S P ’ e


S P ’ e
Welcome to
St Peter’s Eastern Hill
Diocese of Melbourne, Anglican Church of Australia
Parish Church of the City since 1847
God the creator - 13th Century manuscript
Ordinary Sunday 29
19 October, 2014
Almighty God, your Son has opened for us a new and living way into your presence: give us
pure hearts and steadfast wills to worship you in spirit and in truth; through the same Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen
Vicar’s Musings
This week’s Musings are the third and final in a series entitled: “spiritual graffiti.”
It is sometimes hard to stay buoyant. We are buffeted by the storms of illness, accident,
disappointment, failure, criticism, gossip or just the relentless everyday pressure of
everyday life. Even church life can dampen our spirits or disappoint, as we bump up
against people we find it hard to get on with, or confront issues that divide us. All of
us feel depressed at times, and for some it is a “black dog” that hounds us relentlessly.
Based on a substantial body of research the World Health Organisation predicts that
unipolar depressive disorders will top the global burden of disease table by 2030. Life
is a struggle. Our faith as Christians is profoundly hopeful, however, and contains the
seeds wellbeing and human flourishing. But many
people of faith still struggle with depression, and
church life can at times be as stormy as that of
any other organisation. As well as drinking deeply
of the healing waters of liturgy, prayer, the Bible
and theology, it is good for church people to draw
from the healing professions. In his charge to the
Diocesan Synod this week, Archbishop Philip said:
“Professor Martin Seligman is one of the leaders
in the wellbeing movement, the field of positive
psychology, which is impacting on the western
world … I believe it is time for the diocese to explore
how we might learn from positive psychology and
other disciplines … the most important part of my
role is to enable and empower you in the parishes
and agencies to carry out the mission entrusted to
us all.” One of the tools of positive psychology
is “savouring”; awareness exercises that enable us
to harness positive emotions and life-giving moments. Photography is one very simple
method of savouring. Holiday photos lift our spirits months after the time has passed.
I do enjoy Susan Southall’s photo journal that she shares on Facebook, savouring a
beautiful streetscape, special occasions, friendships or a humourous moment. For the
past three weeks through my musings, I have been sharing “spiritual graffiti” encountered
on my Monday bike rides with my wife. One of my favourites is on a pathway alongside
Merri Creek. It almost smiles its message to the passers-by: “Love Life.” Savouring is
essentially a practical outworking of Philippians 4:8: “Beloved, whatever is true, whatever
is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is
commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think
about these things.”
Renewal of Oblation – Mike Valentine
Since Fr Michael’s death the abbey of St Mark, Camperdown, is encouraging
Oblates to renew their vows in their local church. Today at 11am we welcome
parishioner Mike Valentine as he renews his vows.
Oblate: Peace! In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I renew my oblation and offer myself
to Almighty God
through the Blessed Virgin Mary
and our Holy Father Benedict
as an oblate of Saint Mark’s Abbey, Camperdown,
and promise again to dedicate myself
to the service of God and humankind
according to the Rule of Saint Benedict
in so far as my state in life permits.
Priest: Let us pray Eternal God, almighty Father,
you know well the weakness of our human nature.
Look upon your servant and strengthen Mike
with the power of your blessing,
so that, with the help of your grace,
Mike may faithfully carry out the promise
he/she has made as an Oblate
in response to your holy inspiration.
May Mike live a holy and upright life
according to the spirit and Rule of St Benedict.
And may you reward Mike according to your promises,
with the vision of your glory for all eternity.
This we ask, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
8:00 am Mass
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Preacher : Bp Graeme Rutherford
9:30 am Family Mass
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Preacher : Bp Graeme Rutherford
Gospel : Fr Philip Gill
Children’s talk: Melissa Clark
Reader : Carol Tedja
Intercessor : Carol O’Connor
Hymns : Entrance : 436 Offertory : 302 Post-Communion : 333 (vv1,4,5)
Communion Voluntary : F. Mendelssohn Andante tranquillo, Sonata No. 3
Postlude : F. Mendelssohn (1809-47) Allegro maestoso, Sonata No. 2
11:00 am High Mass
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Preacher : Bp Graeme Rutherford
Deacon : Fr Richard Wilson
Intercessor : Grevis Beard
Reader : Chris Martin
Hymns : Entrance : 436 Gradual : 376 Offertory : 302 Post-Communion : 333
Mass Setting : Palestrina Missa Viri Galilæi
Motet : Tallis Salvator mundi
Text : O Saviour of the world, save us, who by thy cross and blood hast redeemed
us, help us, we pray thee, O Lord our God.
