Every Beat Of Her Heart


Every Beat Of Her Heart
March-April 2014 / ISSUE 1
Every Beat Of Her Heart
Gizem TİTİ
ities...Some of them flow down
like a drop on your skin, without
giving a sign. You travel, you
love. You enjoy their museums. You are
impressed by their environment, you
taste lovely dishes in their restaurants,
fall in love on their streets, catch naive
photos in their crowded squares and so
on. But as soon as you leave these
cities, the concept of them abandons
your mind silently. You forget about them
without realizing. Once in a while you
remember, but you don’t feel a deep
need to go back. Their pressure on you
is so light and delicate that they feel like
a blurry picture, or a foggy day. Beautiful
but volatile. Volatile and temporary. There
are a lot of places on earth like them.
On the other hand there are some
cities...They stick to your body like a
tattoo. Open up a new section in your
mind, broaden your horizon. They catch
you, they shake you, they challenge
you, they change you… They hold your
hand, get into your dreams and dance
with you… Istanbul is one of these cities.
Even if you stay here for just 3 months, a
year or a life time, each day, each minute
makes you feel as if you were a colorful
feather of a bird. You get tired of hectic
life, all that noise and color. Istanbul
wears you out. But you love her anyway.
She forces you to be addicted to her.
Her addicts look for her wherever they
go, they talk about her sentimentally and
they remember her with pure affection.
Each corner of İstanbul is an exciting
synthesis; each photo of it, is a visual
feast if you are able to see it. Even in the
most ordinary moment you can capture
its hidden treasure and mysterious
talisman. You can see the people
together who aren’t expected to be seen
together, our stories make complex
spools by tangling with one another.
Istanbul is a lady with long, shiny,
brown, wavy hair swaying in the wind.
‘Live Like
The Page 3
Her laugh blends into the seagulls
screaming and rises with the air. It is
hung on the top of the sky and stays
there for a while. Throughout history she
has been an attractive, mysterious even
hardcore woman for poets and travelers.
She is an impossible lover. Moreover she
is sometimes grown old, hunchbacked;
sometimes never even existed. But
always vibrant, always in motion with her
people, cats and dogs on the streets,
boats, fishermen, seagulls.
Life is always challenging in Istanbul.
Each day, each morning. The more effort
you put into handling her, the more she
washes you away with her capricious
waves. She teaches you the details of
life. She teaches you how to love, to be
loved. There are just a few places on the
earth which are young and dynamic but
old and rooted at the same time.
While passing by, we, the citizens of
this beauty, look at each other on buses,
ferries, jitneys, streets and squares from
a far without understanding. We always
put people into some categories in our
minds. But if we listen to each other’s
stories, we will realize that we have no
difference at all. The people we call
‘’they’’ may be much closer than those
we call ‘’us’’. Under the shells, clothes,
masks people’s hearts are all the same.
Istanbul is like a magnet, she pulls
you, drags you. But sometimes,
especially when you don’t expect, she
dismisses you. You want to run away,
you feel like fleeing from her, just in
an instant. It doesn’t matter where you
are going when you decide to leave
her. Time goes by, you travel and feel
as fresh as a daisy. Then, you feel
an urgency to return, it pulls on your
stomach, you must, you need to return
to that which is missed. She welcomes
you and she understands you.
Istanbul is love. Neither can you do
with her nor can you do without her.
That Will Affect Our Who Is Drogba
Of Page 6 Lives In 2014 Page 8
Page 9
To improve your awareness, keep your ear to the ground.
Young PENS
From the
Director of English
Preparatory School:
n today’s global world people are
well aware of the countless advantages of learning a foreign language
for college students, young job seekers and career makers. The merits of
knowing a foreign language is obvious.
It is an undeniable fact that learning
another language opens new doors in
life helping learners to achieve more
and to have a better understanding of
another culture. Exposure to another
culture broadens students’ perspective
and way of thinking. A person who
speaks another language often has a
better understanding of another culture
and can better represent himself on the
global platforms. When people know
how other people in the world think
and what they value, the likelihood
of cultural misunderstanding will also
be reduced and they will be able to
approach the world and people with
a more open-minded attitude and
form new relationships increasing their
ability to successfully maneuver in an
interconnected world.
Educational literature abounds
regarding the benefits of foreign language learning. Studies show that
learning another language enhances
academic skills of students by increasing their abilities in reading, writing,
speaking and listening. Be this the
case, investing in language learning
may in turn yield great results, in
other words, you may reap great
harvests to achieve your short term
and long term goals in life. My great
concern is that you, the English Prep
School students, make the fullest use
of the opportunities provided in this
school and leave this school fully
equipped with the necessary language
skills to illuminate you throughout your
entire career am sure you will have
acquired the skills necessary to make a
difference in your future career by the
time you graduate.I must admit that I
feel excited about the first issue of our
school newspaper which is the outcome of a real teamwork, hard work
and diligence. I know it is not an easy
task to produce a school paper like
this. Therefore take this opportunity to
extend my heartfelt appreciation and
thanks to our beloved instructor Sema
Okay who is always there when I need
her and members of her team who
have put their heart into it and managed to materialize the first issue of
our school paper of 2013-2014
academic year. I hope you will today
and always reflect on your time at the
university and in your future career
with a strong sense of fondness, accomplishment and satisfaction.
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Preparatory School
You Don’t Need To Be
Grown Up For Rights!
t ‘s an undeniable fact that child labour
socially and morally adverse effects
Simay HEPGEzER leaves
which is on-going problem almost all
on the working children and arises from the
over the world for ages still exists in all
country’s structural problems. I am going to
countries regardless of the level of development. Child labour inform you about child labour especially in Turkey.
Poor and untutored families
They cannot
enough food.
They don’t
have enough
They develop
health issues.
They make
the country’s
They are
to violence
by their
Tormenting Them Into Working As Employees?
First of all, children work due to the poverty of their families.
It’s important that without the structural backing to support
regulation employers make children work and that is why children are low-priced labour and they do not know enough about
their own rights. Besides, this activity is illegal nearly everywhere. Secondly, the reason is insufficient auditing. When we
look at the historical development of it, we all know that children work for fifteen or even sometimes eighteen hours a day.
Moreover, between 1730 and 1779 half of the people who died
in London were younger than five years old. Eventually laws
and regulations came in to place. Especially, the International
Labour Organization takes a hand in these kind of studies.
Even so it is not enough for these suffering children.
What About Children In Poverty In Turkey?
There are almost 4.000 child–workers in Turkey.
With the help of statistics, when it comes to examine the
details regionally, they illustrate that one in four childworkers are from Southeastern Anatolia.
On the other hand, do you know that 55 childworkers living in Turkey lost their lives on account of
industrial accidents in 2013? For instance, Ahmet Y.,
who was a 13 year-old child-worker, earning just 100
TL for a week, lost his life in Adana in an industrial accident this year. After this incident, some decrease in
child labour was seen. However, Ahmet is not the only
child who is exposed to occupational accidents. There
are other children apart from him. I want to make you
aware of the reality.
l Nazar G. (9) killed by a truck driver who hit her while
she was cleaning car windows. (30.09.2013)
l Serdar D. (16) died in a traffic accident while he was
on his way to work. (30.10.2013)
l Emine D. (13) killed by a stray bullet while she was
working in a factory. (03.10.2013)
l Gökhan Ö. (17) died by falling from the eleventh floor
of a building. (09.11.2013)
l Ökkeş G. (10) died by being squashed under a machine on an industrial estate. (14.07.2013)
l Mustafa D. (10), a shepherd, died by poisoning from
fire. (24.04.2013)
Should all of them lose their lives due to earning
money at their young age? Death is already the most
extreme example. So, is it fair to gamble their futures
and subject them to extreme situations, possibly developing issues affecting them later in life because of their
untutored lives? Consequently, at the moment, the ball
is in your court… Do what your conscience tells you!
Young PENS
‘Live Like The Amish’
he Amish, who avoid using technology, are normal human beings
like us. They emigrated from
Europe and then they settled down in
America. Most of the Amish live in
Philadelphia and Ohio. They value rural
life, manual labor and humility. Their
lives have strict rules. At first glance,
their dressing styles attract the attention
of many people. For men, it is forbidden
to wear more than three buttons. They
wear broad-brimmed hats of black felt.
If men are not yet married they do not
grow out their moustaches. The women
wear modest dresses made from solid
coloured fabric with long sleeves and a
full skirt. They never cut their hair due
to their religion. They use a bun to hold
their hair together. The way they are
dressed is their lifestyle and custom.
They don’t use electricity because they
believe it is an evil thing. They also use
buggies for transportation. Due to their
traditional lifestyles, they grow their own
crops such as corn, tobacco, soybeans, potatoes etc. They raise and milk their own
cows. They also make their own furniture themselves. Due to their belief, they
don’t use any musical instruments and
they refuse to have their photos taken.
They don’t put photos on the wall either.
Whenever they stitch dolls for young
girls, they make them without faces.
