,g1B4 0! I3 mficxm £11 3.1. x 1 1_ 3.1.2. 3.1.3 3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3$;2. 3.3.3. fix‘ 5 W713 ARTICLE IV Fag-:.6o1‘124 AR'T‘If{¥.F, V Km» “{,g1T§3L ARTICLE Vl 6.1. Répmbenlafions. 6!] 6.3.1. PagB8n€!3, , 5.2. _mmmi fiisnifimifmmmmaurwmbfwés _ afietflaé Bffeqiw 13% ntifhcx may-;i_»._aiz “ .. {:1}-$v§iittBfi,§¥i_§t\flffilm\‘w3;s¢:;11a§»!‘»£h¢#3Ul8YPafly; A A . Q:-3m my gmrerhmmmi Lbzzdy having iurixaiimiénv and s}fs¥:t:i'§§tfiliy tflqfiirihg sack?‘diseingure; ' in} £12 mm"=g-mm*1;wW@_¢r iawg as athgrwisé may he-1‘*?l1l1§red3§_y ‘ . {ti} ¥‘erLkh:;3>ur;aascs;;£Lxiié1¢§<fi!l4% in aamfifiiibn Exafimga wixlh81: Sacwifigs am! any‘ 4:11-scar at any oiher fiiings, répmis aw Am _l?fFL934, as izmendad. §he_Si:au%1:i1§;eg -Arzi.111‘-1933, as amazdqd; §i¥§i1T§_ti~i§h -!h€'Seb1kifi1.:s*mx1 maybe ‘{6} 1éAé@Pany‘n wmunimys, kvgql“ mg ,nd\*iz0r§_ms nabs: financial and Iegalmyispm, suizjgfiip obijgaiiéui flffimfiifinliaiiiy mrréfog privflage arlqafi as s3ingni1la3!h0$¢¢’§n§iiHbii'i_1q'¢i!1§1 . ' (E) ag:'reqXii'ffliidunhg' L tin: ' ' Y cf'&ii%"5r_=;i§:maud i1;\bjec€ _m;p;-nmdva exddri howuyfir, lhfli may pwduetiorl a prqlepfiiva ;o_1der-wqgskiv iiepmiflfitzd 5iiv“Auémeys am ~<$:si‘g11fikibn, ii‘ agxpiimbic, ur flu: ¥1i2h¢$i.c<:nfdmtia1By fir-sigmiiim:available; ' at>:£gmims,o£wnfidma;11;yéax M51 as miagenz 1§$€i1\(1$¢ iv a wumcrpény in §n:i1;¢¢=ianYwifl1 a pfipoifld merger. mquisifim. wmain_ed fmancing, palm:-p1:r;:hw: or simfiar §>ri= ” pravidad. hawcvx-J, fithr pnior m"any su::h_»:iisr':ii:su:cpursuant in paxagmpii {:1}immf. the Mn? ‘seakixigfdisalasurc sbal} ptnmpfly qualify111: Fmyand, that prim ti:w1;;myfizz}: disatasnn: punmm: 1;:paragrflphi (£2)undfm (3) hpreafi aka all lmsmahk nztiiaguin m..";§R;n mih¢,nxmm:ané . bwfia axtexmcsfsusch dimkisam #33,.‘ * i\UnQf?€Qs 126 §§‘§¢‘l!~he~reuuz!_m-zhafi 62$‘ 3111231 5cf8é;Iivcrfi:i -311' er ifidispataiacd .pi>=k@_Ig=' ¢=@am:a:s=g'mm¢az@a ' ;:isvfi>Ii;>'wm~ If m Wcmme: ' = & :2? L13‘ by cmrrigr wiliii posxagié mfie‘ midramd A via i-"zmscaiu ims 66:33!Wiiiimn filfarmnn Drive ‘Weak Austin. Texas 78735 L Aim; General Cuuusul If in Mediafakz we MediaTck Inc. _ No- L Busing ls! Rm ’ _§-lsimchu Science Park, Hsimhu City 36973; Taiwmx; Republic ofilhina 7 A1171: Genera! Counsafl Such mxiees shail be daemcd in havwbam when mzfivod by ’ addressca Eizhe:Pmy may give writmeanotice wt‘a change ofaddms and. after notice at’ such r/hang: has been mceivad, any umicn er mqucsr shajl zhcmaBar be givm to such Parzyas; above-pmyidcd axsuch chmged addrcss. 5.4, Vg;§1jc_igy.iilfliihcr Pany wilt ism: =1arm release mi any mher announcement regaréing this Agraement unless bath Parties pmvidvapripr cunsml in wdting. The Parties shail -dime: their rqmesentatives not memake any disclosures of timeterms mi‘this Agretirlcnt 6.5. gm emigg >Law. This Agra-amen! and mmers cnnnented wflh tin: pcribnnance thm-=uf:bai1‘be construed, imayretad. appficadand govcmed in aii.respecls in accardance with the lawéoflhe Unittd Stalgs Q§'A1Ymri¢a, and the State oi‘Caiifumia, ivizhouz rnVf'e:-cam to conflic; ofhws prinéiples. 6.6. 