Postlude : F. Mendelssohn (1809-47) Allegro maestoso, Sonata No. 2
5:00 pm Evensong & Benediction
Officiant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Reader : Fr Hugh Kempster
Canticles : Plainsong
Preces and Responses : Plainsong
Hymns : Office : 150(ii) Post-Evensong : 252 Benediction : 295(1,2) 275(1,2)
Postlude : J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Prelude in d (BWV 539)
6:30 pm Mass
Celebrant & Preacher : Fr Hugh Kempster
Next Sunday 26th October: Ordinary Sunday 30
Mass Readings : Exodus 22.21-27, 1 Thessalonians 1.5c-10 and Matthew 22.34-40
Readers & Intercessors : Hannah Kempster, Sr Avril, Ronda Mach, Diane Clark and Ian Thornton
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Mass Readings
First Reading : Isaiah 45.1, 4-6
Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to
subdue nations before him and strip kings of their robes, to open doors before him—
and the gates shall not be closed: “For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my
chosen, I call you by your name, I surname you, though you do not know me. I am
the Lord, and there is no other; besides me there is no god. I arm you, though you
do not know me, so that all may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west,
that there is no one besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other.”
Psalm : 96
Second Reading : 1 Thessalonians 1.1-5ab
From Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians in God the
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace. We always give thanks to
God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before
our God and Father your work of faith and labour of love and steadfastness of hope
in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know, brothers and sisters beloved by God, that he
has chosen you, because our message of the gospel came to you not in word only, but
also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.
Gospel : Matthew 22.15-21
When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard the parables, they realized that Jesus
was speaking about them. Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap Jesus in
what he said. So they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying,
“Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with
truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality. Tell
us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” But Jesus,
aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? Show
me the coin used for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. Then he said to them,
“Whose head is this, and whose title?” They answered, “The emperor’s.” Then he said
to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God
the things that are God’s.”
Evensong Readings
Readings : Exodus 34: 1-8 & Philippians 4: 10-20
For the Sick
Ian Breward, John Crocker, Wendy Inglefinger, Richard Kay, Stuart McCraith,
Ken Merton, Pauline Oakley, Sr Ruth chn, Joyce Schnell, Peter Swindells, Ruth Tindale,
Ramsay Williams priest and Chad.
As well as:
Jean-Paul Agopian, June Baldwin, Stuart Hall, Edgar Hunter, Derek Loveday,
Peta Hearne-Loveday, Sr Lyn chn, Bernard Moore, Rochelle Ondaatje,
Heather Pearson, Robert Rofe, Peter Swingler, Annette Wood, Geoffrey Taylor priest,
Evelyn Wilson
For the Recently Departed : Eithne Eastman
For those whose year’s mind falls this week:
19 Myra Minetta Rayment, Alice Caroline Garner, Florence Elden
20 Roy James Bennie, Jacqueline Kemp, Winifred Rogers
21 Arthur Nankivell, Albert Hanchette, Robert Stewart Thompson,
Elizabeth Hill, Mihaly Boka, Doris Cleugh, Eric Starbrook
22 Mabel Lawrence, Gladys McKenzie
23 Annie Kennedy, Deanie Lindquist, Caroline Northmore,
Margery Sophia Trayhern, Kathleen Edith Spry
24 Margaret Shannon, Raymond Carpinter, William Ian Potter,
Norman Cleugh
25 Ian Stuckey, Joyce Williams
Sharne Rolfe was a St Peter’s theological student in 2013 and will be ordained
on the 29th November, 10:30am at St Paul’s Cathedral. Please pray for Sharne
as she prepares for this important day.