Moreover if you take a photo of them,
they will normally become angry with
you and want you to delete it. Because
they believe their souls will move away,
out of their bodies, when they are photographed. When men propose to their
girlfriends for marriage, they don’t give
her a diamond ring. They may instead
give her a beautiful piece of china or a
clock as a gift. As we can see there some
very interesting but sometimes strange
lifestyles which are very different from
the ones we all know.
There is a conventional holiday
event in my home town in Bulgaria
every year. On the 1st March, this
holiday called “Baba Marta” starts.
Baba Marta was an old grandmother
who made wrist bands and small
thread baby dolls for children long
in the past. However, someone said
that she was a witch and people were
provoked to kill her. Later, people
understood it was wrong to kill her but
it was too late at that time. Then, in
order to celebrate and remember Baba
Marta, they started to do whatever
Baba Marta had done in the past.
During March, we all wear wrist bands
and small thread baby dolls for this
event which is called “Martenitsa”. I
would like to describe this beautiful
event it to you. It has red and white
colours decorating many places all
around. White symbolizes a long and
healthy life and red symbolizes love
and a wealthy life. There are also lots
of strings which are connected with
wrist bands. There are both broad
and narrow sized strings. Young
and old alike can join the festivities
of Martenitsa. In addition to my
description, this wrist band can be
used by people starting on first day of
March, but it must be taken off before
the last day of March.
On the condition that you see a
stork during March, you can then
take it off. If you don’t see one
before last day you must leave it
under a stone or you can also attach
it to branches of new trees that are
supposed to grow fruit. We believe
that this wrist band will bring wealth
and health with Martenitsa. Actually
the main idea of the Martenitsa
tradition is related to welcoming the
upcoming spring and remembering
Baba Marta. The red and white
colours along with the festivities are
definitely a sight to see and join!
Young PENS
2014 Spring Fashion
Fashion is an indispensable part of our daily life.
Everybody is interested in fashion. I think being
trendy is important everywhere, at school, at work
and in the street. A good combinatıon of clothes
makes us look beautiful so we feel happy.
New Trends for Women
First of all, let’s start with high waist pants!
They can suit you whether you’re wearing a
T-shirt, jacket or shirt. Don’t forget high waist
pants show you thinner!
l Low heels are the best! Especially stiletto shoes.
You can combine stiletto shoes with boyfriend
jeans, dresses, jeans, suits and many clothes.
l Light colors such as peach or pink are
sine qua non.
l As to bags, lighter colors and ease models are in
fashion. Disobey the rules. Ignore the harmony between shoes and bags.
l A pair of skirts is a woman’s best friends,
find perfect skirts that suit you! This spring
narrow-cut long skirts or floras are the trend.
l New trends also include ‘Skull’ Especially in accessory bags, shoes and fedoras.
l A denim jacket - A flowery dress or shirt dress
l A trench coat
l Crop tops are a trend especially this spring and summer. Plane and lace patters are also in fashion.
l Nail polish: Sine qua non! Because they are small but
important details.
Fashion for Men
l A white shirt must be essential!
aren’t trendy this spring. Just trousers. There are
beautiful colors: white and cream.
l A trench coat shows a man so cool...
l A watch is the only accessory for men. It reflects a
man’s style and personality.
l A denim jacket is so charming...
l A fedora is classy for both ladies and gentlemen.
l Favorite colors of the spring for men:
pink, peach, white, cream
l Jeans
Dressing Mistakes
l You shouldn’t go to a party with
baggy and loose jeans.
l If you are short, you shouldn’t
wear long dresses.
l If you have short legs, you
should wear high waist pants.
l Don’t wear a fur coat even if it
is stylish. It is out of fashion.
l If you are short, you shouldn’t
use big bags.
l Only wearing tights! Always
combine them with tunic or
long blouses.
l If you are fat, you shouldn’t
wear short dresses and miniskirts.
n the eyes of others, people with
disabilities are almost scary creatures. Disabilities don’t hurt anyone.
However, people are always afraid of it.
They care more about their appearance
than what they can do and many of their
capabilities. Unfortunately a physically
disabled person is also seen as mentally
retarded. However, it is a very different
situation than it is considered. What I
want to mention here is people with disabilities are often more respectful, loving,
and successful in being sensible than
people without disabilities. In addition,
contrary to common beliefs, people with
disabilities have achievements in business
life as well. For example, most disabled
people can be successful, working in call
centers, in trade or in the IT sector. So
the main disability is not in the body but
in the mind or in the thoughts. My purpose in writing this article and making
this interview for the school newspaper is
to raise awareness as best as I can.
What does physiotherapy mean for
disabled people, what purpose is it applied for?
Physiotherapy helps people who were
born disabled, or have a disability after as a
result of illness or accident. It is the treatment which involves the fulfillment of the
lost function, the recovery of the muscle
strength, or physical rehabilitation and social reintegration of disabled people.
For disabled people, is physiotherapy
a permanent or temporary treatment?
Disability physiotherapy approaches
can actually last a lifetime because the
lost functions can be won. But when
treatment is discontinued, the quality of
the function decreases. Rehabilitation
work is a long process and requires patience. So it is necessary to support the
patient psychologically.
Based on your observations what can
Young PENS
you say about the psychological state of
people with disabilities?
Let’s start with the following words:
We are really upset when we hear them
being called disabled as we have committed ourselves to improving their lives.
When they get disappointed or lose their
hope after spending a lot of time and effort in order to recover, they may start
to ignore their treatment process and
this can lead to a vicious cycle for them.
Therefore encouragement and patience
for both the patient and his family is very
crucial in the process of treatment.
Disability is a privilege
that makes some people
different from others.
Of course generally
people with disabilities
think this way.
In your opinion, what is the position
of people with disabilities in social life
and how are the disabled people viewed?
I don’t find it appropriate when people
are looking at the disabled people with
curious eyes. What I think is that their
purpose is not being helpful but being
curious. “Will he be able walk one day?”
“Why can’t he sit?” “What is his problem?” Questioning the family members
of the disabled people by asking such questions “can lead
to disturbance and
psychological pressure”.
depression is
inevitable for
the people
with disabilities and their
due to the
glances and
questioning. We, the physiotherapists,
do not approve it, either.
What would you say about the situation of disabled people in school?
Starting at a young age, disabled children and their families are faced with
some problems in their school life such
as being exposed to the curious glances
of their friends, or being rejected by the
other children’s families. Even in some
cases, teachers may refuse to have a disabled child in their classes.
Aside from these psychological pressures, in schools where there is no lift to
the upper floors or no classes provided
on the ground floor for disabled pupils,
they have to be carried to their classes
upstairs in their parents’ lap. To sum up,
they are exposed to personal, social and
architectural pressure.
Do you think disabled individuals in
schools should be given more tolerance
for their irregular attendance problems?
I think they could be tolerated on
condition that they submit their medical
reports as they may have operations or
need a long process of treatment, but not
for arbitrary absenteeism.
What is the place of disabled people
in business life?
They may perform their professions without any problems
after completing their education
or training in their fields. Nonprofessionals can also be trained
in the centers which are specially
organized for disabled people
and then employed.
They Need Us!
Dear Friends;
Animals are living beings just like
us, humans. They need to eat and
drink; they need to have shelter, love,
and even loyalty. As seen nowadays,
some people are cruel to stray
animals. But, something should not
be forgotten; they are like us with
the same needs and feelings. Think
of a human getting hungry, thirsty
and unkempt. A human is struggling
to survive with such difficulties. In
the world we live in, even a lot of
people are dying from the cold. But,
in the winter, sports centers are used
and opened for homeless humans by
municipalities. The municipalities
provide a bed, a warm environment
and they shelter them in this way.
What about animals? They drink rain
water to cure the dryness of their
throat. There are “Animal Protection
Associations” in many places. But,
we must think, “How many animals
are we able to reach?” and “Is what
is done for them enough or not?” In
this regard, not only organizations,
but we as people must be selfless. For
example; if you put a cup of water and
a piece of bread in front of your door
in the summer or if you provide a place
to stay in the winter, this means life
for the animals. In short, I am saying;
at least take animals in need to the
animal shelter. So below for you, I
am giving the telephone numbers of
animal shelters in Istanbul. Thank you
in advance for caring for those that
need us most.
İstanbul Yedikule Animal Shelter –
0212 6335857
Bahçelievler Animal Shelter – 0212
Bakırköy Stray Animals
Rehabilitation Center – 0212
Mimar Sinan Animal Shelter – 0212
Üsküdar Animal Shelter – 0216
avcılar Animal Shelter – 0212
Sarıyer Animal Shelter – 0212
Büyükçekmece Animal Care,
Treatment and Rehabilitation
Center – 0212 8836968
Young PENS
Fatma kARA
London has travelers who come from all over
the world. It is one of the most popular stops in
England. There are fascinating museums, art
exhibitions, magnificent estates, churches and
parks. On the other hand there are many open
air cafes, street musicians, markets and a vibrant
street life. The Thames River divides the city
into two parts. The famous Ferris wheel on the
Thames is called the London Eye. It offers breathtaking beauty. Londoners are not friendly or
sincere, but they are very polite. You can always
hear the following words, “sorry” or “excuse me”.
You never feel out of it because you immediately
Do You Still
Drink Diet Cola?
