FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PENFIELD OCTOBER 2014 CARILLON A NOTE FROM PASTOR RHETT / OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 1 - 2 MEMBER NEWS 3 - 4 UPCOMING EVENTS 4 - 7 CALENDAR Attachment Greetings and blessings to you and your family! I am excited about the process of the mediation many of you have been involved with over the past month. What an excellent opportunity it has been for us to be led by the Spirit of mutual understanding and respect. I am prayerful that you will see fruits of this process flourishing over the next several months. I am also grateful for everyone who continues to bless this church through your continued attendance, prayers, ministry, and overall involvement in the family of First Baptist Penfield. God has amazing things in store for all of us, and for the surrounding community. On a personal note, I wanted you all to know that my initial firefighter training is almost complete. I do have another course to take next year, but by the middle of October I will be "official" here in East Rochester. I am very excited to be able to serve the community in this capacity. I am also happy to announce to you that I am now on the ABCRGR Executive Board. I am excited about this opportunity to get to learn, and serve, the region in another capacity. I am hopeful that you have been enjoying the sermon series on the "4 Fragile Freedoms." I am very passionate about being a Baptist, and I hope the series has given you an opportunity to understand why. The next series is on the "5 Love Languages." We all have different ways that we The Carillon Page 2 From Pastor Rhett understand this thing called love, and we will be exploring these differences by engaging Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell M.D's book on the subject. As always, if you ever want to get a hold of me, the best way to do so is by calling my cellular phone: (585) 645-4893; I typically turn it off around 9:00PM and am back on by 7:00AM. Again, blessings and peace! Pastor Rhett From your ordination candidate: Tim and I so enjoyed seeing many of you at the September “Flapjack Breakfast.” I think I spent as much time talking to folks as I did serving pancakes! As you know I will be at Immanuel Baptist Church through the end of November. Located on the edge of the city, Immanuel serves not just its Sunday congregation but also many others who call or walk in hoping for some comfort. “Church” is so much more than a worship space. As a “body of believers” there is much work to be done. We all have individual gifts but when we combine them into the body of Christ, miracles can happen. Keep working together at First Baptist Penfield ! I’ll see you at the next breakfast. Heidi Tyler, M.Div. Acting Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church 01 Mark Britt 17 Bruce Neely 01 Don Lochner 18 Kathleen Ahl 07 Scott Hunter 19 Judy McNeil 11 Mindy Kimball 21 Eric Keenan 12 Randy Hutto 21 Eun Jean Keenan 13 Virginia Wilterdink 27 Sarah Kohlenberg 14 Melissa Hutto 29 Hava Kapidzic 17 Ibrahim Kapidzic 30 Art Bennett The Carillon Member News Page 3 To all who did the amazing transformation of the Old Fellowship Hall and hallways, bathrooms, Please share with those who have labored, THANK YOU! It is delightful!! The colors are so refreshing and vibrant. I know that is was a Lot of Work! (understatement) With Great Appreciation, Elizabeth Clark The family of Linda Lake want you to know how much we have appreciated your prayers and concerns for her health these last few years. We know that Linda and her husband Charles, our son, are together again in Heaven. With love, Lois and Bruce Neely The Carillon Page 4 Upcoming Events FLAPJACK SATURDAY! COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER Upcoming Dates ~ October 18th and November 15th ~ Serving from 8 to 10am Delicious Pancakes! Pure Maple Syrup! Scrambled Eggs! Sausage! and more… All for $4.00 per person ~ $3.00 for children 10 and under October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, proceeds will go directly to Safe Journey is committed to helping victims move from surviving to thriving after an abusive relationship. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence one person at a time. Fellowship Hall ~ Handicapped Accessible. Bring the whole family… Make plans to meet up with friends, or make new ones! Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing “YOU” there! Thursday October 3rd at Royal Dynasty Empire Blvd Carpooling from Church at 11:30 am Reservations see Pat Heckman FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE TUESDAY OCTOBER 21ST MEET 10:00 AM Pike Stained Glass Window Tour. See where they are repairing the windows from the sanctuary. Marie Pot Luck Suppers Tuesday October 14th at 5:30 pm Cook your favorite recipe and join the Church Family! Beverages Provided Men's Lunch Thursdays Riki’s Restaurant 25 N Main St, Fairport @ 12:00 noon The Carillon Upcoming Events Page 5 The Elizabeth Clark Dance Ensemble An Invitation to all to join in our classes in Old Fellowship Hall in the afternoons or evenings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Some people may with to stretch or improve flexibility? Would you like to think more about your posture? Or perhaps you have a young one who would like some Intergenerational Movement time? There are opportunities for stress reduction activities; and expressive dance forms. All are always welcome to come to single classes. Please call with questions, or to request literature at 442-5988. October 2014 Mission Payments Open Door Mission $500. Pastor Discretionary Thank you to Shervon Swann, Kathy Ahl, Sandy and Mike Pray, Nancy Zanglein, Amy Hunter and to ALL WHO MADE GENEROUS DONATIONS. Together we made the Habitat for Humanity Yard Sale a great success! Habitat for Humanity $405.65 Music Ministry Opportunities: New members are welcome to the chancel choir, adult bell choir, and Junior Ringers. Groups rehearse on Wednesday evenings in the choir room. Please contact Naomi Gregory, Director of Music, if you are interested. Tel: 585 820 9595, e-mail [email protected]. 6.00-6.30 Junior Ringers 6.40-7.45 Adult Bell Choir 7.45-8.45 Chancel Choir Organ Concert in the Sanctuary, Friday December 5 @ 7:30pm Our annual tradition of an organ concert featuring several Eastman graduate organ students returns! There will be a varied selection of music, including some music for Advent and Christmas. Part of the EROI (Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative) Community Concert series. Free admission; reception following. Please come and support, and bring your friends too! The Carillon Upcoming Events Safe Journey invites you to Page 6 Annual Pasta Dinner 5:00pm—7:30 pm on Oct 11th Scarecrow 5k and 1/2 Mile Family Fun Run on Oct 11th Church of the Assumption 20 East Avenue, Fairport Registration opens at 7:00 am Race 9:00 am / Fun Run 10:00 am Box Factory Parking Lot, Thursday Oct 23rd 10:00 am—3:00 pm East Liftbridge Lane, Fairport Game and Card Party More info: at Midvale Country Club All proceeds to benefit Safe Journey Sponsored by the Fairport Settlers Club. $25 per person Registration by Oct 15 Info [email protected] 425-1580 Excitement Builds for The Holiday Arts and Crafts Festival Scheduled for November 8 2014 From 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Advanced planning for the next Arts and Craft Festival is almost complete. Marge and Terry have sent out the vender acceptance letters, Church members are being asked to plan on helping out. We will have a tasty bake sale that we all enjoy. Your support is greatly appreciated! Let’s make the 2014 Holiday Arts and Crafts Festival the best one so far. PLACE ON YOUR CALENDAR: NOVEMBER 23: THANKSGIVING DINNER The Carillon Upcoming Events Page 7 (585) 586-2876 1862 Penfield Road, Penfield, NY 14526 SALE Starts Friday October 24 in the evening and Saturday 25th In the morning Join us at First Baptist Church of Penfield Sunday, October 26th, 2014 2:00-4:00 p.m. * Rain or Shine * There will be cider and donuts, games and activities & Child-friendly Trunk-or-Treating