From The Parish Diary
For all Weekday and Sunday service times, see back page of the Pew Sheet
Tuesday 21st October
Funeral of Eithne Eastman in church, at 2:30pm
St Peter’s Eastern Hill Charitable Foundation Trustees
Meeting in The Vicarage, at 5:15pm
Wednesday 22nd October
St Peter’s Playgroup in the Parish Hall, at 9.30am
“Mystics Anonymous” Contemplative Prayer Group in
the Vicarage, at 2.30pm
Parish Council monthly meeting in the Parish Hall, at
Friday 24th October
Pastoral Care meeting in the Parish Office, at 9.30am
Saturday 25th October
Wedding of Kathryn Baines and Tom Donaldson in
the Church, at 5:00pm
Parish notices need to be submitted to Parish Office by 10 a.m. Wednesday morning
Would you like to purchase a 20cm home-made Christmas cake for your festive season,
or as a gift for $25.00? We are raising funds to assist in bringing Bishop Stephen
Cottrell to St Peter’s for our 2015 Mission Program of Catholic Evangelism. If you
are interested in purchasing a cake please place an order before November 2nd with
Terry Porter on 0401 721 708.
David Spriggs would like to thank parishioners for all of their support in the Google
Impact Challenge. Infoxchange was announced as a winner on Tuesday of a $500,000
grant to build an app to connect homeless people with food, shelter, health and other
support services. Many people find it surprising that 95% of homeless people have
mobile phones, 77% of them smartphones, and they access the internet using free
wifi. This app will connect them with services available in their local area and will be
available across Australia. You can find out more about the project at :
STATIONS OF THE CROSS : Two very generous parishioners have covered the
cost of replacing the stolen crosses. The amount they have given means that we can
order four extra as well as repair the vandalised door on the cabinet at the rear of the
ORGAN APPEAL : The organ appeal has raised $8230.00 against a target of
$12540.00. A very generous parishioner has donated the balance of $4310.00. We are
extremely grateful and have commissioned the repairs to the organ to be carried out
in January. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Appeal.
Fr. SAMUEL : We have ordered a new cassock to be made as a farewell gift for Fr.
Samuel. We are rather hoping that it will be ready for him to wear at his inauguration
as Priest in Charge at St Andrews Aberfeldie on 13th November at 7:00pm. If you
would like to contribute towards the cost of this cassock please contact a Warden after Church, or Kosta in the parish office (phone : 9662 2391).
The ISSP will host tours of various sacred icons available for viewing by the general
public over the coming months. The tours will be conducted by the curator and NGV
Gallery Director Gordon Morrison, and are open to all :
Tuesday 18th November 2014:
Ukrainian Church, Bell Park (Geelong): Rt Rev Zenon Chorkawyi oam painted icons
in this church over 40 years. The result is a stunning interior with more than 140 images. Our host will be Fr Ihor Bakay, the Administrator and Parish Priest. The church
is locked up during the week, so this opportunity is not to be missed.
Thursday 4th December 2014
Art Gallery of Ballarat Exhibiton: “EIKON”. The exhibition consists of eighty high
quality works, including some really sumptuous examples of Orthodox art. Most of
the icons are from Greece and Russia with examples as well from Cyprus, Syria and
Palestine from the 12th to 19th Century. It draws mainly from the private collection
of former Australian diplomat John McCarthy, with other loans from the NGV, Abbey Museum in Queensland, and from the Temple Gallery in London.
For bookings and further details please contact Brian Bubbers: email brianbubbers@
bigpond.com or telephone 0411 424 740.
St Peter’s Business Breakfast Conversation
Where are the
New Australians?
recalling the
economic contribution
of migration
Thursday 30 October, 7.30am
Moderated by Prof. Robert Wood
Centre for Ethical Leadership @ Ormond College
Melbourne Business School
In 2012 Frank Lowy AC gave the Inaugural Australian
Multicultural Council Lecture. This well known and very
successful business man is an outstanding example of the
potential for migrants who are given a ‘fair go’. In his speech
he presents a life story that makes a compelling case for the
economic contribution of migration. His speech challenges
how much economic potential is being lost through our present
migration policy, especially for asylum seekers. Professor Robert
Wood will lead us in a conversation about Australia’s present
migration dilemma.
We look forward to seeing you at St Peter’s
$35 - includes hot breakfast
Booking: www.trybooking.com/FXDB
Enquiries: Fr Richard Wilson 0417 014 595
St Peter’s Bookroom
& Church Supplies
..read in order to live. Gustav Flaubert
This Saturday, St Peter’s Bookroom will be representing St Peter’s and selling books
at Melbourne Synod.
