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NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE
NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE
A Study on the Concept of The National Interest of Hans J. Morgenthau: as
The Standard of American Foreign Policy
Kiyono, Ken
経営と経済, 49(3), pp.1-20; 1969
Issue Date
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by KenKiyono
Table of Contents
I. What is the National Interest?
II. The National Interest vs. Moral Principles
IE. The Balance of Power as the National Interest
IV. The Moral Dignity of the National Interest
There are few who do not wish to have a peaceful
world, free
from wars and strives,
for their posterity
as well as for themselves
of their political
However, as far as the
world is, as it is, divided
into many nations or blocs of nations,
such as the East,
the West and Afro-Asian,
the realization
such a peaceful
world seems far from being possible
in the near
Even though
the United
was established
for the purpose of ending power politics
and ushering
a new era of international
in 1945, yet against
hope and
or intended
it has not been able
in its inception.
to function
Thus the
so well as
fundamentally remained just the same as before. In other words,
we still live in an age of power politics and are consciously or
unconsciously being drifted to an inevitable end, that is, a war
of annihilation, unless we find a way out.
Against this background, seems the concept of the national interest of Hans J.
Morgenthau as the guiding principle for American foreign policy
So in this paper the writer would like to
to offer a way out.
call your attention to some important points of his idea by using
mainly his early treatises.
What is the National Interest?
According to Morgenthau, the idea of the national interest
in general resembles the constitution of the United States of
America in two points, such as the general welfare and due
It includes "a residual meaning"1 which is
process clauses.
immanent in the idea itself, but over and above this minimum
requisite, "its content can run the whole gamut of meanings
which are logically compatible with it. "2
Thus the idea of the national interest has two factors.
is rationally demanded and, therefore, of necessity. The other
is changeable and decided by si tua tions. 3
In a world consisting of many competing and opposing nations
for power, their survivals are their necessary and minimum requisites. "Thus all nations do what they cannot help but do: protect
their physical, political and cultural identity against encroachments
by other nations." 4
While the concept of interest is indeed the substance of politics
and is, therefore, perpetual and uninfluenced by time and place, 5
the national state is a historical product and is not anything but
So the relation between interest and the national state
is changing with vicissitude of time and place.
"As long as the
world is politically organized into nations," the necessary element
of the national interest, that is, the survival, is "the last word
in world politics. 6
In other words, the foreign policy based
on the survival is easily supported by bipartisanship.
The situation is not the same concerning the changeable factors
of the national interest.
"All cross currents of personalities,
public opinion, sectional interests, partisan politics, and political
and moral folkways are brought" 7 to exert influence upon their
The authenticity of the changeable elements of the national
interest must be decided in the presence of "possible usurpation by
subnational, other-national, and supranational interests. 118
the first level, group interests of race and economy always try to
exert influence upon the operation of American foreign policy,
identifying their interests with the national interest.
they have, not always been successful in deciding the direciton of
American foreign policy. 9
On the second level, there are two types of treason.
One is the
case of treason committed by individuals for a foreign government.
The other treason is committed by minorities of race and ideology
Since the United States of
on behalf of a foreign government.
America is composed of many different racial gro1)ps, there exists
the danger of treason by minorities. In a country like America,
disagreeing opinion is sometimes disproved as being influenced by
a foreign interest, just as James Madison accused the Federalist
as Anglophile and Francophobe .10
However, this traditional
tendency should not interfere in determining the national interest.
On the final level, the national interest may be usurped by
supranationl interests: "religious bodies and international organThe contest between "church and state for determiizations.
nation of certain interests and policies, domestic and international, 1/11
has been intermittently_ fought throughout the history of the
national state. While, especially in the United States of America,
opposing views have been attacked as being influenced by Vatican,
the foreign policy of the United States of America is said to be
identical with that of the United Nations in order to give it a
Thus, Morgenthau says, "What challenges the national
interest here is- a mere figment of the imagination, a product of
wishful thinking, which is postulated as a valid norm for international conduct, without being valid either there or anywhere
else. 1112
Once the national interest is established by defending against
the above-mentioned usurpation, a reasonable order must be set
among the essentials which constitute the national interest and
among the resources which are available for the pursuit of those
essentials. 13 Moreover, in order to make such a rational order
possible, the differet:lce between the necessary and the ~hangeable
elements of the national interest should be clearly understood 14
lest certain changeable elements should be presented as the necessary and the ava ilable resources should be, therefore, exhausted
in such a confusion,
Furthermore, the concept of the national interest preconceives
neither a peaceful and h~rmonious world based on the eighteenth
century idea of "enlightened self-interestl/ 15 nor the unavoidableness of war as a 'result of "the pursuit by all nations of their
national interest. "16 Contrarily, "it assumes continuous conflict
and threat of war, to be minimized through the continuous adjustment of conflicting interests by diplomatic action, 1/17
In this way, Morgenthau here discusses what the national
interest is in the face of the actual world of power politics. The
survival among nations is the central element of the concept of
the national interest, around which other elements are fashioned
according to circumstances.
Hans J. Morgenthau, "Another 'Great Debate': The National
Interst of the United States, liThe American Political Science
Review , XLVI (December, 1952), 972. Hereafter cited as APSR
Hans J.' Morgenthau, Politics among Nations 4 th ed. (New
York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967) , P. 8. Hereafter cited as PAN
PANpp. 8-9.
8) APSR XLVI, 973.
Ibid., 974. The concept of the national interest was used from
the economic point of view by Charles A. Beard in his book,
The Idea of National Interest: An Analytical Study in Ameri-
can Foreign Policy.
10) lbid. , 975.
It:~~·_, 976.
Ibid., 977.
Ibid., 977-8.
Ibid., 978.
The National Interest vs. Moral Principles
Throughout the history of the national-state system the contest
between the national interest and moral principles has been striven
for domination over "minds and actions of men.
These two
doctrines of political action have profoundly influenced the conduct
of American foreign affairs from its very start. 2
When a Proclamation of Neutrality was issued by George
Washington on April 22, 1793 declaring that the United States
would not join either side of antagonists in the war then waged
by Austria,
Prussia, Sardinia,
Great Britain and. the United
Netherlands against revolutionary France, American public opinion
was raged against it because of being contrary to moral principles,
such as American obligation of the treaty with France, gratitude
for the French assistance, and the affinity of republican .institutions. 3
In defense of that proclamation and against these moral
principles Alexander Hamilton appealed to the national interest of
the United States.
"Must a nation subordinate its security, its
nay, its very existence to the respect for treaty
obligation, to the sentiment of gratitude, to sympathy with a
kindred political system.?"
To this question Hamilton answered
with an absolute negation.
Thus he put "the legalistic and
moralistic arguments of the idealistic opposition into the context
of the concrete power situation in which the United States
found itself on the international scene and asked: "If the United
States were to join France in a war against virtually all of
Europe, what risks would the United States run, what advantages
could it expect, what good could it do to its ally?"
Such are
questions which a nation must ask when she confronts the choice
between war and peace even in our time.
The second period was introduced by Thomas Jefferson and
John Q. Adams.
Even though they followed the Hamilton's
way of thinking in the conduct of their foreign policies, yet they
tried to justify their actions on the international scene with moral
Thus "a discrepancy between political thought and
PQlitical actionl/ 7 was characteristic of this period, however, "it
so happened that by a felicitous coincidence what the moral law
demanded of the United States was always identical with what
its national interest seem to require. 1/8
During the final decade of the Napoleonic Wars, Jefferson's
view in respect to international affairs was reflected in his
kaleidoscopic utterances. According as situations had changed in
Europe, he sometimes wished French victory and some other time
wanted Great Britain to hold the balance of power.
In other
words, he was much preoccupied with "the ever-changing distribution of power in the world than ... immutable moral principles. 1/9,
Only after a peace was established in Europe by keeping the
balance of power more or less intact, Jefferson began again to
pursue moral principles .10
From this trend to which Jefferson easily gave in, Adams
was just about exempt. He had been educated in the Hamiltonian
tradition of the first period of American foreign policy and had
demonstrated his statesmanship in "an atmosphere saturated with
Jeffersonian principles. 1/11
Through this experience he had
succeeded in merging two elements, his moral principles and
national interest of the United States into "a harmonious whole. 1/12
Namely, his moral principles and traditional interest worked in
It was characteristic of the third period that the national
interest was no longer justified by moral principles as in the
second period, but it was replaced by them as a pointer' for
This period was represented by Woodrow Wilson who
not only neglected the national interest, but was openly against
it due to his moral principles .13
In his speech at Mobile on October 27, 1913, he stated:
It is a very perilous thing to determine the foreign policy of a
nation in terms of material interst.
It not only is unfair to
those with whom you are dealing, but it is degrading as
regards your own actions.... We dare not turn from the
principle that morality and not expediency is the thing that
must gl.).ide us, and that we will never condone iniquity because
it is most convenient to do so .14
Throughout the war years he had repeated the same theme .again
and again.
Nonetheless, when Wilson confronted with the First World
War, he could not help following the call of the national
'interest even though he could not understand the danger, with
which the United States had faced, in other than moral words.
In other words, he executed the correct policy, but he did it "for
wrong reasons. 1/15
Moreover, Wilson thought that after the destruction of
Germany a world of new order free from power politics-the
balance of power could be without doubt realized according to
his own plan. 16 After the war, however, the new balance of
power emerged on the international scene against Wilson's wish.
The interwar years were dominated by the so-called isolationism. By having rejected the Wilsonian moralism and internationalism and recoiling from international affairs, the isolationists of
the twenties and thirties believed that they were restoring the early
Hamiltonian tradition of American foreign policy. But they did not
truly undererstand the real meaning of the policies of the Founding
Both that the United States could hold the detached
and predominant position in the Western Hemisphere and that
she could keep herself free from involving in European affairs
were neither a natural fact nor the consequence of her mere donothing policy.
Those were "the result of political conditions
outside the Western Hemisphere and of policies carefully contrived
and purposefully executed in their support. "17
The fifth period began with the revival of Wilsonianism and
the triumph of internationalism over isolationism in the late
When the United States was confronted with the crisis
of the national interest, Franklin D. Roosevelt defended it on
moral grounds.
However, the war progressed in favor of the
United States, the American Leaders began to think and act
just as Wilson had done under similar conditions.
"That is
to say, they thought and acted in moral terms, divorced from the
political conditions of America's existence." 1S
In this way, they believed, like in the First World War, that
after the destruction of the evil emanating from Germany and
Japan a new world would emerge and put an end to power politics. 19
As this way of thinking had been prevalent at the time, no body
in the West except for Winston Churchill could visualize a world
to come after the war. 20
For this reason, moral indignation was intensely felt by
those believers of a new order when a new balance of power,
namely, a balance of terror had emerged out of the old ony in
However, this was the
much more. rigid and dangerous form.
• result of negligence with which they, in their moralistic contempt,
had imperiled the national interest in their charge. Morgenthau
holds a firm belief "that a new balance of power will rise out of
the ruins of an old one and that nations with political sense will
avail themselves of the opportunity to improve their positions
within it, is a law of politics .... "21
Finally, since the end of the Second World World War, the
United States has tried to adjust herself and to cope with new
In the
problems rising from political conditions of the world.
process, however, there is a tendency to equate political moralism
based on abstract principles with morality and political realism,
national interests with immorality.
This antithesis which is of
course indefensible has frustrated "American foreign policy in
thought and action. "22
The juxtaposition is therefore, not
between moral principles and national interests but between "one
set of moral principles, divorced from political reality, and another
set of moral principles, derived from political reality. "23 Thus "a
foreign policy derived from the national interest is in fact
morally superior to a foreign policy inspired by universal moral
principles. "24
Furthermore, since in international politics there
is no real society which is able to guard the existence and to
further the interests of individual nations, it is a duty for them
to look after their own interests. 25
This discussion may sound like presupposing a world of
Thomas' Hobbes, however, Morgenthau does not anticipate it.
He differentiates his position from that of Hobbes.
The writer
will discuss this in the last section, No. IV.
Hans J. Morgenthau, "Natioal Interest and Moral Principle in
Foreign policy, The Primacy of the National Interest,"
American Scholar, XVIII. (Spring, 1949), 208. Hereafter cited
3) . Hans J. Morgenthau, "The Mainsprings of American Foreign
Policy: The National Interest vs. Moral Abstractions," The
American Political Science Review, XLIV (December, 1950),
840-1. Hereafter cited as APSR XLIV.
Ibid. , 844.
J. Morgcnthau
Principles and Problems of International Politics 1st ed. (New
Alfred A.
Hereater cited as
Morgen thau and Thompson.
Ibid., 849-50.
XLIV 845.
Ibid., 851-2.
Hans J.
Politics (Chicago and London: The Unity of Chicago Press,
1964) ,pp. 68-69. Hereafter cited as DDP.
Ibid., pp. 328-34l.
Ibid. , 853-4.
Ibid. , 854.
The Balance of Power as the National Interest
Morgenthau as David Hume 1 declares that the balance of
power is a universal law of international politics and as Alfred
Vagts 2 maintains that it has been "the guiding principle of
American foreign policy. 3
In the fourth century B. C. Kautilya looked upon the traditional
Indian politics as the balance of power and those statesmen
of Greece and Italy and those emperQrs and popes of the medieval
age practiced nothing but the balance of power. In the process,
those nations which either disregarded or used it erroneously
underwent downfalls and even annihilations, while the nation which
put it to use most wisely and constantly, namely, Great Britain
held supreme power for extraordinary length of time. 4 Thus the
historic facts prove the universality of the balance of power.
From the very beginning, the United States has always
striven to hold a predominant position in the Western Hemisphere.
The early American leaders soon came to know that since any
American nation or nations was not strong enough to challenge
the United States, it could keep its supremacy as long as the
Western Hemisphere was successfully isolated from non-American
nations. 5
A menace to the Unites States could only come from outside
the Western Hemisphere, that is, traditionally from Europe. So
the United States had always tried to deter the growth of circumstances in Europe which would have very likely encouraged
European nations to interfere in American affairs. Such circumstances would come to being if the" balance of power had been
broken in Europe. "It is for this reason that the United States
has consistently - - the War of 1812 is the sole exception - pursued policies aiming at the maintenance of the balance of
power in Europe.
The case of Jefferson is, for example, very interesting. Although in his speeches Jefferson was, due to his Fr~ncophile inclination, usually opposed to Great Britain and was, in general, insensitive to the balance of power, yet in his correspondences
during the Napoleonic Wars, he continuously changed his attitude
in proportion to the results of war.
In the time when Napoleon
seemed to have the advantage he wished the ascendancy of Great
Britain and vice versa.
That is to say, his viewpoints changed
in accordance with the alternations of the balance of power. 7
Moreover the United States intervened in the Second
World War as well as the First World War with the purpose of
protecting the national interest - the balance of power in Europe.
In other words, both the First and Second WorId Wars were
fought by the United States believing that the victory of Germany
in Europe or the conquest of Europe by Germany would endanger
the security of the United States in the Western Hemisphere. 8
Furtherermore, in the Cold War which has been waged
between the East and the West the United States is again confronted with the great menace to Europe coming from the Russian
ambitions of hegemony. It can be said, therefore, that the security
of the United States in the Western Hemisphere would be exposed
to danger if the Soviet Union conquered the whole of Europe
adding all the riches and wealth of Europe to his own and became
the nation outside the Western Hemisphere. 9
Only. since the beginning of this century, Asia has intensely
attracted the attention of the United States.
The Asian policy
of the United States began with the so-called open door policy in
While in the outset this policy seemed primarily to have
a commercial meaning, it soon assumed a political and military
meaning as well. 10
In other words, as ih Europe the United
States realized th'at the security of the United States would be
endangered by any other nation which could establish a hegemonic
position in China. Therefore, the United States had always been
against the effort of any great nation to include China into its
sphere of influence. It was again the national interest of the
United States to maintain the balance of power in the Far East. 11
Thus Morgenthau identifies the balance of power in Asia as
well as in Europe with the national interest of the United States.
Even though foreign policies of the United States have been
professed in moralistic or idealistic terms, yet the essence of
them has been and is the balance of power - the national interest.
Morgenthau and Thompson, pp. 104-9.
Ibid., pp. 178-209.
APSR XL VI 963-4.
Hans J. Morgenthau, The Impasse of American Foreign Policy
(Chicago and London: The Universty of Chicago Press, 1967),
p. 56, Hereafter cited as IAFP.
APSR XLIV 834-5.
IAFP p. 57.
Ibid., pp. 57-8.
Ibid., p. 58.
APSR XLIV 835-6,
IV. The Moral Dignity of the National Interest
In face of the accusation that the pursuit of the national
interest by every nation would necessarily presuppose a world of
Hobbes, Morgenthau refutes this criticism by differentiating his
position from that of Hobbes.
His refutation consists of five points. The first point is the
so-called "requirement of cosmic humility" 1 concerning the moral
estimation of the actions of nations. To comprehend that nations
are liable to the moral code is one thing and to claim to pretend
what is ethically demanded from nations in a special circumstance
is quite another.
The statesman tends to identify the national
interest with the moral principles of the universe.
Thus this
tendency causes the statesman to conclude that what nations do
according to the moral principles is good and the opposition to
it is inevitably bad. This is however, "morally indefensible and
intellectually untenable and le'ads in practice to that distortion of
judgment, born of the blindness of crusading frenzy, which has
been the curse of nations from the beginning of time. 1/2
The second point is with repect to the "effectiveness of the
restraints which morality imposes upon the actions of states. "3
This point is well explained in the following quotation, which is
rather long but is worth while to quote: .
A discussion of international morality must guard against
the two extremes either of overrating the influence of ethics
upon international politics or else of denying that statesmen
and diplomats are moved by anything else but considerations
of material power.
On the one hand, there is the dual error of confounding the
moral rules which people actually observe with those they
pretend to observe as well as with those which writers declare
they ought to observe ....
On the other hand, there is the 'misconception, usually associated with the general.depreciation and moral condemnation
of power politics, discussed ... that international politics is so
thoroughly evil that it is no use looking for moral limitations
of the aspirations for power, on the international scene. Yet,
if we ask ourselves what statesmen and diplomats are capable
of doing to further the power objectives of their respective
nations and what they actually do, we realize that they do
less than they probably could and less than they actually did
in other periods of history. They refuse to consider certain
ends and to use certain means, either altogether o"r under
certain conditions, not because in the light of expediency they
appear impractical or unwise,· but because certain moral rules
interpose an absolute barrier.
Moral rules do not permit
certain policies to be considered at all from the point of view
of expediency.
Certain things are not being done on moral
grounds, even though it would be expedient to do them.
Such ethical inhibitions operate in our time on different levels
with different effectiveness.
Their restraining function is
most obvious and most effective in affirming' the sacredness
of human life in times of peace. 4
The third point is as to the dealings between political actions
and u~iversal moral principles. These universal moral principles
are applicable to the actions of states only after they have been
"filtered through the concrete circumstances of time and place. 1/5
Political action must be judged by both individual and state by
ineans of universal moral principles, such ~as that of freedom.
However, even. though the individual can make a sacrifice of
himself for the purpose of defending the principle of freedom,
yet the state cannot allow freedom to obstruct the political action
which has been successful and encouraged by another moral principle
of national survival.
Political morality is inseparable from "pru-
dence,1/ that is to say, inseparable from the deliberation of the
political outcomes of seemingly moral action. 6
Thus Morgenthau quotes a passage from Lincoln who understood
this saying:
I do the very best I know, the very best I can, and I mean
If the end brings me out all
right, what is said against me won't amount to anything.
If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was
right would make no difference. 7
to keep doing so until the end.
The fourth point is the difference between the realist and the
A moral determinaton in politics does not mean a mere
selection between a moral law and a rule of political action which
is morally unrelated or is not moral.
But a moral determination
means always a selection among various moral principles, one of
which is given priority over others.
"To say that a political
action has no moral purpose is absurd; for political action can be
defined as an attempt to realize moral values through the medium
of politics, that is, power.
When the realist and utopian encounter a choice between the
furtherance of universal freedom, which is a morality, at the
expense of security of their country and, accordingly of freedom
in it, and the advancement of security of their country and
freedom in it, which is another morality', to the injury to the
furtherance of univerral freedom, they reach a parting of the
In other words, the utopian will not meet the problem
straight and beguile himself into thinking that he can accomplish
both moralities concurerrently.
On the other hand, the realist
will take both moral and practical approach and will select the
advancement of security; for otherwise no one else will and if he
exposed security and freedom to danger, the principle of universal
freedom will be damaged. 9
Finally the realist differenciates between his moral feelings
Morgenthau illustrates this by
and the interests of politics.
quoting again from Lincoln:
If there be those who would not save the Union unless they
could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with
If there be those who would not save the Union
unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not
agree with them.
My paramount object in this struggle is
to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy
If I could save the Union without freeing any
slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing some
and leaving others alone I would also do that.
What I do
about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe
it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear
because I do not believe it would help to save Union. I shall
do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the
cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing
I shall try to correct errors when
more will help the cause.
shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as
they shall appear to be true views.
I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no moderation of my oft-expressed
personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. 10
Thus Morgenthau discusses the difference between the realist
and the utopian in their respectve approach to the problem which
every nation must solve.
He warns that makers of foreign
policies should not confuse the national interest based on realistic
evaluation of conditions with mere moral principles derived from
unreal evaluation of circumstances. He concludes that a foreign
policy, which is made according to the national interest, is morally
superior to that, according to mere moral principles.
PAN pp. 224-5.
Ibid. , p. 10.
6) , Ibid.
Ibid., 982.
In this paper the ·writer tried to point out some important
subject-matters about the concept of the national interest which
had been ably propounded by Hans J. Morgenthau. Even though
his idea has met severe criticism from his opponents, yet it
seems to propose some reminders to those who are engaged in
making foreign polices regardless of their nationalities.
In process of foreign policy-making, policy-makers are inclined
to moralistic and idealistic approaches by confusing what it is with
what it ought to be or what it should be.
This confusion is,
therefore, most likely to lead to another confusion.
Since the world is, however, divided into various nations
based mainly on nationalism - especially new nations, which
have recently emerged on the international scene, based on even
more so rigid nationalism, there seems to be little hope of
realizing a peaceful and harmonious world as long as they remain
as they are.
Thus, relationship between nations necessarily
relies on compromises and understandings between them. In this
sense, Morgenthau, the writer believes, suggests some solutions
to the problems which every nation must face.