After reading this article, you must
think twice about drinking diet cola
because actually diet cola isn’t diet.
We are unaware of the risks of drinking diet cola. We spend money on
diet cola just as much as we spend on
beauty products such as creams, masks,
balms etc. But it is the greatest enemy
against us.
According to research in the USA,
drinking diet cola leads to lipidoses
(lipid storage disorder) in the abdominal region and causes a fast aging
effect. Chemical substances in diet cola
cause accumulation of body fat in the
abdominal region and this is called
“diet cola belly’’. Additionally, according to a research by Purdue University,
chemical substances in diet cola are
more harmful than the ones in normal
cola because it includes
sweetening agents such
as carbonate, coloring
agents, aspartame
and others.
As a result, diet
cola isn’t as innocent
as we think. I hope
we can choose to live
healthily by choosing the proper food
and drink. BE
become mixed into the life of London.
There are many places to visit in London.
If you are interested in history you can see
The Tower of London, Kensington Palace,
Westminster Abbey or the Museum Of London.
The Tower of London has changed continuously for 900 years. At one point it was the Royal
palace, people who were in prison were even
executed there!
London has some unique natural attractions.
I think, the best example of this is Hyde Park;
you can have a rest there or visit Serpentine, a
lake in Hyde Park, which can be navigated by
boat; and of course do not forget the St. James.
I definitely suggest you visit Richmond Park
to watch the beautiful red deer.There is also
Trafalgar Square in central London. The square
has statues of lions and there is always a bustle
around the fountain. Many tourists feeding the pigeons and demonstrations of all kinds. Trafalgar
Square has also hosted many collections such
as the National Gallery. More than 2000 exhibits
are in this gallery. In my opinion the most interesting one is “The Virgin of the Rocks”, which
was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. What a pleasure to see! You shouldn’t miss it!
In this issue we’re going to talk about
the importance of qualified sleep and
how to get it. So we’re going to ask
questions and respond to them by using
expert opinions.
1) Why Do We Need To Sleep?
According to consultants there are
several reasons for the necessity of sleep:
• To save energy by slowing down the
biological activities
• To refresh the body and mind. And
thus to grow up.
• To strengthen the memory
In contradiction to known information, sleeping is not the requirement to
have the body rested. Just laying down
is enough for this. But sleeping is necessary for brain activities. According to the
test in which human subjects were made
not to sleep for a week, the subjects had
temporary blindness and deafness.
2) How Much Should We Sleep?
There is not an exact answer for this
question. Because it depends on people’s age and their circumstances. For
• Babies ( 14-15 hours )
• Kids ( 12-14 hours)
• School-age children (10-11 hours)
• Adults (7-9 hours)
Here are two basic tests to learn the
suitable hours for yourselves.
1st Test:
The most important rule of this test
is to stabilize your awakening time. You
should get up at the same time every day.
• You should set your alarm clock and
get up when its bell rings and shouldn’t
delay it.
• You should go to bed whenever you
need it at night. You shouldn’t force
yourself to sleep or to stay up.
2nd Test:
This test is the opposite of the first one.
You should stabilize the time that you go
to bed. You should go to bed at the same
time every day.
• Go to bed at the time that allows you to
sleep for 9 or 10 continuous hours
• Do not set the alarm if you do not hesitate to sleep over 10 hours.
Both tests will take time but the experts
tell us one of them should be helpful to
learn our necessity of sleep.
3) How Should We Qualify Our Sleep?
• Key aspect of high quality sleep is quite
a dark room. If you cannot make your
room this dark then get a sleep mask.
• Avoid eating, exercising, watching TV,
using a computer or mobile within 2
hours of sleeping.
• Reduce daily consumption of cigarettes
and alcohol.
• Avoid drinking coffee, tea and other
caffeinated drinks shortly before sleeping.
4) What Kind Of Problems Does It
Bring If We Sleep Less Than We Need?
• Putting on weight
• Depression
• Concentration problems
• Increase risk in cardiovascular diseases
• Increase risk in paralysis
• Increase risk in cancer
After all, in accordance with this information, it’s impossible not to have
qualified sleep! Good night to you all!
Young PENS
Will You Buy A Pack
İlkcan ÇİÇEK
What’s up?
Of Tissues?
Jt Is Coming!!
created by İlker Köklük. The play
was edited from the real story of
the children. In the story, due to lazy parents, children are forced to work instead of
playing with their peers. The play is above
the average, dramatic and wonderful. The
acting was influential. Besides Okan
Özkunt’s and Önder Kanbir’s impressive
performances, Gülseren Gülşen’s performance was just as good as the others although this is her first experience. She also has
a very beautiful voice in which she displayed
for us. In general the play shows us the truth
of life and I recommend you see it.
Justin Timberlake is coming to
Turkey in May. His new album was
released a few weeks ago. He’s going
to give us a glorious night for the first
time. Tickets are available only on the
internet for now. But you must hurry!
The 3rd category has already been sold
out. Tickets are between 100-700TL.
Date: 26 May 2014
Place: ITU Stadium
Doors Opening: 18.00
There was a dirty and deserted storehouse
which was discovered by theatre lovers and
converted to a stage and redesigned as a theatre. This is how “Theatre Opposite” came
about. Members of Theatre Opposite have
different jobs including bankers, doctors, accountants, lawyers, and financiers but what
they have in common is they are creating
original social based plays instead of performing repeated plays. When I asked Önder
Kanbir why the theatre is so important for
the members of Theatre Opposite, he said;
“We cannot live without writing or creating.
This is an addiction. It is a requirement for
us.” İLKER KÖKLÜK, who is the art director and an actor of Theatre Opposite, graduated from Uludağ University, Department
of Economics. However he devoted himself
to the theatre and wrote numerous plays like
Mendil Alır Mısınız?, Parça Tesirli Pazarlar,
Duvarın Ardı, Başkaldıran Dağlı, Küçük
Anne, Sevgili Pazartesilerim.
ecordmag.net is
alternative broa
and consists of w
of culture and ar
t. Recordmag
presents a differ
viewpoint from
journalism while
the news, inform
ation and
commentary. Re
net comprises of
young and creativ only
e names
but reputed edito
rial staff
as well. Recordm
ag writers
try to make the
Öznur Güzel Ka
rasu, who
is an editorial w
riter and art
historian makes
with renowned
writers and
painters for Reco
In the last issue,
she made
an interview with
Neriman Polat ab
out her
approach to life
and her art
life. I strongly re
you to visit the
website and
follow Recordm
ag frequently
on the net in or
der to stay
informed about
the art
events in Turkey
. You can
find everything
related to art
and culture.
Bollywood Pictures And ‘3 Idiots’
Everyone must watch a Bollywood movie at least once
in their lifetime. I haven’t heard anybody commenting
on Bollywood films in such as ‘not a good film….classic
scenario…..will never watch one again…’ etc. Almost
everybody likes Bollywood films. However, as these movies are
quite long, people may hesitate with the assumption that they
might get bored. I would say they are not boring but enjoyable.
For example, ‘3 Idiots’, a popular film in the Bollywood scene,
lasts almost three hours, but it is a great film. I was so delighted
when I first watched it, I then watched it four more times.
If you haven’t seen this film yet, you must absolutely see it.
Otherwise you may regret not seeing it. Definitely ‘3 Idiots’
deserves cheers with the messages it gives, its scenario, its cast
and the soundtrack. Also, you can experience a lot of different
feelings while watching this movie. I don’t remember any other
movie that has made me laugh and filled my eyes with tears at
the same time.
Of course Bollywood is not represented by only ‘3 Idiots’.
‘My Name Is Khan’, ‘Life of Pi’ and ‘Slumdog Millionaire’
are examples of the most popular Bollywood films and these
movies all deserve high praise.
WaTcH OUT! ıt’s
Frankenstein... AGAIN!
Do you like thrillers? If yes, you
should have already heard something
about Frankenstein. After a lot of
Frankenstein movies were released in
January, the new version will be in theatres: ‘’Frankenstein: War of Immortals’’.
The first movie was shot in 1910. The
story was born in 1818. When this old
story is combined with present day technology, the result is a fantastic movie.
You won’t want to miss it!
The film was directed by Stuart Beattie
Actors: Aeron Eckhart, Miranda Otto,
Bill Nighy
ONE OF ‘3aDaM’
Oguzhan Koc released his first album
a few weeks ago, It’s called ‘’Ben Hala
Ruyada’’. I think it will bring him big success. He is a really talented lyricist. The
songs will remind you of BKM movies.
One of my favourite song in this album
is ‘’Bu yol uzar’’. His voice is pretty impressive. The album includes 10 songs.
Which are all cheerful and peaceful love
songs. This album is a must listen!
VırGıNıa aNGUS
Are you a beef lover? You can’t enjoy
meal without meat? Come closer... It’s
Virginia Angus. It’s a really small but a
qualified restaurant in Eminönü. Their
story started about 100 years ago. They
say this is a family business. You’ll realize their experience when you taste your
meal. There is always a small queue in
front of the restaurant but it is worth
the wait. Prices are reasonable. Average
cost is around 20TL. My favorite meal is
Virginia Burger. You must go and taste!
akın KaYaBaşı
Young PENS
Ümit ÖztÜRk
ootball is the most watched and
played game in the world. One
company wants to earn money
from this. This company’s name is EA
SPORTS. At the beginning of the 90s
EA SPORTS, in coordination with
SEGA laid the foundation of FIFA.
After a period, this partnership broke
and EA SPORTS introduced FIFA 98.
Then EA SPORTS introduced FIFA 99,
2000, 2001 and others. EA SPORTS had
71% of the football games market cap
until the introduction of the PlayStation
2. With the introduction of this game
console, a company named KONAMI
introduced a new football game. This
football game’s name is Pro Evolution
Soccer (PES). FIFA now had a tough
opponent. But FIFA had lost many fans
to PES, because FIFA hadn’t developed
for many years. So FIFA had 49% of the
football games market. EA SPORTS
then made a decision. The decision was
“Not to Save the Day, Invest In The
Future.” Changes made as a result of
EA SPORTS brought FIFA back as the
market leader again with FIFA 11. EA
SPORTS FIFA invested in the future
and made many changes relating to this
new look.
EA SPORTS made 3 big modifications, they named these “Innovation
Trait.” These innovations were implemented at the end of the third year.
EA SPORTS brought together the best
of animators and programmers and EA
SPORTS created
an army of experts.
This army reaching
400 people travelled
to Burnaby, Canada.
And this army worked
hard because they had to
finish FIFA in 12 months.
Now I want to mention
Innovation Trait.
The First innovation is a Player Impact
Engine. This innovation is the first in the
world and it simulates the laws of physics
when football players contact each other.
The new creation was brought to life in a
studio. The name of the studio is Mocap.
How is it done? EA
SPORTS invited football players to Mocap.
staff stuck 60 sensors on the football
players’ bodies. These
sensors are located on
players’ joints. These
sensors tracked their motion to record physics for the
game engine to use.
The second innovation is Professional
Player Intelligence. This innovation reflects the actual properties of the players,
for example, Peter Crouch. He is a master of head balls. If Peter Crouch doesn’t
score with a head ball in a game, it is very
funny. So EA SPORTS created this innovation to express real players’ styles.
The third innovation is Tactical
Defending. This innovation was a very
big revolution in FIFA. But this isn’t just
motion. This is strategy. This innovation
reflects football skills in game, and this
is different, because this innovation requires thinking. So FIFA is becoming
more difficult. In short, these three innovations completely changed the play
of the game.
EA SPORTS FIFA has a method.
The method is created using Head
Scanning Hardware. The purpose of
this method is to make football players
look better. So how? Players step into a
cabin. This cabin has eight cameras and
these cameras process 3D images of the
players. 4 scans of each player with neutral expressions are taken. The scans are
taken in a neutral pose so that they can
change the facial expressions later.
Now came the last 3 stages. Match
expression and cheering. When you see
narrated events in a game, you can easily identify them; this is because they all
need to be created before, they cannot
easily be simulated. FIFA removed these
type of events to improve the game. And
Cheering, FIFA is a family game. So
every cheer isn’t included in FIFA. Some
cheers are censored because they may be
offensive. And the Final Stage is completion. All data is collected and combined
into a database. EA SPORTS FIFA is
ready. Have a good time playing!
That Will Affect Our Lives In 2014
Nazım Yağmur GENÇ
Technology is endlessly moving. New products are changing
our habits. We have witnessed a lot
of technological innovations in our
lives in 2013. At the same time, the
invention of all that existed was the
precursor of many new products
to be released. Many technologies
that could change our lives seriously
may appear this year too. Will phones
become stronger and smarter? What
changes in the internet? Here are what is
waiting for us in 2014.
3D Printers: Having a printer was perceived as a great opportunity in the past.
But now, everyone has one in their
houses or offices. 3D printers will be
one of the key technologies in 2014.
With 3D printers that we use in daily
life, many objects will be able to be produced in a quick and inexpensive way.
Smart phones will be further
strengthened in every sense: Phones will
be more unbreakable in 2014. Phone
producers got some special works toward
this. But not just special mobile phones,
ordinary phones will also see improvements. All the phones are expected to
be waterproof. Structure of the phone
won’t be glass and metal anymore. The
phones are expected to be lighter, more
flexible and thin. Also some phones will be
produced with curved screen.
Computers will be in the accessories:
With the development of chip technology, computers first came to our lap and
then entered into our pocket. The next
step is accessories. Google glass, Sony and
Samsung’s smart watches and Nike Fuel
wristband were the pioneers of this technology. Apple is also working on a similar
product. It will create differences for sure.
But it still won’t take the leadership of
smart mobiles.
Internet of things: In short, communicating with each other through the various
communication protocols will create a
network of intelligent devices that sharing
information system. Our lives may be
affected to a greater degree
in our house with this type of
technology. For example; before we arrive our home with
a car, our house will be heated.
Online education: Providing
education via internet, online platforms are increasing
continuously. Through these
platforms, anyone with a computer and internet connection can follow
lessons of the world’s leading universities
for free. Having millions of users, online
education platforms will become even
more popular in 2014.
Apple iPhone 6 in SeptemberOctober 2014
Samsung Galaxy S5 in
February-march 2014
LG Flex in April 2014
Google Glass in May-June
Apple TV in June 2014
Apple MacBook Touch in June
General Mobile Discovery 2 in
February 2014
Nokia Lumia 2520 in February
Sony Xperia Z1s and
Smartband in April 2014
Bulgaria has a border with our country, Turkey.
Because of this closeness a lot of people prefer to go
there for sports, holidays, travelling, shopping and
also working. Bulgaria’s population is about seven
million and most of them live in rural areas. The rest
of the people live in Sofia, the capital city, which is
the biggest, the most developed and the most crowded
city. It is possible to see advertisements for Bansko
which is a nice place with pine trees, and the longest ski patches. But you normally have to wait for an
hour to ride the lift up because of the crowds and irregularity. Pamporovo is the second most well-known
ski resort in Bulgaria. It has five million Euros of investment for the winter season. It is located on the
Rhodope Mountains. New lifts are established annually and new ski patches are also created. All ski
patches and lifts are maintained in really good condition. It is possible to rent skis, clothes and boards. You
can also enroll in a skiing course. There are thirteen
lifts which you can use with a ski pass. You can get on
the lifts on your own. If you are alone in Pamporovo,
you can use the single lift but if you have a group of
friends, there is a lift with six seats so you don’t have to
be alone while you are riding the lift up. Pamporovo
has approximately thirty ski patches. Patches are suit-
able for both beginners and professionals. One of the
steepest patches is ‘’The Wall’’. As seen in the photo,
it looks like a wall. If you fall down while you are skiing, you cannot stop yourself till the end of the patch.
The views of Pamporovo are quite beautiful and
adorable. The Rhodope Mountains are surrounded
by pine trees which are really tall. You will find
pleasure in the forest views while you are
skiing. Pamporovo, has a ski patch
which is thirteen kilometers long, it is
one of the longest ski patches. You have a chance to
ski nonstop but it takes twenty minutes to ride the lift
up. If you get hungry, you can find some wooden and
conventional restaurants and taste Bulgarian cuisine.
Palachinka and Pirlenka are my favourite, you should
try them. One of the best restaurants is located in a tall
tower which is on the top of Pamporovo. It is called
Snejanka, which means snowflake in Bulgarian language. You can eat something while enjoying unique
and endless views. At night, you can stay in a hotel
near the ski resort. If you prefer to ski under the stars,
some of the skiing patches are open at night. But I
suggest you stay in the Ribkata Hotel. It is five kilometers away from Pamporovo. This hotel is located
in the forest. There is a lake next to the Ribkata so it
is possible to eat fresh fish. Actually, Riba means fish
in Bulgarian. Those working in the hotel are Muslim
but they don’t speak Turkish. You can just say, “I’m
a friend of Ergün’’ they can do their best to help you.
The nearest city center is Smolyan. You can find everything from food to clothes. In this city, you can’t
see any tall buildings. If you like small villages, pubs,
restaurants, casinos and stores, you mustn’t miss this
place. If you are a European Union Citizen or if you
have a diplomat passport, you don’t need a visa. All
kinds of other passports including green passports
need a Bulgarian visa. For more information, don’t
hesitate to ask me.
Ergün cOşKUN
“Skiing in
Young PENS
rogba’s full name is Didier Yver Drogba Tebily, his nickname is ‘’Tito Lokito’’. Drogba was born in the Ivory
Coast of Abidjan on the 11th of March, 1978. He has 6
siblings. When he was 5, he moved to his uncle Michel Goba’s
house in France. He started playing football in Levallois at the
age of 15. Then he was transferred to ‘’Le Mans’’. He played for
the Ivory Coast National Football Team in 2002. Later in 2002 he
was transferred to Chelsea from Marseille. He earned 24 million euros and he became a legend. In 2012 he was transferred
to ‘’Shanghai Sheua’’ but he was not happy and had lots of
problems. So he was transferred to Galatasaray in 2013 and he
is still playing for this team. He married Diakite Lalla in 2011 in
Monaco. They have 4 children with one of them being adopted.
Because of civil war, they have adopted this child and also
helped to end the war. He always donates money for children
in the Ivory Coast. He won the Award of Goodwill Ambassador.
He founded ‘’The Didier Drogba Foundation’. He wrote an autobiography and he donated all of his revenues to charity. In
2009 he was in a Pepsi advertisement and he earned 5 million
euros. He founded a hospital in Abidjan with this money. He
developed ‘’Levallois Stadium’’ so they changed its name to
‘’The Drogba Stadium’’ because Drogba helped this team. Last
February ‘’The Daily Telegraph’’ wrote about Drogba. They
said ‘’Drogba is more helpful than the Ivory Coast president.
He was the ‘’Golden foot Award Winner’’ in 2013. The winner
of ’’The best footballer of the year’’ award was given to Drogba
and the ‘’Best Man’’ award was also Drogba’s given by GQ. He
is a very important person all over the world because he is the
best footballer and a perfect person. I hope you have learned
about him. Maybe one day you will meet him!
“Before saying ‘I’ve
seen the entire world’
don’t forget 79% of
the world is water”
Scuba Diving is an enjoyable and a
desirable activity in the world. If you follow the rules, Scuba Diving is very safe.
However, it may be risky when standardized
safety rules are not followed. If you want to
enrol in a Scuba Diving course, you mustn’t
be overweight or physically disabled. Your
respiratory and circulatory systems must be
healthy. One of the most important things
is an asthma problem and it puts a stay on
diving. Scuba Divers can stay underwater
much longer than free divers. This period
depends on the apparatus but you can stay
for hours or even days. If you are 12yrs or
over, you can go scuba diving (while someone is diving, it is possible to see children
who are under 12). You can be free under
the water. For example, you can fly like a
bird, you can swim like a fish and you can
also do acrobatics like an acrobat. People
travelling a lot often claim that they have
seen the entire world. But they don’t realize that 79 % of that world is under water.
Just think of the amount of water and
try to see the rest of the unknown places
under it. I think the biggest problem is
speaking under the water. Everybody
says ‘’Communication will be difficult and
how we will explain our problems’’. For
this problem, there is always hand gestures or body language. I think everybody
knows at least a few of
them. Decompression
Sickness and Valsalva
Manoeuvre are the biggest dangers.
You must be calm and slow to reduce the
Decompression Sickness while going up
and down. You must also swallow often
to avoid Valsalva Manoeuvre. Wreck diving and Cave diving are some of the most
dangerous types of Scuba Diving. You
must know all the rules to go inside caves
and wrecks. If you want to die mercilessly
and also aimlessly, you should dive into a
cave or wreck without good information
beforehand. There are some diving rules
to obey. First of all, you mustn’t dive on
your own, you must dive with someone;
you must be with another person underwater. Secondly you need an apparatus
to dive. BC, Breathing Apparatus, Tank,
Mask, Fin and Octopus are the essential
equipment while diving. In addition to
them, you ought to carry a compact knife,
a torch and diving clothes with you. You
can go diving in beautiful Antalya if you
like. It is like a pool and a paradise of fish.
There are lots of wrecks that you can see.
Another place is Saros Bay, Aegean Sea.
This is a really nice place. Foreigners usually say that area is similar to the Red Sea.
It is near Istanbul and you can get there in
about 3 hours. For more information, you
can come and ask me! Ergün cOşKUN
Young PENS
Do You
Know These
1 - We wink approximately 10 million
times in a year.
2 - Thomas Edison was
afraid of the dark.
3 - Bulls are color-blind.
4 - The blood of lobsters is blue.
5 - Crocodiles swallow stones to dive deeper.
6 - Giraffe’s clean their ears with their
7 - Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print
is different.
8 - Everyday, 20% of new born babies are
given to the wrong families.
9 - Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.
10 - Polarbears are left-handed.
11 - Snails have 4 noses.
12 - Humans spend 13 years sleeping.
13 - Bats, dogs and dolphins can hear audio
frequencies that human ears can’t hear.
14 - Some singers can break glass with their
15 - Birds sleep on one foot.
16 - Like humans, chimpanzees mourn for
their dead.
17 - A glass of warm water freezes faster than
a glass of cold water in the refrigerator.
18 - Owl’s are the only birds that can see the
color blue.
19 - The biggest reason why people are depressed is insomnia.
20 - There are 12.000 eyes on one butterfly.
21 - Each kilo we gain causes us to produce
20 km of new vessels. Nur Sultan PINAR
Music Band:
Avenged Sevenfold is an American rock band from Huntington Beach (California), the band was started in
1999. This year the band members were still going to school. The band members, in order of reputation, are lead
vocalist (M. Shadow), rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist (Zacky Vengencea ), lead guitarist and backup vocalist (Synyter Gates), bass guitarist (Johnny Christ) and their new drummer (Arin IIejay). Sounding the Seventh
Trumpet is their first album released in July 2001. They were only eighteen years old when their first album was
released. After two years, Walking the Fallen was released with hopeless tag. In 2005, they released City of Evil
including the popular songs Beast & the Harlot and Blinded in Chains, you can hear them in many places, (like
in games). Their Album City of Evil sold over one million copies. Their new album “Hail to the King’’ was released
in 2013 and the album charted #1 on the Usa, Finnish, Brazilian, Canadian and Irish charts. Levent BaşKİracı
Young PENS
The Grand Bazaar,
A Historical Labyrinth
Istanbul In The Eyes Of Burhan ÇAKIR, Özge ERGENÇ, Büşra DEMİR
he Grand Bazaar is one of the oldest bazaars of
İstanbul, established between Beyazıt Mosque and
Nuruosmaniye. The bazaar is visited by many tourists
every day. It is a historical building which was built during
the period of Sultan Mehmet, the Conqueror. When you go
there, you can feel history in the smell.
The Grand Bazaar is built on 40 thousand square meters. It has 65 streets and 14 inns. There are over 3300
shops along with mosques, one school, 7 fountains, 10 wells and 24 doors. There are
two escutcheons on the Beyazıt and
Nuruosmaniye entrances.
The majority of the shopkeepers started working here at a
young age. In other words,
there is a master-apprentice
relationship between them.
Both the shopkeepers and
workers in the Grand
Bazaar are very cheerful. They often joke with
customers. The Bazaar
is crowded at all times
during the day. In the
summer season, the
number of the daily
visitors increase from 250
thousand to 400 thousand.
Tourists visiting The Grand
Bazaar often purchase handmade carpets, souvenir items and
jewelry. There are many unique jewelry stores in the Grand Bazaar. When
people come here first, they have a fear of
getting lost. However a writer has said; “Being
lost in the Grand Bazaar is the very enjoyable.” The Bazaar,
which is at the heart of the free and foreign exchange markets, is also the world’s largest marketplace. In short; the grand
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy-drama television series. The series is
created by David Benioff and D.B Weis.
The Series is an adaptation of A Song of
Ice and Fire, by George R.R Martin’s series of fantasy novels, the first of which is
titled A Game of Thrones. The series was
released by HBO on the 17th of April 2011.
Now, the series is releasing its fourth season this year… Topic: Uncanny forces are
collected behind the wall, protecting seven
Kingdom’s. Then after a suspicious death,
Eddard Stark has been called from the
south, and has found himself in a bunch of
intrigue. Eddard Stark cannot distinguish
between trust-lie and friend-enemy. The
Targaryen after being exiled are in pursuit
to win back their throne. The İron throne
lies between constant struggle for power.
Main Characters
Eddard Stark (Sean Bean): Eddard
Stark was the Lord of Winterfell. Also he
served for the King Robert Baratheon.
Rob Stark (Richard Madden): Rob is the
first child of Eddard Stark. Sansa Stark
bazaar is a shiny star of İstanbul
The Grand Bazaar by Tourists’
l It is one of the oldest and biggest Bazaars
in the world. There’s jewelry, carpets and gold shops
on the street which is called
the main street of
the bazaar. You
can ask
to find places
which make delicious food
l You will be happy
after seeing the bazaar.
l The Grand Bazaar
is a favorite place for
tourists. You can buy
souvenirs along
m a n y
choices of
things to buy.
But it may be a
bit expensive for
normal shopping.
l In general, items
are similar but you can
find many very interesting
places. You should spare your
time to walk around in the streets
because they are very strange. Don’t forget to
drink Turkish coffee in Fes Cafe and visit the most
interesting shop of the bazaar: Army of Love
(Sophie Turner): Sansa is the second child
and older daughter of the Stark family. She
cannot get along with her sister .Arya Stark
(Maisie Williams): Arya is the youngest
daughter of the Stark family. She is wild and
talented. Bran Stark (Isaac Wright): He is
the third child of the Stark family. Also he
is a Warg.Rickon Stark (Art Pakinson):
He is the youngest child of the Stark family. In the future, he will be a Warg. Cately
Tully (Michelle Fairley): She is the wife of
Lord Eddard.Jon Snow (Kit Harington):
He is the stepson of Eddard Stark.Robert
Baratheon (Mark Addy): He is the ruler
of the Seven Kingdoms.Joffrey Baratheon
(Jack Gleeson): He is the king’s heir to
the Iron Throne.Queen Cersie (Lena
Headey): She is King Robert Baratheon’s
wife. Jamie Lannister (Nikolaj Caster): He
is the king slayer. Tyrion Lannister (Peter
Dinklage): He is the most intelligent man
in Westeros.Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia
Clarke): She is the mother of dragons and
one of the last surviving members of the
House of Targaryen. Levent BaşKİracı
Galata Tower, which is in Galata,
is the most important symbol of
İstanbul. It is one of the oldest
towers in the world.
It was built by a Byzantine
Emperor in 528. There were
some dungeons in the
tower.After Turkish got
the tower, it was renewed every year.
In 17th Century, Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi flew to
Üsküdar with his wings which
he made from wood. Europe was
very interested in this flying.
Nowadays, Galata Tower is
only for tourists. İstanbul and
the Golden Horn can be seen
from Galata Tower. If you visit
this place, you can get a chance
to see the beautiful view of
the city. The tower which has
a restaurant on
the top floor has
9 floors. It is
66, 90 meters
tall and, 16,45
meters wide.
Galata Tower is
in Şişhane. You
can go there
from Taksim.
Tower is open
every day
from 9.00 am.
to 7.00 pm.
Yavuz Sultan Selim’s
Answer To Shah İsmail
Once upon a time, there was a sultan who
was called Sultan Selim the Stern. One day,
Shah of Iran sent a box, which was full of
valuable items, jewels etc. to Sultan Selim.
He opened the box and saw the valuable
items, but there was a problem, there was
a bad smell and it got worse. Of course he
wondered a lot and wanted to find out where
that smell was coming from. Later when
all things were removed he saw a very bad
thing. It was fecal matter. So the Sultan got
very angry and wanted his men to gather a
response for the Shah! Soon the Sultan himself found an idea. They sent a box which
was the same as the one they had been
sent. There were valuable items, jewels etc.
for Shah İsmail in the box. When the Shah
opened it and removed all jewelry, he saw a
box of Turkish Delights but of course he got
suspicious about the box. After they ate the
Delights, Shah İsmail saw a letter which was
written by Sultan Selim. It said: “Everyone
sends his own food.”
İsmail ÇİÇEK
Istanbul Aydın
University Zift
Project Club
Young PENS
g ra p h y C lu b
P re p a ra to ry S ch o o l P h o to
Istanbul Aydin University Zift
Project Club educates the youngsters
about European exchange projects.In
these educations, the young people
learn how they can write projects, find
groups, find a partner and manage
the project. Our aim is to make more
groups and provide more youngsters
to attend to European Union projects
without giving money. Because according to us, joining a project means
learning lots of things, destroying
racism, doing cultural exchange and
taking responsibility against life.Our
students in the club have the facility to go abroad by the grants of the
European Union. Zift Organization
was founded in 2008. The organization consists of 22 groups which has
seven people each, in different 22 cities around Turkey. Groups work with
their own members But to manage
an approved project, the organisator
group wants Zift Organization’s aid.
Zift Organization sends some leaders, members or documents to the
organisator. If the organisator group
needs a partner from somewhere,
Zift Organization finds partners for
them. Istanbul Aydin University Zift
Project Club is a non-governmental
,non-political and youth-based association.Our members can do social
and cultural activities such as youth
exchanges, conferences, seminars,
study visits, training courses workshops thanks to programs by the
European Commission. Our students in Istanbul Aydin University
Preparatory School went to İzmir
for the camp of writing projects between 31.01.2013-06.02.2014 in Kaya
Prestige Hotel.They didn’t give any
money. They had a formal education
about writing European exchange
projects.In the end of the camp ,they
had a certificate. They had enjoyable
time in the camp by writing projects
and they had a good friendship.Do
not hesitate!
contact info: Zühal aYDıN (English Language Instructor - Istanbul
Aydin University Preparatory School)
e are a group of passionate photographers
interested in learning and sharing techniques, knowledge and friendship among
our members. We create opportunities to extend our
formal and informal portfolios, have competitions on
different levels and form special interest groups to
learn more about different topics of photography.
Istanbul Aydin University Preparatory School
Photography Club is for all level students interested
in improving their photographs and learning about all
the options open to them after they take the picture.
We meet at various times and places to share ideas
and to develop and fine tune our skills while sharing
with other people. We have many photo outings and
events. As our first meeting, we went to Eminönü,
Sultanahmet, Taksim, Galata Tower and we took lots
of different photos together. It was really enjoyable
for us. We had a great friendship with our cameras.
We will continue our photography events. We will hold
an exhibition in the end of our semester in Istanbul
Aydin University Preparatory School. If you want, you
can come and be active in our exhibition.Come and
learn how to do more with your camera and meet new
friends! People of all ages and abilities are welcome.
Contact Info: Zühal AYDIN (English Language Instructor
- Istanbul Aydin University Preparatory School)
Hey All. Have you ever dreamt
of studying abroad? Some of
your friends have already gone
to schools in England and
U.S.A. You still have chance
to take occasion for the last
track and summer school.
There are great opportunities which you may not
want to miss for the 4.track
and summer school. If you want
to benefit from those educational
prospects in at fastanstic school in
fantastic countries in the 4th
track or summer school, please
do not hesitate to come and
visit our offices.
You can find us at:
101: Mehmet AYTAR,
304: Lale BİLGİ
Young PENS
ho is Joey Guertin?
I’m Canadian, my hometown is Montréal.
I’m 37 years old, I can speak 4 languages and
I am learning Arabic at the moment. My dad is English
and my mum is French so when I was a child I learned
both languages. Later when I was around 20 years old, I
learned Italian up until intermediate but I forgot all of it.
As for my Turkish, my spoken level is intermediate “gibi”
but I’ve completed the upper intermediate level. In daily
conversations, we rarely use high grammar and vocabulary so I forgot a lot of it. But if I read something, I usually
understand. I’ve got 4 half-sisters and 1 half-brother but
I’m the youngest. I’ve never been married and I don’t
have children. I enjoy a life of freedom so if I was married
and had children, I wouldn’t be free to travel. So, I choose
to travel the world instead.
If you could choose any lifestyle, what would you do?
Actually, I would choose exactly what I have right now.
Being a teacher is the best thing that ever happened to
me. I’d choose to be sitting here with you and having this
How long have you been in Turkey?
It will be 3 years on the 8th of March.
What is your favourite quote for life?
It’s a simple one actually; it’s just one word ‘’live’’.
That’s my quote for life, just live.
Which events you’ve never forgotten?
It was very funny. When I was a child, we had a big
house. Behind the house there was a huge garage and I
used to play there a lot. My brother loved to do “gıcıklık”
and so he made a plan with my sisters. He told them to
tell me to go and get something from the dark and scary
garage at around 9pm. My sister told me and I said “No!”
so they told me again I said “No!!”. She added “Are you
scared?” I responded half scared, half proud “Of course
not!” So she responded ‘’Go and get it then if you are not
scared!” so I agreed and I started walking slowly, shaking
like a leaf. It was dark and even the door made a scary
noise while opening it. My brother was there, hidden with
a “Büyük peluş” attached to the ceiling. When I came
in, he threw it on me and “ben avaz avaz bağırdım”… I
screamed loudly. I’ll never forget it!!
Why did you decide to teach in Turkey?
is Joey Guertin?
Naz DELİORMAN – Burak Göktuğ SİVRİ
Actually, it was an accident. I came here on holiday
and then I fell in love in Turkey. One day, I saw an ad on
the internet for an English teaching position. And I told
myself: ‘’Why not?’’ So, I sent my resume and 15 minutes later they answered me as they wanted to talk and
meet with me. So, I called them, and went to Bakırköy.
We had a 5 minute interview then he asked me to start on
Saturday, 2 days later!! I thought about it for a few minutes and told myself: “Why not!!... Yani, öyle başladı!”
What’s your first and dream car?
My first car!! I’m ashamed to admit but it was a very ugly
red 1984 Mercury Lynx. And my dream car... Hmm, actually it would be an old Volkswagen Beetle, green of course!!
Do you know any Turkish bands?
While I was learning Turkish, I used to listen to a lot
of Turkish music. In Canada, we only know Tarkan so I
started with him and he was my first ‘Turkish language
teacher’. I only listen to his Turkish songs as I was not very
keen on his English songs.
What do you think about Turkish history?
I think it’s fascinating. When I was in high school, in both
of my history classes, I had a project. In the 3rd class I made
a project about the Ottoman Empire and in the 5th class I
spoke about Atatürk. I got a really good grade from both
projects. So I learned a lot about your history, I found it really interesting and intriguing. ‘’Atatürk: bayağı etkilendim.’’
What is the most important moment in your life?
Moving to Turkey, actually. The crucial point was when
I decided to do it. One day, I told myself “yeter artık” so
I quit my job and started a new life. But I had a big goal
and that one day changed my life forever, look at me now.
If you truly want something, you can make it happen. All
you have to do is to believe and to fight for your dreams.
Who’s your best friend?
That is an impossible question because it means
only one!! Well, I have 3 really good and old friends…
Genevieve, my partner in crime, Simon, my confident and
Patricia my travelling companion.