A range of beautiful 2015 Calendars and Advent Calendars. Also our new range of
Christmas Cards has started to come in.
Meeting God in Mark by Rowan
God’s Holy Fire: A Theology of the
Icon by Lawrence Cross
“I thought I knew
Mark’s Gospel but
Rowan Williams
has opened my
eyes to see what I
had not seen, and
to no longer see
what I believed
I had seen. This
book is a convincing interpretation
and a deep meditation” Jurgen Moltmann,
Prof Emeritus of Systematic Theology, University of Tubingen. - $22.95
engagement in God’s
task is not that of
a creative artist,
but f an instrument in the hands
of God, participating in a spiritual journey of
prayer. Lawrence
- $19.95
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9.30am to 4.30 pm
Sunday - after 9.30am & 11am Mass
15 Gisborne St Melbourne 3002
Situated in the Parish Hall building on the street side, facing St Patrick’s Cathedral
P: (03) 9663 7487 E: [email protected]
Parish Directory
St. Peter’s Eastern Hill, 15 Gisborne Street, Melbourne, VIC 3002
Secure Mail : St Peter’s Eastern Hill, PO BOX 18108, Collins Street East, VIC 8003
[03] 9662 2391, Fax [03] 9662 2400 Web: www.stpeters.org.au
e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours. 9.00am – 1.00pm weekdays
Sunday Services
8.00 am
Mass (BCP)
9.30 am
Family Mass
11.00 am
High Mass
5.00 pm
Solemn Evensong (BCP) & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6.30 pmMass
Refreshments are available in the Parish Hall after each of the Sunday services
Weekday Services
Mon – Fri:
Mass at 7.15am (9.00am on Public Holidays)
Feast Day High Mass as advertised: 6.15pm
Wed:Mass at 1.15pm
Mass at 9.00am followed by the Rosary
Parish Council
Fr Hugh Kempster
0488 960 022 Membership:
Nick Browne
Assistant Priests:
Bp Graeme Rutherford 0408 374 847
Fr Philip Gill0467 550 175 Helen Drummond
Rachel Ellyard
Assistant Curates:
Fr Richard Wilson
0417 014 595 Colleen Farrell
Associate Priests:
Fr Don Edgar
9662 2391
Fr Graeme Brennan9662 2391 Stuart Hibberd
Bruce Kellet
Lay Ministries
Fr Hugh Kempster (Chair)
Bookroom:Carol O’Connor9663 7487
Catherine McGovern
Children’s Ministry:
Katherine Barnett9387 4089 Daniel Mitterdorfer
John Taaff (Vicar)
0418 149 345
David Spriggs
Helen Drummond (People) 0419 897 973
Rwth Stuckey
Stuart Hibberd
(People)9355 7584
John Taaff
Theological Student : Melissa Clark
0411 722 718
Craig Wilson
Pastoral Assistants: Sr Avrill CHN
0407 883 055
Sue Wuttke
Di Clark0407 354 987
Helen Drummond
0419 897 973
Head Server:
Peter Bryce
9850 2403
Inst. of Sp. Studies: Bp Graeme Rutherford
0408 374 847
Lazarus Centre:
Louise Lang
0458 750 031
Director of Music: Andrew Raiskums
0439 556 627
Music Administrator: Sue Wuttke
0422 866 286
Rhys Arvidson
0405 277 853
Parish Office:
Konstantine Soteriou
9662 2391
Playgroup:Cindy Cheng9662 2391
PVAW Coordinator Liz Prideaux
9662 2391
Adam Blackmore
0439 369 911
Catherine McGovern
0449 954 318
What’s happening on the 7th Feb?
9:00am Morning prayer at Wesley Uniting Church, 148
Lonsdale St, Melbourne
10:15am Bible study, small group sharing
11:45am Morning Tea
12:45pm Midday prayer at St Francis Catholic Church,
326 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
2:00pm Lunch
3:00pm Workshops, afternoon tea
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Evening prayer with a short reflection by
Brother Alois, prayer around the cross and celebration of the Resurrection at St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral