10P4-3 Fluid Re
10P4-3 Fluid Re
AkzoNobel C Aerospace Coatings 10P4-3 3NF Fluid Re esistant Epoxy E Prim mer Lead an nd Cadmiu um Free Product Gro oup Epoxy prrimer Characteristtics - Pro oduct Info ormation - - A che emically cured epoxy primer that provid des excellent corrosion and d chem mical resistancce for aircraftt detail and su ubassembly parts. p When used as the e base primerr for specification approved d epoxy and polyu urethane topccoats, the prim mer/topcoat system provide es the optimu um prote ection for interrior structural componentss. This product adhe eres well to a variety of sub bstrates. Components s Curring Solution, Thin nner/Reducer Specification ns Qua alified Product Listt Curing Solution: EC-117 Thinner/R Reducer: TR--19 or TR-20, as required Boeing Bombard dier BMS 10 0-11, Type I, Class C A, Grad de A BAMS 565-001, 5 Grade A The complete AkzoNo obel Aerospacce Coatings qualified q product list (QPL)) can be found at: www.akzzonobel.com m/aerospace Surface Con nditions Cleaning - Surfa ace pretreatm ment is an esssential part of the painting process. p Follo ow specificatio on requiremen nts for cleanin ng and pretre eatment application. Instruction for f Use Mixxing Ratio (vollume) 1 part 1 part 0 – 0.5 max. m - Indu uction Time ase 10P4-3NF F Ba Cu uring Solution EC-117 As required, TR R-19 or TR-20 0 o Shake untill all pigment is uniformly dispersed befo ore adding curing Stir or soluttion. Stir the catalyzed mixture thoro oughly. es 30 minute Page 1 of 4 AkkzoNobel Aerospacce Coatings 1 East E Water Street, Waukegan, IL 60085, USA - Phone (847) 623 4200, Faxx (847) 625 3200 Rijjksstraatweg 31, 21 171 AJ Sassenheim m, The Netherlandss - Phone (31) 71 308 3 2905, Fax (31) 71 308 2056 obel.com/aerospac ce Intternet: www.akzono AkzoNobel C Aerospace Coatings 10P4-3 3NF Fluid Re esistant Epoxy E Prim mer Lead an nd Cadmiu um Free Initial Spraying Visccosity (25ººC/77ºF) 25 – 55 seconds s ISO Cup #3 25 – 35 seconds s Signature Zahn Cup C #1 12 – 16 seconds s Signature Zahn Cup C #2 Notte Viscosityy measuremen nts are provid ded as guideliines only and d are not to be e used as quality q contro ol parameters. Certified info ormation is prrovided by certification documenttation available on requestt. Pot Life (25ººC/77ºF) 16 hours maximum. Dryy Film Thicckness (DF FT) m (μm) 13 – 18 microns 0.5 – 0.7 mils Application A Recommend dations Con nditions Tempera ature: Relative Humidity: 15 – 35°C C 59 – 95°F F 35 – 75% % Notte d by the sprayy The quality of the application of all coatings will be influenced ature, humiditty, and air flow w of the paintt equipment chosen and the tempera on area. Whe en applying the product for the first time, it is applicatio recomme ended that tesst panels be prepared p in order to identiffy the best equipment settings to be used in op ptimizing the performance and appeara ance of the coa ating. Equ uipment Air HVLP Num mber of coats Spray a single s uniform m wet coat to recommende ed dry film thicckness. 0.052 – 0.070 in. nozzlle orifice 1.2 – 1.4 mm nozzle orrifice Page 2 of 4 AkkzoNobel Aerospacce Coatings 1 East E Water Street, Waukegan, IL 60085, USA - Phone (847) 623 4200, Faxx (847) 625 3200 Rijjksstraatweg 31, 21 171 AJ Sassenheim m, The Netherlandss - Phone (31) 71 308 3 2905, Fax (31) 71 308 2056 obel.com/aerospac ce Intternet: www.akzono AkzoNobel C Aerospace Coatings 10P4-3 3NF Fluid Re esistant Epoxy E Prim mer Lead an nd Cadmiu um Free Physical Pro operties Dryying Times (25 +/- 2ºC / 77 2 55 +/- 5% +/- 2ºF, RH)) Dust Free e Tack Fre ee Dry throu ugh Dry to top pcoat The eoretical Covverage 8.6 m2 pe er liter ready to t apply at 25 5 μm dry film thickness t 350 ft2 pe er US gallon ready r to applyy at 1 mil dry film thicknesss Dryy Film Weight 46.91 g/m m2 at 25.4 miccron .0096 lbss/ft2 at 1 mil Vola atile Organic Com mpounds Max 650 g/l Max 5.4 lb/gal, maxim mum (without thinner), t per ASTM A D3960 0 Glo oss (60º) 15 minutes 2 hourss 4 hourss 1 hour 10 maxim mum GU Color Yellow BAC 377 Flassh-point 10P4-3NF EC-117 TR-19 TR-20 Storage Store the e product dry and at a temp perature betw ween 5 and 38 8ºC / 40 and 100ºF pe er AkzoNobel Aerospace Coatings C speccification. Storre in the origin nal unopened containers. Storage tem mperature mayy vary per OE EM specificatiion ments. Refer to t container la abel for specific storage life e information. requirem She elf life 5 - 38°C 3 (40 - 100°F) 24 month hs per AkzoNobel Aerospa ace Coatings commercial specification. s Shelf life may vary due e to OEM spe ecification req quirements. Refer R to conta ainer label for specific s shelff life informatio on. 5°C (23°F) 12°C (53°°F) -4°C (25°F) 4°C (40°F F) Page 3 of 4 AkkzoNobel Aerospacce Coatings 1 East E Water Street, Waukegan, IL 60085, USA - Phone (847) 623 4200, Faxx (847) 625 3200 Rijjksstraatweg 31, 21 171 AJ Sassenheim m, The Netherlandss - Phone (31) 71 308 3 2905, Fax (31) 71 308 2056 obel.com/aerospac ce Intternet: www.akzono AkzoNobel C Aerospace Coatings Safety Preca autions 10P4-3 3NF Fluid Re esistant Epoxy E Prim mer Lead an nd Cadmiu um Free Comply with w all local safety, s disposal and transportation regullations. Check the Material Safety S Data Sheet S (MSDS) and label off the individua al products carefully before using the products.. The MSDSs are available e on request. Issue date: Sep ptember 2011 (supersedes none e) - FOR PROFE ESSIONAL USE ONLY IMPORTANT NOTE The T information in this s data sheet is not inte ended to be exhaustive e and is based on the e present state of our knowledge k and on currrent laws: any person n using the product for any purpo ose other than that spe ecifically recommende ed in the technical datta sheet without first obtaining o written confirrmation from us as to the suitability of the product p for t intended purpose does so at his own ris the sk. It is always the responsibility of the user to take all necessary steps to fulfill the dem mands set out in the loccal rules and legislatio on. Always read the Material Data a Sheet and the Technical Data Sheet for this product if available e. All advice we give or o any statement made about the product by b us (whether in this data d sheet o otherwise) is correcct to the best of our knowledge or k but we havve no control over the quality or the conditio on of the substrate or the many factors affe ecting the use and app plication of t product. Therefore the e, unless we specifically agree in writing oth herwise, we do not acccept any liability whatssoever for the perform mance of the product or for any loss or dama age arising o of the use of the product. out p All products supplied s and technical advice given is subjecct to our standard term ms and conditions of sale. s You should reque est a copy of this docu ument and review it carefully. The e information containe ed in this data sheet iss subject to modificatio on from time to time in n the light of experiencce and our policy of co ontinuous developmen nt. It is the user's responsibility to o verify that this data sheet s is current prior to o using the product. Brand names mention ned in this data sheet are a trademarks of or are a licensed to AkzoNo obel. Page 4 of 4 AkkzoNobel Aerospacce Coatings 1 East E Water Street, Waukegan, IL 60085, USA - Phone (847) 623 4200, Faxx (847) 625 3200 Rijjksstraatweg 31, 21 171 AJ Sassenheim m, The Netherlandss - Phone (31) 71 308 3 2905, Fax (31) 71 308 2056 obel.com/aerospac ce Intternet: www.akzono
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