Do you want to say something for students?
“I’d love to. Dear students, I believe in all of you. Well,
what I want to tell you guys is simple: BELIEVE IN
YOURSELF. You must always try and never give up…
you will succeed!”
A biography: Ferruccio Elio Arturo Lamborghini
Burak Göktuğ SİVRİ
Ferrucio Lamborghini was born
on the 28th of April 1916. He lived in
Emila-Romangra. He was a Italian industrialist. His parents were farmers.
His family taught him how to farm and
he learned a few things with the tractor.
He then opened a tractor factory in 1949.
Ferrucio got married three times. His first
wife was Clelia Monti. She died in 1947.
They together have got a son. His name
is Antonio. His second wife was Annila
Borgatti. They didn’t have any children
together and they got divorced. His third
wife was Maria Theresa Cane. They have
got a daughter. Her name is Patrizia.
Ferrucio took part in the Second World
War. After he was captured by the British
Army, he repaired cars there. When the
war ended, he went back home. First he
labored for Fiat Topolino in 1948. Later
he opened his own company. This factory
is called Lamborghini his surname. He
had did good business producing tractors.
After that he opened his second factory.
He installed air conditioning and central
heating systems and he got rich.
Ferrucio always loved driving cars. He
had a Mercedes SL300, Jaguar E-Type,
Alfa Romeo 1900, Lancia Aurelia B20
and Maserati 3500GT but that wasn’t
enough for him. He wanted to have a
Ferrari. Ferrucio bought a Ferrari but its
disc coupling became damaged. He went
to the Ferrari factory because he wanted
to get his Ferrari repaired but Ferrari
couldn’t repair his car and Ferruccio then
wanted to talk to Enzo Ferrari. Enzo said
‘’ A tractor manufacturer can never criticize the Ferrari.’’ Lamborghini’s heart
was broken but he didn’t give up. Actually
this sentence encouraged him to become
more ambitious. He repaired his Ferrari in
his own Lamborghini tractor factory. He
saw similar parts between the Ferrari and
his tractors. Lamborghini then employed
Ferrari’s former chief- engineer Gianpaolo
Dallara and their test driver Bob Wallace.
His purpose was to create a faster, more
durable and safer car than Ferrari’s.
He opened an exotic sport car factory.
This factory was opened in Santa Agate
Bolognese on the 30th of October 1963.
He gave his surname to the factory once
again. The symbol of the factory is a bull
because Ferruccio Lamborghini’s horoscope sign is Taurus and bulls are strong
animals. For this reason, he gave these
names to his car models, Miura, Islero,
Espada, Jamara, Diablo, Murcielago,
Gallardo, Reventon, Aventador.
Ferruccio Lamborghini didn’t want
his cars to join the car races. In the past,
Ferruccio himself was a race car driver. He
was a car pilot when he had an accident
and crashed while racing in Mille Miglia
in 1948 and since then he was opposed
to racing. Ferruccio improved his exotic
sport car factory in 1972 because there
was a high number of proposals for his
cars from South America. Later Ferruccio
had a business partner- Georges - Henri
Rosetti. One year later, Ferruccio transferred all of his shares of the company to
Rosetti and bought a farm and a vineyard
for himself. Ferruccio Lamborghini died
on the 20th of February 1993. He suffered
from a heart attack that unfortunately
took his life. Lamborghini was buried at
the Monumental Cemetery of the Certosa
di Bologna Monastery.
Young PENS
My Beyaz Show
Support Center!
I want to tell you about the day on which
I went and watched Beyaz Show in the audience. Firstly, I went to the Kanal D studio
at about 8 o’clock, 3 hours before the live
show. When I arrived at the building of Beyaz
Show’s studio, I was welcomed really well.
People who work there were very polite, honest, cheerful, friendly and helpful and I liked
all of them. It was really a very nice meeting I
believe. Secondly, we waited for almost one
and a half hours in a waiting room. While we
were waiting, they informed us about the live
show. So, we listened to them and later some
people who wanted to speak on TV entered
the “klostrohobi”, which is a cabin designed
for this part of the show and the others entered the studio and took their seats. Thirdly,
the Beyaz Show team members gave us some
blank papers to write down the answers for
some questions in which they asked. Later
we wrote something and gave the papers
back to them. And then, Beyazıt Öztürk
came into the studio and the whole audience
clapped and cheered him. He told some jokes
to us. Later he left the studio to get prepared
for the live show. Then, the live show started
and we watched them and laughed a lot and
listened to some music. When the live show
finished, we went out and lined up for a photo
with Beyazıt Öztürk. After taking photos, we
left the studio. From beginning to end, everything was absolutely perfect. I gave them
100 points… I think, all university students
should go to “Beyaz Show” at least once in
their lives.
What Is “Support Center”?
As the name indicates or shows, the sole
aim of the support center is to aid and support the students with all and academic
issues, especially with their lessons. They can
study on one to one basis with a teacher, sort
of private tuition or they may study in small
groups. Whatever the case, students have
the opportunity to study in a much smaller
group as compared to the average number
of students in a classroom. At “Support
Center”, students can ask specific questions
on any lesson/topic and they will get clear
answers. Plus, they will get special prepared
worksheets that will help them understand
any topic better. Support days and times:
Support Center welcomes you three (3) days
a week in five (5) sessions. Specific hours
and days are written on the posters in the
corridors. Advantages to Students: “Support
Center” has helped hundreds of students so
far. Each of those students has benefited differently and improved individually.
Let Numbers Speak For Themselves!
Number Of Students Who Visited
2012 - 2013 ............. 1017, In Five (5) Months
2013 - 2014 ..................332, In Five (5) Weeks
An Interwiev with Gayane teacher
Naz DELİORMAN / Burak Göktuğ SİVRİ
ho is Gayane Pozharina?
I was born in Russia, St Petersburg. I came to
Istanbul for my university education. I studied
university in the English Language Teaching Department.
After my graduation I started my career.
Can you explain us a funny memory?
The funniest moment was two weeks ago. When I forgot my power-point presentation, my mom tried to e-mail
it to me. However she couldn’t do it, instead she uploaded
my presentation on her Instagram page. It was a really
weird situation and at the same I was nervous.
ıf you hadn’t chosen to be a teacher what would you
have done?
I wanted to be a pilot. It was my dream job but since I
wasn’t a Turkish citizen, I wasn’t able to apply for this department. I became a teacher and I am happy now.
Did somebody encourage you into being a teacher?
My mother… She wanted me to choose this department. I can say that it was my mother’s choice.
Do you know any Turkish pop singers or music bands?
Yes, I went to Rock’n Coke this year and I watched
Teoman’s performance. He was great. I know some rock
bands but Teoman is my favorite one.
What do you think about Turkish Cuisine, can you cook
Incredibly delicious. But it is different from Russian cuisine. Russian food is not that spicy. I can cook lentil soup,
“mercimek :)”
Which places have you visited in Turkey? Which is your
favorite one? Do you want to visit those places again?
I’ve been to Ankara, Çanakkale, Antalya and Bodrum. I
love all these places but I want to discover new places too!
When you have a problem, what do you do to fix it?
I call my mom and ask her. She always helps me to solve
my problems.
What’s your favorite quote?
Hmm. Favorite quotes… ‘Never look back’
Do you know something about Turkish history? For
example, do you know The Turkish Leader Atatürk or
something about the Ottoman Empire?
Sure sure, I know, of course. I know a lot about Ottoman
Empire. It was a very strong Empire and they lost the inland. I feel sorry about it. And ATATÜRK is great leader.
I visited Dolmabahçe Palace. I saw many items that belonged to him. I adore him.
Which behavior of Turkish people do you like? For example most people say Turkish men are really kind.
Turkish people are helpful when we compare them to
other cultures. People are warm and friendly and always
try to communicate with foreigners.
What are your plans for your future?
I’m doing my master’s degree and I want to finish it in
two years. This is the most important thing for me now.
My dream is teaching abroad. I’m dreaming of teaching
in Italy.
Did you read any books by Turkish writers?
I adore Kurşat Başar. I have read his novel ‘Music by my
bedside’. It is one of my favorite ones.
Who is your favorite actor and actress? Why?
I have many but if you ask who I like most it is Vin
Diesel for his incredible acting and attractive voice.
What were you scared of when you were a kid?
I was scared of darkness. I’m still scared of darkness
and insects.
Which team do you support Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray
or Beşiktaş?
Gs but I’m not a big fan of football.
Have you got a pet?
I’ve got two cats. Anfiska and Vanilka.
Which series do you watch?
Carrie Diaries, Two Broke Girls, Suits, HIMYM and
Game of Thrones.
Who is your best friend?
My mother is my best friend. I trust her.
Which festivals did you join?
Rock’n Coke Festival and Sound Garden Festival.
What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
Hmm… Legos, I think.
What was the most important moment of your life?
Making the decision of moving here.
Do you like flowers?
I love tulips & roses.
Do you sing and what’s your favorite song?
As you know I do love singing. I love all songs of Avicii.
Do you like playing video games or computer games?
No, I don’t. I haven’t got much time.
Which animals do you like most?
I like all animals but not insects.
Do you know how to drive car?
I have a license but I cannot drive. I need a little more
What is your dream car? Do you have a car now?
I haven’t got a car, but my dream car is, of course, a
What was your first job and where did you work?
I started working when I was at the age of 15. I was a
little bit spoiled so my family wanted me to learn how life
was. I worked as a salesperson. After these three months,
I was completely changed.
Young PENS
Events In School
tudents prepared
really contentious and
exciting debates with
their advisor teachers. It was
enjoyable and instructive
for both audience and
the debaters. Topics were
usually about current
events, so the debates
were interesting for us. The
debates were an activity
which has improved our
English, at the same time
we really enjoyed them. The
final debate will be held
in April to determine the
winner. Don’t miss it!
e welcomed the New
Year with the whole
school together.
We enjoyed a concert which
students prepared and we also
had a chance to establish new
relationships. We ate delicious
cake together. Our Christmas Trees
were made with lots of books
stuck on one another. Every corner
of school was decorated with
bright shiny ornaments. We had a
brilliant New Year’s party.
he presentation, which was
presented by Murat Kalelioğlu,
was very beneficial. Mr.
Kalelioğlu showed us how to
prepare an attractive presentation.
We learned the important points of a
successful presentation. As much as
it was didactic, it was also pleasant
for us. We improved our education
in English by giving close attention
to many interesting thing displayed.
In our own projects in our present
student life, even in our business
life, we can use the information we
learnt through these presentations.
he memorial of the Çanakkale Victory
and Martyr’s Day was celebrated by
I.A.U students as they have every year.
e martyrs
A magnificent representation of our brav
ng our
was played out by prep students pres
homeland’s liberty in the most respectable
Prepared By Hilal BaYraMOĞLU / Elizabeth
Photographs By Kaan BaKaNOĞLU
Aries are respectful people.
Aries always eat chocolate
because they like desserts.
Aries are usually overweight but they are also
Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Diamond, Sapphire,
Hematite, Amethyst
Lucky colors: Orange, Yellow, Red
Lucky scent: Rose
Zodiac Element: Fire
Gemini is impatient. Gemini
like animals, especially dogs.
They are active so they can
quickly get bored when they are inactive.
They are realistic .They like fast food. They
like travelling. Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Ruby,
White Coral, Opal Lucky colors: Black.
1-You have borrowed your best friend’s
camera for only one night. At the end
of the night, you discovered that you
did something wrong to her/his camera.
What would you do in this situation?
a) You would say “I am sorry and I will
pay money to have it repaired.”
b) You would think that you did not do
anything wrong but again you try to
have it repaired for your friend
c) You would say ‘Thank you’ as if nothing happened
2-What would you do if you learn that
you are in love with the same girl/boy
with your best friend?
a) I would think about my friend and I
would finish it in my mind
b) I would wait quietly for my friend to
break up
c) I would tell my friend ‘you have to forget him/her’
3-You went to a cafe with your friend
and his/her boyfriend and you saw that
there is a piece of parsley on your friend
teeth. What would you say to your
a)You’d try to warn your friend without
his/her boyfriend/girlfriend seeing
b)You would not say anything and you
would continue to hang out with them
c)You would tell to your friend with a
loud voice and her/his boyfriend/girlfriend hears it
4-Your friend had an operation and you
are on the phone talking with him/her.
You promise your friend to visit her/
him in hospital. But later your boyfriend
or girlfriend offers to have some fun
together?’ What would you say to your
friend in hospital?
IAU Chairman of the Board of
Trustees Dr Mustafa AYDIN
Y. Sema OKAY- Lecturer
Asst. Director
Editors In Chief
Ethan CIESLEWICZ-Lecturer
Y. Sema OKAY- Lecturer
Senior Editors
İlkcan ÇİÇEK / Gizem TİTİ
Design/Art Director
Cancers are imaginative.
They often fall in unrequited
love. That is why they are
usually sad. They are emotional. They are
sympathetic. Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Ruby,
White Coral, Opal
Lucky colors: Black, Blue, Purple
Lucky scent: Amber Musk
Zodiac Element: Fire
A Leo is bossy. Leos like
expensive things. Every Leo
man is handsome and every
beautiful woman is a Leo. They are usually
fascinating. They like shopping .They always
go to the shopping centers. Lucky Zodiac
Gemstone: Chrysalides, Citrine
Here is a
self-test to
find out about
a) You’d explain your situation and you
say ‘I can’t come tomorrow’
b) You’d accept your boyfriend or girlfriend’s offer and first you go to the
hospital together
c) You’d cancel the hospital visit and
you go to the cinema with your boyfriend or girlfriend
5-You are good at English and your
friend asks you if you can help her/him
with her/his English presentation. What
is your reaction?
a) You’d accept and you say ‘I will do it
with pleasure’
b) You’d tell that you are very busy these
days. You promise for another time
c) You’d lie to her/him and say ‘Sorry
but I have exams these days, I can’t
do it’
6-Something is going wrong between
you and your family and you are in a
bad mood. Your friend asks you ‘what is
wrong with you?’ How would you reply?
a) You’d tell your problem and
İAU Görsel Tasarım Birimi
Photography Directors
Contributing Members
Berrak İNANÇ
Burhan ÇAKIR
listen to his/her advice carefully
b) You’d tell your friend that you are in
a bad mood at the moment, you don’t
want to talk now, maybe another time
c) You’d shout at her/him and say ‘this is
none of your business’
7-Your favorite American singer is going
to give a concert in your country soon.
And you can’t go to concert. What would
you do when you learn that your friend
has already bought concert tickets?
a) I am glad to hear that and say “I hope
you’ll enjoy it
b)You wouldn’t say anything to her face
but you’d get mad inside
c)You’d say ‘I deserve that ticket more
than you’
An Angel Without Wings
You are completely an angel. Everyone
should have a friend like you. You think
of your friend more than yourself and it
is really hard to find a friend like this.
Normal Friendship
You can’t break your friend’s heart.
But you are not pleased with the situation when your wishes don’t come true.
Anyway you say ‘OK’ to everything not
to lose your friend.
A Witch Without A Broom
There is no difference between you and
a witch. You break your friend’s heart
easily if you continue like this nobody
will be around you. You should change
Elizabeth Nora ÖZER
Fatma KARA
Göktuğ Burak SİVRİ
İsmail ÇİÇEK
For Their Valuable
Special Thanks to;
Joey GUERTİN - Lecturer
Nicholas PAGE - Lecturer
Hande ISAOĞLU - Lecturer
Çiğdem TAŞKIN - Lecturer
Merve GÖYSARI - Lecturer
Başak GÜN - Lecturer
Printing House
Ceren Printing House
Namık Kemal Mah. 122. Sok No: 8
İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi
Florya Yerleşkesi
Beşyol Mah. İnönü Cad. No: 38
Küçükçekmece / İSTANBUL
0212 444 1 428
Sagittarius is clever. They
are hardworking. For them,
the most important thing is a
library. They like children .They want to have
children; that is why some Sagittarius people
want to work as a teacher. Lucky Zodiac
Gemstone: Chalcedony, Turquoise, Lucky
colors: Purple, Black, Blue, Lucky scent: Lily
Capricorn is fussy. Capricorn women are like
housewives. Capricorns like
cooking. They are also cautious. Capricorns are very talkative
and they also like gossip very much. Lucky Zodiac Gemstone:
Amethyst, Chalcedony, Lucky colors: Black, Dark Blue, Purple,
Lucky scent: Jonquil, Zodiac Element: Fire, Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Aquarius are jealous and curious. They are
snoop. That is why they are generally unhappy. They have a good body and good looks
.They are friendly .They are frank, but sometimes too straight
and for this reason, not everybody likes them. Lucky Zodiac.
Pisces are conceited. They like watching
films and buy DVDs every time. Pisces are
kind and sensitive. They are also very romantic and they like daydreaming. Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Pearl,
Turquoise, Coral, Lucky colors: Green, Blue, Dark Pink.
Taurus is ambitious. They like vegetables.
They are fit and sportive. They are logical.
Also they like art. They usually get into
trouble because of their aggressiveness.
Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Pink Quartz, Emerald, Jade
Lucky colors: Light Blue, Pink, Green, Brown
Virgo is reserved. A Virgo person is quiet.
Virgo people like reading books in a quiet
room. They are clever. They are successful
in every aspect of life. Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Sapphire, String Lucky colors: Blue, Gray, Brown
Lucky scent: Violet, Zodiac Element: Soil, Ruling Planet: Mercury
Libra is lively. Libras like cinema .They have
got a lot of friends. They are optimistic. They
are cowardly but affectionate. Lucky Zodiac
Gemstone: Opal, Freshwater Pearl, Red Coral, Lucky colors:
Pink, Green, Light Blue, Lucky scent: Lavender, Zodiac Element:
Weather, Ruling Planet: Lucifer
Scorpios are polite. They like fries and this
is the reason why they tend to be fat. They
like going to parties at night. They like night
life. Scorpios are very cheerful. Lucky Zodiac Gemstone: Hematite, Onyx, Amethyst Lucky colors: Red,
Brown, Light Blue
Seda Yaldız & Berrak İnanç