631. The Pmics each Mk1':0'§§‘1B@¢,,ficc:pY, wax-mm and r:.pzcsen:Lt§m_t,(i)they are sophisticawd Farticfi reprcsenmd af all rdcmnt times during me negotiation and mcecntianof this Agwemcni by wanes! at‘ their choice, and thanthey have executed ibis Agrcemen; with the sdnseni ma cm lhc advice afsmh iminyendmi icgnl counsel, and {ii}they and their wunsel haw: dclwminui flumlgh innicpcpdent im~:sfi_gatiur: and mkust, arm’;-leagti§. negmiaticm d1.a1‘_t'h¢iemxs nf this Agvbrrmcnishai; nclushmiy uxnbbdy and gavern tixesubjcca maucr ofthis 1\2mw1cm* _ 6% Ifmy prmlisiennf this Apmpm is hcid is be iilegal ¢r,nnenforewbi:*. such ganwision“shall in iizniwd 0: aiiminaicd in the minimum extzm umamryaniisauharzmaixuier-e‘f xvii!camimm 511% fameandcfiac:andba eniisxcaaiiala, The Paniaa agrae to ’negoti.a@e in good fzsiihan tmfercaahia substimse proséisinn Pay lfigfifi firs any invgiiili ax anmr'fm*_ma§;¢ V;wovi$im1~fiat mm: :$w'!ya::£1§¢vz.~a zlw imersl. .1:-Ysum provision; 6.9. its ?a;&t§maaimewiefige, meant, wsmux gm} rqzrcsmxRm {ii ism enfizwceablp "agmanem: {ii}Séaijmhmt Agqmmept iheemive and -my anéerstandixagcf each cf than with yspecun the subjectmam! hf rim ‘Settlement and memes. supersedes and smacks ziii prwious wmamim. fiafinifiomgfi mpiimi, ararisiug t=epr{:§§n£:_1I;i0n$, jetmyothersmeznrrm, by iwpczrflliimof law", wiwezimrerai or writms, wixalsat by‘o1$;imii;m er bemeen and mnoag than with respnct :0 the subject matter nf the Agcexnau; iiiijm ma! mlmmion amom! iafimmafionhy aifhq Hmy hem» sfmitvalwrflu;msaning as inwrpramlimat axis1\zw=.=:r\mr:. (iv) me rams fimdirions of this Agwemem may ha aiiernd. modified, izhangezi 0‘: my iixyva agn_=qm¢m'1w:¢cuwé'by duly repmemnizivas nf the Pmfim. £11}xhe language mf this bean approved by qmzmei fur Qzwbnf {item and shafl be wgxsu-and8&1:fwpqmagmonjing-rgin fiiri mm; of-iim (mar {heir rgaectiv/e c<iun.\:-zflsfaitbe flmmcd In ha the tiraiisman of this Agreement in any acxionywixichvmayhereafter nfise wish¢s=t»m{ha Agraqnqfi, (vii) zeéort shall ant be m:__dpm a¢:y oflhe \¢s.rrautiasw'it11inspect to any missingtknm tgpuahiugthrzsuigjact miw of Agmwremin my way. $10. 3M'_1g§§ gggf j~ Wgm, _ Vmadifvéaiién or axnenzksieni ié Agréhmémqgor any Walvetiifany Fig!na,‘§w?if heéifécfivb ésseniedxoin vwrriiizfsg by my pm? ta ae_=-1»-g¢d,»u&¢ ilwa-waiwrofchyhmanh mgdeinufc will not censfimse a waive: qf any fight beraumler ulfany suiwqumr hréacia m dcfiiuh. Unless mqsmssiy‘mural isithis Agremntnt is}kneaded affmi £11:indqpeadcnt and separate axeanicm ‘nhmy dafésase, mbliva, 0:‘mgmm by my Pmy, imfludingwithout,limimiuu any Pmyfs assenicm atlas]: ofp¢:s0nnlLj1uisdi¢xi;mL by the com iru Inga; action. Bill, Any mi: Mmasuuuion in aha etlm ma: azibiguitics ‘ ms*o_lvedagainst ma dmfling party will ma ha agpfied Q11; emssnuariau ix -inwrpmarian at Ibis Agreement, As ma ix:-1i:ia_Agr¢e:::eni§.fl§eyvogda “incl\zdfi"’and "ine1uding" and»1:ariat§ons'd1crenf, wilimf bcdeemed to he terms ai‘ 11,l*mf‘&h_m:. but mks?-wfli he iiéémed to b; feikmed by the words “xviflmom limimion." in this Agrwxsmt w%1$nor‘vbeL.refu:red -in in bommlim The headings wiah the mlisfitrctims or izrtezprqiéiibn <1!‘ this Agreement ’ ms Agivemma és in the English language oniy. which ianguag; shall be;1Lail rmwasts, and all tiorir>:s~"un:$;cr this ixgxeerncnl shat} he in She English Qanguaic, ' L» M2V Nsfihins in1hi=*#< slxmid be:-cunsm»ed1 as in umiwatgmliraguiarixmeni,qr ififlflifin er sigbgs or resnedics of rim: -?a:\‘im in this Aggemmxt with respect to rirghss or rzmqiies agaimst nmqaarliss 3:5" Asmfalzmwty Time eécymssly resewe ad! rights and rmmdies undeir-all @p_;;nm1=: Flfierni mg; laws is ix;n<m~paai¢snothis Jkgrsemem. 513-‘ ?§¢i*h¢¢ Y4“? W?! "*‘*§&“ Y”mm“ this zmzwng any :1-1‘its rights 0? dalégata. un}f'Q1',-iifi‘cbfigzfiazéa wkcxixer miuatm-ily‘ m -‘iavalnamxiiy, Avéhziiwfby -mgfwsmiion "of iaw, merger, wpsnlidafimg fiiwaiulim m any mm: mam, Fwy, shelf bc’pe:1¥§ia¢a zhas wiihnuxihc_pdot wriima cement af the ‘ether shzsii. ms: he uumasanabiy wizhhcéé. mncepx asaigruarzrrm a:p?d(xm’m1fers ms mnawangwmmfiés: 5}as pmimw ii {W13 in Sarrfions22-, 25,- 3.2, 3,4 and 3.2 with aspect ma a spiswfi; (sxmzivixug zmily and, c) when VaPady ~-bi1-vim:is meg;-4 wsuiis ‘axa bezzmrdag ‘rim vfflénwi as pmviéed Se~é1'iez§ 6.ih£ Any nitempt m mfg: w ttann‘er1his Agxmnmz in ~ _ _ * -wilkbevuixi. ' )1 14 wry; *‘ of1 fix:.- is mgpmg i" U 1:»?wmress caused §¢.5ig_rla1b¢ix>'\»11 by1h.@i;I§5pe¢=fi‘¥¢§-=dxa1y aaémiwi ~F:*e¥:sc‘aIeS§mi€i14i§u¢:tI¢¢r,L!x§;. "fiiIg:~ F; amcam; m¢ai¢1"¢&.:m. _;MA Yggé its ai-13 * in CERTAIN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING THE SAME Inv. No. 337-TA-920 PUBLIC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Lisa R. Barton, hereby certify that the attached ORDER has been served by hand upon the Commission Investigative Attorney, R. Whitney Winston, Esq., and the following parties as indicated, on 15 2011] Lisa R. Barton, Secretary U.S. International Trade Commission 500 E Street, SW, Room 112 i Washington, DC 20436 On Behalf of Complainant Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.: Benjamin Levi, Esq. McKOOL SMITH PC 1999 K Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20006 ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery ) Via First Class Mail ) Other: On Behalf of Respondents AmTRAN Logistics. Inc. and AmTRAN Technology Co.. Ltd.: Yitai Hu, Esq. ALSTON & BIRD LLP 1950 University Circle, 5“ Floor East Palo Alto, CA 94303 ( ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery ( )Otherzii (‘~}—) Via First Class Mail On Behalf of Respondents Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. and Toshiba Logistics America. Inc OI Liane M. Peterson, Esq. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP 3000 Street, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20007 ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery >4) Via First Class Mail )Other:_i CERTAIN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING THE SAME lnv. No. 337-TA-920 Certificate of Service —Page 2 On Behalf of Respondents TPV Display TechnologL(Xiamen) Co.. Ltd...Trend Smart America. Ltd.. and Trend Smart Ce Mexico, S.r.l. de C.V.: ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery ) Via First Class Mail Vision L. Winter, Esq. 0’MELVENY & MYERS LLP 400 South Hope Street Los Angeles, CA 90071 )Other:i__i_ On Behalf of Respondents Costco Wholesale Corporation; NeweggInc., B & H Foto & Electronics Corp, and Wahnart Stores, Inc.: ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery ) Via First Class Mail Kent E. Baldauf, Jr., Esq. THE WEBB LAW FIRM )Otheni One Gateway Center 420 Ft. Duquesne Boulevard, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 On Behalf of Respondents Sharp Corporation. Sharp Electronics Corporation and Sharp Electronics Manufacturing Company of America, Inc.: Josh A. Krevitt, Esq. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 ' ( ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery (X) Via First Class Mail ( ) Other: On Behalf of Respondent Inc.: Eric C. Rusnak, Esq. K&L GATES LLP 1601 K Street NW Washington, DC 20006 ( ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery Q ) Via First Class Mail ( )Other:_i On Behalf of Respondent Vizio. Inc.: Mark Lyon, Esq. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1881 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304-1211 ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery ) Via First Class Mail )Otherzq CERTAIN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING THE SAME Inv. No. 337-TA-920 Certificate of Service —Page 3 On Behalf Of Respondents Yamaha Corporation and Yamaha Corporation Of America: Steven J. Routh , Esq. ) Via Hand Delivery ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE, LLP ) Via Express Delivery 1152 15*‘Street NW Washington, DC 20005 ) Via First Class Mail )Other: On Behalf of Respondents ASUSTek Computer Inc. and ASUS Computer International. Inc.: Andrew F. Pratt, Esq. VENABLE LLP 575 7th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004-1604 ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery ) Via First Class Mail ) Other: On Behalf of Respondents Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America. Sony Electronics. Inc., and Sony EMCS {Malaysia} Sdn Bhd: Jeffrey S. Gerchick, Esq. QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN LLP 777 6th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 ( ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery (>() Via First Class Mail ( ) Other: On Behalf of Respondents MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc. S. Alex Lasher, Esq. QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN LLP 777 6th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery ) Via First Class Mail ) Other: On Behalf of Respondent Best Buv C0., Inc.: Bryan J. Vogel, Esq. ) Via Hand Delivery ROBINS, KAPLAN, MILLER & CIRESI LLP ) Via Express Delivery 601 Lexington Avenue, 34th Floor New York, NY 10022 ><)Via First Class Mail ) Other: Inv. No. 337-TA-920 CERTAIN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING THE SAME Certificate of Service —Page 4 On Behalf of Respondent Lenovo Group Ltd. and Lenovo [United States) Inc.: Fred I. Williams, Esq. AIGN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 1350 Austin, TX 78701 ( ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery (>/) Via First Class Mail ( ) Other: On Behalf of Respondent Inc. d/b/a Shopping: Eric S. Namrow, Esq. MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP l l 11 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20004 ) Via Hand Delivery ) Via Express Delivery (><) Via First Class Mail )Otheni On Behalf of Respondent Acer Inc.: Craig Kaufman, Esq. TECHKNOWLEDGE LAW GROUP LLP 100 Marine Parkway, Suite 200 Redwood Shores, CA 94065 ( ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery P<) Via First Class Mail ( ) Other:___________ On Behalf of Respondent BLU Products. Inc.: Bemard L. Egozi, Esq. EGOZI & BENNETT, P.A. 2999 NE 191st Street, Suite 407 Aventura, FL 33180 ) Via Hand Delivery ( ) Via Express Delivery (>g) Via First Class Mail ( ) Other:
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